HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 134 1 2 4 5 6 ? 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 2~ 27 2~ 50 $1 $2 RESOLUTION NO. %54 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUTHORIZING ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT. ~fHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District has adopted plans and specifications for the con- struction of a sewage treatment plant of an average capacity of 2.5 million gallons per day and including inlet works, preaeration and sedimentation tanks, aeration tanks, effluent pumping station, sludge digesters, sludge drying beds, operations building and all necessary mechanical and electrical equipment and appurtenances, all as more particularly shown on the plans and specifications pre- pared by Brown and Caldwell, Engineers, on file in said District !office, and all in addition to the existing facilities as said system existed on February 20, 1959; and WHEREAS, the voters of said South Tahoe Public Utility District, on March 24, 1959, have approved the incurrence of a $2,500.000 bonded indebtedness in connection with said improvement; and ~EREAS, said Board of Directors desires to call for bids to be publicly opened and read on May 25, 1959; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, as follows: 1. That the Clerk and Ex-officio Secretary be authorized to advertise for bids in the LAKE TAHOE NEWS, a newspaper of general circulation, duly adjudicated as such, and situate within the South Tahoe Public Utility District, said authorization to conform to the notice to bidders for construction of sewage treat- ment plant, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 1 4 § ? $ 10 11 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 29 30 $1 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of April, 1959, by the following vote: AYES: Directors NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Goeringer, Gersick and Pankost Ar~,ST.~ ''~ '~ .~a~"~~k~l, Cterk and Ek-officio~Secretary of said Board of Directors. ~rman ~7-~-~er inger, South Tahoe Public Utility (SEAL) 1 2 $ 4 5 SOOTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT E1 Do~ado County, California NOTICE TO BIDDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEWAGE TIIEA. TMF. NT PLANT Sealed proposals for the construction of a sewage treatment 6 plant for the South Tahoe Public Utility District will be received ? at the office of the District, Clark Building, Tahoe Valley, Cali- 8 fornia, until 8:00 p.m., Daylight Saving Time, on May 25, 1959, 9 which time, or as soon thereafter as possible, they will be 10 ~ublicly opened and read. Bids shall be addressed to the District 11 ~nd shall be endorsed "Proposal for Construction of Sewage Treat- 12 ment Plant." 15 The work comprises the furnishing of all labor, materials and 14 equipment for the construction of a secondary type treatment plant. 1§ The plant has an average capacity of 2.5 million gallons per day 18 and includes inlet works, preaeration and sedimentation tanks, 17 aeration tanks, effluent pumping station, sludge digesters, sludge 18 drying beds, operations building and all necessary mechanical and 19 electrical equipment and appurtenances, all as more particularly ~.0 shown on the plans and specifications for the work. Plans and specifications may be inspected at the Builders 22 Exchange, 850 South Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco; at the Builders ~$ Exchange, 190 MacArthur Boulevard, Oakland; at the office of the ~4 Daily Pacific Builder, 465 - 10th Street, San Francisco; at the ~§ office of the District; and at the office of Brown and Caldwell, ~ 66 Mint Street, San Francisco. Copies may be obtained at the offic ~? of the District or at the office of Brown and Caldwell upon payment ~8 of $20.00, of which $10.00 will be refunded upon return of the ~ plans and specifications in good standing within 15 days after bid ~0 opening. $1 Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified or cashier's $~ check or a bidder's bond, payable to the order of the South Tahoe 1 $ 4 § ? $ 10 11 12 15 14 1§ 18 17 18 19 20 24 27 ~0 $1 Public Utility District in an amount not less than ten per cent (10%) of the bid as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the contract, if awarded the work. