HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 200}g¢~I~,l: JHH:mjs 7-20-60 7c
Public Utility District, El Doted:) ~uc','¢-~,-~, "' ........ ,~'~at.the
x~ubiic intone"-
b.,/ saia L-~ard o?, ;.ksrch lY, ].760, as .?oii:F~/s:
...... ~ug~ Su-bdivLsic~n as :3ho~,,: on
,~.)ClN ,j~ ..,c,.Li~:DP:!i~ ,c~u '~-i:~ .:'f ~ ~:'.~.o~ ~i(} c. 21-
.... ,.~_acss o ~_~ :; sf the unrecoPdeo.
_ '- ~ ..... .LOLIJ_~ i'V' d. esox'i .~ed
Kel-i. oP p.O acPe tPacto, more o~z.t~ -~ ~ .,
as follows: 'be,:.;&rm{ns a~ She souShwes2ePi?-corner
of ~[/an .... ~ .... : ~zt,~ ;-2& r:~ corned
~ ~'ls~}s of El D:DPado r., ......
.,~o.~ 76; thence ir60°3t'E alo~-,,:'_,, the s',Dut~aoe~r.,_3r" ~'
~ine o.f R:?an ~uates 659.0S feet; t~.~-.me S29°50':v
o,4~ 37 ....' -
. z~;et~ thence S60°28't~
~.~-,- .... p~.)3 feet; thence
S36~10'i5''~ 154.7C '~ '
.~ ~eet to a curve ts the ~zght
a radius of 25 ~¢~; thence., . '.
a central ansie," ~'
~-L 29~57'13" to a }:~oint~ thence
S62~07'°P~ .~?~:o ~ 73.s:~" feet to tne~ 0eginnll. nS 0f a cuP"'¢e
_ o-' ~.~eiloe
to the risht with a radius ...i i25 :L'ee%~ =n '
the OuPve through a central ansle of 22~17'28" -49 a
129.0 .:ee~; thence o~e ~ [.~' oo~..00 ze~:, ....
N29°50'W along the .....
eascePly .Line of , ?,. Run Boule-
yard as i% now exists i00 fe~-
op:~.ho zeec to
the ~oint of Se&.inning, containins appr~ximateiy'
9.228 acres.
15. A portion of Tract lC of t','~e ....... ,' _ _
~ llliI'O C <D~'C',d .l I(et'l
5.0 acre tracts, more particularij' described as
follows: beginning at the intersection of the
eastePlF' tine of Ski Run Boulevard as it now exists
10o ieee wide x:ith the norohe~.t,5, line of
Viet~ Naishts Road as it now exists 50 feet ~ide;
tbeace N29e50'W along the easterly line of Ski Run
Boulevard 330 feetj thence N60e2(:~'E 200 feet; thence
S29~50E 330 feet to tt~e nor'-~ .....
.. u~o~_~ line of Forest View
s60 ~ '~
H~,~ghss ~oadj thence "' e
~o'~.I 200 ~eeo to the point
of beginning~ containing 1.51 acres.
16. Tract 13 and the '~?este:'!}-half of Tract ].zl. of
the unPecorded Keller. 5.0 acre tracts, more parti-
cu!arty descPibed as follows: beginning at the in-
tePsection of the easterly line of Ski Run ]buievard
as it now exists i00 feet wide ~Fith the noPtherly
line of Lakevie}~; Heights Road as it now exists
feet ~,~ide$ thence N29~53'W along the easteFl~z line
oo0 feet$ thence N60
~f Ski Run Boulevard '~'" ~o E 660
feet~ thence S29~50'E 330 feet~ thence S60~36'~-0:~i..;
331.30 feet~ thence S29~55'E 329.~!~ feet; thence
S60°~°'~O"'Wau alon2 the northerly line of Lakeview
Heights Road 331.%7 feet to the point of beginning,
containing approximately 7.5 acres.
17. A [)oPtion of Tract 27 9f the unrecorded tqelle-~'
5.0 acre tracbs, more particularly described as fol-
lows; beginning at the intersection of the westerly
~:~! Run Boulevard as it non exists 100 ~
wide with the southerly line of Forest View Heights
Road as it now exmsts 50 ~eet xzide, thence ~x~ lC
along the southerly line of Porest View Heights
130 feet~ thence S29~50'E 165~eeo;'~= ~ thence S60oiS
150 feet~ thence S29~50'E 165 feet~ thence N6OOlS'E
250 feet; thence N29o50'W along the westerly line of
Ski Run 13oulevaPd 330 .?~e~ to the point of ' "
c~ntaining approximately 1.55 acres.
15. Tracts 28, 29, 30 & 31 :of the unrecorded Keller
5.0 acre tracts, more particularly described as fol-
19~;.~s: beginning at the intersection of the westerly
line of Ski Run Boulevard as it no~,/ exists 100 feet
wide with the northePiy line of
TM - st v~ ....
