HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 47KWHW:EAW: jm 6/23/55/10c RESOLUTION A SUPPLEMENTAL RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO ACQUIRE AND CONSTRUCT A SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM PROJECT NOo 52-1 RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, that in its opinion the public interest and convenience require, and that it is the intention of said Board to order the following acquisitions and improvements, to-wit: 1. (a) The installation and construction of vitrified clay pipe sewer mains with standard risers and manholes, and wye branches and laterals opposite improved lots or parcels, in U. S. Highway 50 between Stateli~a~ and the southerly District boundary, Laurel Avenue between Stateline and U. So Highway 50, Bijou Park Boulevard between Uo S. Highway 50 and its northwest- erly end, Tahoe Avenue for its full length, Mountain View Avenue between Tahoe Avenue and U. So Highway 50, Herbert Avenue between U. So Highway 50 and Bill Avenue, Bill Avenue for about one-half its distance to Tallac Avenue, and Old County Road for its full length within the District, in an easement to be acquired herein running northwesterly of and parallel to the southwesterly projection of Lakeside Avenue from Bijou Park Boulevard at about its junction with Old County Road, and in an easement to be ac- quired herein from Old County Road to U. S° Highway 50 running along an easement to be acquired herein in a private roadway in the properties known as Young's Bijou. (b) The construction of a sanitary sewage pumping station complete with pump house, pumps, motors, piping and equipment, on the rear of Lot 38, Bijou Park Subdivision, to- gether with a force main from the pumping station thence to Mountain View Avenue, thence southeasterly to U. S. Highway 50 to about Lot 11, Section 3, T 12 N, R 18 E, MoD.Bo & M., thence along an easement to be acquired herein in a general southerly direction 8,300 feet more or less to a treatment plant site. (c) The acquisition of a treatment plant site at the southerly terminus of the force main above described, and the construction thereon of a treatment plant works complete including septic tank, effluent seepage facilities and sludge lagoons° (d) The making of all acquisitions and the doing of all work auxiliary to any of the above which may be required to carry out same or deemed necessary to improve the District with a sanitary sewage collection, treatment and disposal system. 2. Whenever any public way is herein referred to as run- ning between two public ways, or from or to any public way, the intersections of the public ways referred to are included to the extent that work mhall be shown on the plans to be done therein. 3. Said streets and highways are more particularly shown in the recordm in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado County, California, and shall be shown upon the plans herein referred to to be filed with the Clerk of said District. 4. All of said work and improvements are to be construc- ted at the places and in the particular locations, of the forms, sizes, dimensions and materialm, and at the lines, grades and elevations as shown and delineated upon the plans, profiles and specifications to be made therefor, as hereinafter provided. 5. There is to be excepted from the work herein described any of such work already done to line and grade and marked ex- cepted or shown not to be done on said plans, profiles and speci- fications. 6. Said Board does hereby adopt and establish am the official grades for maid work the grades and elevations to be shown upon maid plans, profiles and specifications° Ail such -2- grades and elevations are to be in feet and decimals thereof with reference to the datum plane of the U. S. Coast Geodetic Survey. 7. $262,000 will be contributed toward the cost of said project from the proceeds of general obligation bonds issued by the District. Such moneys as may be received under contract with Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1, Nevada, will also be contributed toward the cost of said project. In the opinion of the Board, the balance of the cost of said acqui- sitions and improvements are of more than local or ordinary public benefit and the Board does hereby make said portion of costs chargeable upon a district which district the Board declares to be the district benefited thereby, the exterior boundaries of which are the coterminous exterior boundaries of the composite and consolidated area consisting of the several lots and parcels of land abutting or traversed by the trunk sewers above described. 8. Said Board further declares that all public streets and highways within said assessment district in use in the per- formance of a public function as such, shall be omitted from the assessment hereafter to be made to cover the costs and expenses of said acquisitions and improvements. 