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Resolution No. 495
WHJM:JHH:mfr ~-16-64 8c SOL ION NO. A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSENT OF THE BOARD OF SUPEW- VISORS OF THE COUNTY OF EL DORADO, TO UNDERTAKE PRO-' CEEDINGS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWERS AND TO PROVIDE THAT THE COSTS SHALL BE ASSESSED UPON THE DISTRICT BENEFITED, UNDER APPR0- PRIA~E SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1964-1 RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, that WHEREAS, it is the intention of this Board to undertake appropriate special assessment and assessment bond proceedings for the acquisition and construction of sanitary sewers in or for said District, more particularly set forth in the descrip- tion of the work hereto attached; WHEREAS, it is the intention of this Board to assess the costs of said acquisitions and improvements and the expenses in- cidental thereto upon a district benefited thereby, the exterior boundaries of which are more particularly set forth in the bound- ary description hereto attached; and WHEREAS, the public interest and convenience will be served by the making of said acquisitions and improvements and the levying of said assessments; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED, as follows: 1. That request be, and the same is hereby, made that the Board of Supervisors of the County of E1 Dorado, being the legislative body having Jurisdiction of the territory in which said work is to be done and said assessments are to be levied, grant to this Board its consent, expressed by resolution, to order the acquisition and construction of said sewers in the whol. or any part of the streets in or for said District and to provide that the costs may be assessed upon the properties benefited thereby° 2. That said Board, in said resolution, grant to this Board its consent to open all such public streets as are required for the installation of said sewers, said work to be done under the direction of the Engineer of Work~ and to the satisfaction of the Road Commissioner of said County, and in conformity with good engineering practice. Said Engineer shall require of the contractor that all of the provisions of the specifications ap- proved by this Board be complied with to the end that no greater amount of ditches are opened at any time than is necessary~ that they shall be adequately lighted and barricaded, that they shall be promptly backfilled, and that the surface of the streets shall be restored with materials of like quality and character as those existing therein at the time of such work, and to its former con- dition and state of usefulness as nearly as may be. 3. That the Clerk of this District be~ and he is hereby~ directed to file with the County Clerk of E1 Dorado County a certified copy of this resolution. president of South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Clerk a~d ex-o~fTicio Secr~gary / The foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a Resolution which was duly and regularly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California~ duly held on the /~ day of ~ ?~7 ~z~z_,~ .... ~ 196 ~' by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES, and in favor thereof~ Directors: Clarke, Fesler~ Stewart, Wakeman, Kortes NOES, Directors: None ABSENT, Directors: None Clerk and(ex-officio Sec'retary/of the South Tahoe Public Utility DiStrict The installation and construction of a sewer system including col- lection lines~ manholes, rodholes~ wye branches and house laterals within easements and the following streets: Wildwood Avenue~ from Pioneer Trail to a point opposite the southeast corner of Tract 52~ Ski Run Boutevard~ from Saddle Road to a point opposite the northeast corner of Tract 20~ Pioneer Trail from Sonora Avenue to Wildwood and from Price Road to Saddle Road; Needle Peak Road from Keller Road to Ski Run Boulevard and Pioneer Trail to a point 500 feet westerly from Ski Run Boulevard~ Saddle Road from Keller Road to Ski Run Boulevard and from Price Road to Pioneer Trail~ Lupine Way from Ski Run Boulevard to the westerly line of View Haven Subdivision in Tract 23~ Price Road between Pioneer Trail and Saddle Road; The sewer occupies the entire length of the following streets: Woods Avenue~ June Way~ Timberlake Place; Logroad Place; Regina Road~ Verdon Lane~ Terrace Drive and Knoll Lane° 2 196a-1 Portions of Sections 1 and 2~ T. 12 No~ R. 18 E~ and Section 34~ T. 13 N.~ Ro 18 Eo M. D. Bo & M.~ E1 Dorado County~ California. Be- ginning at the northeast corner of the west one-half of Lot 13~ Section 2~ T. 12 No~ R. 18 Eo~ Mo D. B. & Mo~ E1 Dorado County~ California~ thence along the northerly line of said Lot 13~ westerly 335 feet~ more or less~ to a point which is 250 feet easterly of the easterly line of Pioneer Trail~ said point being on the boundary line of Assess-. ment District 1961~1; thence along said boundary line~ parallel with and 250 feet easterly of the easterly line of Pioneer Trail~ northeasterly 750 feet~ more or less~ to a point~ thence parallel with the south- easterly extension of Herbert Avenue and 150 feet northeasterly of the northeasterly line of said Herbert Avenue, northwesterly 365 feet~ more or less~ to the westerly line of Pioneer Trail~ thence leaving said District 1961-1 boundary~ along said westerly line of Pioneer Trail the following courses: N. 12© 33' E. 537.39 feet~ thence N 4© 16' W. 96.06 feet~ thence N° 7© 09' W. 2~o10 feet~ thence No 30~ 06' W. 332 feet~ more or less~ to a point opposite the northwest corner of Tract 33 of the Keller Tracts~ thence No 60© 25' Eo 885 feet~ more or less~ to a point on the northerly line of Tract 28; thence S. 29© 50' E. 5~5 feet to the south line of the northerly half of Tract 27~ thence So 60° 18' ?