HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 06-19-14 g�uTH , TAHOtc �(° - _ _ —�_ ---�,,,,...:� � '0(�e<N'er . 1950 • �s��j �U77LITY D1� SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, June 19, 2014 - 2:00 P.nn. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California Richard Solbrig, General Manager Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager Eric W. Schafer, President BOARD MEMBERS Randy Vogelgesang, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director James R. Jones, Director Kelly Sheehan Director 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING— PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE(At this time, please silence phones and other electronic devices so as not to disrupt the business of the meeting.) 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (This is an opporfunity for members of the public to address the Board on any shorf non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. No discussion or action can be taken on matters not listed on the agenda, per the Brown Act. Each member of the public who wishes to comment shall be allotted five minutes, and no more than three individuals shall address the same subject.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (For purposes of the Brown Act, all Action and Consent items listed give a brief description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed. Recommendations of the staff, as shown, do not prevent the Board from taking other action.) 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be removed to be discussed and considered separately upon request. Comments and questions from members of the public, staff or Board can be taken when the comment does not neCessitate separate action.) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION / ACTION 6. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION a. Truckee Marsh Sewer Facilities Protection Project (i�o Bergsor,n, Hydrogeologist) Pg 43 (1) Hold a Public Hearing to receive comments on the designation of the Upper Truckee Marsh Sewer Facilities Adaptive Management Plan as "substantially complex" under Public Contract Code section 7201; (2) Pursuant to the facts, find the Project is substantially complex and requires a 10% retention limit; and (3) Authorize staff to advertise for construction bids b. Luther Pass Power and Control Project (�uiie Ryan,Senior Engineer� Pg 47 Approve proposal from GHD for engineering services in the amount of $325,826. C. PCIy►'Y12nt Of CIC11►715 (Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Pg 59 Approve Payment of Claims in the amount of $2,912,703.93 8. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA-June 19, 2014 PAGE-2 9. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 10. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT 1 1. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT (Discussion may take place; however, no action wiil be taken.) Public Outreach 12. STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 13. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS/EVENTS Past Meetings Events 06/11/14-9:00 a.m. EDCWA Meeting O6/16/14-3:30 P.M. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting O6/19/14-2:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting at District Future Meetings/Events 07/03/14-2:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting at District 14. CLOSED SESSION �The Board will adjourn to Closed Session to discuss items identified below. Closed Session is not open to the pubiic;however,an opportunity will be provided at this time if inembers of the public would like to comment on any item listed-three minute limit.) a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel Existing Litigation re: EI Dorado County Superior Court Case SC20120227 GRCLT Condominium vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District (Filed 10/22/12) Pg 75 b. Pursuant to Government Code Section 5456.9(b)/Conference with Legal Counsel Anticipated Litigation (one potentiai case�. Pg �� c. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: False Claims Act Case: United States, the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and Tennessee and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J-M Manufacturing Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. ED CV06-0055-GW, United States District Court for the Central District of California. Pg 79 d. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. BC459943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J-M Manufacturing, et al. Pg 8� e. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957�a)/Conference with Labor Negotiators re: Memorandum of Understanding with Stationary Engineers, Local 39. Present at this Closed Session will be Agency Negotiators: Richard Solbrig/General Manager, Nancy Hussmann/Human Resources Director, Paul Hughes/Chief Financiai Officer. Pg ss ACTION REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION ADJOURNMENT (The next Regular Board Meeting is July 3, 2014, at 2:00 p.m.) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA-June 19, 2014 PAGE-3 The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each monih.A complete Agenda packet is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m.and 5:00 p.m.,Monday through Friday. A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days after Minutes of the meeting have been approved.Items on the Agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear.Designated times are for particular items only.Public Hearings will not be calied to order prior to the time specified,but may occur slightly later than the specified time. Public participation is encouraged.Public comments on items appearing on the Agenda will be taken at the same time the Agenda items are heard;comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written materials presented at the meeting.Comments on items not on the Agenda can be heard during"Comments from the Audience;"however,action cannot be taken on items not on the Agenda. Backup materials relating to an open session item on this Agenda,which are not included with the Board packet,will be made available for public inspection at the same time they are distributed or made available to the Board,and can be viewed at the District office,at the Board meeting and upon request to the Clerk of the Board. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities.Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings.If particular accommodations are needed,please contact the Cierk of the Board at(530) 544-6474,extension 6203.Ali inquiries must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA-June 19, 2014 PAGE-4 S�V�' TaH� ���A F - _ --,..�..= ��- �e`wer ' 1950 • w t��G" �UT7LITY 015 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CONSENT CALENDAR June 19, 2014 ITEMS a. RESOLUTION NOS. 2950-14 2951-14 2952-14 AND 2953-14 IN SUPPORT OF METER PROJECT APPLICATIONS TO THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH (CDPH, Pg 1 (Lynn Nolan, Grant Coordinator) Adopt Resolution Nos. 2950-14, 2951-14, 2952-14 and 2953-14 to CDPH for the submission of four meter applications through the Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund program. b. ANNUAL ADOPTION OF STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY Pg 7 (Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Adopt Resolution No. 2954-14 (superseding Resolution No. 2935-13). c. SEWER ENTERPRISE 2014-15 APPROPRIATIONS SUBJECT TO LIMITATION Pg 21 (Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Adopt Resolution No. 2955-14 setting the limitation on appropriations for fiscal year 2014-15. d. POLYMER CONTRACT RENEWAL Pg 27 (Ross Johnson, Manager of Plant Operations) Authorize one year renewal option of polymer contract with Polydyne, Inc., in the estimated amount of $128,304.00 e. 2014-2015 BULK SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE SUPPLIES Pg 29 (Ross Johnson, Manager of Plant Operations and Linda Brown, Purchasing Manager) Award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Sierra Chemical Company, in the estimated amount of $68,472.00 f. 2014-2015 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE SUPPLY TOTES Pg 31 (Randy Curtis, Manager of Field Operations and Linda Brown, Purchasing Manager) Award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Sierra Chemical Company, in the estimated amount of $13,770.00. g. 2014-2015 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE SUPPLY DRUMS Pg 33 (Randy Curtis, Manager of Fieid Operations and Linda Brown, Purchasing Manager) Award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Sierra Chemical Company, in the estimated amount of $10,971 .40. REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA-June 19, 2014 PAGE-5 h. SURPLUS VEHICLES Pg 35 (Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent) Authorize Baxtin Management Group to auction District vehicles. i. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: JUNE 5, 2014 Pg 37 (Melonie Guttry, Executive Services Manager/Clerk of the Board) Approve June 5, 2014 Minutes General Manager Richard H.Solbrig � . t9�i�`o . '`W,.. � �/` /'� � t'"� �/'� /�� Directore r � r , �i i � Chris Cefalu �""� � �� v JameS R.Jonee ~�` "�'" � � � � � Randy Vogelgesang �'ubl�c Ut��ity D�Strict KellySheehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow CreSt Drive•5outh Lake Tahoe•CA 9615D-740i F'hone 53D 54�4-6474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.�tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Lynn Nolan, Grant Coordinator MEETING DATE: June 19, 2014 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Resolution Nos. 2950-14, 2951-14, 2952-14 and 2953-14 in support of Meter Project Applications to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution Nos. 2950-14, 2951-14, 2952-14 and 2953-14 to CDPH for the submission of four meter applications through the Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund program. DISCUSSION: The CDPH has chosen the South Tahoe Public Utility District's (District) four phases of ineter installation projects for funding for FY 2014. These four projects consist of the installation of approximately 6,265 residential water meters on existing service connections located throughout the District's service area. The total cost of all four phases of ineter installations is approximately $17,137,815. The CDPH will evaluate the applications for approval of four loans, one for each phase of ineter installation, that will have a proposed zero interest rate payback. The District is eligible for this zero interest rate payback loan based on the income status of the community. The District has the right to accept or reject the loan proposal from CDPH when it is offered. SCHEDULE: Applications must be submitted by June 23, 2014 COSTS: See each attached Resolution for each project phase cost ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Nos. 2950-14, 2951-14, 2952-14 and 2953-14 in support of four applications to CDPH CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES 'I,I�� NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES r NO -1- � RESOLUTION NO. 2950-14 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR WATER METER INSTALLATION PHASE 2 4 5 WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District has the authority to construct, 6 operate, and maintain the STPUD water system; and 7 WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District desires to enhance the provision $ and protection of the drinking water supplied to customers of STPUD; 9 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the South Tahoe Public Utility District that, 10 pursuant and subject to all of the terms and provisions of the Safe Drinking Water State 11 Revolving Fund (SDWSRF) program, application will be made to the State of California �2 Department of Public Health for funding of Water Meter Installation Phase 2 project with 13 the total project cost being $3,973,345; and, 14 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the General Manager, Assistant General Manager 15 and/or Chief Financial Officer of said South Tahoe Public Utility District are hereby 16 Quthorized and directed to cause the necessary data to be prepared and application 17 to be signed and filed with the State of California Department of Public Health. 18 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing 19 Resolution No. 2950-14 was duly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the 20 South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regularly scheduled meeting held on the 19th day 2� of June, 2014, by the following vote: 22 23 AYES: 24 NOES: 25 ABSENT: 26 Eric Schafer, Board President 27 South Tahoe Public Utility District 28 ATTEST: 29 30 Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Bocug� � RESOLUTION NO. 2951-14 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE 3 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR WATER METER INSTALLATION PHASE 3 4 5 WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District has the authority to construct, 6 operate, and maintain the STPUD water system; and, 7 WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District desires to enhance the provision g and protection of the drinking water supplied to customers of STPUD; 9 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the South Tahoe Public Utility District that, 10 pursuant and subject to all of the terms and provisions of the Safe Drinking Water State 11 Revolving Fund (SDWSRF) program, application will be made to the State of California 12 Department of Public Health for funding of Water Meter Installation Phase 3 project with 13 the total project cost being $4,267,318; and, 14 gE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the General Manager, Assistant General Manager 15 and/or Chief Financial Officer of said South Tahoe Public Utility District are hereby 16 authorized and directed to cause the necessary data to be prepared and application 17 to be signed and filed with the State of California Department of Public Health. 18 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing 19 Resolution No. 2951-14 was duly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the 20 South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regularly scheduled meeting held on the 19th day , 2� of June, 2014, by the following vote: � 22 � } 23 AYES: � � 24 NOES: � ; 25 ABSENT: , � 3 � 26 Eric Schafer, Board President ; 27 South Tahoe Public Utility District $ 28 ATTEST: { 29 P 30 Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Boaf�- 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2952-14 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE 3 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR WATER METER INSTALLATION PHASE 4 4 WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District has the authority to construct, 5 operate, and maintain the STPUD water system; and, 6 WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District desires to enhance the provision 7 and protection of the drinking water supplied to customers of STPUD; 8 g NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the South Tahoe Public Utility District that, 10 Pursuant and subject to all of the terms and provisions of the Safe Drinking Water State 11 Revolving Fund (SDWSRF) program, application will be made to the State of California 12 Department of Public Health for funding of the Water Meter Installation Phase 4 project with a total project cost being $3,797,021; and, 13 14 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the General Manager, Assistant General Manager 15 and/or Chief Financial Officer of said South Tahoe Public Utility District are hereby 16 authorized and directed to cause the necessary data to be prepared and application �7 to be signed and filed with the State of California Department of Pubiic Health. �$ WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing 19 Resolution No. 2952-14 was duly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the 20 South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regularly scheduled meeting held on the 19th day 21 of June, 2014, by the following vote: 22 23 AYES: 24 NOES: 25 ABSENT: 26 27 Eric Schafer, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District 28 29 ATTEST: 30 _5_ Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board � RESOLUTION NO. 2953-14 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE 3 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR WATER METER INSTALLATION PHASE 5 ' 4 5 WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District has the authority to construct, 6 operate, and maintain the STPUD water system; and 7 WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District desires to enhance the provision ` g and protection of the drinking water supplied to consumers of STPUD; 9 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the South Tahoe Public Utility District that, . 