HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 211KWHW:JHH :el 8/17/60 8e RESOLUTION NO. ,-~ A RESOLUTION APPOINTING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING PROTESTS IN RELATION TO PROPOSED ACQUISITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS, AND DIRECTING NOTICE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1960-2 RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, that WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution of Intention No. 199 adopted on July 7, 1960 by the Board of Directors of said Dis- trict, pursuant to the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, as amended, the District Engineer of said District has filed with the Clerk of this District the written report called for under said Act and by said Resolution of Intention which report has presented by said Clerk to this Board for consideration, and this Board has considered and preliminarily approved and confirmed said report and ordered that the same stand as the report for the purpose of all subsequent proceedings had pursuant to said Resolution of Intention. day of~ ~1960, at the hour of ~:~['~ o'clock P.M. in the regular meeting place, Clarke Building, Highway 50 and Beach Boulevard, South Tahoe , California, be, and the same are hereby appointed and fixed as the time and place when and where said Board will consider and finally act upon the Engineer's report under said Resolution of Intention. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board be, and he is hereby, directed to give notice of said hearing once a week for two weeks in the Lake Tahoe News, a newspaper published and circulated in said District, and by conspicuously posting a notice thereof along all the open streets within the assessment district at not more than three hundred feet apart, and not less than three in all; said posting and first publication to be had and completed at least twenty days before the date herei~ set for hearing of protests. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that said notices shall be headed "Notice of Improvement" in letters of not less than one inch in height and shall, in legible characters, state the fact and date of the passage of said Resolution of Intention and of the filing of said report and of the date, hour and place set for the hearing of said protests, and briefly describe the acquisitions and improvements proposed to be made, and refer to said Resolution of Intention and report for further particulars. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Clerk of said District shall mail or cause to be mailed notice of the adoption of said Resolution of Intention and the filing of said report, postage prepaid, at least twenty days before the date set for hearing of said protests, to all persons owning real property to be assessed whose names and addresses appear on the last equalized assessment for District taxes prior thereto or as known to the Clerk, which notice shall contain a statement of the time, place and purpose of the hearing on said Resolution of Intention and report and a statement of the total estimated cost of the proposed acquisition~ and improvements, the amount as shown by said report to be assess~ against the particular parcel covered by the notice, together wit~ a statement that any person interested may file a protest in writing as provided in said Act. /~residen% ~f South T~oe'Public Utility Distr~ct The foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a Resolution which was duly and regularly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District~ E1 Dorado County, California, duly held on the ~-~ day of ~~~~ .7, 1960, by the following vote of the members t~ereof: AYES~ and in favor thereof, Directors: Goeringer~ Pankost, Wakeman, Wall, Souza NOES, Directors: None ABSENT, Directors: None South Tahoe Public Utility District. · Affidavit of · · Publication i~ROVEMENT$}~ ornlal, 1960 ~tlle ~B~ard said Dlst.~Ic~*p~auant']to ~ Mufil~lpal Ira'? pr99em~n~Aet o£ ~[91a~..a~amended; the: D~t~c~'~ne~a~ ~f ~Satd !~trlCt ha~ fl!e~th :~thes, C~r~:~of t~s Dlst~t th~:~it{en'/~po~t ,~0alled' ~0~ :~under;~ '~l~Aai~nd by: sai~ ~R~olu~on, o~ ~en~lon ~w. Mck; re~ort.~s been Pre~ntl d~ byS'said: Clerk t° tMi 'B0aid ~for eonf.' sld~cation, i;and ,~ this :BO~d. has co--Ida 2:00 o:elocki IT!IS FURTHER{ORDeRED'THAT ~heii Clerkbf this ~rd, b~e~, and he is here-~ bY.~directed to .give. notice of said? he~lrt~on¢~ a~Week~ ~ t~o~ Weeks in~ th~a~e ~T~hoe Newsr ~ ~neWspaper pub~ llS~d~,~eir~htat~d :q~ ~.s'~ld bls~ric~,~ an~.i~ 'c0~S~eUoU~ Posting, ~ ~ ,,n'otiCe~ t~/talo~t~il~ the ~ streets Wlth~ t~ assessm~tlld!s~let, at ~ not more;~i t~ three~ hu~d~d .feet, 'apart,:mndi . got, less th~, ih[ed in all;/said poStin~ ind[ first ~uBllcation fro be', had and~ e0mple~ed~ a~; leaS~tw~ntF days beforea the date herein' "';:Set f,for: hearln~ oi;~ ilT~Is ~FUHTItER"OR~HED/hat said~ Prou~me~'ii~in letters,0fnot less tha~ 0ne tn~i~'~ei~h0~and~shall; in legibl% date'~ said, Resolution of,~ filing: of saidq ke Tahoe News STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ ss. County of E1 Dorado ~ C. F. BRANDI, being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says: THAT he is and at all times herein mentioned was a citizen of the United States over the age of 21 years and that he is not a party to, nor interested in the above entitled matter; that he is the printer of LAKE TAHOE NEWS, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, duly adjudicated by the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of E1 Dorado, in proceedings No. 8805 by decree filed July 26, 1956, to be a newspaper of general circulation in the Judicial Township of Lake Valley and in the County of El Dorado and in the State of California. That the notice annexed hereto was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper in type not smaller than nonpareil, preceded with words printed in blackface type, not smaller than nonpareil, describing or expressing in general terms the purpose or character of the notice intended to be given, and said notice has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to-wit: of?the mail orll · ;of the,.adop, J ~of said t 'owning realI names~ -~ last equalI Dlstt'lcl;; taxes, prior~ the: Clerk;i '.:purpoSe of: Resolution of' lnten.j of! .provided i: Public ':Utility ~TTEST: ,Earle ;Clerk and' :cor~ec E1 Dorado ~ iOn 1 the fo!lowing./vgte of. ~St,!1960. by }hereof: , DirectOrs: None. i~ ABS PANKOST Clerk and ex.officio SeCretar o£ '( t e Y 'he South~ Tahoe, Public Utility District :, i ~, ~i:~ / Lake TahOe ,Ne~sj t~Aug~ 31; SelJt 7 ;' Subscribed and~n to before me.this _~__ ~____~L ......day of .... No~ Pubic ~ and the Co~ty of E1 Dorado, S~te of Cal~ornia