HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 97KWHW :EAW :SSD :gb 3/8/57 RESOLUTION NO. d}'7 ^ RESOL ION A Pr OV! G RO OSE ANNEXATION AND CHANGING BOUNDARIES OF DISTRICT ANNEXATION 1957-1 RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, that WHEREAS, a petition signed by a majority of the qualified electors and by the owners of a majority of the assessed valuation in certain unincorporated territory contiguous to the South Tahoe Public Utility District, and being in the same County as said District, asking that such territory be annexed to said District and consenting to such annexation without an election and without any special terms and conditions, was addressed to the Board of Directors and filed with the Secretary of the District on the 1st day of February, 1957, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Utility District Act of the State of California; WHEREAS, the said Secretary has caused to be compared the signatures on said petition with the affidavits of registration on file with the County Clerk of E1 Dorado County, and has determined if the petitioners are owners of the territory by the records of the County Assessor of the County of E1 Dorado, and has found and certified to this Board that said petition has been signed by the required number of electors and owners in said territory, and has attached his signature to the said petition and presented said petition to this Board; WHEREAS, on the 1st day of February, 1957, this Board aSopted its OrSinance No. 29 entitled, An Ordinance Describing Territory Proposed to be Annexed, Determing that No Terms an~ Conditions are Necessary, and Deataring Intention to Approve such Annexation, wherein it did describe the territory proposed ~o be annexed, declare its intention of approving such annexation with- out any special terms and conditions, and give notice fixing time and place of hearing thereon and notifying all persons interested in, or that may be affected by the proposed annexation of said territory within the District, to appear at such meeting and show cause, in writing, if any they have, why said territory or any of it should not be annexed as proposed in said petition; WHEREAS, said Ordinance and Notice were filed with the Secretary of the District and posted for the time and in the manner provided by law; and WHEREAS, /~ persons interested filed with the Board written protests to the annexation or to the approval of no terms and conditions, and after due consideration of said protests this Board has found that all of said property proposed to be annexed wi be substantially benefited by annexation and has not modified the boundaries of the property proposed to be annexed; and WHEREAS, ~'~ owners of taxable property in the terri- tory proposed to be annexed filed written protests to the annexa- tion or to the approval of no terms and conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS FOUND, DETERMINED and ORDERED, as follows: 1. The territory described in said petition will be sub- stantially benefited by annexation to said District and said District will be substantially benefited by annexing said terri- tory to said District, and the annexation of said territory will facilitate the acquisition, constructic% completion and operation of the public utility and public utility works of the District. 2. The territory so annexed and the exterior boundaries thereof are more particularly defined and established as set forth in Exhibit "A" hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof. 3. The boundaries of said District are hereby changed by --2-- including therein the territory described in said petition. Utility District ATTEST: ~ ~'7'J ' ' -- Clerk au8 ex-officio Secretary ~ I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public UtilitY Dist- rict, at a meeting thereof held on the 14th day of March, 1957, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES, and in favor thereof, Directors: Goeringer, Bernhardt NOES, Directors: None ABSENT, Directors: NOne ~'Clerk and eX-officio Secretary~ -3- EXHIBIT '~" LEGAL DESCRIPTION ANNEXATION 1957-1 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT All that real property situate in the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, described as follows: Parcel 1 Lots 13, 14, 15, 15, 17 and 18, Block PS, as said lots are shown, designated and numbered on the official Map of Bijou Park Addition, filed in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, State of California, on December 31, 193~?, in Book A of Maps at page 18. Parcel 2 Lot i9, Block 25, as said lots are shown, designated and numbered on the official Map of Bijou Park Addition, filed in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, State of California, on December 31, 1932, in Book A of Maps at Page 18. Parcel 3 Lots 11 and 12, Block 30, as said lots are shown, desig- nated and numbered on the official Map of Bijou Park Addition, filed in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, State of California, on December 31, 1932, in Book A of Maps at Page 10. Parcel 4 Lot 170 of Rancho Bijou Subdivision, as said lot is shown, designated and numbered on the official map of Rancho Bijou Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, State of Calif- ornia, on July 1, 1953, in Map Book B at Page RO. Parcel 5 Lot 169 of Rancho Bijou Subdivision, as said lot is shown, designated and numbered on the official Map of Rancho Bijou Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, State of Calif- ornia, on July 1, 1953, in Map Book B at Page 20. Parcel 6 ~ot 157 of Rancho Bijou Subdivision, as said lot is shown, designated and numbered on the official map of Rancho Bijou Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, State of Calif- ornia, on July 1, 1953, in Map Book B at Page R0. arcel 7 11 that portion of Lot 74, as shown on that certain map of Lakeside Lodge Subdivision, E1 Doardo County, Calif- ornia, filed August 7, 1945, in Book A of Maps at page 