HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 198KWHW: JHH: ac o/2o/~0 o
NO. 1p60-2
RESOLVED, by t~e Board of Directors of the South Tahoe
Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, that
W~REAS~ it is the intention of this Board to undertake
proceedings pursuant to appropriate special assessment and ass-
essment bond acts for the acquisition and construction of a
sanitary sewerage system in said District as hereinafter
W~hEREAS~ it is the intention of this Board to make the
costs and expenses of said acquisitions and improvements charge-
able upon the properties benefited thereby, the exterior bound-
aries of the assessment district being the coterminous exterior
boundaries of the composite and consolidated area hereinafter
NOW, THf~2REFORE, IT IS ORDERED that request be, and the
same is hereby, made of the County Health Officer of E1 Dorado
County that he recommend said proceedings as necessary as a
health measure.
Portions of Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, and the SW 1/4 of Section 4, and
portions of Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 am~ 13 and the SE 1/4 of Section 5,
T. 12 N., R. 18 E., M.D.M., E1 Dorado County, California.
Beginning at the most Northerly corner of Lot 40, Block 1, Tamarack
Subdivision, as recorded im Book "A" of Maps, at Pages 35, 36, 37 and 38,
E1 Dorado County Records; themce, along the ~^[ly line of said Block 1, SWay
to the most Northerly corner of Lot 36 of said Block t; thence, continuing
along the NWly line of said Lot 36, S. 49° 39' 30" W., 189.00 feet to the
most Easterly corner of First Street Boulevard as shown on that map of
Tahoe Island Park, Addition No. 4, as recorded in Book "B" of Maps at
Page 71; thence, along the Easterly and Northerly boundary of said Tahoe
Island Park, Addition No. 4, NEly and NWly to the most Northerly corner of
Lot 434 of said Tahoe Island Park, Additiom No. 4; thence, continuing along
said boumdary the following courses: S. 58° 24' W., 281.05 feet; thence,
S. 22° 06' E., 227.~5 feet; thence, S. 12° 41' 30~' E., 193.96 feet; thence,
S. 11° 07' W., 392.51 feet; thence, S. 16° 11' 30'~ E., 186.90 feet; thence,
S. 32° 50' E., 152.73 feet; thence, S. 25° 06' E., 191.90 feet; thence, S.
14° 26' 30'~ W., 202.42 feet~ themce, S. 19° 05' E., 133.30 feet; thence, S.
30° 33' E., 110.40 feet to the most Southerly corner of Lot 301, of said
Tahoe Islamd Park, Addition No. 4, which is also Poimt No. 80, on the
Southerly boundary of that property kmow~ as Parcel 1 of the Dunlap Ramch,
as shown om am unrecorded map by Harvey Butler, LS 2725, surveyed in August,
1956; thence, along said Southerly boumdary the following courses:S.43°20'E.,
142.20 feet; thence, S. 40° 36' E., 168.35 feet; themce, S. 11° 36' E.,
111.51 feet; thence, S. 33° 34' W., 90.37 feet; thence S. 82° 16' W., 44.14
feet; thence, N. 58° 28' W., 128.34 feet; thence, N. 54° 15' W., 69.49 feet;
thence, N. 29° 50' W., 91.66 feet; themce, N. 28° 05' W., 108.00 feet;
thence, N. 51° 30' W., 107.05 feet; to Point No. 90 on said Southerly
boundary; thence, S. 76° 38' W., 142.58 feet to a point om the NEly line
of the Lake Tahoe Unified School District property; thence, along said NEly
li~e, N. 55° 28' W., 89.63 feet to the Northerly corner of said school
property; thence, alomg the NWly line of said School property, S. 34° 32'
W., 50.02 feet to a point on said Southerly boundary; thence, alomg said
Southerly boundary, N. 81° 12' W., 96.61 feet to Point No. 92; thence, con°
tinuing, N. 0° 04' E., 176.60 feet; thence, N. 39° 30' ~., 154.75 feet;
thence, N. 81° 35' W., 133.70 feet; thence, S. 57° 42' W., 194.05 feet;
thence, N. 85° 09' W., 77.30 feet to Point No. 97, which is also the SEly
corner of Lot 34, Tahoe Islamd Park Addition No. 2, as recorded in Book "B"
Maps at Page 55; thence along the Easterly line of said Tahoe Island Park,
Addition No. 2, the following courses; S. 3° 06' E., 49.45 feet; thence, S.