.~ ore He i~d~t s
Road as it not~ exists 50 feet nide~ thence N29°50'W
atons the westerly' line of 3~i Run Boulevard
feet to the southeasterly line sf Pioneer Trail as
it now exists cO ~eet wide~ thence S28°10'W 27%.$0
feet~ SleOO2'W 30~.~0', and S30°23"W I07.7C feet along
the southeasteri~, line of 2ioneer Trail: thence
S29~2'W 276.30 feet~ thence S29°50'E 6~0 feet 't~ the
northwesterly line of Forest View Heights Road; thence
N6OOlO'X 660.00 feet to the point of beginning, con-
taining approximately 17.95 acres.
19. Lots o, and
~.- ~,m Block Pinewood Terrace Sub-
division as shown on that certain map entitled ~Nap
of Pinewood Terrace", filed Narch 2, t9~3, in BJok A
c}f ?,laps, Pa~e ~' Records of 'T~]. Dorado Cou~iu0r, Cs-I i-
20. Lot 172 of Rancho Bijou Subdivision as shonn
that cerbain map entitled "Rancho .~,..~ou', filed
Dorado Oourrby~ .allioPnla.
- 2 -
division as showz: on the ma[~ recorded in '~'o~ C~,
2 C:Jan~:c. aha modif7 tlno wor. i: ....
s}ecifications thorei'or vD include tNe f:!!owin[; work to Se a,~ded t
Tho i ',o~-' -,~ ,~ ........ -'
lowing P, treets and roads:
ChiNo!S.s ~ ..... ~ ...............
feet east itu Rancho Bijou ,~ot~¢zo
. f e e 't 'h
.bruin a point 250 sous_, cZ' the inter-
section of !~embePt Avenue and ~ ~ ,
~ec~oo~? View Road
ill a SOLIC~OP.~~ .llPecclor~ along HeP'beP~ P, ..... ~u~ fop
a distance of 600 feet.
a Change and modz.:~: the- ~- estimate o~' cost and th~ total as-
]~ (]i]all~o arldL P.1OiiLi,~,r fll,~OS and ClJ.[tR'i'all O.L 'bi']O asse;s
CJi. StriCt tD Co~!ii'oF~]~ to the !~ev'isod t'~Oi'}.l tO be do~le.
5. ; .... ~_c~ naP:,,,,., :::iven that (~]im. rsuav the ~ a, '~ ,.,,
_... ..... O:00 O~C].:)C];l D r.~ 7~l'i ;-"~ t'fi'rll
mee'~inS r)']ace of s.!tid r~..arcz~ Clark 'S~t'iidirl&;~ i-{i,::%hwagr ~t~ and
?x~utovaPd~ South Tahoe~ Cal'if'r}P;iia~ .... is ~:~ ~', ....... ~.'-u~," _¢ixed as the tir~e and
,,.~c,= ~?hen and where said[ ~s,..,ePd will c':)nsideP the laabt~P of
sale ci~allSes and NIOC[ll !Ca'UiLOfIS azld iYNjl all protests ~d
interested therein.
O. The (]ler]~ a!ld e.~-Oz.L ioio SecPe~aP~/ o[' sag_q( gL,~uz
, ~c: once in the
sna.!.l cause a copy oz tl]is Pesoiution -b3 ce ouoiish~
'~anoe ~,.~ens, a new ...... ,~c,.P published in said. district and
un,. il}Sice ..x~. Imoroverner:t under said Roso].u. Sioi-1
~.~tue~u.L: i: nas oublished~ said peblication to be at least %eh
/' Pre'sident/ S~:th Tahoe
/p? ,. ~ ~--:~ ,~ ~ Ut i i i t y' D i s t P i c t
The foregoing is a full~ true and correct copy of a
Resolution which was duly and regularly adopted at a meeting
of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility
District, E1 Dorado County, California, duly held on the ~-
day of ~~ , 1960, by the following vote of the
members t~eo~.~
AYES, and in favor thereof~ Directors:
Goeringer, Pankost, Wakeman, Wall,(~'~.~.~_~
NOES, Directors: None
ABSENT, Directors: None -
Cl~rk an~ ex-ot~flcio Secretary of thb'
South Tahoe Public Utility District.
· ·
Lake Tahoe News
..... c ~.tio.~s .....................................................................................
County of E1 Dorado J
C. F. BRANDI, being duly sworn according to law, deposes
and says: THAT he is and at all times herein mentioned was
a citizen of the United States over the age of 9.1 years and
that he is not a party to, nor interested in the above entitled
matter; that he is the printer of LAKE TAHOE NEWS, a
weekly newspaper of general circulation, duly adjudicated
by the Superior Court of the State of California in and for
the County of E1 Dorado, in proceedings No. 8805 by decree
filed July 26, 1956, to be a newspaper of general circulation
in the Judicial Township of Lake Valley and in the County
of E1 Dorado and in the State of California.
That the notice annexed hereto was printed and pub-
lished in said newspaper in type not smaller than nonpareil,
preceded with words printed in blackface type, not smaller
than nonpareil, describing or expressing in general terms the
purpose or character of the notice intended to be given, and
said notice has been published in each regular and entire
issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof
on the following dates, to-wit:
Subscribed and Sworn ~to before
~o~ Public in and for
~ho Coun~ of ~1 Dorado,
8~te of California