HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 02-20-14 ; So�iH raHo� _; � .,...�., _ -. :�= �p, m ' Vee�er • '185U�• w���j ' ��V7'iLITY�� I, SOUTH TAHOE PIJBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ', REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA �i Thursday, February 20, 2014 - 2:00 P.nn. I District Board Room ; i275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California ___V_V__ _..__.� ___.._�.___�.__...�.____._._,y� �._ _..__._.__._�_.__._ _..�___...�. � _ ..______....__..._...._..._.._�.. ___. __ Richard Sotbr�g, General Manager Paul Sciuto, Assistant Generai Mc�nager i Eric W. Schafer, Pr�sident BOARD MEMBERS Randy Vogelgesang, Vice President � Chris Cefalu, Director James R. Jones, Direc�or Kelly Sheehan, Director 1. CALL T� OR�ER R�GiJLAR MEETiNG-- PLEDGE O� ALLEGIANCE (At this time, please silence phones and ' other elec#ronic de�ices so as not to disrupt�he business of fhe meefiing.) 'I 2. COMMENTS FROM 'fH� AUDIENCP (This is an opportunity for members oP the public to address the Board on any short non-agenda iterr�s that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of#he District. No discussion or action can be taken on ma�ters not listed on the agenda,per the Brown Act. Epch member of the public who wishes to , comment shalf be alfotted five minu#es, and no more than three individuals shall address the same subject.j 3. CORR�CTIONS TQ THE AG�NDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (For purposes af t�e Brown Act, all Action and Consent items listed give a brief descrfption of each item of business to be transacted ar discussed. i Recomr�-iendations of the str�ff,as shown, do nat prevent the Board from taking other action.) � � 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAIt {Any item can�e removed fio be discussed and considered separately upon request.Comments and questions from members of ihe public,staff or Board can be taken when the , comment does not necessitate separate action.) ', 5. GONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD ��R SEPARATE DISCUSSION ACTION II 6. IT�MS FOR BOARD ACTION ', a. 2014 Water Meter Installation Project (�ohr�Thie�, Principal Engineer} !,, �g i9 (1) Authorize staff to adver�ise for construction bids; (2) Hold a Public Hearing to receive '�, comments on the designation of the 20i 4 Water Me�er Insfiallation Project as '', substantially complex; and [3) Pursuant#o the facts described in the Stafif Report, find f�e Projec# is substantially complex and require a 10% retention limit. b. PClyl'Yl�n� Of CIC�II"t'1S (bebbie Henderson, Accounting Manager) Pg 2t Approve Payrr�ent of Claims in the amount of�1,641,063.18 7. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS [Discussior�s rrtay take place;however, no actior�will be taken.} 8 EE �ORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPQRT __ __ _ _ __ _.. _.. _ _--- __ -- __ _ _ '' REGULAR BOARD MEETlNG AGENDA- February 20, 2014 PAGE-2 9. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT (Discvssion may take place;�owever, no actior�wifl be#aken.} 10. STAFF AYTORNEY REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.� 11. NOTfCE OF PAST AND PU�'LtRE MEETINGS/EV�NTS ' Past Meefings/Events "�"- I � Q2/06/i 4-6:00 p.m.-Public Workshop at District �2112/i4-Union Holiday (District Open) ' 02/12/14- 10:00 a.m.-�I Dorado County Water Agency Meeting � 02/17/l4-District Office Closed (President's Day HolidayJ I � ! F�ture Meetin„s Events ' 03/�4//14-8:30 a.m.-Finance Commiftee Meeting at District , 03/08/14-2:00 p.m.-Regulpr Board Meeting at District ', 12. CLOSED SESSION (The Board will adjourn to Closed Session to discuss items identified below.Closed session is not open to the public; however, an opportunity will be provided pf this fiime if inembers of the public would lilce to corriment on pny item listed--three minute limit.} a. Pursuant fo Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal I Pg s5 Counsel Existing L.itigation re: �I Dorado County Super�or Court Case I, SC20120227 GRCLT Condominium vs. Sauth Tahoe Pubiic Utility �istrict ', (Filed 10/22/12) b. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b}/Conference w�th Legal Pg 37 Counsel AntiCipqted Litigation (one potentia[case). i I ACTlON REPORT ON fTEMS DISCIJSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION ; , ADJOURNMENT [The next Regular Board Meeting is March 6,2014,at 2:00 p.m.� ', The 5outh Tahoe Public Utility Disfirict Boarci of Directors regularly mee�s t�e first pnd third Thursday of each month.A complete Agenda '�, packet is availabfe for review at the meeting and pt the District of�ce dur3ng the hours of 8:00 a.m.pnd 5:00 p.m„Monday fhrough Friday. ' A recording of tE�e meeting is retained for 30 days after Minutes oi the m�eting have been approved.Items on the Agenda are nurr�berecE 'i for identification purposes only c�nd wili not necessarily be cansidered in 1he order in which#�ey appear.Designated times are for particular '� items only.Public Hearings will not be cplled to order prior to#he iime speci�ed,but rnay occur slightly later than the specified time. �'�, Public participation is encouragsci.Publlc comments on items appearing on the Agenda will be ta[cen at the same time the Agenda items '', are heard;commenfis should be brief ar�d directed to the specifics of the item being considered.Please provide the Clerk of ihe Board with I a copy of all writt�n materials presented at the meeting.Gomments on items not on 1he Agenda can be heard du�ing"Comments from II the,Audience;"however,action cannot be faken on items not on fhe Agenda. _ , Backup materials relating to an open session item an this Agenda,which are not included with the Board ppcket,will b�made available i for public inspection pt the same#ime they are distribu#ed or made available to the Board,and can be viewed at 1he District office,at the Board meeting and upon request to the Clerk of the Board. The mee#ing location ts accessible to people with disabilities.E�ery reasonable effor�will be made to accommodate par�icipation of the ctisabked in all of the District's public meetings.If particular accommodatior�s are needed;please cantact the Clerfc of ihe Board at(53D) i 544-6474,extension h203.All inquirles must be rrzade at least 48 hours in ac[vance of the meeting. : i j i i i � ' REGUlAR BOAR� MEE'�1NG AGENDA- February 20,2014 PAGE-3 ' ��uTH TqH�� � � _ - �� e{ A�/Qey'er . y95a�• �$� � t�f1T'ILIT1l D� � SDUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTIf.ITY DISTRICT , � CONS�NT CAl�NDAR i ' February 20, 2014 '' ITEMS I a. ANGORA CRE�K SEWER RELOCAT{ON PROJ�CT '� Pg i {lohn Thiel, Principal En�ineer) I (1) Approve the Project Closeout Agreement and Release of Cfaims for Thomas Haen �! Company, lnc.; and {2} Authorize staf�to #ile a Notice o# Completion wifh the El Dorado ', County Clerk. b. 2��0 FILTERS REHABIEITATfON PROJECl" � Pg �1 (.lulie Ryan,Senior Engineer� � (A) Approve Change Order No. 5 to ERS Industrial Services, Inc. (ERS) extending fhe con�ract by 994 days; {8} Approve projecf Closeout Agreemen� and Re9ease of Claims for ERS. ' -- _ _ _ _ _ i General Managqr i` Richa�d H.5olbrig I • #95O .: � �� f� ' Director5 ��.' J� �. �� Chri6 Cefalu �� ��! �� JameS i�.donse + . . + � � � �artdy Vogelgesang � ��Jf�''V ���11�� D'�"1I�! �V 4/ KellySheehan ' Eric 5chafier ; � 12'7�Meadaw Cre��Rrive•�outh lak�e Tahae•CA 9�154-740t � Phone 530�44-C�?4��ax 53�54i-4�at4*www.�-�pud:u5 BOARD AGEN�A ITEM �a � ---_ _ ----...__ _.----__.------------ ---------- __.._�.� - --- � ..._.._ _ _..._.. -�-._,��: _:_.__m..._.._ - Board of Directors i ; ' FROM: John Thiel, Principal �ngineer i ME�TiNG DATE: February 20, 2014 I' ITEM-PROJECT NAME: Angora Creek Sewer Relocafiion Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (i� ApproVe fhe Project Cfoseout Agreemenf and Release ofi Claims for Thomps Haen Compar�y, Ei�c.; and {2� A�#horize stafif-i�n�fite-a�dofiice of . Comp�etiQ� with the EI Dorado County Clerk. DiSCUSS[ON: Sfqff has performed a final inspection of the project and has found that , Thomas:Haen Gampany, inc., has co.mpleted the projec� and met the contrc�ct requiremen#s.. No stop notices have be�n received for this projec�. Staff recommends approval of 1�he project Cioseouf Agreemet�t and Release of Cfaims and the filirig of a Nofice of Comple#ion with fhe EI Dorado Counfiy Clerk for the 35 cafendar day iien period. ; i _ � I � � _ � SCHEDULE: Upon Board Approval COSTS: $0.00 ACCOl1Ni' NO: 1 Q29-7006/ ANGSPP � SUDGETED AMOUNT.AVAILABI,�: <$125;175> Funds fo be trar�sferred from other i ; ' projects. . ; ATTACHMENTS: Cioseo�t Agreement and Release of Claims; Notice of C�mpletion. i CON.CURRENCE W[TN �tEQU�STE�A N: CATEGORY: Sewer , i GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO ' CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES -1-NO � ; CLOSEOUT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS , � _ TH�S AGREEMENT AND REI.EASE OF CL.AlN1S is made in South Lake Tahoe, California, this �9 t�ay o# February, 201�4 by and betweer� South Tahoe Pub�ic Utility District, hereinafter r�ferred to as "DiSTRICT", and Thomas Haen Company, lnc., hereinafter �-eferred to as "CONTRAGTOR". " I KNOW ALL PERS�NS BY THESE PRESENTS: � � __ �____�_--.