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Resolution No. 146
KWHW:EAW:amf 8-17-59 6C RESOLUTION A CONSTRUCT IIw OVEMENTS ASSESSI NT DISTRICT 1959-1 RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, that in its opinion the public interest and convenience require, and tbmt it is the intention of said Board to order the following acquisi- tions and improvements hereinafter described: 1. Whenever any public way is herein referred to as running between two public ways, or from or to any public way, the inter- sections of the public ways referred to are included to the extent that work shall be shown on the plans to be done therein. R. Said streets and highways are more particularly shown in the records in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, California, and shall be shown upon the plans herein re- ferred to to be filed with the Clerk of said District. 3. All of said work and improvements are to be constructed at the places and in the particular locations, of the forms, sizes dimensions and materials, and at the lines, grades and elevations as shown and delineated upon the plans, profiles and specification~ to be made therefor, as hereinafter provided. 4. There is to be excepted from the work herein described any of such work already done to line and grade and marked excepte¢ or shown not to be done on said plans, profiles and specifications 5. The acquisitions and improvements are described as follows: (a) SECTION I The installation and construction of six to ten inch collection sewers, manholes, flushing inlets, wyes~ risers and 4-inch house laterals on the following streets, roads and easements: Meadow Edge Avenue between Ski Run Boulevard and Pinegrove Avenue; Paradise Avenue between Ski Run Boulevard and Triangle Tract; Forest Avenue between Ski Run Boulevard and Triangle Tract; Alder Avenue between Ski Run Boulevard and Pinegrove Avenue; Aspen Avenue between Ski Run Boulevard and Aspenwald Road; Larch Avenue between Ski Run Boulevard and Pioneer Trail~ Birch Avenue between Ski Run Boulevard and Wildwood Avenue; Spruce Avenue between Ski Run Boulevard and Pioneer Trail; Pioneer Trail between Ski Run Boulevard and Willow Avenue~ an easement between Willow Avenue and Pioneer Trail; Ski Run Boulevard between Pioneer Trail and David Lane; David Lane between Ski Run Boulevard and the easterly end of Ryan Estates; Wildwood Avenue between Aspen Avenue and Pioneer Trail; an easement between Larch Avenue and Birch Avenue; Mountain View Avenue be- tween U. So Highway No. 50 and Larch Avenue; Mountain View Avenue between Spruce Avenue and Willow Avenue~ Pinegrove Avenue between Paradise Avenue and Alder Avenue; an easement 300 feet west of Mountain View Avenue between Larch Avenue and Birch Avenue; Pioneer Trail between Keller Road and Midway Road; Aspenwald Road for its full length; Markofer Way for its full length; Sierra Way for its full length; Keller Road between Pioneer Trail and 1400 feet east of Pioneer Trail~ Larch Drive between Pioneer Trail and Stevens Lane~ Stevens Lane for its full length3 Figueora Lane for its full length; Brian Lane for its full length; an easement 100 feet east of Brian Lane between Larch Drive and Shepherds Drive; Los~.'S~ep Lane for its full length; an easement 150 feet east of Lost Sheep L~ne be- tween Larch Drive and Shepherds Drive3 Shepherds Drive for its full length~ Birch Road between Larch Drive and Primrose Road; Cellador Road for its full length3 an easement'from the westerly end of Cellador Road to Glen Road; Glen Road from Pioneer Trail to 250 feet east of Birch Road; Primrose Road from Glen Road to Birch Road; Chinokis Road from Primrose Road to 500 feet east of Birch Road; Pentagon Road east of Midway Road~ Midway Road from Pioneer Trail to Pentagon Road; Moss Road from Pioneer Trail to Wildwood Road~ Echo Road from Pioneer Trail to Wildwood Road; all of which includes approximately 38,700 lineal feet of six to ten inch collection sewers, 26,900 lineal feet of four inch house lateral sewers, 1~3 manholes, 5 flushing inlets~ and 1,070 wyes. (b) SECTION II The installation and construction of six and ten inch collection sewers, four inch house laterals, risers~ manholes and flushing inlets on the following streets, roads and easements: Meadow Edge Avenue from Ski Run Boulevard west to the end; Paradise Avenue from Ski Run Boulevard to Tallac Avenue; Forest Avenue from Ski Run