HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 04-02-15 yo�TH TqHpF -,-...�. - - `..� � �eewer • 1950 ' W����i ��U77LITY�S'� SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, April 2, 2015 - 2:00 P.nn. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California Richard Solbrig, General Manager Shannon Cotulla, Assistant General Manager Randy Vogelgesang, President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director James R. Jones, Director Duane Wallace, Director 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE(At this time, please silence phones and other electronic devices so as not to disrupt the business of the meeting.) 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (This is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Board on any short non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. No discussion or action can be taken on matters not listed on the agenda, per the Brown Act. Each member of the public who wishes to comment shall be allotted five minutes,and no more than three individuals shall address the same subject.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (For purposes of the Brown Act, all Action and Consent items listed give a brief description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed. Recommendations of the staff,as shown, do not prevent the Board from taking other action.) 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be removed to be discussed and considered separately upon request.Comments and questions from members of the public,staff or Board can be taken when the comment does not necessitate separate action.) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION / ACTION 6. PRESENTATION Municipal Information Systems Association of California Excellence in IT Practices Award (Mitch Cochran, MISAC Board Member) 7. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. Luther Pass Power and Control Project (�uiie Ryan, Principal Engineer) Pg 23 Approve staff's recommended list of pre-qualified system integrators for bidding on the Project (to be available prior to and at the Board Meeting). b. United States Forest Service Master Water Special Use Permit (Shannon Cotulla, Assistant General Manager) Pg 25 (1) Authorize execution of the USFS Master Water Special Use Permit (SUP) for a term of 30 years, and sign the permit pending minor changes made during staff review; and, (2) Authorize payment of the yearly rental and permit fee in the amount of$2,669.56. c. Approve Payment of Claims (�ebbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Pg 67 Approve Payment of Claims in the amount of $1,033,359.90. REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA-April 2, 2015 PAGE-2 8. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 9. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Disc�ssions may take place;however, no action will be taken.) 10. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT 1 1. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT (Discussion may take place;however, no action will be taken.) Public Outreach 12. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS (Discussions may take place;however, no action will be taken.) 13. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS/EVENTS Past Meetin4s/Events 04/02/15-2:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting at District 04/13/15-3:30 Operations Committee Meeting Future Meetinqs/Events 04/16/15-2:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting at District 14. CLOSED SESSION (The Board will adjourn to Closed Session to discuss items identified below.Closed Session is not open to the public;however,an opportunity will be provided at this time if inembers of the public would like to comment on any item listed-three minute limit.) a. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: False Claims Act Case: United States, the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and Tennessee and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J-M Manufacturing Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. ED CVO6-0055-GW, United States District Court for the Central District of California. Pg st b. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. BC459943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J-M Manufacturing, et al. Pg ss c. Pursuant to Section 54957.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Association, et al., County of EI Dorado, Superior Courf Case No. SC20010165. Pg s5 ACTION REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION ADJOURNMENT (The next Regular Board Meeting is Thursday, April 1 b, 2015 at 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month.A complete Agenda packet is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m.and 5:00 p.m.,Monday through Friday. A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days after Minutes of the meeting have been approved.Items on the Agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in ihe order in which they appear.Designated times are for particular items only.Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified,but may occur slightly later than the specified time. Public parficipation is encouraged.Public comments on items appearing on the Agenda will be taken at the same time the Agenda items are heard;comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered.Please provide the Clerk of the Board with REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA-April 2, 2015 PAGE-3 a copy of all written materials presented at the meeting.Comments on items not on the Agenda can be heard during"Comments from the Audience;"however,action cannot be taken on items not on the Agenda. Backup materials relating to an open session item on this Agenda,which are not included with the Board packet,will be made available for public inspection at the same time they are distributed or made available to the Board,and can be viewed at the District office,at the Board meeting and upon request to the Clerk of the Board. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities.Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings.If particular accommodations are needed,please contact the Clerk of the Board at(530) 544-6474,extension 6203.All inquiries must be made at least 48 hours in advpnce of the meeting. REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA-April 2, 2015 PAGE-4 yo�TH TAHoF I . _ - _ —�,,.--- .�� 6� A�/eC�r ' 19 5� � $� VT7L.1'TY D� SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CONSENT CALENDAR April 2, 2015 ITEMS a. GRANT THORNTON AUDIT CONTRACT FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30 2015 (Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer) Pg 1 Authorize execution of an Agreement with Grant Thornton to perform audit services for fiscal year ending June 30, 2015. b. TEMPORARY HELP FOR INSPECTIONS (James Cullen, Inspections Supervisor) Pg 13 Approve contract with Blue Ribbon Personnel Services for two temporary employees, in the estimated amount of$68,000. c. TEMPORARY HELP FOR UNDERGROUND REPAIR, WATER (Chris Stanley,Supervisor, Underground Repair, Water and Randy Curtis, Manager of Field Operations) Pg 15 Approve contract with Blue Ribbon Personnel Services for four temporary employees, in the estimated amount of$97,000. d. TEMPORARY HELP FOR UNDERGROUND REPAIR, SEWER (Doug Van Gorden,Supervisor, Underground Repair,Sewer, Randy Curtis,Manager of Field Operations) Pg 17 Approve contract with Blue Ribbon Personnel Services for two temporary employees, in the estimated amount of$49,296. e. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: March 19, 2015 (Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/Clerk of the Board) Pg 19 Approve March 19, 2015 Minutes General Manager Richard H.Solbrig � • 1950 . w Directors �r O �� � O Q Chris Cefalu v James R.Jones �, _ � � � � � � RandyKelly S eehag l�u b 1�c U t�I ity D�5tri ct Duane Wallace 1275 Meadow Crest Drive•South Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 !'hone 530 54�4-6474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.5tpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer MEETING DATE: April 2, 2015 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Grant Thornton Audit Contract for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2015 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize execution of an Agreement with Grant Thornton to perform audit services for fiscal year ending June 30, 2015. DISCUSSION: The District's contract with Grant Thornton expired with the completion of the fiscal year audit ending June 30, 2014. Staff is requesting authorization for the Board President to execute a one-year Agreement with the understanding that an RFP for audit services will be issued for services beginning with fiscal year ending June 30, 2016. Staff has been very satisfied with the senrice provided by Grant Thornton, including the rotation of audit staff, eliminating the possibility of complacency. District staff and the audit teams have maintained a professional and cordial relationship allowing for a complete and quality audit exam and reporf. The proposed fees for 2015 services are $55,000 in addition to up to $3,500 for incidental expenses. Single audit services (federal grant audits) will be billed at $135 per hour. SCHEDULE: Year ended June 30, 2015 COSTS: $55,000; up to $3,500 for administrative/miscellaneous expenses; $135/hr for single audit services ACCOUNT NO: 1039/2039 4470 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $5,249 (2014/15); $59,000 (2015/16) ATTACHMENTS: Engagement Letter CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTIO : CATEGORY: Water and Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFtCER: YES NO -1- GrantThornton �,larch 12,2015 Grant ThorMon LLP �,ir.Randp Vo�elgesang �oov�.i,�rrystre�t,s��ier�o President,Board or Directars Fte�a,tavsSSG':-t965 Soutl�Tahoe Public litilit}'District r�;e.�as.�s2o r"7'S.786 709t 1275 h�eadow Ciest llrive �vcr�,trr:or,to�.com South Lake Tahoe,CA 9G1�0 llear�L. G'agelgesang: "1'his letter `the"l?ngagement Letter"� dociunents our mutual understanding of thc arrangements for the ser�ices described herein Scope of services Urant Thomton LI.P ("Grant T}lOIIltOIl��) will audit the tinancial statements oF the goee�mental actieities, the business-t�Jpe activities, ihe aggregate discretely presented component units, cach major Eund, and tl�e aggregate remaining fund information, wlvch collecuvel� camprise the District's basic financial statements ;"financial statements"� of South Tahoe Public Ulilit�r District's ("District"), as of and for the�-car ended June 30,2Q15. Oux financial statement audit��,�ill be conducted in accordance with audids�g standards generall}-accepted in the L'nited States of America ("LS G�A5'� established bj� the �merican Institute oT Cercified Public �ccountants ("AICP_�"} and the standards for Enancial audits ot the L7.5. Government :�ccvuntabilit�- Office's �"G�O") Goverrrment f3udstirr�q .S'tandardr ("C7r1GAS'� issued b�- the Comptroller General of the L'nited States. An audit invoh-es perfonning proccdures to obtain audit evidence abour die amounts and disclosures ui the tinancial statements. The procedures sclected depend on die auciitc>r's }ud�ient, uicluditig the assessinent of the risks of niaterial misstatemcnt of the financial statements,whedier due to fiaud or error. r�n audit also includes e�aluaring the appropriateness of the accounting policies used and the rcasonableness of significant accounun� estimates made by management, as �vell as evaluaring the overall financial statement presentation. ln assessing the risks of material misstateuient, an auditor considers intemal control relevant to die llistrict's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstance. GAGAS farther requires us to perform tests oE the llistrict's compl.iancc with laurs, regulations, and provisions of contracts or grant agreements, in which noncompliance could have a ciirect and material effect on d�e determination of financial statement amounts. Ifo�vc�er, a financial staternent auciit is nat designed to provide assurance on compliance or internal control o�rer financial reporting or to idenrify imma�erial instances of noncompliance or internal control deficiencies. �X'hen conducting an audit, the auditor is required to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements axe free from material misstatcment, whether due to Eraud or error, to enable the auditor to express an opinion on �vhether the financial statcincnts are presented fairl}�, in all material respects, in accordance �vidi accounting principles generally accepted in the L'nited States of America. GaMThomWn LLP —3— U.S.msmber f m ol fra�i l harn�n;n!err,atiunai CM � GrantThornton Z Although not absolule assurance, reasonable assurance is, nevertheless, a high level of assurance. Howe�•er, an audit is not a�uarantee of the accuracy of tl�e fnzancial statcments. Ei�en though ttie audit is properh� planned and performed in accordanc.e with profession;tl standards, an imaeoidable risk esists that somc materiai misstatements or nonc�mpliance�vidi la��s,regulations,and prc��isions of contracts or grant agreements ma� not be detected due to die inherent limitations oi an audit, togcdicr with thc inherent li:nitations of internal contro?. �iso, an auciit is not designed to detect errors or fraud that is unmaterial to the financial s,atcments. It should be noted that because thc determination of abuse is subjective, we have no respc:>nsibility t� design the a�idit to pro�-ide reasonable assurance of dete.cring abuse. ��Uuse is distuict from fraud and noncompliatice.?�buse in�-ol�res beha�-ior that is defrcient or unproper uhen compareci writh bel�a�-ior that a prudei.t person �vould consider reasonable and necessar�- business practice giren the facts and circumstances. Pursuanr tc>the Single Audit�1ct Amendments of 199G and rhe pro�isions of L.S. Office of I4fana�en�ent and Budget Circular?�-133,.�udit�oj.Srate�, Loc•al Goz�ernrnents, and Non-Prrofit O��ar�i�aCionr�"C)I�4B Circular �-133"�,��e will also audit d�e District's comp;iance�uidi the types of compliance requirements described in thc Olt-113 Cir�zrlarA-133 Compliarrte Srrpplement that could ha��e a diicct and material effect on each�f its major fcderal programs for the vear ended June 30, 2015. �'e will conduct our compliance auclit in accordancc�c7tlz US G.�;1S, C7.�G.��, and O1VLB Circular r1-133. Those standards and OI�� Circ.ular r\- 133 require the auditor to plan and perform the compliance audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether noncomplianec with the t}�pes of compliance requirements diat could hatre a dircct and material effect on each major federal program occurred, to enable the auditor to erpress an opinion on the Disu-ici's compliance �vith these requuements in all material respects. A compliance audit includes deter:ninui� major j�rograms, esamining, on a test basis, evidence about die District's compliance ��ith d�ose requirements, and perfornzing such other proceduies as we considered necessarr in thc circutnstances, including per.fonning te�ts of internal control to evaivate the effecti�reness of the design and operation of controls considered relevant to preventing, or de�ecung and cor�ecting, material noncompliance witl� requirements appiicable to majoi programs. ��asolure assurance is not attainable because the cvmpliance auciit is conducted vn a test basis and compliance �yiti� the speci:ic progr.a�n xequirements is subject to die inherent limitations oc internal control over compli�nce, �vhich maj� not prevent ar detect intenuoiial or unintei:tional noncompliance. Accordinglq,material noncorripliance rna�- remtin undetected. :�lso, a compliance audit is not designed to detect noncatnpliance, u�hethex intentional or unintentional, �hat i� itnmaterial. Our. compliance auciit does rot prc�vicle a legal dctcrmuiation ot the Distric�s ce�rnpliauce witl� thase requirements. ' Lpon fl�c completion of the foregoing finai�cial statement and compliat�ce audits and subject to their fmdings,�ve will render our reports on the I�istrict's financiai statements and on the District's compliance with the requirements referred to above that are applicable to each of its major federal programs and will communicate our findings in accordance u.tith L;S G�3.�S,GAG:1S,and OI�iEi Circular A-133.Our report on the District's campliance�vill include ous- hneiin�s on internal control ovez compliance; howevcr, no opinion will be eapresscd on internal contLol over compliance. :1s required by GAGAS,we w-ill also render a report that includes our fiudings on the District's in[ernal control o�-er financial report[ng and compliance �i�ith laws, regulations, and pro�isior.s o£ contr.acts or grant agreernents, and other matters based on our financial statement audit. 5uch report �vill be considered uitegral to the basic finaucial statemcnts and will be referred to in our r.epart therean. I�owever,providing an opinion on internal control over financial reporting or on compliance�xrith those provisions i� no�an objecti<<e af our financial statement audit, and accorclingl�,�ce�k-ill not express such an opinion. 3t�n!Thormon LLP —4— J S.men�fam d Ga^I I-ncmWn IMemaliona:tA '� GrantThornton 3 It is possible that circumstances ma}' arise in wiiidi our reports cna�-differ from their expected form and content, resulung in a m�dified rePort or disclaimer of oj�inion. Further, if in our professional judgment the cucumstances necessitate,u•e ir.ay resi�,m Erom die engagement prior to complerion. Other information 1�iaxiagement is responsible for providing us a=ith other information that �vill be included in an amival report or suzular document containing audited financiai statements and our auditor's repcsrt thereon. Atanlgement should pra��de the informauon prior to the releasc ot our auditor's report. Our responsibilit�- f<�r such infarmation does not e�:tend be��ond the fmancial informauon identified in <�ur report. Vir'e do nc�t perEorm anj� procedures to corroborate tl�e other information contained in ,hese documen's. Professional standards requi.re us to read the other informadon and consider whether tl�e other information, or d�e manner of its presentatian, is materiaLjr inconsistent w�ith informatioti appearing in the Etnancial statements. �k'e �vill bring to mana�ement's attention any information that «�e belie��e is a material misstatement of fact_ Respo�sibilities Of fhose charged with governance Effecri��e two-wa� communication with the board of directors (referred to as "those charged �vith go�ernance") assists us in obtaining inf<:�rmation relevant to the audit and also assists those charged with gati�etnance in fu?Filling their responsiUilit}�to o�•ersee the Financial repoiting piocess.Those charged�vid� govemance pla�� an impartant role in the District's internal control o�-er Financial reporting by settuig a po�iuve tone al the top and dtallengin� the District's activides in the tinancial axena. Accordingly, it is important for those charged with go��ernance to communicate to us matters they believe are relevant to our engagement. �s inciicated helow, management also has a responsibilitF to communicate certain matters to those charged w-ith gcrvemance and to Grant Thornton. In connection �x�th our engagement, professional standards requue us to communicate certain matters that come to our attendon to those chaxged with gcn-ernance,such as the tollowing: • fr.aud involculg senior management and fraud tl�at causes z matetial misstatement • illegal acts,unless dearl��inconsequential � �-ioladons of provisions of contracts or grant agreements and abuse tliat causes a material missta,ement • non-compliance with the provisians of a major Eederal financial assistance program � failure to report fraud,illegal acts,violations of pro�isions of contracts or grant agreements, or abuse to speciFied e�ternal par;ies when required by law or regulation. �Ve maj� also be required to report such matter�directl5,to the eaternal parry. � sigr�ificant deficiencies and matcri��l weaknesses in intemal control o�rer financial reporting and federal financial assistance • disagreements�x>ith management and other serious difficulties encountered • qualitative aspects of significant accounti�ig practices, including accounting poficies, estimates, and disclosures • audit ad}ustments and uncorrected misstatements,including nussing disclosures. Management responsibilities As j�ou are aware, the financial statements are the responsibility of management. I�ianagement is responsible for preparing and fairly presenting dze financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generall}� accepted in the LTnited States of America,�vhich includes adopting sound accounting c��m T�.�+m�ur —5— u.s.meiMet rrm d cranl?rArnlon Inlemalionel L�1 - � GrantThornton Q practices and complying�vilh changes in accounting principles and related guidance. i'�lanagement is also respor.sibte for: • pro��iding us wit4� access to all inforination of�<<hicl� the�-are aware that is relevant to tl:e preparation and fair presentation oE the financial statetnents, including aL financial records, documentation of intcrnal control over financial reporung and federal financial assistance and related infonnation, and , any additional informauon that we m�}' request for audit pui�oses; • pror•iding us with unrestricted access to persons ��i[hin the District fram mhom we detei�txune it necessart'to obtain audit e�-idence; • making us a�vare of any significant �endor relationsh:ps in which thc vcndar has the iesponsibilin• Ec>r program cc�mpliance; • en5uring ilzat die District identiCies and complies widl all la�us, regulauons, contracts, aiid grarit �greements applicable to its activities and for infoi-nvng us of an�= knoiun violaaans. The District should iden±ify and disclose to us all la�c�s, regularions, and pro�risions of contracts and grant agreements thar have a c:lirect and material erfea on the determination of financial statement amounts or otlzer si�ufcant financia;data; ' • taking timel}� and appropriate steps to i:emeda fraud, illegal acts, eiolarions of contracrs or �,nant agreements,or abuse that we ma�•report; � designing,implementing,and inaintaining etfec:ive internal control over financial rc�orting u7d federat financial assistance, �vhich includes adequare accounting records and procedures to safeguard the District's assets, and for intor.ining us of all kno��u-n significant deFtciencies and material weal:nesses in, and significant chsnges in,internal control o�-er financial repc�rting and federal financial assistance; • inforinuig us of their �Tiewc about d�e risk of fraud �vifliin the llistrict and their awareness of any known or suspected fraud and tlie related correcti�-e acrion proposed; • adjusting the tinancial statemencs, including disc.osures, to conect material misstatement: and for affirming to us in. a representaaon letter that the effects of an}�uncorrected misstatements, including missing disdc�sures, agg,regated by us during the current engagement,including those Pertaining to die latest period presented, are unmaterial, botti individua113� and in thc aggregzte, to tl�e financial statements as a ��-hole; • establislvng and maintaining a process co address and track tlie status of our fmdings,condu�ions,and recommendations, including pro�*idin� management's �news on such matters as �vell as �lanned correcu��e acuons to be included in the report, in a timely manner.This includes infonning us of findings and recotnmendations :rom pre�:ous audits, attestation engagcments, or other studies that could haz-e a material effec� on tlie fuianciai statements and lvhether an5� related recommendations �vere implemented; • infonning us of any events occurring subsequent to die date of the financial statements thralgi� lhe date of our auciitor's report tliat ma}�affect the financial statemen[s or tl�e rclatcd disclosures; • informing us oE any subsequent disco��er5� of facts that may ha��e esisted at ,he date of our auditor's report that ma;;ha�e affected die financial statements or the ielated disclosures; • taking corcective action on an5r rerorced findings or questioned costs reflorted to them and pieparing a sumcnary sdiedule of prior audit finciings and a correcti�*e action plan, ic applicabie, as required b}� OI�1B Circular A-133; • submitting the repoiting package (including financial statements, schedule of ehpenditures of federal awards,auditor's reports and,if applicable, a suinm:irv schedule of prior auclit findings and a corrective action plan} along with die Data Collection Form to the designated federal cle:tiinghouse and, if appropriate, to pass-d7rough entities. The llata Collection Form and the reporting packa�e cnust be submitted within the earlier of 30 days after receipt of the auditor's reports or nine months after the end of the audit period, unless a longer period is ap,reed to in advancc by the cognizant ox oversight agency for the audit; c,nntmomro�uv —6— � U a".