9. Notice is hereby given that serial bonds to represent unpaid assessments and bear interest at the rate of not to exceed six per cent (6%) per annum, will be issued hereunder in the manner provided by the Refunding Assessment Bond Act of 1935 as modified in the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, the last in- stallment of such bonds shall mature fourteen (14) years from the second day of July next succeeding ten months from their date. 10. Except as herein otherwise provided for t'he issuance of bonds, all of said acquisitions and improvements shall be done pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, as amended. -3- 11. Reference is hereby made to the proceedings of this Board and the letter of the County Health Officer under Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code. 12. Said proposed acquisitions and improvements are hereby referred to the Engineering Offices of Brown & Caldwell, San Francisco, California, District Engineer of said District, and the person having charge and control of the acquisitions and construction of public improvements in and for said District of the kind described herein, being a competent person employed by said District for that purpose; and said District Engineer is hereby directed to make and file with the Secretary of said District a report in writing, presenting the following: (a) Plans and specifications of the proposed improve- ments to be made pursuant to this Resolution of Intention; (b) Descriptions and maps showing the general route and termini of lands and easements to be acquired; (¢) Engineer's statement of the itemized and total estimated costs and expenses of said acquisition and improvements and of the incidental expenses in connection therewith; (d) Diagram showing the assessment district above referred to, and also the boundaries and dimensions of the res- pective subdivisions of land within said district as the same existed at the time of the passage of this Resolution of Intention each of which subdivisions shall be given a separate number upon said diagram; (e) A proposed assessment of the total amount of the cost and expenses of the proposed acquisitions and improvements upon the several subdivisions of land in said district in propor- tion to the estimated benefits to be received by such subdivisionsI respectively, from said acquisitions and improvements, and of the expenses incidental thereto. -4- 13. If any excess shall be realized from the assessment it shall be spent for the maintenance of said acquisitions and improvements, unless the Board shall hereafter determine that said amount or any part thereof shall be ~plied as a credit to each assessment herein. // /' Preg~id~ South ~ahoe Public ~~ Utility D~strict ATTESt,: ~-, / I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at~a~ meeting thereof held on the ~/day of ,, , 1955, by the following vote AYES, and in thereof, Directors: Johnston, Young, Goeringer NOES, Directors: None ABSENT, Directors: None of the Board of,~i~tors -5- ~HW:SSD:sb 10-29-57 Zc NOTICE OF HEARING ON AMENDED ASSESSMENT SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO. 52-1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the order of the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, the District Engineer thereof has filed with me an amended as- sessment, together with his report and map thereof, of the parcels shown as Diagram and Assessment Numbers 3, 7 and 103, on the dis- gram and assessment heretofore confirmed by Resolution No. 55 of said District adopted on October 7, 1955, pursuant to Supplemental Resolution of Intention No. 47 adopted by said Board on September 3, 1955, to all of which reference is hereby made for further particulars. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on the ~ day of 1957, at ~ ~-- o'clock /~. M., at the District office, 100 feet north of U. S. Highway 50 on the East side of Mountain View Street, Stateline, California, a hearing will be had on said amended assessment, at which time all persons interested in said original assessments or in the lands affected thereby, or in the bonds secured thereby, may appear and protest against the same. Dated: / ~ , 1957. ....~ .... ,?,~r.~'~hd ex~-oTl~icio Se'c're'tary of the South Tahoe Public Utility District kwhw ;FAW: jm 8/29/55/6c NOTICE OF II4PI~,.OVENENT SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PROJBCT NO. 52-1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the ~J day of~.~ 1955, the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, adopted its Resolution No. 47 A Supplemental Resolution of Intention to Acquire and Construct a Sanitary Sewerage System, wherein it did declare that in its opinion the public interest and convenience and necessity required, and that it was the intention of said Board to order the following acquisitions and improvements, to-wit: (a) The installation and construction of vitrified clay pipe sewer mains with s~andard risers and manholes, and wye branches and laterals opposite improved lots or parcels, in U. So Highway 50 between Stateline and the southerly District boundary, Laurel Avenue between Stateline and Uo So Highway 50, Bijou Park Boulevard between Uo S. Highway 50 andi~s nor~hwesterl) end, Tahoe AVenue for its full length, Mountain View