Boulevard to Tallac Avenue; Aspen Avenue from Ski Run Boule- vard to Tallac Avenue; Larch Avenue from Ski Run Boulevard to Tallac Avenue; Birch Avenue from Ski Run Boulevard to Tallac Avenue; Tamarack Avenue from Ski Run Boulevard to Meadow View Road; Patricia Lane from Ski Run Boulevard to end; Lloyd Avenue from Tallac Avenue west 300 feet; Bill Avenue, Shirley Avenue, Betty Sae Lane, Werner Salas Drive, Bobby Gray Avenue from Vanda Lee Way to Werner Salas Drive; Patsy Ann Avenue from Werner Salas Drive to Betty Rae Lane~ Vanda Lee Way, Herbert Avenue from Vanda Lee Way north 800 feet; Meadow View Road, Heather Lake Road, Heather Lake Road extension, Peninsula Meadows Road, Tamarack Road from Meadow View Road to Peninsula Meadows Road, Woodbine Road, Rockwood Drive, Pioneer Trail from a point 200 feet west of Meadow View to a point 400 feet east of Meadow View; Ham Road, Glenwood Way from a point 150 feet north of Cloverdale Avenue to Tamarack Road; Tamarack Road from Freel Peak Road to Glenwood Way; Lester Street, Victor Street, Lewis Street, i Fairway Avenue from a point 150 feet west of Glenwood Way to a point 350 feet west of Glenwood Way; Pinecrest Avenue from a point 100 feet west of Glenwood Way to a point 350 feet west of Glenwood Way; Deer Lane from a point 100 feet west of Glenwood Way to a point 300 feet west of Glenwood Way; Ferndale Avenue, Cloverdale Avenue, an easement running from the intersection of Lewis Street and Lester Street to the southerly most corner of Lot 30 of Rancho Bijou Subdivision; an easement running along the easterly line of Lots l? and 28 of Harlow Acres, along the easterly line of Lots 38 and 50 of Harlow Acres~ along the easterly line of Lot 64 and along the southerly line of Lots 65 and 66 of Harlow Acres, along the easterly line of Lots 28, 29, 30 of Lodi Pines Subdivision, along the westerly 40 feet of the northerly line of Lot 31 of Lod~Pines Subdivision, along the easterly line of LOt 21 of Lodi Pines Subdivision, along the easterly line of Harlow Acres Subdivision from Lloyd Avenue to Meadow Edge Avenue, along the northerly line of Lot 8 of Heather Lake Road Subdivision, along the southerly line of Lot 9 of Tract 108 of Bijou Park Acres, along the westerly line of Lot 8 of Pioneer Park Sub- division, along the southerly line of Lot 8 of Pioneer Park Subdivision, and along the southwesterly line of Lots 35 and 36 of Keller Park Subdivision. (c) SECTION III The installation and construction of six and eight inch collec- tion sewers, four inch house laterals, manholes~ flushing inlets, wyes and risers on the following streets, roads and easements: Lakeview Avenue and U. So Highway No. 50 from Hanson Avenue to Beach Walk; Johnson Boulevard from U. S. Highway No. 50 to 550 feet south of Fallen Leaf Drive; an easement between Johnson Boulevard and Oak Avenue; Bijou Street for its full length; Freel Street for its full length; Fallen Leaf Drive for its full length; Mt. Rose Road for its full length; Heavenly Valley Road for its full length; Oak Avenue for its full length; Cedar Avenue for its full length; Tamarack Avenue for its full length; Alder Avenue for its full length; Juniper Avenue for its full length; Ash Avenue for its full length; Willow Avenue for its full length; Pine Avenue for its full length; Fir Avenue for its full length; an easemenh550 feet south of Fallen Leaf Drive between Johnson Boulevard and Fallen Leaf Dr~.ve; all of which includes approximately 18,900 lineal feet of 6 and 8 inch collection sewers~ 8,300 lineal feet o£ 4 inch house laterals, 65 manholes, 4 flushing inlets and ~15 wyes. (d) SECTION IV The installation and construction of six and eight inch collec- tion sewers, four inch house laterals, manholes, flushing inlets, wyes and risers on the following streets, roads and easements: Lakeview Avenue for its full length; Merced Avenue for its full length; San Jose Avenue for its full length; Alameda Avenue between Bellvue Avenue and Nevada Avenue; Alameda Avenue between Sacramento Avenue and Harrison Avenue~ Tallac Avenue for its full length; San Francisco Avenue for its full length; Lily Avenue between the westerly limit of A1 Tahoe and Lakeview Avenue; Bellvue Avenue between San Francisco Avenue and Lily Avenue; Bayview Avenue for its full length; Berkeley Avenue between Merced Avenue and Lakeview Avenue; Nevada Avenue between Tallac Avenue and San Jose Avenue; Nevada Avenue between