HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 100 . E;oCIA"ED, by the ?,card of Directors of the South Tahoe
public Utility District, El Dorado County, California, that
¥,}iEREAS, said district does not now have adequate facili'
for the safekeeping of moneys, checks or other negotiable instru-
manta; and
'~/~ITEP, EAS, said district, thro'ugh its officers thereunto
duly authorized, periodically collects fea:s for sewer connection
char~?'es, inspections, and other matters in connection v~,ith its
utility service; and
~ H~:.EAS, the Board of Directors of said district is
desirous of obtaining a place of safe-keeping for such mon~ys,
checks and other negotiable instruments as it may receive.
fol low s:
1. That the South Tahoe Public Utility District o~'an
~,~,tional 'Vrust and
a de~f:osit account v~ith the U',ap~ of America, ~.~ -~
ings Association, Tahoe Valley ~ran~, La~e Tah~, ..c~ifornia,
for the pu~osa of depositing therein for safe-kee~'in~] all moneys
collected by said District in exercise of its utili~ functions.
2. That no ~ithdrawals may be made from said deposit
~ccount at any time by the Director or officers of said District.
~. That thc Bank of America, yaticnal Trust and
Savings Association, Tahoe valley ]-~rancR, Lake Tahoe, California,
be an5 It is hereby authorized and 0irected to transfer, at such
times as ?:~ay b~ convenient for said ~k, but n~t less then once
in each month said moneys to the county Treasurer of );/,1 Domado
county, to be [~laced in the ~l~eneral fund of said District.
4. That the secretary of said District shall cause to b,
deposited in said account at least at the end of each v~cek all
moneys collected b':~ ssid District in its usual course of business.
5. Officers an0 me~bsrs of thc Board are hereby
autho~"izcd to execute such resolutions, forms and ~eposits
cards as are required by the Bank to car~y out the provisions of
this rcsoiut ion.
?r'e'~ident~ Sou'2'h Tahoe" Publ'ic
!~tility District
':~erk and Ex~offi~6i5 Secretary
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly
and r~c~!?~ularly adopted cng passed by the Board of Directors of thc
South Tahoe Yublic Utility District, at a meeting thereof held on
the //, , day of _~ , 1957, by the followi~g
vote of the m~mbers thereof:
AYES, and in favor thareof, Directors:
Goeringer, ~!-~ernhar~t and ~:ankost
NOES, Direetors; 17one
ABSi~fT, Directors; None
~~n-d E~-officio ,~ec~'etary