__�_.__._ __�_ j 1. That the undersigned, as the autharized representafive...of._CON_T_R,A�TQR, f.o.r._and__in. � consideration of Two Hundred Thirty-Fo�ar Thousand Four Hundred �'ive Dollars ($234,405), contract amour�t, and the sum of Or�� Hundred Eight Thousand Nine ', Hundred Twe[we Doflars and One Cent {$�[Q8,912.01) for said. Contract Ghange Order ' No. �, receipt of which is hereby acknow[edge�, has submitted waiv�rs fram all subcontractors and suppliers in the form required by Gi��[ Code-§3262, and does hereby and #or �ach of its successars, assigr�s and partners, release acquit and #orever � discharge the S4UTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILiTY DISTRICT OF EL DORADO C4UNTY, _ CALIFORNiA, and each of its successors, ass�gns, officers, ager�ts, servants, and � �1�.p1�����, from any and a1[ rights, claims, demands, debts, obligations, fiabiliti�s, 1 actians, damages, casts, exper�ses and other claims whatsaever, which might ha�e `� been asserted against DISTRfCT �y reason of any matter or thing which was #he subject �� matter of or basis for: A. Th� performanc� af all terms and candifions of that certain agre�:ment dated Sep#ember 3, 2013 for Purchase Drd�r No. P26761, DISTRICT projee#described � as 2093 Angora Creek Sewer Rebcation Project. � � B. Change Order No. 1 as approved by the.par#�es, pe�rtaining to Purchase Oroler ; No. P26761 and shown in Payme�t Requesf No. 3; dateci February 20, 2014. , 2. That the undersigned, as the authorized representati�e of DISTRfCT, for and in ', cor�sideration of the CONTRACTOR's completion of Purchase Order No. P26761 do�s '', hereby and for each of its successars, and assig�s, releases, acquits and forever ' discharge Thom�s Haen Company, Inc.; and each of its successors, assigns, officers, ', agents, servants, and employees, and sureties frorn any and a11 righ#s, claims, demands, , debts, obligafions, iiabifity, acfions, costs, ex�enses whatsoe�er wi�ich might have been ', asserted against CONTRP,ACTOR, exc�pt for the rights accruing fo the DISTRICT in ' Gafifornia Coeie of C��il Proced�re Section 337.15, Entitled "Ten Years - Actior� ta ', Recover Damage from �aten# Deficienc�es in Planning or Construction of Improvemenfs ', fo Real Property," which righ#s are speci€icall.y not r�leased, and excepf for warranfies ' and sureties �rovided by reason of any rnafter ar tfiing whicfi was the su�jeet rnatter of ' or basis for: , A. The pe�Formance of afl terms and conditions of t�at certain agreement dated '�� Sept�mber 3, 2013 tor Purchase Order No. P2676� DISTRICT project descri��d �, as 2013 Angora Creek Sewer Relacation Project. I B. Change Urders No. 1 as approved by fhe parties, p�rtaining fo Purc�ase Order I, No_ P26761 and showr� in Paymenf Request No. 3 dated February 20', 2014. , _3_ � i i i 3. `Nothing ca❑tain�d herein shalf waive or at�er the righ�s, privile�es, and powers of the DISTRICT ar the duties, liabilities and obligations o#the CONTRACTOR and its surety in respect to any po�tions of the Sp�ciffcatior�s for Purchase Order No. P2676'i. � 4. The DISTRECT has recei�ed no claims �rom the CONTRACTOR. 5. U�on exec�tion of this agreement, the DfSTRICT agrees to immediately �ile and record a NOTICE OF COMPLETI�N with ti�e County Recorder in order to begin the running o� '; the statutory lien period. 6. i The pres�ntfy retained amount is $ 11,720.25 � i Originaf Co__ntract amount _ _�234_x4Q5._QQ... ..__._... Total Ch"a�-ige Qrder Amou�t $108,912.Q1 � Less: Amount Pre�io�sly Paic! $331,596:76 (Request Nos. '� thraugh 3)` Retainage $ 11,720.25 � BAf:ANCE: $ - � - The retainage wilf be released to the CONTRRCTOR at the expirafion of the lien period 35 (#hirty-fi�e) calendar days aft�r date of recording a NOTICE OF COMPI.ETION by EI Dorado County Recorder or when alI liens have been released, whiche�er last occurs. Rel�ase pursuant #o this agreement shal! not apply to CONTRACTOR's rights ta the presently retained amour�t unfil such firr��as s�cl� amotanf �A�L�TbR. 7. CONTRACT�R and DISTR[CT agree fihat the tota! adjusted contract price and fime of perFormance for Purc�ase Order No. P26761 after fhe execution of change orders shall be as follows: �� Origina� Confract Price $234,405.D0 Original Calendar Days 36 Total Adjusted Price $343,317.D1 �, . Tota! Adjusfed Cal�ndar Days 54 ', 8'. ff is understood and agreed hy fhe undersigneds fhaf the facts with respec# to which th� ', fioregoing Retease is given may hereafter furn out to be other than or differ�r�t firom the facts in that conn�ctior� r�ow known fo be or b�lieved by said undersignecis fa be true, and the undersigneds her�to expressly assume tl�e risk of �he facts turrfir�g out ta be differen# t�an they now so a�pear, and agree that the .foregoir�g Release shall be, in all �-espects, effective �nd not subject fo fecmination or recession by any suct� differer�ce in , facfs and undersign�ds�ereby expressly waive'any ancE ali r�ghts the und`ersigneds have or may have under Caii�ornia Civif Code Section 9542, w�ich provides as foliows: , "A geri�ral rei�as� etoes no# extend to claims whic� the creditor does not know or . ' suspeet to exisf in liis favor at the fime o� executing the Releas� which if k�own by him must have rnaferially affected his settlerrrenf with t�e debtor." i , i , -4- 2 9. Ti�e releases rr�ade by the CONTRACT�R and the D[STRiCT herein are r�ot to �e construed as an admission or admissi�ns of liability on the part of either party and tha� � fihe parties c�eny liability hereo#. The undersign�ds ag�ee fhat fhey will forever refrain and forebsar from commencing, insfituting or prosecuting any lawsuit, ac�ion ar oth�r ', � proceeding aga�nst the other party based an, arising out of, or in any way co�nected wifh '' the subject matt�r of this Release. ! 1Q. The CONTRACTOR hereby re�eases the DISTRICT #rom all clairr�s, ir�cfuding fhase of I� its Subeor�tractors for all delay and impacf costs, if any. '�, 11. The CONTRACTOR represents and warrants to �h� DFSTRICT that the CONTRACTOR I has ttot heretofore assigned or transferr�d or �urported to assign or transf�r to any ', person, firm, corporation, association or entity any o�F the rigF�#s, claims, warranties,. deman�s, debts, obligations, liabilities, actior�s, damages, costs, expenses and other � clai�ns whatsoe�er and the CONTRACT�R agrees to indemnify ar�d hold harmtess the ; E7lSTRICT against, without limita�'ron, any ar�d all rights, cfairr�s, warranfies, d�mands, debts, obligations, liabiiities, actions, damages, cosfs; exper�ses a�d other claims, inclucling attorney`s fees, arising out of or conn�cf�d w�th any such assignmen� or I transfer or purported assignment or transfer. � 12. The undersigned aeknowledge fihat#hey ha�e been represented by counsel of their own j ehoace in car�nection with the.preparation and �xec�ation-Qf_tEii�_�1o�eout_8gr��ment_a��._____. -. Release of Clairr3s. The ur�dersign�d acknow[edge and represe�t fhat they understand and voluntarily cansent antf a�ree to �ac� and every pro�ision contained herein. I 13. The undersigned �Further cleclare and repr�sent that no �romise; ir�ducement or — '�, ° agreernertt, not hereir� expressed, have been mad� to the undersigned and that #his 'ii Release contains th� �n#ire agreement arriong the parties hereto and that the terms af I the Release are contractual and not a mere recita�. � 14. TF�� persons execu#irtg this Cfoseout,�greemenf and Release of Claims represent and � warranf to the ather party that tF�e executior� and performar�ce of the terms o€this i Release have been duly autharized by alI requisife corporat�, partnership, individual, or i� other enfi#y requiremenfs and t�af said persons have the right; power, legal.capacity and authority to execute and enfer in the Closeout Agreement and Release of Ctaims. 