Merced Avenue and Lakeview Avenue; Sacramento Avenue between San Francisco Avenue and Merced Avenue; Pasadena Avenue between San Francisco Avenue and Lakeview Avenue; all of which in- cludes approximately 23,200 lineal feet of six and eight inch collection sewers, 17,600 lineal feet of four inch house sewers, 73 manholes and 628 wyes. (e) SECTION V The acquisition of all lands and easements and the performing of all work auxiliary to any of the above which may be necessary to complete the same. ii 6. Notice is hereby given of the fact that in many cases said work and improvement will bring the finished work to a grade different from that formerly existing, and that to said extent said grades are hereby changed and that said work will be done to said changed grades. 7o Said Board does hereby adopt and establish as the official grades for said work the grades and elevations to be shown upon said plans, profiles and specifications. Ail such grades and elevations are to be in feet and decim~_~ls thereof with reference to the datum plane of the U. S. Coast Geodetic Survey. 8. The descriptions of the acquisitions and improvements and the termini of the work contained in this Resolution are general in nature. All items of work do not necessarily extend for the full length of the description thereof. The plans and profiles of the work and the map~and descriptions of the acquisi- tions, as contained in the Engineer's report, shall be controlling as to the correct and detailed description thereof. 9. Said Board further declares that all public streets and highways within said assessment district in use in the performance of a public function as such shall be omitted from the assessment hereafter to be made to cover the costs and expenses of said acquit sitions and improvements. 10. Said contemplated acquisitions amd improvements, in the opinion of the Board, are of more than local or ordinary public benefit and said Board does hereby make the costs and expenses thereof chargeable upon an assessment district, which district said Board declares to be the district benefited thereby, the exterior boundaries of which district are described as follows: Boundary Description (a) SECTION I lo All of Pinewood Park as shown on that certain map entitled "Map of Pinewood Park Lake Tahoe, Stateline, E1 Dorado County, California", filed July 19, 1926 in Book A of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 9, with the exception of the following lots: Block l, Lots i through ll Block 4, Lots I through 16 Block 6, Lots l, 2~ 3 and 5 through ll Block 7, Lots 3, 4~ 5, 6, and 35 through 40 Block 9, Lots i through 16 Block 10, Lots i through 8 Block 12, Lots i and 2 2. Lots l, 2, 3, 4, 19, 20 and 21 of Block A Tahoe Terrace, as shown on that certain map entitled "Map of Block A", Tahoe Terrace, Stateline, E1 Dorado County, California!', filed July 29, 1928 in Book A of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 12o 3. All of Pinewood Terrace as shown on that certain map entitled "Map of Pinewood Terrace", filed March 2, 1943 in Book A of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 30. 4. Lots l, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, l0 and 13 of Lakeview Lodge Subdivision as shown on that certain map entitled "Lakeview Lodge Subdivision TM, re- corded October 8~ 1956 in Book B of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 67. 5. All of Pinewood Heights as shown on that certain map entitled "Pinewood Heights" recorded August 31, 1945 in Book A of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 32. 6. All of the Markofer Subdivision as shown on that certain map entitled "Plat of Markofer Subdivision'~ recorded July 7, 1947 in Book A of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 67. 7. All of Ryan Estates as shown on that certain map entitled "Ryan Estates" recorded July 2, 1957 in Book B of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 76. 