HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2683-98 -- \.. RESOLUTION NO. 2683-98 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OF INTENTION TO DRAFT A GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN PURSUANT TO THE GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ACT (WATER CODE, ~~ 10750 et seq.) WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District (District) owns and operates thirty four municipal drinking water wells (Wells) for the purpose of providing a safe and reliable source of drinking water to the District's customers; and WHEREAS, the continued operation of the Wells by the District is necessary to maintain overall District water supplies and system reliability; and WHEREAS, tetrachloroethylene, more commonly know as perchloroethylene (PCE), is a colorless, nonflammable dry cleaning and degreasing solvent often found as a groundwater pollutant; and WHEREAS, in addition to PCE being a probable human carcinogen, public health officials have suspected a link between PCE exposure and birth defects; and \., WHEREAS, the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for PCE is five (5) parts per billion (ppb) and many public agencies have previously shut down, abandoned or destroyed wells or constructed treatment facilities because PCE was detected at levels above safe drinking water levels; and WHEREAS, methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) is a chemical compound used in the blending of gasoline as an octane booster to meet Federal Clean Air Act requirements for oxygenates in wintertime oxygenated gasoline and in federally reformulated gasoline; and WHEREAS, unlike other hydrocarbons in gasoline, MTBE is very water soluble and poorly adsorbed to soils allowing it to move with groundwater flow, largely unretarded; and WHEREAS, gasoline constituents, including MTBE, are leaking into the groundwater from underground storage tanks (USTs) or leaking pipelines; and WHEREAS, the full scope of health effects resulting from drinking water contaminated with MTBE are currently being investigated but the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) has nevertheless published a Drinking Water Health Advisory (December 1997) that recommended a range of values, 20 ppb to 40 ppb, as protective of the public health; and WHEREAS, although studies have shown that MTBE can be tasted at concentrations as low \.., as 2 ppb, the California Department of Health Services has set an "action level" of 35 ppb to protect .- ~ ~ \., the public from exposure to MTBE in drinking water at levels that be smelled or tasted, and intends to propose a secondary maximum contaminant level of 5 ppb; and WHEREAS, PCE and MTBE contamination have been detected in the aquifers within the vicinity of the WeBs and in several WeBs, in several instances in excess of the MCL (in the case of PCE), health advisory level and/or taste and odor threshold; and WHEREAS, the District has expended sums in excess of $500,000 in treating the contaminated groundwater from several of the Wells which includes costs for dedicated lines and an air stripping tower along with annual operating costs of tens of thousands of doBars; and WHEREAS, to avoid further contamination of the Wells and the groundwater, more effective regulation of groundwater quality is necessary to protect the District's source of supply of water and the health and safety of its customers; and WHEREAS, the Legislature has found and declared that groundwater is a valuable natural resource in California, and should be managed to ensure both its safe production and its quality; and WHEREAS, it is the expressed intent of the Legislature to encourage local agencies to work cooperatively to manage groundwater resources within their jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, the Groundwater Management Act (Water Code, ~~ 10750 et seq.) authorizes a local agency whose service area includes a groundwater basin