10 pursuant and subject to all of the terms and provisions of the Safe Drinking Water State 11 Revolving Fund (SDWSRF) program, application will be made to the State of California : 12 Department of Public Health for funding of the Water Meter Installation Phase 5 project 13 with the total project cost being $5,100,131; and, , 14 � BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the General Manager, Assistant General Manager ; 15 and/or Chief Financial Officer of said South Tahoe Public Utility District are hereby ; � 16 authorized and directed to cause the necessary data to be prepared and application � � 17 to be signed and filed with the State of California Department of Pubiic Health. � { 18 19 WE,THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing , 20 Resolution No. 2950-14 was duly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the 2� South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regularly scheduled meeting held on the 19t" day 22 of June, 2014, by the following vote: 23 AYES: 24 NOES: 25 ABSENT: 26 27 Eric Schafer, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District 28 : 29 ATTEST: 30 -6- Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board General Manager Richard H.5olbrig V� �`1�� � "- w� � f '� � �� Director5 U Chris Cefalu JameS R.JoneS �y� � �u b[�c u t��ity �i�tri ct Randy Vogelge5ang Kelly Sheehan Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow CreSt Drive•5ou�th Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 Phone 534 544-F474�Fax 530 541-0614•www.stpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager MEETING DATE: June 19, 2014 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Annual Adoption of Statement of Investment Policy REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2954-14, (superseding Resolution N o. 2935-13). DISCUSSION: The present investment policy was adopted July 18, 2013. The policy requires annual review and adoption by the Board of Directors. The PFM Group has recommended changes for 2014 that are summarized in the attached memorandum. Details of the changes are provided in the attached redline/strikeout version of the investment policy. SCHEDULE: Adopt Resolution June 19, 2014 COSTS: None ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 2954-14, PFM Memorandum, Statement of Investment Policy CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: N/A GENERAL MANAGER: YES__/'�� NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -7- � RESOLUTION NO. 2954-14 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 3 ADOPTING A STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY AND SUPERSEDING RESOLUTION NO. 2935-12 4 5 6 BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility 7 District, County of EI Dorado, State of California, as foilows: WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District enters into various investments 8 from time to time on behalf of the District as permitted by the California Government 9 Code and the District's investment policy; and 10 WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District staff wish to update the 11 Statement of Investment Policy to enhance the South Tahoe Public Utility District's 12 opportunities for prudent and systematic investments, to delegate the Chief Financial 13 Officer as the investment officer of the District, and to update certain language 14 according to the California Government Code; and 15 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe 16 Public Utility District that: 17 The attached Statement of Investment Policy is hereby adopted and becomes a part of this Resolution by reference herein. 18 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing 19 resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the 20 South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regular meeting duly held on the 21 19th day of June, 2014, by the following vote: 22 AYES: 23 NOES: 24 ABSENT: 25 26 Eric Schafer, Board President 27 South Tahoe Public Utility District 28 ATTEST: 29 30 Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board_9_ 50 Califomia Street 415 982-5544 � Suite 2300 415 982-4513 fax �����'=�,� San Francisco,CA 94111 www.pfm.com The PFM Group Publ�c�ir:ancial'vtanagement.�nc. PFM Asset Management�LC P�M Advisors May 2,2014 Memorandum To: Paul Hughes,Chief Financial Officer Debbie Henderson,Accounting Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District From: Nancy Jones,Managing Director Sarah Meacham,Director PFM A.r.cet Management LLC Re: Annual Review of Investrnent Policy We have completed our annual review of the District's Investment Policy (the "Policy"). The District's Policy is comprehensive and remains in compliance with all applicable California Government Code (the"Code") statutes regulating the investment of public funds. We have made some recommendations to better align the Policy with the Code. We have made other recommendations to improve the District's investment opportunities, while maintaining the District's top investment objectives of safety and liquidity,in light of diminishing supply and value in the Federal Agenry sector. The conservatorship and wind down of FNMA and FHI.MC has caused these issuers to cut their previously frequent debt issuance significandy. Since 2008, the market of Federal Agency debt has fallen by$1.2 trillion (1/3 of the previously$3 trillion market). II Scope of Policy • We added that funds held in a trust for retiree pension or medical benefits are not within the Scope of the District's Investrnent Policy. VIII Permitted Investments • We added that sector and issuer percentage limits and credit requirements apply at the rime of purchase;this is consistent with Code Section 53601. • We also recommended the addition of municipal obligations issued by the State of California, the other 49 states, and California local agencies as allowed by Code Sections 53601 (c), (d), and (e). We have included credit criteria though the Code does not require it. T'he credit criteria we have recommended is consistent with that the "A"or better rating for corparate notes and the short-term"A-1" or better rating for commercial paper. • The District's current Policy limits U.S. corporate debt to a maxirnum of three years maturiry. We recommend extending the maxirrium maturity permitted for U.S. corporate debt to five years consistent with the Code. We also changed the reference to rating -11- 3 �� � South Tahoe Public Utility District �PFM �tay 2,2ot4 � Page 2 �� � agencies to the acronym, NRSRO, as previously defined acronym in the Permitted Investment subsecrion C, State of California Municipal Obligarions. � • We added short-term credit criteria for negotiable CDs. This is consistent with the way NRSROs rate fixed-income securities with maturities less than once year. • For commercial paper, we changed the reference to rating agencies to the acronym, NRSRO. We look forwarding to discussing our recommendarions with you. f � � i , r � � -12- � SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY I Statement of Intent This statement of investment policy is adopted to establish an overall policy and procedures for the management and investment South Tahoe Public Utility District's funds available for investment. This policy is effective as of its adoption by the Board of Directors. It will be reviewed by the Board and readopted at least once each year. II Scope of Policy This policy covers all funds and investment activities under the direct authority of the I District. It does not cover funds related to funds held in a trust for retiree pension or medical benefits or District borrowing,—. The investments for debt issues�} are controlled by documents related to each debt issue. III Objectives The investment program shall be designed and managed with a degree of professionalism worthy of the public trust. The District's primary investment objectives, in order of priority, shall be: A Safety Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the District. Investments shall be made in a manner that first seeks to ensure the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. And, second seeks to ensure that capital losses are avoided, whether they be from securities defaults or erosion of market value. B Liquidity The investment portfolio shall be structured to provide sufficient liquidity to enable the District to meet its cash flow requirements. An adequate percentage of the portfolio should be maintained in liquid short-term securities, which can be converted to cash if necessary to meet disbursement requirements. Since all cash requirements cannot be anticipated, investments in securities with active secondary or retail markets are highly recommended. Emphasis is on marketable securities with low sensitivity to market risk. C Yield The investment program shall be designed with the objective of attaining a market rate of return on its investments consistent with the constraints imposed by its safety objective and cash flow considerations. Yield should become a consideration only after the basic requirements of safety and liquidity have been met. IV Prudence The District adheres to the guidance provided by the "prudent investor rule," which states that when investing, reinvesting, purchasing, acquiring, exchanging, selling, or managing public funds, a trustee shall act with care, skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing, including, but not limited to, the general C:�ocuments and SMtings�debbie�Local Settings�Temporary[nternet Files�Conteut.0u,[Iook��C6AMJS4B'�Investmrnt PoGcy 2013_PFM Recommendations Marked Up_May 2014.docx —l,j— 1 � , economic conditions and the anticipated needs of the agency, that a prudent person acting in a like capacity and familiarity with those matters would use in the conduct of funds of a like character and with like aims, to safeguard the principal and maintain ° the liquidity needs of the agency. . Authorized individuals acting in accordance with this Policy and written procedures ; and exercising due diligence shall be relieved of personal responsibility for an individual security's credit risk or market price changes, provided deviations from � expectations are reported in a timely fashion. i ; V Delegation of Authority � The Board of Directors has delegated management responsibility for the investment ; program to the Chief Financial Officer, who is designated as the Investment Officer of � the District. This delegation is for a one-year period. Subject to review, the Board � may renew the delegation of authority each year. In the Chief Financial Officer's ; absence, the Accounting Manager shall act as the Investment Officer. The Chief ' Financial Officer shall develop and maintain administrative procedures for the ' ' operation of the investment program, consistent with this investment policy. } All participants in the investment process shall act as custodians of the public trust. ' Investment officials shall recognize that the investment portfolio is subject to public { review and evaluation. The overall program shall be designed and managed with a degree of professionalism that is worthy of the public trust. � VI Internal Controls The Chief Financial Of�icer shall establish a system of internal controls, which shall be reviewed annually by the independent auditor. The controls shall be designed to � prevent loss of public funds arising from fraud, error, misrepresentation,unanticipated market changes or imprudent actions. Controls deemed most important include: minimization of opportunities for collusion, separation of duties, separating transaction authority from accounting and record keeping, custodial safekeeping, � avoidance of bearer-form securities, specific limitation regarding securities losses and , remedial actions, written confirmation of all transactions, minimizing the number of authorized investment officials, documentation of transactions and strategies, and proper review and approval of brokerage accounts and investment transactions. ; VII Reporting The Investment Officer, or her designee, shall submit a monthly investment report to the Board of Directors. The monthly reports shall include all investments held by the " District, and/or under the management of any outside party and shall include: a list of security transactions; the type of investment; issuer; date of maturity; par and dollar amount invested on all securities; current market value on all securities(including the � source of this valuation); a statement that the portfolio is in compliance with this Policy or the manner in which it is not in compliance; and, a statement that the District has the ability to meet its expenditure requirements for the next 6 months or an explanation as to why sufficient money may not be available. j C:�Documrnts and Settings�debbie\Local Settings\Temporazy Intemet Files�Contem.0u look�C6AMJS46�lnvestmert Policy 2013_PFM Recommendations Marked Up_May 2014.docx —1�— 7 ^ 's L VIII Permitted Investments Sections 53600 et. seq. of the California Government Code provide basic investment limits and guidelines for government entities. Within the investments permitted by the Government Code, the District seeks to further restrict eligible investments as provided below. In the event an apparent discrepancy is found between this Policy and the Government Code, the more restrictive parameters shall take precedence. The Investment Officer shall invest District moneys as directed by this Policy and only in the investments specifically authorized in this section. Where this Policy�ecifies a percenta�e limitation for a particular security type or issuer that percentage is a�plicable at the time the security is purchased Credit criteria listed in this section refers to the credit rating at the time the security is purchased A U.S. Treasury Instruments United States Treasury notes, bonds, bills or certificates of indebtedness, or those for which the full faith and credit of the United States is pledged for payrnent of principal and interest. B Federal Agency and Instrumentality Securities Federal agency or United States government-sponsored enterprise obligations, participations, or other instruments, including those issued by or fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by federal agencies or United States government-sponsored enterprises. The District should target a maximum allocation of 25% to callable Federal agency securities. Investments in Federal agency mortgage-backed pass-through securities or collateralized mortgage obligations may not exceed 20% of the District's portfolio. C State of California Municinal Obligations Re�istered state warrants or treasury notes or bonds of this state includin� bonds navable solelv out of the revenues from a revenue-producing property owned, controlled, or operated by the state or by a department board agenc� or authoritv of the state. Eli�ible investments shall be rated "A" for long-term "A-1" for short-term, their equivalent or better by one or more nationally reco�nized statistical-rating organization(NRSROZ D Other 49 States Municinal Obligations Re�istered treasury notes or bonds of any of the other 49 states in addition to California, including bonds payable solely out of the revenues from a revenue- producin�property owned controlled or operated by a state or by a denartment board, a�ency, or authori of any of the other 49 states in addition to California. Eli�ible investments shall be rated "A" for lon�-term "A-1" for short-term, their equivalent, or better by one or more NRSRO E California Local AEencv Municipal Obligations _ Bonds, notes, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness of a local a ency within this state, includin� bonds payable solely out of the revenues from a C:�Documents and Settings�debbie��Local Settiugs'Temporary Intemet Files�Contenti�tlook�C6AMJS4B',Investment Policy 2013_PFM Recommrndatioas Marked Up_May 2014.docx 3 revenue-producin�nro�erty owned controlled or operated by the local a�encv, or by a department board agency or authority of the local ag�ency. Eli i�,�ble investments shall be rated "A" for long term, "A-1" far short-term, their ;, eauivalent, or better by one or more NRSRO. F U.S. Corporate Debt � Medium-term notes, defined as all corporate and depository institution � securities with a maximum remaining maturity of t�ee-five (�5) years or less, issued by corporations organized and operating within the United States or depository institutions licensed by the United States or any state and operating within the United States. Eligible investments shall be rated "A" or better by � one or more NRSRO. A maximum of 30% ; of the District's portfolio may be invested in this category. I �G Negotiable Certificates of Deposit i Negotiable certificates of deposit CDs issued by a nationally or state- chartered bank or a state or federal association or by a federally- or state- licensed branch of a foreign bank. Eligible investments shall be rated "A" for long-term "A-1" for short-term their equivalent, or better by one or more NRSRO.D '���.,.