8. All of Bijou Park Addition as shown on that certain map en- titled "Bijou Park Addition, E1Dorad$ County, California" filed December 31, 1932 and recorded in Book A of Maps of E1 Dora~County, California, at Page 18, with the exception of the following blocks and lots: Blocks i through 5 Block 6, Lots l, 2, 23 and 24 Block 7~ Lots l~ 2, 23 and 24 Block 8, Lots l, 2~ 23 and 24 Block 12~ Lots l, 2 and 3 Block 23, Lots l, 2, 23 and 24 Block 27, Lots l, 2 and 23 Block 28, Lots l, 2 and 13 through 24 Block 30, Lots l, 2, 3, 4 and 20 through 25, and Lots ll and 12 9. Lots 116 through 124~ 139 through 149; 151 through 184~ 189 through 198~ 212 through 231; 234 through 257 of Bijou Park as shown on that certain map entitled "Bijou Park" recorded September 2, 1927 in Book A of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 10. i 10. All of that unrecorded subdivision known as the Triangle Tract whose boundary is described as follows: Beginning at the 1/16 corner bearing S 0° 34' W. 1327.12 feet from the center of the ~NW 1/4 of Sec. 34, T. 13 N. R. 18 E. M. D. B. & M.; thence N 0° 34' E. 184.54 feet to the true point of beginning, said point being the most southerly corner of Lot i of the Triangle Tract; thence N 60° 08' E. lO8.11 feet along the southerly side of Lot i to the southeasterly corner of the Triangle Tract3 thence N. 21° 58' E. 199.14 feet and N. 16° 53' E. 723.90 feet; along the easterly line of the Triangle Tract to the northeasterly corner of the Triangle Tract; thence N. 73° 05' W. 384.45 feet along the northerly line of the Tri- angle Tract to the northwest corner of the Triangle Tract~ thence S. 0° 34' W. 1043.05 feet along the easterly line of Bijou Park Addition as shown on the map recorded inBook A of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 18 to the point of beginning, being a portion of the NW 1/4 of Sec. 34, T. 13 N. R. 18 E., M. D. B. & M. ll. as follows: All of that certain 1.897 acre parcel of land described Beginning at the center of the NW 1/4 of Sec. 34 T. 13 N. Ro 18 E. M. D. B. & M; thence S 0° 34' Wo along the easterly line of Bijou Park Addition as shown on the map recorded in Book A of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 18, 99.53 feet to a point; thence S. 73 o05' E. 384.45 feet along the northerly line at the unrecorded Triangle Tract to a point on the northwesterly line of Pioneer Trail as it now exists 60.00 feet wide3 thence N. 16© 53' E. 186.83 feet and N. 13° 05' E. 13.2 feet along the northwesterly line of Pioneer Trail to the most southerly corner of the unrecorded Pentagon Tract3 Thence N. 73° 05' W. 442.94 feet along the southerly line of the Pentagon Tract to a point; thence S. 0° 34' W. 109.29 feet to the point of beginning, being a portion of the N. W. 1/4 of Sec. 34, T. 13 N. R. 18 E. M. D. B. & M. 12. Lots 14, 15, 16, 43, 44, 50, 51~ 52 and 54 of the un- recorded Pentagon Tract and that certain 0.3~5 acre parcel lying adjac- ent to the northeasterly line of the Pentagon Tract. The descriptions of the lots are as follows: Lots 14, 15, 16, 50, 51, 52 and 54 of the unrecorded Pentagon Tract and the 0.365 acre parcel lying adjacent to the northeasterly line of the Pentagon Tract - Beginning at a point in the north 1/2 of the N. W. 1/4 of Sec. 34 T. 13 N. R. 18 E. M. D. Bo & M. which is located by running the following courses and distances from the point of intersection of the east and west centerline of said NW of Sec. 34 with the southeasterly line of the State Highway No. 50; along the southeasterly line of State Highway 50 N. 60© 08' E. 1340.0 feet; thence S. 29° 52' E. 150.0 feet along the northeasterly li~e 9f Midway Road as it now exists 40 feet wide; thence N. 60v 08' E. alon~ the northwesterly line of Pentagon Road as it now exists 40 feet wide, 210.0 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 14, said corner being the point of beginning3 thence N. 44° 04' E. 96068 feet along the north- westerly line of Lot 14; thence So 45 56' E. along the north- easterly line of the unrecorded Pentagon Tract 21.24 feet to the northwesterly corner of the 0~365 acre parcel; thence N. 60° 08' E. 100 feet~ thence S. 45~ 56'E. 127.50 feet; thence S. 17° 02' W. along the northwesterly line of Pioneer Trail 101.73 feet and S. 27° 23' W. 49.49 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 54 of the unrecorded Pentagon Tract3 thence N. 62° 37' W. ii 125.0 feet~ thence S 2?° 2B' ~. along t~e southeasterly line of Pentagon Road 50.6 feet~ thence $. 62 3?' E. 125.0 feet~ thence S. 2?