23° 52' W., 418.74 feet to the most Southerly corner of Lot 41 of said Tahoe
Islamd Park, Addition No. 2; themce, alomg the NEly boundary of Tahoe Island
Park, Addition No. 3, as recorded in Book "B" of Maps at page 61, the follow-
lng courses: S. 71° 36' E., 96.1~ feet; thence, N. 39° 41' E., 163.56 feet;
thence, S. 55° 28' E., 435.00 feet to the most Northerly cormer of Lot 94,
of said Tahoe Island Park Addition No. 3; thence, along the NWly line of
Lots 94 and 109 of said Tahoe Islamd Park, Addition No. 3, SWly to the most
Westerly corner of said Lot 109; thence, along the NEly line of Tallac Park
Subdivision as recorded im Book "B" of Maps at Page 70, NWly to the most
Northerly corner of Lot 20 of Tallac Park Subdivision; thence, along the NWly
limes of Lots 20, 142 am5 119 amd their SWly extension, ~ly, to the most
Northerly corner of Lot 112, of said Tallac Park Subdivision; thence, along
the ~'~ly line of Rainbow Drive, SEly to the most Easterly cor~er of Lot 111
of said Tallac Park Subdivision; themce, along the SEly lines of Lots 111,
89, 84, and 61 amd their SWly projection~ SWly to the most Northerly corner
of Lot 57 of said Tallac Park Subdivisiom; thence, alomg the SWly line of
Tallac Drive SBly to the most Easterly cormer of Lot 56, of said Tallac
Park Subdivisiom; thence, along the SEly lime of said Lot 56, SWly to the
(a) The installation and construction of a sewer system including
six to twenty-four inch collection sewers, force mains, manholes, flush-
ing devices, rodholes, wye branches and house laterals on the following
streets, roads and easements~
In State Highway 89, from the centerline of State Highway 50 to a
point opposite the southwest corner Lot 22, Block 5, Tamarack Subdivision~
State Highway 50~ from the centerline of State Highway 89 to a point
opposite the southeast corner Lot 24, Block 1, Tamarack Subdivision;
James Avenue, from Eloise Avenue to the easterly end of James Avenue;
Etoise Avenue, from Dunlap Drive to the easterly end of Eloise Avenue;
Ruth Avenue, from Dunlap Drive to Polly Circle; Polly Circle from Ruth
Avenue to the southerly end of Polly Circle~ First Street Boulevard, from
the southerly line of Tahoe Keys Unit 1~ to State Highway 50~ Third
Street, from the north westerly line of Tamarack ~±~ N~o 2, to State
Highway 50; Dunlap Drive, from Patricia Lane to Highway 50; Park Drive,
from South Shore Drive to First Street; Linda Avenue, from Tahoe Island
Park Drive to Polly Circle; Marilyn Ave~ue~ from Tahoe Island Park Drive
to Linda Avenue; California Avenue, from First Street to Michael Drive;
Oregon Avenue, from First Street to Michael Drive~ Washington Avenue, from
First Street to the east end of Washington Avenue; Idaho Avenue, from
Michael Drive to the west end of Idaho Avenue; Wyoming Avenue, from Michael
Drive to the west end of Wyoming Avenue; Montana Avenue, from Michael Drive
to First Street~ Utah Avenue~ from Michael Drive to First Street; Colorado
Avenue, from First Street to the east end of Colorado Avenue; Arizona
Avenue~ from First Street to Michael Avenue; Texas Avenue, from Michael
to the west end of Texas Avenue~ Michael Drive, from First Street to
California Avenue~ Jeffery Street, from First Street Boulevard to First
Street Boulevard~ Tahoe Island Park Drive, from a point opposite the line
between Lot 108 and Lot 109; Tahoe Island Park Addition No. 3, to First
Street; South Shore Drive from a point opposite the line between Lot 142
and Lot 143, Tallac Park Subdivision, to Pactricia Lane, and to Tahoe