1 ; ; ; � RICHAI�D SOLBRIG,. GENERAL MANAGER OATE� � � aTTEST; KATHY SHARP, CE.ERK OF BQARD bATED THOMAS HA�N CQMPANY, INC. i B : TOM HAEIV, PRESIDENT DATED -5- 3 __ _ _ R�CORDING R�QU�STED BY; SOUTH TAHO� PUBLIC IJTIfIiY pISTRTCT j ATfN: H�IDI C. BAUGH WHEN RECORDED.MAI�,T0: South Tahoe Public Utility I]istrict 1275 Meadaw Crest Driv� South �ake Tahoe CA 96150 I i SPACE ABOVE'f71IS LIE�E FOR RECOR�ER'S USE APN: Na NOTICE OF COMPLETI4N N07ICE FS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: 1. The undersigned is QWNER or agent of the OWN�R af the inf�re5t or estate stated below ir�the properry hereina�er described. 2. The FULL NAM�of the OWN�R is South Tahoe Public Utility Districr 3. The FUL�ADDRESS of the OWNER is 1.�75 Meadow Crest�rive,South E.ake Tahae,CA 9b150 4. '�he NATIiR�OF THE INTEREST or E�TATE af ti�e unde�signed is: In fee. ; (If other than fee,strike"in fee"and insert here,for exampEe,"purchaser under contract of purchase,"or"lessee." ' S. l"he FULL NAMES and �ULL ADDft�S5ES af ALL PER50NS, if any,WHO HOLD SUGH FNT�R�ST or�'STA'T�witf�the unciersigned as JOINT TENANTS or as TENAN75 II�COMMON are: �Jame&Address . Name&Address 6, Ttie FULL NAMES of FULL ADDf�ESSES QF TH� PFtEDECESSORS in iNT�R�ST of the undersigned if tihe property was transFerr�d � subsequent to the commencement of the work o�improvement herein referred to: � Name&Address Narne&Address 7. A work af im�rovement on.tf�e properly hereinat�er described wa�COMPCEfED o� i1/9/2014. 8. 7he work of improvement eompleted is described as follows: 2D13 Angora Cr�k 5ewer Relocation Project. i 9. The fVANEE O�THE OltiGiNAI.CONTRAGTOR, if any,for such work of impraverne�t is Thomas Haen Company,Inc. 1p. The street address of said property is See.Fx�ibi�A;atYached. , 11. Ti-�e �raperty on which said worEc of improvement was tompl�ted is in the City of 5ou�h i.:ake Tahoe,Co�anty of�I Dorado, S�ate.of ', Cafifor�ia,and.is described as faliows: - �� As shown ir� Exhibit"A"attached hereto and made a pa�hereaf,and cammonfy known as Da,7E: _��;l��las'�.ry ZO. 2OlA� ...,_ SIGNA�€�UREOFOWNE#iflR,AGENTOFQYUf�ER�R�� SCNAFER VERIFICA7TON FOR IN[}NTDUAL QWN�R: 1^� PY' �d i� O.e P I} � I, t}ie undersigned,declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California tha�I am the owner af�he afaresaid:interest or estate.in the property descrlbed t�#he abo�e notice;thet I ha�e read said rtotice,that T know and understand the conEer�ts thereaf;and the facts stated therein � a�e true and correet. DATE AN�PLACE SIG�VAIVRE i3F OWN�I2 NAMED IN PARAGRAPH 2 VERIFTGAiTQN�OR NON-INbNIdUAL OWNER: S.OUtFI Td�l08. PUfJ�1 C �ti���;}/. �TSti"7 Ct _ I,fhe un.dersigned,declare under penafty o€perjury under the iaws of the State of Califomia that I am thE ROaY'd PY'es iWde11 t• of;the aforesaid interest or estate ic� tiie property d.escribed in the above no�ice; that I ha�e reaci ttie said notice; that I [�now and u�iderstand the I contents tfiEreaf,and.that the facts stated therein are true and correct. '�, Feb. 2�, 201� at Sou�h.,,,.,,1 ake TaF�oe, California. ' DATE AND PL4CE SIGNAlURE OF PER50N'SIGNiNG ON S�iiALF flF OWNEf2 �, �RIC SCHAFER, Board Presider�t I, Sauth Taho� Publ i�c t�ti 1�ty Di s�rict I�I -7- ' Notice of Comp[etion . _ _ ' EXHIBIT��A„ No#ice af Complefion' 2013 ANGORA CREEK S�{NER RELOCATIQN PROJECT ' The wor�c was Iocated within an estabiished resid�ntial neighbor�ood, in County of EI i Dorado Right of Way, California. 't Work included instaAa#ion of ap�roximaf�ly 671 lir�ear feet of 8" sewer line, two (2) tie-ins to manholes or� th� existing system, ins#allafion of on� new rr�anhol�, transfier of three , �(��A�d�al��rv��e�,—site---.restora�ion in�u m�rieg�fion a� pa�ing ___._.._ '�, replacement, and appurtenances. Additianafly, work includes abandonment of a s�ction ' of 8" s.ewer iine �y grouting iwo (2) plugs at manhole connection poi�ts. 111 ; 111 � III ; � i � � ; j � i Nofice of Completion 2073 ANG4RA CREEK SEWER R�LOCAT[QN PROJECT �XHlBIT "A„ y8� _ _ _ _ , �g�g� . 195D m wat�r ' . . � �� � �� =� �ub[�c Utili-ty C����rict � � 1275 Meadow CreSt Drive•South Lake Tahoe�CA 9615�-7401 C'hor�e 530 544-6474�Fax 530 541-4614•WWW.S'��UG�.US � CERTIFICATION � f hereby certify that the forego�ng is a full, true, and correct copy of the �� Notice of Comple�ion �hat was approved by the Board of Direc#ors of the Sou�h Tahoe P�blic Utifity D'€sfrict, County of EI Dorado, State o#California, and �� executed by Board President, Eric Schafer. i Date P�pproved: � � Certified by: �, MeCon�e.Guttry, Clerk of the Board ' -9- _ _ _ _ _ _._.._... _ _ _---- _........-- ---=---- General Manager Richard H.5ofbrig �..�..��r„�. �� s 1950 ..:� �/� Dinectar� � / �� �- ChriS Cefalu �J ��� �� JameS g.Jonee r � � � ' Kandy Voge[gesang C ,� � �J /"+ '�""#i '�"� (�'�''" �+�'` Kelly 5heehan . ��!f��l./ � I�.l 1� V� ���,J V��V V Eric 5ohafer . 1275 Meadow Cr��Prive+aauth�ake Taha�•CA 9fii50-7q0�. Pl�one 530.5�-Fr�-7�F*�ax 530 54i-QC14�www.�tp��d:u5 } B.OARD AGENDA ITEM 4b -------- -_.-'�-Q�-------- °oar�J-of-Dir-ec#fl�s-_-�-�. ._____------ _- FROM: Julie Ryan,Senior �ngineer � MEETlNG DATE: February 20, 2014 i IF�M- PROJECT NAME: 2010 F�It�rs Rehqbilifiafion Project ; RE�QUESTED BOARD ACTf�N; (A� Approve Chrnge Order No. 5 to ERS Industrial Services; Inc; (�RS) extending the contract by 994 days; (B) Approve project Claseou� Agreemenfi '; and Release of Cfairns for ERS. ; DISCUSSION: (A) Change Order No. S adjusts the Contract Time to account for the , actual date of completion.The fiime re.quired to complete the contrac#work was '', -extended substdntially (994 days) due#o debugging and tesfiing of the SCADA system � and compietion of project documen#ation by the Contracfior. The District has besn � operating tf�e fiifter system s�nce April 2012, withoufi in�erruption; and the Contractor's � delays.in debugging and tes#ing have had minima[ impac# o.n Staff's ability #o run fhe sys#em. As such, Staff recornmends #hat the Contract Tirrme be extended to the ; Contractorwithout addifionai compensafiion:to #he Confiractor, and withouf cost.. ; recovery by the Dis�rict for delays. As Change Order No. 5 is a no-cost change order, the#inal Con#rac� total for the projec# is.$93 5,]45.61.�Fhe Engineer's �stimafie for � cor�s#�uction was$1,150,000.00. ; , (B) With Board approval, Staff filed fhe Nafice of Complefior� (NOC) with EI parado '' County on December 20;2013. EI Dorado County recorded fhe NOC on January T4, 20�4. The 30-day Stop Notice#iling period erided on Februqry i 3, 2014.With authorization of Change Order No. S, and if no Stop Orders are received by February l3, 2014, ERS wil[ hav� met all the requirements of tne Gontract.Staff recommends approval.of the project Closeo�#Agreement and Release of Claims.Staff will update tne Board prior�o and at�he Board Ivlee�ing on the status of Stop Notices. SCHEDUI;�: As soon as possible COSTS; $0.00 '', ACCOUNT NO: 1029-8066/FILTER � BUDGETED AAAOUNT AVAII,ABLE: $37.016 ' ATTAGHMENZS: {A) Change Orde� No. 5; (B) Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims � CONCURRENCE W1TH R€QUES'fED AGTiO : CATEGORY: GENERALMANAGER: YES -/" `��1-Np CHIEF �INANCIAL OFFICER: Y�S NO 4�TN t�qNo- . CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 3 � � F: . ; Project 201D Filter Rehabilita�ion Proiect � , , ,,,,.,, i . �.. -�� �.R- i �`�"� ^ ''�"' � Contrac�or ERS [ndustrial Services �'iee����.195a'`���� �G� C1� lc�'�' Date: �ebruarv 20, 20'�4 PO # P23344 i1'1'I1.ITY � ��..