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Faithful Performance Bond in an amount not less than one hundred per cent (100%) of the contract price and a Materials and Labor Bond in the amount of not less than fifty per cent (50%) of the contract price. In accordance with the California Labor Code, notice is here- by given that the District has determined the general rates of per diem wages in the locality for each type or craft of workman needed to execute the contract. The official wage scale is on file in the office of the District and a copy is attached hereto. The District Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to determine which proposal is, in its opinion, the lowest responsible bid of a responsible bidder and that which it deems in the best interest of the District to accept. The Dis Board also reserves the right to waive any informalities not material to cost or performance in any proposal or bid. By order of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, pursuant to Resolution No. 134 of said Board. DATED: April 23, 1959. i ~t~rk a~.~officio Secreta~ South Tahoe Public Utility District T~I~ ~JILDIN~ & COITION ~PJtI~S CO~CIL ~0~ F~st Lincoln Auburn, Califforn~e For Placer, Nevada ami I1 Dorad~ Counties, exel~tJ~ the ~ ~ ~,:~~. ~~t~ ~ ~~ ~e iv. ~e fol~~-~e. ~r~~~:~ e~t~ ~, ~ ~ ~, ~l~i~. .c,. ~:~. ~ ~ ~ ~, Rate Asbestos yorker fo~ (+ ~) ~~r ~e~r ~r 3~' ~ile~r ~ Cl~enter - Clrl~enter 'foresln (+ 3~t)' Carpet.and ~Ft 'tile Cee~nt-~al~- or constructor 3.7k' :?.k~ ~.~ ,8~ 3.10 . ~. ~g..~O ~efrigerat ion fitter Refrigeration fitter foreman (* lOS) Roofer Felt machine operator Felt machine operator helper Mastic floor layer For pitch (.25~) Roofer foreman Sheet metal worker Sheet metal foreman (* 25~) Shinglers ~wood & composition) Steamfitter Steamfitter foreman (+lO~) Stone -mason Teamsters (see page iii) Tile setters Tile setter' s helper Over- Vaca- Rate time H & W tion 3.30 .×x~ .10 3.80 ~ .10 3.55 *~** .lO 3.8o ***~ .lo 3.80 **** .10 3.625 7.25 .10 3.5o ** .10 3.925 7.85 .15 3.9o 7.80 .15 3.28 6.56 2.38 4.76 LABORERS .125 General laborers, flagmen, watchmen, limbers, brush-loaders and pilers, maintenance, repair trackman and road-beds ............... Concrete taborets, wet or dry, asphalt shovelers, choke-setter, driller's helper, chuck-tender, loading and unloading of all rods and materials in use for reinforcing concrete, vitrator and all pne~_m~a_tic, gas and electric tools not listed in other groups ..... Asphalt ironers and rakers, buggymobile, chainsaw, faller, and log- ''loader, concrete pan work, header board, Jack-h~w,er operators, pipe layers, calkers and banders~ roto-tillers, sand blasters, tank cleaners and tree-climbers .................................. 2.935 Wagon driller, air-track driller, blaster, powdermen, high-scaler including drilling for same ...................................... 3'16 Gunnite nozzelman~ roHman and groundman ............................ 3.395 Gunnite' gunman ...................................................... 3.065 Labor foreman ....................................................... -- 3.36 OVERTIME: Time and one-half; Sundays and holidays double time. HEALTH AND WELFARE: 10~ per hour see last page for OVERTIME as denoted by asterisks on classifications. ENGINEERS GROUP NO. 1 Apprentice, partsman and rear chainmau GROUP NO. 2 Mechanical conveyer, compressor, concrete mixer up to one yard, fireman hot plant, mixer-box operator, pump operator, tar-l~ fir~-~n (power agitated), spreader bowman (with screeds) GROUP No. ~ Boxman (asphalt Plant), box operator, head chain~-~, rodman, grade setter, locomotive, motorman, ross carrier and screedman Pension $.10 Effective 5/1/ tm. 5 $2.e65 .~o .10 2.785 ~,965 3.115 3.31, 3.57~ ~' 3.2~5 ~te ~r ~ $3.oo ~ ;' 3.10 ,. Teamsters (continued) Rate per hour... Helpers, ware~n and teamsters $2.?~ Saturdays, Sunday.Sand HOlidays shall ~ p~ flor at t~ rote of ~ble t~., ~ '"~ the ~te":~ double ~. g~t~ ~ $~ ~1 Be ~id for at t~ . . · .