Island Park Drive; Rainbow Drive, from a point opposite the line between
Lot 118 and Lot 119, Tallac Park Subdivision, to South Shore Drive; Harbor
Drive, from a point opposite the line between Lot 89 and Lot 90, Tallac
Park Subdivision, to South Shore Drive; Tallac Drive, from a point opposite
the line between Lot 61 and Lot 62, Tallack Park Subdivision to South Shore
Drive; Patricia Lane, from a point opposite the line between Lot 91 and
Lot 92, Tahoe-Tallac Subdivision to Dunlap Drive; Patricia Circle; Elosie
Avenue, from a point opposite the line between Lot 19 and Lot 20, Block 7
Tamarack Addition No. ~, to Dunlap Drive~ James Avenue, from a point
opposite the line between Lot 12 and Lot 13, Block 3, Tamarack Subdivision,
to Dunlap Drive; Fifth Street, from State Highway 89 to Eloise Avenue;
Seventh Street, from State Highway 89 to Eloise Avenue; Nineth Street from
State Highway 89 to Eloise Avenue; Eleventh Street, from State Highway 89
to James Avenue;
(b) The making of all acquisitions and the performing of all work
auxiliary to any of the above necessary to complete the same.
most Southerly corner of said Lot 56; thence, along the NEly line of Tahoe
Tallac Subdivision as recorded in Book "B" of Maps at Page No. 35, SEly to
the most Easterly corner of Lot 10, of said Tahoe Tallac Subdivision;
thence, along the SEly lines of Lots 10 and 91 of said Tahoe Tallac Sub-
division SWly to the most Southerly corner of said Lot 91; thence, along
the NEly line of Tamarack Subdivision, Addition No. 2, as recorded in Book
"A" of Maps, at Pages No. 59 and 60, NWly to the most Easterly corner of
Lot 20 of Block 7, of said Tamarack Subdivision, Addition No. 2; thence,
along the SEly line of said Lot 20 and its SWly extension, SWly, to a point
on the SWly line of Eloise Avenue as shown on the map of Tamarack Sub-
division, as recorded in Book "A" of Maps at Pages No. 35, 36, 37 and 38;
thence, along said SWly line of Eloise Avenue, NWly to the most Northerly
corner of Lot 12 of Block 3, of said Tamarack Subdivision; thence, along
the NWly line of said Lot 12 and its SWly extension, SWly to the most
Northerly corner of Lot 17 of said Block 3; thence, along the SWly line of
James Avenue, NWly to the most Northerly corner of Lot 22 of Block 5, of
said Tamarack Subdivision; thence, along the Westerly line of said Lot 22
and its Southerly extension, Southerly to a point on the centerline of
State Highway 89; thence, along the centerline of said State Highway 89,
SEly to Engineer's Station 241+29.54 POT = 0+00BC; thence, along a 500 foot
radius curve to the left, through an angle of 91° 23', a distance of 797.5
feet to Engineer's Station 7+97.5 EC = 5+61.0 POT on the centerllne of
State Highway US 50; thence, along said centerline NEly to a point which
bears, S. 0° 12' 30" E., from the most Easterly corner of Lot 24 of Block
1 of said Tamarack Subdivision; thence, leaving said centerline N. 0° 12'
30" W., to the most Easterly corner of said Lot 24; thence, along the
Easterly line of said Tamarack Subdivision, Northerly to the point of
The foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a
Resolution which was duly and regularly adopted at a meeting
of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility
District· E1 Dorado County· California, duly held on the U v~
day of..~~ ~ · 1960· by the following vote of the
memberst~r f!eo
AYES, and in favor thereof· Directors:
Goeringer, Pankost·-~k~m,mn~ Wall, Souza
NOES· Directors: None
ABSENT, Directors: ~
Clerk and ex-o'fficio secretary of the
South Tahoe Public Utility District.