— ; The Contract Shall Be Changed As Fo[fows: A. Change the Cor�tracf Time, as i�entifiied in Section 00720�, Part 2.04, of t#�e � !, Confract, and as amended�by Change 4rder#'! {dated May 5, 20�1), from one hur�dred '�� for�y-nine {149) days by nine hundred ninety-four �994) days to one thousan� ane ' hundrec! torty-#hree ('f 143) days, as required for completion of system troubl�shooting, testing and project doc�men�ation. ThEs is a no-cost chang�, with a net difference i� Cor�trac� Price for�his item of$0. TOTAL FOR ITEM A IS $OAO TOTAL FOR CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 5 IS t A � $0.00 ; � � � ; ��� - - - - Original Con�rac� $849,52G,6Q ^'�30 CaJenclar Days Previous Change Order $65.,619.0'I 19 Calendar Days i � Current Contrac� $9�5,145.G'I 1�49 Calendar Days ! THIS CHANGE �RDER $O.00 994 Calendar Days ' ' New Confract Tofiat ��as caiendar oa s $915,145.51 y , Contractor agrees�a make tf�e herein-described:changes in accortf�nce wifh the terms hereof. The ' c�ange in contract price andlor contract time noted is full settlement far costs incurred because of the chang�(s)described, u�less:specifically no#ed in individual description{s). Date: Authorized By STPUD Board President Dafie: Acc:ept�d By Contractor Date: '' Re�iewed By -13- 1 Cl05EOUT AGRE�MENT AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS TMIS AGREEMENT AND RELEASE QF CLAIMS is macEe in South Lake Tahae, Califorr�ia, this day of F�bruary, 2014, by and betw�en South Tahoe Public U#ility DISTRICT, h�reinafter referred #o as "DlSTRICT", and ERS Industriaf Services, fnc., hereirtafter referred to as 1 "CONTRACTOR". KNQW ALL PERSONS BY THES� RRESENTS: 1. That the undersig�ed, as the aufharizsd representa#ive of CONTRACTOR, for and irt ; consideration of Eig�t Hundred Forty-Nine Thousand �ive H�r�dred Twenty-Six Dolfars 1' and.Sixty Cents ($849,526:29) contract amaunt, and the sum af S��y-Five Thousand Six. Hundred Nineteen Dollars ar�d One C�nts {$65,619.01}far said Contract Change Qrders ; Nas. 9 through 5, receipt of which is hereby acknowiedged, does heref�y and for each af its successors, assigns and par�r�ers, releas� acquit and forever discharge the S�UTH ' TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OF EL DORADO C011NTY, CALIFORNfA, ar�d '' each of its successors, assi�ns, officers, agents, servants, and empEoyees, from any ar�d al� rights, claims, demands, debts, obligation5, liabilifies, actians, damages, costs, expenses and oth�r claims whatsaever, w�ich mig�t haue be�n asse[ted against I� DfSTRECT by reason of any matter or thing which was the subject mat�er of or basis#vr: I, A. Th� Performance of alf terms and conditions af that certain agreement dated '', September 29, 2�10 #or Purchase 4rder No. P2334�, DISTR{CT project '', d�scribed as 207Q Filter Ret�abilitafion Proj�ct. B. Change Qrders Nos. 1 thraugh � as a�proWed by the parties, pertaining to ; ._.. .P__.ur..chas�_Order__No.--P_23344-and--shown---in--Payment-=Re�uest--No�-22, dateei---- --- ----_ ' Febr�tary 20, 2014. 2. That �he undersig�ed, as .the authorized represenfati�e of DfSTRfCT, far and in consideration af the CONTRACTOR's com�letion of PUrchase Order No. P23344 does �� hereby and for each of its successars; and assigns, releases, acquits and fiarever '�, discharge ERS Fndustrial Services; Inc. and each of its successora, assigns, office�-s, ! agents, servan#s, and employees, and surefies frorrm:any ar�d al[ rights; claims, demands, 'I debfs, obligatior�s, liability, actians, costs, expenses whatsoever whiah might ha�e been , asser�ed against CONTR,4CTOR, except for the rigk�ts accruing. to the .DISTRICT in �, California Code of Ci�il Prvicedure Section 337.15,. Enti�led "Ten �'ears - Action to ', R�co.ver Damage from Latent Deficiencies in Plan�►ing or Constr�ction of tr�pro�ements '', to ReaC Praperty," w�ich righfs ar� specifically not refeased; and except for warranties ', and sur�ties �rovided by reason ofi any mafter or thing which. was the subject matter ofi ' or basis �or: ' A. The perFormar�ce of al1 terms ar�d conditions of t��t certain agr��rnent dated , � Sepfer�ber 2'1, 20T0 �or Purchase Order No. P23344, DISTRICT project ', �1�scribed as 2010 Filter Rehabiiitation. B. Change Orders Nos. 1 and as apPro�ed by the parties; pertaining to Purchase Order No. P23344, and shown in Payment Reque�t No. 22 dated �'ebruary 20, 2014. ' -15- . _ _ __ ' 3. Nothi►�g cor�tained herein shall wai�e or alter .the rights, privileges, and powers of t�e ' DISTR�CT ar the duties, iia�ififies and ob�igations o�F the C�NTRACT4R and its s�rety in respect to any portions of the Spe�ificafions for Purchase Order Na P23344. 4. Th� DISTRICT has received no claims from the CONTRACTOR. 5. DISTRICT filed ar�d recorded a NOTICE O� COMP�,ETION with the County Recorder o� January 14, 2014 in order fo begin the runnir�g af the sfatutory Iien period. �. __�_.__._____..____..�.� ___�__._._.--..-.--__.._.___.___.__-----�_�..__ The presently retained amount is $ 19,672.01 Original Cantract amount $849,526.60 Totaf Char�ge Order Amour�t $ 65,819.01 i ' Less: Amaunt Previo�sly Paid $895,473.60 (Reguest Nos. 1 th�-ough 22) Retainage $ �9;672:01 BALANCE: $- 0- T#�e retai�age wifl b� refease� to the CONTRACTOR at the expiratior� of the lien period 35 (thirty-fiue) calendar days after c�a�e of recording a NOTICE OF COMPLETION by EI Dorada Coun#y Recorder or when all liens ha�e been refeased, whichever last occurs. Release p�rsuant to t�is agreement shal� not appfy to CC)NTRACTOR's rights to the �reser�tly retained amount until such time as such amaunts are receiv�d in full by CONTRACTOR. _.._.__._...._.__._. 7. CQNTRACTOR anc! DlSTRICT agree that the total adjustedYcontract price and time of ', performanee for Purchase Order No. P23344 atfer the execution o�change orders shalf ' be as follows: Original Contract Price $849,526.60 Originaf Caiendar Days 130 Tafal Adjusted Price $915,145.61 Tofaf Adjusted Calendar Days 1,143 . 8. It is und�rstaod and agreed by t�e �andecsign�ds that the facts with respect to which fihe , foregding Release is given may hereafter turn out to be other tha� or different from the �I #acts in that connection now kr�ow� to be or bel�e��c! by saic� undersigneds to be fru�, '', and fhe undersig�eds here#o expressly assurne the risk of the facts turr�ing ou# to be ', different#han they now so appear, and agre.e #hat the foregoing Release shall be, i� ali ', respects, effectiv.e and`nof sub�ect to termination or recession by any such difference in ', facts and undersigneds F�ere6y expressly waive any and a1f rights the undersigneds ha�e , or may have �nder Caii€arnia Ci�il Cocle Secfion 1542, which pro�ides as follows: . ', "A general reiease does nof extend to claims which the creditor�oes no# knaw or ', susp�ct to exist ir� his favor at the time af ex�cufing #�e Release which if known , by him rnust ha�e materially affectec! his seftler-nent wi#h the.debtar." ' 9. The rel�ases mat�e by the CONTRACTOR and the DISTRICT f�erein are not to be canstrued as an admission or adrrmissians of [iabifity on the part of either party and fhat -16- #he parties deny liability hereof. The undersign�ds agree tha�tF�ey wilf 'forever refrain and . forebear from commencing, institutir�g or prosecuting any lawsuit, action or ot�er proceeding againsfi the ofher party based on, arising out of, or in any way connectec�with the subject matter of fhis ReEease. -- -.- 10. The CONTRACTOR hereby releases the DISTRiCT fr�om all claims, including fihose of its Subco�tractors for all delay and impact costs, if any. �1. The CONTRACT4R represents and warrants to the DISTRICT that the CONTRACTOR has not h�t�fore assianed c�r tranGfPrrPr� nr_����p���_t�_accinn nr 1�r�efar t� ��� :,-------.---T.�_.-_ �.�.�..-o,-�. , person, #irm, corporatio�, associafiior� or �ntity any of the rights, claims, warranties, demancls, debts, ohligatEons, �iabilities, actions, darriages, casts, expenses and ather ; c[aims wnatsoe��r a�d the CONTRACTOR agrees fo ir�demnify and hafd harm�ess the DISTRICT against, wi#hout fimitation, any and all rights, claims, warranties, demands, �ebts, obligations, liabifities, actions, damages, costs, expenses an� other claims, ir�cfucfing attorney's fees, arising out of or connected with any such assignmer�t ar transfer o�pur�orted assignment or#�-ansfer. 12. The undersigned acknowl�dge that they ha�e been represented by co�nsel of their own choice in connection with th� preparation and �xecution of this Claseout Agreement and ! Release of Clairrms. The undersigned acknowledge and repr�ser�t that they �r�derstand � and voluntarily consent and agree to eacht and every pro�ision contained h�r�in. 13. The undersigned further decEare and repr�sent that no promise, inducement or agreemer�t, no# herein expressed, have �een rnad� ta the undersigr�ed and that this Release contains fhe entire agreerrmer�t amor�g the �arties hereta and that t�� terms of ' - fhe Release a�re contractual and not a mer� recifal. 