~. ........ 17. ~'.' :darehouse clerks (Jobside construction) Water trucks,under 2,500 ~allons 2.~ Water trt~cks over 2,500 gallons and under ~,000 ~allc~.s Water trucks, ~,000 ~allons a~ over (~nclu~in~ ~e~i$) Self-propelled street ~weeper with self-contained refuse bin 3-35 Dumpst er truck 3.10' Road oil truc'ks or boot~au Combination ~oot~an an~ road oiler Automotive oiler or greaser DW-IO and D~-20 a~d Euclid type equipaenf~ and LeTournea~a I~-Terra Cobras and similar types of equiI~ent when performing work within Teamster Juriediction and when pullin~ water tank trailer ~.~' Lift Jitneys and fork lift d~ivers ~'~' Ross carrier and siailar typeconstruction)Carriers ~.~ Truck repairman (~obaite Truck repairman helper (Jobside construction) 2.~ Pickup truces .~.~1 Single unit flat racks under 10,~00 pounds ~.01 .~ Single unit flat racks 10,500 pounds and over Truck dispatcher (full-time employee only) ~.~0. · P.B. or similar type ~elf-loading truck ~.k5 ~..~ OVER~:All overtime at the rate of ti~e and one-half; ~tu~s an~ ~olida~e at d~uble ti~e. HEALTH A~D WELFA~ PLAN: 10~ per hour. In the Lake Tahoe Area, sc~e of the crafts have negotiate~ · hi~her ~ale on &eco~ of the increased cost of living. A~ong these crafts are the followin~ .. Carpenter fore,an 3.955 Oe~ent finishers 3-~ ~'~ ~my a~ditional time ~orked after the re~;~:~ ~orkday, Saturdays, ~m~s days shall be conoid~re~ overtime and paid for at ~ouble the straight ti~e rate otherwise specified herein. the rate of time and one-half. All a~ditional time worxe~ up ~o o.~'.a.?,. 5atm~la~, 5undaya and Holidays shall be paid for at the rate of ~ouble · * For the first four houra after the regular work, lay, overtime ahall.be paid fo~ th~ .rate of time ami oas-half. Ail additional time wor~ed up' to 8.00 a.~. GROUP NO. ~ Grade setter, lumber stacker, material hoist, scoopmobile and towermobile · Compressors (2 to 6), concrete mixers over 1 yard, pumpcrete guns, pumps (2 to 6) and welding machines GROUP NO. 6 Asphalt plant engineer, boom truck or dual purpose A-frame truck, concrete batch plant, concrete saws, drilling machinery, highline cableway signalman, locomotives, mechanical finishers (concrete), spreader machines, (asphalt), maginnis internal full slab vibrator, power Jumbo operator, portable crushers, roller or self propelled compactor, surface heater, self-propelled pipeline wrapping machines, slip .form pumps and small rubber tired tractors GROUP NO. 7 Deck engineer, dual drum mixer, fuller kenyon pump, handy crane, heavy duty repairman and/or welders, instrument man, .material hoist (2 or more drums), mine or shaft hoister, mi~ermobile, pavement breaker, pipe cleaning machine, pipe wr~pping, b~nding machines, pugmills, refrigeration plant, scoopmobile (used as a loader), tractors, sozers, scrapers, sheepsfoot, compacting equip- ment and push cats, trenching machine, truck-type loader and ~11 tractor with boom GROUP NO. 8 Concrete batch plant, mucking machine, tractor-loader iii Rate per homr 3.55 3.70 Power shovels, draglines, 'cranes, clamshells, back-hoes, combina- tion mixer and compressor, heavy duty rotary drill rigs, tractor with boom, power blade operator 3.75 GROUP NO. 10' Boom-type backfilling machines, Euclid loader, derricks and derrick barges, lift slab machines, pile-drivers, ~oil stabllizer~ tract or-loade r ' ~' 3.85 Engineers working in tunnels or adits shall receive 12-1/2~ per hour over and above the regular rate. Engineers working within shafts, slopes and raises shall receive 25~ per hour over and above the regular rate. FOREMAN OVERTIME: Time and one-half; Sundays and holidays double time HEALTH AND WELFAEE PENSION PLAN ' TEAMSTERS Dump trucks - under 4 yards (water level) 4 yards and 'under 6 yards-(water level) 6 yards and under 8 yards (water level) 8 yards and over (water level) Transit mix - under 4 yards (mfg. mixg. cap. rtg.) ~ yards and over (manuf. mixgr cap. rtg, ) Heavy duty transport Winch truck and "A" frame drivers (when winch is not used on a flat rack truck, the flat rack rate applies) 3,85 .10 .10 Rate ~er ho ,~'. $2 3. o 3.125