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RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REQUESTING THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION TO TAKE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY AND AMENDMENT TO THE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE RESOLUTION NO. 2573 WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District desires to initiate proceedings pursuant to the Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985, commencing with section 56000 of the California Government Code, for the annexation of territory; and WHER~S, it is the policy of the STPUD that facilities constructed for the benefit of STPUD residents should, whenever practical, be located within the boundaries of STPUD; and WHEREAS, it is the policy of the STPUD that areas serviced by STPUD should, whenever practical, be located within the boundaries of the STPUD; and WHEREAS, the legislature of the State of California (in Sections 18055 of the Public utilities Code, and 66951 of the Government Code inter alia) has made findings and declared the special facts exist with respect to the Public utility Districts in the Lake Tahoe Basin; and WHEREAS, the STPUD has been providing services to and had facilities located in areas outside of the official boundaries of the STPUD but within the boundaries of the U.S. National Forests administered by the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit of the united States Forest Service pursuant to the provisions of the California Water Code, sections 13950, et seq., which regulate the handling -1- and treatment of waste and effluent in the Lake Tahoe watershed; Land \., \-,. WHEREAS, the six-year drought in the Lake Tahoe Basin and surrounding areas, as well as the natural conditions always present in these areas, have created a serious potential for forest fire in these areas; and WHEREAS, the STPUD has the capability to provide some additional fire-fighting aids for the more remote areas of the Lake Tahoe Basin watershed by virtue of their Luther Pass/Indian Creek Pipeline; and WHEREAS, the STPUD has taken the responsiblity pursuant to Water Code section 13950, et seq., to provide for waste dumping from areas within the watershed of the Lake Tahoe Basin but not currently within our district and not connected to our sewer system; and WHEREAS, the annexation of contiguous u.S. Forest Service land under the management of the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit and within the watershed of Lake Tahoe, will provide a better defined delineation of the area serviced by STPUD as well as the areas in which STPUD currently has facilities in place; and WHEREAS, the annexation of such property to the STPUD will not be growth-inducing and will not result in other environmental effects in that the annexation is merely formalizing services rendered and facility locations which are already in existence; and WHEREAS, the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to section 15320 of Title 14 of -2- . L \. ~ the California Administrative Regulations; and WHEREAS, Government Code section 56387 provides that if a proposed change of organization involves territory in another county, that the Local Agency Formation Commission of the principal county shall have exclusive jurisdiction over the proposal; and WHEREAS, the El Dorado County Local Agency Formation Commission is the commission of the principal county as defined in Government Code section 56066. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public utility District as follows: 1. This Resolution shall constitute a Resolution of Application with the El Dorado County Local Agency Formation Commission for the annexation of the property, described on the attached Exhibit "A", to the South Tahoe Public utility District. Legal counsel for the STPUD is hereby authorized to more clearly define the legal boundaries of the proposed territory to be annexed as is required upon further dealings with the u.S. Forest Service and/or LAFCO. 2. The El Dorado County Local Agency Formation Commission is hereby respectfully requested to process the proposed annexation of the territory described on the attached Exhibit "A" to the STPUD pursuant to the Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985. 3. This Application for Annexation may also be considered a concurrent Application for Amendment to the District's Sphere of Influence, if such an amendment is considered necessary by the -3- -... l" \-, \..- Local Agency Formation Commission. 4. Pursuant to Government Code section 56650 and following, the following information is hereby provided: (a) The nature of the proposal is to annex the property, described on the attached Exhibit "A", to the South Tahoe Public utility District. (b) Descriptions of the proposed territory to be annexed to the STPUD are attached hereto respectively as Exhibit "A". (c) The individuals on behalf of the STPUD to receive notice regarding the above Applications are: (1) Mr. Robert Baer, general manager, South Tahoe Public utility District, 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe California, 96150. (2) Mr. Dale L. Sare, Attorney at Law, 2269 James Avenue, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150. (d) The purpose for the proposal is to annex the subject contiguous property to the STPUD so that the subject facilities and service areas already in existence will be officially within the boundaries of the STPUD. Furthermore, this annexation will expand the STPUD's official boundaries to encompass the watershed area immediately affecting the present official territory of the STPUD. It is the policy of the STPUD that facilities servicing the residents of the STPUD should be whenever practical, within the boundaries of the STPUD. This policy provides for more efficient administration of the facilities in existence and the services provided, and provides a more accurate description of the District -4- - '-' \. \. facilities and service area. The STPUD may also provide additional fire-fighting facilities for the remote parts of the National Forest within the Lake Tahoe watershed. (e) There are no proposed conditions for the annexation, other than such conditions as may be recommended by the Local Agency Formation Commission. 5. The general manager of the South Tahoe Public utility District is hereby authorized to provide such further and additional information to the Local Agency Formation Commission as may be necessary to allow the proper processing of this Resolution of Application. This Resolution is approved and adopted on this 7th day of January, 1993. AYES: Directors Pierini, Mason, Wallace, Mosbacher, Onysko NAYS: None ABSENTS: None ~~ LOU PIERINI, Chairman South Tahoe Public utility District Board of Directors ATTEST: {Jar ~~~ PAT MAMATH Clerklsecretary IIII -5- \., \., ~ CERTIFICATION I, Robert Baer, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was passed on motion duly made and seconded by the vote reflected above, at the meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public utility District this 7th day of January, 1993. ~~l Manager South Tahoe Public utility District -6- ~ ~ ~ EXHIBIT "A" The proposed territory to be annexed pursuant to Resolution Number 2573 of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public utility District is described as: U.S. Forest Service land, contiguous to the present official boundaries of the South Tahoe Public utility District, contained within the jurisdiction of the Lake Tahoe Basin Management unit of the U.S. Forest Service within the State of California, and within the Upper Truckee River watershed area. The area is described further as being a continuation of the present official boundary of the STPUD up the Upper Truckee River valley to its point of origin and the East to the state line between California and the State of Nevada. An approximate delineation of the proposed territory to be annexed is hereby incorporated in the attached map of the subject area. TAl/OE ,.~ ,". . ,""".:'C.....,..:.,::;,;.~._i-~l{:.:,. :;:"~;i R'I R-' c", ""../1 ~':",W"i,<r,'J ;""~;',"->;;;I: ." "L.' 'c.~'" ,,,,,~, """~"'f'r"'" .....l.... --- "'00 :'i>'l':'~L1(:\,;::::' . ,I,,,. .,'yr 1 (. r. )~.r,."" "', '" , ""J' ,..,'1. ,I..~.,,,~~,,J.,;,;:'.,. ' ,~,' 'l -I" \ Ii' "[{.N 'I" : " .: I.",,,.....;. 'J,' ..,.t' >,! t.~J."'f'~~'i' ~:<.: . ' J I:" . _' fl' '\ ~ ; ''Ii '...r ~ ' , :"~ l' ~)"" ,. .t '1 ... l, 'fl' "l~ ~.. ;(r \ ".,.. \ I ',\1, '::\ ~-:! '-: j'S' '; .". """1, :'("~"":"'''':-\~'''J~'''' "'. "~\\\,"(',,':i::1 >:},?~~" . ". I. ,.,~ .;l. ',' . "" "I".-t.. ft, , " ' . ", .. I ,.... 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