14. The {�ersans exec�ting this Closeout Agreemer�t and Re�ease of Claims repres�nt and ' warrant to t�e ath�r party that the sxecution and perForrr�ance of the terms of fhis Release ha�e been duly au#horized by al! requisite corparate, partrtership, individual, or o#h�r entify requirements and ti�at said persorts have the right, power, Iegaf ca�acity and � authority tQ exec.ute_and:eriter in the Closeout Agreement and Refease of Glaims. RICHARD SOLBREG, GENERAL MANAGER DAT�D i I ATTEST: MELONIE GUTTRY, C�ERK OF BOARD DATED � � ER:S INDUSTRIAL SERVICES, INC. B . BRADF4RD P. RADON[CH, PRESIDENT DATED ' -17- ; i � Generai Manager Kichard H.Solbrig ' �y�- � ( : '. .._ : Dlrector5 , � �,��. . � g ' �;� Chris.Cefafu JameS R.JoneS { 'fi � P�an 1/o el e5a� 'I -—'� �` � �. s � � .: � �lY 9 9 9 �' � � > ' '����I� �:[l�.��i✓� ���';'Gt�'���E� ., � � Y.elly 5hee3�as1 I'i� _�::�._ u: _..,--- Y. .. ... ._ .., _ ' � : . ,.�._::T�_._ .�. . T-.:..: ___._ , �ric 5chafer f , , 1�7�tir3�d�w���C.�r�u'e���h�ke�'�k�r�e*���'if�-7�� I P#�on��3t3��-'��4•�x�3�3 5�1-Q�i'�4���rw�v,� ud:u� � . B�'OARD AGENDA f�EM 6a 'I TO: 8oard of Directors � FROM: John Thiel, Principal Engineer � , � M��'fING DATE: , February 20, 2014 ___ j [TEM-�RQJEC'f NAME. 2014 Wafer Meter Instalfation Project i � REQUESTED BOARD ACiION: (i) Au��oeize staff to advertise for constE-uctior� bids; (2) HoEd a �ubfEc Hearir�g fio receive` camments on �he d�sigr�ation of the 2014 Wafer Ivleter Ins�aflal�ion Project as substanfiially complex; and (3� Pursuant to the facts described �n ' the Sfaff Repor�, firtd the Project is substanfially compfex and require a; l fl% retention ' limif. _�__,_.____�_ ____ .__�._� _.__.:.--- , �I DISCUSSlON: The proposed'projecfi includes #he insfaffation of approximafely l„5Q0 residential water mefers at eXisfiing service connections. �he meter areasincfude �'ahoe � Paradise, C�iristmas Valfey, Meyers, Gardner Mountain and The Y area,.artd other Cify � 1 neig#�borhoods in the vicinity of Helen and Wi�nemucca, Conestoga; �rockv�ray, ar�d Macfcinaw streefs. This project is currently ur�budgeted and subject fo the Board's acceptance of a $3M, zero interest,2a-year loar� through California Deparfm�nf of Publ�c Healfh (CDPH). On May 16, 20i 3; fi�e �oard approved the submission o� �his metsr projecf fur�ding application,The CDPH has offered t�e loan and �s awaiting the Dis�ricf's formal � acc�ptdr�ce r�f fihe Eoqn;which will be needed no iater than Apri1 17, 201�#-The Board Meefiing at whicf� the mete�installation contracf wilf be awarded per the sched�le below. District sfiaff is�completing fh� plan5 and specificatior�5 for�he project with the fiolfowing schedule: • Advertise:for Bids--- February 25,2014 ; • Mandafiory Pr�-8id Canference-March 11, 2a14 • 8id Opening -April 14, 20�4 . , • Contrpct Awc�rd--April �7, 2014 � � • Notice to Proceed-May 1, 2�14 ',, • Project Completion - October 1, 20I 4 '', —�.9-- John Thief : Jan�ary 2.2014 Page 2 ; i Recerit legislative amendme�ts fo the Publie Confi�act Code, effec�iye .larivary 1, 2012, � limif the arriount of retention�he District can withhold from a cort�rac�tor for a capitai i project fio�% of the to�af contracfi amount. However, the retentiQh amount may exceed 5%if i�he Board, at a properfy notfced and normally scheduled public h�aring, I finds that the project is "substantially comp�ex," and #hat�he nature of the project � merits a higher retention amount. On February 2, 2012, the Board adopted Resolution i No. 290412, whereby the Board resolved thaf wher� bidding capii�dl project5, fihe ' -c-�i#��ia-ider�#i#ied-�l�er-eir��vil�-be-c�sed to-deterr-rrit�e-�h-e#f� s�arrtiall ; complex suci� #fiat it jusfii�ies a retenfiion amount hig�er than 5%. � District staff recommends that the B:oard designafe the Project as substantially compleX. � (neither Senafie Bill 293 nor the provisions of the Public Confiract Code define the � characteristics ofi a projecf thaf shoufd be considered "sub5tantially comp[ex"} and meri�t a retentio� amou�t of.10%, based or� �he following: • The Lake Tahoe Basin is a unique area, which, due to hign enViro�mental sensi#iVity, is highly reg�lated by TRPA; + Based on the limi�ed consfruc�ion season {May 1 - October 15) wit�in the Lake Tahoe Basin, th.e projecfi must.be tirrmely completed without the benefit of tirne : extension. I! SCHEDUL�: U on Boqrd A rova� P Pp : COSTS: Construction Esfima#e--$3M ACCOUN'f NO: 2029-xxxx/ MEi'�RS � ' BUDG�TED AMOUNT AVAILABL�: $xxx�oc ., ATfACHMENI'S: None. '', CqNCURRENCE WETH it�QIIESTED ACTIO CA�fGORY: INater. '' G�NERAL N'4ANAGER: Y�S NO I CHIEF FINANClAL OFfIC.ER: YES NO � � -20- ; pAYMENT OF CLAIMS i FOR APPROVAL � February 20, 2Q14 , Payroll 2141'l4 440,607.73 , Total Payroll 440,607.73 I� ADP & [nsight�TQols 429.89 ' AFLACIWageWorks-claim paymen�s and fees 3,886.54 � �et'� e�ss _�..____._ _._0:0� �r � BBVA Compass Bank 0.00 ' BHFS legal services 25,792.83 CDS-healfih ca�e paymen#s 8,710.06 i Union Bank 0.00 � Totaf Vendor EFT 38,819.32 � , Accounts Payab[e Checks-Sewer Fund 63fi,660.77 Accounts Payable Checks-Water Fund 524,975.36 ' Aacounts Payable Checks-SeffTfunded Insurance __ _ 0.�0 Accounts Payable Checks-Grants Fund 0.00 , To�al Accounts Payable 1,16�,636.13 �� Grand Total � fi 7 �63.18 , � �f � �i Payroll EFTs & Ch,ecks 02/04/14 EFT CA Employment Taxes & WIH 16,592.34 EFT Federal Ernployrra:�nt Taxes & W!H 92,255.72 EFT CaIPERS Contributions 81,882.74 EFT Great West Deferred Cor�p 20,125.'�5 ` EFT Stationary Engin�ers Union Dues 2,409:94 � EFT ----Re�i�ement Health Savings 71,916.49 EFT Uni�ed Way C�antributions '�70.00 ' EFT Er��loyee Direct Deposits 210,624.93 ' CHK Employe�Garnishmenfs 'I,260.40 '�, CHK Employee Paychecks 3,370.02 �I, Total - 440,607.73 ' -as- i I PAYMENT OF CLAIMS I � Vendor Name Departmenf!Proj Name Description Aect Proi Code AmouM Check Num Tvoe A-1 CHEMlCAL INC GE�t&ADMIN JANIT/SUPPLY]NV 1000-0422 262.90 Check Total 262.90 AP-oo086995 MW ACWAlJPIA GEN 8 ADMIN ACWA MEp INS PAY 1000-2514 188,702.52 ACWAIJPIA GEN&ADMIN VISION fNS 1000-2530 2,652.44 CheckTolal:� 191354.96 AP-OOOS6996 MW AHERN RENTALS DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS&MNTC 1028-6042 � 44.02 Check Total 44.02 �-�086997 MW ALL ELECTRIC MOTORS INC PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002-6051 2,54979 CheckTotaL• 2,54g,7g AP-00086998 MW AI.PEN SIERRA COFFEE GEN 8 ADMIN OFC SUPPLY ISSUE 1000-6081 256.00 Check Total: 256.00 AP-00086994 MW AMERIPRIDEUNIFORMSERVICES GEN&ADMIN UNfFORMPAYABLE �ODO-2518 1,'190.68 CheckTofal: 1.190.68 AP-00087000 MW ATBT MOBILIN PUMPS TELEPMONE 1002-6310 18.98 ATBT NtOBILITY PUMPS TELEf'HONE 2002-6310 18.97 N Check Tatal: � 37.95 AP-00087001 MW AT&T/CALNET 2 GEN&ADMIN TELEPHONE 1000-6310 737.64 AT&T/CALNET 2 GEN&ADMIN SIGNAL CHARGES 1000-6320 31.86 AT&T(CALNET2 PUMP5 TELEPHONE 1002-6310 106.33 A7RT/CALNE7 2 CUSTOMER SERVICE TELEPHONE 1038-6310 7.46 AT&TfCALNET 2 GEN&ADMIN TELEPHONE 2000-6310 737.63 ATRT/CALNET 2 PIEMPS TELEPHONE 2002-63'10 89.49 AT&T/CALNET 2 CUSTOMER SERVICE TELEPHONE 2038-6310 7.45 . CheckToffiI: 1.717.86 AP-00087002 MW AW DIRECT EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTNE 2005-6011 1,477.91 Check Tok11: 1.477.91 AP-00087003 MW AXELSON lRON SHOP HEAW MAENT SWOP SUPPLIES 1004-6071 28.08 . CheckTotal: 28.08 AP-000870D4 MW BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM UNDERGROUND REP SAFETYJEQUIPlPHY 100t-6075 75.00 BARTONHEALTHCARESYSTEM PUMPS SAFETY/EQUIPlPHY 7002-6075 239.00 BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM HEAVY MAINT SAFETYlEQUIPlPHY 1004-6075 94.00 User:TFIERESA � Page: . 