which is not subject to groundwater management pursuant to other provisions of law or a court order, to adopt and implement a Groundwater Management Plan; and WHEREAS, the District is a local agency authorized to adopt a Groundwater Management Plan pursuant to the provisions of the Groundwater Management Act; and WHEREAS, Water Code section 10753.2 requires that, before preparing a Groundwater Management Plan, a local agency must first hold a public hearing to consider whether to adopt a Resolution of Intention to Draft a Groundwater Management Plan; and WHEREAS, following the publication of notice required by law, the District held a public hearing on August 13, 1998, to receive public comment on whether or not it should adopt a resolution of intention to draft a Groundwater Management Plan; and WHEREAS, after considering the public comment and other information presented at the hearing, the Board of Directors of the District determined that it is in the best interest of the District to draft a Groundwater Management Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 2 - \.. \..; \.., 1. The Board of Directors of the District deems it advisable and in the best interest of the District to draft a Groundwater Management Plan. 2. The District hereby declares its intention to draft a Groundwater Management Plan pursuant to Water Code section 10750 et seq. 3. The General Manager is directed to take any additional action necessary and appropriate to implement this resolution. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a special meeting duly held on the 13th day of August, 1998, by the following vote: AYES, in favor thereof, Directors: Wallace, Jones, Gochnauer, Mosbacher. NOES, Directors: None ABSENT, Directors: Strohm ATIEST: 3 ~ c AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTN: Linda Brown 1275 MEADOW CREST DRIVE SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of EI Dorado I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County foresaid; I am over eighteen years, and not a part to or interested in the above entitled matter, I am the principal clerk of the printer of the Tahoe Daily Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published Monday through Friday in the City of South Lake Tahoe, County of EI Dorado, and which newspaper has been adjudicated a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the \..,county of EI Dorado, State of California under the date March 6, 1970, Case Number 18569, that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than six (6) point), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplemental therefore on the following dates, to wit: Aug. 20, 28, 1998 I certify under penalty, that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at South Lake Tahoe, California this: 28th Day of August 1998 ~ \.., ....... . ~A .... .... .. . ACT fCl.\Il'.......lft...!E.......'.....-.......=r........I1.'lIl:.fI1Qt,",r-.. ' 1....... .. ..::....~ Of.. )~.. ......'.......... .-........'... soUrce, .,"waterloth.Dl8trlct'8CU1tclfMrt;i/id .' ... .~. , J,,;. ". the continued operation of ___ III DlIIllilllA. ".1rltUl ClWi.u.Dletrlcl:wattr lupplleaand~ "'lability; and. . '.. WHEREAS, tetrachloroelhylene, more oommonIy knoW .. . .' , 10 c%rI..., flOl!Iflammablfl dry cleaning and ~ ... often tclUrj pollutant; aod. . WHERIAS, In adc:.llllon 10 PCE bIIIng a ~ ~ offIclala have lIUspeotedallrlk"'" Pel! "'POIUI'8 and_ WHEREA'j.lhem~ level (Me(.)'" ~ (ppb) ~ many putIllo..~.' . shut down, or1~treatl:I)entfaCllltf.. . PCE w.. ~ at. water r";ariI;! , . .' ..' .. . WHlftlA8,methyl tertIery butyl e'lher (MTBE) ,. . blfndlng of Q8I<)lIne as an oqtane booster to meet FtIderal CIMn ~in~.... 'O.llYQlIna.~and.,",~,y """IAI. unIIkeothl( ~ In gasob. ...,.. pOorly ad8Qrbed to8O/laallowlng It to mClve wItt1.trounl;Iwater flow, . WHI!f1I!~St~asollne co".utuenta,InoIudIAlJ MTBE,. .,.. ~""l~ from Undergw~:=~~~~ ~~ =~:trom d!