© 23' W. along the northwesterly line of Pioneer Trail 150.0 feet~ thence N. 76~ 55' W. alon$ the northeasterly line of Midway Road 170.19 feet; thence N. 27v 23' E. along the north- westerly line of Pentagon Road ?7.67 feet, thence N. 29© 52' W. along the southwesterly line of Lot 16 and along the northwest- erly prolongation thereof 160.92 feet; thence N. 60° 08' E. along the northwesterly line of Pentagon Road ll0.O feet to the point of beginning. Lots 4B and 44 - Pentagon Tract Beginning at the center of the NW 1/4 of Sec. 34 T. lB N. R. 18 E. M. D. B. & M.; thence N. 0° B~' E. 109.29 feet; thance S. 73° 05' E. along the southerly line of the unrecorded Penta$on Tract B17.66 feet to the true point of beginning; thence N. 13~ 05' E. 84.53 feet~ thence S. 76° 55' E. 125.00 feet~ thence S. lB° 05' Wo along the northwesterly line of Pioneer Trail as it now exists 60.00 feet wide 92.91 feet; thence N. 73~05' W. 125.28 feet to the point of beginning, being Lots $3 and 44 of the Pentagon Tract. All of that 1.84 acre parcel described as follows: Beginning at a point which bears S. 28° 06' Wo ~40.89 feet and S. lB° 54' w. 359.11 feet along the southeasterly line of Pioneer Trail from the southwesterly corner of Pinewood Park as shown on that certain map of "Pinewood Park E1 Dorado County, California" filed July 19, 1926 in Book A of Maps of. E1 Dorado County, Cal~foroia~ at ~ag~ 9; thence S. 61°~5~'_$· ~4.~ ~et~ · 1~ ~' W ~.b~ thence S. 2~v 06' ~. 196.?~ feet, thence N. b 5 · 3 feet~ thence N. l? 44' E. 200.00 feet along the southeasterly line of Pioneer Trail to the point of beginning, being a portion of the N. 1/2 of the S. E. 1/4 of the N. W. 1/~ of Sec. 34 T. lB N. R. 18 E. M. D. B. & M. 14. All of the Tract 6 of the unrecorded Keller 5.0 Acre Tracts described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northeasterly line of Bijou Park Boulevard with the southeasterly line of Pioneer Trail as shown on the map of "Bijou Park Addition" recorded in Book A of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 18; thence N. 26~ 24' E. 560.0 feet; thence S. 50° 28' E. along the southwesterly line of Tract ~2 of the Keller 5.0 Acre Tracts 550.0 feet to the northeasterly corner of the "Ryan Estates'' as shown on the map recorded in Book B of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 76; thence S. 60° 28' W. along the northwesterly line of "Ryan Estates" 661.3~ feet to the easterly line of Bijou Park Boulevard; thence N. 20~ 50' W. along the easterly line of Bijou Park Boulevard 200.00 feet to the point of beginning, being a portion of SW 1/4 of Sec. 3~ T. 13 N. R. 18 E. M. D. B. & M. (b) SECTION II 1. Lots 95 through 102,201 through 209 of Bijou Park as shown on that certain map entitled "Bijou Park recormed September 2, 1W27 in Book A of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 10. iii 2. The following lots of Bijou Park Addition as shown on that certain map entitled "Bijou Park Addition, E1 Dorado County, California" filed December 31, 1932 and recorded in,Book A of Maps of E1 Dorado County~ California at Page 18: Block 1, Lots 1 through 10 Block 2, Lots 1 through 10 and 15 through 24 Block 3~ Lots i through l0 and 15 through 24 Block 4, Lots i thrOugh l0 and 15 through 24 Block 5, Lots i through l0 and 15 through 24 3. The following lots of New Bijou Park Addition as shown on that certain map entitled "Plat of New Bijou Park Addition" recorded November 15, 1947 in Book A of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California~ at Page 73: Block 31, Lots i through l0 and 15 through 24 Block 32~ Lots i through l0 and 15 through 24 Block 33, Lots i through ll 4. All of Keller Park Subdivision as shown on that certain map entitled '~Keller Park Sub,vision" recorded July 19, 1951 in Book A of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 102, with the exception of Lots 40 and 41. 5. All of the Heather Lake Road Subdivision as shown on that certain map entitled "Heather Lake Road Subdivision, Being Tract ll2 of Keller 5 Acre Tracts" recorded September 17, 1956 in Book B of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 66. 6. The following lots of Bijou Park Acres as shown on that cer- tain map entitled "Plat of Bijou Park Acres" recorded May 15, 1951 in Book A of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California~ at Page 96: Tract 108, Lots 9, 12 and 13 Tract 109, Lots i through 16 Tract ll7, Lots i and 16 7. All of Pioneer Park as shown on that certain map entitled 'SPlat of Pioneer Park" recorded July 30, 1953 in Book B of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 23. 8. Lots l0 and ll of the Bijou Park Acres Addition i as shown on that certain map entitled "Bijou Park Acres Addition l" recorded January 8, 1954 in Book B of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 30. 