HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2561 ..... . \.., 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RESOLUTION NO. 2561 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUTHORIZING APPLICATION TO THE DIRECTOR OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR A CERTIFICATE OF CONSENT TO SELF-INSURE WORKERS COMPENSATION LIABILITIES BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, County of El Dorado, State of California, organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, as follows: 9 authorized and empowered to make application to the Director of That the Board of Directors are hereby severally 10 Industrial Relations, State of California, a Certificate of 11 Consent to Self Insure workers' compensation liabilities in 12 behalf of the South Tahoe Public Utility District and to execute 13 any and all documents required for such application. \.. 14 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a duly held regular meeting of 15 the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District J6 on the 7th day of May, 1992, by the following vote: 18 19 20 2J 22 23 24 25 26 \w 27 28 17 AYES: Wallace, Onysko, Pierini, Mosbacher, Mason NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ~Q~ LOU PIERINI, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ~. ,/)~ h ATTEST: . fAr- (..I '2-~.d PAT A. ~mMATH, CLERK OF THE BOARD SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Sl),TE: OF CALIFORNIA Page 1 DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS SELF-INSURANCE PLANS {;48 Arden Way, Suite 105 "ramenta, CA 95825 Our File: P- @ APPLICATION FOR A PUBLIC ENTITY CERTIFICATE OF CONSENT TO SELF INSURE NOTE: All questions must be answered. If not applicabfe, use symbol-NlN. Workers' compensation insurance must be maintained until certifICate is effective. APPLICANT INFORMATION South Tahoe Public Utility District Legal Name of Applicant . (Show exactly as on Charter or other offICIal documents): 1275 Meadow Crest Street Address of Main Headquarters: P.O. Box 19487 Mailing Address (if different from above): Federal Tax ID No: South Lake Tahoe, City, CA State 96151 L1p+4 94-1337-914 \..,p., of Public Entity (Check one): U City and/or County U School District U Police and/or Fire District U Hospital District L19 Other. (Describe) Utili ty District Type Application (Check One): LXI New Application U Reapplication due to Merger or UnifICation U Reapplication due to Name Change Only U Other (Specify): Current Program for Workers' Compensation LIabilities Group Number 076 LXJ Currently Insured with State Compensation Insurance Fund, Policy Number: 000 lJ J lJ - ~ 1. Policy Expiration Date: 7/1/92 Yearly Premium: $ 148.172 Current Yearly Incurred (Paid & Unpaid) Losses: $ l) 7 ,41 0 (FY or CY) 1--1 Currently Self- Insured: Certificate Number : \., Name of Current Certificate Holder: I_I Othor (Describe): "- ... Page 3 AGENCY EMPLOYMENT '-' Current Number of Agency Employees: ] 00 Number of Public Safety Officers (law enforcement. police or fire): 0 If a school district, number of certifICated employees: n/ a Will all agency employees be Included in this self Insurance program? l1U Yes UNo If answer is .No., explain who is not included and how workers' compensation coverage is to be provided to the excluded agency employees: SAFETY AND ACCIDENT PREVENTION Does the agency have a written Safety and Accident Prevention Program? ug Yes LJ No Name of Individual responsible for agency Safety and Accident Prevention Program: - Name and Title: .J Nancy Hussmann. Human Resourcp.s nirp.r.ror Company or Agency's Name: South Tahoe Public Utility nisrrir.r Mailing Address: P.O. Box 19487 City: State: Zip + 4: South Lake Tahoe Telephone No.: (916) 54J.l-6474 CA 96151 SUPPLEMENTAL INSURANCE Will your self insurance program be supplemented by any insurance coverage under a standard workers' compensation insurance policy? U Yes LKJ No (If yes, then complete the fo/fowing): Name of Carrier: Policy Number: Policy Issue Date: ...,J \..,~olnt Pow.r. Agr..ment Will 1he apprlCant be a member of . woriters' compensation Joint Powers Agreement? t!J - Yes U No H yes, then compl#l,e lluI following: EtkK:tive date 01 JPA 1Mmbersh1p: 3-20-86 JPA c.rI1f1cllte Number: 2221 HarM and ntlfl of JPA ExtICutJw OffICer: ROnald Tsugita, President HarM of Joint Powel$ Agl'fHIfMnt ASlfIncy; California Sanitation Risk Management Authority Ual/ing Add,e" of JPA : Public Entity Group, P:O. Box 7601 tAste ~fi~~-7 601 c/o Sedgwick James, City . San FranC1SCO Tele~o. M Number. 14' 983-9633 \." PRbPOSEO CLAIMS 'ADMINISTRATOR Who win be administering your agency's wof1(ers' compensation claims? (Check one:) U JPA win administer, (JPA Certificate No.: ). LxJ Third party agency wlll administer, (TPA Certificate No.: 0132 ). U Public entity will self admInister. U Insurance carrier will administer. Hams of Individual Claims Administrator: R~lph W Matthews NatM of AdmlnlstriJ.tlve AtJency: Gregory B. Bragg & Associates, Inc. MaUlng AddrlJ$s: P.O. Box 41528 City: Sacramento, CA T lJlephone No.: (916 )344-7995 State: ZfJ + 4: 95841 ( ~t[lN~~~932 ~ Number of claims reponing locations to be used to handle the agency's claims: Will all agency claims be handled by the administrator listed above? lXJ Yes U No 1 Page 2 4 . -- :" .. '. Page 3 \.cENCY EMPLOYMENT Current Number of Agency Employees: 100 Number of Public Safety Officers (law enforcement, police or fire): 0 If a school district. number of certifICated employees: n/ a Will all agency erTll10yees be Included in this self Insurance program? lXJ Yes U No If answer is .No., explain who is not included and how workers' compensation coverage is to be provided to the excluded agency employees: SAFETY AND ACCIDENT PREVENTION Does the agency have a written Safety and Accident Prevention Program? LKI Yes LJ No Name of Individual responsible for agency Safety and Accident Prevention Program: \r 4 Name and Title: Nancy Hussmann. Human Resour~es nirp~tor Company or Agency's Name: South Tahoe Public Utiljty Distri~t Mailing Address: P.O. Box 19487 City: State: Zip + 4: South Lake Tahoe Telephone No.: (.H6) 54.4-6474 CA 96151 SUPPLEMENTAL INSURANCE Will your self insurance program be supplemented by any insurance coverage under a standard workers' compensation insurance policy? U Yes lXJ No (If yes, then complete the following): Name of Carrier: ~ Policy Number: Policy Issue Date: , . MAY 08 '92 09:23 SEDGWICK JAMES- S.F. P.i . I ~ Page .. . , \., Will your self Insurance program be supplemented by any insurance coyerage under · specifIC excess workers' compensation Insurance policy? W Yes UNo (It y.s, then cornp16t. the tollowlng): Name ot Carrier: Employers Rei nsurance Corp. Polley Number: C-22743-Q Po/~y "sue Date: 7-1-90 R.t~mtion Limits: $200,000. each accideAt and for each employee disease WIU your ..tf insurance program be supplemented by any Insurance coverage under a aggregrate eXCG$$ (stop Joss) workers' CO(1l)8naation Insurance poUcy? LJ Yes ~ No (If r-s, then complflt. 1M following): Name of Carrier: Policy Number: Policy IssU4t Oat.: Retenrlon Limits: \., RESOLUTION OF GOVERNING BOARD SH Attacfuld Resolution CERTIF1CA TION The und.ralgned on b.half of the applicant h....by appU.. for a Certificate of Con..nt to Self Inlure the payment of worke,..' compen..Uon U,bUttl.. pursuant to labor Cod. Sectlon 3700. The ,bove InformaUon Is .ubmltted for the purpose of procurIng uld Certificate from the Director of Induatrlal Relation., State of Camornl.. If the Certificate la IlIued, the appltcant agre.. to comply with applteable California atatute. and regulation. pertaining to the payment of compen.aUon that m.)' become due to the appncant'. employ... covered by the Certificate. Signature of AuthorizfHJ OfflCla/: Date: x ~:I- x6&- TYi>>d N~ms: !' Robert G. Baer Title: General Manager '-' Agency Name: South Tahoe Public Utility District May 8, 1992 (Emboss seal above)