Avenue between Tahoe Avenue and U. S. Highway 50, Herbert Avenue between U. S. Highway 50 and Bill Avenue, Bill Avenue for about one-half its distance to Tallac Avenue, and Old County Road for its full length within the District, in an easement to be acquired herein running northwesterly of and parallel to the southwesterly projection of Lakeside Avenue from Bijou Park Boulevard at about its Junction with Old County Road, and in an easement to be ac- quired herein from Old County Road to U. S. Highway 50 running along an easement to be acquired herein in a private roadway in the properties known as Young's Bijou. (b) The construction of a sanitary sewage pumping station complete with pump house, pumps, motors, piping and equipment, on the rear of Lot 38, Bijou Park Subdivision, together with a force main from the pumping station thence to Mountain View Avenue, thence southeasterly to U. S. Highway 50 to about Lot Section 3, T 12 N, R 18 E, M.D.B. & M., thence along an easement to be acquired herein in a general southerly direction 8,300 feet more or less to a treaUaent plant site. (c) The acquisition of a treatment plant site at the southerly terminus of ~he force main abowe describe4, and the construction thereon of a treatment plant works complete including septic tank, effluent seepage facilities and sludge lagoons. (d) The making of all acquisitions and the doing of all work auxiliary to any of the above which may be required to carry out same or deemed necessary to improve the District with a sanitary sewage collect/on, treaUsent and disposal system. All of said work and improvements are to be constructed at the places and in the particular.locations, of ~he forms, sizes, dimensions and materials, and at the lines, grades and elevations shown and delineated on the plans, profiles and specifications preliminarily approved therefor by the Board of Directors and on file for public inspection in the office of the Clerk of said District. There is to be excepted from the work hereinbefore des- cribed any of such work already done to line and grade and marked excepted or shorn not to be done on said plans, profiles and specifications. Notice is hereby given of the fact that in many cases said work and improvements rill bring the finished york to a grade different from that formerly existing, and that to said extent said grades are hereby., changed and that said work will be done to said changed grades. ~26~,000 will be contributed toward the cost of said project from the proceeds of general obligation bonds issued by the District. Such moneys as may be received under contract with Douglas County Sewer Improvement District No. 1, Nevada, will also be contributed tovard the cost of said project. In the opint~on of the Board, ~he balance of the cost of said acquisitions and improvements are of more than local or ordinary public benefit and the Board does hereby make said portion of costs chargeable upun a district which district the Board declares to be the district benefited thereby, the exterior boundaries of which are the coterminous exterior boundaries of ~he composite and consolidated area consisting of ~he several lots and parcels of land abutting or traversed by the trunk sewers above described. Notice is hereby given that serial bonds to represent the unpaid assessments, and bear interest at the rate of not to exceed six per cent (6%) per annum, will be issued hereunder in the manner provided in the Refunding Assessment Bond Act of 1935 as modified in the Munidpal improvement Act of 1913, the last installment of whtah bonds shall mature fourteen (14) years from the second day of July next succeeding ten months from their date. Except as herein otherwise provided for the issuance of bonds, said work shall be done pursuant to the Municipal Improve- ment Act of 1913. Reference is made to proceedings had pursuant to Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code, on file in the office of the Clerk. Notice is further given that the District Engineer of said District, pursuant to said Act and said Resolution adopted pursuant thereto, did on the ~.~/day of ~ , 1955, file with the Clerk of said District his report in writing on said acquisitions and improvements, consisting of plans, profiles, specifications, maps and descriptions, estimate of costs and expenses, diagram and assessment, and that said Board did on said date consider and examine said report, and by resolu- tion preliminarily approved and confirmed it as filed, and ordered that said report stand as the report for ~he purpose of all subsequent proceedings had pursuant to said Supplemental -3- Resolution of Intention, to all of which reference is hereby made for further particulars. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN day of ~ , 1955, at the hour of ~ o'clock ~. of said day~£n the East Front Office, Lakeside Theater, S~atel£ne, Californ£a, are the time and place appo£nted and f£xed by said Board when and where it will consider and finally act upon the Engineer*s report filed pursuant to said Supplemental Resolution of Inten~ion and when and where it will hear all protests in relation to said proposed acquisitions and improve- ments, or to the grades at which said work will be done, or to the extent of the assessment district, or to ~he Engineer*s estimate of the costs and expenses thereof, or to the maps and descriptions or to the proposed diagram and assessment for the costs and expenses thereof, and that any person interested may file a written protest with the Clerk of said Board at or before Dated: 1955. Clerk and ex-of~i~9/S~re~ar~-[ of the South Taho [ ,,b'lic O ty I Distric~. ~,-× -4- Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 52-1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 3rd day of September, 1955, the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, El Dorado County, California, adopted its Resolution No. 47 A Supplemental Resolution of Inten- tiou to Acquire and Construct a Sanitary Sewerage System, wherein it did declare that in its opinion the public interest and convenience and necessity required, and that it was the intention of said Board to order the following acquisitions and improvements, to-wit: (a) The installation and con- structiou of vitrified clay pipe sew- er mains with standard risers and manholes, and wye branches and laterals opposite improved lots or parcels, in U. S. Highway 50 be- tween Stateline and the southerly District bmmdry, Lanrel Avenue betweeu Stateline and U.S. High- way 50, Biiou Park Boulevard be- twee~ U. S. Highway 50 and its ~orthwesterly end, Tahoe Avenue for its full le. ngth, Mountaiu View Avenue between Tahoe Avenue and U. S. Highway 50, Herbert Avenue between U. S. Highway 5,9 and Bill Avenue, Bill Avenue for about one-half its distance to Tallac Avenue, and Old Coun- ty Road for its full length with- iu the District, in an easement to be acquired hereiu running northwesterly of and parallel to tho southwesterly proiection of Lakeside Avenue from Bijou Park Boulevard at about its junction with Old County Road, and in an easement to be acquired here- in from Old County Road to U.S. fIighway 50 running along an ease- ment to be acquired in a private roadway in the properties known as Young's Bijou. (b) The construction of a sani- tary sewage pumping station with pump house, pumps, motors, pip- lng and equipment, on the rear of Lot 38, Bijou Park Subdivisiou, to- gether with a main from the pump- lng station thence to Mountain View Avenue, thence southeasterly to U. S. Highway 50 to about Lot 11, Section 3, T 12 N, R 18 E, M.- D.B. ii M., thence along an ease- ment to be acquired herein in a general southerly direction 8,300 feet more or less to a treatment plant site. (c) q-he acquisitiou of a treat- m,~nt plant site at the southerly terminus of the force main above described, and the construction thereon of a treatment plant works c~mplete including septic tank, ef- fluent seepage facilities and sludge lagoons. (d) ~fhe makiog of all acqui.';i- tious and the doing of all work a~xiliary to any of the above which may be required to carry out same or deemed necessary to improve the District with a sanitary sewage collection, treatment and dispos:d system. Alt of s~id work and improve- ments are to be constructed at the places and in the particular loca- tions, of the forms, sizes, dimen- sions and materials, and at the lines, grades and elevations shown and delineated on the plans, profiles and specifications prelimioaril~' ap- p~'oved therefor by the Board ot Directors and on file for pubhc in- spc'ctlon in the office of the Clerk c.f said District. 'I here is to be excepted from the work hereinbefore described any of such work already done to line and ~rade and marked excepted or shown not to be done on said plans, p:ofi!es and specifications. Notice is hereby given of the f;~ct that in mauy cases said work and improvements will bring the finished work to a grade different from that formerly existing, and that to said extent said grades are hereby changed aud that said work will be done to said changed grades. $262.000 will be contributed to- ward the cost of said proiect from the proceeds of general obligation bonds issued by the District. Such moneys as may be received under contract with Douglas County Sew- er Improvement District No. 1, Nevada, will also be contributed toward the cost of said proiect. In the opinion of the Board, the bal- ,~.~ce of the cost of said acquisitious and improvements are of more than local or ordinary public bene- fit and the Board does hereby make said portion of costs charge- able upon a district which dis- trict the Board declares to be the district beuefited thereby, the ex- terior boundaries of which are the coterminous exterior boundaries of the composite and consolidated area consisting of the several lots and parcels of land abutting or tra- versed by the trunk sewers above described. Notice is hereby given that serial bonds to represent the unpaid as- sessments, aud bear iuterest at the rate of not to exceed six per cent (6%) per annum, will be issued hereunder in the manner provided in the Refunding Assessment Bond Act of 1935 as modified in the Mu- nicipal