HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 168 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 23 24 25 26 27 3O 31 ~'IUGHE~. MAU~I. 8~ FOGERTY A~RN~I AT LAW ~ACERVILLE. CALIF. NATIONAL 2-3085 A____ RESOLUTION DETaiNING T~T PUI~,IC ZNTBREST AND ~IECESSITM REOU~E ?~IE AcQ,trlSl?loel o~ CEa?Alii EASEI~S ~ES~VED, by the Board of Directors of South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, as £ollo~s: ~HERE~S, the District desires to oh~a~ rrm ~he Es~te o[ S~ella ~n Dy~e Jonson, Decease, the eas~en~s he:e~na[ter ~n- ~on~, upon, across and ~neath ce:tarn lands ~lonq~ to 2he estate o~ sa~d decedent, ~o: the pu~ose ~nq and us~nq san~2a~ se~: p~pe l~es~ and ~~S, ~he Executors o~ the estate o~ sa~d deceden~ ~ve o~fered to conveM ~he sa~d eas~n~s to ~he D~str~ct Eo~ ~he con- s~de~ak~ons here~na[te: set N~, ~F~, IT IS F~, DE~~D A~ O~E~D as follow: 1. T~t the p~lic ~terest and necessity require the acquisi- tion of the eas~nts hereinafter ~ntioned and descr~d. 2. ~t ~he said eas~ents are necessa~ for the construction, ~intenance and use of sanita~ se~r p~pe lines. 3. ~t the considerations here~after ~ntioned to ~ paid and perfo~ by the Distr~ct for the a~uisition of said eas~nts are fair and reasonable. ~F~ IT IS F~R ~S~, as follo~ 1. ~at the District acquire fr~ the Estate of Stella Van Dyke Jo~son~ Deceased~ and accept from the Executors thereof a con- veyance for an ~sement for a gravity sanita~ se~r line of not over ~_~ .t0 ~ches ~ d~eter under, beneath and across t~t cer- tain real pr~erty In the Cowry of E1 Dorado~ s~e of California, descri~ A 10.00 foot wide strip of land~ the cen~erl~e of ~ich is described as follows= 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 ~ GHEB. MAU~. FOG ER~ A~ORN~S AT ~W · 47 MAIN ~CERVILLE, CALIF. NATIONA~ 2-3085 Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of ~ewis Street as it now exists 40.00 feet wide with the westerly line of Lester Street as it now exists 40.00 feet wide as said intersection is shown on the amp of the Nagy Tract recorded in Book B of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 79; thence north- westerly 325 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly corner of Lot 46 of Rancho Bijou as shown on the amp recorded in Book B of Maps of E1 Dorado County, Cali- fornia, at Page 20; subject to the following conditions: (a) That the trench in which the sewer pipe is placed be com- pacted, the sod replaced and the area be reseeded. (b) ~hat the two pipe lines .tm the irrigation syste~ of the Golf Course be repaired. ('c) ~hat the work referred to in (a) and (b) be performed by the SOUI~ ~HC~ PUBLIC U~II, I~Y DISTII~C?, a Public Co~poration, at its own expense on or before May l, 1960. That if said work is not done by May l, 1960, the Executors of the I~st Will of Stella Van Dyke Jolmson, deceased, amy do such work, and said District shall reJ~burse them for the cost and expense of doing such work. (d) That in the event of future amintenance, repair or recon- struction of said sewer pipe line, the SOUTH TAH(~ PUBLIC UTILIT"~ DISTP~ICT, A Public Corporation, or its successor in interest, shall at its ova expense repair any damage to the Golf Course sod and grass, or o~her i~provements, caused by such work. (e) That the right of ingress and egress to repair or main~ai~ said sewer pipe line shall be 1/mired to the above described easeme~ area. 2. That the District acquire from the Estate of Stella Van Dyke Johnson, deceased, and accept from the Executors thereof a con- veyance for an easement for a gravity sanitary sewer line of not over ~.~. nches in diameter under, beneath and across that cer- ta~.n real property in the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, described as follows: 1 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 · ~N~. MAUL & FOG£RTY ATTORNEYI AT ~ MAIN ~TRE~ ~ACERVI~LE, CA~IF. An 8 foot wide strip of land, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of U. $. Highway 50 as it now exists 80 feet wide with the easterly line of the lands now or formerly of Shuler Bland as described in Book 406 of Official Records of E1 Dorado County, California at Page 561; thence North 7' 16' 30N West along the easterly line of Bland 90.0 feet to the true point of beginning; thence northeast- erly 31 feet more or less to a point in the westerly line of the land now or formerly of Joseph