9. All of the Nagy Tract as shown on that certain map entitled "Nagy Tract" recorded August 16~ 1957 in Book B of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 79. 10. All of Rancho Bijou as shown on that certain map entitled "Rancho Bijou" recorded July l~ 1953 in Book B of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 20~ with the exception of the following Lots~ Lots l0 through 47 Lots 92 through 98 Lots lll through ll4 Lots 127 through Lots 153 through 158 Lots 169 and 170 Lots 172 through 177. llo All of Lodi Pines as shown on that certain map entitled "Map of Lodi Pines" recorded May 16, 1946 in Book A of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California~ at Page 41. iv 12. All of Harlow Acres as shown on that certain map entitled "Plat of Harlow Acres~ recorded September 23~ 1943 in Book A of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 29, with the exception of the following lots: Lots i and 2 Lots 13 through 22 13. follows: All of the unrecorded Ham Tract described as Beginning at the southwesterly corner of the Harlow Acres Subdivision as shown on that map entitled "Harlow Acres'~ re- corded in Book A of Maps of E1 Dorado County~ California~ at Page 29; thence N. 0© 25' 30" W. along the westerly Sine of Harlow Acres 81.84 feet to the true point of beginning; thence N. 0© 25' 30" W. along the westerly line of Harlow Acres 500.37 feet; thence S. 89© 34' W. 90.00 feet; thence N. 0© 26' 15" W. 50.00 feetl thence S. 89© 34' W. 90.00 feet, more or less~ to the northerly prolongation of the easterly line of Rancho Bijou as shown on that map recorded in Book B of ~aps of E1 Dorado County, California~ at Page 201 thence S. 0v 30' 30" W. along the easterly line of Rancho Bijou 583.83 feet to a point in the northerly line of Glenwood Way as it exists 40 feet wide~ thence N. 89© ll' E. 200.07 feet to the point of beginning~ being a portion of Sec. 33 T. 13 N. R. 18 E. M. D. B. & M. 14. Tracts 5 and ll6 of the unrecorded Keller 5.0 Acre Tracts as shown on the map of "Bijou Park Acres" recorded in Book A of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 96. 15. Tract 100 of the unrecorded Keller 5.0 Acre Tracts described as follows: Beginning at a point which bears S. 84© 29' E. 301.0 feet from the SW~Gorner of Sec. 34 T. 13 ~. E. 18 E. M. D. B. & Mi thence S. 48°.56' W. 660.00 feet; thence S. 77v 54' E. 755.7 feet~ theDce N. 4© 09' E. 40.0 feetl thence N. 20© 54' E. 141.32 feet; thence N. 38vll' E. 54.8 feet; thence N. 41© 04' W. 500.0 feet to the point of beginning. 16. Beginning at the point of intersection of the northeasterly line of Meadow View Road with the southerly lineof the '~Lodi Pines'~ Subdivision as shown on the map recorded in Book A of Maps of E1 Dorado County~ California, at Page 41~ said point bearing S. 89~ 29' 30" E. 578.77 feet from the SW corner of theE 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of the S~ ~/4 of Sec. 33, T. 13 N. R. 18 E. M. D. B. & Mi thence continuing S. U9v 29' 30" E. 750 feet to the southwesterly line of the "New Bijou Park Addition" as shown on the map recorded in Book A of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 73~ thence S. 30© 32' 50" E. along the sowthwesterly line of New Bijou Park Addition 156.0 feet; thence S. 60~ ~0' 30" W. 542.70 feet to the northeasterly line of Meadow View Road as it exists 50 feet wide; thence N. 40© 59' W. 544.82 feet along the northeasterly line of Meadow View Road to the point of beginning. (c) SECTION III 1. All of Lake Tahoe Subdivision as shown on that certain map entitled "Lake Tahoe Subdivision" recorded July l, 1957 in Book B of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California at Page 75. 2. All of Johnson Acres as shown on that certain map entitled "Johnson Acres" recorded August 22, 1941 in Book A of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 28. 3. All of the Bijou Pines Subdivision as shown on that certain map entitled '~Bijou Pines~ recorded September 12, 1929 in Book A of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 13. V 4. All of the E1 Dorado County Public Camp Ground being all of Lot i of Section 32, T. 13 N. R. 18 E. M. D. B. & M. except for the 100 foot wide State Highway 50, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at the SE corner of Lot 2 of Sec. 32 T. 13 N. R. 18 E. M. D. Bo & M; thence East 50.00 feet to the center of the State High- way, said center being the true point of beginning; thence No 0° 05' E. 1019.8 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right of radius lOgO feet; thence along the curve to the right through a central angle of 73u 42' for an arc distance of 1337.7 feet; thence N. 73° 47' E. 572.8 feet to a point on the east line of Lot l, Sec. 32, said point bearing S. 0° 09' E. 102.3 feet from the northeast corner of Lot 1. 