� ...., '.....*.,a *., ..,.,»..... ..'�.,.,_ .,'�..-* �_""a ,.,- ____*_a A 1� , -� A maximum of 30% of the District's portfolio may be invested in this ' category. � > � �H Commercial Paper ' Commercial paper of"prime" quality of the highest ranking or of the highest ; letter and number rating as provided for by a � I SR03. The entity that issues the commercial paper ; shall meet all of the following conditions in either paragraph (1) or paragraph , ; �2)� } (1)The entity meets the following criteria: i Is organized and operating I within the United States as a general corporation. ii Has total assets in excess of five hundred million dollars ($500,000,000). (iii) Has debt other than commercial paper, if any, that is rated "A" or higher, or the equivalent, by a � NRSRO . � (2)The entity meets the following criteria: (i) Is organized within the United States as a special purpose corporation, trust, or limited liability company. (ii) Has program wide credit enhancements including, but not limited to, over collateralization, letters of credit, or surety bond. (iii) Has commercial paper that is rated "A-1" or higher, or the equivalent, by a NRSRO�a�ie�a�} - I • Eligible commercial paper shall have a maximum of 270 days or less and not represent more than 10% of the outstanding paper of an issuing corporation. A maximum of 25% of the District's portfolio may be invested in this category. _ C:�Docummts and Settings',debbie�Local Settings�Temporary Iatemet Files\Conteat.4u�]ook�C6AM1S4B'�Investment Policy 2013_PFM Recommendations Marked Up_May 2014.docx 1 6 4 � �I Bank Deposits FDIC insured or fully collateralized demand deposit accounts, savings accounts, market rate accounts, time certificates of deposits in state or national banks located in California. As required by Government Code §53649, the District shall have a signed contract with each financial institution with the District's funds on deposit. Any financial institution accepting the District's funds for deposit must comply with the requirements of Government Code §53630 et seq., including collateralization of deposits. The District may waive the collateralization requirements for any portion of the deposit that is covered by Federal deposit insurance. To be eligible to receive District deposits, the financial institution must have received a minimum overall rating "satisfactory" in its most recent evaluation of its record of ineeting the credit needs of California communities, as required by Govemment Code §53635 et. seq. A maximum of 20%of the District's portfolio may be invested in time certificates of deposit. � GJ Bankers' Acceptances Bankers' acceptances which are otherwise known as bills of exchange or time draf�s that are drawn on and accepted by a domestic commercial bank. Purchases are limited to issuers whose short-term debt is rated A-1/P-1. Bankers' acceptances cannot exceed a maturity of 180 days. A maximum of 40% of the District's portfolio may be invested in this category. � �K State of California's Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) If the District has funds invested in LAIF, the District shall maintain on file LAIF's current investment policy and its requirements for participation, including limitations on deposits and withdrawals. In addition, the District's shall review annually investment policies of LAIF to ascertain that its funds are invested in accordance with the District's investment objectives. Furthermore, the District shall review the provisions of these investment policies requiring internal controls on the investment process to ascertain that there is a division of responsibility in the investment procedures. � �L California Asset Management Trust A California common law trust established pursuant to Title 1, Division 7, Chapter 5 of the Government Code of the State of California. CAMP must be rated"AAAm"to be eligible for investment of District funds. � dM Money Market Funds Shares of beneficial interest issued by diversified management companies that are money market funds registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. Sec. 80a-1 and following). The company shall have met either of the following criteria: (a) attained the highest ranking or the highest letter and numerical rating provided by not less than two nationally recognized statistical rating organizations and (b) retained an investment adviser registered or exempt from registration with the SEC with not less than five (5) years' experience managing money market mutual funds with assets under management in excess of five hundred million dollars ($500,000,000). A maximum of 20% of the District's portfolio may be invested in this category. C:�Documents and Settings�debbie�Local Settings�Temporary[ntemet Files�Contrnt.0utlook�C6AMJS4B�investment Policy 2013_PFM Recommendations Marked Up_May 2014.docx —1�]— 5 � � t f � � �N EI Dorado County Pool ;; ; The District shall review at least annually the El Dorado County investrnent pool to ascertain that its funds in these pools are invested in accordance with the District's investment objectives. The District shall also review the provisions of these investment policies requiring internal controls on the investment process to ascertain that there is a division of responsibility in the investment procedures. IX Prohibited Investments: Investments by the District in securities permitted by the California Government � Code, but not specifically approved by this investment policy are prohibited without the prior approval of the Board. The District is prohibited from buying on margin or from speculative buying. Furthermore, the District is prohibited from investing in equity-linked securities or from entering into fmancial futures contracts, options, or swaps. However, the District may purchase U.S. government securities which are discount or securities bearing interest. . In accordance with California Government Code §53601.6, the District shall not invest in inverse floaters, range notes, mortgage derived interest-only strips, or any security that could result in zero interest accrual if held to maturity. X Term of Investments The term of any investment may not exceed five years without express authority from Board of Directors received at least 90 days preceding the investment purchase. � - C:�Documents and Settings�debbie`.Local Settings\Temporary IntemM Files\Contrnt.0u Iook�C6AMJS4B\Investment PoGcy 2013_PFM Recommendations Marked Up_May 2014.docx —1�— 6 XI Diversification The investment portfolio shall be diversified to avoid incurring unreasonable and avoidable risks regarding specific security types or individual financial institutions. The portfolio shall also be diversified with respect to the term of individual investments purchased by the District. In addition to the percentage limitations specified in Section VIII Permitted Investments, the maximum amount of the portfolio the District may invest with any one issuer is 10%, excluding U.S. Treasuries, Federal Agencies, and pooled investments. XII Credit Rating Changes In the event a security held by the District is subject to a rating change that brings it below the minimum credit ratings specified in this Policy, the Investment Officer should disclose such information in the monthly investrnent report. XIII Safekeeping All cash and securities in the District's portfolio, including those that are being managed by the Investment Officer, shall be held in safekeeping in the District's name by a third party bank trust department, acting as agent for the District under the terms of a custody agreement executed by the bank and the District. All securities will be received and delivered using standard delivery versus payment (DVP) procedures, the District's safekeeping agent will only release payment for a security after the security has been properly delivered. The only exception to the foregoing shall be depository accounts and securities purchases made with: (i) local government investment pools; and, (ii) money market mutual funds, since the purchased securities are not deliverable. XIV Securities Dealers The District has authorized the Investment Advisor to use broker/dealers, which the Investment Advisor has selected in accordance with its written selection policy. The Investment Officer may also use broker/dealers meeting credit worthiness standards established by the Investment Officer. XV Ethics and Conflicts of Interest Officers and employees involved in the investment process shall refrain from personal business activity that could conflict with proper execution of the investment program, or which could impair their ability to make impartial investment decisions. Such employees and investment officials shall disclose to the District Board and the General Manager any material financial interests in financial institutions that conduct business within the District, and they shall further disclose any large personal financiaUinvestment positions that could be related to the performance of the District's portfolio. C:�,Documrnts and Settings�debbie�Local Settings,Temporary Internet Fites��Contrnt.0utlook�,C6AMJS4B�.lnvestment PoGcy 2013_PFM Recommendations Mazked Up_May 2014.docx —19— 7 6eneral Manager Richard H.5olbrig r 1950��~` �.�1� W$j�r ^ �� � �� Directors U Chris Cefalu James R.Jonee `"=""—=' �.� � e • � � Randy Vogelgesang f ublEc Utiiity D�Str�ct KellySheehan Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow CreSt Drive�5outh 1�ke Tahoe•CA 9�15D-7401 F'hone 53Q 544-6474•Fax 534 541-0614•www.s�pud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager MEETING DATE: June 19, 2014 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Sewer Enterprise 2014-15 Appropriations Subject to Limitation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2955-14 setting the limitation on appropriations for fiscal year 2014-15. DISCUSSION: This is the District's annual Resolution called for by Constitutional Amendment XIIIB. The limitation on Appropriations for fiscal year 2014-15 is $62,831,985. The Sewer Enterprise fund budget for fiscal year 2014-15 appropriates $28,652,582. As such, the District is $34,179,403 below the state mandated spending limit. SCHEDULE: Adopt Resolution No. 2955-14 COSTS: None ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 2955-14 and a calculation of the permitted appropriation growth rate. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES C. NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -21- � RESOLUTION NO. 2955-14 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT 3 ADOPTING THE SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND APPROPRIATIONS 4 SUBJECT TO LIMITATION AND PROCEEDS OF TAXES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014-15 5 WHEREAS, the people of the State of California have elected to approve 6 Constit�tional Amendment XIIIB, and the Legislat�re of the State of California has voted 7 to adopt Senate Bill No. 1352, which implements Constitutional Amendment XIIIB, setting $ the method of com utin annual a p g ppropriations subject to limitation of local non- 9 residentia� construction and population; and 10 WHEREAS, the Directors selected the change in per capita personal income; and 11 WHEREAS, such �egislation sets the base year for this computation as Fiscal Year �2 1978-79; and 13 WHEREAS, such legislation required documentation setting such appropriation 14 ��mitations shall be available to the public fifteen days prior to the adoption of this 15 resolution; and WHEREAS, on June 4, 2014, such documentation was made public: 16 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe �7 Public Utilit District does find and declare that the a Y ppropriations subject to limitation �$ for Fiscal Year 2014-15 are: $28,652,582; and that for Fiscal Year 2014-15, the proceeds �9 of taxes as defined in the enabling statutes are: $6,857,001; and that the increase in 20 proceeds of taxes over the appropriations subject to limitations is: $-0. 21 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a duly held regular meeting of the Board of Directors of 22 the South Tahoe Public Utility District on the 19t" day of June, 2013, by the following vote: 23 24 AYES: NOES: 25 ABSENT: 26 27 Eric Schafer, Board President 28 South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: 29 30 Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Permitted Growth Rate in Appropriations for 2014-15 Appropriation Limitation 2013-14 $62,850,840 Increase In CA Per Capita Personal Income -.23 + 100 = 0.9977 100 Increase In Population El Dorado County .21 + 100 = 1.0021 100 Change Ratio .9977 x 1.0021 x 0.9997 Appropriations Limitation for 2014-15 $62,831,985 Actual Appropriations 2014-15 $28,652,582 Limitation Exceeding Actual Appropriations 2014-15 $34,179,403 Historical Appropriations Limitations & Proceeds Of Taxes �I --�-Appropriation Limitation -f-Actuaf Appropriations' ' $70 - $60 �� � $50 -, o$40 - �$30 -' �a �H �$20 - �rt--� $10 �, '� �O 1996-97 1998-99 2000-01 2002-03 2004-05 '�� 20D6-07 �I 2008-09 �, 2010-11 , 2072•13 �� 2014-15 � !1995-96 �1997-98 �1999-00 �2001-02 '200304 200506 �2007-08 2009-10 �'R011-12 p01314 �� Fiscal Year 201415 Actual Appropriations: Cash Expenditures $23,890,699 Depreciation 4 761 883 Total Ex enditures 28,652,582 -25- General Manager Richard H.5olbrig • 1950 i""� �.�1� w$j�„ /� �� � �� Director5 � � Chriy Cefalu `'� JameS R.JoneS "'!�^-�.� ;�,.; ► . � ♦ � Randy Vogelge5ang - 1�ubl�c Ut�[ity D�5-Gr�ct KellySheehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow CreSt Drive�South llake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 Phone 534 54�4-6474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.5tpud.u� BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ross Johnson, Manager of Plant Operations MEETING DATE: June 19, 2014 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Polymer Contract Renewal REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize one year renewal option of polymer contract with Polydyne, Inc., in the estimated amount of $128,304.* DISCUSSION: Polymer is used as a dewatering aid in the biosolids handling process. Full- scale treatment plant testing of the three manufactured polymer products was completed in 2011 . Due to the time-consuming and disruptive nature of the process, bids were solicited for a one-year contract with three one-year renewal options. Polydyne, Inc. has offered this third renewal term with no price increase over last year ($1.08/Ib.). *The total dollar amount is based upon an estimated usage quantity (110,000 Ibs.) for the period of July 1, 2014, through June 30, 2015. The actual quantity may vary but unit prices remain firm. SCHEDULE: COSTS: Estimated amount of $128,304 ACCOUNT NO: 1006-4720 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $120,000 (2014/15) ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES rll� NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO General Manager Richard H.Solbrig ♦ 195b • �+N��" w�t�qr, /� �� � �� Director5 � � ChriS Cefaiu �"'"� James R.Jonee w��M �F 1 t,�1�l(V U t�[�ty D i 5tri ct Randy Vogelge5ang Kelly 5heehan Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive•South Lake Tahoe•Ca 96150-7401 Phone 530 544�-6474•Fax 534 541-0614•www.stpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4e TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ross Johnson, Manager of Plant Operations Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent MEETING DATE: June 19, 2014 ITEM -PROJECT NAME: 2014- 2015 Bulk Sodium Hypochlorite Supplies REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Sierra Chemical Company, in the estimated amount of$68,472.00.* DISCUSSION: Bids were opened on June 9, 2014, with three bidders responding: $ 68,472.00 Sierra Chemical Co $ 68,580.00 Olin Corp dba Olin Chlor-Alkali Products $ 108,151.20 Univar USA, Inc *The price is increasing approximately 2.6% from last year, and estimated usage is expected to remain the same. The actual quantity and grand total may vary, but unit prices are firm. SCHEDULE: July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 COSTS: estimated $68,472.00 ACCOUNT NO: 1006-4755 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $75,000.00 ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES L � NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO - 9- General Manager Richard H.5olbrig • 1950 • ��8t w��r � �� � �� Directors ChriS Cefalu JamcS R.JoneS '�"!