HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 251KW W:J H:ju 11/ 8/60 8c
RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe
Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, that
WHEREAS, this Board did on September 22, 1960, adopt its
Resolution No. 221-A Approving Plans and Specifications for the
Beach Trunk Line; and
WKEREAS, said Resolution and said proceedings were had and
taken pursuant to Chapter 4, Division 7 of the Public Utilities
Code of the State of California:
1. That the public interest and necessity require the
acquisition, construction and completion, by said District, of the
proposed public improvements, all as more particularly described
in said plans and specifications.
2. That the easements described in said proceedings and
herein described, are necessary for said improvements.
3. That said proposed improvements are planned and located
in the manner which will be most compatible with the greatest
public good and the least private injury.
4-. That the law firm of Hughes, Maul and Fogerty, Placer-
ville, California, employed for that purpose, be and they are
hereby, directed to negotiate for the acquisition of the easements
therefor herein described, and to institute and conduct to conclu-
sion an action in eminent domain for the acquisition of such ease-
ments as are not acquired by negotiation, and to take such action
as necessary therein, and that their compensation be fixed at the
reasonable value thereof.
5. That an order or orders of immediate possession be
obtained in said action or actions, and that a warrant or warrants
be issued to the County Clerk of the County of E1 Dorado in the
amount or amounts determined by the Court to be deposited as a
condition to the right of immediate possession, as follows: That
the amount required to be deposited for the possession of the
parcels be drawn from the appropriate construction funds of said
District and if there are not sufficient moneys therein, that the
amount necessary therefor' be transferred thereto as a loan from
the general operation fund of the District.
6. That said easements so sought to be taken are all more
particularly described in said plans and specifications on file in
the office of the Clerk of said District, to which reference is
hereby made for a particular description thereof. Said parcels
are more particularly described as follows:
(a) A portion of the SW1/~ of Section 27, T. 13 N.,
R. t8 E., M.D.M., E1 Dorado County, California.
A right-of-way 10 feet wide lying 5 feet on each side
of the following described line:
Commencing at a point on the SWly line of Lakesi~e
Lodge as Recorded in Book A of Maps at Page 31, E1 Dorado
County Records, from whence the most Westerly point of said
Lakeside Lodge bears, N. 57~ 32' 30" W., 174-.65 feet;
thence, S. 22~ 00' W., 43 feet more or less to a point on
the Southerly line of North Roa~ sai~ point being the
~oint of beginning of this description; thence, from said
point of beginning S. 22~ 00' W., 100 feet more or less to
the point of termination on the SEly line of Beach Road.
The sides of said easements to be lengthened or short-
ene~ to meet adjoining property lines.
(b) A portion of the SW1/×~-f of Section 27, oE1/4 of
the SE1/4- of Section 28, a~d the NE1//~ of the NE1/~ of
T. 13 N R 18 E. M. D. M E1 Dorado County,
Section 33, ., . , .,
A right-of-way 10 feet wide lying 5 feet on each side
of the following described line:
Easement ~1 - Beginning at a point on the SWly line of
Lakeside Lodge as Recorded in Book A of Maps at Page 31,
E1 Dorado County Records, from whence the most Westerly
point of said Lakeside Lodge bears, N. 57° 32' 30" W.,
174.65 feet; thence, from the point of beginning, S. 22° 00'
W., 43 feet more or less to the point of termination on the
Southerly line of North Road. Said point of termination
being designated as Point "A".
Easement ~2 - Commencing at above said Point
thence, S. 22° 00' W., 100 feet more or less to a point on
the SEly line of Beach Road, said point being the point of
beginning of this description; thence, from said point of
beginning S. 22° 00' W., 157 feet more or less to a point
10 feet SEly of the SEly line of Beach Road; thence, along
a line lying approximately 10 feet SEly of the SEly line of
said Beach Road the following courses:
S. 26° 00' W., 50 feet thence, S. 29° 07' W., 200 feet
thence, S. 32° 33' W., 300 feet thence, S. 34° 51' W., 900
feet thence, S. 38° 35' W., 4.00 feet thence, S. 42° 03' W.,
350 feet more or less to a point in the center of South
Road; thence, along a course lying within the right-of-way
of South Road, S. 57° 00' E., ~95 feet more or less to a
point lying 28 feet SEly of the ~ly line of Tamarack Road;
thence, Southwesterly, 510 feet more or less to the point
of termination on the South line of the NE1/4 of the NE1/4
of Section 33, T. 13 N., R. 18 E., M. D. M., said point of
termination, also being on the extension of a line lying 5
feet Southerly of the Northerly line of Tahoe Avenue, Bijou
Park Subdivision.
The sides of said easements to be lengthened or short-
ened to meet adjoining property lines.
Preside~'~0f So~th TaHoe Public
Utility District
~lerk and ex-O~fi, ci~-' S~cret'ary ,
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and
regularly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the
South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California,
duly held on the ~ day of ~.~i?~, by the
following vote of the members thereof:
AYES, and~ .. ~in favor thereof, Directors: -~.~"~'"z,.-- ~,/
NOES, Directors: None
ABSENT, Directors: ~ ~~ ~ ~.~
South Tahoe Public Utility