HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 235K~.m~. JHX- mjs ~ ~' ~ 60 8c RESOLUTION APPOINTING ENGINEERS AND ATTOR} YS RESOLVED, b}~ the BoaPd of DiFectors of the S~}uth Taiv){~ x,'-~ D'~r. ad~ Count~i~ Calif,)PhiL, that Public Utilit?' Distric[5, W~REAS, this ?}oaPd bas determined to undePtake proceedinss pursuant to appropPiat~ assessment and assessment bond acts _~ ...... ~ the acquisition and const?uction of public i~pPovements in said District ~ W~REAS.~ the public intePest and Seneral welfare will be served ~_~y appointins and e~r~Ioyins engineers and attorneys f~)r preparation and conduct o? said proceed.-' 'S~' .L]~ ~ and work in connectior~ with said improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED~ as .~. Llows: !. That CLAIR A. HILL and ASSOCIATES~ Ro-lding, Calif:~rnia, ~)e, ano it is here'}~'¢, appoN~.ued as ~..a .... ~,,~ of }'~)rk ahd emp!o~'ed ~,~ d~'~ and perform all ensineering work necessary in and faf said . o ~ . prepaPat~ton of proceedings, ~ncludins all oreliminary ~urveying~ !:epoP%~ plans~ ~ro~ iies~ ,~,ec~ ications, estimate :}'f costs, dia- sPat:~ assessment, set,,mnS _]Fade stakes and supervision of that its compensat'i:~n be, and it i~ herob?'~ fixed at a measona'b!e eng:i, neerinS fee top all o~ ~a..Le engineemi:~S, said fee to be Oixed and a[~pPoved 'oy one ~;sard of Directors '}~ L said DistPicS, at~d assessed as an incidental exoenae of said procee~}in~'s saxa !)ist~-~ct is T~ao the DistrAct Engineer .-~s , ~-'~, engi~eeri~x' docL~?lents and ' ~ .....construc%i:~n sf said imnrovenerts ~',P-~vide such ~nor'er~tion )[ ......... accept said ..... '~ ' ' .,~ aa inspection shall bo a ....... Led. as an incid~.aoa~ e"~-ne¥,se ~, said prgceedinss. ~ That the Iai;: f'~,~ of Kirk'b~id(:, i.[i].a':~n, [{arzfelS ~ ~ -- :~..~rnza, be~ and they are l~e~eb~,, a~.~._~ a~x~ e.4~l~Y~ to do and perfoPm all legal services required conO~ct of sa~d pr. oceeu~.~,~ .... ~,~ inc!u~ing the prenarati~n~ ~:'~ papers not required to be prepared by tf~e Engineer, exanininff aonrovinf: the e~z .... .~.rin:~f documents and advising tNe E~si,~oo~ the preparati:~ of l'~s w~r~:, advising alt District ~ee'~'~-~ tn~.~.~o when call d upon, and furpishiu~f ic~.a! ~pinion on the val~ ''~ .... said . ~'it~.:Zs and o~r~.ds~ ,~.~ thai~ cnmpensation 'he, and 2t is ..... ~:~o,~.~. fixed aa S'~,. :~f u,: .... a.t el) st ~ the pr:)j~cu. 4. Tt~a~, tim"-" fLrv:, of Sc:verly and Weidma~, 9ijou, Ca!l- said Kirk?:ride, ~{ils~n, Earzfeld ?:: Wall~.c ...... ur:e c.,~:ot,.c. _ pr,~' ....... c ...... s-'~,,o~z~o~ ard p~,-~,~vidip~ advic~.~ to .... trio ~ _.at~_L,.~ thereon, and t~xeir c,[,[..ensation ) tout (1//27:~) of the total c~st of the pro,'ject. r~,~.~.- thePe J.:~ ,'.:-col-t~d fPO~r! ~fatlQ S~'via'~'-z al q so re~ferPed to 6. TNePo is als _,...c~2pted fPom said services any - -' " ' ' '" """ ~ ", ~ ' o clef ' ~-, .... :~: ,' SftPV[COS Pei-~(]'OFO:; use in gosu~.~ Lo t'.~e a~:~<zai tax roil, c)r i~ die ~,~.~a~t~o . . o . , '--~?c ~ 'CCi ~'~ otZOfI ~18. L~c,~, , 7. Ti)e fees pp:',vi,aod t:, be paid ~.~q, POit~ '5;l~all be - 2 - ~',' Pr'eSident 'of'"'S'?uth Tahoe Pu/b! Utility,,* District (/ forego'ling- ~.,' ° a full, true and cor~ect was :h_~ly and.~e?ularly.~ r~rlor,'bed., ...... ,, at a Dirccu.~o ~$ .... theo~outh TaJ~ne P~.~oz~ Ut~ll-by Country,~.r~alzzornza, duly ine].d :,r~ tho AE~S, a,:'~c~ in favor thereof, Directors: NOES, Directors: Ijone ABSENT, Directors: ~':~'5~k and ~¢~-~f5ci6 S~cretary >'f" ' South Tahoe Public Utility Distz~ict - 3-