Baumgart et ux as described in Book 345 of Official Records of E1 Dorado County~ California, at Page 293, said point bearing North 7° 16' 30# West 90.0 feet fro~ the south- westerly corner of Baumgart; subject to the following conditions: (a) That the right of ingress and egress to repair or maintain said sewer pipe l~ne sb~ll be limited to the above described ease- ment area. As consideration for the conveyance of the above described ease ments, the S(NJTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DZSTRICT, a Public Corporation shall do the following things= (1) Pay the Estate of Stella Van Dyke Johnson, deceased, the sum of $100.00. (2) Install a house sewer connection for the following describ land owned by the above estate at no expense to the Estate of Stella Van Dyke Johnson, deceased, or the heirs or devisees of Stella Van Dyke Johnson, deceased= Ail that real property located in the County of E1 Dorado, State of California~ and described as= Lot 43 in Rancho Bijou Subdivision as said lot is shown on the Official Map of Rancho Bijou Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dor- ado County on July l~ 1953, in Map Book B~ at Page 20. (3) Annex the following described land owned by the Estate of Stella Van Dyke Johnson, deceased, to said district at no cost and/o expense for back assessments, taxes or ratio of assessments of any kind to the Estate of Stella Van Dyke Johnson, deceased, or the heiz or devisees of Stella Van Dyke Johnson, deceased: S 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 FOGERTY ATTORNBY~ AT LAW · 47 MAIN ~ACBRVILL~, CALIF. NATIONAL All that real property loCated in the coUnty of E1 Dorado~ State of California, and described as: All that certain real property located in Lot 4, Section 33, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M.D. B. & M.. more particularly described as follows: BEGZNNING at the Southwest corner, located on the Northerly boUndary of the S~ate Highway; a galvanized pipe, 3 feet long~ 3/4" diameter, s~amped on cap "J X 11# and set full length in the groundl from which ~he Southwest corner of said Section 33 bears South 19° 49f 20' West 2467.4 feet; a yellow pine, 15" diameter, bears North 51' 02s West 5.79 feet~ a yellow pine 9" diameter, bears South 81° 35' East 13.26 feet~ each blazed and scr/bed #J 1 BT' and ~he concrete monument on the South side of said highway o~posite Sra. 181+38.6 EC Rd lllEDll K bears South 50° 41' East 160.1 feet; thence North 7' 16' 30' West 158o65 feet to a galvanized pipe, 1' diameter 3 feet long~ s~amped on cap 'J x 2# and set 2.7 feet deep in the ground at the apprax/mate high- water line of Lake Tahoe~ thence North 7' 16' 30# West 50 feet more or less to the Iow-water line of said Lake, thence along the low-water line of said Lake Easterly 30 feet more or less to the Northwest corner of the land of John Weyn; ~hence along the Westerly boundary of said land of said John Meyn~ South 7° l&' 30' East 50 feet more or less to a galvanized pipe 1-1/4 inch diameter 3 feet long,, s~amped on cap #JN4' and set 2 1/2 feet deep in the ground at the approximate high- water line of said Lake l from which said pipe s~am~ed #J x 2# boars South 71~° 22* West 30.61 feetl thence along the Westerly boundaL-f of said land of said John Meyn, South 7° 16a' 30# East 172.5 feet to the South- east corner, located on the Northerly boundary of said State Highway; a galvanized pipe 3/4 inches d~ameter 3 feet long~ stamped on cap #J x 4" and set full length in the ground~ from which the Southwest corner of said land of said John Meyn,~ bears South 7° 16~ 30" East 150.6 feet; thence curving to the left with radius of 1540 feet to the southwest corner which bears North 82° 42~ 30" West 31 feet and is point of begimaing. Area above said high-water 1/ne .114 acres. This comprises a strip 30 feet in width extending from the North side of the State Highway ~o the lake shore and crossing the old County Road. The foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors of SOUTH TAHO~ PUBLIC UTILITY DIS- TRICT, E1 Dorado County, California, duly held on the 4th day of February, 1960~ by the fo~A.~wing vote of the members thereof: AYES, and in favor thereof, Directors: Gersick~ W&kem~n ~nd W~ll. N(ltSr and opposed thereto~ Directors: Goeringer, l~nkost, None. 4 ABSENT, D~]:ect:ors~ NOND. and Lo Secretary of SOO~ PUBLIC UTXLXTY DISTRICT. 5