�-��.:. ,�,� � � � � � Randy Vogelgesang �'u b(�c U t���ty D�5tri ct Kelly 5heehan Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow CreSt Drive�Sauth Lake Tahoe•Cf196150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.stpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4f TO: Board of Directors FROM: Randy Curtis, Manager of Fieid Operations Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent MEETING DATE: June 19, 2014 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: 2014-2015 Sodium Hypochlorite Supply Totes REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Sierra Chemical Company, in the estimated amo�nt of$13,770.00* DISCUSSION: Bids were opened on June 9, 2014, with only one bidder responding from the RFBs advertised and mailed to 16 potential bidders. Sodium Hypochlorite is added to drinking water to ensure compliance with California State standards. This contract is for hypochlorite which is off-loaded from 330 gallon totes to three large-producing District wells (Bakersfield, Bayview, and South Upper Truckee). Delivery in small bulk for these wells reduces handling of the chemical thereby increasing safety, and results in a small price savings. Prices are � 2.1% lower than last year and estimated usage is expected to remain the same. *The total dollar amount is based upon an estimated quantity that the District will use in the coming fiscal year. The actual quantity and grand total may vary, but unit prices are firm. SCHEDULE: July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 COSTS: $13,770.00 estimated ACCOUNT NO: 2002-4755 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $28,000.00 ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES �H CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -31- General Manager Richard H.5olbrig �.� �.�--��--,..8t N/ �r w �� � �� Directors t j Chria CeFalu w James R.JoneS —.w....�;, �r � � � � � Randy Vogelgesang �u b 1�c u-�11�ty d�5tr�c-� Kelly 5heehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow CreSt Drive•5o uth Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 Phone 534 54-4-6474•Fax 53U 541-0694•www.S�Cpud.u� BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4g TO: Board of Direc#ors FROM: Randy Curtis, Manager of Field Operations Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent MEETING DATE: June 19, 2014 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: 2014-2015 Sodium Hypochlorite Supply Drums REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Sierra Chemical Company, in the estimated amount of $10,971 .40.* DISCUSSION: Bids were opened on June 9, 2014, with two bidders responding: $ 10,971.40 Sierra Chemical Co. $ 13,640.00 Brenntag Pacific, Inc. Sodium Hypochlorite is added to drinking water to ensure compliance with California State standards. This contract is for hypochlorite which is delivered in 30 gallon drums to the plant; staff distributes the drums to various wells as needed. Prices are -7% lower than last year and estimated usage is expected to remain the same. *The total dollar amount is based upon an estimated quantity that the District will use in the coming fiscal year. The actual quantity and grand total may vary, but unit prices are firm. SCHEDULE: July 1, 2014, through June 30, 2015 COSTS: $10,971.40 estimated ACCOUNT NO: 2002-4755 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: �28,000.00 ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES��_ NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -33- General Manager Richard H.5olbrig • �� • w Director5 �� �'�' � �� � �� ChriS Cefalu James K.JoneS ,r,�,,,� �` � � � � � P.andy Vogelge5ang �'ublEc Ut�Ifty D�Stri�t KellySheehan Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow Cr�t Drive�South Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 Phone 53�544-6474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.�tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM4h TO: Board of Directors FROM: Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent MEETING DATE: June 19, 2014 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Surplus Vehicles REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize Baxtin Management Group to auction District vehicles. DISCUSSION: The following vehicles are surplus equipment and have been replaced by new vehicles: Truck 49- 1997 Dodge Dakota, VIN 7795, mileage 102,865 Equip O6- 1990 Kawasaki ATV, VIN 2435, not running Baxtin Management Group is located in Reno, Nevada. They will pick up the vehicles and complete any required vehicle smog testing at no charge. SCHEDULE: ASAP COSTS: 7.5% of gross sales price ACCOUNT NO: Income BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: N/A ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: S8�W GENERAL MANAGER: YES H NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO - 5- �OVtH TqHOF 8, —�.� . �jsewe� • 7950 •Ws�� e��UT'ILITY��� SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Richard Solbrig, General Manager Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager Eric W.Schafer, President BOARD MEMBERS Randy Vogelgesang, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director James R. Jones, Director Kelly Sheehan, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 5, 2014 MINUTES The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors met in a regular session, June 5, 2014, 2:00 p.m., at the District Office, located at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA. ROLL CALL: Board of Directors: President Schafer, Directors Cefalu, Jones, Sheehan, Vogelgesang Staff: Stanley, C., Cuevas, Hussmann, Rasmussen, Cotulla, Hughes, Sciuto, Solbrig, Butz, Curtis, Alves, Ryan, Bartlett, Henderson, Guttry, Eidam and Attorney Herrema. Guests: Shawn Koorn, HDR Engineering, Wayne Vinciguerra, Vinciguerra Construction, Avery Hussmann, Ferg�son Waterworks, Carlos Ledon, Ferguson Waterworks, Alex Nevarez, Herback General Engineering, Marty Herman, Tom Moulie, Rob Brent and Kathi Lishman PROPOSITION 218 MAJORITY PROTEST HEARING The Majority Protest Hearing was opened at 2:05 pm. Pursuant to the requirements of Proposition 218, Paul Hughes reported that notices were mailed to all property owners on April 1 1, 2014. The notices included potential increases over 5 years as follows: a proposed sewer rate increase of 6% this year and an additional 6%each year over the next 4 years; for flat rate water customers, a proposed rate increase of 6.5% this year and the next 3 years and a 5% increase the fifth year; and a proposed restructured metered water rate to increase the base charge to 80% and decrease the consumptive charge to 20%. Although these proposed increases are over a 5 year period, they must still go before the Board each year and passed. In response to the Proposition 218 mailer, the District received 305 valid protests for the water rate changes �2.17%), 342 valid protests for the sewer rate changes (1.88%) and 260 valid protests for the meterratechanges (1.85%). The Majority Protest Hearing was the final opportunity to receive protests and was open to public comment at 2:20 pm. A few customers came forward with concerns regarding the increases. After -37- ! i ; REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES-June 19, 2014 PAGE-2 _ listening to all comments and concerns, the Hearing was closed at 2:30 p.m. ; CONSENT CALENDAR: ` Moved Vogelc�esang / Second Cefalu / Schafer Yes / Cefalu Yes /Jones Yes /Sheehan Yes / : Voaelgesang Yes to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted. a. ASPHALT PATCH PAVING-Award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Thomas �� Haen Company, Inc., in the estimated amount of $116,135 for asphalt patching services; b. TAGGART EASEMENT ACCEPTANCE- Approved Resolution No. 2949-14 approving a new recorded Easement for the Fallen Leaf main sewer force main located on the property of the Beatrice Taggart Trust; c. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES- May 15, 2014- Approved Minutes ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION: a. Water and Sewer Rate Ordinance- Each Director presented their final thoughts on the proposed water and sewer increases. Directors' Jones and Schafer stated that while they intended to vote for the increase, they preferred a more significant increase as they deemed it necessary to maintain infrastructure, fire protection services and general operations, maintenance and facility improvements. Director Sheehan stated her intent to vote for the increase, however would have preferred smaller, more frequent increases over the last several years. Lastly, Directors Cefalu and Vogelgesang stated their intent to vote for the increase, however, would have preferred the smaller increase proposed due to the potential hardships placed on customers. Moved Sheehan/Second Cefalu/ Passed Unanimously / Schafer Yes / Jones Yes/ Sheehan Yes / Vogelgesang Yes to enact Ordinance No. 557-14, an amendment to the South Tahoe Public Utility District's Ordinance No. 464, and superseding Water and Sewer Rate Ordinance No. 540-12. b. Fiscal Year 2014/15 Water Enterprise Fund Budget-Adopt Resolution No. 2947-14 adopting the Fiscal Year 2014/15 Water Enterprise Fund Budget. Moved Schafer/Second Sheehan/ Passed Unanimouslv / Cefalu Yes / Jones Yes / Vocaelqesana Yes� to adopt Resolution No. 2947-14 adopting the Fiscal Year 2014/15 Water Enterprise Fund Budget. c. Fiscal Year 2014/15 Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget- Adopt Resolution No. 2948-14 adopting the Fiscal Year 2014/15 Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget. Moved Schafer/ Second Sheehan/ Passed Unanimouslv / Cefalu Yes / Jones Yes / Vo4elaesan4 Yes/ . to adopt Resolution No. 2948-14 adopting the Fiscal Year 2014/15 Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget. d. Sunset Well Evaluation - Continue emergency action to install a replacement submersible : pump and motor at Sunset Well. Staff reported the newly, refurbished motor will be instdlled on June 19, 2014. -38- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES-June 19, 2014 PAGE -3 Moved Vogelaesanq/ Second Cefalu/ Passed Unanimously/ Schafer Yes Jones Yes/ Sheehan Yes/ to contin�e emergency action to install a replacement submersible pump and motor at Sunset Well. e. Liability Ciaim Against South Tahoe Public Utility District -Staff reported a claim was filed for driveway damages due to repair of a water leak on the main line. Upon inspection by the insurance company, there is no evidence of any lifting or undermining of the asphalt, therefore, it was recommended the claim be rejected. Moved Jones/ Second Voaelctesang/ Passed Unanimously/ Schafer Yes/ Jones Yes/ Sheehan Yes/ to reject claim against the District in the amount of $5,000+ for damages to Martha Cooper's driveway. f. Saddle Keller Waterline Replacement Project-Staff reported that last year the District and the City of South Lake Tahoe (City) entered into an agreement by which the District, due to unforeseen circumstances between the City and Contractor, would perform patch repairs on Pioneer Trail. Most recently, staff reported that as part of the Saddle Keller Waterfine Replacement Project the District's contractor will make improvements to asphalt pavement which was damaged by the District's 2013 Pioneer Trail Water Services Relocation Project. For consistency, the City has requested the District make improvements to the pavement beyond the limits of the area damaged by the District's work, at the City's cost. Staff and the City have produced a Reimbursement Agreement to take effect immediately. Moved Jones/ Second Vogelgesana/ Passed Unanimously/ Schafer Yes/ Jones Yes/ Sheehan Yes/ to authorize staff to terminate existing Reimbursement with the City of South Lake Tahoe, dated September 17, 2013; (2) Authorize staff to enter into a Reimbursement Agreement with the City Of South Lake Tahoe to provide improvements to pavement on Pioneer Trail, with potential minor Modifications to be made by staff. g. Saddle Keller Waterline Replacement Project- Herbeck General Engineering (Herbeck) requested to substitute the approved materials supplier listed in the Bid Documents, Ferguson, with Western Nevada Supply Company (WNS). A representative from Ferguson attended the meeting and stated they would agree to relinquish the Bid to WNS, however, specifically requested the Board read their submitted letter taking exception to reasons given by Herbeck. The Board acknowledged receipt of the letter. Moved Voqelgesang/ Second Sheehan/ Passed Unanimously/ Schafer Yes/ Jones Yes/ Cefalu Yes/ to approve Change Order No. 1 to substitute the approved materials supplier, Ferguson, which was listed in the Bid Documents, with Western Nevada Supply Company, at no cost to the District. h. Payment of Claims Moved Cefalu/ Second Shafer/ Sheehan Yes/ Jones Yes / Sheehan Yes / Voaelaesan4 Yes to approve the Payment of Claims in the amount of $1,207,766.64. STANDING AND AD-HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS: Richard Solbria stated he attended a preliminary meeting with Lakeside Park District staff (along with Directors Cefalu and Jones and others) to discuss provision of water service for the convention center site. -39- � � REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES-June 19, 2014 PAGE-4 BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Director Jones reporfed the next EI Dorado County Water Agency meeting wiil be Wednesday, June 1 1 t". EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT: Nothing to Report GENERAL MANAGER REPORT: Solbria stated he was a guest on KRLT radio on Tuesday morning and will be making an appearance on Lake Tahoe TV Friday, June 13'n. ? { STAFF/ATTORNEY REPORTS: Attorney Herrema briefly discussed the ACWA proposal regarding California groundwater and the importance of updating the District's Groundwater Management Plan, paying close attention to � state legislation. He also discussed the Army Corp of Engineers permitting scrutiny and stated there will be a conference call on June 10, 2014, to further discuss the Clean Water Act Rule and � encouraged input from all involved. � ; BREAK AND ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION: 3:40 p.m. . ; RECONVENED TO OPEN SESSION: 3:50 p.m. ACTION / REPORT ON ITEM DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION: � a. Pursuant to Government code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel Existing Litigation re: EI Dorado County Superior Court Case SC20120227 GRCLT Condominium vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District (filed 10/22/12). No reportable Board action. b. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)/Conference with Legal Counsel Anticipated Litigation (two potential cases). No reportable Board action. c. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(a)/Conference with Labor Negotiators re: Memorandum of Understanding with Stationary Engineers, Local 39. Present at this Closed Session ; will be Agency Negotiators: Richard Solbrig/General Manager, Nancy Hussmann/Human Resources Director, Paul Hughes/Chief Financial Officer. No reportable Board action. -40- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES -June 19, 2014 PAGE-5 ADJOURNMENT: 4:30 p.m. Eric Schafer, Board Member South Tahoe Public Utility District Eileen Eidam, Assistant Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District General Managcr Richard H.Solbrig �� + � Director5 �*�� �'' � �� � �� Chris Cefalu James R.JoneS �-� � f�ublic U�Gility Di�tri�t RandyVogelge5ang Kelly 5heehan Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive•�outh Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 54�4-6474•Fax 530 54-1-0614•www.