1 CurrentDate: 02/I3/2014 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS BK Current Time: 12:06:44 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Denartmen,4l Proj Name Descrintlon AFct#1 Pro�Code mount Check Num Tvoe BARTONHEALTHCARESYSTEM EQUIPMENTREP SAFETYlEQUIPlPHY 9095-6075 94.00 BARTONHEALTHCARESYSTEM OPERATIONS SAFE7Y/EQUIP/PHY 100$-8075 150A0 BARTONHEALTHCARESYSTEM LABORATORY SAFETYlEQUIP/PHY i007-6075 94.00 BARTON HEAL7HCARE SYSTEM DIAMOND VLY RNCFE SAF�TY/84UIP/PHY i028-fi075 75.06 BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM UNDERGROUND REP SAFETYlEQiJIPlPHY 2001-6075 75.00 Check Total: �96.00 qp-00087005 MW BENTLYAGROWDYNAMICS OPERATIONS SLUDGEDISPOSAL 1006-6652 3,74g,22 Check Total: 3748.22 AP-00087006 MW BEST BEST&KREEGER LLP HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL LEC�AL 7022-4445 83875 BEST BEST&KR€EGER LLP HUNFAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL LEGAL � 2022-4445 83875 � Check Tolal: 1 677 50 AP-00087007 MW BI STATE PROPANE DIAMOND VLY RNCH PROPANE 7028-6360 2,058.33 � Check'fotal: 2.058.33 �'-00087008- MW BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL INFORMATION TECH CONTRACT SERVICE 1037-4405 366.08 64UE RIBBON 7EMP PERSONNEL CUSTOM�R SERVICE CONTRAC7'SERVICE 1036-A405 854.i2 B�JE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL INFORMATION TECH CONTRACT SERVICE 2037-4405 366.08 BLUE RIB60N TEMP PERSONNEL CUSTOMER SERVIGE CONTRACT SERVICE 2038-ak05 854.72 CheckTotal: 2.440.40 AP-00o87009 MW CALIFAEPTOFCONSUMERAFFAIR ADMWfSTRATION �UES/MEMB/CECtT 1021-6250 57.50 CALIF DEPT OF CONSUMER AFFAIR ADMIN€S7RATION DUES/MEMB/CERT 2021-6250 57.50 Check To[al: 115.00 AP-00087010 MW CALIF DEPT OF PUBLiC HEALTH UNDERGROUND REP DUES/MEMB/CERT 2001-6256 190.00 CALIF DEPT OF PUBLlC HEALTH PUMPS DUES/MEMB/CERT 2002-6250 80.00 CheckTotal: 280.00 AP-00087011 MW CASHMAN EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005-6011 367.84 Check Total: 367.84 AP-00087012 MW CCR LAKE TAHOE II I LLC Pl16LIC OEITREACH-PR£XP-FJCTERNAL PUB RELATfONS 1027-6620-PREEXT 600.00 CCR LAKE TAHOE II I LLC PUBLIC OUTREACH-PR EXP-EXTERNAL PUB RELATEONS 2027-6626-PREEXT 660.00 Check7otal: 1.200.00 AP-00087013 MW �CDS GROUP HEALTH . GEN&ADMIN DENTAL SL.F INS 1000-2536 908.47 CheckTotal: 908.47 �'-00087014 MW User:Ti-IERESA Page: 2 CurrentDate: 02/13/2014 RepoH:OH PMT_CLAIMS BK Current Time: 12:06:44 I PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name �e ark ent!Pro'Name Descriotion Acct11/Proi Cnde Amount C ck Num Tvoe CHARTER BUSINESS GEN&ADMIN TELEPHONE 1000-6310 90.23 CNARTER BUSINESS GEN&ADMIN TELEPHONEI� 2000-fi310 9022 Check Total 180.45 AP-60087015 MW CWEA UNDERGROUND REP DUES/MEMB{CERT 2001-6250 426.06 I Check Total: 426.00 AP-00087016 MW DB,LSUPPlYB�COINC GENBADMIN MHFRM(LID$&pRTS 1000-04t0 3,153.60 D$L SUPPLY&CO INC UNDERGROUND REP P1PE(CVRSIfv1HLS 1001-6052 205.20 . CheckTotal: �r � qp_00087017 MW DA7C0 S�FtVICES CORP HUMAN RESOURCES SAFETY PROGRAMS 3022-6079 154.70 DATCO SERVICES CORP HUMAN RESOURCES SAFETY PROGRAMS 2022-6079 15470 Check Tofal: 309.40 AP-00087018 MW DIY HOME CENTER PUMPS pUMP STATIONS i002-6051 34.92 DIY HOME CENTER ELECTRICAL SHOP SHOP SUPPLIES 1003-6071 15.54 DIY HOME CENTER HEAVY MAINT BUILDINGS 7004-6041 113.59 DI�HOME CENTER UND�RGROUND R�P PIPE/CVRSlMHLS 2001-6052 2073 D�HOME CENTER UNDERGROUND REP PFtOPANE 2001-6360 10.18 DI�'NOME CENTER PUMPS RPR/MNTC WTR TKS 2002-6054 3478 PIY HOME CENTER HEAVY MA(NFENANC BUILDINGS 2004-6041 15.53 Check Total: 245.27 pp_00087019 MW DOUGLAS DISPOSAL GEN&ADMIN RE�USE DISPOSAL 1000-6370 1,761.25 Check Total: 1761.25 AP-00087420 MW E-FILLIATE CORP INFORMATION TECH DIST.COMP SPPLIS 1037-4840 3.55 E-FILLIA7E CORP INPORMA710N TECH D1ST.COMP SPPLIS 2037-4840 3.56 CheckTotal: 7,9� AP-00087021 MW EDCOOKTREESERVICE PUMPS WELLS 2002-6050 2,800.00 Check TotaL• 2.Boa.oO AP-00087022 MW EMPIRE SAFETY&SUPPLY FINANCE INV/FRTIDISCOUNT 1039-6077 12.98 EMPIRE SAFETY&SUPPLY FINANCE INV ADJUS7MENTS 1039-6078 97.20 CheckTotal: 110.18 AP-00087023 MW EMPLOVMENT DEVELOPMENT 6EPT BOARD OF OIR UNEMPLOYMENT INS 1019-4303 35.95 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPT BOARD OF DIR UNEMPLOYMENT INS 2019-4303 35.95 User:THERESA Page: 3 CurrentDate: 02/13/2014 - RepoA:OH_YMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 12:06:44 '�. �� . PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vertdor Name D�ment 1 Proi Name Descri,ption Acct#1 Proi Code Amount Check Num Tvpe CheckTotal 71.96 AP-00087024 MW ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES AS50 LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 47.63 ENVIRONMENTALRESOVRCE3ASS0 LABORATORY �ABSUPPLIES 2007-4760 4y,7Z Check TotaL' 95.35 AP-00087025 MW ERS INlJUSTRIAL SERVICES fIVC GEN&ADMIN-FILTER ASSMNT CONST RETAINAGE 1000-2605-FILTER 79,672.01 ERS INDUSTRIAL SERVICES INC ENGINEER[NG-FILTER ASSMNT REHAB FLTR 5&6 1029-8066-FILTER 3,978.19 CheckTofal� �� gg 0.20 pp_00087026 MW EUROFINSEATONANALY'1'ICALINC LABORATORY-ARHD3TRTMTEXP MONITORING 2007-6110-AH3EXP 40.00 Check Total: 40.00 AP-o0os7027 MW EVOQUA WATER TECHNOLOGIES LLC LABORATORY SERVICE CONTRACT '1007-6030 36.00 EVOQUA WATER TECNNQI.OGIES LLC LABORATORY SERVICE CONTRACT 2007-6030 36.00 � CheckTotah . 72.00 AP-00087028 �MW FERGUSOIV ENTHRPRISES INC HEAVY MAINT SECONpARY EQUIP 1004-6022 106.72 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS&MNTC 1028-6042 78.37 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC GEN BADMIN METERS&PARTS INV 2000-0402 1,5i0.81 N Check Total: 1.697.90 AP-00687029 MW � I FGLENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY-ARHD3TRTMTEXP MONITORWG 2007-6'110-AH3EXP 100.00 FGL ENV]RONMENTAL LABQRATORY-BKRFLD TRTMT EXP MONITORING 2007-6110-BKRFLD 100.00 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL LABQRATORY MONI7ORIIVG 2007-6110 100.00 � Check Total: 300.00 AP-00087030 MW FISHER SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY LAB SUPPLiES 1007-4760 175.17 FISHERSCIENTIFIC LABORATORY LABSUPPLIES 2007-h760 169.67 ' Check Total: 344.84 AP-00087031 MW FLYERS ENERGY LLC GEN 8 ADMIN GASOLINE INV 1000-0415 2,60437 FLYERS ENERGY LLC GEN&ADMIN �4ESEL INVENTORY 1000-0416 4,696.76 ', Check Total: 7.303.53 AP-00087032 MW GFS CHEiutICAL LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES '' '1007-4760 ' 10420 CyFS CHEMICAL LABORATORY LAB SUI'PLiES ', 2007-q.760 ' 168.42 � � �', Check Tota1: �' 272.62 AP-00687033 MW GLOBAL DATA SP�CIALISTS ELECTRICAL SMOP PUMP STATIONS 1003-6051 ' 11,792.00 � �', CheckTotal: '� 11792.00 AP-00087034 MW User.TAERESA kage: 4 ' CurtentDate: 02/13/2014 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK ��'��.. Current Time: 12:06:44 ����,.�'���,'�, � I PAYMENT OF CLAIMS � Vendor Name De�ar�ment 1 Proi Name �escriotion Aect#I Proi Code Amount Check Num 7voe GRAiNC�ER PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 7002-6051 3,021.95 GRAINGER ELECTRICAL SHOP BUILDINGS 1003-6041 312.77 GRAiNGER HEAWMAINT SECONDARYEQUIP 1004-6022 419.00 GRAiNGER HEAW MAINT GROUNDS&MNTC 7004-6042 206.46 GRAINGER HEAVYMAINT BIDSOLEQUPIBLDG 1004-6653 53.79 GRAINGER LABORATORY SAFETY/EQUIPIPHY 1007-6075 67.47 GRAINGER LABORATORY SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 2007-6075 67.47 CheckTotal: �� AP-00087035 MW GUTTRY,MELONIE ADMINISTRATION TRAVELIMEETINGS 1021-6200 56.50 I GUTTRY,M�LONIH ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2021-6200 58.50 CheckTotaL �77.00 AT'-OOQ87036 MW HACH CO LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 88.40 HACH CO LABORA70RY LAB SUPPLIES 2D07-4760 88.40 . CheckTotaf: �7g,gp Ap-oo0s7o37 MN HAWKINS,JAY W PUMPS DUESIMEMB/CERT 2002-6250 55.00 � Check Total: 55.00 �-00087038 MW N � HI�R ENGINEERING INC ENGINEERING-PR CLARIF 1 RHB PR CLAR#1!#2 REH 1029-7009-PCIRHB 2,396.57 HDR ENGINEERING INC ENGINEERING-WATERLINE EVALS PIPELINE EVALS 2029-8452-WLEVAL 2,889.63 HDRENGINEERING WC FINANCE ADVISORY 2039-4440 8,49fi.80 Check Total: 13.695.00 AP-00087039 MW HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS FINANCE SERVECE CONTRACT 1039-6030 � 165.48 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS FINANCE SERVICE CONTRACT 2039-6030 1fi5.47 Check To121; 330.95 AP-00087040 MW HIRERIGHT INC HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL EXPENS 1022-6670 35.33 HIRERIGHT ING HUMAN RESOURCES PERSONNEL EXPENS 2022-6670 35.32 . � CheckTotal: 70.65 AP-0008704k MW HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS&MNTC 1028-6042 175.77 . CheckTotaL . 