~. 165 feet to a point on the westerly line of Tract 27~ thence S 29° 50' E 825 feet to the southeast corner of Tract 36; thence S. 60° 18~ W. 660 feet to the southwest corner of said Tract 36; thence So 29© 50' E. 330 feet to the southwest corner of Tract 37; thence N. 60© 18' E. 660 feet to the southeast corner of Tract 37, said point also being located in the westerly boundary line of Sewer Assessment District 1960-1~ said point being the southwest corner of Lake View Heights as shown on that map recorded in Book "A" of Maps~ Page 70~ thence along said boundary line the following courses~ as shown on that map of View Haven Subdivision recorded in Book "B" of Maps~ Page 52~ So29© ~7' Eo 195 feet to the northerly line of Lupine Way; thence along said northerly line N 60© 15' ~0" E. ~25o07 feet; thence No67© 21' 05" E~ 64.22 feet~ thence N. 57© 36' Eo 171o23 feet to the westerly line of Ski Run Boule- vard; thence leaving said View Haven Subdivision No 60© 26' Eo 100 feet to the easterly line of Ski Run Boulevard; thence along said easterly line N~ 29© 3~' W. 195 feet to the northerly line of Saddle Road~ thence along said northerly line N. 60° 38' 40" Eo 331o47 feet; thence leaving said northerly line of Saddle Road No 29° 55' W~ 330 feet~ more or less~ to a point on the northwesterly line of Tract 1~ of said Keller Tract~ thence along said line N. 60© 28' Eo 331o30 feet to the northeasterly corner of said Tract 14~ thence No 29© 50' W. 330 feet to a point on the southerly line of Ski Run Acres~ said point also being the north- east corner of Tract 13~ thence along the southerly line of Ski Run Acres Subdivision~ as shown on that map recorded in Book "B" of Maps~ Page 27~ S 60~ 18' 30'' W~ 660.81 feet to the easterly line of Ski Run Boulevard~ No 29° 50' Wo 708.60 feet to a point on the northerly line of Needle Peak Road~ thence along said northerly line N. 60° 10' Eo 200 feet; thence leaving Needle Peak Road No 29° 50' W. 726 feet; thence No 60° 28' E~ 4~5 feet~ more or less~ to a point on the westerly line of Lake View Terrace Subdivision~ as shown on that map recorded in Book "B" of Maps~ Page 59; thence No 29© ~0' W. 26~.37 feet~ thence leaving the easterly boundary of said Assessment District 1960~1 along the northerly line of Lake View Terrace Subdivision No 60© 28' E. 660 feet to the westerly line of ~ildwood Avenue~ thence leaving Lake View Terrace Subdivision along said westerly line N~ 29© 50' W. 880 feet to a point on the northerly line of Heavenly View Terrace Subdivision~ as shown on that map recorded in Book "C" of Maps~ Page iOA; thence along said northerly line S. 60° 28' W. 316~80 feet~ thence No 50° 28' W. 400 feet~ more or less~ to a point on the northwesterly line of Pioneer Trail~ thence along said northwesterly line N. 16° 54' E. 670 feet, more or less~ to a point on the northerly extension of the easterly line of Wildwood Avenue~ thence along said easterly line S. 60° 50' E~ 405 feet~ more or less~ to the southwest corner of Markofer Subdivision as shown on that Map recorded in Book "A" of Maps~ Page 67~ thence along the southerly line of said Markofer Subdivision N. 60° 28' E. 658°80 feet to the southeast corner of said Subdivision~ thence N. 29° 50' W. 400 feet~ more or less, to the northerly line of Keller Road~ thence along said Northerly line~ N. 89° 54' Eo 819.08 feet to the angle point of Keller Road; thence leaving Keller Road So 89° 40' Eo 138.87 feet to a point 120 feet easterly of the easterly line of Keller Road~ thence parallel to and 120 feet easterly of said easterly line of Keller Road S. 29° 53' E. 1650 feet~ more or less~ to a point on the northerly line of Lake View Tahoe Subdivision~ Unit Noo 1~ as shown on that Map recorded in Book "B" of Maps~ Page 72; thence along said northerly line S° 50~ 38' ~0" W. 120 feet, more or less~ to the easterly line of Keller Road~ thence along said easterly line S. 29° 56' E. 2350 feet~ more or less~ to a point opposite the southeast corner of Tract 87 of said Keller Tract; thence S. 60° 28' Wo 710 feet~ more or less~ to the northeast corner of Tract 70~ thence S. 29° 50' Eo 330 feet~ more or less~ to the southeast corner of Tract 70~ thence S. 60° 28' Wo 1~370 feet, more or less~ to the northwest corner of Tract 53~ thence S. 29° 50' E. 330 feet~ more or less~ to the southeast corner of Tract 53~ thence S. 60° 28' W. 1~20 feet~ more or less~ to the southwest corner of Tract 21; thence N. 29° 50' W. 660 feet~ more or less~ to the southwest corner of Lot 9 of the View Haven Subdivision as recorded in Book "B" of Maps~ Page 52~ thence S. 60° 20' Wo 710 feet~ more or less~ to the southwesterly line of Price Road~ thence along said southwesterly line S. 29° 50' E. 320 feet~ more or less~ to the northerly line of Lot 13~ Section 2~ T. 12 N., R. 18 E. M. D. B. & Mi thence along said northerly line westerly 664 feet~ more or less~ to the point of beginning. 5