��Gpud.u� BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ivo Bergsohn, Hydrogeologist MEETING DATE: June 19, 2014 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Truckee Marsh Sewer Facilities Protection Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Hold a Public Hearing to receive comments on the designation of the Upper Truckee Marsh Sewer Facilities Adaptive Management Plan as "substantially complex" under Public Contract Code section 7201; (2) Pursuant to the facts, find the Project is substantially complex and requires a 10% retention limit; and (3) Authorize staff to advertise for construction bids. DISCUSSION: The proposed sewer facilities protection project requires implementing measures from the Adaptive Management Plan (AMP), employing low-impact construction measures over a two to five year period, to encourage the reestablish- ment of Trout Creek flows away from the District's Bellevue Pump Station and adjoining utility easement along the northeast margin of the Upper Truckee Marsh. As the project is an Adaptive Management Plan, management measures will be defined in later years based on the success of initial measures constructed in Year 1 towards meeting project goals. The project for bid includes plans and specifications for Year 1 improvements and allowances representing the present value of future work anticipated to be completed during Year 2 and Year 3. The allowances will be negotiated annually prior to Year 2 and Year 3 work using the unit costs for Year 1 work, adjusted by applying the change in the Engineering News-Record Construction Cost Index (ENR CCI) and the quantities of work actually needed. Adjustments to work quantities wili be determined by monitoring the effectiveness of constructed measures towards meeting specified success criteria. The District will require the bidder to possess a valid Class A General Engineering contractor license and a Class C-27 specialty contractor license for the Vegetation subcontractor at the time of bid opening, Contract award and for the duration of the contract. Work to implement the AMP shall include: mobilization/demobilization of all equipment, material and personnel required to complete the work; provision of all safety measures for excavation; development and maintenance of site access routes and staging areas and provision of traffic control on public�t-of-way; installation and maintenance of Ivo Bergsohn June 19,2014 Page 2 erosion control measures, silt fencing and required BMPs; construction of pilot channels; excavation of stream bank overflow paths; planting of willow fences and clusters; excavation and removal of fill from Trout Creek; planting of owner-furnished pre-grown marsh mats and pre-planted coir logs; placement of fill; installation of overbank flow plugs; removal of abandoned road fill; placement of fill plugs; and restoration of disturbed areas following construction. All work shall be performed within the Upper Truckee Marsh (UTM). The UTM is a broad meadow/marsh complex [classified as a Stream Environment Zone (SEZ)], recognized for providing regionally important ecological, water quality, aesthetic and recreational values. Plans, specifications and estimates of probable costs are being prepared by District staff with assistance from the Project Design Engineer, Northwest Hydraulic Consultants (NHC). The proposed schedule is as follows: Advertise for Bids - June 24, 2014 Mandatory Pre- Bid Conference - July 8, 2014 Bid Opening -July 22, 2014 Contract Award-July 24, 2014 Notice to Proceed/Procurement- August 1, 2014 Notice to Proceed/Construction -September 2, 2014 Complete Year 1 Improvements -October 15, 2014 Legislative amendments to the Public Contract Code, effective January 1, 2012, limit the amount of retention the District can withhold from a contractor for a capital project to 5% of the total contract amount. However, the retention amount may exceed 5% if the Board, at a properly noticed and normally scheduled public hearing, finds that the project is "substantially complex," and that the nature of the project merits a higher retention amount. On February 2, 2012, the Board adopted Resolution No. 2904-12, whereby the Board resolved that when bidding capital projects, the criteria identified therein will be used to determine whether a project is substantially complex such that it justifies a retention amount higher than 5%. District staff recommends that the Board designate the Project as substantially complex and meriting a retention amount of 10%, based on the following: • The Project is subject to the conditions described in criteria (a)(d)(e)(f)and (g) in that the construction measures to implement the AMP cannot be tested until the project is substantially complete; construction within the Upper Truckee Marsh is subject to special regulatory requirements and permit conditions; the work site is located within an environmentally sensitive area; and timing of construction is a significant concern due to potential damage from winter storm flows, difficulty in performing repairs during high flows and significant consequences associated with flood damage. -44- Ivo Bergsohn June 19,2014 Page 3 SCHEDULE: See DISCUSSION (above) COSTS: $648,140 (estimated) ACCOUNT NO: 1029-8426/TMSFPP BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $734,000 ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -45- General Manager Richard H.5olbrig � • 1950 • �r� tt ��__ ^-r- ►vj�t /�r �� � ir�r /� Director5 / i I—�' (•— � ChriS Cefalu r,r 1r�'�� James R.JoneS ""'�"^-� ,�,,, {���(�� j (��[�y,� D��y�)�� IZandy Vogelgesang 1~' t l� i ii V Kelly Sheehan Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow CreSt Drive•South Lake�'ahoe•CA 96150-74-D� Phar�e 534 544-6474�Fax 534 541-0614•www.s�pud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Julie Ryan, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: June 19, 2014 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Luther Pass Power and Control Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve proposal from GHD for engineering services in the amount $325,826. DISCUSSION: Since 2012, GHD has been working on an Alternatives Analysis and Basis of Design Report for upgrades to the power and control systems at the Luther Pass Pump Station (LPPS). GHD was selected for this work based on their response to a 2012 Request for Proposal from the District. The preferred alternative for LPPS upgrades includes the following primary tasks: convert the power source from 2.4kV to 4.1 bkV; replace motors, motor controllers and motor instrumentation; replace programmable logic controllers (PLCs); upgrade SCADA, instrumentation and communication; and replace pump discharge and control valves. The preliminary estimate of cost for construction of the proposed project is approximately $4 million. At Staff's request, GHD has prepared a proposal to develop the Bid Documents (Plans and Specifications) for the proposed project. GHD's proposal includes the following services, described in more detail in the attached Scope of Work: • Prepare a workplan for completion of the project; • Conduct site survey, potholing and geotechnical and hazardous materials assessments; • Provide as-needed permit support, including relevant drawings and schematics; • Coordinate project requirements with other utilities, especially Liberty Energy; • Prepare 50%, 90% and Final Bid Documents. -47- � t f Julie Ryan June 19, 2014 Page 2 GHD proposes to provide these services on a Time and Materials basis not to exceed ; $325,826, as shown on the attached Cost Estimate. The proposed scope does not include service during bidding or construction, which will be scoped following completion of the design. The design phase is expected to be complete by the end of January, 2015. The District plans to bid the project in February, 2015, and start construction in July, 2015. Based on . initial projections, Staff expects that construction will be complete by December, 2016. With Board approval the work will be performed as an Amendment to Task Order #2 under GHD's existing Master Services Agreement with the District. r �. SCHEDULE: July 8, 2014-January 31, 2015 COSTS $325,826 ; ACCOUNT NO: 1029-8330/LPPOWR � ; BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $1,030,000 ATTACHMENTS: GHD Scope of Work and Cost Estimate j CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO i CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -48- ; 5outh Tahoe Public Utility District Luther Pass Pump Station Power and Controls Design Task Order Scope of Work Five years has passed since the Luther Pass Pump Station (LPPS) condition assessment and alternatives analysis evaluation was completed. Recently the District and GHD completed the next two milestones in the LPPS asset management plan by (a) examining the alternatives to the power and control systems with the LPPS Power and Control Evaluation (PCE) and (b) completing the LPPS Power and Control Basis of Design Report(BODR). With the BODR complete GHD proposes the following Scope of Work for designing the power and control improvements at the Luther Pass Pump Station. Upon completion of the work detailed in this Scope the District will possess a set of bid ready construction documents for power and control improvements at the pump station. Originally identified during the PCE project and confirmed through the Final BODR, the following is the agreed upon extent of the design improvements at LPPS: 1. Change LPPS primary power service from 2,400 volts to 4,160 volts. a. Replace existing motors with new high efficiency motors. b. Replace existing pump motor controllers with soft start motor controllers. c. Replace existing medium voltage switchgear with new 5-kV switchgear. d. Replace existing utility substation equipment including the single phase transformers and overhead structure with new 14.4-kV to 4,160 volt secondary rated, pad mounted, 3-phase, liquid filled transformer with primary metering. 2. Construct a new electrical building to house the new electrical equipment. The new building will be constructed of CMU on a concrete perimeter footing with interior slab on grade foundation. The building will have a shed roof and will aesthetically match the existing structures on the site. 3. Replace existing PLC, enclosure, and HMI with similar configuration to match existing system. 4. Provide a SCADA system capable of monitoring,controlling, storing and forwarding data locally and remotely to the central facility. 5. Add a redundant secondary hard-wired SCADA netwark connection to reduce radio based network traffic, improve data transmission speed, and retain integrity of the operational data. 6. Replace motor protection elements and instrumentation. 7. Add pump controls and instrumentation for recording and trending pump performance and efficiency. 8. Replace globe-style discharge valves with full-port ball valves and manual gear operators. 9. Replace Bailey control valves with nozzle-style silent check valves. 10. Insta114-inch bypass with v-port valve on two pumps for B-Line fill operation. Additional and specific details of the design improvements can be found in the Final BODR dated May 2014. A site plan of the improvements taken from the BODR is included in Attachment. The tasks of LPPS Power and Controls Design Services are broken down as follows: LPPS P&C Design Scope of Work _491- Rev. 1 06-09-14 Task 1 -Project Management Task 2,3 &4-BODR(COMPLETE) . Task 5-Surveying and Base Mapping Task 6-Geotechnical Investigations Task 7-Hazardous Materials Survey and Abatement Documents Task 8-Permitting Support , Task 9-50%Plans and Specifications with Review Meeting Task 10-90%Plans and Specifications with Review Meeting Task 11 -Construction Bid Documents Task 12-Design Level Estimates of Cost Task 1- Project Management : As part of the project management phase, GHD will prepare a design services workplan identifying all major tasks and milestones. Staff assignments, task prerequisites, and detailed schedule breakdowns will be developed under this task. The workplan communicates to all project stakeholders what is being done, who is responsible, and when tasks start and stop. Major schedule milestones include: • Task 1 -Project Workplan 2 Weeks from NTP* • Task 5-Survey and Base Mapping 2 Weeks from NTP • Task 6-Geotechnical Investigation 6 Weeks from NTP • Task 7-Hazmat Survey and Abatement Docs 14 Weeks from NTP • Task 8-Permit Support Ongoing Throughout • Task 9-Utility Coordination 14 Weeks from NTP • Task 9-Pothole Schedule and Survey 14 Weeks from NTP • Task 10-50%Submittal 10 Weeks from NTP • Task 11 -90%Submittal 22 Weeks from NTP � Task 12-Construction Bid Documents 28 Weeks from NTP *Project assumes a Notice to Proceed no later than July 7`�'. A detailed schedule and staff assignments are included in Attachment. GHD will regularly evaluate project staffing requirements and assign staff as needed to meet _ project quality and schedule requirements. Using the work plan developed at the beginning of the project GHD will track the budget and schedule for each task. GHD will submit invoices each . month summarizing the work accomplished and budget status. GHD will provide ongoing quality assurance and quality control(QA/QC)activities for the . project. Our QA/QC process will ensure that the work products are completed to the District's, GHD's and industry standards. Task 2,3 and 4-Basis of Design Effort and Activities The LPPS Power and Control Improvements Basis of Design tasks are complete. No further scope proposed. Task 5-Surveying and Base Mapping GHD has teamed with Andregg Geomatics to perform a site survey and prepare an electronic topogaphic map and digital terrain model tied to the California State Plane Coordinate System, Zone 2. Since coverage calculation and analysis in support of Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) permits is necessary GHD proposes that the entire parcel be ground surveyed as part of - this task. Conversely, only the immediate project area may be surveyed at the District's LPPS P&C Design Scope of Work -2- Rev. 1 06-09-14 -50- discretion. No legal boundary surveys, property acquisition or Record of Survey work is anticipated for this project and is excluded. No potholing is anticipated for this task and is therefore not included in the Scope. • Task 5 Deliverable: LPPS topographic survey in AutoCAD 2014 format Task 6—Geotechnical Investigation GHD has teamed with Fugro West Inc.to provide geotechnical engineering and related LPPS site soils investigations for the project. The geotechnical effort will investigate soil and ground water conditions at the proposed electrical building site. The Scope includes one(1) shallow(15-ft) boring, geotechnical recommendations and a short letter report signed by a PE.The purpose of the boring is to confirm the possibility of potentially high groundwater at the building site and to confirm the possible presence of any large boulders that may affect foundation or utility excavations. This building footprint-specific information combined with the previous AMEC borings and geotechnical report conducted in 2009 in support of the emergency generator project will serve as the geotechnical design basis for the new electrical building. • Task 6 Deliverable: Project Site-Specific Geotechnical Report Task 7—Hazardous Materials Survey and Abatement Documents GHD has teamed with Wise Consulting and Training (Wise) to conduct a hazardous materials survey of portions of the existing LPPS Pump Station Building, specifically the interior on the south wall. The survey will consist of collecting building material samples in locations where equipment and interior finish removal, alteration, or renovation is expected in support of the design project and will focus on those areas where the existing electrical equipment will be moved, removed or altered. Also included in the survey is pump discharge piping paint and flange gaskets. No building structural modification is expected so no exterior sampling is included. To accurately sample locations while simultaneously minimizing the number of samples needed to characterize the abatement requirements GHD proposes that this survey be conducted after the 50% submittal and subsequent design review meeting and before the 90% submittal. This sequencing will allow for clearer direction for areas of sample and survey. Hazardous materials survey methods will include use of x-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer for lead-based paint identification and the sampling of wall finishes, mastics, joint compounds, etc. for possible asbestos containing material. Products or equipment containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's),mercury, or other universal waste will also be identified. GHD and Wise will then prepare the required plans and specifications for the removal and disposal of any hazardous building materials identified during the survey by a qualified abatement Contractor. The abatement documents will be incarporated in the overall set of plans and specifications. It is expected that a maximum of one abatement drawing would be required along with specification section(s). • Task 7 Deliverable: Project-Specific Hazmat Report and Abatement Documents Task 8—Permit Support and Utility Coordination As discussed with the District, GHD will provide permit support services to assist the District with permits and agency authorizations required for implementation of the project including: 1. GHD will develop and design site-specific storm water mitigation measures (aka best management practices or BMP's) for inclusion into the construction documents and as part of the District's efforts to secure permits from TRPA and El Dorado County. GHD will employ State qualified storm water designer staff for development of the BMP's and subsequent Erosion Control Plan drawing which will also be used in the design documents for Tasks 10, 11 and 12. Based on the area of disturbance expected, filing a LPPS P&C Design Scope of Work _513- Rev. 1 06-09-14 � permit and subsequent formal Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (S WPPP) preparation for coverage under the Statewide Stormwater Permit for Construction Activities is not expected. Therefore SWPPP preparation and permit support services for a State Stormwater Permit are not included. One plan sheet,the Erosion Control Plan, is included in this scope item. 2. GHD will provide supporting documentation and calculations including site plans, ; facility elevations, coverage calculations, BMP calculations and excavation cut/fill calculations in support of the District's TRPA permit filing through permit acquisition. In addition GHD will assist with information necessary for the District to file grading season extensions or exemptions as appropriate. Plans included in this scope item are one to two sheets and will also be included in the design submittals for Tasks 10, 11 and 12. 