*N",'~~~ ed..r'lth MTBE are ou. rrently beln.g inV8ltlga...ted ted but the Unltect StatIiI E...I\'k~~.... . ,.... ...... ... ...... AaSnoy (USEPA)h.. neverth,e1_'p~ . Ortnklog W..... ttMIth. ~... .... ~ 1997) that r8OOl'll/l18nded a range ofvalU88,20 pPb \0 410 pPb,.. ~or .... : ..<,' and . . . c.,. .., 1If!!1I..~~1'::~it,:=m~O:'=:=~c:.~~V.~. Z........~...r~. . 'tnepubllc from eXJlC)tUT8 to MTB. . E In drInklnO.. watltr..at 1MIt... . _.IW ........... . .. ;andlntendatoproposea~maxtmlImOOOllllMlant~of6_i.. c.' '~;. ....WMEftIA8. PCE and MTBE contamInatfclh hJve __ ......In 1hiJ...... inCh ~ of the Weill and In..,.,W..., In ...,.,...........llt... "--4"',- ctieOf PC~H'=;:V:rv. D=.~....' -= ~.Qttor~~-~;_.. :..,~.... COl'ltamlnaltld~t.r from .......of", w.a.WIlIctI' .f:t.. .'. and an air 8IrIpp.lng towe.r along wItt1. .. III'" ~ ooefJ... .. '. . ".'. ,.,tfid. . WHERW. to .voIcl_~~af'. ... . ' i.. effeoIIve regula. lion of. fIOII~. ... '.' .....le..".IIC. ....,,10........ . of... . Ofwattrand*",l1.ealthandl!8ftlYl '_~,,:.. . . .' . ... .. . natu""~~:~~':r'::==.~rv.~~ quality; .an<1 . ... . . .. '. .......III.Ihe',........ to workOOQpera1MIIy to manage. .~. ..; ... ........... . aulhorlfta=".':~t~:O::rvlCe area ~1Aft ./:n=-~. to.gn)ljndwater managem.ntll'-ll'fl,l8l'lt Iq 0Ih.,. ~.;r.,_,. ... .... . .. ........... " 1~.~.~P!8r\r_' . .,:..';.":.f/<.. ........ .' 1 WHeRJAS;'m. Olitrictl.. local ,gency ~fdto~'''~. Management P1111 purauant to the proYIeIone of the G~M*tIllll8l_ ~ .... . .. .: . WH.I!AEA8. wa.te.'r COd.. e 1.'C1lon 10.'53,2".............N,....... '.' r=.:.f:I:; GroundWater Managem.nt Plan, a local .gency fIl\lII'ffi'It .....'*'*' ~ 11>'..' ... W/l1llhfr.1O adopt.!'.Olt....rof.lfWltIonto ~.~.....btam...~_ .. ~~lhepubllcatlon of notice r,q~ blf~w, the DI8trtclt he/(j. public h8a. ring o. n AlJQU$I. . 13,1998, to reoeiv....pubIIc. CO/11IMI'll..... .'. .~..~.......' or not II IhouIcfIdllpt a resolutlonofl"-to draft a Groundw_~_... I WHlFIIA8, afte. r OOnllderlng.the... publ.. .IoCClmlTlll1t.. . arid. . ..OIIW "'*". 1M.. ...".._.. ......... .. at the hearing, the ,Board of DI ,of .~~Id thatll,. In"", ..' ." . theDl8trlotto.,.IlGro .. ...' .,....';. . . . ., 1; Th. Board~rtl=~.de8lTliltadvt:&.~be8t __-OfIhe.DI8trfGt tqdra'fl'Groundwa.~PIan. . '. . ,. .' . 2. TheDl*ict ~ ..-'.. InttmtIon to draft.. Groun-.r~ Plan put'IUaiIt to W.tftl' Code 8l!OtIott 1t'1'tSo at ttq; . . .. '.' .. . ' 3. The General Manager II direotedto take any ~JIOlIQft~ and ~ 10 Implement thll resolution. . ... 4. This rellOlutlol'! 1haII. take effeot ImlTl4ldlately.. . . '.' WI, THI.""DIRSIG.". '.0, do h.rltbycet1lfy that 1"- .bov. ..ncl.. for.." "Cf Resolution wllllregularly acl.oPted and P88IId by the Soard Of DIreoIort of the..... Tahoe Public at a .J)8CiIiI~ cIuIy held on '" tlth _of AugUat.'1N8,_ the. .... . .:. AVu'.JI) ..... i W....4onea. Gochnauer, ~. NOIS, D1r.",':<:\',<> .' .. .' . ABIeNT. Olreotore: .St{obm' . . "N_ea A. Jon~. PrMfent \ .~ v \., AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ATTN: Linda Brown 1275 MEADOW CREST DRIVE SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of EI Dorado I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County foresaid; I am over eighteen years, and not a part to or interested in the above entitled matter, I am the principal clerk of the printer of the Tahoe Daily Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published Monday through Friday in the City of South Lake Tahoe, County of EI Dorado, and which newspaper has been adjudicated a newspaper of general circulation , by the Superior Court of the "County of EI Dorado, State of California under the date March 6, 1970, Case Number 18569, that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than six (6) point), has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplemental therefore on the following dates, to wit: !~~""l.'<<~' "/";h~' "l'-"t t!l't'-",,, '" '" '''w" !!if"'>' , .; unL NOTICE IS. HEREIY olvlN \hat the Board of Dlrectol'l of ",.,. 