�rert�er fxm m Crant 7�orntur�niernalionai tIC � GrantThornton 5 • distributing the report(s), u:cluding the tinancial statements, an�- supplementan� informauon, and the report(s) thereon,to tl�ose officials and organizations requuing them. To assist those charged�y�itl� governance in fu:filling cheir responsibility to vversee the financial reporting process,management should discuss with tl�ose charged u-ith governance the: • adequac;; of internal control o��er financial repc�rung and federal financial assistance and the identiiication of an� significant de4iciencies or materiai �ueaknesses, uicluding the related correcd��e action proposed; � signiticant accountir:g policies, alternative treatmrnts, and tlie reasons for the inival select.ion of, or change in,significant accounting policies; • pxocess used bjr management in formulaung particularlr sensirive accounting jud�nents and esrimates and whether the possibilit��e�:istis that t=uture eveuts affecting these estimates ma5•differ markedl��from current judgments; • basis uscd by management in de�ei-�nu�ing tliat uncorrected misstatements, including missing disclosures, are immaterial, both indi��iduall�� and in the aggregate, including whetl�er any of these uncorrected misstatements could potentially cause fu:ure financial statements to be materiallt� misstated. ��'e c�nll require management's cooperatiou to complete our services. In addition, we �vill obtain, in accordance witli professionai standards, cei2ain�critten representations £rom management,�vhich we�vill rely upon. Use of our reports 'Ihe inclusion, publication, or reproduction b�* the Disuict of anj• of our reports in aocuments such as bond ofEerings, regulator�T Filings, and OI�ZB Circular r�-133 Data Collection Forms containing infonnadon in addition to financial statements ma�-require us to perform addiuonal procedures to fulfill our professional or. legal responsibilides. _�ccc�r�iingl5�, our reports sl�ould not be used for a:i}� sucl� purposes witl�out our prior permission. In addition, to av�id umiecessai-��delay or xnisunderstanding,it is important that the llistrict give us umel}'notice of i�s intenlion to issue an}'such document. The report on compliance v��ith laws, regulations, and provisions of contracts or grant agreements and internal controi over financial reporting and the xeport on compliance and internal control o�-er compliance related to major programs issued ui accordance with Olbil3 Circular 1�-133 wtill each include a statement that describes the purpose of the communication,which is to desc�ribe the scope of our testing of internal control ocer fmancial reporting, intcrnal control ocer compliance, and the result oE that testing. Accordinglj,these reports are not suitable for anp other purpose. Qther services Supplementary information � I�fanagement is responsible for separately preparing the schedule of espenditures of Federal awards for the j•ear ended June 30, 2015 in accordance with Oi�fB Circular A-133. Such supplementary informadon, �vhich will be presented for puzPoses of additional analysis and is not a required part of die financial statements, u.�ill be subjected to the auciiring procedures applied in the audit of the Financial statements and certain additional procedures. These procedures will include comparing and reconciling the supplementaxy information dircctlp to the underl}7ng accounting and other records used to preparc d�e fuiancial statements or to the financial statements tl�emsel�•es, and other additional proceduces in c�.M rna�ua —7— U.S mam�er fi!m ot Gtar3 TMrnbn Internatiaia!lh; � GrantThornton 6 accordance«rith I:S G�S.The puLpose of our procedures will be to form and express an opinion as ro w-hether the supplementar�-informauon is fairl�� stated, in all material respects, in rclation to die financial statements as a whole. In connectior_���ith oui procedures,management is responsible for informing us about: • the method,oE measurement and presentation of the supplementar}�inEormauon; • wlietlier tl�ose ine:l�ods have changed fram the methods used in die pri�r period and the reasons for the change,if ang; • ant� significant assurnptions or interpretauons undcrlj°ing thc measurement or presentation o[ :iie supplemeutaiy inforn�ation. �Ianageinent �yill present the supplementarv informarion �vitl� the auditcd financial statements. ' llanagement is responsi',�le for including our repoit on die supplementai-�information in any dacument d�at contains the supplementaiZ�information and that inciicates�ve reported on it. \�'e �vill require managemenl. to pro��ide us with certain written representations related to theu responsibiliues descrUed �bo�e, including whether maaagement believes the supplementary informaaon : {inc]uding its Yorm and canter:t) is fairly presented in accordanee with�i�iB Cucular:�-133. Other services :�r_�� otl�er senrices ti7at t�ou request will constitute a separate engagement that will be sub}ect to our acceptance procedures. Professional stancards, laws, and regulatians maS� pr.escribe limitations on non- audit sercices we ma��perform without impairu�g our independence. Fees Standard biilings Our billings for 1ie sertrices set farth in this l�ngagement Letter, �;=hich v4�ill be based ugon discounted rates are estimated t?iat fees and expenses��rill rot etceed�55,000 and�3,7Q0,respecd�el��. If die District requires a single audit, fees foi these serFices �t�ill be provided based on a discc�unted rate of 51�5 per hout. If it appears that the estimated fee�kill be e�ceeded,we will bring this to}�our attention. Additional billings Of cvurse, circiimstances ma�- arise that u�ill tequire us to do more ��vork. Some of the inore common circusnstances include: changing audiring, accc>untuig, and reporting requuements from professional and regulator$�bodies;incoLrect accounting applicarions or errors in District records; restatements; failure ta furnish accurate and complete in[ormation to us on a timel;� basis;and unforeseen events,incluciing legal and regulator�changes. tx'c are enclosing an explanaric�n of various matters that can cause us to perform �vork in exces�of that contemplated by out fee estimate. �t Grant Thornton,we pride ourselves on our. ability to pro��ide outstancling service and meet our clients' deadlines. To help accc�mplish tlus goal, we work hard to have the right professionals available. This in�*olves camplet scheduling models to bzlance the needs of out clients and the utilizadon of our people, particularly during peak periods oE the gear. Last minute client requested scheduling changes result in ' cosdy dow-ntime due to our inabiliry to make alternate arrangements for our pzofessional staff. i�'e�y-ill coe.>rdinate a convenietzt time for Grant Thornton to begin work. If, atter scl�eduling our work you do not pro��ide proper n<>ace, which we consider to be one �c�eek, of your inaUility to meet t11e ca�:rn�Rc�:tP —g— � l:S rr:emixr fsm of Gr�i ThomWn k:�matlnnai L� � GrantThornton ' agreea-upon date(s) for any reason,or do not procide us�cith sufFicient informauon required to complete tile �vork in a timelj- manner, additional billings �x.�ill be rcndcred for an}� downrime of our professional staff. Adoption of new accounting standards Professional aiid i�egulatory bodies frequeart� issue new accounting standards and guidance. Sometimes, standa�ds are issued and bccome effeccive in the same period, providing a limited implementation phase and preventing us from including thc impact in our estimated fees. In such circumstances,we�vill discuss w-itl� }-ou t�ie additional audit proceciur.es and related Fees, �ncluding matteis sucl� as the retrospective application of accounting changes and changes in classifcauon. Other costs F�cej�t w-ith respect to a dispute or litigat�oa between Grant Thornton and the llistiict, ovr costs and time spent in legal and reguiator5r matters or proceedin�s arising frotn our engagement, such zs subpoenas, testimom=, or consultation im-ohing prirate litigation, arbitration, industry or gorcrnment regalatory inquiries,whether made at f:he District's request or b�� subpoena,will be billed to tlic District separatcl}•. Professional standards impose additional responsibilities iegarding dle reporting of illegal acts that nace or may have occurred. To fulfsll our responsibilities, we maS� need to consult with District counsel or counsel of our choosing about ar.j� illegal acts d�at we become a�vare of. Additional fees, including legal :ees,will be billed to the District.The District agrees to ensure full cooperation���itli any procedures that �ce may deem necessar�to perforni. Right t�terminate services for nonpayment ln tlie event af non�ayment, �ke retain the Light to (a) suspend the performance of our senTices, �b) change the paj�rnent conciitions under dus Engagement Letter, or (c) ternvnate our senTices. If�ve elect to suspend our sei-�ices, such services will not be sesumed until your account is paid as a.greed. �Itcrnari�el}-, if we elect to rerminate our sen ices for nonpaFment, the Dis�ict ���ill be obligated to compensate us for all time eipended and t<> reimburse us for all e�penses through the date oE cermination. Other matters Relationship to Grant Thomton International Ltd Grant Thornton is the U.S. member firm of Grant '1'homton International Ltd ("GTIL'�, an oigaivzatian of independend5-ou=ned and managcd accounting and consulring firms. References to GTIL. are to Urant"I'hornton International Ltd. GT'IL and thc mcmber f�ms are not a a�orldwide parmership. Sen�ices are delirered independendp by the member Eu-rns. Thesc Firms are not members of oae international partnership or otherwise legal partners �vith each other internationally, nor is any one firm responsiUle for the services or acuvities of anp od�er fimi. Use of third-party service providers and affiliates Grant Tliornton may use third-part�� service pro�Tiders, such as independent contractors, specialists, or vendors, to assist in pro��iding our professional sen-ices.��'e ma3� also use CiTIL member fn.ms, other affiliates,or ot6er accouuting Firms. Such entities mav be located w7thin or outside thc United States. Grant Thornton intends to use the technology and resources of the follow�ing District to assist us as follows: • Capital Confirmation,Inc.—clectronic bank confirmauon services � Haivest Investments,I.,td.—valuarion of investmeut portfolio c�.�crn�m�uv —9— U.S mumber fam a Ct�l ThYnkn Intema6aiai Lid � GrantThornton $ You hereb}�consent and authc>r•ize us ro clisclose Disrrict information to the abovc namcd l�istrict fc�r the pu�posc�s) dcscribed abo�-e. Peer review report G:�G�S requires dlat we procide F°ou �vith a copy of oar most recent triennial qualitt� control re��ie�v report. ;�c.corciingly,our:t1ay 31,2011 Peer Ret-iew Report accompanics the Engagement Letter. Hiring of personnel The Compan5� acknou.=icdgcs tl�at I.uYng current or fomier Urant 'I'hornton (or G'I'IL member hrm) personnel participating in tl�e er.gagement mx}• be perceii-ed as comoror.using our objecti��it�-, and depending on the applicable profrssional standards,impairing our independence in certain circumstances. �ccoidu:glF, prior to encexing :nco an�• emplo��ment di�cussiaris ��ith such know� individuals, gou agree tc> c�iscuss die potential emplo�•ment, induding an�- applicabte independence racrifications, with the engagement partner respon�ible for the scrvices. In addition, during the term oi this Rngagement Letter and Eor a period of one (1} j-ear after die sei-��ices are comple�ed, ��e bodl agree not to sc�licit, clirectl}' or indirectl}=, or hire the other.'s personnel participatir_g in die engagement�vithout e�press written consent. If this proaision is eiolated,the�iolating partt� �vill pa�� the othcr part�� a fee equal to the hireci �ersan's annuai salanr in effect at the tixne of dic violauon io reimburse the esriinated costs of hiring and trauung replacement personnel, unless the indicidual is lured in response to a gcneralldi-ertisemenr made available to the puUlic. Privacy Grant Tlzornton is coinmi�ted to protecring personal information. ��'e will maintain such information in confidence in accordance «•irh professional standards and go�-erning la��s. Thcxefore, an5� persorial information pro�=ided to us b,� tl�e Districl will be kept confidenrial. and nat disclosed to anc tivrd partt unless cxpressly� permitted bc t11e I?istrict or required b}- law, regulation, legal process, or pxofessional standards_The District is responsib'.e for obtainitig, pursuant to law or regularion, consents from parues tl�at pro�7ded the District�vid1 tlieu personal inf<>rmaiion,u-liicl.l arill be obtained,used, and disdosed t��= Grant T'homton for its rcquired puiposes. Documentatian The documen�ation far this enga�ement is r.he propertc ot Grant Thornton and constitures conFidential information. ��'e ha�re a responsibilit�� to retain the documentatioti fot a period of time sufficient to sausi�-an�apPlicable le�l or regulatoi-�>requuements tor records retention. 1'ursuant to la�v or reguladon, we ma}- be requested to make certain docume.neauon availabie to regulators, got-ernmental agencies, or thei.r representauves ("Regulators"). If rcquested, access to the documentation v�•i;l be provided to die Regulators under our supervision. ��'e ma�also provide copies of selected documentation, which r.he Regulators ma5 distribute to other governmental agencies or third pattics. You hereb�� acknowledge �ve will allow and authotize us to allow die Regulators access ro, and capies of,the documentation in this manner. Electronic communications Durin�the course of our engagement,we may need to electronically transmit contidential informaaon to each otlier and to third-party service providers or other entitics engaged by eithcr Grant"I'hornton or the District. F:lectronic metl�ods include telephones,cell phones,e-mail, and Far.T1�ese technologies pro��ide a t"ast and c<.�nvenient way to communicate. Fiawevex, all forms ot electronic communication have inhexent security weaknesses, and the zisk of compromised confidentialitp cannot be eliminated. Z ne llistrict agrees to the use of electronic methods to transmit and receivc informatiot7, incluciing conFidcntial u�formaaon. �� Gran[7hornmo LlP —1 Q— �� J S mxmD3r 5rtn M Ga�E Thark r edema6a+�Lid ` � GrantThornton 9 � Standards of perFormance �`i'e will perform our sen�ices in conformin' with the tei�rns espressly set forth in this Fngagemei�t letter, induding all applicab!e professional standards. :lccordinglp, our ser�-ices sliall be e�aluated sulela� on our substantial confonnance widl such terms and standards. �n�� clum oi nonconformance inust be clearle aud con��incingi3-sLown. �f'ith res�ect to the services anc this I�ngageinent Letter,in na eeent shall the iiabilitt'o[CTrant'fhornton and its present, fiiture, and former partners, principals, directors, emplo5-ees, agents, and contractors for an� claim, including but not limited to Grant Tharnton's own negligetice, e�ceed the Eees it recei�-es for the poruon of the wor.k givu�g rise to such liabilitti•. Zl1is limitaaoa shall not app1F to the extent thar it is finall�>determined diat an�•claims,lo;ses,or damages as-e the result of Grant T'hornton's gross negligcncc or wiIl£ul nvsconduct. In addition, C7rant "1'hornton shall not be Gable for an}� special, consequential, incidental, or ezemplary damages ot:loss (nor anj•lost profirs,interest, taies,penalties,loss of savings,or lost l�usiness opportunity) even if Gr.ant Tliornton was advised in advance or such potential damages. Thi� par�iaph and tl.�e paragraph directljr below shall applj- ro an�� l}'pe ot claim asseited, including contract,statute, tort,or strict liabilit�-,whethcr b�the llistrict,Granr Tharnton,or others. Further, the District slzall, upon receipt of�vritter. notice, indemnify, defenci, and hoid harmless Grant Thornt<�n and its present, Future, and fotmer parmezs, principals, directors, emj>lot�ees, agents, and contractors from and against an�• liabilin- and damages (including punitive damages}, fees, e.Ypenses, losses, demancis, and costs (including deEense costs) associated with any claim arising from or relating to the District's know-ing misrepresentatioiis or false or incomplete informztion pro�ided to Grant 1'hornton. In the event of an��conlroi*ers��or daim against Grant Thomton arising from or relateci to the services described herein, Grant Thom�on sl�all be enutled, at its opdon, to defend itself [rom sucli controvers}•or claim and to participate in any settlement,acitninistrati��e,or judicial proceedings. If because oY a change in the Dist�ict's status or due to an5- other reason, an�- pro�*ision in tlus En�agement lettex �vould be prohibited bv la�vs, regulations, or published interpretations bt* govetnmental bocties, commissions, state boards of accountancv, or otl�er regulatory aget:cies, such pro�7sion shall, to that extent, be of no further force 1nd eEfect and the Engagement Letter shall consist of tl�e remainin�portions. Dispute resolution ?�nj�controcers��or claim arising out af or relating to the services, related fees,or tivs EngageLnent I,etter shall fust be submitted to mediation.rl mediator �uill be �electeci b}� agreement of the paraes, or if the parues cannot agree, a mediatc>r acceptable to all parties will be appointed b�� tne American ?�rbitration r'�ssociation (`��r1A";.The meciiauon will proceed in accordance widi the customanj pracrice of mcdiation. In the unlikel�� event that any ciispute ot claim cannot be resolved bJ� mediation, we both recognize that the matter �;�ill probablv involve complea business or accounang issues diat would be decided most cquitabl�� to us both bp a judge hearing lhe et-idence w7tliout a jury. 1lccordingly, to the extent no�r or hercaftcr permitted bp applicable law, the Disuict and Grant Thornton agree to waive an} xight to a trial bv juiy in any action,proceeding, or counterciaim axisuig out of or relating to our services or this Engagement Letter. If the above jury trial�v.uver is determincd to be prohibited b�app}icable law, d:en the parties a�ree that the dispute or claim shall be setded b}�binding arbitraaon. '1'he arbitration proceeding shall take place in the citv in which the Grant Thornton office pro�-iding the relevant sernices is located, unless the parues mutuallj� agree to a different location. The proceeding shall be governed by the pro�-isions of Qze Federal rlrbirrarion r�ct {"Fr1A") and will proceed in accordance with the then current �rbitration Rules for I'rofessional:lccounting and Related Disputes of the At��, escept that no prc-hearing discovery shall be a Gr�M Thamton LLP —1 1— US.rt�her fmn of Gant Thamian kdarnsFonal Lld � � GrantThornton '° permitted unless speci[icall�� authorized b�- the arbitraror. The arbitrator w•ill be selected from �\.A:�1, J�IYfS, tl�e Center foi Public Resources,or an5-other internationall�-or nationall�,-recognized organization ' muniall�� agcccd upon b�• the parties. Poten;ial arbilrator names w�ill be eachanged�Uithin 15 days of tl�e paities' ag:•eement ro settle the dispute or claim b�� binding arbitration, and arbitration �vill thercafter proceed e�p�ditiouslj-. 71ie arbitsaaon u-ill be conducted beiore a single arbivator, experienced in accounting and audiring macters. The arbitratoL shall ha��e nc� authority to award non-monetar}� or equitabie re?ief and �z-ill not ha��e the right to award puniuve damages. The award of the aiuivauon shall be in �vriting and sha'1 be accompanied bp a well-reasoned opinion. The award issued b5- tl�e arbitrator map be conFirmed in a judgment b}- an5- federal or state conLt of com�etent jurisdiction. Eacl� part}-shall : be responsible for their o�un costs associated with the arbitration, except that the c<>�ts of the arbirrator �hall be equall�-divided by tl�e parties.The arbitration procecding and ali inrormation disclased during die arbitradon shall be m�iiitained as confidential,except as may�be requued for disclosure to professional or regulator5� bociies ar in a related confidenrial arbitrauon. Ia i�o event shall a demand for arbitration be made aEter the date tivhen instituuon of legal or equitable proceedings based on such claim �vould be barred unde_r the a�plicable statute of limitations. Authorization This Fngageinent Lettcr sets forth the entire underslanduig between the District and Grant T'hornton reg�rding die ser�-ices described herein and supersedes auv previous proposals, correspondence, and understandings, �vhether �vrittcn or oral. If an� portion of this Engagemen± I_etter is held in��alid, it is agreed thai such invalidit�-s?iall not affect anp of d1e cemaining�oruons. Please confirm your acceptance of diis Lngagement Letter 6�-signin�below and returaing ore copy to us in die enclosed self-adciressed envelope. In addition,please provide the signed copies of tlie Engage�nent Letter to tlie District's Cl�ief Financial Officer, Paul IIughes, in order Yor management to acknowledge the tcrms hcrcin. SincerelST, GR-1tiT THORIvTON LLP � �-�-- (•V q�(A,,....._, I3rian S.\Y`allace Office Nfanaging Partner BS�':th � L:�Sadl:Tai+w�P:ii�ln C ir,i/�Dr.rtnr�\il;:mniin\20 t i\(i�'mr1�51"PI.'1�m:�"i�i;g!n�I>.Ar� cc: Paiil F�ughes,Cluef Financial Officer Enc: ?