Improvement Act of 1913, the last instalhnent of which bonds shall mature fourteen (14) years from the second day of July next succeeding ten months from their date. Except as herein otherwise pro- vided for the issuance of bonds, said work shall be done pursuant to the Municipal Improvement Act of 191.3. Reference is made to pro- ceedings had pursuant to Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code on file in the office of the Clerk. Notice is further given that the District Engineer of said District, pursuant to said Act and said Reso- lution adopted pursuant thereto, did on the 8rd day of September, 1955, file with the Clerk of said District his report in writing on said aequisitions and improve- ments, consisting of plans, profiles, specifications, maps and descrip- tions, estimate of costs and expen- ses, diagram and assessment, and that said Board did on said date consider and examine said report, and by resolution preliminarily ap- proved and confirmed it as {fled, and ordered that said report stand as the report for the purpose of all subsequent proceedings had pur- suant to said Supplemental Resolu- tion of Intention, to all of which reference is hereby made for fur- ther Particulars. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Friday, the 7th day of October, 1955, at the hour of 2 o'clock P.M. of said day, in the East Front Of- fice, Lakeside Theater, Stateline, California, are the time and place appointed and fixed by said Board when and where it will consider aud finally act upon the Engineer's report filed pursuant to said Sup- plemental Resolution of Intention and when and where it will hear all protests in relation to said pro- posed acquisitions and improve- ments, or to the grades at which said work will be done, or to the extent of the assessment district, or to the Engineer's estimaie of the costs and expenses thereof, or to the maps and descriptions or to the proposed diagram and assessment for the costs and expenses thereof, and that any person interested may fi~e a written protest with the Clerk of said Board at or before the time set for the hearing referred to here- in. Dated: September 3rd, 1955. WILLIAM A. YOUNG Clerk and ex-officio Secretary South Tahoe Public Utility District K~H~:F.~W :S: jm 10/5/55/6c NOTICE TO PAY ASSESSMENTS SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT NO o 5R-1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all owners of real property liable to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses of the ac- quisitions and improvements described in Supplemental Resolution of Intention No. 47, adopted by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District on September 3, 1955, are here- by notified that on March 5 , 1956, the assessment and diagram to pay t~{e costs and expenses 0'f said acquisitions and improvements was recorded in my office and in the office of the County Surveyor of E1 Dorado County. Said assessments are due and payable immediately at Bank of America, N.T. & S. A.~ Tahoe Valley Branch. Tahoe Valley, California, and must b'e' paidwithin the perlod expiring April 5 , 1956. In the event of the failure to pay before the expiration of said period, serial bonds to represent the unpaid assessments and bear interest at the rate of not to exceed six per cent (6%) per annum, will be issued pursuant to the Refundirg Assessment Bond Act of 1935 as modified in the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, the last installment of such bonds shall mature fourteen (14) years from the second day of July next succeeding ten months from their date. After bonds have been issued~ properties may only be re- deemed upon payment O'f the unpaid assessment and all interest ' to the end of said fifteen year period. NOTICE: If you are not the owner of this property, please notify this office or forward this notice to the present owner. Brown & Caldwell Distric"~'Engineer of South Tahoe Public Utility District Your assessment is as follows: Assessment No. Description Amount HARI-ILD E. KIRKBRIDE 36l-I ELM STREET SAN MATEE], P'ALIFFIRNIA April lO, 1957 Board of Directors South Tahoe Public Utility District Bijou, California Re: Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 52-1 Gentlemen: For all of the bonds to be issued by the South Tahoe Public Utility District on the unpaid assessments for Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 52-1, in the amount of $3,223.92, pursuant to Supplemental Resolution of Intention No. 47 adopted on September 3, 1955, I bid you the sum of Par plus a Premium of $19.00 without accrued interest. Said bonds are to be dated August 2, 1956 and are to bear interest from April 2, 1957. Said bonds are to bear a coupon rate of 4-3/4% per annum for bonds maturing on July 2 in the ears 1958 to 1967, inclusive and a coupon rate of -1/~% per annum for bonds maturing on July ~ in the years 1968 to 1971, inclusive. The opinion of Kirkbride, Wilson, Harzfeld & Wallace, San Mateo, California, approving the legal- ity of said bonds is to accompany said bonds at no additional expense to me. Very truly yours,