5. That certain portion of Lot 3 of Sec. 33 T. 13 N. R. 18 E. M. D. B. & M. described as follows: beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of Johnson Boulevard with the northerly line of Lot ll of Johnson Acres as shown on the map recorded in Book A of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 28; thence northerly along the westerly line of Johnson Boulevard 690 feet, more or less, to the south- westerly line of U. S. Highway No. 50; thence westerly along the south- westerly line of U. S. Highway No. 50, 514.6 feet, more or less, to a point in the northerly prolongation of the easterly line of Lakeview Pines Subdivision as shown on the map recorded in Book B of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 86; thence southerly along the east- erly line of Lakeview Pines Subdivision 687 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of Lot l0 of Johnson Acres; thence easterly along the northerly line of Lot l0 of Johnson Acres and the easterly prolongation thereof 370.50 feet to the point of beginning, containing 4.99 acres, more or less. 6. All of that land described as follows: beginning at the southwest corner of Lot A of Lakeview Pines Subdivision as shown on the map recorded October 2, 1957 in Book B of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 86~ thence S. 89° 45' 43~' W. along the northerly line of Sandy Way at it now exists 40.0 feet wide 356.49 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right having a radius of 25.0 feet; thence along the curve through a central angle of 89° 52' 36" for an arc distance of 39.22 feet; thence N. 0° 06' 43" W. along the easterly line of Beach Walk as it now exists 40.0 feet wide 245.79 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right of a radius of 25.0 feet; thence along the curve whose chord meas- ures 33.04 feet to the southerly line of U. S. Highway No. 50 as it now exists 80.0 feet wide; thence easterly along the southerly line of U. So Highway No. 50, 357 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of Lot A of Lakeview Pines Subdivision; thence S. 0° 06' 43" E along the westerly line of Lot A to the point of beginning, being a portion of Lot 4, Sec. 33, T. 13 N. R. 18 E. M. D. B. & M. 7. That certain parcel described as follows: beginning at the northwest corner of Lot A of Lakeview Pines Subdivision as shown on the map recorded October 2, 1957 in Book B of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 86; thence S. 7~ 12^' 57" E. 68.89 feet; thence N. 68 32 33 E. 103.03 feet; thence N. 7u 12' 57" W. 9.70 feet to a point in the northerly line of Lot A of Lakeview Pines Subdivision, said point bearing N. 78° 04' W. 190.51 feet from the intersection of the easterly line of Takela Drive as it now exists 40.0 fee~ wide with the southerly line of U. S. Highway No. 50 as it now exists 80.0 feet wide; thence northwesterly along the southerly line of U. S. Highway No. 50, 106 feet', more or less, Ko the point of beginning being a portion of LOt 4, Sec. 33: T. 13 N., R. 1U E. M. D. B. & M. 8. All of the land described as follows: Beginning at the SW corner of Lot 4, Sec. 33, T. 13 N. R. 18 E. M. D. B. & M.~ thence N 0° 13' W. along the easterly line of the E1 Dorado County Camp Ground 896 feet, more or less, to the NW corner of LOt 4, Sec. 33 T. 13 N. R. 18 E. M. D. B. & M.; thence northeasterly along the highwater line of Lake Tahoe 890 feet, more or less, to a point which is set by running the following courses and distances from the NE corner of Lot 4, Sec. 33 T. 13 N. R. 18 E. M. D. B. & M.; S. 69° 59' W. along the highwater line vi of Lake Tahoe 201.39 feet, S. 63° 46' W. 213.86 feet, and S. 77° 37' W. 106.93 feet; thence leaving said point on the highwater line of Lake Tahoe and running S. 7° 16' 30" W. 255.5 feet, more or less, to a point in the southerly line of U. S. Highway No. 50, said point being the northwest corner of Lot A of Lakeview Pines Subdivision as