�Ia�-31,2�11 Prer Re�ie�v Report Agreed and accepted by: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT � Date: Rand��Vogeigesang,Pxesident,Board of Directors Management's acknowiedgment of the Engagement L.etter by: Date: Paul IIuglies,Chief Financial Ofticer Gran:Tharnton ilP —1 2— � U S men�fi�mef GraM 7hornlan In:emaional:td General Manager Richard H.Solbrig � . ,�o . �, � + �� � �� Director5 �; ChriS Gefalu V James R.JoneS �~ f u b I i c U ti I ity D i 5tri�t Randy Vogelgesang Kelly 5heehan Duane Wallace 1275 Meadow Crest Drive•South Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 54�4-6474•Fax 530 541-4614•www.stpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: Board of Directors FROM: James W. Cullen, Inspections Supervisor MEETING DATE: April 2, 2015 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Temporary Help for Inspections REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve contract with Blue Ribbon Personnel Services for two temporary employees, in the estimated amount of $68,000. DISCUSSION: Staff requests that the Board authorize payment to Blue Ribbon Personnel Services for two temporary employees from May 1, 2015, through November 20, 2015. These temporary employees will be responsible for replacing old water meters and MXU's. They will communicate with customers, locate meter boxes, turn-off water, remove and replace meters and MXU's, turn-on water and record all information needed for reading meters.This is over budget for Year 2014-2015 due to the need to retain a temporary employee in Customer Service for a longer period. SCHEDULE: Hire upon Board approval of contract COSTS: $68,000 ACCOUNT NO: 2038-4405 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: <$38,301> (2014/15) $63,625 (2015/16) ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Wpter GENERAL MANAGER: YES /1� .4 NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -13- � General Manager Richard H.Solbrig � f � • w8j�„ Directors � �� � �� Chris Cefalu Jamey R.Jonea � • s e • RandyVogelge5ang �'ubl�c Utll�ty D��tr�ct KellySheehan Duane Wallace 1275 Meadow CreSt Drive•South Lake Tahoe•CA 9615D-7401 i'hone�30 544-6474•fax 530 541-0614•www.5tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Chris Stanley, Supervisor, Underground Repair, Water Randy Curtis, Manager of Field Operations MEETING DATE: April 2, 2015 ITEM-PROJECT NAME: Temporary Help for Underground Repair, Water REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve contract with Blue Ribbon Personnel Services for four temporary employees, in the estimated amount of$97,000. DISCUSSION: Staff requests that the Board authorize payment to Blue Ribbon Personnel Senrices for four temporary employees from May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015. These temporary employees will assist with the workload in the Underground Repair, Water Deparfment which will allow the Deparfment to meet the appropriate deadlines for the construction season. The job duties these temporary employees may perform include multiple valve cluster installations in Sierra Tract for distribution control and future waterline installations; hydrant and service installations; multiple erosion control projects requiring District service lines and main line adjustments; blow off installations pursuant to flushing line regulations for the California Department of Public Health; and miscellaneous projects that may occur during the summer construction season. Two extra temporary employees will assist in coverage for two full-time employees being used in the Engineering Inspections Deparfment. SCHEDULE: May 1, 2015 through October 31, 2015 COSTS: $32,064 (2014/15) $64,128 (2015/16) Estimated ACCOUNT NO: 2001-4405 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $28,450 (2014/15) $52,000 (2015/16) ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES /l� NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -15- 6eneral Manager RicharA H.Solbrig � • 1950 • � "" /+� �� � �� Director5 � � Chris Cefalu �''� JameS R.Jones �`� `"""� pubiic Utifity Di�tric� �ndyVogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 1275 Meadow CreSt Drive•South Lake Taho�•CA 96150-7401 f'hone 530 54�4-6474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.5tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Doug Van Gorden, Supervisor, Underground Repair,Sewer Randy Curtis, Manager of Field Operations MEETING DATE: April 2, 2015 ITEM-PROJECT NAME: Temporary Help for Underground Repair, Sewer REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve contract with Blue Ribbon Personnel Services for two temporary employees, in the estimated amount of$49,296. DISCUSSION: Staff requests that the Board authorize payment to BlueRibbon Personnel Services for two temporary employees from May 1, 2015, through October 31, 2015. With approximately 15%- 20%of the collection system in easements, the clearing of these easements is an imporfant and continual part of the overall maintenance of the collection system. The clearing of these easements is done by the use of two temporary help positions. These temporary employees locate manholes, clear and chip brush, stake the location of the manhole and stencil the manhole number on the cover for easy recognition within the easements.They are also used as vacation stand-ins for regular employees on the Hydro Trucks and Underground Repair, Sewer construction crew. SCHEDULE: Hire by May 1, 2015, as stated above. COSTS: $16,432 (2014/15) $32,864 (2015/16) ACCOUNT NO: 1001-4405 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $18,728 (2014/15) $40,000 (2015/16) ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -17- 50VTH TqNOt�` _ _ - � .�( ljeewer . 1950 •��`�G' �` � �i11�TY� SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT _ _ _ . _ _ _ Richard Solbrig, General Manager Shannon Cotulla, Assistant General Manager Randy Vogelgesang, President BOARD MEMBERS Kelly Sheehan, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director James R. Jones, Director Duane Wallace, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT March 19, 2015 MI N UTES The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors met in a regular session, 2:03 p.m., at the District Office, located at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. ROII CALL: Board of Directors: President Vogelgesang, Directors Cefalu, Jones, Sheehan, Wallace Staff: Ivo Bergsohn, Tim Bledsoe, Randy Curtis, Shannon Cotulla, Melonie Guttry, Paul Hughes, Gary Kvistad, Donielle Morse, Lynn Nolan, Chris Skelly Guest: Don Jardine, Alpine County Board of Supervisors CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA AND CONSENT CALENDAR: Item 7A (Luther Pass Power and Control Project), Number (3) is being postponed. CONSENT CALENDAR: Moved Wallace /Second Cefalu / Cefalu Yes / Jones Yes / Vo4elgesang Yes /Sheehan Yes / Wallace Yes to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. a. Website Development Services Authorized Task Order No. 3 to Rauch Communication Consultants, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $18,000 for website development services. b. Letter of Support for the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board Approved letter of supporf for Mr. Don Jardine to the Board of Directors for the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board. c. Liability Claim Against South Tahoe Public Utility District Received from City of South Lake Tahoe Rejected claim -19- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES-March 19, 2015 PAGE -2 d. Temporary Help for Customer Service Deparfment Increased Purchase Order No. P27721 in the amount of $8,500 to complete payment to Blue Ribbon Personnel Services for one temporary employee through May 1, 2015. e. Diamond Valley Ranch Irrigation Improvements Approved the updated list of General Contractors pre-qualified to bid on the Diamond Valley Ranch Irrigation Improvements Project- Phase 1 (DVRIIP-Phase 1) project. f. Tallac Creek Sewer Crossing Authorized an increase in the amount of$900 to Purchase Order No. P27777 for additional professional land survey services. g. Temporary Help for Water Meter Installation Coordinator for the Water Meter Installation Projects Approved contract with Blue Ribbon Personnel Services in the amount of $30,000 for a temporary Water Meter Installation Coordinator. h. Luther Pass Power and Control Project Approved list of named products to be listed without alternative in the contract documents for the Luther Pass Power and Control Project. i. Stanford Camp Genset Approved request to advertise for bids for a 40KW MTU propane powered generator and switch gear for Stanford Camp pump stations. j. Regular Board Meeting Minutes: March 5, 2015 - Approved March 5, 2015 Minutes Mr. Jardine thanked the Board and District for their support. PRESENTATION Water Conservation Program Update- Donielle Morse gave a PowerPoint Presentation reviewing the STPUD Water Conservation Program. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION: a. Luther Pass Power and Control Project-Staff gave an overview of the project, explaining that Number 3 of this Item is postponed because staff are still reviewing applications and conducting interviews for the pre-qualified list. President Vogelgesang opened the public hearing at 2:44 p.m. to receive comments on the designation of the Luther Pass Power and Control Project as "substantially complex" under Public Contract Code Section 7201 . No public comments were received and the hearing was closed at 2:47 p.m. Moved Voyelgesang / Second Sheehan / Cefalu Yes / Jones Yes /Vo4elaesan4 Yes / Sheehan Yes / Wallace Yes to (1) Pursuant to the facts, finds the Project is substantially complex and requires a 10% retention limit; (2) Authorizes staff to advertise for construction bids. -20- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES-March 19, 2015 PAGE-3 b. Diamond Valley Ranch Irrigation Improvements President Vogelgesanq opened the public hearing at 2:51 p.m. to receive comments on the designation of the Diamond Valley Ranch Irrigation Improvements- Phase 1 Project (DVRIIP- Phase 1) as "substantially complex" under Public Contract Code Section 7201 and Board Resolution No. 2904-12. Staff gave an overview of the project and no public comments were received. The hearing was closed at 3:01 p.m. Moved Cefalu / Second Wallace / Cefalu Yes / Jones Yes / Vogelgesanq Yes / Sheehan Yes / Wallace Yes to (1) Pursuant to the facts, finds the Project is substantially complex and requires a 10% retention limit; and (2) Authorizes staff to advertise for construction bids. c. Approve Payment of Claims Moved Sheehan /Second Cefalu / Cefalu Yes / Jones Yes /Vogelgesang Yes / Sheehan Yes / Wallace Yes to approve Payment of Claims in the amount of$1,295,286.09. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS: Nothing to report. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Director Jones reported he has been requested to participate on the Headwaters Implementation Work Group and the first meeting is a conference call on Friday, March 20t" at 2 p.m. Director Wallace reported he attended a recent City Planning Commission meeting where the new Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care Center was discussed. During the meeting, issues regarding STPUD's connection fees were raised and Wallace requested clarification from staff. Staff provided an update including historical and comparable figures. The Board discussed capacity charges and President Vogelgesang appointed an ad-hoc committee including Directors Wallace and Cefalu to review connection fees. President Voyelgesang reporfed he represented the Board at ECC on March 1 g'n. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT: Director Jones gave a report regarding the EI Dorado County Water and Power Agency meetings held March 11 tn GENERAL MANAGER REPORT: Richard Solbria reported on several topics: • Solbrig, Cotulla and Nolan have been in contact with Senator Gaines and Assembly Member Bigelow's Offices regarding the water meter loan. They are preparing a package of information in order to appeal the loan. • Solbrig, along with Hughes and Bledsoe have prepared clarification and facts in response to the Lake Tahoe News Letter to the Editor. A separate letter has been mailed to Mr. Allione, the author of the letter. The Board discussed the quarterly newsletter and determined they would like to continue mailing it, as it is an imporfant communication piece to the community. • Several public presentations are scheduled including: SIRS - March 23�d; LTCC - May 12tn; Soroptimist- June 17t"; and the Tahoe Chgr�ber- June 18th• Local television and radio REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES-March 19, 2015 PAGE-4 interviews are also scheduled. Solbrig recorded an editorial segment regarding second homeownership which will air on local television as well as expanded outreach into the Sacramento/East Bay Areas. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS: Staff reported CASA is organizing a legislative seminar scheduled for April 27t" and 28t". If interested, please contact Cotulla. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION: Closed Session was not held as there was nothing to discuss. ADJOURNMENT: 3:52 p.m. Randy Vogelgesang, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District -22- 6eneral Manager Richard H.5olbrig � • 1�50 • �+ _��er � f .� � w � Directors U � Chris Cefalu JameS R.JoneS ;�� � . , � . Randy Vogelgesang �u b�E c U-��f�ty D 15t��ct Kelly 5heehan Duane Wallace 1275 Meadow CreSt Drive•Sauth Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 54�4-64-74•Fax 530 541-0614•www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM �a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Julie Ryan, Principal fngineer MEETING DATE: April 2, 2015 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Luther Pass Power and Control Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve staff's recommended list of pre-qualified system integrators for bidding on the Project (to be available prior to and at the Board Meeting). DISCUSSION: In response to the District's advertisement for pre-qualification of system integrators for the project, the District received five (5) applications for pre-qualification. Staff is in the process of reviewing the applications and conducting phone interviews, and will present the recommendation for pre-qualification prior to and at the Board Meeting. Disqualified integrators, if any, will have four days after they receive the disqualification notice, to submit appeals to the District for review. If needed, the District will hold an appeals hearing within five days after receipt of the appeal. Based on the results of the appeals process, if needed, staff will provide the Board with additions to the list of pre- qualified integrators for consideration at the April 16, 2015, Board Meeting. SCHEDULE: See above COSTS: $3,930,000 ACCOUNT NO: 1029-8330/LPPOWR BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $147,308 (2014/15); $3,475,000 (2015/16) ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -23- General Manager Richard H.Solbrig � . �g50 . w L Directors op �er f'� { �� I] /� /� Chris Cefalu V U v� v G James R.Jones Randy Vogelgesang � �����V U ti l ity D i 5tri�� Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 1275 Meadow CreSt�rive•South Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 54�4-6474•Fax 530 54-1-0614•www.stpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM �b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Shannon D. Cotuila, Assistant General Manager MEETING DATE: April 2, 2015 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: United States Forest Service (USFS) Master Water Special Use Permit REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Authorize execution of the USFS Master Water Special Use Permit (SUP) for a term of 30 years, and sign the permit pending minor changes made during staff review; and, (2) Authorize payment of the yearly rental and permit fee in the amount of$2,669.56. DISCUSSION: The District's SUP for water facilities on Forest Service land expired a number of years ago. The District began the SUP process for the water and sewer systems in March, 2010. The SUP for the sewer facilities was completed and approved by the Board in September, 2012, and the SUP for water facilities has been prepared. The USFS has reviewed the District water facilities which reside on their parcels and has developed a permit which includes all of the forest service specialist reviews, maps of the facilities on forest service properties, an Operation and Maintenance Plan, and general guidelines for completing work under the permit.This permit will combine all the water facilities into a single permit and there will only be a single charge for maintaining the permit. The permit will not expire until 2045, but the District will be required to pay the yearly fee as well as participate in a yearly planning meeting (which will develop the work required of the District in the coming year). It is likely the yearly fee will increase each year. The 2015 fee has been calculated as $2,669.56. SCHEDULE: COSTS: $2,669.56 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-6650 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $86,604 ATTACHMENTS: Draft Special Use Permit and attachments CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES /11�. NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES -25�10 Authorization ID: ELD400821 FS-2700-4 (10/09) Contact ID: STPUD OMB No. 0596-0082 Expiration Date: 12/31/2045 Use Code: 914, 915, 931, 935, 753 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE SPECIAL USE PERMIT AUTHORITY: FEDERAL LAND POLICY AND MGMT ACT,AS AMENDED October 21, 1976 South Tahoe Public Utility District(STPUD), 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 (hereafter called"the holder") is authorized to use or occupy National Forest System lands in the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, subject to the term and conditions of this special use permit(the permit). This permit covers 7.49 acres throughout El Dorado County and is located in: Mt. Diablo Meridian, T. 11 N., R. 18 E., secs. 5, 6, and 17. T. 12 N., R. 18 E., secs. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1 S, 16, 18, 20, 21,28, 29, 30, 31,and 32. T. 13 N.,4. 17 E., secs. 25 and 36. T. 13 N., R. 18 E., secs. 33 and 34,as shown on the maps attached as Appendix J. This permit is issued for the purpose of Operation and maintenance of existing pressurized water mains, water storage tanks, a well, and access roads. This project is known as the STPUD master water special use permit. The following exhibits are hereby attached to and made part of this permit: A.Water system improvements under special use permit B.Water system improvements under easement C.Access routes/roads under special use permit D.Access routes/roads under easement E. Road Use and Maintenance Guidelines F. Resource Protection Guidelines • Landscaping/Vegetation • Erosion Control • Biological Resources G.Tree/Slash Removal and Pruning guidelines H.Fire Prevention Guidelines I. 5-Year Operations and Maintenance Plan Guidelines J. Detailed maps of water system improvements, roads,and easements The above described or defined area shall be referred to herein as the"permit area". ¢ STPUD master water special use permit Page 1 -27- TERMS AND CONDITIONS I. GENERAL TERMS A.AUTHORITY.This permit is issued pursuant to the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA), as amended October 21, 1976 and 36 CFR Part 251, Subpart B, as amended, and is subject to their provisions. B.AUTHORIZED OFFICER.The authorized officer is the Forest or Grassland Supervisor or a subordinate officer with delegated authority. C.TERM. This permit shall expire at midnight on 12/31/2045, thirty years from the date of issuance. D.RENEWAL. T'his permit is not renewable. Prior to expiration of this permit, the holder may apply for a new permit that would renew the use and occupancy authorized by this permit. Applications for a new permit must be submitted at least 6 months prior to expiration of this permit. Renewal of the use and occupancy authorized by this permit shall be at the sole discretion of the authorized officer. At a minimum, before renewing the use and occupancy authorized by this permit, the authorized officer shall require that (1) the use and occupancy to be authorized by the new permit is consistent with the standards and guidelines in the applicable land management plan; (2)the type of use and occupancy to be authorized by ' the new permit is the same as the type of use and occupancy authorized by this permit; and (3)the holder is in compliance with all the terms of this permit. The authorized officer may prescribe new terms and conditions when a new permit is issued. E.AMENDMENT. This permit may be amended in whole or in part by the Forest Service when, at the discretion of the authorized officer, such action is deemed necessary or desirable to incorporate new terms that may be required by law, regulation, directive, the applicable forest land and resource management plan, or projects and activities implementing a land management plan pursuant to 36 CFR Part 215. F. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS,REGULATIONS,AND OTHER LEGAL REQUIREMENTS. In exercising the rights and privileges granted by this permit, the holder shall comply with all present and " future federal laws and regulations and all present and future state, county, and municipal laws,regulations, and other legal requirements that apply to the permit area, to the extent they do not conflict with federal law,regulation, or policy. The Forest Service assumes no responsibility for enforcing laws, regulations, and other legal requirements that fall under the jurisdiction of other governmental entities. G.NON-EXCLUSIVE USE. The use or occupancy authorized by this permit is not exclusive. The Forest Service reserves the right of access to the permit area, including a continuing right of physical entry to the permit area for inspection,monitoring, or any other purpose consistent with any right or obligation of the United States under any law or regulation. The Forest Service reserves the right to allow others to use the permit area in any way that is not inconsistent with the holder's rights and privileges under this permit,after consultation with all parties involved. Except for any restrictions that the holder and the authorized officer agree are necessary to protect the installation and operation of authorized temporary improvements, the lands and waters covered by this permit shall remain open to the public for all lawful purposes. gI.ASSIGNABILITY.This permit is not assignable or transferable. ' STPUD master water special use permit Page 2 -28- II. IMPROVEMENTS A. LIMITATIONS ON USE.Nothing in this permit gives or implies permission to build or maintain any structure or facility or to conduct any activity,unless specifically authorized by this permit. Any use not specifically authorized by this permit must be proposed in accordance with 36 CFR 251.54. Approval of such a proposal through issuance of a new permit or permit amendment is at the sole discretion of the authorized officer. B. PLANS. All plans for development, layout, construction, reconstruction, or alteration of improvements in the permit area, as well as revisions to those plans must be prepared by a professional engineer, architect, landscape architect,or other qualified professional based on federal employment standards accepta.ble to the authorized officer. These plans and plan revisions must have written approval from the authorized o�"icer before they are implemented. The authorized officer may require the holder to furnish as-built plans, maps, or surveys upon completion of the work. III. OPERATIONS. A.PERIOD OF USE.Use or occupancy of the permit area shall be exercised at least 365 days each year. B. CONDITION OF OPERATIONS.The holder shall maintain the authorized improvements and permit area to standards of repair,orderliness,neatness, sanitation, and safety acceptable to the authorized officer and consistent with other provisions of this permit. Standards are subject to periodic change by the authorized officer when deemed necessary to meet statutory,regulatory, or policy requirements or to protect national forest resources. The holder shall comply with inspection requirements deemed appropriate by the authorized officer. C. INSPECTION BY TI3E FOREST SERVICE. The Forest Service shall monitor the holder's operations and reserves the right to inspect the permit azea and transmission facilities at any time for compliance with the terms of this permit. The holder's obligations under this permit are not contingent upon any duty of the Forest Service to inspect the permit area or transmission facilities. A failure by the Forest Service or other governmental officials to inspect is not a justification for noncompliance with any of the tertns