HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 165I~ffi0LUTION OF Tlffi B0~RD OF DlltEC~ORS OF TltE SOUTH TIIt0E lqffiLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MJTHORIZI~ IDVERTISII~ FOR BIDS FOR F~RNISHI~ OF E~~ TO S0~TII TIIIOE P~LIC IITILITY DISTRICT. WIIE~E~, tho Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District has budgeted for purchase of a Pick-up Truck to be purchased during the fiscal year 1959-60~ and WltE~ffi~, ~aid Board of Directors desires to call for s®aled bide to be publicly opened and read on January 21, 1960~ NOW, TItEREFORE, BE IT R~0L~ED by the Board ef Directors of the 8p~th Tahoe Public Utility District as 1. That the Clerk and Ex-Officio Sec~®tary be authorized advertise for bids in tho LIKE T~JIOE h~, a newspaper of general circu- lation, duly adjudicated as such, and situate within the South Tahoe Public Utility District, said authorization to conform to the notice to bidders for purchase of equipment, specifications, and proposal attached to this Resolution and incorporated herein by reference. PISSED ~ IDOPTED this 7th day of January, 1960, at a regular meeting of the Board of Diroctors by tho following vote; Directors Gersick, Goeringer, Pankomt, Wake~an and Wal 1. None. None. "~Ormn L. ~oerx~er, ~esi~nt~ tho ~d of ~rectors of the ~uth Tahoe ~blic~Utility ~atrict. ATTEST, E~rl~ F.- Phadloo~:~lerk and` Ex-0ffi ci° Secretary of the said Board of Directors. STATE (IF ~I~I~ 1 coum' om. o ) I, tho undersiped, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 165, South Tah~ P~blic Utility Dimtrict, entitled~ NA R~0LI~ION OF T~E BOA~D OF DI~~ 0F T~ $~H T~0E ~IC ~I~ DI~RI~ A~H~IZ~ ~~ ~R ~~R ~~ ~ ~~ T0 S~H T~ ~IC ~I~ D~I~e and t~t ~id ~olution ~e ~y ~dopted ~ t~ Board of ~rectors of the South T~oe ~blic Utility ~strict on J~n~ 7, 1960, the ori~l of ~ich is on file in the offlce of ~e South T&hoe ~blic Utility ~strict. IN ~~ ~F, I ~ve ~et ~ ~nd &nd the S~I of the South T~ee ~blic Utility ~s%rict~ t~s 7th ~y of J~n~, 1900. E&rle F' ~O~lerk ~nd lk.-Offtc-iO ' Secretary of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility Dimtrict. SOUTIi TAI{0E E/BLIC UTILITY DISTRICT COUNTY OF EL DORADO, STATE OF CALIFOEfIA. NOTICE TO BIDD~,~ SPECIFICATIONS;, PP~0POMAL NOTICE TO DIDDEP~ Notice is hereby j~iven bI the Doard of Directors of the South Tahoe Dablic Ubilit;~ Listrict~ Co%mt~~ o~ ~1 ~or~zo~ ~%a~e of Californio.~ ohao sealed proposals ~'~ill be received at ti~e Ofi'ices of the South Tahoe Public Utili~~ District~ Cl~rke 3uildin.~!~ ~ ~ aaca'e~s - Dijou~ California~ until g:00 o'clock P.L2. on Th~sd~j~ J~nu~ry 21~ 1900~ at which tithe s~id semled proposals ~'ill be publicly opened mhd read by %l~e said Dogrd of Direc%ors~ in said offices of the South T~hoe ~blic Utility Pistrict~ for the f~'nishin5 of the follo%'~ng equi~zenb~ in ~ccordgnce %~ith the specifications and proposal 6herefor on file in the offices of the South T~hoe ~blic Utili~" Disgrict~ Clarke Duildi~ T~hoe V~lley~ California: IT~2 I -- One (1) 1/2 Ton Pi ckup TrucI~ IT~2 II -- One (1) 8/4 Ton Pickup Truck Copies of the specifications~ and proposal for stole thereof~ tomy be obtained m% 6he offices of the SouLh Tahoe ~blic i/%iligy bisLrict~ Clarke Duilding~ Tahoe Vmlle3-~ C~liforni~ -- n~ailing gd~ess~ Dijou~ Cmliforni~ The Eogrd of Directors of the South Tahoe ~blic Utili%I District rese~es the right to reject ~ny or roll proposals and to ~ive tony teclmicality in comxection therewi%h. The t~o bid items ~ill be considered separately and a~v ~wmrd or awmrds will be m~de on the basis of the best bid for each said particular item. Clerk and Ex-Officio Secretary, Board of DirectOrs~ South Tmhoe t~blic Utility District. P~OPOSAL ]~i dder: Dusiness Address: Place of Eusiness: The Doard of Directors of the South Tahoe lh~blic Utility District, County of E1 Dorado, Di jou, Califon~i~. The undersigned~ as bidder~ declares that the only persons or parties interested in II~KteCL this proposal are those · ' herein; that this propos~l is ~a~de without collusion "' e..