HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 294~96 JHH:sb 8c
RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe
Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, C@lifornis, that
WHEP~AS, pursuant to Resolution of Intention No. 213 to
Acquire and Construct Improvements, adopted by this Board on
August 25, 1960, and Resolution No. 246 amending Hesolution No.
2lB, adopted on October 20, 1960, this Board did on September
29, 1960, adopt its Hesolution No. 231 of Preliminary Approv@l
of the Engineer's Report; and
WHEBEAS, said Resolution of Intention, ss amended, and
s@id proceedings were had and taken pursuant to the Municipal
Improveme~ Act of 1913, and bonds are to be issued pursuant to
the Improvement Bond Act of 1915;
1. That the public interest and necessity require the
acquisition, construction and completion, by said District, of
the proposed public improvements, all as more particularly des-
cribed in said Resolution of Intention, as amended, and in said
2. That the easements described in said proceedings and
more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and
incorporated herein by reference, are necessary for said improve
3. That said proposed 'improvements are planned and lo-
cated in the manner which will be most compatible with the
greatest public good and the least private injury.
4o That all of said acquisitions are located w~thin the
territorial limits of this District.
5. That the law firm of Kirkbride, Wilson, Hsrzfeld &
Wallace, San Msteo, California, employed for that purpose be,
and it is hereby, directed to negotiate for the acquisition of
the easements therefor, as described in said Exhibit "A", and
to institute and conduct to conclusion sn action in eminent
domain for the acquisition of such easements as are not acquired
by negotiation, and to take such action as necessary therein,
and that its compensation be~ fixed at the reasonable value there-
6. That an order of immediate possession be obtained in
said action, and that a warrant be issued to the County Clerk
of the County of E1 Dorado in the amount determined by the Court
to be deposited as a condition to the right of immediate possessic
as follows: That the amount required to be deposited for the
possession of the parcels be drawn from the appropriate construc-
tion funds of said District and if there are not sufficient
moneys therein, that the amount necessary therefor be transferred
thereto as a loan from the general operation fund of the Dis-
7. That said easements so sought to be taken are all more
particularly described in said Besolution of Intention, as
amended$ and in the Engineer's report made pursuant thereto, en
file in the office of the Clerk of said District~ to which ref-
erence is hereby made for a particular description thereof. Said
parcels are more particularly described in said Exhibit "A".
P~eSident of Soush' Tahoe Public
Utility District ~'~--~_~
~'le~k' a~d ex-offici~
The foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a
Resolution which was duly and regularly adopted at a meeting
of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility
District, E1 Dorado County, California, duly held on the
day of ~.~~ , 1961, by the following vote of the
members the~of:
AYES, and in favor thereof, Directors:
Clarke, Pankost, Wakeman, 3~, Souza
NOES, Directors: None
ABSENT, Directors: _~T~ ~jg~Q
C'lerk 'and ex-°f~i'6io ~e~e~a~ry of the
South Tahoe Public Utility District
196 A.D. 1960-3
All that certain real property situate ~ .... hi.~ the boundaries
of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of E1 Dorado,
State of California, and more particularly described as follows:
Parcel 8
A portion of Block C, Lot 2, Lakeside Park Subdivision,
Section 27, T. lB N., R. 18 E., M~ D. M., E1 Dorado County,
California, ..A~.~Ight-of-way 5 feet wide lying Ely and immediately
adjacent to the following described line:
BEGINNING at a point from whence the most Sly corner of
Lot 2, Block C, Lakeside Park Subdivision, as recorded in Book
"A" of maps at Page "A" in the office of the E1 Dorado County
Recorder, bears S. 73° 45' E., 128.80 feet; thence from said point
of beginning N. 15° 00' E. 50.01 feet to the point of termination.
Parcel 10
A portion of Block C, Lot 3, Lakeside Park Subdivision,
Section 27, T. lB N., R. 18 E., M.D.Mo, E1 Dorado County, California.
A right-of-way 5 feet wide lying Ely and immediately adjacent to
the following described line:
BEGINNING at a point from whence the most Ely corner of
Lot 3, Block C, Lakeside Park Subdivision as recorded in Book "A"
of maps at Page "A" in the office of said recorder bears, S. 73~ 45'
E., 128.80 feet; thence from said point of beginning, S. 15" 00' W.
50.01 feet to the point of termination.
Parcel 12-A
A portion of Lot 3, Block C, Lakeside Park Subdivision, Sec-
tion 27, T. lB No, R. 18 E.~ M.D.M., E1 Dorado County, California.
A right-of-way 5 feet wide lying Wly of and immediately adjacent
to the following described line:
BEGINNING at a point from whence the most Sly corner of
Lot 3, Block C, Lakeside Park Subdivision~ as recorded in Book "A"
of Maps at Page "A", in the office of said Recorder, bears, S.
73* 45' E. 131.O0 feet; thence~ from said point of beginning, N.
15~ 00' E., 100.02 feet to the point of termination.
parcel l~rB
A portion of Lot 3, Block C, Lakeside Park Subdivision afore-
A right-of-way 5 feet wide lying Nly of and immediately adjacent
to the following described line:
BEGZNNING at a point from whence the most Sly corner of Lot 3,
Block C, Lakeside Park Subdivision, as recorded in Book "A" of Maps
aforesaid, bears S. 73° 45' E. 131.O0 feet; thence from~id point
of beginning, N. 73° h5' W. 131.O0 feet to the point of termination.
EXHIBIT "A" (continued)
A portion of Lot 4, Block C, Lakeside Park Subdivision,
Section 2?, T. 13 N., B. 18 E., M.D.M., E1 Dorado County, Cali-
A right-of-way 5 feet wide lying Sly of and immediately
adjacent to the following described line:
BEGINNING at a point from whence the most Ely corner of
Lot 4, Block C, Lakeside Park Subdivision, as recorded in Book "A"
of Maps at Page A, E1 Dorado County Becords, bears S. 73° 45" E.,
131.00 feet; thence, from said point of beginning N. 73' 45' W.
131.00 feet to the point of termination.