31, in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, California, which lies and is situate Northeasterly of a direct line NOrthwesterly from a point on the Southeasterly line of Lot 75 of said Lakeside Lodge Subdivision and dis- tant thereon North 35° 28' East, 100 feet from the most Southerly corner of said Lot 75 to a point on the North- western line of said Lot 74 of said Lakeside Lodge Subdi- vision, said point being distant thereon North 29° 55' East 80 feet from the most Western corner of said Lot 74. of Rancho Bijou Subdivision, as said lot is shown, designated and numbered on the official map of Rancho Bijou Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, State of California, on July 1, 1953, in Map Book B at Page 20. Parcel 9 Ali that portion of the Southeast quarter of Section 33, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M. D. B. & M, more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Northeast corner of the parcel described, said point being situate on the southerly boundary of U. S. Highway 50, from which point the East quarter corner of said Section 33 bears North 86° 38' 33" East 2,545.65 feet; thence leaving said point of beginning and running along the southerly boundary of U. S. Highway 50; South 69° 12' West 100 feet to the Northwest corner of the parcel herein described; thence South 20~ 48' East 275 feet to the Southwest corner of the parcel herein described; thence North 69~ 12' East 100 feet to the Southeast Corner of the parcel herein described; thence North 20° 48' Mest 275 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel 10 Ail"that portion of the South half of Section 33, Town- ship 13 North, Range 18 East, M. D. B. & M., more par- ticularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southeast corner of the parcel herein described, from which point the Northeast corner of Lot 10, of Rancho Bijou Subdivision, filed in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, State of California, on July 1, 1953, in Map Book B at page 20, bears North 69~ 16' 30" East 174.~2 feet, thence leaving said point of beginning, North 20~ 43~ 30"West 275.0 feet, to a point on the southerly boundary of U. S. Highway No. 50, thence along the southerly boundary of U. S. Highway No. 50, South 69~ 1~' 30'~ West 100.0 feet, to the Northwestcorner of the parcel herein described, thence leaving the southerly boundary of U. S. Highway No. 50, South 20~ 43' 30~' East 275.0 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of Fawn ~ay as said !~ay is delineated on the said Rancho Bijou Subdivision, thence along the northerly boundary of said Fawn Way North 69° 16' 30" East 100o0 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel 11 All that portion of the East half of lot two of Section 33, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M. Do B. & M., particularly described as follows: BEGINNING in the Northerly line of the tract of land described in the deed dated August 19, 1942, recorded September ~8, 1942, in Book 196 of O~ficial Records, page 41, executed by John E. Keller, et al, to H. J. Harlow and Hattie E. Harlow, his wife, at a point in said line located North 89° 57' west 519.5 feet from the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of the South- east quarter of said Section 33; thence from said point of beginning and following said Northerly line North 89" 57' West 150.00 feet to the Northwest corner of the tract of land described in the deed above mentioned and being the Southwest corner of the tract herein described and being a point in the East line of Ham's Bijou Subdivi- sion; thence following the East line of said subdivision and its projection Northerly, North 0" 26' West 21.1 feet to the Northeast corner of said Subdivision and North 0" 35' West 56.9 feet to the boundary of State Highway No. 50; the Northwest corner of the tract here- in described~ thence along the South line of said High- way North 69 12' East 71.2 feet to a concrete highway monument opposite engineer's station 206+22.8 of said highway survey; thence continuing along the South line of said highway along a curve to the left to a point therein located North 0" 24' 30' West from the point of beginning and being the Northeast corner of. the 'realty herein described; thence South O" 25!~ 30'~!..East to the Southeast corner and point of beginning,~ Parcel 12 All that portion of the SoutheaSt quarter of Section 33~ Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M. D. B. & M., more particularly described as follows.:. COMMENCING at the Northwest corner~of' the parcel herein described from which point the East quarter corner of said section 33, bears North 86" 38' 33" East 2645.68 feet; said point being situate on the. Southerly boundary of U. S. Highway 50; thence leaving said point of be- ginning and running South 20" 48" East 275.0 feet; thence North $9" 12' East 100 feet to the Southeast corner of the parcel herein described; thence North 20" 48' West 275 feet to a point situate on the southerly boundary of U. S. Highway 50; thence along the southerly boundary of U. S. Highway 50, South 69" ~ 12' West 100 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel 13 All that portion of the Southeast quarter of Section 33, Township 13 North, Range 18 East, M. D. B. & M., de- scribed as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly line of Lot 10, as shown on the Official Map of Rancho Bijou, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, On July 1, 1953, in Map Book B~ at page 20, and located South 69" 16' 30" West 74.22 feet from the most northerly corner of said Lot 10,;, thence from said point of beginning South 69" 16' 30 West 100 feet along the northerly line of said Lot 10 in the northerly line of Fawn Way to a point; thence North 20" 43' 30" West 275 feet to a point on the southeasterly line of U. S. Highway No. 50; thence North 69" 16' 30" East 100 feet along said southeasterly line to a point, and thence South 20" 43' 30" East 275 feet to the point of beginning.