~mxne~ the with ~nI other person~ ~znn or corporation; that he has c~refully ~ ' ' specifications~ and he proposes and ~crees that if this proposal is ~ccepted~ he will contract with the ~oou*'o~ Tahoe Pdblic Utility L~strict to provice the equipment ~s set forth in the Epecifications and that he will ta.Y~e in full pecnaent therefor the ~ollow~ng prices, 4.,0 wit: I,t,~ !?Oo Jjuanti t? Descriptio= Pr_icg ! One 1/'2 Ton Piclcup Truck ..... II One 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck In c~se of discrepancy ~et~een words ~nd figures~ the words sh~ll prevail. Deliver?' of ~uipment~ a~ set forth in the Specific~tions~ sh~ll be m~de not, l~er' than thirty k~u, calendar d~ys ~.fter the date of bhe contract. ~ted this day of Ja,nuary~ lgGO. DI~ L~I~ 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 19_o 13. 14. 1~o 1o C&B~ ~tandard~ all steel, equipped with safety glass° 2. ~JGIi~.' ~ix ~jlinder~ of not less than 220 cu.in, piston displacement. To be equipped with heavy duty oll bath air cleaner and replace- able el~nent type oil filter. Electrical ~sC~ to be 12 volt. 3. ~i~I~ ~: Not less than 2200 lbs. rated capacityo ' ~ .... ~ot less than 3300 lbs. rated capacity~ Positive ~ive~ Limited Slip~ or Equivalent~ Gear ratio of approxi~mtely 4 to 1~ TIP~ ~Jinim~ 650 x 16~ 6 ply~ adth approved snow and s~re side ~ged. ~2.J~I,~IO~ Four speed sIncromesh. t~ ~¢¢~t: Loaa-~ze Econo~ l~lodel or equivalent. :~T~.:: ~ac%oP3 standard fresh air hea~er and defroster. DII~CTIOI~ ~i~als are required. ;iliLI~P~ One inside and one ou%side~ 80LOR~ Ca%~ill~ Yellow and Cab Top Area Lake Blue. ~ ~ACI~ ::~mm of 15 gallons. B~ ~.~o~ less than 78" in leith and nog less than ~" in width. 7~, ~EI l, Xnim~u of 110 inches. All equipmen~ cataloged ~ %he mnufac%~er as stan~rd shall be furnished if nog included in the above i~s. 16. Prior %o delive~ each new vehicle shall be completely servicedl cra~ came~ ~ran~ission and ~f~eren%ial mus~ be filled %o ~paci~y with correct lubrican~ as recomended ~ mnu- fac~er~ and at least 5 gallons of ~asoline sl~ll be in fuel ta~. ~3~ r,por$ of sale shall acco~ each vehicle when vehicle is deli,ered to consi~ee. 18. Special i~ems required %o bri~ ~rucks to specifics%ions will be accepted~onl' if. they are mmffac%urers regular factocr production 0pg~ons- lg. I, T,',. ,J,,,.~ ' -. 3tandard, all steel~ equipped with safety glass. Six c-/linder, of not less than 220 cu·ino piston displacement. To be equipped with heavy duty oil bath air cleaner and replace- able element type oil filter. Electrical syst~ to be 12 volt· 2i~;77f ~L~. Not less than 2200 lbs. rated capacity° Not less th~n 3300 lbs. rated capacity~ Positive Drive, Limited ~lip~ or P. quivalent~ Gear ratio of approximately 4 to 1o TI?'J~: Liinimu~ GGO x 16, 6 ply~ ~ith approved snoYz and spare side mhm~ted. ~.T~I.~IO~,. Four speed syncromesh. :~. ~.. Lo~d~'~.ze Econom-/ h~odel or equivalent° .rectory standard fresh air heater and defroster° Signals are required. 10. i,~I~IROi~: One inside and one outside. 11. 60LOH: Caterpillow Yellow and Cab Top Area Lake Dlue. 12. ~%P.L CAPACI'Uf: ilinimum of 15 gallons· 13. D~: ifot less than 7S" in le:~th and not less tiian 45" in width° 14. ,,,, ,,~, IIAS~: i~Xnimum of 110 inches° 15o All equipment cataloged by the manufacturer as standard shall be furnished if not included in the above it~mso 16° Prior to delivery~ each new vehicle shall be completely serviced; crank case, transmission and dif~erential must be filled to capacity with correct lubricant, as recommended by manu- facturer, and at least 5 gallons of ~asohne shall be in fuel tank° 17. Original report of sale shall accompany each vehicle when vehicle is delivered to consignee. 1So Special items required to bring trucks to specifications will be accepted on_~y_if they are manufacturers regular factory production options. 19~LIGHT~ Lef~ 'and:right Tail Lights, factory clearance Lights or equivalent on l~ft front and left rear portion of pickup~ Top of Cab Flasher~ red or yellow Light~ minimum 4 inch or equivalent. 4) II I0. IL I JLILB,) ~ ~1~ Y~llsw, Id ed) Tep ~ ~ Blue.