and conditions of this permit. IV. RIGHTS AND LIABILITIES A.LEGAL EFFECT OF THE PERMIT. This permit, which is revocable and terminable, is not a contract or a lease, but rather a federal license. The benefits and requirements conferred by this authorization are reviewable solely under the procedures set forth in 36 CFR Part 251, Subpart C,and 5 U.S.C. 704. This permit does not constitute a contract for purposes of the Contract Disputes Act,41 U.S.C. 601. The permit is not real property, does not convey any interest in real property, and may not be used as collateral for a loan. B. VALID OUTSTANDING RIGHTS. This permit is subject to all valid outstanding rights. Valid outstanding rights include those derived under mining and mineral leasing laws of the United States. The United States is not liable to the holder for the exercise of any such right. C.ABSENCE OF THIRD-PARTY BENEFICIARY RIGATS. The parties to this permit do not intend to confer any rights on any third party as a beneficiary under this permit. STPUD master water special use permit Page 3 -29- D. SERVICES NOT PROVIDED. This permit does not provide for the furnishing of road or trail maintenance, water, fire protection, search and rescue, or any other such service by a government agency, utility, association,or individual. E. RISK OF LOSS. The holder assumes all risk of loss associated with use or occupancy of the permit : area, including but not limited to theft,vandalism, fire and any fire-fighting activities(including prescribed burns), avalanches, rising waters,winds, falling limbs or trees, and other forces of nature. If authorized temporary improvements in the permit area are destroyed or substantially damaged, the authorized officer shall conduct an analysis to determine whether the improvements can be safely occupied in the future and whether rebuilding should be allowed. If rebuilding is not allowed, the permit shall terminate. F. DAMAGE TO UNITED STATES PROPERTY. The holder has an affirmative duty to protect from damage the land,property, and other interests of the United States. Damage includes but is not limited to fire suppression costs,damage to government-owned improvements covered by this permit,and all costs and damages associated with or resulting from the release or threatened release of a hazardous material ' occurring during or as a result of activities of the holder or the holder's heirs, assigns,agents, employees, contractors, or lessees on, or related to, the lands,property, and other interests covered by this permit. For purposes of clause IV.F and section V, "hazardous material" shall mean(a) any hazardous substance under section 101(14) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA),42 U.S.C. § 9601(14); (b) any pollutant or contaminant under section 101(33) of CERCLA,42 U.S.C. § 9601(33); (c)any petroleum product or its derivative, including fuel oil, and waste oils; and(d) any hazardous substance, extremely hazardous substance, toxic substance, hazardous waste,ignitable, reactive or corrosive materials,pollutant, contaminant, element, compound,mixture, solution or substance that may pose a present or potential hazard to human health or the environment under any applicable environmental laws. 1. The holder shall avoid damaging or contaminating the environment, including but not limited to the soil, vegetarion(such as trees, shrubs, and grass), surface water,and groundwater, during the holder's use or occupancy of the permit area. If the environment or any government property covered by this permit becomes damaged during the holder's use or occupancy of the permit area,the holder shall immediately repair the damage or replace the damaged items to the satisfaction of the authorized officer and at no expense to the United States. 2. The holder shall be liable for all injury, loss, or damage, including fire suppression,prevention and control of the spread of invasive species, or other costs in connection with rehabilitation or restoration of natural resources associated with the use or occupancy authorized by this permit. Compensation shall include but not be limited to the value of resources damaged or destroyed, the costs of restoration,cleanup, or other mitigation, fire suppression or other types of abatement costs, and all administrative, legal (including attorney's fees), and other costs. Such costs may be deducted from a performance bond required under clause IV.I. 3. The holder shall be liable for damage caused by use of the holder or the holder's heirs, assigns, agents, employees, contractors, or lessees to all roads and trails of the United States to the same extent as provided under clause IV.F.1, except that liability shall not include reasonable and ordinary wear and tear. STPUD master water special use permit Page 4 -30- G. HEALTH, SAFETY,AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. The holder shall promptly abate as completely as possible and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations any activity or condition arising out of or relating to the authorized use or occupancy that causes or threatens to cause a hazard to public health or the safety of the holder's employees or agents or harm to the environment (including areas of vegetation or timber, fish or other wildlife populations, their habitats,or any other natural resources). The holder shall prevent impacts to the environment and cultural resources by implementing actions identified in the operating plan to prevent establishment and spread of invasive species. The holder shall immediately notify the authorized officer of all serious accidents that occur in connection with such activities. The responsibility to protect the health and safety of all persons affected by the use or occupancy authorized by this permit is solely that of the holder. The Forest Service has no duty under the terms of this permit to inspect the permit area or operations and activities of the holder for hazardous conditions or compliance with health and safety standards. H. INDEMNIFICATION OF THE UNITED STATES. The holder shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the United States for any costs, damages, claims, liabilities,and judgments arising from past, present,and future acts or omissions of the holder in connection with the use or occupancy authorized by this permit. This indemnification provision includes but is not limited to acts and omissions of the holder or the holder's heirs,assigns, agents, employees, contractors, or lessees in connection with the use or occupancy authorized by this permit which result in(1)violations of any laws and regulations which aze now or which may in the future become applicable, and including but not limited to those environmental laws listed in clause V.A of this permit; (2)judgments, claims, demands,penalties, or fees assessed against the United States; (3)costs, expenses, and damages incurred by the United States; or(4)the release or threatened release of any solid waste, hazardous waste,hazardous materials,pollutant, contaminant, oil in any form,or petroleum product into the environment. The authorized officer may prescribe terms that allow the holder to replace,repair,restore, or otherwise undertake necessary curative actions to mitigate damages in addition to or as an alternative to monetary indemnification. I. BONDING. The authorized officer may require the holder to furnish a surety bond or other security for any of the obligations imposed by the terms and conditions of this permit or any applicable law,regulation, or order. V. RESOURCE PROTECTION A. COMPLIANCE WITH ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS. The holder shall in connection with the use or occupancy authorized by this permit comply with all applicable federal, state,and local environmental laws and regulations, including but not limited to those established pursuant to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended,42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq., the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq., the Oil Pollution Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. 2701 et seq.,the Clean Air Act,as amended,42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq., CERCLA, as amended,42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq., the Toxic Substances Control Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq., the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, as amended, 7 U.S.C. 136 et seq., and the Safe Drinking Water Act, as amended,42 U.S.C. 300f et seq. B. VANDALISM. The holder shall take reasonable measures to prevent and discourage vandalism and disorderly conduct and when necessary shall contact the appropriate law enforcement officer. C. PESTICIDE USE. Pesticides may not be used outside of buildings to control undesirable woody and herbaceous vegetation(including aquatic plants), insects, rodents, fish, and other pests and weeds without prior written approval from the authorized officer. A request for approval of planned uses of pesticides shall be submitted annually by the holder on the due date established by the authorized officer. The report shall cover a 12-month period of planned use beginning 3 months after the reporting date. Information STPUD master water special use permit Page S -31- ;, essential for review shall be provided in the form specified. Exceptions to this schedule may be allowed, subject to emergency request and approval,only when unexpected outbreaks of pests or weeds require control measures that were not anticipated at the time an annual report was submitted. Only those materials registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for the specific purpose planned shall be considered for use on National Forest System lands. Label instructions and all applicable laws and regulations shall be strictly followed in the application of pesticides and disposal of excess materials and , containers. D.ARCHAEOLOGICAL-PALEONTOLOGICAL DISCOVERIES.The holder shall immediately notify the authorized officer of all antiquities or other objects of historic or scientific interest, including but . not limited to historic or prehistoric ruins, fossils, or artifacts discovered in connection with the use and occupancy authorized by this permit. The holder shall leave these discoveries intact and in place until directed otherwise by the authorized officer. Protective and mitigative measures specified by the authorized officer shall be the responsibility of the holder. E. NATIVE AMERICAN GRAVES PROTECTION AND REPATRIATION. In accordance with 25 U.S.C. 3002(d) and 43 CFR 10.4, if the holder inadvertently discovers human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, or objects of cultural patrimony on National Forest System lands, the holder shall immediately cease work in the area of the discovery and shall make a reasonable effort to protect and secure the items. The holder shall immediately notify the authorized officer by telephone of the discovery and shall follow up with written confirmation of the discovery. The activity that resulted in the inadvertent discovery may not resume unti130 days after the authorized officer certifies receipt of the written ' confirmation, if resumption of the activity is othenvise lawful,or at any time if a binding written agreement has been executed between the Forest Service and the affiliated Indian tribes that adopts a recovery plan for the human remains and objects. ' F. PROTECTION OF HABITAT OF THREATENED,ENDANGERED,AND SENSITIVE SPECIES.The location of sites within the permit area needing special measures for protection of plants or animals listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act(ESA) of 1973, 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq., as amended, or identified as sensitive or otherwise requiring special protection by the Regional Forester under Forest Service Manual(FSM) 2670,pursuant to consultation conducted under section 7 of the ESA, may be shown on the ground or on a separate map. The map shall be attached to this pertnit as an appendix. The holder shall take any protective and mitigative measures specified by the authorized officer. If protective and mitigative measures prove inadequate, if other sites within the permit area containing threatened, endangered, or sensitive species or species otherwise requiring special : protection are discovered, or if new species are listed as threatened or endangered under the ESA or identified as sensitive or otherwise requiring special protection by the Regional Forester under the FSM, the authorized officer may specify additional protective and mitigative measures. Discovery of these sites by the holder or the Forest Service shall be promptly reported to the other party. G. CONSENT TO STORE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. The holder shall not store any hazardous materials at the site without prior written approval from the authorized officer. This approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. If the authorized officer provides approval, this permit shall include,or in the case of approval provided after this permit is issued, shall be amended to include specific terms addressing the storage of hazardous materials, including the specific type of materials to be stored, the volume, the type of storage, and a spill plan. Such terms shall be proposed by the holder and are subject to approval by the ' authorized officer. STPUD master water special use permit Page 6 -32- 1. If the holder receives consent to store hazardous material, the holder shall identify to the Forest Service any hazardous material to be stored at the site. Such identification information shall be consistent with column(1) of the table of hazardous materials and special provisions enumerated at 49 CFR 172.101 whenever the hazardous material appears in that table. For hazard communication purposes,the holder shall maintain Material Safety Data Sheets for any stored hazardous chemicals, consistent with 29 CFR 1910.1200(c)and(g). In addition, all hazardous materials stored by the holder shall be used, labeled, stored, transported, and disposed of in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. 2. The holder shall not release any hazardous material as defined in clause IV.F. onto land or into rivers, streams, impoundments, or natural or man-made channels leading to them. All prudent and safe attempts must be made to contain any release of these materials. The authorized officer in charge may specify specific conditions that must be met, including conditions more stringent than federal, state, and local regulations,to prevent releases and protect natural resources. H. CLEANUP AND REMEDIATION 1. The holder shall immediately notify all appropriate response authorities, including the National Response Center and the authorized officer or the authorized officer's designated representative, of any oil discharge or of the release of a hazardous material in the permit area in an amount greater than or equal to its reportable quantity, in accordance with 33 CFR Part 153, Subpart B, and 40 CFR Part 302. For the purposes of this requirement, "oil" is as defined by section 311(a)(1)of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1321(a)(1). The holder shall immediately notify the authorized officer or the authorized officer's designated representative of any release or threatened release of any hazardous material in or near the permit area which may be hannful to public health or welfare or which may adversely affect natural resources on federal lands. 2. Except with respect to any federally permitted release as that term is defined under Section 101(10)of CERCLA,42 U.S.C. 9601(10), the holder shall clean up or otherwise remediate any release, threat of release, or discharge of hazardous materials that occurs either in the permit area or in connection with the holder's activities in the permit area, regardless of whether those activities are authorized under this permit. The holder shall perfonn cleanup or remediation immediately upon discovery of the release, threat of release, or discharge of hazardous materials. The holder shall perform the cleanup or remediation to the satisfaction of the authorized officer and at no expense to the United States. Upon revocation or termination of this permit,the holder shall deliver the site to the Forest Service free and clear of contamination. I. CERTIFICATION UPON REVOCATION OR TERMINATION. If the holder uses or stores hazardous materials at the site,upon revocation or termination of this permit the holder shall provide the Forest Service with a report certified by a professional or professionals acceptable to the Forest Service that the permit area is uncontaminated by the presence of hazardous materials and that there has not been a release or discharge of hazardous materials upon the permit area, into surface water at or near the permit area,or into groundwater below the permit area during the term of the permit. This certification requirement may be waived by the authorized officer when the Forest Service determines that the risks posed by the hazardous material are minimal. If a release or discharge has occurred,the professional or professionals shall document and certify that the release or discharge has been fully remediated and that the permit area is in compliance with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. STPUD master water special use permit Page 7 -33- VI. LAND USE FEE AND ACCOUNTING ISSUES A. LAND USE FEES. The holder shall pay an initial annual land use fee of TWO THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY NINE DOLLARS AND FIFTY SIX CENTS ($2,669.56) for the period from January 1, 2015, to December 21, 2015. On January 1, the holder shall pay an annual land use fee calculated using the 2009-2015 linear right-of-way fee schedule, then any updated fee schedules after 2016. B.MODIFICATION OF THE LAND USE FEE. The land use fee may be revised whenever necessary to reflect the market value of the authorized use or occupancy or when the fee system used to calculate the land use fee is modified or replaced. C. FEE PAYMENT ISSUES. 1. Crediting of Payments. Payments shall be credited on the date received by the deposit facility, except that if a payment is received on a non-workday,the payment shall not be credited until the next workday. 2. Disputed Fees. Fees are due and payable by the due date. Disputed fees must be paid in full. . Adjustments will be made if dictated by an administrative appeal decision, a court decision,or settlement terms. 3. Late Pa�ts (a) Interest. Pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 3717 et seq., interest shall be charged on any fee amount not paid within 30 days from the date it became due. The rate of interest assessed shall be the higher of the Prompt Payment Act rate or the rate of the current value of funds to the Treasury(i.e., the Treasury tax and loan account rate), as prescribed and published annually or quarterly by the Secretary of the Treasury in the Federal Register and the Treasury Fiscal Requirements Manual Bulletins. Interest on the principal shall accrue from the date the fee amount is due. (b)Administrative Costs. If the account becomes delinquent, administrative costs to cover processing and handling the delinquency shall be assessed. (c) Penalties.A penalty of 6%per annum shall be assessed on the total amount that is more than 90 days delinquent and shall accrue from the same date on which interest charges begin to accrue. (d) Termination for Nonpavment. This permit shall terminate without the necessity of prior notice and opportunity to comply when any permit fee payment is 90 calendar days from the due date in arrears. The ' holder shall remain responsible for the delinquent fees. 4. Administrative Offset and Credit Reporting. Delinquent fees and other charges associated with the ' permit shall be subject to all rights and remedies afforded the United States pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 3711 et seq. and common law. Delinquencies are subject to any or all of the following: (a) Administrative offset of payments due the holder from the Forest Service. (b) If in excess of 60 days,referral to the Department of the Treasury for appropriate collection action as provided by 31 U.S.C. 3711(g)(1). STPUD master water special use permiY Page 8 -34- (c)Offset by the Secretary of the Treasury of any amount due the holder, as provided by 31 U.S.C. 3720 et seq. (d) Disclosure to consumer or commercial credit reporting agencies. VII. REVOCATION, SUSPENSION,AND TERMINATION A. REVOCATION AND SUSPENSION. The authorized officer ma revoke or sus end thi ermit in y p sp whole or in part: 1. For noncompliance with federal, state,or local law. 2. For noncompliance with the terms of this permit. 3. For abandonment or other failure of the holder to exercise the privileges granted. 4. With the consent of the holder. 5. For specific and compelling reasons in the public interest. Prior to revocation or suspension,other than immediate suspension under clause VI.B, the authorized officer shall give the holder written notice of the grounds for revocation or suspension. In the case of revocation or suspension based on clause VII.A.1, 2, or 3, the authorized officer shall give the holder a reasonable time, typically not to exceed 90 days,to cure any noncompliance. B. IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION. The authorized officer may immediately suspend this permit in whole or in part when necessary to protect public health or safety or the environment. The suspension decision shall be in writing. The holder may request an on-site review with the authorized officer's supervisor of the adverse conditions prompting the suspension. The authorized officer's supervisor shall grant this request within 48 hours. Following the on-site review,the authorized officer's supervisor shall promptly affirm, modify,or cancel the suspension. C. APPEALS AND REMEDIES. Written decisions by the authorized officer relating to administration of this permit are subject to administrative appeal pursuant to 36 CFR Part 251, Subpart C, as amended. Revocation or suspension of this permit shall not give rise to any claim for damages by the holder against the Forest Service. D.TERMINATION. This permit shall terminate when by its terms a fixed or agreed upon condition, event, or time occurs without any action by the authorized officer. Examples include but are not limited to expiration of the permit by its terms on a specified date and termination upon change of control of the business entity. Termination of this permit shall not require notice, a decision document,or any environmental analysis or other documentation. Termination of this permit is not subject to administrative appeal and shall not give rise to any claim for damages by the holder against the Forest Service. E. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES UPON REVOCATION OR TERMINATION WITHOUT RENEWAL. Upon revocation or termination of this permit without renewal of the authorized use, the holder shall remove all structures and improvements, except those owned by the United States, within a reasonable period prescribed by the authorized officer and shall restore the site to the satisfaction of the authorized officer. If the holder fails to remove all structures and improvements within the prescribed period, they shall become the property of the United States and may be sold,destroyed, or otherwise disposed of without any liability to the United States. However, the holder shall remain liable for all costs associated with their removal, including costs of sale and impoundment, cleanup, and restoration of the site. STPUD master water special use permit Page 9 -35- VIII. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS A. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. No member of or delegate to Congress or resident commissioner shall benefit from this permit either directly or indirectly, except to the extent the authorized use provides a general benefit to a corporation. B. CURRENT ADDRESSES. The holder and the Forest Service shall keep each other informed of current , mailing addresses, including those necessary for billing and payment of land use fees. C. SUPERSEDED PERMIT. This permit supersedes special use permits designated ELD100810 (STPUD Gardner Mountain water tank) and ELD400816(STPUD Valhalla well). D. SUPERIOR CLAUSES. If there is a conflict between any of the preceding printed clauses and any of the following clauses, the preceding printed clauses shall control. E. NOXIOUS WEEDS.The permit holder shall prepare, in cooperation with the Forest Service, a noxious weed plan for surveying, preventing, repoRing, controlling and monitoring noxious weed populations on the authorized areas and within the holder's area of responsibility. These measures may include, where appropriate, equipment inspection for soil, seeds, and vegetative matter, equipment cleaning,and use of weed-free materials(soil, gravel, straw, mulch)and seed mixes. A current list of noxious weeds of concern is available at the Forest Supervisor's Office. F.DRINHING WATER SYSTEMS. The holder, as the water supplier and owner or operator of the drinking water system for the facilities authorized by this permit, is responsible for compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and local drinking water laws and regulations governing operation and maintenance of a public drinking water system, including but not limited to developing, operaring, and maintaining the system and conducting drinking water testing and taking appropriate corrective and follow- up actions in accordance with federal, state, and any other applicable requuements. For purposes of this permit, public water systems are defined in accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act, as amended(42 U.S.C. 300f et seq.), and the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, 40 CFR Part 141, or state regulations, if more stringent. The holder shall retain all drinking water system records as required by applicable laws and regulations. The holder agrees to make the records available to the Forest Service and to any other regulatory agency authorized to review Forest Service activities. G. OPERATING PLAN. The holder shall provide an Operating Plan and revise the plan every five years. The plan shall be prepared in consultation with the authorized officer or designated representative and cover operation and maintenance of facilities, dates or season of operations, and other information required by the authorized officer to manage and evaluate the occupation and/or use of National Forest System lands. The provisions of the Operating Plan and the annual revisions shall become a part of this ' authorization and shall be submitted by the holder and approved by the authorized officer or their designated representative(s). This Operating Plan is hereby made a part of the authorization. H. REMOVAL AND PLANTING OF VEGETATION AND OTHER RESOURCES. This permit does not authorize the cutting of timber or other vegetation. Trees or shrubbery may be removed or destroyed only after the authorized officer or the authorized officer's designated representative has approved in writing and marked or otherwise identified what may be removed or destroyed. Timber cut or destroyed shall be paid for at current stumpage rates for similar timber in the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit. The Forest Service reserves the right to dispose of the merchantable timber to those , other than the holder at no stumpage cost to the holder. Unmerchantable material shall be disposed of as STPUD master water special use permit Page 10 -36- directed by the authorized officer. Trees, shrubs, and other plants may be planted within the permit area with prior written approval of the authorized officer. I. GROUND SURFACE PROTECTION AND RESTORATION.The holder shall prevent and control soil erosion and gullying on National Forest System lands in and adjacent to the permit area resulting from construction,operation, maintenance, and termination of the authorized use. The holder shall construct authorized improvements so as to avoid accumulation of excessive amounts of water in the permit area and encroachment on streams. The holder shall revegetate or otherwise stabilize(for example,by constructing a retaining wall)all ground where the soil has been exposed as a result of the holder's construction, maintenance,operation,or termination of the authorized use. J. TIMBER PAYMENT. All National Forest timber cut or destroyed in the construction of the permitted improvements sha11 be paid for at current stumpage rates for similar timber in the National Forest. Young- growth timber below merchantable size will be paid for at current damage-appraisal value; and all slash and debris resulting from the cutting or destruction of such timber shall be disposed of as necessary or as the Forest Service may direct. K.WATER FACILITIES AND WATER RIGHTS. 1. Water Facilities.No ditch, reservoir, well, spring, seepage, or other facility to pump, divert, store, or convey water(hereinafter"water facilities") for which the point of diversion, storage, or withdrawal is on National Forest System lands may be initiated, developed,certified, or adjudicated by the holder unless expressly authorized in this permit. The authorization of any water facilities in the permit area is granted to allow use of water only in connection with STPUD's water facilities authorized by this permit. If the use of any water facilities in connection with STPUD water facilities ceases, the authorization to use any associated water facilities also ceases. The United States may place conditions on installation, operation, maintenance, and removal of water facilities that are necessary to protect public property,public safety, and natural resources on National Forest System lands in compliance with applicable law. Any change in a water facility,including a change in the ownership or beneficial use of water or location of use of water from a water facility, that is not expressly authorized in this permit shall result in termination of the authorization for that water facility. 2. Water Righ�This permit does not confer any water rights on the holder. The term "water rights" includes all authorizations, such as certificates, reservations, decrees,or permits, for water use issued under state, local, or other law and all water rights otherwise recognized under state law. Any necessary water rights must be acquired and maintained by the holder in accordance with State law and the terms of this permit. After this permit is issued, all water rights obtained by the holder for facilities that divert or pump water from sources located on National Forest System lands for use on National Forest System lands, whether authorized or unauthorized, are for the benefit of the United States and shall be acquired in the name of the United States. Any expenses for acquiring water rights shall be the responsibility of the holder and not the responsibility of the United States. L. WATER FACILITIES AND WATER RIGHTS.This permit does not confer any water rights on the holder. Any necessary water rights must be acquired by the holder in accordance with State law. Any expenses for acquiring water rights shall be the responsibility of the holder. The United States reserves the right to place any conditions on installation, operation, maintenance,and removal of facilities to pump, divert, store, or convey water on National Forest System lands covered by this permit that are necessary to protect public property,public safety, and natural resources on National Forest System lands in compliance with applicable law. The holder waives any claims against the United States for compensation in STPUD master water special use permit Page 11 -37- - connection with imposition of any conditions on installation,operation, maintenance, and removal of water . facilities under this permit. M. SIGNS. Signs or advertising devices erected on National Forest System lands shall have prior approval by the Forest Service as to location, design, size,color,and message. Erected signs shall be maintained or renewed as necessary to neat and presentable standards, as determined by the Forest Service. N. IMPROVEMENT RELOCATION. This authorization is granted with the express understanding that should future location of United States Govemment-owned improvements or road rights-of-way require the , relocation of the holder's improvements, such relocation will be done by, and at the expense of, the holder " within a reasonable time as specified by the authorized officer. This permit is accepted subject to the conditions set out above. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DISTRICT (STPUD) Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit By: BY� Randy Vogelgesang JEFF MARSOLAIS STPUD Board President Forest Supervisor Date: Date: According to the Papensork Reduction Act of 1995,an agency may not conduct or sponsor,and a person is not required to respond,to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0596-0082.1'he time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average I hour per response,including the time for reviewing instructions,searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data nceded,and completing and reviewing the collection of information. ' The U.S.Department of Agriculmre(USDA)prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race,color,national origin,age,disability, and,where applicable,sex,marital sta[us,familial status,parental status,religion,sexual orientation,genetic information,political beliefs,reprisal,or because all ' or part ofan individual's income is derived from any public assistance.(Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)Persons with disabilities who require altemative means for communication of program information(Braille,lazge print,audiotape,etc.)should contact USDA's TARGET Center at 202-720-2600 (voice and'I�DD). To file a complaint of discrimination,write USDA,Director,Office of Civil Rights,1400 Independence Avenue,SW,Washingon,DC 20250-9410 or call toll free(866)632-9992(voice).TDD users can contact USDA through local relay or the Federal relay at(800)877-8339(TDD)or(866)377-8642(relay voice). USDA is an equal opportuniry provider and employer. The Privacy Act of 1974(5 U.S.C.5�2a)and the Freedom of Information Act(5 U.S.C.552)govem the confidentiality to be provided for information received by the Forest Setvice. STPUD master water special use permit Page 12 -38- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT (STPUD) WATER MASTER SPECIAL USE PERMIT ELD400821 These exhibits are attached to and made a part of the special use permit. A violation of any component of these exhibits would be considered a violation of the special use permit. INDEX TO EXHIBITS A. Water system improvements under special use permit B. Water system improvements under easement C. Access routes/roads under special use permit D. Access routes/roads under easement E. Road Use and Maintenance Guidelines F. Resource Protection Guidelines • Landscaping/Vegetation • Erosion Control • Biological Resources G. Tree/Slash Removal and Pnining Guidelines H. Fire Prevention Guidelines I. 5-Year Operations and Maintenance Plan Guidelines J. Detailed maps of water system improvements,roads,and easements STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 1 -39- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT(STPUD) MASTER SPECIAL USE PERMIT ELD400821 EXHIBIT A Water system improvements under special use permit Area Area (ft^2) (10 (100ft^2 ft width to Other Facilities extra to Map Length of perform Area (Booster Stations, perform Area APN Tile Size of Water Main Main ft work ac Wells, PRVs etc. work ft^2 ac 019-050-10 4 14 Inch PVC 563 5,630 0.13 019-050-15 4 14 Inch PVC 73 730 0.02 019-081-07 4 14 Inch PVC 50 500 0.01 Bollards (0.026 AC) Valhalla Well Site � (0.01 AC) and Red 0 019-081-09 4 14 Inch PVC 496 4,960 0.11 Barn 0.12 AC 6,970 0.16 ' 019-081-10 4 14 Inch PVC 51 510 0.01 023-301-03 10 Size Unknown 176 1,760 0.04 023-522-OS 10 6 Inch Steel With Fire H drant 10 100 0.002 025-071-14 8 19 Inch Steel 1,264 12,640 0.29 025-510-81 6 6 Inch Steel 74 740 0.02 025-510-82 6 6 Inch Steel 81 810 0.02 026-154-02 5 Size Unknown 264 2,640 0.06 026-154-07 5 10 Inch Steel 170 1 700 0.04 027-331-03 1 6 Inch Steel and Fire h drant 10 100 0.002 028-051-12 2 Size Unknown 17 170 0.004 028-162-15 3 6 Inch Steel 116 1,160 0.03 028-280-02 2 Size Unknown 85 850 0.02 028-280-04 2 Size Unknown 80 800 0.02 028-280-07 2 Size Unknown 82 820 0.02 U30-351-01 2 Size Unknown 18 180 0.004 030-352-32 6 6 Inch Steel 120 1,200 0.03 STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 2 030-403-09 3 2x6 Inch Steel 440 4,400 0.10 Note: USFS Owned & Leased by 032-010-01 4 10 Inch PVC 617 6,170 0.14 STPUD Note: USFS Owned & Leased by 032-020-01 4/7 10 Inch PVC 3,571 35,710 0.82 STPUD 032-030-01 7 10 Inch PVC and 6 Inch PVC 3,119 31,190 0.72 032-040-01 9 12 Inch PVC 692 6,920 0.16 Gardner Tanks 1&2 7,841 0.18 032-070-01 12 12 Inch PVC 2,032 20,320 0.47 032-080-01 12 12 Inch PVC 3,645 36,450 0.84 032-130-08 4 14 Inch PVC 887 8,870 0.2 Note: USFS Owned &Leased by 032-130-08 4 10 Inch PVC 1,842 18,420 0.42 STPUD 032-279-22 12 Size Unknown 100 1,000 0.02 033-010-18 13 8 Inch PVC 250 2,500 0.06 033-050-14 14 8 Inch Steel 821 8,210 0.19 ' 033-565-13 13 8 Inch Steel 198 1,980 0.05 � 033-591-02 16 8 Inch Steel 145 1,450 0.03 033-591-03 16 8 Inch Steel 132 1,320 0.03 034-010-18 18 Size Unknown 15 150 0.003 034-020-12 18 10 Inch AC 1,033 10,330 0.24 034-020-29 19 8 Inch Steel 351 3,510 0.08 034-020-30 19 8 Inch Steel 375 3,750 0.09 034-331-32 22 6 Inch AC 66 660 0.02 034-331-33 19 6 Inch AC 395 3,950 0.09 034-392-01 17 8 Inch AC 70 700 0.02 Half of Flagpole 035-010-15 19 10 Inch AC, 81nch AC, and 8 Inch PVC 633 6,330 0.15 Tank 871 0.02 035-010-17 19 6 Inch material unknown 81 810 0.02 035-010-18 19 10 Inch PVC 241 2,410 0.06 035-030-08 20 6 Inch AC 19 190 0.004 035-162-02 19 8 Inch AC 150 1,500 0.03 036-350-21 21 6 Inch material unknown 36 360 0.01 STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 3 036-380-31 21 8 Inch Steel 182 1,820 0.04 036-38U-36 21 8 Inch Steel 60 600 0.01 036-380-37 21 8 Inch Steel 174 1,740 0.04 036-462-OS 22 Blow Off 4 40 0.001 036-563-01 22 6 Inch material unknown 136 1,360 0.03 Pioneer Tr. 11 19" O.D. 1,320 13,200 0.30 Totals: 27 632 276 320 6.37 --- 15 682 0.36 � N STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 4 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT(STPUD) WATER MASTER SPECIAL USE PERMIT ELD400821 EXHIBIT B Water system improvements under easement Map DEED (BOOK Length Area APN Tile AND PAGE FACILITY FT^2 025-442-17 11 1760-540 Water Main 350 3,500 Water Main and Black Bart Booster 025-520-18 11 Shown on Ma Station 66 660 028-162-10 3 833-398 6" Steel 225 2,250 030-380-01 2 Shown on Ma Water Main 334 3,340 032-060-15 3 Shown on Ma Water Main 665 6,650 033-291-06 15 857-440 Water Main 63 630 033-565-11 13 890-667 Water Main 79 790 035-172-14 19 Shown on Ma Water Main 219 2,190 036-611-03 21 Shown on Ma Water Main 341 3,410 Totals: 2,342 23,420 STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 5 -43- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT(STPUD) WATER MASTER SPECIAL USE PERMIT : ELD400821 EXHIBIT C Access routeshoads under special use permit Map Length APN Tile ACCESS VEHICLE INGRESS/EGRESS (ft) 019-050-10 4 From Hwy 89 Over pi eline alignment—Walk in -- 019-050-15 4 From Hwy 89 Over pipeline alignment—Walk in -- 019-081-07 4 From Hwy 89 Over pipeline alignment—Walk in -- 019-081-09 4 From Valhalla Access Road Overland from access road—Walk in -- 019-081-10 4 From Valhalla Access Road Over i eline alignment—Walk in -- Just outside of right of way on edge of pavement or in Pioneer Trail— -- 023-301-03 10 From Eloise Avenue Drive on existing aved street Just outside of right of way on edge of pavement or in Pioneer Trail- -- 023-522-OS 10 From Tucker Avenue Drive on existing paved street Just outside of right of way on edge of pavement or in Pioneer Trail- -- 025-071-14 8 From Pioneer Trail Drive on existing paved street From Frontier Court over pipeline 025-510-81 6 From Frontier Court alignment—Walk in From Frontier Court over pipeline 025-510-82 6 From Frontier Court alignment—Walk in 026-154-02 5 From Sacramento Avenue Over pipeline alignment—Walk in -- 026-154-07 5 From Sacramento Avenue Drive on existing paved street -- On right of way line on Pioneer Trail From Pioneer Trail and and Blackwood Road- Drive on -- 027-331-03 1 Blackwood Road existing paved street On Pipeline Alignment southeast corner of lot- Drive on existing paved -- 028-051-12 2 From Terrace Drive street 028-162-15 3 From Crest Road Over pipeline alignment—Walk in -- Just outside right of way on edge of pavement- Drive on existing paved -- 028-280-02 2 From Donner Lane street Just outside right of way on edge of pavement- Drive on existing paved -- 028-280-04 2 From Donner Lane street Just outside right of way on edge of pavement- Drive on existing paved -- 028-280-07 2 From Donner Lane street STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 6 -44- Over pipeline alignment on southwest comer of parcel -Drive on existing -- 030-351-01 2 From Verdon Lane aved street Just outside right of way on edge of pavement- Drive on existing paved -- 030-352-32 6 From Ski Run Boulevard street 030-370-15 3 From Keller Road Existin Access Road to two tanks 100 030-403-09 3 From Sherman Wa Existin Access Road to tanks 150 030-403-10 3 From Sherman Wa Existin Access Road to tanks 200 Over pipeline alignment from existing Forest Service Roads - Drive on -- 032-010-01 4 From Hi hwa 89 existin access road Over pipeline alignment from existing Forest Service Roads or along Right 3,320 of Way-Drive on existing access 032-020-01 4/7 From Hi hwa 89 road Over pipeline alignment from existing Forest Service Roads or along Right 473 of Way-Drive on existing access 032-030-01 7 From Hi hwa 89 road 032-040-01 9 From Panther Lane Existin Access Road to tank 612 Within Lake Tahoe Boulevard- Drive 032-070-01 12 From Lake Tahoe Boulevard on existin aved street Within Lake Tahoe Boulevard- Drive 032-080-01 12 From Lake Tahoe Boulevard on existin aved street ; Over pipeline alignment from existing Forest Service Roads - Drive on 3,133 032-130-08 4 From Hi hwa 89 existin access road Over Pipeline Alignment just outside right of way- Drive on existing paved -- 032-279-22 12 From D Street street Within Lake Tahoe Boulevard and From Lake Tahoe Boulevard and Boulder Mountain Drive - Drive on -- 033-010-18 13 Boulder Mountain Drive existin aved street On Existing Forest Service Trails and 033-050-14 14 From Washoan Boulevard Roads- Drive on existin access road 033-565-13 13 From Forest Mountain Drive On foot over i eline ali ent 198 Just outside of right of way on edge of pavement- Drive on existing -- 033-591-02 16 From Ara ahoe Drive aved street Just outside of right of way on edge of pavement-Drive on existing -- ` 033-591-03 16 From Ara ahoe Drive aved street At end of paved road just outside of From Chillicothe Street and right of way-Drive on existing paved -- 034-010-18 18 Musho ee Street street STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 7 -45- Over waterline alignment from west 034-020-12 18 From San Bernardino Drive and east to river crossing-Walk in 034-020-29 19 From Highway 50 Over waterline alignment—Walk in -- 034-020-30 19 From Arrowhead Avenue Over waterline alignment—Walk in -- Just outside right of way on edge of pavement-Drive on existing paved -- 034-331-32 22 From Navahoe Drive street From Navahoe Drive or Just outside of Highway 89 right of __ 034-331-33 19 Highway 89 way-Drive on existing paved street Just outside right of way on unimproved county road- Drive on 71 034-392-01 17 From Santa Fe Drive existing aved street Existing Access Road to tank and 2�230 035-010-15 19 From Chiapa Drive over waterline alignment Just outside right of way on edge of From Highway 50 or Chiapa pavement-Drive on existing paved -- 035-010-17 19 Drive street 035-010-18 19 From North Upper Truckee Drive Over ipeline alignment—Walk in -- At end of paved road just outside of right of way- Drive on existing paved -- 035-030-08 20 From Shakori Drive street Over Pipeline alignment on south __ 035-162-02 19 From Tolteca Way pro erty line—Walk in At end of paved road just outside of right of way- Drive on existing paved -- 036-350-21 21 From Egret Way street Over Pipeline Alignment from North property line-Drive on existing -- 036-380-31 21 From Highway 89 paved street 036-380-36 21 From Highway 89 Over pipeline alignment—Walk in -- 036-380-37 21 From Highway 89 Over pipeline ali nment—Walk in -- Just outside of right of way line- __ 036-462-OS 22 From South Upper Truckee Drive Drive on existing paved street Over pipeline alignment on foot— _ 036-563-01 22 From Portal Drive Walk in In Pioneer Trail—Drive on existing Pioneer Tr. 11 From Pioneer Trail paved street Totals: 10,487 STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 8 -46- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT(STPUD) WATER MASTER SPECIAL USE PERMIT ELD400821 EXHIBIT D Access routes/roads under easement Map DEED (BOOK APN Tile AND PAGE ACCESS Overland from Copper Way on Easement along 025-442-17 11 1760-540 ro e line Access Over Waterline and To Booster Station from 025-520-18 11 Shown on Ma Black Bart Ave 028-162-10 3 833-398 Over Pi eline Ali ent from Saddle Rd. ' Over Pipeline Alignment from Ski Run Blvd. Line just 030-380-01 2 Shown on Ma outside of ci of South Lake Tahoe ri ht of wa . 032-060-15 13 Shown on Ma Over Pipeline Alignment Overland along Eastem property line from Cherry 033-291-06 15 857-440 Hills Circle Line in Access Road on easement from adjacent ' 033-565-11 13 890-667 ro erties � 035-172-14 19 Shown on Ma Overland alon northern ro ert line from Chia a Overland along eastem and then northem property 036-611-03 21 Shown on Ma lines from Han Street STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 9 -47- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT(STPUD) WATER MASTER SPECIAL USE PERMIT ELD400821 EXHIBIT E ROAD USE AND MAINTENANCE GUIDELiNES These guidelines are to assure STPUD and the Forest Service that construction and maintenance activities associated with this permit are carried out in accordance with current standards and practices and that proposed work activities and work standards are reviewed and agreed upon prior to commencement of work. The purpose of this agreement is to set forth the general terms and conditions, acceptable to the parties hereto, for the cooperative planning, survey, design, construction, reconstruction, improvement and maintenance of certain roads within the boundaries of the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit. Coordination: STPUD and the Forest Service shall each designate a coordinator to review road use and proposed maintenance on roads and agree on specific details of each project. The - coordinators will also review completed work to assure the management that the objectives of both parties are being met. The following summarizes activities on which STPUD and the Forest Service will cooperate: A. Agree that certain roads under the jurisdiction of STPUD or the Forest Service, which serve the National Forest, should be maintained and, if necessary, improved to a standard adequate to mitigate environmental effects and accommodate safely and economically all traffic which uses such roads. Plans for maintaining roads listed in Exhibit C will be discussed at the annual meeting provided for in item D5. B. Provide for formal meetings and informal consultation on a regular basis to discuss and agree on action with respect to the roads identified pursuant to item 5. C. Provide for regular and adequate maintenance of the roads identified in item 5, including assignment of maintenance responsibilities. D. Provide for entering into project agreements when improvements of a road under the jurisdiction of one party is to be financed in whole or in part from funds or resources provided by the other party. 