175.77 AP-00087042 MW HUGHES,PAUL FINANCE TRAVEUMEETINGS 1039-6200 57.12 HUGHES,PAUL FINANCE TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2039-6200 57.12 � Check Total: 3 342R AP-00087043 � MW INCLINE VILLAGE GID GEN&ADMIN-USPS GRNT ADlv11N SUSPENSE 2000-2504-SMOKEY 232,)80.78 '� User.THERESA Page: S -Curreot➢ate: 02A3/201k Report:OH_PMT_CLNMS_BK � Current Time: 12:06:94 PAYME�IT OF CLAIMS ' Vendor Nama De artmeM I Pro'Narrte Descriotion qcct7i/Proj Code Amoun Check Num Tvoe CheckTotal: 232780.78 AP-00087044 MW INDUSTRIALCOMPRESSORSUPPLIE5 PUMPS WELLS 2002-6050 1,015.13 � CheckTotaC 1.015.13 AP-OOOS7oa5 MW � INTEGRITYLOCKSMITH HEAWMAINT BUILDINGS 7004-6041 iy,gZ CheckTotal: ��.gz AP-Q0087046 MW INTERSTATE SAFE'I1'&SUPPLY GEN&A�MIN SHOP SUPP INV 1000-0421 849.'13 � Check Total: 849.13 AP-00087047 MW JONES,JAM�S R BOARD OF Olit TRAVELMEETWGS 2019-6200 313.00 CheckTotal: 313.00 AP-00087048 MW KAUFFMAN,ELIZABETH INFORMATION TECH TRAVEUMEETINGS 1037-6200 40.50 KAUFFMAN,ELIZABETH INFORMATIONTECW TRAVEUM�ETWC�S 2037-6200 0.0.50 Cheak Total: 61.00 AP-00087049 MW KIMBALL MIDWEST HEAW MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004-6071 622.57 Check TOtaL' 622.57 AP-00087050 MW KI(JGSBURY GENERAL IMPROVEMENT GEN&ADMIN-USFS GRNT ADlVIIN SUSPENSE � 2000-2504-SMOKEY � 63,558.87 N � Check7otal: 63.556.87 �-00087051 MW - 1 KTHO RADIO PUBLIC OUTREACH-PR EXP-EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 1027-6620-PREEXT 85050 KTHO RA�IO PUBLICDUTREACH-PR EXP-EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 2027-6620-PREEXT 850.50 Check Total: �� Ap.0ppg7052 MW LAKE VALLEY FIRE DISTRICT PUMPS LAND&BUILDINGS 2002-5010 5,549.37 � Check Total: 5.549.37 AP-00087053 MW - LAKESIDE NAPA GEN&A�MW VEH FLTRS EQ FtC' 4000-0490 496.69 LAKESIDENAPA PUMPS PUMPSTATIONS 'l002-6051 95.15 LAKESIDE NAAA PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 'E002-6071 45.03 LAKESIDE NAPA PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 1002-6073 16A2 � LAKESIDE NAPA HEAVY MAINT GROUNDS&MNTC 1004-6042 17.20 LAKESIDE NAPA HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004-6071 142.46 LAKESIDE NAPA HEAVY MAINT SMALL TOOLS 1004-6073 13,28 LAKESIDE NAPA EQUIPMEIVT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005-6011 1,361.50 LAKESEDE NAPA EQUIPMENT REP GEIVERATORS 1005-6013 523.90 LAK�SIDE NAPA DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS 8 MNTC 1028-6042 23.15 User:THERESA Page: 6 -CurreatDate: 02/13/2014 Report:O�_PN.fA'CLAIa�S_HIC Current Time: 12:06:44 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Deoartment f Proj Name Descrintion Acct#I Proj Code Amoun Check Num Tvue LAKESIDE NAPA UNDERGROUND REP PIPFJCVRS/MHLS 2001-6052 51.59 LAKESIDE NAPA UNDERGROUND REP SMALL TOOLS 2001-6073 44,82 LAKESIDE NAPA PUMPS PUMP STqTIONS 2002-605'€ 7.65 �LAKESIDE NAPA . PUMPS Si-IOP SUPPLIES 2002-6071 45.02 LA4(ESIDE NAPA PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 2002-8073 16.02 LAKESIDE NAPA ELECTRICAL SHOP BVELDINGS 2003-fi041 88.03 LAKESIDE NAPA EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUTOMOTIVE 2005-6011 1,195.99 CheckTotal: 4.169.60 AR00087055 MW LAKESIDE PARK ASSOCIATION GEN&ADMIN-USFS GRNT ADMIN SUSPEIVSE 2090-2504-SMOKEY 3,991.00 CheckTolal: 3.991.00 .�-00087056 MW LIBERTY UTILITIES GEN&ADMIN EL�CTRICITY �000-6330 21,530.45 LIBERTY UTILITIES GEN&ADMIN ST LIGHTING EXP 3000-674D 123,50D.75 LIBERTY UTILITIES GEN 8�ADMW ELECTRICITY 20D0-6330 28.69 Check Total: 145.060.09 AP-00087057 MW MC MASTER CARR 5UPPLY CO PUMPS SAFETY/EQUiPIPHY 9092-6075 68.08 I �MAST�R CARR SUPPLY CO PUMPS SAFETY/EQUIPIPHY 2D02-6075 68.07 � CheckTotal: 136.15 AP-00087058 MW MCLELLAND,BUCK UNDERGROUND REP TR4VEL/MEETiNGS 2001-6200 28.00 ' � CheckTotaL' 28.00 AP-00087059 MW � MEEKS Bl11LDING CENTER PUMPS LUTHER PASS 9002-6048 � 160.52 ' MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002-fi05'I 68.70 . � MEEKS BUILDIRG CENTER PUMPS SliOP SUPPLIES 1002-fi071 17.13 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMP5 SMALL 700L5 1002-6073 6.63 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER HEAW MAINT BUILDINGS 1004-6041 94.50 MEEKS SUILDING CENTER OPERATIONS SMALL TOOLS 1006-6073 39.20 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS&MNTC 1028-6942 173.43 ' MEEKSBUILDINGCENTER PUMPS WELLS 2002-6050 30.77 MEEKS BUILD WG CENTER PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 2002-6051 177.60 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS RPRIMNTC WTR TKS 2002-6054 6.66 ' MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS SHpP SUPPLIES 2002-6071 17.13 MEEKS BUILDING CENTER PUMPS SMALL TOOLS 2002-6073 6.63 MEEKS Bl11LDING CENTEft HEAVY MAINTENANC BUILDINGS 20Q4-6041 80.34 Uaer:TI3E,RESA Page: 7 Cuirent Date: 02/13/2014 Report:OA_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 12:06:44 PAYNlENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Denartment/Proi Name �escriotion Acct#I Proi Code Amount Check Num Tvoe Check Total: g7g,2q AP-00087060 MW METRO QFFICE SOI.UTIONS FINANCE OF�ICE SUPPLIES 1039-4820 69.82 METROOFFICESOLUTIONS FINANCE OFFICESUPPLIES 2039-4820 59.82 Check TOtal: - 119.64 AP-00087061 MW MID MOUNTAIN COMMUNICATIONS DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROVNDS&MNTC 1028-6042 606.50 CheckTotal: 606.50 AP-00687062 MW MILLER,DAVID GEN&ADMIN CAPACIl'Y CHARGE 1000-3401 4,930.00 � CheckTotal: 4.930.00 AP-00687063 MW MOTEL 6 PUMPS STANDBYACCOMODA 1002-6683 79.66 MOTEL6 PUMPS STANDBYACCOMODA 2002-8083 19.66 Check Total: 39.32 �-000870fi4 tviW NELS TAHOE HAR�WARE UNDERGROUND REP SHOP SUPPI.IES 1D01-6071 5.35 NELS TAHOE HARDWARE HEAVY MAINT SECONDARY EQUIP 1004-6022 11.60 Check Total: 18.95 AP-00o87065 MW N�WARK IN ONE ELECTRICAL SHOP BUIL�INGS 1003-6047 689.57 N .�o � Check Total: 659.57 AP-000870b6 MW NORTH TAMOE PUD GEN&ADMIN-USFS GRIVT A�MIN SUSPENSE 2000-2504-SMOKEY 28,467.13 Check Total: 28.467.13 AP-00087067 MW O'REILLY AUTO PARTS Ef.ECTRICAL SHOP PUMP STATIONS 1003-6051 32.39 � �CheckTotal: 32.39 AP-00087068 MW . OFFiCE MAX GEN R ADMIN OFFICE INVENTORY 1000-0428 842.19 OFFICEMAX �INANCE OFFlCESUPPLIES 1039-4820 15.11 OFFICEMAX FINANCE OFFICESUPPLIES 2039-4620 15.12 � � Check Total: 872.42 AP-00087069 MW PDM STEEL HEAW MA1NT BUILDINGS 1004-6041 221.49 -. _ CheckTotal: pp�_qg Ap-00087070 M4V � � PINKEL,MICHELE ENGINEERING DUESIMEMB/CERT 1029-6250 ' 38.50 PlNKEL,MICHELE ENGINEERING � DUES/MEMB/C�RT 2029-6250 38.50 Check Total: 77.00 �-�o8�071 MW PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 1002-6079 62.71 PRAXAIR 174 HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004-607i 85.11 User:'1'HERESA � Page: S CurrentDate: 02/13/201A Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 12:06:44 � PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Na�ne Gepartment l Proi Name Qescriotion Acct#f Proj Code Amount Check Num Tvpe PRAXAIR 974 LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 41.82 PRAXAIR 374 UNDERGROUND REP SMOP SUPPLIES 2001-6077 53.13 PRAXAIR 974 PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 2002-6071 62.71 '� PRAXA3R 174 LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007-4760 47.81 CheckTotal: 3q7,2g Ap_00087072 MW RASMUSSEN,SUSAN FINANCE TRAVEL/MEETING3 1039-6200 45,92 ' RASMUSSEN,SUSAN FINANCE TRAVEUMEETINGS 2039-6200 45.92 ' Cfieck Total: 91.84 AP-00087073 MW ���� �2AUCHCOMMUNICATION PUBLICOUTREACH CONTRACTSERVICE 1027-4405 1,772.10 RAUCHCOMMUNICATION PUBLiCOUTREACH CONTRACTSERVICE 2027-44D5 1,772.11 ' . Check Total: 3.54421 AP-00087074 MW �. RED WING SHOE STORE OPERATIONS SAFETY/EQUIPlPHY 1006-6075 t37.71 RED W WG SHOE STbRE ENGINEERWG SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1029-6075 59.68 RED W€NG SHOfi STORE � ENGINEERING SAFETY/EQUIPIPHY 2029-6075 59.67 �� � � Check Total: 257.06 AP-OOOS7075 � MW R�.IANCE STANDARD GEN&AbMIN LIFE INS UN/BD 1000-2512 1,537.81 R�LIANCE STANDARD GEN&ADMIN LIFE INS MGMT 1000-2525 505.25 RELIANCE STANDARD GEN&ADMIN LNG TRM DIS,MGMT 1000-2531 1,249.37 ' RELIANCE STANDARD GEN 8�ADMIN LTD,UNION 1000-2539 1,628.01 i Check TotaL .4,920.44 �-OOU87076 Mw ��. SCHAFER,ERIC BOARD OF DIR TR4VEL/MEE7INGS 1079-6200 212.00 Check Total: 212.00 AP-OOU87077 MW ' SCIUTO,PAUL PUBLIC OUTREACH TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2027-6200 3'[3.00 - CheCkTotal: 3'f3.00 AP-OOOS7078 MW � SCOTTYS WARDWARE PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002-6051 8.20 � SCOTTYS HARDWARE HEqVY MAINT SMq�l.TOOLS 1004-6973 14.34 SCOTTYS HARDWARE OPERATIONS SMALL TOOLS 1006-6073 38.56 SCOTIYS HAR�WARE UNDERGROUND REP PIPEICVRS/MHLS 2U01-6052 1.84 ' . � Check Toial: 62.94 f+P-00087079 MW SHERWIN-WILLIAMS UNDERGROUND REP SHOP SUPPLIES 2001-6071 14$.91 � � .. Check TotaL qqg.gq AP-00087080 MW SIANO,CMRIS OPERATIONS TRAVEIJMEETINGS 1U06-6200 778.00 Llser:THERESA Page; 9 CurreutDate: 02/13l2014 Report:OH PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current 1Sme: 12:06:44 __ - ------ --- --- __�_ __ __ - - ---- . __--- - -_ _.