3. Per discussions with the District, GHD is excluding for this Scope of Work any effort and services associated with environmental permitting and compliance, with specific reference to all California environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) related requirements. Permit support items related to storm water mitigations are only included to the extent detailed in item 1 above for this task. Should the District request environmental permitting and compliance support in the future GHD will submit a separate scope and fee. 4. GHD will provide permit support documentation to the District for the new electrical building in the form of plans and code analysis information. Based on discussions with the District and as identified in the BODR, a building permit from El Dorado County, including review and approval by the local Fire Marshal, will likely be required. To facilitate final approval at the conclusion of design it is proposed that the District and GHD engage the Fire Marshal shortly following the 50% design submittal once the site plan and building floor plans have been sufficiently,though not fully, developed. Permit support documents will include a civil site plan and electrical building floor plans for architectural, mechanical, and electrical disciplines. The architectural floor plan will . include a code analysis summary table. An architectural rendering of the proposed building and improvements as viewed from the street is also included for use during permitting and neighborhood meetings. 5. Time for one trip and meeting by one GHD staff inember with the local Fire Marshal is included and is assumed to be joint meeting with the District,GHD,and the Fire Marshal. Attendance by GHD for building permit,TRPA permit, or neighborhood meetings are not included. Design, review, and permitting services and activities related to the American with Disabilities Act(ADA)are excluded from this Scope. • 6. GHD will continue to support the District in coordination with the local Utility provider. � For this scope item GHD proposes to allot time for an in-person meeting with Liberty Utilities. GHD is planning for one trip-meeting by two GHD staff inembers with the Utility to be conducted after the 50% CD submittal to gain final buy-in for the design improvements. This meeting is assumed to also be attended by the District. Phone calls with the Utility for design related questions or inquiries are expected to occur interspersed throughout the project and are accounted for in Tasks 10, 11, 12,and 13. Task 9-Pothole Schedule and Survey To verify the location of existing underground utilities to facilitate accurate point-of-connections between new and existing utilities, utility relocation, and utility conflict avoidance, GHD proposes utility pothole and survey activities be conducted as part of this design project. A proposed pothole plan and schedule will be submitted as part of the 50%Plans and Specifications (Task 10)once sufficient design detail has been developed to pinpoint where the project-specific utility tie-ins,crossings, and relocations will be located. To develop this pothole plan GHD will use previously obtained record drawings of the LPPS site as well as request any new record , drawings be provided for recently completed project(s)at LPPS. At the conclusion of Task 10 LPPS P&C Design Scope of Work -4- Rev. 1 06-09-14 -52- and with an agreed-upon pothole plan and schedule, GHD and the District will excavate and survey the utilities identified in the pothole schedule. From discussions with the District, GHD has identified that the District will provide hydro-excavation services in in-house equipment and staff. The survey portion will be conducted by GHD using the same sub-consultant used for Task 5. Task 10—50% Plans and Speci�cations For the 50% level for completion of the plans and specifications, GHD will prepare and submit design documents for Power and Control improvements at the LPPS. A preliminary list of drawings is attached to this Scope of Work. A plan and specification review meeting will be held with the District at the 50% level of design completion. The 50% submittal shall include one set of full-size drawings hard copy, full-size drawings is pdf format, and a specification outline, and supporting documents in pdf format. Three to five draft specifications of key equipment (to be identified by the District)will also be submitted in pdf format. • Task 10 Deliverable: 50%Plans and Specifications Task 11—90% Plans and Specifications For the 90% level for completion of the plans and specifications, GHD will prepare and submit plans and specifications for the aforementioned facilities. Similar to the F/SEPS project completed by the District and GHD in 2009, GHD will utilize the District's boilerplate front-end contract documents and make project-specific modifications as necessary and as allowed under the District's direction. A plan and specification review meeting will be held with the District at the 90% level of design completion. The 90% submittal shall include one set of full-size drawings hard copy, one copy of full-size drawings in pdf format, and complete specifications in both pdf and Word format. • Task 11 Deliverable: 90%Plans and Specifications Task 12—Construction Bid Documents For the construction bid documents, GHD will prepare and submit final plans and specifications for the aforementioned facilities. The construction bid documents shall include electronic submittal of drawings in pdf and AutoCAD format and specifications in pdf and Word format.No hard copy of plans or specs will be provided. • Task 12 Deliverable: Construction Bid Documents Task 13—Design-Level Cost Estimates GHD will prepare design-level estimates of cost to construct the project, at each of the design submittal milestones: 50%, 90%, and the construction bid document estimate. Estimate will be submitted in pdf format. • Task 13 Deliverables:Estimates of Cost(submitted with plans and specifications) Attachments: Site Plan from BODR Fee Table Detailed Schedule Staff Assignments Drawing List LPPS P&C Design Scope of Work -5- Rev. 1 06-09-14 —53— ' E a � o t O N , N M � � a o N 3 L m N � d � � ,. a N 0 � Q � j � Z Z � � ����p w� � °' ���xZ� O� UO o " W3�Noo g� � s �n �U r � w �?v�W� c�f-�a � o>zvw �Z a " Z~���nW ZUp�� K LL w 07?�W� Owpwrw V m O Q = c�7�OCWio� ��a�Z� V F-w � �n Z � � �V-QZ> �pQp_p � z� �Z � W HLL Q W lL ILHLL � � � � m ` Z�1Z�x=� ZZ�ZXZ ?Um �� �Q� � � q �Oq��mQ� ��.r-.q�Wq� � om �r� LU � E ?a�w�arn zr-zF-w� w ¢az �cno �- V, P z� ��a � Z " * Ja� J 0 � a¢� V � e aF � m y ,, W�Z � � ;, ¢_� W Q y ? F�¢ W U—�. m i � � � � � U _ � wZ WZ a J Y ' � a � F� W Z i O~¢V 2 I���� . m Z� ± �� UO i � W� � � � �F 1 aQ � ❑ai _� �� � oW Q i Z W� � O `"." 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U� U �Z�d 7 $V� � UV- I}_- �a2� � �ZH �a _' �w�w � �p� � > OZ W �Uql =d ' v�NO Z �jja�H � OQZQ � Q''�� F J �O � WWZm �W l�a� ZWSLL � >O � .�OWQ �J Qf7lA �_� > �a W�z �N pZ .aF- Smo j >Q }a ��� Y� ~ J W� 'Z F w Q�� , 2x �>� �WO W Yvj �WZ � ., �V ZZZ �;� ?V ��0 H �HN y�� H~ W y •.•Z O U W � J � Y O a a� � za J N � U N u `s � � -�-Z-� O a s SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT-LPPS P8C Design GHD-TASK ORDER FEE LABOR 3 OTMER OIRECT CO3T9 O LABOR CATEGORY PM Senior Sta}f Ell Tech PS Teeh CAD Project 70TAL Other TOTAL Civil PE CWiI Eng Mech Eng Elee E�g Struet Eng Arch Advisor Advisor Admin GHD SUB Direet RATE 5220 5175 5740 5750 5160 S'170 5730 5205 t210 f120 S90 HOURS COST Costs FEE Task/kem /Hr Air Mr IHr IHr /Hr M� /Hr Mr Mr Ihlr iASK - C Pro'ecl Mana emem 8 48 20 76 TOTALFORTASKI 51,760 58,400 SO SO 50 EO SO SO SO EO E1.800 76 SO E456 512,416 BaseMa in SubeonsultaM-Andro Geomatics 0 E4,370 • Re�riew and vertfication of baae ma to o fiks 2 4 6 2 14 TOTAL FOR TASK 5 SO 5350 ;560 SO SO EO SO EO EO E720 5180 14 54,370 E84 f6,264 T - 0 E13,650 Geotech Invesf ations•Fu ro ConsuRards Review and verificalion ot eotech findin s 1 4 4 < 2 �5 � TOTAL FOR TASK 6 5220 5700 E560 SO SO 5680 SO 50 SO SO 5180 15 513,650 S90 576,080 � 7- ►M o as,soo � Hazmat Abatemerrt Surve -TBD � Review end venfication of findin s 4 4 4 4 4 Z ZZ Develo meM of abatemenl tlrawin s and s ecs 7 2 4 8 15 TOTALFORTASK7 5220 E1,050 51,120 5600 5640 EO E520 EO SO 5960 5780 37 55,600 E222 S'11��12 ,�ce- ftr BMP end E�osion CoMrol Plan for Permit Su ort 7 6 18 20 45 TRPAPermeSu ort � �Z �8 28 59 EI Dorado Buildin and Flre Marshal Permd Su ort 2 24 72 2 4 16 16 76 Ulil CoorCinffiion 8 12 20 TOTAL FOR TASK 8 5880 57,350 $6,720 5300 E1,920 EO E2,080 52.460 SD E7.680 EO 200 EO E1.200 f30,590 T - s 1 27 Pothole Schedule a�d Surve Z 76 2 TOTAL FOR TASK 9 SO 5350 52,240 SO 5320 EO SO SO SO E720 E90 27 51,640 5712 56,072 TAEK1o. SPE ' 50%Plans and S acs 12 46 96 24 144 24 60 24 8 180 24 642 TOTAL FOR TASK 10 E2.640 E8,050 573,440 E3,600 E23,M0 54,080 E7,800 54,920 51,680 521,600 52.160 642 EO 54,402 f97,d12 K11- 90%Plans antl S ece 8 38 74 16 112 16 40 24 8 760 12 508 TOTAL FOR TASK 11 51.760 E6,650 E70,380 E2,400 517.920 E2,720 E5,200 E4,920 E1.680 519.200 $1.080 508 SO E3,598 577,488 A8 3-CON Construdion Bid Docs Plans anG S ecs 8 28 64 12 72 16 20 16 i6 80 12 344 TOTAIFORTASKI2 51,760 54,900 58.960 51,800 577.520 52,720 E2.600 E3,280 53,360 E9,600 E1,080 344 50 52,064 553,644 TA$K 19- M E!!T 8T Desi n Level Eatimales of Cosl 6 14 78 4 22 4 10 6 2 Z 88 TOTALFORTASKI3 1,320 2.450 2.520 00 53.520 5680 1,300 1,230 $420 0 180 88 50 5528 14,748 • • � .� � � �. � ..� � � .� �� � :� �� :� � ::� �� � �� .� �:� � .i 12-3-12 ID � �Task ask Name Duretion Start iFinish iJun 22_'14 Jul 13�'14 _;Aug 3,'14__r Au�24',14 15ep 14,_'14 �Oc[_5,'14 I Oct 26'14 ;Noy 16,'14 �Dec 7�'14_ Dec_28'14 i!T 18 15 �Feb : . --- - - I - 1 . ._ - �--�--- --- ---- --`- ------- -F_LS. I 5�� M LT 1 W i_T—F_i_5_S �M_L_T___LW LT_L F 1.5_i S_ i M '`T �_W l T 1 F : S �_5_i-.M '.�T_1_W i T 7_F J S ----�'-8 iMode ------ ----------- --- -- 1 � ;�' Project Management 150 days Mon 7/7/14 Fri 1/30/15 - i _ i 2 �' Permitting Support 140 days Mon 7/7/14 Fri 1/16/15 - - - - 3 ; �" Survey and Base Mapping 14 days Mon 7/7/14 Thu 7/24/14 --i 4 : �" Deliver Topo Base Map for Design 0 days Fri 7/25/14 Fri 7/25/14 �/25 i --� 5 I l�' Geotechnical Investigations 20 days Mon 7/28/14 Fri 8/22/14 I 6 j y;}� Draft Geotechnical Report 0 days Mon 8/25/14 Mon 8/25/14 8/ZS I 7 ; � 50%Plans and Specifications 50 days Mon 7/7/14 Fri 9/12/14 i - a 8 ; � 50%Design Review Period 10 days Mon 9/15/14 Fri 9/26/14 9 i y�* 50%Design Review Meeting 0 days Mon 9/29/14 Mon 9/29/14 9�29 SO� ?� Final Geotech Report 0 days Fri 10/3/14 Fri 10/3/14 O 30/3 i 11 ; p� Hazardous Materials Survey and Report 19 days Tue 9/30/14 Fri 30/24/14 1 � �j r`�' Potholing and Survey 19 days Tue 9/30/14 Fri 10/24/14 I � 13 ; ;-� Plan Review with Fire Marshal 0 days Wed 10/8/14 Wed 10/8/14 0 10/S i la � g� Utility Coordination Meeting 0 days Wed 10/15/14 Wed 10/15/14 ♦ 10/i5 15 i � 90%Plans as Specifications 49 days Tue 9/30/14 Fri 12/5/14 i - � 16 i f' 90%Design Review Period 10 days Mon 12/8/14 Fri 12/19/14 i 17 ; ;�' 90Y Design Review Meeting 0 days Mon 12/22/14 Mon 12/22/14 12�ZZ - -' 1a � ;� Bid Set Plans and Specifications 20 days Mon 12/22/14 Fri 1/16/15 � i - �i-- -- - -- - - � -- - - ---- - - . _ _ -. _.. ... „ - - - ' - - . . Task � Project Summary �� Inactive Milestone . Manual Summary Rollup� Deadline � Projed:LPPSP&CDesign5chedul Split �����„��„�������������� ExtemalTasks i�Yiiifii�Y�Yiiiiiri Inactive5ummary �f------�� ManualSummary ��� Progress � Date:Wed 6/11/14 Milestone ♦ Ettternal Milesto�e ♦ Manual Task �i Start-only C Summary �7 InactiveTask C. � Duration-only ...._»a,_.�_,.,�a, Finish-only ] Page 1 South Tahoe Public Utility District Luther Pass Pump Station Power and Controls Design Attachment—Staff Assignments Project Manager Dave Lindow, PE Senior Civil Engineer Aaron Sullivan, PE Staff Civil Engineer Ed Hohlt Mechanical Engineer Ernie Osborne, PE Electrical Engineer Mike Tocher Structural Engineer Cody Cruz, PE Architect Sue Brady E/I Technical Advisor Shishir poctor, PE Pump Station Technical Advisor Ted Whiton, PE CAD Designer Rich Fuglewicz Project Administration/Support Arlene Paulino LPPS P&C Design Scope of Work -1- Rev. 1 06-09-14 —57— J South Tahce Public Utility District Luther Pass Pump Station Power and Controls Improvement Design Drawing List Status Date 6/9/2014 Sheet No. Drawing No. Drawing Title 50% CD 90% CD Bid 1 G-001 Title Sheet,Vicini Ma ,and Location Ma X X X 2 G-002 Index of Drawin s,Drawin Desi ation,and S bols X X X 3 G-003 Ke Ma ,Surve Control Dia am,and General Notes X X X ` 4 G-004 Erosion Control Plan and TRPA Covera e X X X 5 G-005 Pothole Schedule X* X X ,: 6 C-001 Civil Abbreviations and Le end X X X 7 C-101 Site Demolition Plan X X X 8 C-102 Buildin Abatement and Demolition Plan X X 9 C-103 Civil Site Plan X X X � 10 C-104 Civil Utili Plan X X X 11 C-105 Site Civil Profiles-Pi in and Retainin Walls X X 12 C-501 Civil Details- 1 X X � 13 C-502 Civil Details-2 X X 14 G503 Civil Details-3 X X � 15 A-001 Architectural Abbreviations and L.e end X X X 3 16 A-101 Electrical Buildin Floor and Roof Plan X X X � 17 A-102 Electrical Buildin Sections X X � 18 A-201 Electrical Buildin Elevations X X X � 19 A-501 Electrical Buildin Details and Schedules X X � 20 S-001 Structural Abbreviations,Le ends,and General Notes X X X 't � 21 5-101 LPPS Electrical Buildin Foundation and Roof Framin Plan X X X � 22 S-102 Electrical Buildin Sections X X � � 23 S-501 Electrical Buildin Details-1 X X � 24 S-502 Electrical Buildin Details-2 X X ; 25 M-001 Mechanical and HVAC Abbreviations and Le end X X X � 26 M-101 Electrical Buildin Mechanical and HVAC Plan X X X a 27 M-102 Pum Valve and Pi in Mechanical Plan X X X i 28 M-501 Mechanical Pi in and HVAC Details and Schedules X X � 29 E-001 Electrical S bols,Le end and Abbreviation X X X � 30 E-101 Electrical Site Plan X X X � 31 E-102 Electrical Site Demolition Plan X X X i 32 E-103 Electrical Buildin Site Plan Detail X X X � 33 E-104 Substation Site Plan Detail X X X ° 34 E-105 Pum Station Buildin Demolition Floor Plan X X X ' ; 35 E-106 Electrical Buildin Floor Plan- 1 X X X � 36 E-107 Electrical Buildin Floor Plan-2 X X X � 37 E-108 LPPS Station Buildin Floor Plan X X X 38 E-201 Electrical Buildin E ui ment Elevations X X � 39 E-501 Electrical Details-1 X X � 40 E-502 Electrical Details-2 X X ; 41 E-503 Electrical Details-3 X X � 42 E-601 Sin le Line Dia am X X X i 43 E-602 Power Conduit&Cable Schedules X X � 44 I-001 Instrumentation Abbreviations and L.e end X X X 45 I-601 P&ID-LPPS Pum Station- 1 X X X 46 I-602 P&ID-LPPS Pum Station-2 X X X + 47 I-603 SCADA Riser Dia am X X 48 I-604 Instrumentation Details- 1 X X 49 I-605 Instrumentation Details-2 X X ' -58- PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL June 19, 2014 Payroll 6/10/2014 459,218.96 Payroll 5/27/2014 439,651.63 Total Payroll 898,870.59 ADP & Insight eTools 2,440.56 AFLAC/WageWorks-claim payments and fees 602.26 BHFS legal services 0.00 CaIPERS prepayment for 2014/15 1,492,913.00 CDS-health care payments 5,846.99 Union Bank 0.00 Total Vendor EFT 1,501,802.81 Accounts Payable Checks-NonCrew Fund 0.00 Accounts Payable Checks-Sewer Fund 412,437.26 Accounts Payable Checks-Water Fund 99,593.27 Accounts Payable Checks-Self-funded Insurance 0.00 Accounts Payable Checks-Grants Fund 0.00 Total Accounts Payable 512,030.53 Grand Tota/ 2,912,703.93 Pavroll EFTs & Checks 6/10/2014 5/27/2014 EFT CA Employment Taxes & W/H 18,868.70 17,720.71 EFT Federal Employment Taxes & W/H 98,561.03 94,842.89 EFT CaIPERS Contributions 81,124.68 82,700.64 EFT Great West Deferred Comp 20,869.78 20,734.64 EFT Stationary Engineers Union Dues 2,418.30 2,416.54 EFT Retirement Heafth Savings 11,928.04 0.00 EFT United Way Contributions 170.00 170.00 EFT Employee Direct Deposits 220,467.01 216,336.56 CHK Employee Garnishments 1,263.22 1,260.94 CHK Employee Paychecks 3,548.20 3,468.71 Total 459,218.96 439,651.63 -59- QAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/ProJ Name Descriptlon Acct#/Proj Code Amount Check Num Tvoe ACWA/JPIA GEN 8 ADMIN ACWA MED INS PAY 1000-2514 194,727.90 ACWA/JPIA GEN 8 ADMIN VISION INS 1000-2530 2,720.90 Check Total: 197.448.80 AP-00087882 MW AHERN RENTALS UNDERGROUND REP SMALL TOOLS 1001-6073 62.10 Check Total: 62.10 AP-00087883 MW ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE GEN 8 ADMIN OFC SUPPLY ISSUE 1000-6081 144.94 Check Total: �44.94 AP-00087884 MW AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SERVICES GEN&ADMIN UNIFORM PAYABLE 1000-2518 1,739.47 Check Total: 1.739.47 AP-OOOR7885 MW ARETE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING-GIS SFTWR DEV ARETE,GIS 2029-8120-GISSFT 6,457.50 Check Total: 6.457.50 AP-00087886 MW AT&T MOBILITY PUMPS TELEPHONE 1002-6310 18.gg ATBT MOBILITY ELECTRICAL SHOP TELEPHONE 1003-6310 4.25 ATBT MOBILITY ENGINEERING TELEPHONE 1029-6310 6.55 Ai&T MOBILITY INFORMATION TECH TELEPHONE 1037-6310 20.23 �8T MOBILITY PUMPS TELEPHONE 2002-6310 18.97 A�fB�T MOBILITY ELECTRICAL SHOP TELEPHONE 2003-6310 4.24 AT&T MOBILITY ENGINEERING TELEPHONE 2029-6310 6.55 AT&T MOBILITY INFORMATION TECH TELEPHONE 2037-6310 20.22 Check Totai: gg.gg AP-00087887 MW ATBT/CALNET 2 GEN 8 ADMIN TELEPHONE 1000-6310 329.29 ATBT/CALNET 2 CUSTOMER SERVICE TELEPHONE 1038-6310 7.45 ATBTlCALNET 2 GEN 8 ADMIN TELEPHONE 2000-6310 329.28 ATBT/CALNET 2 CUSTOMER SERVICE TELEPHONE 2038-6310 7.44 Check Totai: 673.46 AP-00087888 MW BARGETTO,SUE CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 100.00 Check Total: 100.00 AP-00087889 MW BARSAMIAN,BETTY PUBLIC OUTREACH PRINTING 2027-4920 250.00 Check Total: 250.00 AP-00087890 MW j BARTLETT,BRIAN INFORMATION TECH TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1037-6200 184.83 I BARTLETT,BRIAN INFORMATION TECH TRAVEUMEETINGS 2037-6200 184.84 User:THERESA Page: 1 Current Date: 06/11/2014 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 11:18:35 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department I Proj Name Qescriptfon Acct#!ProJ Code A�+n Check Num Tvue Check Total: 369.67 AP-00o87891 MW BAUGH,HEIDI ENGINEERING TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1029-6200 10.95 BAUGH,HEIDI ENGINEERING TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2029-6200 10.95 Check Total: 21.g0 AP-00087892 MW BAY TOOL 8 SUPPLY INC GEN&ADMIN SMALL TOOLS INV 1000-0423 285.09 BAY TOOL&SUPPLY INC FINANCE INV/FRT/DISCOUNT 1039-6077 64.39 Check Total: 349.48 AP-00087893 MW BENTLY AGROWDYNAMICS OPERATIONS SLUDGE DISPOSAL 1006-6652 2,216.48 Check Total: 2.216.48 AP-00087894 MW BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL UNDERGROUND REP CONTRACT SERVICE 1001 -4405 3,912.00 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL INFORMATION TECH CONTRACT SERVICE 1037-4405 549.12 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE 1038-4405 537.49 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL UNDERGROUND REP CONTRACT SERVICE 2001-4405 4,042.40 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL ENGINEERING-2014 METER PRJ METERS 2014 2029-7013-METERS 3,468.64 BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL INFORMATION TECH CONTRACT SERVICE 2037-4405 549.12 �LUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE 2038-4405 537.49 r �LUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 4,848.46 Check TataL 18.444.72 AP-00087895 MW BULL COMPANY,CH HEAW MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004-6071 1,351.00 BULL COMPANY,CH UNDERGROUND REP SHOP SUPPLIES 2001-6071 343.40 Check Total: 1.694.40 AP-00087896 MW CALIF DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES ENGINEERING REGLTRY OP PRMTS 1029-6650 1,049.00 CALIF DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES ENGINEERING REGLTRY OP PRMTS 2029-6650 1,049.00 Check Total: 2.098.00 AP-00087897 MW CALIF DEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTH PUMPS DUES/MEMBICERT 2002-6250 105.00 Check Total: 105.00 AP-OOOR7A98 MW CALIF DEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTH PUMPS DUES/MEMB/CERT 2002-6250 90.00 Check Tatal: 90.00 AP-00087899 MW CASHMAN EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005-6011 227.97 Check Total: 227.g7 AP-OOOR7900 MW CCR LAKE TAHOE III LlC PUBLIC OUTREACH-PR EXP-EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 1027-6620-PREEXT 576.00 User: THERESA Page: 2 Current Date: 06/1 U2014 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 11:1835 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Deoartment/ProJ Name Descri tp ion Acct#/Proj Code Amount Check Num Tvoe CCR LAKE TAHOE III LLC PUBLIC OUTREACH-PR EXP-EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 2027-6620-PREEXT 576.00 Check Total: 1,152.00 AP-00087901 MW CDS GROUP HEAITH GEN 8 ADMIN DENTAL SLF INS 1000-2536 747.50 Check Total: 747.50 AP-00087902 MW CHARTER BUSINESS GEN 8 ADMIN TELEPHONE 1000-6310 90.27 CHARTER BUSINESS GEN&ADMIN TELEPHONE 2000-6310 90.26 Check Total: 180.53 AP-00087903 MW CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ENG INC ENGINEERING-BIJOU SWR ER BIJOU ECP 1029-8287-ECSBJM 4,363.00 Check Total: 4.363.00 AP-OOOR7904 MW CWEA SIERRA SECTION UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEUMEETINGS 1001-6200 249.00 CWEA SIERRA SECTION ELECTRICAL SHOP TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1003-6200 47.00 CWEA SIERRA SECTION HEAVY MAINT TRAVEUMEETINGS 1004-6200 141.00 CWEA SIERRA SECTION OPERATIONS TRAVEUMEETINGS 1006-6200 230.00 CWEA SIERRA SECTION UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2001-6200 183.00 Check Total: 850.00 AP-0008'7905 MW I �ATCO SERVICES CORP HUMAN RESOURCES SAFETY PROGRAMS 1022-6079 168.35 �ATCO SERVICES CORP HUMAN RESOURCES SAFETY PROGRAMS 2022-6079 168.35 Check Total: 336.70 AP-00087906 MW DIY HOME CENTER PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002-6051 14.55 DIY HOME CENTER HEAVY MAINT BUILDINGS 1004-6041 12.63 DIY HOME CENTER HEAW MAINT GROUNDS 8 MNTC 1004-6042 29.13 Check Total: 56.31 AP-00087907 MW DOUGLAS DISPOSAL GEN&ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 1000-6370 19.08 Check Total: 19.08 AP-00087908 MW EIDAM,EILEEN ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1021-6200 24.92 EIDAM,EILEEN ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2021-6200 24.92 Check Total: 49,gq AP-00087909 MW EL DORADO COUNTY ENGINEERING-2014 METER PRJ METERS 2014 2029-7013-METERS 50.00 Check Total: 50.00 AP-00087877 MW EL DORADO COUNTY ENGINEERING-2014 METER PRJ METERS 2014 2029-7013-METERS 50.00 Check Total: 50.00 AP-00087878 MW Uaer:THERESA Page: 3 Curreat Date: 06/11/2014 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 11:18:35 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Qgpartment/ProJ Name Description Acct#/Proj Code A�4��S Check Num Tvoe EL DORADO COUNTY ENGINEERING-2014 METER PRJ METERS 2014 2029-7013-METERS 50.00 Check Total: 50.00 AP-00087R79 MW El DORADO COUNTY ENGINEERING-2014 METER PRJ METERS 2014 2029-7013-METERS 50.00 ' Check Total: 50.00 AP-00087880 MW EL DORADO COUNTY CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPPLIES 1038-6520 24.00 EL DORADO COUNTY CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPPLIES 2038-6520 24.00 Check Total: 48.00 AP-00087910 MW EL DORADO COUNTY CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPPLIES 1038-6520 8.00 EL DORADO COUNTY CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPPLIES 2038-6520 8.00 Check Total: 16.00 AP-00087911 MW EMBREY,ROBYN CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 227•92 Check Total: Y27,g2 AP-00087912 MW ENS RESOURCES INC PUBLIC OUTREACH CONTRACT SERVICE 1027-4405 3,324.34 ENS RESOURCES INC PUBLIC OUTREACH CONTRACT SERVICE 2027-4405 3,324.33 Check Total: 6.648.67 AP-00087913 MW I �VIRONMENTAL RESOURCES ASSO LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 73.44 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES ASSO LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007-4760 95.35 Check TotaL• �gg,7g AP-00087914 MW EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES LLC LABORATORY SERVICE CONTRACT 1007-6030 36.00 EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES LLC LABORATORY SERVICE CONTRACT 2007-6030 36.00 Check Total: 72.00 AP-00087915 MW FARMER,NANCY CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 169.53 Check Total: 169.53 AP-00087916 MW FEDEX HEAVY MAINT PRIMARY EQUIP 1004-6021 274.99 Check Total: 274.99 AP-00087917 MW FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC HEAVY MAINT PRIMARY EQUIP 1004-6021 43.55 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC HEAVY MAINT GROUNDS 8 MNTC 1004-6042 70.50 Check Total: 114.05 AP-00087918 MW FGL ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY-ALP CO MTBE CONT MONITORING 1007-6110-ACMTBE 100.00 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY-HERBST MONITORING 2007-6110-HERBST 100.00 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY-SOYCON MONITORING 2007-6110-SOYCON 100.00 User: THERESA Page: 4 Current Date: 06/11/2014 RepoM:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 11:18:35 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Proj Name Description Acct#/P�qJ Code Amount Check Num Tvoe FGL ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING-GLENWD WELL TRT WEIL TR-GLENWOOD 2029-7012-GWMTBE 100.00 Check Total: 400.00 AP-OOOR7919 MW FISHER SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 43.20 FISHER SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007-4760 43.22 Check Total: 86.42 AP-00087920 MW FLYERS ENERGY LLC GEN&ADMIN GASOLINE INV 1000-0415 6,638.61 FLYERS ENERGY LLC GEN 8 ADMIN DIESEL INVENTORY 1000-0416 4,969.72 FLYERS ENERGY LLC DIAMOND VLY RNCH GASOLINE 1028-4610 832.46 FLYERS ENERGY LLC DIAMOND VLY RNCH DIESEL 1028-4620 1,500.48 Check Total: 13.941.27 AP-00087921 MW FRANK OLSEN COMPANY PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002-6051 66.26 FRANK OLSEN COMPANY ENGINEERING-TKEYS FM BYPASS FRCMN BYPS KEYS 1029-8288-TKFMBP 1,707.49 Check Total: 1.773.75 AP-00087922 MW FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS DIAMOND VLY RNCH TELEPHONE 1028-6310 261.75 � Check Total: 261.75 AP-00087923 MW �HD INC ENGINEERING-�PPS PWR/CTRLS LPPS PWR/CTR UPG 1029-8330-LPPOWR 9,420.98 I Check Total: 9.420.98 AP-00087924 MW GLOBAL DATA SPECIALISTS ELECTRICAL SHOP PUMP STATIONS 2003-6051 2,160.00 Check TotaL• 2.160.00 AP-00087925 MW GRAINGER HEAW MAINT SECONDARY EQUIP 1004-6022 56.31 GRAINGER HEAVY MAINT GROUNDS 8�MNTC 1004-6042 401.19 Check Total: 457.50 AP-00087926 MW GRANITE RANCH OPP LLC GEN 8 ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 1000-2002 108.52 GRANITE RANCH OPP LLC GEN 8�ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 2000-2002 108.53 Check Totai: 217.05 AP-o0087927 MW HDR ENGINEERING INC FINANCE ADVISORY 2039-4440 4,065.26 Check Total: 4.065.26 AP-00087928 MW HENDERSON,DEBBIE ADMINISTRATION INCNN 8 RCGNTN 1021-6621 121.59 HENDERSON,DEBBIE ADMINISTRATION INCNN&RCGNTN 2021-6621 121.59 Check Total: 243.18 AP-00087929 MW HESSION,SHAELYN CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 170.80 User:THERESA Page: 5 Current Date: 06/11/2014 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 11:18:35 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Depardnent/Proj Name Description Acct#/Pro)Code � Check Num IYRg Check Total: 170.80 AP-00087930 MW HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE CONTRACT 1022-6030 58.98 � HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACT 1038-6030 9.47 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS FINANCE SERVICE CONTRACT 1039-6030 110.97 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE CONTRACT 2022-6030 58.97 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACT 2038-6030 9.46 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 117.95 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS FINANCE SERVICE CONTRACT 2039-6030 110.96 Check Total: 476.76 AP-00087931 MW INFOSEND INC PUBLIC OUTREACH PRINTING 1027-4920 1,836.00 INFOSEND INC PUBLIC OUTREACH PRINTING 2027-4920 1,836.00 Check Total: 3,672.00 AP-00087932 MW INTERSTATE SAFETY 8 SUPPLY GEN 8 ADMIN SHOP SUPP INV 1000-0421 937.56 Check Total: 931.56 AP-00087933 MW JACK HENRY&ASSOC.INC INFORMATION TECH SERVICE CONTRACT 1037-6030 1,465.00 dACK HENRY 8�ASSOC.INC INFORMATION TECH SERVICE CONTRACT 2037-6030 1,464.50 � i Check Total: 2.929.50 AP-00087934 MW KAUFFMAN,ELIZABETH HUMAN RESOURCES TRAVEI/MEETINGS 1022-6200 58.29 KAUFFMAN,ELIZABETH HUMAN RESOURCES TRAVEUMEETINGS 2022-6200 58.29 Check Total: 116.58 AP-00087935 MW KIMBALL MIDWEST EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005-6011 284.90 KIMBALL MIDWEST EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005-6011 419.62 Check Total: 704.52 AP-00087938 MW KTHO AM 590&96.1 FM PUBLIC OUTREACH-PR EXP-EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 1027-6620-PREEXT 562.50 KTHO AM 590 8 96.1 FM PUBLIC OUTREACH-PR EXP-EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 2027-6620-PREEXT 562.50 Check Total: 1.125.00 AP-OOOR7939 MW LAKESIDE NAPA PUMPS LUTHER PASS 1002-6048 17.43 LAKESIDE NAPA PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002-6051 7.43 LAKESIDE NAPA PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 1002-6073 93.85 LAKESIDE NAPA HEAVY MAINT SECONDARY EQUIP 1004-6022 30.94 LAKESIDE NAPA HEAVY MAINT GROUNDS 8 MNTC 1004-6042 71.14 LAKE5IDE NAPA EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005-6011 290.89 User: THERESA Page: 6 Current Date: 06/11/2014 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 11:18:35 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department/Proj Name Descrlptlon Acct#/ProJ Code ALri4sl.OS Check Num Tvoe LAKESIDE NAPA EQUIPMENT REP GENERATORS 1005-6013 123.36 LAKESIDE NAPA DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS 8 MNTC 1028-6042 160.69 LAKESIDE NAPA UNDERGROUND REP SHOP SUPPLIES 2001-6071 118.17 LAKESIDE NAPA UNDERGROUND REP SMALL TOOLS 2001-6073 33.39 LAKESIDE NAPA PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 2002-6073 93.84 LAKESIDE NAPA EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005-6011 488.75 Check Total: �.52g_gg pp-00087940 MW LANG FAMILY TRUST GEN 8 ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 2000-2002 4,556.00 Check Total: 4.556.00 AP-00087941 MW LEE,JEFF OPERATIONS DUES/MEMB/CERT 1006-6250 80.00 Check Total: 80.00 AP-00087942 MW LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005-6011 739.57 Check Total: 739.57 AP-00087943 MW LIBERTY UTILITIES GEN 8 AOMIN ELECTRICITY 1000-6330 64,872.74 LIBERTY UTILITIES GEN&ADMIN ST LIGHTING EXP 1000-6740 9.74 i I�ERTY UTILITIES GEN 8�ADMIN ELECTRICITY 2000-6330 22,757.08 , I Check Total: 87.639.56 AP-00087944 MW LILLY'S TIRE SERVICE INC EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005-6011 221.64 LILLY'S TIRE SERVICE INC EQUIPMENT REP GENERATORS 1005-6013 116.36 LILLY'S TIRE SERVICE INC EQUIPMENT REPAfR GENERATORS 2005-6013 116.35 Check Total: 454.35 AP-00087945 MW MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002-6051 146.13 Check Total: 146.13 AP-00087946 MW MCALICE,ARTHUR CUSTOMER SERVICE-WfR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 300.00 Check Total: 300.00 AP-00087947 MW MEEKS BUILDING CENTER UNDERGROUND REP SHOP SUPPLIES 1001-6071 38.59 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS LUTHER PASS 1002-6048 114.73 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002-6051 59.37 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 1002-6071 7.66 ' MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 1002-6073 5.89 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER ELECTRICAL SHOP BUILDINGS 1003-6041 27.29 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER ELECTRICAL SHOP SMALL TOOLS 1003-6073 55.39 Uaer: THERESA Page: 7 Current Date: 06/11/2014 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: ll:18:35 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS ' Vendor Name p�Rrtment/Proj Name Description Acct#/Praj Code ��S Check Num Tv�e MEEKS BUILDING CENTER HEAVY MAINT PRIMARY EQUIP 1004-6021 17.95 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER HEAVY MAINT BUILDINGS 1004-6041 83�99 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER HEAW MAINT GROUNDS 8 MNTC 1004-6042 30.76 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004-6071 13.33 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS&MNTC 1028-6042 384.85 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER CUSTOMER SERVICE SHOP SUPPLIES 1038-6071 1026 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 2001-6052 1�•32 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER UNDERGROUND REP SMALL TOOLS 2001 -6073 21.50 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS WELLS 2002-6050 381.04 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 2002-6051 43.45 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 2002-6071 7.65 MEEKS BUI�DING CENTER PUMPS SMALL TbOLS 2002-6073 5.89 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER CUSTOMER SERVICE SHOP SUPPLIES 2038-6071 10.25 CheCk Total: 1.337.16 AP-00087948 MW METRO OFFICE 50LUTIONS HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE SUPPLIES 1022-4820 39.99 �TRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE SUPPLIES 2022-4820 39•98 � Check Total: 7g.97 AP-00087949 MW I MOTEL 6 PUMPS STANDBY ACCOMODA 1002-6083 78.64 MOTEL 6 PUMPS STANDBY ACCOMODA 2002-6083 78.64 CheckTotal: 157,2g AP-00087950 