1. Identification of Roads. A list of roads and segments of roads which meet the criteria set forth in item DS is agreed upon and is attached(Exhibit C) as part of this agreement. Exhibit C may be modified by agreement between STPUD and the Forest Service, by adding or removing roads or road segments, or by altering the description of a road or road segments, to give it proper identity. A revised Exhibit C bearing the signatures of each party, or their authorized representatives, and the effective date of the revision shall indicate each such modification. These roads will be classified as follows: .�� — STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 10 -48- a. Access routes/roads under special use permit b. Access routes/roads under easement by STPUD Any road listed in Exhibit C and D accessed through a Forest Service gate, shall contain a STPUD lock to ensure proper access. 2. Maintenance Plans. At the annual meeting provided for in item D5, plans for maintaining the roads listed in Exhibit C will be agreed upon. Such plans shall include assignment of responsibility for maintenance or particular elements of maintenance to the cooperator or Forest Service for each road or segment of road listed in Exhibit C. To the extent practical, and subject to availability of funds, responsibility for maintenance shall be assigned in proportion to use for which each party is properly responsible. Maintenance shall include preserving the roads,including structures and related facilities, in their original condition, as constructed or reconstructed, to provide resource protection, and to maintain road characteristics as defined in the Forest Service Road Maintenance Objectives.Newly disturbed areas (i.e. reconstructed/constructed lead off ditches, sediment basins, waterbars, etc.) shall be approved by the Forest Service prior to disturbance,and shall be stabilized according to the California Stormwater Quality Association(CASQA)Construction BMP Handbook. Maintenance plans shall provide for prompt changes in maintenance assignments during the period of the plan upon agreement by the parties or their designated representatives. Public safery will be the responsibility of the entity performing the maintenance work. 3. Project Agreements. Improvement of a road or investigation of whether an unauthorized road is to become a classified road, listed in Exhibit C is to be financed in whole or in part from funds or resources provided by the party not having jurisdiction, the parties shall enter into a project agreement providing for performing the improvement work and its financing. A project agreement is not required for improvement of a road or road segment over which the party performing and financing such improvement has jurisdiction. Project agreements shall be supplemental to this general agreement and subject to the agreements,provisions, and conditions herein contained. A. A project agreement shall be entered into prior to beginning of improvement or construction work for which a project agreement is required. B. The project agreement shall include the following elements: i. Identification of road or road segment to be improved or evaluated for classified status. ii. Plans and specifications for the project or provision for their development and subsequent agreement thereon. STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 11 -49- iii. Schedule of construction or improvement work and designation of the party or parties to perform the work. ' iv. Estimates of cost of improvement or construction. v. Agreement as to how cost of work is to be borne including arrangements to share in the work or to deposit funds with the performing party for a share of the costs. C. If cost recovery funds are provided by STPUD for work to be performed by the Forest Service, they shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States. Any unused balance of cooperative funds for the purposes outlined in the project agreement shall be returned to STPUD after completion of the work performed or upon agreement of the Forest Service. The amount of the cooperative funds as set forth in the project agreement shall be the maximum commitment of the cooperator to the project unless changed by a modification of the project agreement. D. Public safety will be the responsibility of the entity performing the improvement work. 4. Easements: if an easement owned by STPUD does not include access to the area covered by the easement, this access will be outlined in the special use permit. 5. Annual Meetin�and Continuing Consultation. STPUD and the Forest Service shall meet at least once each year, in November, to review matters covered by this agreement and to agree on actions to implement this agreement including,but not limited to approval of the following: : a. changes in the listing of roads on Exhibit C; b. the annual maintenance plan; c. project agreements for construction or reconstruction; and d. transfer of jurisdiction of particular roads by easement conveyance. It is also the intent of the parties to arrange for continuing consultation between their representatives with the objective of reaching agreement by the parties on all matters of mutual concern that are covered by this agreement. The Forest Supervisor of the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit for the Forest Service or their designee and the General Manager for the cooperator or their designee shall be responsible for arranging for formal meetings and continuing consultation. 6. Modification and Termination. A. This agreement may be modified by mutual consent. STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 12 -50- B. This agreement may be terminated by either party upon at least 60 days prior written notice, except that such termination shall in no way affect or change any commitment made authorizing the use of roads or rights-of-way for purposes for which Federal funds were expended, or any operation in progress at time of notice, and provided that such termination shall in no way affect the agreement of the parties hereto with respect to any obligations incurred under the agreement until a full settlement has been made. 7. Miscellaneous. A. It is understood that any default by a permittee or other authorized road user creates no liability on the part of the Forest Service. B. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to obligate the Forest Service or STPUD beyond the extent of available funds allocated or programmed for any work, or contrary to applicable laws, rules and regulations. C. Where applicable, any contract, agreement,or understanding entered into pursuant to this agreement providing for work to be performed shall include the requirements of Federal laws, Executive orders, and Regulations. 8. South Tahoe Public Utilitv District agrees to: A. Repair all road surfaces damaged by their operations or replace gates, barriers, signs, or other Forest Service property damaged by their operations. B. Walk into sensitive areas to check for problems. Vehicle access may occur for emergency purposes only, such as cleaning out large debris or repairing lines. C. Maintain roads they have responsibility for,as stated in Exhibit C and this plan. Maintenance of roads shall be focused on resource protection, including preserving all drainage structures, barriers, gates, and road characteristics such as cross sections and existing surface types. Control of surface erosion and enhancement of water quality are primary concerns. D. Coordinate the use and maintenance of nonsystem/decommissioned roads with the Forest Service. When no longer using these, decompact, stabilize(mulch), and camouflage the area with approved materials. When these roads are still needed, camouflage the area with approved materials and install and maintain natural barriers where needed to restrict public vehicular access. E. Install Forest Service approved gates on roads that are only used for STPUD improvements; doing this will create less damage from use by the general public. These gates will be installed on an as-needed basis and shall be discussed at the annual meeting provided for in item D5. STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 13 -51- F. Install and maintain their own locking system on gated roads listed in Exhibit C, being careful not to damage, remove or lock out Forest Service or other locking systems. Return all Forest Service keys issued to STPUD employees to the Supervisor's Office. G. Notify the LTBMU Hazardous Materials Coordinator as soon as possible when spills or other hazardous events occur. H. Notify the LTBMU Lands Department as soon as possible when emergency responses occur. I. Implement temporary construction Best Management Practices(BMPs)and runoff control measures on construction,maintenance, or emergency repair sites with the objective of preventing the discharge of degraded runoff water on all ground disturbing activities. 9. Forest Service a re� es to: A. Maintain roads that they have responsibility for, as stated in Exhibit C and this plan. B. Cooperate with STPUD on emergency water system repair work and subsequent access road repair. C. Provide support on the proper implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to ensure temporary and permanent resource protection. STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 14 -52- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC LJTILITY DISTRICT(STPUD) WATER MASTER SPECIAL USE PERMIT ELD400821 EXHIBIT F RESOURCE PROTECTION GUIDELINES These guidelines specify the various measures to be taken by South Tahoe Public Utility District (STPUD) to protect,restore, or enhance National Forest natural resources and prevent erosion damage during installation and maintenance of water system improvements. Landscapin Ve eg tation 1. Vegetation removal shall be performed only when necessary and in a manner that maximizes preservation of natural beauty, conservation of natural resources, and prevents marring and scarring of the landscape or silting of streams. 2. Vegetation removal shall be limited to that material which poses an immediate hazard to the water system improvements, is required by law to be removed, or is required for the construction and maintenance thereof. The Forest Service must approve all clearing in - writing in advance. Reference Exhibit C for water improvement ingress and egress. 3. The use of"brush blades" instead of dirt blades on bulldozers is recommended in clearing operations where such use will preserve the cover crop of grass, low growing brush, etc. 4. Soil that has been excavated during construction and not used shall be evenly backfilled onto the cleared area, or removed from site, at the discretion of the Forest Service. If soil is to remain, it shall be graded to conform to the terrain and the adjacent land. Soil would not be placed or left in the watercourse or wetland areas or left in a manner that it could access the watercourse or wetland or impede overland flow. 5. Bare soil will be stabilized with invasive species free mulch. 6. Replacement of earth adjacent to water crossings for access roads should be at slopes less than the normal angle of repose for the soil type involved. Seeding and mulching should be accomplished without undue delay. 7. Trees, shrubs, grasses, natural features and topsoil that are not removed will be protected from damage during construction. 8. All trenches for buried water improvements will be backfilled and compacted, and slightly crowned to provide for drainage. STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 15 -53- Erosion Control Erosion control and prevention of sediment transport will be implemented in accordance with UDSA, Water Quality Management for Forest System Lands in California-Best Management Practices,or any supplements thereafter. The Forest Hydrologist or Soils Specialist may consider any or all of the erosion control measures outlined in the above referenced document as an appropriate and applicable requirement, on a site-specific basis. The following are examples of commonly implemented and minimal erosion control measures: 1. All proposed roads, trails, and trenches will be staked on the ground and approved by the Forest Service prior to construction. 2. Erosion problems attributed to the construction or maintenance of existing lines will be resolved as soon as possible and subsequent follow-up action initiated as needed to prevent or correct deterioration of the site. ' 3. Temporary roads and/or cleared right-of-way routes used for access will be decompacted, seeded, mulched, and barricaded immediately after they have served their intended purpose unless otherwise approved by the Forest Service. Water bars shall be installed on rights-of-way or temporary roads at appropriate intervals dependent on slope. 4. Cross drains and other erosion control devices will be constructed where necessary to prevent erosion along rights-of-way or temporary access routes. Cross drains will be constructed for every 20 feet change in elevation at an angle of approximately 20-30 degrees to the centerline and will extend to a minimum depth of 12 inches into mineral soil. 5. Areas of soil disturbance favorable to revegetation on which groundcover has been destroyed will be reveaetated to grass or other suitable vegetation when deemed necessary by the Forest Service. This determination will be made on an area or project basis. 6. When required, stabilization of"bare" soil by tilling and reseeding will be accomplished in accordance with all or a combination of the following procedures as specified by the Forest Service. a. Sequence of Treatment On each area to be reseeded, the site will be seeded, then the seed will be covered by raking or dragging and spreading mulch. b. Seeding Seeding will be done at a time of the year, in a manner, and with the species which the Forest Service considers offer the best chance of success. Seeding prescriptions (type of seed to be used and rate of application, etc.) will be prepared on a project basis with respect to and in consideration of site conditions. c. Mulching Seeded areas shall be uniformly covered with weed-free rice straw or other suitable mulch, spread at a rate of two tons per acre, or manufacturer's recommended rate. STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 16 -54- Biological Resources Biological resource design features are elements of the project applied in treatment areas. These features were developed based on Forest Plan direction and site-specific evaluations in order to reduce or avoid negative impacts of the project. Biological resource project design features associated with this project include the following: 1. Control invasive plants • An invasive plant prevention plan will be submitted by STPUD to the Forest Service every five years, with the operating plan. A USFS botanist or ecologist must approve the plan before work can be performed. • Clean all equipment that is to be used for water system improvement maintenance before they enter the National Forest and if they come from areas known to be infested with invasive-exotic plants. Ensure equipment is free of soil, seeds, vegetative material, or other debris that could contain or hold seeds of non-native invasive species. Equipment is considered clean when visual inspection does not reveal soil, seeds,plant material,or other such debris. • Ensure that all plant material used for erosion control and/or road maintenance is invasive plant free,use invasive plant"weed free"certified rice straw or other approved materials. Copies of invasive plant free certifications will be provided to the USFS • If gravel is needed for road repair or to prevent further road damage,utilize gravel from Forest Service approved gravel sources_ Gravel sources will be pre-inspected by the county agricultural inspector or a USFS botanist or ecologist for the presence/absence of invasive plants prior to utilization of gravel from those sources. If an inspector is not available STPUD will provide an invasive plant free certificate for the gravel • When working in areas known to harbor non-native invasive species, equipment shall be cleaned at a washing station before moving to other National Forest Service system lands. • Staging areas for equipment, materials, or crews will not be situated in areas infested by non-native invasive species. Areas containing non-native invasive species should be "flagged and avoided"before implementation. Contact the USFS invasive plants coordinator before project implementation so the area to be avoided can be flagged. GIS layers showing the locations of the work will be sent to the Forest Service in advance of s the work. � Minimize the amount of ground and vegetation disturbance in construction areas. Reestablish vegetation where feasible on disturbed bare ground to minimize non-native invasive species establishment and infestation. Revegetation is especially important in staging areas. • Utilize locally collected native seed sources when possible. Seed mixes must be approved by a USFS botanist or ecologist. Plant and seed material should be collected from or near the project area, from within the same watershed,and at a similar elevation when possible. • GIS layers showing the locations of the work will be sent to the Forest Service in advance of work. STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 17 -55- 2. Avoid or minimize impacts on threatened, endangered, Forest Service sensitive, or TRPA special-interest plant species. . For any inspection or maintenance activities of facilities along the Lake Tahoe shoreline, including beaches,back beaches,dunes, lagoons, and back lagoons, stream mouths, and edge of Lake Tahoe, the area will be surveyed prior to any activities by a professional botanist, and if Tahoe yellow cress is found, it will be flagged and avoided. This survey can be conducted just prior to visitation so that flagging will not need to remain on the landscape and attract the attention of the public. • If there are known threatened, endangered, or sensitive plant species or invasive plants present within 100 feet of water improvement maintenance activities then a USFS botanist or ecologist will need to be notified prior to implementation so that the plants can be flagged and avoided. • Sensitive plants and sensitive plant habitat will be protected by identification and avoidance. Known occurrences and appropriate buffers will be flagged so that direct and indirect impacts to those areas can be avoided. . When sensitive or watch list plant species occur within the road surface and cannot be avoided, maintenance activities may need to be planned when roads are dry and plants have completed the flowering stage. A consultation with a USFS botanist or ecologist would be required to agree on site access and timing. . In new project areas, sensitive plants surveys will be completed in advance of the project. 3. Ensure updated plant surveys are used. Plant surveys will be reviewed to protect sensitive species and to prevent the spread of invasive plants. If a current plant survey(controlled: within 5 years, cursory: within 2 years) is not available, a protocol-level threatened endangered, Forest Service sensitive, or TRPA special-interest plant species survey will be conducted. . Recommended in areas with known locations of sensitive species and where an action is proposed. • Recommended in areas where no surveys have been conducted. • The size of the area surveyed would follow the requirements specified in survey protocols. At times, the USFS may determine that protocol-level surveys are not necessary for a specific location if survey results are still valid from recently conducted protocol-level surveys. In areas that are not known to support sensitive species, general surveys are recommended before any proposed action. General surveys would include, at a minimum, a desktop(GIS) evaluation of habitat as well as a reconnaissance-level survey of the habitat quality. Surveys can be conducted by the USFS or a contractor hired by STPUD. If a contractor is hired, all work will be reviewed by the USFS. 4. Avoid or minimize impacts to federally threatened or endangered, LTBMU sensitive, or TRPA special interest wildlife species. Any detection of federally threatened or endangered, LTBMU sensitive, or TRPA special interest wildlife species or of nests, dens, roost sites, or other areas of concentrated use(e.g., perch or plucking post)by these species, before or during maintenance activities, within or STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 18 -56- from the project area, will be reported to a USFS wildlife biologist and protected as directed in the Forest Plan. 5. Protocol-level wildlife surveys. Recommended in areas with known locations of sensitive species and where action is proposed. The size of the area surveyed would follow the requirements specified in survey protocols. At times,the USFS may determine that protocol-level surveys are not necessary for a specific location if surveys results are still valid from recently conducted protocol-level surveys. In areas that are not known to support sensitive species, general surveys are recommended before any proposed action. General surveys would include, at a minimum, a desktop(GIS evaluation of habitat(i.e., California Wildlife Habitat Relationship data) as well as a reconnaissance-level survey of the habitat quality. Surveys can be conducted by the USFS or a contractor hired by STPUD. If a contractor is hired, all work will be reviewed by the USFS. • GIS layers showing the locations of the work will be sent to the Forest Service in advance of work. • Surveys within a 50-foot corridor defined as being 25 feet from the centerline of the water main can be conducted by the Forest Service or a contractor hired by STPUD. If the Forest Service conducts surveys,cost recovery fees may apply. 6. Implement limited operating periods. To avoid or minunize disturbance to breeding activities and suitable habitat of species, limited operating periods(LOPs) will be implemented around nests,dens, roost sites,and other areas of concentrated use(e.g., Protected Activity Centers)by these species as directed in the Forest Plan. LOPs limit the type, spatial extent, and timing of project activities permitted. Limitations to the types of project work that may be conducted during a LOP and the spatial extent of the LOP are to be determined by a USFS wildlife biologist and are rypically based upon the potential of the activity to disturb relevant federally threatened or endangered, LTBMiJ sensitive, or TR.PA special interest species. 7. Lahontan Cutthroat Trout. Coordinate annually with a USFS fisheries biologist to review the Annual Maintenance Plan. The fisheries biologist may need to be on site during implementation, as determined through annual coordination, and/or provide additional site-specific design features to avoid direct or indirect impacts to threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout(LCT)or Sierra Nevada yellow- legged frog or implement elements (e.g. large woods debris in pools)of their habitats. Site- specific environmental site assessment consultation for LCT may be needed if impacts to LCT cannot be avoided. 