8.outh TahOe PllbIIc utility 't...wIII : 0CIl'lijuct " public :.,.. regard1ng the District's 1~toadopt a A8IOIutlon of Irttflltloh to Draft a .Groundwater Management Plan pursuant, to the ,Groundwater Management Act r(Water Code section 10750 at ..eq.). The DIItrlct. WI" conduct ~h8 ptIlIIIc nunn,;at a SpecIal ,Board Meetino to be ~ It tile' c .' ."i .. ; t._. Ta.' 'cantom". _ 7:00 p.m., on ThUNdiy, Auguttt 1~ ,..r~ .iU';;' July 30, Aug. 5, 1998 I certify under penalty, that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at South Lake Tahoe, California this: \. \.. . PLAN Abt "',(ViA.","'.: WHlRW..1he ~h '11.,. . ' )Owml and !lPlIr.,tIlIrtY :"'~::. .... fcJr.~~of provldInq a eat!. and ~b1. , . .,. ,. .l:pontIn~ opMatloriQf ~. W~. by the DIStrict la, necessary to /I'IlIII1taln Q~~ OIJfrtCt~t~.. atICI,""'rtll~;.nd j , . .. WfI. ..... ttI1.roethylene, mor.... COllUTlOnly know.. 8$ perchforoelhylene (PeE), ,It a ~...nonfl.m/1l..bHtdiyOlmllnt end ~_ng ~ntOfte\'llound ulf..grdUfldwater ~;~--'~_Q17loPce ~n9 a~. ~~n oarclnogeJ,publlc health ofIIolaIe '-~~ all!'!k ~ pce~. arid blJ:tb defJcle; llnd I . . .. . WHIIttAI. ",,-l'\1Ulmum 90fltamlnantlevej (MC1.)'forPcE II. "VAlES) parttpe"bll. lion. (ppb)and many pubtIc qanclel have prevlou$lyN down. _ndotltd~ . ~W81ls ; or ClOI:IRUoted tteltnwrlttaellltle. ,beclIuu PCE wu detected allevel. abo. :satedrlrlklng w.r levels; and -'. . , ',WHlRIAI,l'\'Ifthyl terttaIy butyl.elher.(MTBE);lea chemical cornpo~ndueed In the ~O of lIU9Hne II an octane bOOster to' meet Fecleral. Cl.an Air Act requil'emenll tor oxy. ........In~. o~ g.lne.and In t"~Iyr.tonnUlated gasollneJand .. .' wMIfiIAs. unIIIilOlher flydrclcatbons.lnaa.ollne. M'TJE Ie very .er sOluble and ,pOol1y adilofbed'iO 8OIIelllOwlng It .to.mQV. with grou~ter flow, largely unr8tarded; and . , ..Wf'lMlA$. gato. . 11n... e cOmltltuents, InclUdIng MTBE, are.kInO... tnto 1hlt groundwater . frQm undtIrQrciund ~rap ~n'ks (VST .), or leaking JilIpellnes; and . .~. " .. WK!E~W..... ~1NI. :,Ml!ClQplJ4>f.,~_,~..NIeIIItI.... .. ng. tromdrinklnc{W8Iercontamlna. I. "WIth MTft art QUl'rel)ttYbeInQ InvesUgateclbl,lt tlle United StaIllErlYlronmerlt8l Protecllon AgencV (VsePA) t\a.neverthele.. published a Prinking Watpr Health AdVIsory (o..mber 1997)ltIall~ a rano- ot valu.., 20 ppb 10 40 ppb,," prolectlve ot'!he public health; ancl : ,. .. '.'>";,>'1:" -:,' <. '.;.t,. "'" ,'<'. - f . ~JA8, alt/lOugh.,lud1e8 have shownlhat ~.&'cal'! j)e _ at cOnoemta- tIonI .. tow, ... 2 . ...... c.tItOl'l1la Oepaltm8nt of HUIth S8rvlcet IW set ail "IlCltIon IeVtI" of 35 PPl> 10 P . .p@llQ fl'Qm expoaure 10 MTeE Indl'ltllClng,waler iii levels lhet ~ sinJII8d ortaltld. ,.~..... ...... toPl'PPOt. .'. . U 18COl1.. dery m.axIlTI.. urn~. ...'. Jlninant IevelO. t 5ppb; and .PCE and MTBE contamJn~n /ltvebHn ctet,,1n the aqullel'l with. In t!'III vlclnttvof",,'.WiliIIe end In' severllIWells;I/'l'Sevetatlr\ltanCes In.__ ot the MOL (In the _ofppE),'~~rylevelancf/<lrtallteand6<lor~oId;and !.'.., Wlt~ ttitDlstrlct bauxpended, ~a In tx.- of $500,000 In treating the ~8(\.Q!'OUOdwattr from uveral of !he. Welle whl.m tnclUdes coeta k)r dedicated line. and tI') air ~. tow....1OnQ with ~nll8lQpfll'atIng cos\8 of tens of. ~d8 of doIllll'l: lnd :.. __. I. to. .aVOId fu~r comamlnallon. oflhe Wetlla a.. ~ "'If lIT. oun.dwater. m,bre 8ftectfti1laUl4flort. ..' c:rf...~.a.I"'. ..qualllyle nec88H. . ry.. to..p.. rot.. eel. lb, Dlttrl~.. 80urpe ot supplY. of .,. .~th6hea1ttt" eafeW Clf lie customltl; and.. . I..' . . :'WHIItJAe,ttI8~. ela. lure has. fQund andcteoWtd. .'.. tha.1 groun;i;. .'sa.~. luabIe..... naturlI repoQtC8 In Call1omlw, ano ,tlouid be mlll'!ao.<:t 10 .n.bl'l b<Ith 11I'- . ocfuctIQn Nlf:f "' " quality; and, ' ~'., j"; ;, ' ",','.. , ,. l.1r"h,:":i \'! ' :.' /'~' . . WHIF!. qs, It Is the 8lIpr..... .. d lnt,nl of the f.tQIal,wreto encourage loCal agencies to wo$cooperatIvety to. managellrounclwater reaourcesWlthlrt their jurisdictions; and . . WHlfllA8, tile 'GrOundwaler Ma"ageJllent A(lt (~ater Code,.H:.