HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 222 RESOLUTION N0. 22~
RESOLFED, h~ j'- the Board of DiPectc,:os of .... one S:?u~th
~u~iic Utilit":? Df' ..... '
~ o~,.~.ac% E1 Dorado Count;/~ Callfornia~ that
asceP%ained the general prevailing rate of pep diem wages in the
locality !~ wnici~ pu01ic w~3Pk is proposed to be performed fop
or a shnitaP c'-~a.~a ~"
cee_. u~ o~at described In ~,lans and specif~ca-
asp ~so said. B~hard on isi~e 22d day of _~e~ember
1':6~); and
W~iREAS~ said rate ef p~P diem wao~s ....
rained in the specifica%ic,ns
}.~:~ said project cc;pies c~
..... ~ ~ W~!Cz~ ape
oN file in ti~e
,~z~_~ce c:i' the District E-~,-'~,~ ..... '
· ~e~,,~ and al st. in 'one
office of sa~d District~ and
t't~REAS, this Board has u'.-;ls c:: ns Lde~.ed said ~c~le
finds the same tc be c~=.' ,-,~e:.cv, '~ ~n all paPt_~culars;- -" --
NOW, 'Pi~REPORE, tT iS HE~:BY POUND, DETERMINED and {,~n~'~-r~'~,~
as folt{'~ws:
t. That said wage scale is set i,::,P~;n in said sz~oci!'ica-
· o~c0. and adopted ao c~e pr'e~ailinE: Pate
~i,.05, eS
pep diem wages for w2~Pk or a similar character to t~mt aba~ve
cPibed in the iocalit'y-ir~ which said p'~blic work is proposed 'bo
oe pc?formed.
2 Tha'0 not less hhan saio '}' ~.o-~ .~.., ,.
· i re~,~_l~,,g Pate cf' pep diem
wages slmll be paid fez, any work~z~,'.~. o_.~eu ? to:. Oe l~erfc::Pmed j.~ acc
ance with said plans and specificaticns.
~ ti ~,' -~ ~ ' '"" '
'"' President of South Tahoe Public ~itvk
115 ~tric%
Asst. Clerk and ~-Officio Secre~
The foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a
Resolution which was duly and regularly adopted at a meeting
of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility
District, E1 Dorado County, California, duly held on the ~.2d
day of _ September , 1960, by the following vote of
the members thereof:
AYES, and in favor thereof, Directors:
Goeringer, RS~, Wakeman, Wall, Souza
NOES, Directors: None
ABSENT, Directors: ~ PANKOST.
Assr.Clerk and~e~USfficio Secretary of
South Tahoe Public Utility District.