8. STPUD Coordination. STPUD will coordinate with a USFS wildlife biologist at 530-543-2600 for any questions regarding sensitive wildlife species, including but not limited to survey needs and LOPs, identification of sensitive species,and reporting of any dead or injured wildlife species and their location. STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 19 -57- Limited O eratin Periods REASON FOR LIMITED OPERATING PERIOD AND IMPACTED ACTIVITIES ADJUSTMENTS RESTRICTION ALLOWED Bald eagle October 15 through March 15 (LRMP)-restricted recreational access and None except for wintering area: management activities;no habitat manipulation within mapped wintering habitat Baldwin/Taylor (TRPA Code,Ch. 78). emergency situations &Pope Marshes Bald eagle nest March 1 through August 31-no habitat manipulation within'/z mile of the nest Surveys confirm site site(TRPA Code,Ch.78),unless surveys confirm that bald eagles are not nesting. no nesting or occupancy Golden eagle nest March 1 through July 31-no habitat manipulation within '/mile of nests(TRPA TRPA code,Ch. site Code,Ch. 78),unless surveys confirm that golden eagles are not nesting. 78 March 1 through August 15-no habitat manipulation within '/ mile of the nest Surveys confirm Osprey nest site site(TRPA Code,Ch.78),unless surveys confirm that osprey are not nesting no nesting or occu ancy April 1 through July 31 (LRMP)-restricted recreational acrivity(rock climbing) TRPA code,Ch. Peregrine falcon on nesting cliffs;no habitat manipulation within '/mile of nests(TRPA Code,Ch. nest site �g��unless surveys confirm that peregrine falcons are not nesting. �g February 15 through September 15(SNFPA 2004)-no vegetation treatments SNFPA S&G#75, Northern (timber thinning,prescribed fire,restoration,road or trail building)within '/<mile of #77,&TRPA goshawk PAC the nest site;no habitat manipulation within`/z mile of each nest site,unless surveys approval confinn that northern oshawks are not nestin (TRPA Code,Ch. 78). ' March 1 through August 15 (SNFPA 2004)-no vegetation treatments(timber SNFPA S&G#75 California spotted thinning,prescribed fire,restoration,road or trail building)within '/mile of the ' owl PAC activity center,unless surveys confirm that Califomia spotted owls are not nesting. #77,&#78 Great gray owl March 1 through August 15 (SNFPA 2004)-no vegetation treatment or road SNFPA S&G#83 PAC construction within '/<mile of an active great gray owl nest stand. Willow June 1 through August 31 (SNFPA 2004)-no timber thinning,prescribed fire, flycatcher nest restoration,grazing,utilities work,road or trail building in suitable habitat around SNFPA S&G#62 site active nest March 1 through June 30(LRMP)-manage suitable wetlands for low levels of pope Beach opens Waterfowl human disturbance(except Pope Beach recreation site,which may be opened on Memorial Day beginning Memorial Day weekend);harassment by dogs must be controlled. American marten May 1 through July 31 (SNFPA 2004)-no vegetation treatments(timber thinning, SNFPA S&G#88 den site rescribed fire,restoration,road or trail building)within'/z mile Pacific fisher den March 1 through June 30(SNFPA 2004)-no site vegetation treatments(timber SNFPA S&G#85 site thinning,prescribed fire,restoration,road or trail buildin )within'/z mile. May 1 through August 31 (RS bat coordinator)-no habitat manipulation or other Townsend's big- activity that could create a noise disturbance within a minimum of 300 feet of roost Surveys confirm eared bat sites;unless surveys confirm that bats are not present;no buming near a roost site bats not present unless surveys confirm bats are not present or it can be guaranteed that smoke will not enter the roost. LRIVIP—Land and resource management plan,1988. U.S.Department of Agriculture,Forest Service,Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit. The normal operating period for ground disturbing in the Lake Tahoe Basin is from May 1 to October I 5. The normal operating period for ground disturbing activities in the stream environment zone is from July l 5 to October I 5. Pile buming and over the snow mechanical treatments may occur during the winter. TRPA— T'ahoe Regional Planning Agency SNFPA—Sierra Nevada forest plan amendment,January 2004. Final supplemental environmental impact statement,record of decision. U.S.Department of Agriculture,Forest Service,Pacific southwest region,Vallejo,CA. S&G— standard and guidelines PAC— Protected activity center RS bat coordinator—Linda Angerer,region S bat coordinator. Recommended conserva[ion measures provided to LTBMU following identification of Townsend's big-eared bat in the Basin. STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 20 -58- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT(STPUD) WATER MASTER SPECIAL USE PERMIT ELD400821 EXHIBIT F TREE/SLASH REMOVAL AND PRUNING GUIDELINES STPUD will conduct operations in a manner to protect the National Forest System lands and resources near the water system improvements as well as ensure the safety of the water system improvements. These guidelines address activities having to do with vegetation management, including the impact of such management on public safety and recreation and scenic enjoyment of the National Forest, and protecting the natural watershed conditions in the water line corridors while providing for the continued and safe use of the subject corridors by STPUD. Areas of special concern are the protection and avoidance of fragile areas (such as marshes, sh-eam zones, etc.)when accessing the area, falling, skidding,decking,hauling timber, and cleaning up slash. STPUD will notify the Forest Service of planned vegetation treatments, no later than November of the year prior to the planned activities. The vegetation plan will specify the area where tree pruning, tree cutting, or vegetation removal is to be done, the trees that will be removed or pruned,and the method of disposal of trees and slash resulting from the water line clearing. The Forest Service will review proposed work and issue a notice to proceed once the review is completed. No vegetation management work may proceed(except in emergency cases)until a notice to proceed is issued to STPUD by the Forest Service. The Forest Service will also review completed work to assure the management objective of both parties were met. All vegetation management activities of STPUD and its subcontractors will be carried out in a manner that does not interfere with natural hydrologic processes or increase fire hazard. STPUD will specify what types of equipment will be utilized,and mirigation measures. This is particularly critical where streams and other areas of critical concern are encountered such as marshes and meadows. It is essential to realize that motorized vehicle access is not necessary in all areas. If helicopters are proposed to be used during vegetation management, a safety plan will be submitted to the Forest Service, and approved before implementation commences. General Guidelines for Vegetation Management Activities: • All activities involving tree trimming or tree removal, clearing and slash disposal on National Forest will be coordinated between STPUD, subcontractors, and the Forest Service. • All activities involving tree trimming or vegetation removal will comply with the Fire Prevention Guidelines(Exhibit H). • Trees proposed for trimming,pruning or topping should maintain at least 30% live crown or be considered for removal when less than 30% live crown cannot be retained. STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 21 -59- • All trees to be cut will be marked and cruised by the Forest Service prior to cutting. In the event that the Forest Service disagrees with the need to remove an individual tree, STPUD will be notified,the tree will not be marked for removal, and other options such as topping or pruning may be agreed upon. • Stumps of green trees larger than 12"dbh(diameter at breast height)will be treated with : sporax and dye within four hours of cutting to prevent the spread of Fornes Anosus root rot disease. A Forest Service or STPUD certified pesticide applicator must be present when sporax is applied. • All trees cut by STPUD shall have a maximum stump height of 6"on the high side of the stump or 4"above an obstacle. • Timber may be disposed of in the following ways: 1. Merchantable timber may be sold to STPUD at the prevailing minimum stumpage rate as determined by a Standard Rate Appraisal. The Forest Service will issue a separate permit for cutting and removing merchantable trees. A permit must be issued prior to the Notice to Proceed. 2. Merchantable timber may be retained and disposed of by the Forest Service in a method and place mutually agreeable by STPUD and the Forest Service. Locations for decking of inerchantable timber and resource protection measures for skidding, forwarding and processing will be agreed upon prior to issuance of a Notice to Proceed. • Treatment of Cut Material and Activity Fuels 1. All cut material will be treated by STPUD in a manner that is acceptable to the Forest Service. It is preferable for all cut merchantable material to be either removed from National Forest by STPUD under permit or to be made accessible ` for disposal by the Forest Service. In areas where slope, limited access or other environmental conditions prevent removal of inerchantable material, cut material may be left as downed logs if agreed upon in advance. In areas where access prevents removal of cut material, STPUD should avoid, to the extent possible, cutting green merchantable trees and should instead prune or top whenever feasible. 2. All non-merchantable material will be treated by STPUD in a manner acceptable to the Forest Service The Forest Service standard for acceptable fuel loading is < 10 tons per acre, except for in stream environment zones(SEZs) and wildlife protected activity centers (PACs), where the acceptable fuel loading is 15 tons per acre. Acceptable treahnents for non-merchantable materials are: A. Chip and/or remove. This is the preferred method for treatment of non- merchantable materials whenever access allows. Where chip materials remain on site, chip depth must be<4"and be evenly dispersed across the forest floor. No chip material will be permitted within SEZs. STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 22 -60- B. Lop and Scatter. Lop and scatter of non-merchantable materials will only be p�rmitted in areas where activity fuels are lightly distributed across the landscape and where retention of activity fuels does not exceed tons per acre standards for acceptable fuel loading. When lop and scatter is permitted, all material less than 10"diameter and greater than 3 feet in length must be lopped and scattered, treated slash depth will not exceed 8". Where feasible,within the immediate foreground(up to 150 ft.) of highly visible areas (i.e. residential areas, major roadways, recreational improvements and trails), remove excess slash. STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 23 -61- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC LJTILITY DISTRICT(STPUD) WATER MASTER SPECIAL USE PERMTT ELD400821 EXHIBIT H FIRE PREVENTION GUIDELiNES (Ref: FSH 6309.32 and 6309.11) ' The provisions set forth below outline the responsibility for fire prevention activities within the permit area and specify conditions under which project activities will be curtailed or shut down. STPUD: 1. Shall abide by the requirements of these Fire Prevention Guidelines. ' 2. Shall take all steps necessary to prevent their employees and subcontractors from setting fires, shall be responsible for preventing the escape of fires set directly or indirectly as a result of permit operations, and shall extinguish all such fires which may escape. 3. STPUD shall certify compliance with specific fire precautionary measures in these Guidelines before beginning operations during the Fire Precautionary Period, and shall update such certification when operations change. Forest Service: The Forest Service may conduct one or more inspections for compliance with these Guidelines. The number, timing,and scope of such inspections will be at the discretion of the Forest Service. Such inspections do not relieve STPUD of responsibility for correcting violations of these Guidelines or for fire safety in general, as outlined above. ' Fire Precautionarv Period STPUD shall comply with the following requirements during the Fire Precautionary Period(fire season) as defined by the Forest Service unless waived in writing: The Fire Precautionary Period is June 1 to October 15. If the weather pattern creates significant risk of fire, the precautionary period may be extended. STPUD shall equip each operating vehicle and any other internal combustion engine with a spark arrester, except for motor vehicles equipped with a maintained muffler as defined in California Public Resources Code(CPRC) Section 4442. Spark arresters shall be a model tested and maintained in good operating condition. Trucks, tractors,pickups and other similar mobile equipment shall be equipped with and carry at all times a shovel and a pound a�c/pulaski or larger. Each vehicle shall be equipped with a fire extinguisher for oil and grease fires. General Information A. Smoking and Fire Rules. Smoking shall not be permitted during fire season, except in a barren area or in an area cleared to mineral soil at least three feet in diameter. Under no STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 24 -62- circumstances shall smoking be perxnitted during fire season while employees are operating light or heavy equipment,or walking or working in grass and woodlands. B. Storage and Parking Areas. Equipment service areas,parking areas, and gas and oil storage areas shall be cleared of all flammable material for a radius of at least 10 feet unless otherwise specified by local administrative unit. Small mobile or stationary internal combustion engine sites shall be cleared of flammable material for a slope distance of at least 10 feet from such engine. C. Welding or cutting of inetal. STPUD shall confine welding activity to cleared areas having a minimum radius of 10 feet measured from place of welding. An additional permit is required for these activities. D. Blasting. STPUD shall use electric caps only unless otherwise agreed in writing. When blasting is necessary in slash areas, a watchperson equipped with a shovel and a filled backpack can(4 or 5 gallon)with a hand pump shall remain in the immediate area for an hour after blasting has been completed. An additional permit is required for this activity. E. Oil Filter and Glass Jugs. STPUD shall remove from National Forest lands oily rags and used oil filters and shall prohibit use of glass bottles and jugs in STPUD's operations. F. Reporting Fires. As soon as feasible but no later than 15 minutes after initial discovery, STPUD shall notify the Forest Service of any fires in the operations area or along roads used by STPUD. Fires must be reported whether or not they are successfully extinguished by STPUD. G. Communications.A communications system shall be operable during STPUD's Operations in the Fire Precautionary Period and during the time fire patrolperson service is required. REPORTING ALL WILD FIRES A. STPUD's employees shall report all fires as soon as possible but no later than 15 minutes after initial discovery to any of the following Forest Service facilities and personnel listed below: Name Tele hone Emer enc 911 Dis atch Center Camino 530-642-5170 Forest Su ervisor 530-543-2600 Permit Administrator 530-543-2600 Fire Mana ement Officer 530-543-2631 When reporting a fire, provide the following information: Your name Call back telephone number Project name Location, including legal description(Township, Range, Section)or GPS location (Latitude/Longitude) Descriptive location(Reference point) Fire Information: size, rate of spread,wind conditions, access,hazazds to personnel STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 25 -63- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT(STPUD) WATER MASTER SPECIAL USE PERMIT' ELD400821 EXHIBIT I 5-YEAR OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE PLAN GUIDELINES : STPUD will prepare and submit to the Forest Service an operations and maintenance plan every five years. This plan must be approved by the Forest Service. This plan will, at a minimum, include the following components: ; 1. Overall activities for operations and maintenance 2. Proposed construction such as relocation of water lines 3. Erosion control plan 4. Standards for tree and vegetation removal 5. Standards for pruning 6. Maintenance of vegetation 7. Hazardous spill prevention,control, and notification : 8. Hazardous materials handling 9. Emergency protocols; definition of emergency, incident notification 10. Fire prevention and control plan 11. Noxious weed prevention plan 12. Wildlife protection 13. Procedures for notifying the Forest Service of archaeological, wildlife or plant discoveries 14. Use of helicopters(safety plan with be submitted with project plan) 15. Sensitive plan species protection 16. Operations within stream environment zones 17. Cultural resources 18. Work in recreation areas a. Advance notice of projects b. Public safety c. Avoid disrupting recreation activities 19. Contact information � -- STPUD water master permit exhibits Page 26 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL April 2, 2015 Payroll 3/17/2015 376,932.04 Total Payroll 376,932.04 ADP & Insight eTools 0.00 AFLAC/WageWorks claims and fees 2,302.44 BBVA Compass Bank 0.00 BHFS legal services 0.00 CDS health care payments 3,415.61 Totai Vendor EFT 5,718.05 Accounts Payable Checks-Sewer Fund 516,708.79 Accounts Payable Checks-Water Fund 134,001.02 Accounts Payable Checks-Grants Fund 0.00 Total Accounts Payable 650,709.81 Grand Total 1,033,359.90 Pavroll EFTs & Checks 3/17/2015 EFT CA Employment Taxes & W/H 16,602.43 EFT Federal Employment Taxes & W/H 93,281.16 EFT CaIPERS Contributions 28,893.89 EFT Great West Deferred Comp 21,728.45 EFT Stationary Engineers Union Dues 2,452.12 EFT Retirement Health Savings 0.00 EFT United Way Contributions 195.00 EFT Employee Direct Deposits 209,167.97 CHK Employee Garnishments 1,104.45 CHK Employee Paychecks 3,506.57 Tota/ 376,932.04 -65- PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Proi Name Descrl tn lon Acct#/ProJ Code Am9!!IIt Check Num Tvoe A-L SIERRA WELDING PRODUCTS HEAVY MAINT SMALL TOOLS 1004-6073 269.54 Check Total: 269.54 AP-0009001s MW ACWA/JPIA GEN&ADMIN ACWA MED INS PAY 1000-2514 193,640.07 ACWA/JPIA GEN&ADMIN VISION INS 1000-2530 2,720.90 Check Total: 196.360.97 AP-00090019 MW AFLAC GEN&ADMIN SUPP INS W/H 1000-2532 695.30 Check Total: 695.30 AP-00090020 MW ALLTIZER POWDER COATING PUMPS RPR/MNTC WTR TKS 2002-6054 391.71 Check Total: 391.71 AP-00090021 MW ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE GEN 8 ADMIN OFC SUPPLY ISSUE 1000-6081 261.00 Check Total: 261.00 AP-00090022 MW AMER TRAFFIC SAFETY UNDERGROUND REP DUES/MEMB/CERT 2001-6250 130.00 Check Total: 130.00 AP-00090023 MW AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SERVICES GEN&ADMIN UNIFORM PAYABLE 1000-2518 1,256.52 Check Total: 1,256.52 AP-00090024 MW I P�TECHNOLOGY FINANCE SERVICE CONTRACT 1039-6030 122.50 AP TECHNOLOGY FINANCE SERVICE CONTRACT 2039-6030 122.50 Check Total: 245.00 AP-00090013 MW ARCE,DANIEL LABORATORY TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1007-6200 65.98 ARCE,DANIEL LABORATORY TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2007-6200 65.97 Check Total: 131.85 AP-00090025 MW AT&T/CALNET 3 GEN 8 ADMIN TELEPHONE 1000-6310 320.96 AT&T/CALNET 3 GEN 8�ADMIN TELEPHONE 2000-6310 320.95 Check Total: 641.91 AP-00090015 MW AT&T/CALNET 3 GEN 8 ADMIN TELEPHONE 1000-6310 52.68 ATBT/CALNET 3 PUMPS TELEPHONE 1002-6310 182.45 AT&T/CALNET 3 OPERATIONS TELEPHONE 1006-6310 62.76 ATBT/CALNET 3 GEN 8 ADMIN TELEPHONE 2000-6310 52.68 AT&T/CALNET 3 PUMPS TELEPHONE 2002-6310 46.39 Check Total: 396.96 AP-00090026 MW AVWVA ENGINEERING TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1029-6200 197.42 Uaer: THERESA Page: 1 Current Date: 03/25/2015 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK_RV Current Time: 19:57:42 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Deoartment/Pr�l Name Descriptlon Acct#/Prel Code AQ1QlaIIt Check Num Tvoa AWWA ENGINEERING TRAVEUMEETINGS 2029-6200 197.41 Check Total: 394.83 AP-00090027 MW AW1NA CUSTOMER SERVICE DUES/MEMB/CERT 2038-6250 249.00 Check Total: 249.00 AP-00090028 MW AXELSON IRON SHOP HEAW MAINT PRIMARY EQUIP 1004-6021 192.51 CheCk Total: 192.51 AP-00090029 MW AZAO,FATEMA GEN&ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 1000-2002 80.58 AZAD,FATEMA GEN 8 ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 2000-2002 121.92 Check Total: 202.50 AP-00090030 MW BARTLETT,BRIAN INFORMATION TECH TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1037-6200 151.72 BARTLETT,BRIAN INFORMATION TECH TRAVELlMEETINGS 2037-6200 151.72 Check Total: 303.44 AP-00090031 MW BENICH,NATHAN 8 CHRISTINE GEN 8 ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 1000-2002 8.01 BENICH,NATHAN 8 CHRISTINE GEN 8�ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 2000-2002 8.02 � Check Total: 16.03 AP-00090032 MW BQIJE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL HUMAN RESOURCES CONTRACT SERVICE 1022-4405 444.00 � BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL INFORMATION TECH CONTRACT SERVICE 1037-4405 503.20 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE 1038-4405 490.62 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL HUMAN RESOURCES CONTRACT SERVICE 2022-4405 444.00 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL INFORMATION TECH CONTRACT SERVICE 2037-4405 503.20 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE 2038-4405 490.62 Check Total: 2.875.64 AP-00090033 MW BSK ASSOCIATES LABORATORY MONITORING 2007-6110 6,300.00 Check Total: 6.300.00 AP-00090034 MW CARSON PUMP PUMPS WELLS 2002-6050 7,395.00 Check Total: 7.395.00 AP-00090035 MW CDS GROUP HEALTH GEN 8 ADMIN DENTAL SLF INS 1000-2536 805.00 Check Total: 805.00 AP-00090036 MW CDW-G CORP INFORMATION TECH DIST.COMP SPPLIS 1037-4840 412.50 CDW-G CORP INFORMATION TECH DIST.COMP SPPLIS 2037-4840 412.51 Check Total: 825.01 AP-00090037 MW User: THERESA Page: 2 Current Date: 03/25/2015 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK_RV Current Time: 19:57:42 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name De{�rtment/ProJ Name Descriptlon Acct#/Prol Code Am9SlRS Check Num Tvoe COOK CONCRETE PRODUCTS INC UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 1001-6052 369.36 Check Total: 369.36 AP-00090038 MW CSAC-EIA HUMAN RESOURCES CONTRACT SERVICE 1022-4405 405.90 CSAC-EIA HUMAN RESOURCES CONTRACT SERVICE 2022-4405 405.90 Check Total: 811.80 AP-00090039 MW CWEA UNDERGROUND REP DUES/MEMB/CERT 1001-6250 468.00 Check Total: 468.00 AP-00090040 MW DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING-FIRE HYDRANTS FR HYD 6"LINES 2029-8560-HYDRNT 82.00 Check Total: 82.00 AP-00090041 MW DIY HOME CENTER ELECTRICAL SHOP BUILDINGS 1003-6041 38.87 DIY HOME CENTER HEAVY MAINT BUILDINGS 1004-6041 41.68 DIY HOME CENTER DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS 8 MNTC 1028-6042 17.49 DIY HOME CENTER ELECTRICAL SHOP RPR/MNTC WTR TKS 2003-6054 14.67 Check Total: �12,71 AP-00090042 MW ECS IMAGING INC CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACT 1038-6030 499.50 i E�yS IMAGING INC CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACT 2038-6030 499.50 E�`S IMAGING INC CUSTOMER SERVICE SMART BOARD 2038-8575 5,248.80 Check Total: 6.247.80 AP-00090043 MW EDWARD R BACON CO INC. EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005-6011 273.92 Check Total: Y73.92 AP-00090044 MW EISNER,BRUCE A CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 200.00 Check Total: 200.00 AP-00090045 MW EL DORADO COUNTY CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPPLIES 1038-6520 8.00 EL DORADO COUNTY CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPPLIES 2038-6520 8.00 Check Total: 16.00 AP-00090047 MW EL DORADO COUNTY UNDERGROUND REP CONST/EXCAV PRMT 2001-6648 68.00 Check Total: 68.00 AP-00090046 MW EL DORADO COUNTY ENGINEERING-FIRE HYDRANTS FR HYD 6"LINES 2029-8560-HYDRNT 68.00 Check Total: 68.00 AP-00090048 MW ENCO MFG CO. HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004-6071 52.94 Check Total: 52,g4 AP-00090049 MW User: THERESA Page: 3 Current Date: 03/25/2015 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK_RV Current Time: 19:57:42 _. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Nama Department/ProJ Nama Deacr tlon A�ctlf/Pr�i Code Am4ldIIt Check Num Tvoe ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES ASSO LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 997.60 CheCk Total: 997.60 AP-00090050 MW EVOQUA WATER TECHNOIOGIES LLC LABORATORY SERVICE CONTRACT 1007-6030 40.43 EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES LLC LABORATORY SERVICE CONTRACT 2007-6030 40.44 Check Total: gp,g7 AP-00090051 MW FGL ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY-SOYCON MONITORING 2007-6110-SOYCON 100.00 Check Total: 100.00 AP-00090052 MW FISHER SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 155.25 FISHER SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007-4760 155.26 Check Total: 310.51 AP-00090053 MW FLYERS ENERGY LLC GEN&ADMIN GASOLINE INV 1000-0415 2,909.00 Check Total: 2.g09.00 AP-00090054 MW GFS CHEMICALS INC LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 232.25 GFS CHEMICALS INC LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007-4760 232.24 CheCk Totel: 464.49 AP-00090055 MW I �D INC ENGINEERING-LPPS PWR/CTRLS LPPS PWR/CTR UPG 1029-8330-LPPOWR 120,114.82 i Check Total: 120.114.82 AP-00090056 MW GRAINGER PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 1002-6073 146.66 GRAINGER ELECTRICAL SHOP PUMP STATIONS 1003-6051 117.29 GRAINGER EQUIPMENT REP REP TRK 44 1005-8315 739.52 GRAINGER PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 2002-6073 146.65 CheCk Total: 1.150.12 AP-00090057 MW GRANITE CONSTRUCTION CO UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 2001-6052 5,351.78 Check Total: 5.351.78 AP-00090058 MW GUTTRY,MELONIE ADMINISTRATION TRAVEUMEETINGS 1021-6200 8.50 GUTTRY,MELONIE ADMINISTRATION TRAVEUMEETINGS 2021 -6200 8.50 Check Total: 17.00 AP-00090059 MW HDR ENGINEERING INC ENGINEERING-AERATION BASIN 1 AER BSN1 REHAB 1029-8502-ABIRHB 28,140.59 HDR ENGINEERING INC ENGINEERING-PR CLARIF 2 RHB PR CLRF2 REHAB 1029-8521-PC2RH6 28,140.60 HDR ENGINEERING INC ENGINEERING-WATERLINE EVALS PIPELINE EVALS 2029-8452-WLEVAL 20,924.59 Cheak Total: 77,205.78 AP-00090060 MW Uaer: THERESA Page: 4 Current Date: 03/25/2015 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK_RV Current Time: 19:57:42 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Proj Name Description Acct#/ProJ Code �Or .4ldL�S Check Num IXRg HENDERSON,DEBBIE FINANCE TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1039-6200 123.05 HENDERSON,DEBBIE FINANCE TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2039-6200 123.05 Check Total: 246.10 AP-00090061 MW HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE CONTRACT 1022-6030 25.75 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACT 1038-6030 17.01 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE CONTRACT 2022-6030 25.74 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACT 2038-6030 17.00 Check Total: 85.50 AP-00090062 MW HILTON,JIM DIAMOND VLY RNCH TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1028-6200 62.00 Check Total: 62.00 AP-00090063 MW INFOSEND INC CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACT 1038-6030 217.21 INFOSEND INC CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACT 2038-6030 217.21 Check Total: 434.42 AP-00090064 MW IRONMAN PARTS 8 SERVICES EQUIPMENT REPAIR SERVICE CONTRACT 2005-6030 114.95 Check Total: 114.95 AP-00090065 MW I J�PRO KLEEN INC FINANCE JANITORIAL SERV 1039-6074 1,603.50 J�L PRO KLEEN INC FINANCE JANITORIAL SERV 2039-6074 1,603.50 Check Total: 3.207.00 AP-00090066 MW JOHNS SPRING SERVICE EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005-6011 83.94 Check Total: 83.94 AP-00090067 MW KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS INC ENGINEERING-GRNDWTR MGT UPDT CONTRACT SERVICE 2029-4405-GWMPUP 3,540.00 KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS INC ENGINEERING-INT RGNL WTR MGT CONTRACT SERVICE 2029-4405-IRWMPL 1,125.00 Check Total: 4.665.00 AP-00090068 MW LIBERTY UTILITIES GEN&ADMIN ELECTRICIN 1000-6330 59,924.39 LIBERTY UTILITIES GEN 8 ADMIN ST LIGHTING EXP 1000-6740 1,645.37 LIBERTY UTILITIES GEN&ADMIN ELECTRICITY 2000-6330 2,475.95 Check Total: g4.045.71 AP-00090016 MW LIBERTY UTILITIES GEN&ADMIN ELECTRICITY 1000-6330 12,369.40 LIBERTY UTILITIES GEN 8�ADMIN ELECTRICITY 2000-6330 23,708.95 Check Total: 36.078.35 AP-00090069 MW LILLY'S TIRE SERV�CE INC EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005-6011 249.16 User: THERESA Page: 5 Current Date: 03/25/2015 Report:OH_PMT_CLA[MS_BK_RV Current Time: 19:57:42 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Qgpartment/Prei Name Descr tion Acct#/ProJ Coda Am4l1IIt Check Num Tvoe Check Total: 249.16 AP-00090014 MW MAINTENANCE CONNECTION INC INFORMATION TECH DIST.COMP SPPLIS 1037-4840 200.00 MAINTENANCE CONNECTION INC INFORMATION TECH DIST.COMP SPPLIS 2037-4840 200.00 Check Total: 400.00 AP-00090070 MW MALLORY SAFETY 8�SUPPLY LLC GEN 8 ADMIN SHOP SUPP INV 1000-0421 1,024.62 MALLORY SAFETY&SUPPLY LLC FINANCE INV/FRT/DISCOUNT 1039-6077 118.94 Check Total: 1.143.56 AP-00090071 MW MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO PUMPS RPR/MNTC WTR TKS 2002-6054 601.34 Check Total: 601.34 AP-00090072 MW McLELLAND,BUCK UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEUMEETINGS 2001 -6200 28.75 CheCk Totel: 2g.75 AP-00090073 MW MENDIZABAL,LINDA J CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 100.00 Check Total: 100.00 AP-00090074 MW METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS GEN 8 ADMIN OFFICE INVENTORY 1000-0428 359.83 M�TRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 1021 -4820 86.98 A�TRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS DIAMOND VLY RNCH OFFICE SUPPLIES 1028-4820 24.21 METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 2021-4820 87.01 Check Total: 558.03 AP-00090075 MW MOTEL 6 PUMPS STANDBY ACCOMODA 1002-6083 98.30 MOTEL 6 UNDERGROUND REP STANDBY ACCOMODA 2001-6083 157.28 MOTEL 6 PUMPS STANDBY ACCOMODA 2002-6083 98.30 Check Total: 353.88 AP-00090076 MW NORTHWEST HYD CONSULT INC ENGINEERING-TRUCKEE MARSH TR CRK RESTORE 1029-8426-TMSFPP 9,641.41 Check Total: 9.641.41 AP-00090077 MW PC MALL GOV INC INFORMATION TECH SERVICE CONTRACT 1037-6030 1,453.71 PC MALL GOV INC INFORMATION TECH SERVICE CONTRACT 2037-6030 1,453.71 Check Total: 2.gp7.42 AP-00090078 MW PDM STEEL HEAVY MAINT PRIMARY EQUIP 1004-6021 1,744.10 Check Total: 1.744,�p pp-00090079 MW PHILLIPS,KENNETH INFORMATION TECH TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1037-6200 200.78 PHILLIPS,KENNETH INFORMATION TECH TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2037-6200 200.77 Uaer: THERESA Page: 6 Current Date: 03/25/2015 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK_RV Current Time: 19:57:42 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name DeQartment/Proj Name Descriptlon Acct#/Pro�Code A�14�S Check Num Tvoe Check Total: 401.55 AP-00090080 MW PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL CUSTOMER SERVICE EQUIP RENT/IEASE 1038-5020 259.92 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL CUSTOMER SERVICE EQUIP RENT/LEASE 2038-5020 259.91 Check Total: 519.83 AP-00090081 MW POWERS,TERENCE H LABORATORY TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1007-6200 1,707.20 POWERS,TERENCE H LABORATORY TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2007-6200 1,707.20 Check Total: 3.414.40 AP-00090082 MW PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 1002-6071 88.35 PRAXAIR 174 HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004-6071 175.80 PRAXAIR 174 HEAVY MAINT SMAL�TOOLS 1004-6073 2,700.00 PRAXAIR 174 OPERATIONS SMALL TOOLS 1006-6073 28.77 PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SHOP SUPPI.IES 2002-6071 88.35 Check Total: 3.081.27 AP-00090083 MW PUMP REPAIR SERVICE CO INC PUMPS WELLS 2002-6050 1,490.45 Check Total: 1,490.45 AP-00090084 MW I F�DWOOD PRINTING ENGINEERING-2014 METER PRJ METERS 2014 2029-7013-METERS 321.51 R�DWOOD PRINTING ENGINEERING-FIRE HYDRANTS FR HYD 6"LINES 2029-8560-HYDRNT 418.93 Check Total: 740.44 AP-00090085 MW RELIANCE STANDARD GEN 8 ADMIN LIFE INS UN/BD 1000-2512 1,531.62 RELIANCE STANDARD GEN 8 ADMIN LIFE INS MGMT 1000-2525 488.07 RELIANCE STANDARD GEN&ADMIN LNG TRM DIS,MGMT 1000-2531 1,217.29 RELIANCE STANDARD GEN 8 ADMIN LTD,UNION 1000-2539 1,654.48 Check Tatal: 4.891.46 AP-00090086 MW RMJ TECHNOLOGIES EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005-6011 820.00 Check Total: 820.00 AP-00090087 MW RYAN,JULIE ENGINEERING TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1029-6200 64.00 RYAN,JULIE ENGINEERING TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2029-6200 64.00 Check Total: 128.00 AP-00090088 MW SHRED-IT GEN&ADMIN OFC SUPPLY ISSUE 1000-6081 64.00 Check Total: 64.00 AP-00090089 MW SIERRA CHEMICAL CO PUMPS ITYPOCHLORITE 2002-4755 407.86 User: THERESA Page: 7 Current Dste: 03/25/2015 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK_RV Current Time: 19:57:42 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Danartment/ProJ Nama Deserl t�lon Acct#/Pr�l Code 9m4SIII! Check Num Tvoe CheCk Totel: 407.86 AP-00090090 MW SIERRA ECOTONE SOLUTIONS ENGINEERING-LPPS PWR/CTRLS LPPS PWR/CTR UPG 1029-8330-LPPOWR 1,200.00 Check Total: 1.200.00 AP-00090091 MW SIERRA ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY MONITORING 1007-6110 372.00 CheCk Total: 372.00 AP-00090092 MW SIERRA FOOTHILL LABORATORY IABORATORY MONITORING 1007-6110 49.00 Check Total: 49.00 AP-00090093 MW SOUTHWEST GAS GEN&ADMIN NATURAL GAS 1000-6350 80.24 SOUTHWEST GAS GEN&ADMIN NATURAL GAS 2000-6350 180.81 Check Total: 261.05 AP-00090094 MW SUNRISE ENGINEERING INC ENGINEERING-C-LN HYDRO STUDY CLINE ENERG STDY 1029-7915-CHYDRO 3,231.00 Check Total: 3.231.00 AP-00090095 MW TAHOE BLUEPRINT ENGINEERING-2014 METER PRJ METERS 2014 2029-7013-METERS 404.04 TAHOE BLUEPRINT ENGINEERING-FIRE HYDRANTS FR HYD 6"LINES 2029-8560-HYDRNT 1,217.92 � Check Total: �,gp�,gg pp-00090096 MW T�'y}10E MOUNTAIN NEWS CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 100.00 i Check Total: 100.00 AP-00090097 MW TERRY'S APOlLO PLUMBING 8 HTN UNDERGROUND REP MISC LIAB CLAIMS 1001 -4520 821.67 Check Total: g2�.67 AP-00090098 MW TOKAY SOFTWARE CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACT 1038-6030 1,547.50 TOKAY SOFTWARE CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACT 2038-6030 1,547.50 CheCk Total: 3.095.00 AP-00090099 MW U S BANK CORPORATE UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 1001 -6052 10.00 U S BANK CORPORATE UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1001-6200 216.35 U S BANK CORPORATE PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002-6051 173.14 U S BANK CORPORATE PUMPS SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1002-6075 95.82 U S BANK CORPORATE ELECTRICAL SHOP DUES/MEMB/CERT 1003-6250 312.00 U S BANK CORPORATE OPERATIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES 1006-4820 26.98 U S BANK CORPORATE OPERATIONS SHOP SUPPLIES 1006-6071 57.72 U S BANK CORPORATE OPERATIONS TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1006-6200 50.00 U S BANK CORPORATE LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 175.27 Ueer: THERESA Page: 8 Current Date: 03/25/2015 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK_RV Curront Time: 19:57:42 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Proj Name Desctjptlon Acct#/Proj Code AII1Q.Id.11t Check Num Tvoe U S BANK CORPORATE LABORATORY OFFICE SUPPLIES 1007-4820 199.68 U S BANK CORPORATE LABORATORY SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1007-6075 210.10 U S BANK CORPORATE BOARD OF DIR TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1019-6200 1,040.54 U S BANK CORPOR,4TE ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 1021-4820 285.40 U S BANK CORPORATE ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1021-6200 647.44 U S BANK CORPORATE ADMINISTRATION SUPPLIES 1021 -6520 99.66 U S BANK CORPORATE HUMAN RESOURCES ADS/LGL NOTICES 1022-4930 578.00 U S BANK CORPORATE HUMAN RESOURCES TRAVEUMEETINGS 1022-6200 420.25 U S BANK CORPORATE PUBLIC OUTREACH-PR EXP-EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 1027-6620-PREEXT 25.00 U S BANK CORPORATE DIAMOND VLY RNCH TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1028-6200 836.20 U S BANK CORPORATE ENGINEERING GASOLINE 1029-4610 7.51 U S BANK CORPORATE ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 1029-4820 440.43 U S BANK CORPORATE ENGINEERING TRAVEUMEETINGS 1029-6200 269.80 U S BANK CORPORATE INFORMATION TECH DIST.COMP SPPLIS 1037-4840 906.65 U S BANK CORPORATE INFORMATION TECH TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1037-6200 296.78 U�BANK CORPORATE CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1038-4820 303.92 U�BANK CORPORATE CUSTOMER SERVICE SHOP SUPPLIES 1038-6071 667.86 U S BANK CORPORATE CUSTOMER SERVICE SMALL TOOLS 1038-6073 312.71 U S BANK CORPORATE CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1038-6200 125.25 U S BANK CORPORATE FINANCE GASOLINE 1039-4610 63.61 U S BANK CORPORATE FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1039-4820 39.68 U S BANK CORPORATE FINANCE TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1039-6200 1,243.76 U S BANK CORPORATE FINANCE SUPPLIES 1039-6520 9.50 U S BANK CORPORATE UNDERGROUND REP STANDBY ACCOMODA 2001 -6083 1,131.90 U S BANK CORPORATE UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2001-6200 950.00 U S BANK CORPORATE PUMPS WELLS 2002-6050 255.00 U S BANK CORPORATE PUMPS SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 2002-6075 95.82 U S BANK CORPORATE PUMPS TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2002-6200 46.95 U S BANK CORPORATE ELECTRICAI SHOP SHOP SUPPLIES 2003-6071 40.20 U S BANK CORPORATE LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007-4760 175.27 U S BANK CORPORATE LABORATORY OFFICE SUPPLIES 2007-4820 199.68 U S BANK CORPORATE LABORATORY SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 2007-6075 210.09 User:THERESA Page: 9 Current Date: 03/25/2015 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK_RV Current Time: 19:57:42 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Departmant I Proj Name Descrl tn lon Acct#/PrQJ Code A014l1IIt Chack Num 'Noe U S BANK CORPORATE BOARD OF OIR TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2019-6200 841.17 U S BANK CORPORATE ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 2021-4820 285.40 U S BANK CORPORATE ADMINISTRATION TRAVEUMEETINGS 2021-6200 1,690.44 U S BANK CORPORATE ADMINISTRATION SUPPLIES 2021-6520 99.65 U S BANK CORPORATE HUMAN RESOURCES ADS/LGL NOTICES 2022-4930 578.00 U S BANK CORPORATE HUMAN RESOURCES TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2022-6200 420.25 U S BANK CORPORATE PUBLIC OUTREACH TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2027-6200 -125.00 U S BANK CORPORATE PUBLIC OUTREACH-PR EXP-EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 2027-6620-PREEXT 25.00 U S BANK CORPORATE ENGINEERING GASOLINE 2029-4610 7.50 U S BANK CORPORATE ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 2029-4620 440.41 U S BANK CORPORATE ENGINEERING TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2029-6200 417.87 U S BANK CORPORATE INFORMATION TECH DIST.COMP SPPLIS 2037-4840 906.65 U S BANK CORPORATE INFORMATION TECH TRAVEUMEETINGS 2037-6200 296.78 U S BANK CORPORATE CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2038-4820 303.91 U S BANK CORPORATE CUSTOMER SERVICE SHOP SUPPLIES 2038-6071 779.41 U�BANK CORPORATE CUSTOMER SERVICE SMALL TOOLS 2038-6073 312.70 l}jS�BANK CORPORATE CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2038-6200 125.25 U S BANK CORPORATE FINANCE GASOLINE 2039-4610 63.60 U S BANK CORPORATE FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2039-4820 39.67 U S BANK CORPORATE FINANCE TRAVEUMEETINGS 2039-6200 1,243.75 U S BANK CORPORATE FINANCE SUPPLIES 2039-6520 9.50 Check Total: 22.013.83 AP-00090102 MW UNITED RENTALS INC UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1001-6200 135.00 Check Total: 135.00 AP-00090103 MW USA BLUE BOOK PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002-6051 1,620.33 USA BLUE BOOK PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 1002-6073 434.88 USA BLUE BOOK OPERATIONS GROUNDS 8 MNTC 1006-6042 -269.95 USA BLUE BOOK PUMPS RPRlMNTC WTR TKS 2002-6054 774.13 Check Total: 2.559.39 AP-00090104 MW VINCIGUERRA CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING-2014 METER PRJ METERS 2014 2029-7013-METERS 25,215.64 Check Total: 25.215.64 AP-00090105 MW WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP BUILDINGS 1003-6041 199.08 Ueer: THERESA Page: 10 Current Date: 03/25/2015 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK_RV Current Time: 19:57:42 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name DeRrtment/ProJ Name Qescr tlon Acct/R/ProJ Code AsD9l1�S Check Num Tvoe WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP SHOP SUPPLIES 1003-6071 32.91 WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP SMALL TOOLS 1003-6073 44.87 WEDCO INC HEAW MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004-6071 156.89 WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP SHOP SUPPLIES 2003-6071 32.71 Check Total: 466.46 AP-00090106 MW WELCOME AUTO BODY PUMPS LUTHER PASS 1002-6048 200.00 Check Total: 200.00 AP-00090107 MW WEST YOST ASSOCIATES INC ENGINEERING CONTRACT SERVICE 2029-4405 792.88 CheCk Total: 79Y,gg pP-00090108 MW WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS 8 MNTC 1028-6042 176.23 Check Total: 176.23 AP-00090109 MW XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA INC PUMPS SP PMP,POND SPS 1002-8504 9,157.08 Check Total: 9.157.08 AP-00090110 MW Grand Total: 651,990.39 � rn � ;j jyi .. y � _ 1 ��' - � (t _. 1 ._ ° � ii ;, , r_ ..i _. _ . - �_)�) � C� _ l_ ' i ,. , „ �- � ... t User: THERESA Page: 1 l Current Date: 03/25/2015 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK_RV Current Time: 19:57:42 � �,. Sw�h T�tx�e P.U.D. 03/20 15 WID TYPID & REVff� .A�P Cf�t 1�,LSlER 1 FRI, N�,R 20, 2015, 8:21 AM --req: �---1�: Cd� JL--�c: Q�I'IE----]ab: 571076 #J002----�vg: BEt200 <1.35>--repc�t id: �-- Check P�.ye� m. R�.yee 1� L�te CY�eck Pr[r.�mt '1'�pe Stiabis Re1 Zb l��e AP00088603 V40114 �'A 09f � 1� 212.50 RV 'IlZ �vez�ed GRAND TOTALS: �I'l I Zbtal Void N�civ,r�e Writtaz 0.00 Nt,itbe�' of Q�c'ks Proo�seci: 0 'Ibtal Voi.d I�ar�d Written 0.00 la.mber of Checks P.eooe�sed: 0 Tbtal N�i.t�e V�Iritt� 0.00 l�xttber of (1�ec:1� PYnoe�sed: 0 Tbt�l F�+nd WrittEn 0.00 lv�,n�ber of ��eC'.ks P�oe�sed: 0 Tt�'al Reversal� 212.50 I�[ber af C1�'.ks Piooesaed.: 1 � 'Ibtal C�noelled 0.00 Ia��be�' of � Piooe.s�.�d: 0 Tbtal EE'I's 0.00 l�imber of EE'I� P.cooes.9ed: 0 'lbtal EPAYs 0.00 N�n�:r af E�AYs Pivoesaad: 0 GRAND TOTAL 212.50 J J :.� � �: South Tahoe P.U.D. 03/20/15 VOID TYPID & REVIIZ� ,A,[P Q-ID:K �1F�t p� 1 FRI, M�R 20, 2015, 8:22 AM --�aq: I�i----1�: C�, JL--ioc: CrbTIE----�ab: 571078 #J003----�og: L�It'200 <1.35>--zepart id: C�'T--- Cl�ck F�.yee ID. Payee l�e I�t,e Ct�ec]c A� Z�pe S1a?as Re.l Tb Not':e AP00088604 V40114 'IRPA 09/1 4 212.50 RV 'IR Rever'sed GRAND TOTALS: � Z,�tJ 3� �Utal Void N�chir�e Writt� o.oo Nu�nbe�x of CY�ecks Pmoes.9ed: o 'Ibtal Void Harxl Writt,e� 0.00 Ntanber af Chec']s Prooes.sed: 0 'Ibtal N�Chit�e Writt�n 0.00 l�xt�ber of C��ecks Ptvoes.9ed: 0 Zb�l I�ar�d TnIeitt� 0.00 N��iber' of Cl�rk� Prooes.�ed: 0 Zbtal ReverSal..s 212.50 N�mbe�' of CY�ecks E�ooes..9ed: 1 'Ibtal C�e.71ed 0.00 Ntmbes' of Chec'ks Piooes�ed: 0 Tbtal �'I�s 0.00 lambe�r of E�'1'S Prooessed: 0 'Ibtal E�'AYs 0.00 I�ixnber of EPAYs Prvoes.�ed: 0 GRAND TOTAL 212.50 J � W� �..� L SQuth Tahoe P.U.D. 03/20/1S WID TYPID & REVER� A�P G�.IC R�SI�It p�e 1 rRI, r�R. ao, 2015, u:4a AM --rec�: I�T----1�: c� JL--ioc: a�srIE----�c�b: 571102 #JD08----p�vg: E�Q00 <1.35>--repcc�t id: CI4�-- Q�ec�k. R�yee ID. Ra.yee l�ane Date CY�c'k, Pz[a,u� Z�pe Slabs Rel Zb 13�t�e AP00000089 Ftl5171 ALUES, 'I'�II2 03/19/15 855.58 RV 'IR Reversed GRAND TOTALS: 'It�tal Vai�d N�hine Writtez 0.00 Nunber' of �ks Prooessed: 0 Zbtal Vo.i.d Hatrl V�iri.tts'i 0.00 l�mber of Q�ecks Proo�sed: 0 'Ibtal Ni�h.ine Writt� 0.00 Nunbe�' of C�ecks Prooes.�ed: 0 'Ibtal I�d Writts'1 0.00 I�imbe�.r of C�ecks Prooes.9ed: 0 Tbta1 Reversals 855.58 l�n�be�' of �ecks Prooessed: 1 'Ibtal C�oelled 0.00 1�1ut�ber' of CY�ec]cs Piooessed: 0 �btal E�'IS 0.00 Ntmber of EET's Prooessed: 0 'Itytal �'AYs 0.00 N�mber of �AYs Prooesaed: 0 GRAND TOTAL 855.58 J �O General Manager Richard H.5olbrig � s 1'�50 • {�/�` �� t — Director5 � i/i �'f ��.,/ ChriS Gefalu JameS R.JoneS � , , , , Randy Vogelgesang � publ�c Ut�lity D�Strict KellySheehan Duane Wallace 1275 Meadow Crest Drive•Sauth Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 Pf�one 530 544-6474•Fax 530 54t-0614•WWW.S�tlC�.US BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: Aprii 2, 2015 � ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: False Claims Act Case: United States, the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and Tennessee and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J-M Manufacturing Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. ED CVO6-0055-GW, United States District Court for the Central District of California. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES �Il��1� NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES _ 1N0 6eneral Manager Richard H.5olbrig � � �� � � Director5 � t ' � � GhriS Cefalu � U� � � JameS R.Jones �'� �� �� Randy Vogelgesang �. �� �'u b(i c l�ti I ity D i 5tri ct Kelly 5heehan Duane Wallace 1275 Meadow Cnest Drive•South Lake Tahae•CA 96150-7401 F'Iwne 530 544-6474•Fax 530 541-0634•VYWtN.5�plIGI.US BOARD AGENDA ITEM 1 4b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: April 2, 2015 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct Staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsei regarding existing litigation: Los Angeles County � Superior Courf, Case No. BC459943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J-M Manufacturing, et al. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: � ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -83- General Manager Richard H.Solbrig � ' 1� ' W�, Directors � o u t a o e Chris Cefalu James R.Jones � f�u b 1 i c U ti l i ty D i 5tri ct Randy Vogelgesang Kelly Sheehan Duane Wallace 1275 Meadow Crest Drive•South Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-740t f'hone 530 54�4-6474•Fax 530 541-06i4•www.5tpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 1 4c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: April 2, 2015 ITEM- PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Association, et al., County of EI Dorado, Superior Courf Case No. SC2001 Ol 65. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES� NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -85-