MW MOUNTAIN COUNTIES WATER BOARD OF DIR DUES/MEMBlCERT 2019-6250 8,750.00 Check Total: 8.750.00 AP-00087951 MW NELS TAHOE HARDWARE HEAW MAINT BUILDINGS 1004-6041 10.50 Check Total: 10.50 AP-00087952 MW NEVADA GENERATOR SYSTEMS INC EQUIPMENT REP GENERATORS 1005-6013 197.50 NEVADA GENERATOR SYSTEMS INC EQUIPMENT REPAIR GENERATORS 2005-6013 475.00 Check Total: 672.50 AP-OOOR7953 MW NEWARK IN ONE ELECTRICAL SHOP BUILDINGS 1003-6041 43.90 Check Total: 43.90 AP-OOOR7954 MW NIXON'S HEATING/AIR CONDITION CUSTOMER SERVICE MISC LIAB CLAIMS 2038-4520 1,145.33 Check Total: 1.145.33 AP-00087955 MW NORTHERN SAFETY 8 INDUSTRIAL HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004-6071 492.12 User. THERESA Page: R CurrentDate: 06/11/2014 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: ll:1 A:35 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Qepartment I ProJ Name Deacrintion Acct#/P�ol Code Amount Check Num Tvoe Check Total: 492.12 AP-00087956 MW NORTHERN TOOL&EQUIP OPERATIONS SMALL TOOLS 1006-6073 211.04 Check Total: 211.04 AP-00087957 MW NUROCK,DOUG OPERATIONS DUES/MEMB/CERT 1006-6250 219.00 Check Tatal: 21g.00 AP-00087958 MW OLIN CORPORATION OPERATIONS ITYPOCHLORITE 1006-4755 3,269.12 Check Total: 3.269.12 AP-00087959 MW ONTRAC LABORATORY POSTAGE EXPENSES 1007-4810 13.35 ONTRAC ENGINEERING-WL,SADDLE WTRLN-SADDLE/KEL 2029-7011-SADLWL 20.91 ONTRAC ENGINEERING-2014 METER PRJ METERS 2014 2029-7013-METERS 5.88 Check Total: 40.14 AP-00087960 MW PC MALL GOV INC DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS&MNTC 1028-6042 3,790.54 Check Total: 3.790.54 AP-00087961 MW PETTY CASH GEN 8�ADMIN OFC SUPPLY ISSUE 1000-6081 13.99 PETTY CASH OPERATIONS TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1006-6200 45.92 I �ETTY CASH BOARD OF DIR TRAVEUMEETINGS 1019-6200 9.00 �ETTY CASH ADMINISTRATION SUPPLIES 1021-6520 2.43 PETTY CASH ADMINISTRATION INCNN&RCGNTN 1021-6621 22.13 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING-RENEWABLE ENERGY TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1029-6200-PIER13 27.06 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING SUPPLIES 1029-6520 z,7p PETTY CASH ENGINEERING-FLL SWR UPGR FLL SYSTEM UPGR 1029-8331-FLLSUP 3.50 PETTY CASH FINANCE TRAVEL/MEETINGS 1039-6200 32.03 PETTY CASH BOARD OF DIR TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2019-6200 9.00 PETTY CASH ADMINISTRATION SUPPLIES 2021-6520 2.42 PETTY CASH ADMINISTRATION INCNN&RCGNTN 2021-6621 22.12 PETTY CASH ENGINEERING SUPPLIES 2029-6520 2.69 PETTY CASH FINANCE-FIRE GRNT ADMIN TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2039-6200-SMOKY4 104.02 Check Total: 2gg.01 AP-00087962 MW PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL CUSTOMER SERVICE EQUIP RENT/LEASE 1038-5020 35.18 PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL CUSTOMER SERVICE EQUIP RENT/LEASE 2038-5020 35.17 ' Check Total: 70.35 AP-00087963 MW PRAXAIR 174 HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004-6071 67.61 Uaer: THERESA page: 9 Current Date: 06/11/2014 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 11:18:35 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Qg{�rtment I Proj Name Descr�ption Acct#/ProJ Code A�Qld01 Check Num Tvoe PRAXAIR 174 LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 945.38 PRAXAIR 174 LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007-4760 945.37 Check Total: 1.958.36 AP-00087964 MW PRO LEISURE ADMINISTRATION INCNN 8 RCGNTN 1021-6621 416.84 , PRO LEISURE ADMINISTRATION INCNTV&RCGNTN 2021-6621 416.83 Check Total: 833.67 AP-00087965 MW RAUCH COMMUNICATION PUBLIC OUTREACH CONTRACT SERVICE 1027-4405 592.50 RAUCH COMMUNICATION PUBLIC OUTREACH CONTRACT SERVICE 2027-4405 592.50 Check Total: 1.185.00 AP-00087966 MW REDWOOD PRINTING UNDERGROUND REP SHOP SUPPLIES 1001-6071 313.82 REDWOOD PRINTING PUMPS OFFICE SUPPLIES 1002-4820 104.60 REDWOOD PRINTING ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 1021-4820 52.30 REDWOOD PRINTING ENGINEERING MAPPING 1029-4420 156.92 REDWOOD PRINTING CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1038-4820 2�9•22 REDWOOD PRINTING UNDERGROUND REP SHOP SUPPLIES 2001-6071 406.00 �DWO00 PRINTING PUMPS OFFICE SUPPLIES 2002-4820 9�•22 � f�EDWOOD PRINTING ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES 2021-4820 45. REDWOOD PRINTING ENGINEERING MAPPING 2029-4420 135.34 REDWOOD PRINTING CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2038-4820 171.57 Check Total: 1.685.10 AP-00087967 MW RELIANCE STANDARD GEN 8 ADMIN LIFE INS UN/BD 1000-2512 1,537.81 RELIANCE STANDARD GEN 8 ADMIN LIFE INS MGMT 1000-2525 505.25 RELIANCE STANDARD GEN 8 ADMIN LNG TRM DIS,MGMT 1000-2531 1,249.37 RELIANCE STANDARD GEN 8 ADMIN LTD,UNION 1000-2539 1,628.01 Check Total: q,g2p.qq AP-00087968 MW RUIZ,JOSE OPERATIONS DUES/MEMB/CERT 1006-6250 110.00 Check Total: 110.00 AP-OOOR7969 MW SCOTTYS HARDWARE GEN 8 ADMIN SHOP SUPP INV 1000-0421 155.13 SCOTTYS HARDWARE PUMPS LUTHER PASS 1002-6048 19•4� SCOTTYS HARDWARE PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 1002-6073 3.85 SCOTTYS HARDWARE PUMPS REP PMP/MTR1 VEN 1002-8305 35.83 SCOTTYS HARDWARE PUMPS WELLS 2002-6050 6.15 User:THERESA Page: 10 Current Date: 06/11/2014 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: ll:18:35 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Deeartment I ProJ Name Description Acct#/ProJ Code Amount Check Num SyRg SCOTTYS HARDWARE PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 2002-6073 3.84 Check Total: 2Y4.27 pp_00087970 MW SENSUS METERING SYSTEMS INFORMATION TECH SERVICE CONTRACT 2037-6030 1,801.80 Check Total: 1.801.80 AP-00087971 MW SHRED-IT GEN 8 ADMIN OFC SUPPLY ISSUE 1000-6081 64.00 Check Total: 64.00 AP-00087972 MW SIERRA CHEMICAL CO OPERATIONS SODIUM HYDROXIDE 1006-4770 5,780.00 Check Total: 5.780.00 AP-00087973 MW SIERRA ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY MONITORING 1007-6110 372.00 Check Total: 372.00 AP-00087974 MW SIERRA FOOTHILL LABORATORY LABORATORY-IND CRK RES MONT MONITORING 1007-6110-INDIAN 390.00 Check Total: 390.00 AP-00087975 MW SIERRA NEVADA MEDIA GROUP OPERATIONS ITYPOCHLORITE 1006-4755 59.06 SIERRA NEVADA MEDIA GROUP HUMAN RESOURCES ADS/LGL NOTICES 1022-4930 213.44 S�ERRA NEVADA MEDIA GROUP PUMPS ITYPOCHLORITE 2002-4755 59.05 �RRA NEVADA MEDIA GROUP HUMAN RESOURCES ADS/LGL NOTICES 2022-4930 213.44 I Check Total: 544.99 AP-00087976 MW SKELLY,CHRIS INFORMATION TECH TRAVEUMEETINGS 1037-6200 12.15 SKELLY,CHRIS INFORMATION TECH TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2037-6200 12.15 Check Total: 24.30 AP-00087977 MW SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE GEN 8 ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 1000-6370 2,172.78 SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE GEN 8 ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 2000-6370 234.80 Check Total: 2.407.58 AP-00087978 MW SOUTHWEST GAS GEN 8�ADMIN NATURAL GAS 1000-6350 5,668.41 SOUTHWEST GAS GEN 8 ADMIN NATURAL GAS 2000-6350 345.45 Check Total: 6.013.86 AP-00087979 MW SPRINGBROOK SOFTWARE INC CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE 1038-4405 g7,5p SPRINGBROOK SOFTWARE INC CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE 2038-4405 87.50 Check Total: 175.00 AP-00087980 MW SWRCB OPERATIONS DUES/MEMB/CERT 1006-6250 300.00 Check Total: 300.00 AP-00087876 MW User: THERESA page: 11 CurrentDate: 06/I1/2014 RepoM:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: ]1:18:35 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name �partment I ProJ Name Descriptfon Acct#/ProJ Code ARl4��S Check Num Tvoe TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE GEN 8 ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 1000-6370 313.00 TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE OPERATIONS SLUDGE DISPOSAL 1006-6652 10,185.00 Check Total: 10.498.00 AP-00087981 MW TAHOE BLUEPRINT ENGINEERING-WL,SADDLE VYTRLN-SADDLElKEL 2029-7011-SADLWL 239•72 Check Total: 239.72 AP-OOOR7982 MW TAHOE POOL SERVICE PUMPS WELLS 2002-6050 �•OS Check Total: 84.08 Ap-�0087983 MW TAHOE PRINTING CUSTOMER SERV�CE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1038-4820 22•4� TAHOE PRINTING CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2038-4820 22•4� TAHOE PRINTING CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG z2•4� Check Total: 67.23 AP-�0087984 MW TAHOE SAND 8 GRAVEL UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRSIMHLS 2001-6052 488.00 Check Total: 488.00 AP-00087985 MW TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY ELECTRICAL SHOP BUILDINGS 1003-6041 1,118.40 TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY ELECTRICAL SHOP SMALL TOOLS 2003-6073 86.23 � Check Total: 1.204.63 AP-00087986 MW � r TORQUE TOOLS CALIFORNIA PUMPS LUTHER PASS 1002-6048 1,370.90 Check Total: 1.370.90 AP-00087987 MW TRPA ENGINEERING-TRUCKEE MARSH TR CRK RESTORE 1029-8426-TMSFPP 1,588.00 Check Total: 1.588.00 AP-o0o87881 MW UNITED PARCEL SERVICE GEN 8�ADMIN POSTAGE EXPENSES 1000-4810 150.00 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE GEN 8 ADMIN POSTAGE EXPENSES 2000-4810 150.00 Check Total: 300.00 AP-00087988 MW UNITED RENTALS INC ENGINEERING TRAVEUMEETINGS 1029-6200 128.09 Check Total: 128.09 AP-000879R9 MW USC Foundation Office CUSTOMER SERVICE DUES/MEMB/CERT 2038-6250 695.00 Check Total: 695.00 AP-00087990 MW USDA FOREST SERVICE ENGINEERING REGLTRY OP PRMTS 1029-6650 42,046.71 Check Total: 42.046.71 AP-OOOR7991 MW WALSH,DANIEL CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 100.00 Check Total: 100.00 AP-00087992 MW User: THERESA Page: 12 Current Date: 06/11/2014 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 11:18:35 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department I Proj Name Descri tion Acct#I Proj Code Amount Check Num IyR� WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY GEN&ADMIN JANIT/SUPPLY INV 1000-0422 245.81 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY GEN&ADMIN OFFICE INVENTORY 1000-0428 3gg,7� Check Total: 644.52 AP-00087993 MW WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP SHOP SUPPLIES 1003-6071 549.21 Check Total: 549.21 AP-00087994 MW WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY HEAVY MAINT FILTER EQ/BLDG 1004-6023 4,409.77 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY GEN 8 ADMIN BOXES/LIDS/INV 2000-0403 7,481.20 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY GEN 8 ADMIN VLVS ELB Ts FLNG 2000-0404 2,507.80 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY GEN&ADMIN SADDLES FTNG INV 2000-0407 1,385.10 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 2001-6052 1,735.58 Check Total: 17.519.45 AP-00087995 MW Grand Total: 513,790.03 � N .. . : ;t . '� , , il i i � ; .. � ) : �� _ — l) (i � �. , ;-� , {', . - . . . Uaer:THERESA Page: 13 Current Date: 06/1 I/2014 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 11:1835 � . ��,�� �,� . Sout�h Tahoe P.U.D. 06/05 14 WID TYPID & REUFR.Sm A�P �� �� 1 UR ___ �'200 <1.35>-- id: -- gIH7, J[N 05, 2014, 8:26 AM --req: - ].er3: C�.� JU-Zoc: Q�TTE----�ab: 550671 #�Tl].5�4---�og: �t �ec1c Payee ID. Payee Natte Date C1�c'k Pitn�mt 'I�pe Sub� I�e1 'Ib NoGe AP00087510 V40114 '1RP'A 04 7/14 1,500.00 RV 'Il2 �r� GRAND TOTALS: ��la �� 'Ibtal �loid Nb�hir�e Writt�en �I 0.00 N�xnber af CYr�c]ts Piooesse�d: 0 'Ibtal Void �Ta��cl Writt�en 0.00 l�n�beY' of C�ecks Praoe.s.�ed: 0 'Ibt.al N�chir�e Writt� 0.00 1�znbPr af CY�ecks Ptroo�sed.: 0 'lbtal Hand Writtez 0.00 I�anber af CY�ec}cs Ptrooessed: 0 �,� R� 1,500.00 1�=�er' of C��ecks Proo�.sed: 1 �1 �� 0.00 N�ni�er of C1�ec)ts Prooes-9ed: 0 Zbtal E�'i� 0.00 I�irbex of E�'IS P�oes.9ec1: 0 'Ibtal EPAYs 0.00 l�bes of EPAYs Prooe.s�.�d: 0 GRAND TOTAL 1,500.00 J W ..��. �, I I'1 � I t�� � 9outh Tahoe P.U.D. 05/30 14 ZAID 'IYPID & 1�VII�.� A/P �m:K RFCTr�R p� 1 FRI, M4Y 30, 2014, 11:48 AM --zeq: ----1,�: Ca, JL--�oc: Q�b'TIE----�ob: 550469 #J2073---p�t�g: ffiC200 <1.35>--repart id: Q�EG--- Q']ecic Paye�e ID. Payee l�aCte L13te CY]ec',k Pmo�u7t 'I�pe S�.�a6 lael Tb N�t,e AP00087826 V40124 �T TOCg, & D�T� 06/ /14 259.50 RV TR l�evPrsed GRAND TOTALS: � �Il,y �`1 �. v�.a r�� v�.t� � 0 9 0.0o r�� of a�ks �: o T b t a l v o i a x a a�d writtei � o.oo l�mber of cl�era�s Prooes.qed,: o 'Ib�.al N�chine Writtaz 0.00 DTi,mb�x of CY�eds Prooes.�ed: 0 'Ib�tal Har�d Written 0.00 1�inibPr of Cl�ec�]s Prooessed: 0 '�'� �S 259.50 l�Tut�ber � �erks Prooes,yed: 1 'Ib�.a]. C�nelled 0.00 1Jimber of Ci�eck's P.roc�es..9ed: 0 Tbtal EETS 0.00 1V�mbe�r of F�'!5 Prooas.sed: 0 Tbtal EPAYs 0.00 Nunber of �,Ys P.rooessed: 0 GRAND TOTAL 259.50 � � 6eneral Manager Richard H.5olbrig � � ��(j � � �� � � ` Director5 t� w�" � ChriS Cefalu �i JameS R.Jones Randy Vogelge5ang �" �` pub(ic Utiiity Di5-Grict KellySheehan Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow CreSt Drive•5auth Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 54-4-6474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.�tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: Board of Directors FROM: Tim Bledsoe, Customer Service Manager Debbie Henderson, Accounting Manager MEETING DATE: June 19, 2014 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct legal counsel DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: EI Dorado County Superior Court Case SC20120227 GRCLT Condominium vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES � ,--- NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -75- General Manager Richard H.5olbrig .�-�-^�-r.,, Directors � • 1'�iQ • w Chris Cefalu �� � �� � �� JameS R.JoneS Randy Vogelge5ang �� �' C'ublic Utili-�y Di�tric-G KellySheehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive•5outh E.ake Tahae•CA 96150-74-Oi !'hone 530 544-6474•Fax 53�541-06��•www.5tpud.u� BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: Board of Directors FROM: Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: June 19, 2014 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel- Potential Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct Staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)/Conference with Legal Counsel Anticipated Litigation (one potential case). SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES � NO CHIEF PINANCIAL OFPICER: YES NO -77- General Manager Richard H.5olbrig r— ����t� � w h ///��� Director5 � � � / �� Chrie Cefalu \� l,/�� �,,,� James R.Jones � Randy Vogelgesang �- �� �u b[i c U ti[i ty D i�tri c-� Kelly 5heehan Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive•South Lake Tahoe•CA 96154-74D1 Phone 530 544-6474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.a�tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: Board of Directors FROM: Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: June 19, 2014 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: False Claims Act Case: United States, the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and Tennessee and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J-M Manufacturing Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. ED CVO6-0055-GW, United States District Court for the Central District of California. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES -79 NO General Manager Richard H.5olbrig Director5 ��950 • w� � Chris Cefalu �� n �l � P Jamee R.Jones h a o L, Rand Vo el esan V � v Y 9 9 9 �- �� �u b[�� l�t�i�ty D i 5-tr;c-� Kelly 5heehan Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadaw CreSt Drive•5outh Lake tahae•CA 9�15U-7401 Phone 530 54�4-�474•�ax 530 541-0634•www.5tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: Board of Directors FROM: Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: June 19, 2014 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct Staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. BC459943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J-M Manufacturing, et al. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -81- General Manager Richard H.Solbrig • 195C1 • w /''''� Directors C�`� �"'`��' n � /� ( f� ChriS Cefalu V ;�< <��� James R.Jones � �' � � r r Randy Vogelge5ang �� �'u b!i c U�t�i i�Gy D i 5tri ct Kelly Sheehan Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive•South Lake Tahoe�CA 9615�-7401 f'hane 530 544--6474•�ax 530 541-0614*www.5tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer Nancy Hussmann, Human Resources Director MEETING DATE: June 19, 2014 ITEM - PROJECT NAME: Closed Session- New Union MOU Contract Negotiations REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct Staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(a)/Conference with Labor Negotiators re: Memorandum of Understanding with Stationary Engineers, Local 39. Present at this Closed Session will be Agency Negotiators: Richard Solbrig/General Manager, Nancy Hussmann/Human Resources Director, Pau� Hughes, Chief Financial Officer. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: General GENERAL MANAGER: YES �/L� _ _NO CHIEF PINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO