HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 187KWHW:EAW:S: jm 5/18/60/6 R~.SOLUTION NO. / ~ A RESOLUTL~N ORDERING GHANGES IN ASSESSMENTS ~D REDUGTION OF ASSESSMENT SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO. 1959-1 RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, Californi. a, that the following changes be made in the assessment filed and recorded pursuant to Resolution of Intention No. 146 adopted by this Board on August 20, 1959: 1. Reduce the following numbered assessments d~e to deletion of units and laterals: Assessment Number From To 36 $ 768.00 $ 678.00 169 384.00 294.00 173 768.00 678.00 174 38~.0C 294.00 192 474.00 384.OO 197 768.00 678.00 346 384.00 294.00 391 768.00 678.00 392 384.00 294.00 412 3,276.00 2,271.00 423 384.00 294.00 429 384.00 294.00 462 384.00 294.00 499 531.oo ~41.oo 671 384.00 294.00 758 384.00 294.00 767 384.00 294.00 769 384.00 294.00 812 384.00 294.00 813 384.00 294.00 924 384.00 294.00 949 768.00 678.00 953~. 38~.00 294.00 956 1,152.o0 1,o62.0o 959 531.0o 441.o0 992 768.00 678.00 1059 384.00 294.00 1133 621.o0 531.00 1165 768.00 678.00 1227 384.00 294.00 1228 384.00 294.00 1312 384.00 294.00 1313 384.00 29~.00 1342 678.00 588.00 13A3 678.00 588.00 1410 678.00 588.00 1411 678.00 588.00 1~413 1,152.0o 882.00 1~26 768.00 678.00 1591 2,442.00 1,266.00 1605 768.00 678 O0 1429 1 1~2 00 1 062~00 ~61o ~21.oo 4#~.oo 1611 1,005.00 825.00 Assessment Number From To 1615 ~ 474.00 $ 294.00 1733 768.00 678.00 1763 1,536.00 1,446.00 1772 621.0o 531.o0 1834 1,152.00 1,062.00 1836 384.00 294.00 1840 768.00 678.00 1844 1,152.00 1,062.00 1855 3,8~0.00 3,210.00 1870 768.00 678.00 1875 768.00 678.00 1876 768.00 678.00 1882 2,541.00 2,451.oo 19o0 1,152.o0 ]_,062.00 1911 4,992.00 4,902.00 1912 384.00 294.00 1981 1,536.oo 1,446.oo 1989 1,152.oo 972.00 1991 768.00 678.00 1998 38a.oo 294.00 1999 38~!.oo 294.00 2000 384.00 294.00 2o01 384.00 294.00 2002 384.00 a9~.0o 2047 38a.oo 294.00 2048 384.00 294.00 2049 384.00 294.00 2050 1,536.00 1,176.00 2057 1,152.00 1,062.00 2068 1,683.00 1,593.00 2129 621.oo 531.oo 2142 768.00 678.00 2158 1,oo5.oo 915.oo 2. That the following numbered assessments be reduced by reason of installing laterals in consideration of easements: Assessment Number From To 378 $ 384.00 $ 294.00 379 384.00 294.00 719 384.00 29~.00 72O 38~.00 294.OO 721 384.00 294.00 763 768.00 678.00 935 768.00 678.00 936 768.00 678.00 960 1,389.00 1,299.00 961 384.00 294.00 983 384.00 2o4.00 986 1,536.00 1,4~6.00 1037 1,062.00 972.00 1092 38~.00 294.00 109a 678.00 n88.00 1095 768.00 $78.00 11~ 1,560.00 1,470.00 11~5 678.00 588.00 1157 38~.00 29l~.00 1158 384.00 294.00 119o 5,088.00 4,998.00 131o 972.00 842.00 2 3. That the followin~ assessments be deleted due to property being o~tside of District boundaries: Assessment Nos. 81, 876, 1354, 1391, 1395, 1588~ 1589 and 1590. 4. That the followin~ assessments be corrected due to clerical errors: Assessment Number From To ~.84 $2,328.oo $2,3o~.0o 996 2~328.00 2,304.00 1311 2,328.O0 2,304.00 That the following assessments be increased due to additions of ~nits and laterals: Assessment Number From To 791 $ 382.oo $ ~74.oo 11~3 38~..oo 472,oo I309 3:030.00 5,120.00 1314 384.0o 474.0o 1326 3,618.00 4,2~8.00 1614 384.00 474.00 1729 38~.00 472.00 1906 0.00 384.00 1907 0.00 1,1u2.00 6. Add ~ssessment No. 2204 to the assessment in the of $73~.00. 7. That the total ~mount of the assessment be reduced from $1,053.568.38 to $1,O44,558.35,, 8. That the Assessor's Numbers of' the following assess- ments be revised as follows: gssessment Numbers Revised Description 2o 2~-332-Ol (~or 24 29-332-03 /For 107 29-164-01 ~por 178 29-161-23 395 27-1~1-06 422 27-072-10 (Pot) A80 27-074--18 815 27-155-02 855 27-161-0~ ~?or 877 27-163-18 [Porf 940 27-101-02 (Pot 1005 27-123-09 1316 27-313-09 (For) 9. That the diagram be corrected as follows: Assessment No. 766 is omitted. Delete Assessment No. 989 where said number appears on the diagram adjacent to Assessment No. 956~ and encircle assessment No.989 where said number appears on the diagram adjacent to Assessment No. 988. President of ~outh' Tahoe Utility District The foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a Resolution which was duly and regularly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, duly held on the ~/~~: 1960, by the following vote of the day of members there AYES, and in favor thereof, Directors: Goeringer, Pankost, Wakemanj Walls-~~i NOES, Directors: None ABSENT~ Directors: None Clerk and ex officio SeCretar~ of ~he South Tahoe Public Utility District.