HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 349'1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 BEVERLY, WEIDMAN & RILEY ~/HE'<~$, ti"~ere has been a tremeD.dous iucreaa~ i~'~ par~a:ner~t and tourist population at ~ke '~ak~oe; and WHEi)~S, one result oi t~'~is ix~c~?ease ~ms been the. of disposal of sewage, effluent and reclaimed water; ~d Foundation 'have long recognized this problem of disposal '~'*'~* necessity of maintaining the quality and appearar~e of Lake waters; and WH~:iE.&S~ the ~e Tahoe .~rea Council through the iziei0~cL- mmm Fomxdation has made available a ~:rant in aid *t:or re'~ '~'~ to assist in determining accep'Cable methods of sewage, effluerrc and reclaimed water disposal a~ disLribution in nhe ~ke Ta~ N~J', TitEi~O~, BE IT RESOLVED by tim Board of olrectors of South Tahoe Public Utility District: t. That the ~ke Tahoe Area Council be co~uended for 'their recognition of and assistance in maintaining the and appearance of Lake Tahoe waters. 2. That the Fieisc'i~ann Foundation be co~ended for their financial contribution in assisting to maintain the quality a¥~d appearance of Lake Tahoe waters. 5. That copies of this resoiutio~ be fo~arded to ~ke Tahoe Area Council and the Fieisei'~-aann Foundation. ~A~S=D and ~O~i'ED by a unanimous action of the '~ ...... DirecLors of Sou~h Tahoe Public Utility District this 7th day of of Directors of South Tahoe Pubii¢~ Utility District Tahoe Public ~3gility Distric~ a~d =x-Officio Scc~'etary of the Board 2 $ 4 5 '6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 51 52 .BEVERLY, WEIDMAN & RILEY Distri. ct, Gounty of ~I Dorado~ State of Cai~'ornia, and Ex- Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors taereof, do kereb7 .~..~ ' full and correct copy of , -~ ~v ....... fo~-'e~:~oi~g is a 'true, a .6%esolut~.on adopted by the ~.oard of Directors of South Public Utility District at a ~neeting thereof duly held on t~:~e 7th day of December~ i961~ by 'the followin~'~ vote of the of the Board of Directors t~ereof~ AYES: NOES =~B SENT ~' -' Clarke imbach and Directors Wake~an, Sou.~a, ,. Bur 1 in~!i ham Eirectors None Directors None ~'~ :~: '~"~:?:' ~' Clerk of 'the Sout~ Tahoe Public Utility Distric'c and kkr-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors (SEAL)