~7~t seg.) -authorlUl a,locaI agency whose service. area IncIuCIII a grolindwatef buln WliIi It !'\OttUbltlel to~terl1'lSlMlgemerlt pursuant to OIhtr proVleloll8 oHaw or a ~ o,\'de!I', to adopt and lmpItn'ltnlaj()roundWateJiManagenient Pian; and .. . ... . WHIREA., the DIslr/ct Is a local agency .uthorlzed to .pt'..Gl$lndwater ~.nt'PJeu, P\,Itlluanttothe prpvjslons ot !be Groundwater Managemer;tAd;.., . WtttRIA8, Waler Cod. section 10753.2 requires thai, b_otepr~rlng a GroundwilterMarillgtrnem Plan, alOoal.~nc:v mustlirtthold a Pltbllc hearlnlllo consider wMtMtro adopta.Reeolullon of Intenllon to DrAtt a GroundWater Management Planjand . WMMMI. following the publlOatk;1n of no1!oe. required by law, the District held a pUblIc he8rIl1O on 13, 1998, 10 receive pubHc commtl\t onwhelher or:not It should adopt a _1JlkOliI elf . ~ a Groundwater Managemenl Plani and .. .~ col'lllderlng the pUblk:commentll'ld ot~ lnfQt:rna1kln. pl'8l8n\8d at. the ~.,rd of Directors of,lhe D18trlct dtlennll'led that It Ie In ~ befit Interest ot 1he0lltrtCf... '~t.r Managemenl Plan, . ' , :MOW, THII!REFORI, II tTRESOLVED AI FC)l.4OWI: ", The Wrd d OlrectOl'lof the Ol$trlct dtems It advl8able an. In 1he beet ~ ot the Dl8trlct todraft.CI~ManlIQem."'Plan. .' i ! 2. The DI8l1fct h8f8I>y declai'ta 1\8 Intenllon 10 drall a Groundlvater Managemem Plen pursuant roWaterQode_on10750 It seq. . . '.'.. , ' :t lht t.aeriMf ~ Ielllrecled to take any eddltlQrtat.on ~ry AAd appt'Oprlal8.t(I ~,*'~n,.. '... '., 4. ThIe ~tIlilR ~ke efteclliJ!lMc/l<<t-'y, , .l' .' . ""'THIUNDIRSIGNED, do. hereby certify that the above and toregolng f\8IoIIItIOn.'wD'<IuIV and regulally'acloplecl.andpasaeq lJy theBoarclof Pli'ectore of lhe South ',... PubtlQ l$ltY~ ata special meeting dulV held on the 13th day of A\,Igust, 1998, bY the'lpt(QwiIlll vote;. . ' ....In 1avQt thereof, OIrectOI'l!; Wallace, Jones, GochnaU8f', Mo,bacl!er. . .. .. .'. .;/110/11& ' .. . A " . OIf.ctpiJt'''obril ATTEST: ltI Kathy ShaIJl: Clerk ~1!'18 Board ~e~~,." TOT Al/O;J6;'28.199B . \., IsI Jam.. R. Jones, Pr8eldtnt , '-' ~~ AFFI DAVIT OF PUBLICATION ~OUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT A TTN: Linda Brown 1275 MEADOW CREST DRIVE SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of EI Dorado I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County foresaid; I am over eighteen years, and not a part to or interested in the above entitled matter, I am the principal clerk of the printer' of the Tahoe Daily Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published Monday through Friday in the City of South Lake Tahoe, County of EI Dorado, and which newspaper has been adjudicated a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court of the County of EI Dorado, State of " ~alifornia under the date March 6, ""970, Case Number 18569, that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy (set in type not smaller than six (6) point). has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplemental therefore on the following dates, to wit: f "BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ~THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN . that the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District will conduct a public hearing regarding the District's 1ntent to adopt a Resolution of . Intention to Draft a .Groundwater Management 'Plan pursuant to the ,Groundwater Management Act . ''(Water Code section 10750 et -seq.). The District will conduct .the public hearing at a Special ,Board Meetlng to' be ~eld at tI'1!l 'Clty_; ~ounc!'_; .(:h!!~Il.rti,i . located at ,1900 . Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California, at 7:00 p.m., on Thursday, August 13. 1998. Interested"persons . are Invited to atteiid, .:. ..' TOT July 30, Aug. 5, 1998' July 30, Aug. 5, 1998 I certify under penalty, that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at South Lake Tahoe, California this: , i-G ~