shown on the map recorded October 2~ 1957 in Book B of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 86; thence westerly along the southerly line of U. S. Highway No. 50, 423 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of Lakeview Pines Subdivision~ thence S. 0° 10' 43'i E. 897.55 f~et to the southwest corner of Lakeview Pines Subdivision; thence S. 89v 45' 43" W. along the south line of Lot 4 Sec. 33 T. 13 N. R. 18 E. M. D. B. & M. 460.0 feet to the point of beginning. (d) SECTION IV 1. All of A1 Tahoe as shown on the map entitled "Amended Map of A1 Tahoe" filed November 21, 1917 in Book A of Maps of E1 Dorado County, California, at Page 3, with the exception of the following: Block 51, Lots 2, and 8 through 14 Block 52, Lots 9 through 16 Block 53, Lots 9 through 16 Block 54, Lots 9 through 16 Block 55, Lots 9 through 16 Block 56, Lots 9 through 16 Block 57, Lots 9 through 16 Block 58,Lots 9 through 16 Block 59, Lots 6 through l0 Blocks 60 through 66 Block 67, Lots 2 through 15 Blocks 68 through 95 There is excepted from said assessment district all parcels of property not above described, said parcels so excepted having been excluded from the boundaries of the Utility District. Reference is hereby made to the maps entitled "Assessment District 1959-1, Assessment Diagram, Sections I, II, III and IV on file with the Clerk of the District, upon which are delineated the exterior boundaries of the assessment district, the several parcels therein to be assessed and the several parcels excepted therefrom and for further particulars. vii 11. Notice is hereby given that serial bonds to represent the unpaid assessments, and bear interest at the rate of not to exceed six per cent (6%) per annum, will be issued hereunder in the manner provided in the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, Division 10 of the Streets and Highways Code, the last installment of which bonds shall mature not to exceed fourteen (14) years from the second day of July next succeeding ten (10) months from their da te. 12. Except as herein otherwise provided for the issuance of bonds, all of said improvements shall be done pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, as amended. 13. Reference is hereby made to proceedings had pursuant to Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code on file in the office of the Clerk. 14. Said proposed acquisitions and improvements are here- by referred to the Distr~c~ EUgfneer, being a competent person employed by said District for that purpose; and said Engineer is hereby directed to make and file with the Clerk of said District a report in writing, presenting the following: (a) Maps and descriptions of the lands and easements to be acquired; (b) Plans and specifications of the proposed improvements to be made pursuant to this Resolution of Intention; (c) Engineerls statement of the itemized and total estimate costs and expenses of said acquisitions and improvements and of the incidental expenses in connection therewith; (d) Diagram showing the assessment district above referred to, and also the boundaries and dimensions of the respective sub- divisions of land within said district as the same existed at the time of the passage of this Resolution of Intention, each of which subdivisions shall be given a separate number upon said diagram; (e) A proposed assessment of the total amount of the costs and expenses of the proposed acquisitions and improvements upon the several subdivisions of land in said district in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by such subdivisions, re- spectively, from said acquisitions and improvements, and of the expenses incidental thereto. 15. If any excess shall be realized from the assessment it shall be spent for the maintenance of said acquisitions and improve ments, unless the Board shall hereafter determine that said amount or any part thereof shall be applied as a credit to each assessment herein. Ptesident Of the-South Tahoe Public Utility District The foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe ?ublic Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, duly held on the day of August _, 1959, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES, and in favor thereof, Directors: ~ Pan, st, Wakeman, Wall, NOES, Directors: None ABSENT, Directors: Nene Gersick ~CleCr~ and , Ix~o~fi~l~ Secretary' of the South Tahoe Public Utility District