-._ - --------- _._. .:. _�....._ �,----+ � PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department 1 Proj Name Descriotion Acc Pro'Code Amoun Cheek Num Tvoe ' Che kTolal �7g,00 AP-00087081 MW ' SIERRA NEVADA MEbIA GROUP CUSTOfvfER SERVICE ADSILG�.NOTICHS 1038-4930 361.10 SIERRANEVADAMEDIAGROUP CUSTOMERSERVECE A�S/LGLNOTICES 2038-4930 361.30 � Check Total 7pp,zp Ap-0oo870S2 MpJ �'�. SIERf2ASPRINGS PUMPS . SUPPL€ES 1002-6520 20.35 SIERRA SPRINGS DIAMOND VLY RNCH SUPPLIES 1028-6520 20.35 SIERRA SPI2INGS CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPPLIES 1038-6520 10,49 SIERRA SPRINGS CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPPLIES 2038-6520 10.49 I Check Total 69.68 AP-00087083 MW SMITH,DUGGAN CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 358.01 , Check Total 356.01 AP-00087084 MW � SONSRAY MACHINERY LLC EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005-6017 1,372.65 ' I Check Total 9.372.65 AP-00087085 MW . SOUTH SHORE GLASS&DOOR INC HEAW MAINT BUILDINGS 1004-6041 216.00 i , CheckTotal �216.00 �1P-QU087086 tv�W ycaUTH TAHOE REFUS� GEN&ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAL 1000-6370 2,fi24.27 i SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE pUMP5 , GROUNDS&MNTC 1002-6042 40.25 SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE GEN&ADMIN REFUSE DISPQSAL 2000-6370 117.40 SOUTH TAHOE REFUSE PUMPS ' GROUNDS&MNTC 2002-6042 4025 � '�, - Check Total: 2,822.17 AP-00087087 MW SOUTHWEST GAS GEPI&ADMIN NATURAL GAS 1000-6350 �2,17627 SOUTHWEST GAS GEN$ADMIN NATURAL GAS 2000-6350 963.10 , I, CheckTotai: 93.139.37 AP-00087085 MW SPRINGBROOK SOFTWARE INFORMATION TECH ��TRAVEUMEETINGS 1037-6200 297.60 SPRINGBROOK SOFTWARE INFORivFATION TECH �TRAVSL/MEETINGS 2037-6200 297.50 CheckTotal�� �95.00 Ap-00089089 MW SUNGARD PUBLIC SECTOR INC INFORMATION TECti CONTRACT SERVICE 1037-4405 � 3,850.00 ��. Check Total� 3.850.00 AP-00087090 MW � TABER ENGINEERING-HEADWORKS HDWKS IMP PROJ 1029-6033-HDWORK � 4,680.00 �, Check Toial� 4.680.00 �-�087091 MW TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE GEN 8 ADMIN REFUSE DISPOSAI 1000-6370 312.50 User:TFIERESA '�. Page: 10 Currenf Date: 02/13/2014 � � Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK ', CurrentTime: 12:06:44 '� � PAYMENT OF CLAIMS ' Vendor Name �epartment 1 Proj Name DescNption Accl#I Proj Code Amount Check Num Tvoe TAHOE BASIN CONTAINER SERVICE 0?ERATIONS SLUDGE DISPOSAL 1006-6652 12,322.00 ' Check Tolal 1 634.5 AP-00087092 MW TAMOE CITY PUD GEN&ADMIN-USFS GRNTADMIN SUSPENSE 2000-2504-SMOKEY 132,298.10 . CheckTotal 132298.10 AT'-00087093 MW � TAHOE PARADISE CHEVRON UNDERGROUND REP DIESEL 2001-4620 100.47 Check Tolal 100.47 AP-00087094 MW TAHOEPRII�TING PUMPS OFFICESUPPLfSS 1002-h820 11.21 SAHOE PRINTENG OPER,4TIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES 1006-4820 22.41 TAHOE PRINTING ADMINISTRATION OFFlCE SllPPLIES 1021-4820 22.41 TAHOEPRINTING ENGINEERING OFFICESUPPLIES 1029-4820 25.00 TAHOE PRINTING CEISTOMER SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1038-4820 22.41 TAHOE PRINTING UN�ERGROUND REP OFFICE SLiPPLIES 2001-4820 29.59 TAHOE PRINTING PUMPS OFFICE SUPPLIES 2002-4820 1720 TAHOE PRINTING ADMINISTRATION OFFICE SUF'I'LIES 2021-4820 22.41 TAHOE PRINTING ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 2029-4820 26.00 i T�1-IOE PRINTING CUSTQMER SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2038-4820 22,41 � Check Total 216.05 AP-00087095 MW ' TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY ELECTRICAL SHOP BUILDINGS 1003-6041 1,706.24 TAHOE VALLEY ELECTRIC SUPPLY ELECTRICAL SMOP BUILDINGS 2063-6041 1,924.12 . Check Total 3.630.36 AP-00087096 MW �� THERMO ELECTRON NO AMERICA LLC LABORATORY LAB SUPPLI�S 1007-4760 15.80 i TNERMO ELHCTRON NO AMERICA LLC LABORATORY SERVICE CONTRACT 1007-6030 2,767.87 ' TWERMO ELECTRON NO AMERICA LLC LABORA70RY LAB SUPPLIES 2007-4760 15.80 TMflRMO EL�CTRQN NO AMERICA LLC LABORATORY SERVICE CONTRACT 2067-6030 2,767.88 Check Total 5.567.35 At'-00087097 MW ' THOLL FENCE INC PUMPS RPR/MNTC WTR TKS 2002-6054 7,207.00 ' Check Total 1207.00 AP-00087098 MW '.. THOMASHAENCOINC ENGINEERING-ANGORASWRMAIN ANGORASWRLNFIX 1029-7006-ANGSPP 151,349.01 ' Check Total 151.349.01 AP-00087099 MW '�. TROXLERELECTRONICLABORATORIES ENGINHERING GAUGE,NUC 2029-7504 I 13,289.41 Check TotalJ 13289.41 AP-00087100 MW � UNITED RENTALS WC UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEL/MEETINGS 100'I-6200 � 234.27 Vser:TtiERESA Page: 1 f Current Date: 02/13/2014 Repmt:OH_PMT_CLAiMS_BK CurrentTime: f2:06:44 '�.. PAYMENT OF CLAfMS Vendor Name Department/Proi Name Description AcctlF!Proj Code Amount Cheek Num Tvoe UNITED RENTALS INC DIAMOND VLY RNCH EQUIP RENT/LEASE 1028-5020 8,215.30 Check 7otal 8.449.57 AP-00087101 MW USA BLUE 800K ELECTRICAL SHOP PUMP STATIONS 1003-6051 651.20 USA BLUE BOOK OPERATIONS LAB SUPPLIES 1006-4760 7,277.36 USA BLUE BOOK OPERATIONS SECONDARY EQUIP 1006-6022 42g,2g USA BLUE BOOK OPERATIONS GROUND&&MNTC 1006-6042 433.90 USA BLUE BOOK OPERATIONS SAFETY/EQUIP/PMY 1006-6075 559.13 USA BLUE BOOK ENGINEERING-HEADWORKS HDWKS IMP PROJ 1029-8033-HDWORK 189.39 USA 6LUE BOOK ENGINEERINC� FLL SYSTEM UPGR 1029-8331 442.96 CheckTotaf 3,gg2,p4 AP-00087102 MW WECO INDUSTRIES INC UNDERGROUND REP INFILTRTNIINFLOW 1001-6055 817.86 � � Check Total 617,86 AP-00087103 MW � WEDCO INC EL�CTRICAL SHOP PUMP STATIONS 1003-6051 3'15.53 WEDCO INC EI.ECTRICAL SMOP SMALL TOOLS 1003-6073 13.29 ' WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP BUILpINGS 2003-6041 10.93 ' i 4' Check TOSaI 345.75 AP-00087104 NtW ' w V1�ST YpST qSSaCIATES INC ENGINEERING-WTR SYS MSTR PW WTR SYS OPTIM PL 2029-7097-WTRSMP 6,746.25 Check Total 6.74625 AP-Ofl087105 MW ZEE ME�ICAL INC GEN&ADMIN SAFETY/EQUIP/PHY 1000-6075 321.43 ZEE MEDICAL INC DIAMOND VLY RNCH SAFEN/EQUIP/PHY 1028-6075 4g,g� Check Total 371.34 AP-00087106 MW Grand Total.�- 1,161,987,56 , t > Tb1 987� 5b+ 351 -43- flafl 1 + 1b1 b36 ^ 13*+' User:7'HBRESA . Page: I 12 Cuaent Date: 02/13/2014 �'� Report:OH PMT_CLAIMS_BK � CurreutTime: 12:06:44 �. ._.___ _..__ __. .'.._ __._ _-___–_—__— ___._ .... ' �' ___.. _._..._. _., t . . . 'm"!m�ms..s �u .. . �,�.A _ _..� �'�. Sazth'Pal'ne P.U.D. 02/06/14 WID TYPFD &REUII�ID A/P C��K 'liiU, F� 06, 2014, 1:30 E�`4 --req: F�V---_leg: GL JLr-�oC: CNS1TE----'ob• 543597 #�T610---- 1 J . ��: ffiC200 �1.35>--�t id: Q�-- fY�c]c P� TZ}. Pdy2e 1�T�1� IkZ CY�CIc AtCrx.ult'I�e S�.tl�s Rp1 'lU I�te i AP00086974 V2A450 �VALIEY��'�'QTC 02/ 6/1� 351.43 RV ZR Rec�e�esed � � GRAND TOTALS: �.���b� i 'Ibtal Uoid P2�chit�Written 0.00 Nunber of �cics . 0 Tbral voia�written o.00 Nun�r ot n-�ecks . o 'Ibtal N�ch�s�e Written 0.00 DTimbes of Ci�Cks . 0 'Ibtal Hat�d Wx:itt�n 0.00 Nut�ber of C1�}ss . 0 ��- � 351.43 N�.mber of C�Cks , 1 '�� �e� 0.00 Nunber of C#�ec]ss . 0 'Ibr�1 EFIS 0.00 Nu�er of E�S Ptroc�s . 0 ' 'Ibtal EPAYs 0.00 Nu�er of EPAYs . 0 GRAND TOTAL 351.43 i w � i General Manager I Richard.H.5olbrig � ♦ 79�U. �..y� pirector5 _ �r � J .' l �/� Chri6 Cefalu ; � i�/! « V� �� Jart�es fZ.Jones :�... -,�F-� {^'}E ' 1ri�+ � � r� f , i�andyVogelgesang. . I U�i'IV ��''�I� ��cJ�����. KellySheehan , � Eric 5chafer 1275 M�ad ow Cre��D�ve+5au�h lake Tah�?e+CA 9615�-7403 f'hone 530 544-6474*�ax 53�541-0614•�wvw.5tpud:u�: ; an e Q n e�F�+1$A�T�-NI 1 ?�. � ; T0: Board of Directors FROM: Ti.m Bledsoe, Customer Service Manager � MEETING DATE: February 20. 2014 ITEM- PRO.lECT NAME: Conference with Le dl Couns I-� Exi tin Li ' ti n e s ti a o I, g 9 J ' REQUESTED BQARD ACTION: Direct fegal counsel ' DtSCt1SSION: Pursuan#to Section 54956 9 . (a) af the California Governmen� code, Closed Session may be hefd for conference wifih legal counsel regarding exi5ting ; fitigation; EI Dorado County Superior Court Case SC2Q120227 GRCLT�z�n�o�-ior�vs. South 1'ahoe Public Utility Distric#. �I, ' SCHEDULE: ' COSTS: ' ACCOUNT NO: BUDGEFED AMOUNi'AVAILABl.E: - i Ai'i'AGHMENTS: CONCI�RRENCE WI'fH REQUESI"ED ACTiO • CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CH1EF FINANCIAL OFFlCER; YES NO —35— : _ _ C�eneral Manager ' Richard H.Solbrig ' �' Director6 ', �� r .1�. � W� Ghris Gefalu I � �� � �� JameS R.Jones h ��s � tZandy.Vogelgesang 'riN�r� + #� � 1e ��*y Kelly 5heehan '; �����.� ��i-���� .�I���)V !� Er�c 5chafer . ; 1275 Meadai+v Cr�t Drive•a�ut�l:aks Tahs3e•.E�19�'�50-740� ; Phot�e 530 544-F474•Fax 530 54��OE7�-�www,stp+.�,u5 BOARD AGENDA �T�M T 2b i � T4: Board of Directors FR�M: Paul Sciufio, Assis�ant General Manager/EngE�eer � MEE7ING DAT�: February 20, 20�4 1TEM-� PRQJECT NAME: Confierence wifh Legal Counsei - Po�e�tial Litigdtion ��QIi�STED B4ARD AGT[QN: Direct Staff ', D1�CUSSION: Pursuant to Governmen� Code Section 5495b.9[b)/Conference with Lega! , Counsel Anticipated Litigation (one po�en�iaE case). 1 ; ! , � ; _ I SC#�IEDULE: � I, COSTS: j ACCOUNT NO: , BUDGETE� AMOi�NF AVAILABLE: ` ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WfTFf REQUESTED ACTIO • � GATEGORY: INater GENERAL MANAGER: YES • � NO CHIEF FINANCEAL OFFiCER: YES NO -37-