HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 46~tra Se;~slon) has aL*~-r~or~ated f~ds for allot~t Dy t~ Dlrector of Finance
~ pro~id6 financial. ~ist,~ t,o L~ai ~e~lee ~:~fi~d ~eretn a~ countl~,
cities, or c~tles a~'~ cmmtie~ for t~ p~ose of deirayi~g not to exceed
designs{ ~, wor[~ and ~%~]ed dryings ~nd s~ciflcatl~'~,$ (~reinaf~r called
"Pi~',s") reqm.~d t'cr ...... w
in said Act; at~d
2. W~{~.$, the South q'arme Y,.tbllc Util!t)" ]~istrict .... (Local Age~y')
~reir;af~r de~i~'~i;ed aa 'i,ocai ~e~m'~ destr~ to app.Ly to t.[~ Director of
~d/or %he Sta~ ~.llocation ;$oara, a~ t~ ca~e ~y t¢~ for ~t a~iot~n~ of the
~ of ti'~ estima*~d co~t cf pre[.~n..~ t)'~ c~p~a p,m',., ne:elna~,te, mentioned
~ there has been prepa.~d and p,res~nt~d ;o tnla ~gasiatlve ~ for
~ applica'tio~i for such pc..r~o~e;
h, N~,~.,( ' T~,'~}{~?FrR~. .... ;i b~:: IT.. }i~.301_,VhY>~ that Local Ager';cy ~u~t the. af'oresaJd app]i~
to the l)!~cl.or cf ?inanoe and/or the 5tare Ali~tic, n d~rd, as th~ casa ~ay
~questi~ allot~nt o! . ..... .....
($ ] ~'k')C'.(~O )beZng. not mc~ t~, or.--ban ~'~e coqt ot p~'~ri~ said
pl~, or f~r such ~omlt, as may be app~ved by t~ ~ctor of Finance a~/or
State ~,ilocat5o~ Boara, (said al/o~ent to be used for the pu~oss of a~fray~r~
tl~ cost o[ preparinF said come, let.ed o.l~a req~,'~d) for a ~Mciftc ~oJect to be
~d~rt,~en by .Local ~ency and described as seWa~.e CO],].ec.~.iO~i
94~.pv~al praje;';t ( ~''ie of Project).
BE JUP Ftl}%TqE~ Eb~$OLV~',D, ?J'lat the est:(mat~d co~t of preparirzf such plans t~
f~wenty o~a ~...,u~ H~;ndred .... Doilar~ ($ ..21,60.0.0D ..... )
and treat f,ocal Ag~nc'y has ~ provisiot; for ~y'ir~ o~alf or mcre of the cost of
preparing such plums;
iS hereby ae~'ignatec a:, t,~: autL~rtzed ~ent of Loca] ager~zy and
and directed t~, sign tm~ adore ~n:~oned auplicat~.ou on behalf of t~ L~al ~e~y
an<) :~tm2t the same to the ~hr'ect. or and/:r State ~!:c,..at, ion B~rd, togeti'~r
a ,:er~,if~ed statement ..,~ the estimated ecst ~f' p.~par~.~' so, ch si. aris and ~uch o~,
].~fi'r~atL~u; as ~na) Ue ,',:,.~,L~ ,:'e,'~ 3pd sa'k~ at,.t;rPr~ze~ age.~, 'Ls fm't~r authorized and
directed .~s the ropres~mt, ative ~.:,.; Local ~;ge~cV ~:-' (:or:tduc'; ail r~ot, iat, ion~
contiude a&J arraa~ement'::;~ inc.kuai,~ ~2bml~siot~ bo Lht; Director oi F:J. na~ of
iI)pii:zatlo~ for :,'elmb~r~e~pt ~j.;:th may' ~ ,~ces~ary to ~ec~re r'elmbursemen~ fo~'
oi' (;aiit'uruiar d~ nezet, y ~rtil'y' the' t~rag,:fi~ to be a true a:~d gorget copy
,, ...~.~, a~ the
~et~ h,~i<: <~r: the 2~P,.. ~Y o~, j.t~,~ , 2~ ~:
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