HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 31 P~SOLUTION NO. 31
RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe
Public Utility District, E1 Dorado County, California, that in
its opinion the public interest and convenience require, and
that it is the intention of said Board to order the following
acquisitions and improvements, to-wit:
The construction of a sanitary sewer main with manholes
and appurtenances along the southeast side of U. S. Highway
No. 50 from Bijou Park Boulevard to the State Line, with a
highway crossing at the intersection therewith of Pioneer Trail
and thence along the northwesterly side of said highway to and
along Laurel Avenue to the State Line, the acquisition of dis-
posal rights in facilities to be constructed by district, the
acquisition of easements necessary therefor, and the doing of
all work and the making of all acquisitions necessary to com-
plete same.
R. Whenever any public way is herein referred to as run-
ning between two public ways, or from or to any public way, the
intersections of the public ways referred to are included to the
extent that worW shall ~ shown on the plans to be done therein.
3. Said siree'bs and highways a~'e more particularly
in the records in the office of the County Recorder of E1 Dorado
C0un~y, Callfornia~ and shall be sho~n upon the plans herein re-
ferred to to be filed wi'th the Clerk of said District.
~. All of said work and Improvements are to be construe-
'bed at the places and in bhe particular locations, of the
sizes, dimensions and materials, and at the lines: grades and.
elevations as shown and delineated upon the plans, profiles and
specifications to be made ~herefor~ as hereinafter provided.
5. There is to be excepted from the work herein described
any of such work already done to line and grade and ma~ked excep-
ted o~ shown not to be done on said plans, p~ofiles and specifi-
6. Said Board does hereby adopt and establish as the
official grades for said work the grades and elevations to be shown
upon said plans, profiles and specifications. Ail such grades
and elevations are to be in feet and decimals thereof with refer-
ence to the datum plane o£ the U. S. Coast Geodetic Survey.
7. Said contemplated acquisitions and improvements, in
the opinion of said Board, are of more than local or ordinary
public benefit, and said Board does hereby make the remaining
costs and expenses thereof chargeable upon a district which dist-
rict said Board declax~s to be the district benefited by said
acquisitions and improvements and to be assessed to pay the re-
maining costs and expenses thereof, the boundary of which district
is the exterior boundary of the composite and consolidated district
consisting of the parcels of land abutting on or which may be ser-
ved by said improvements, all as more particularly shown upon
Map thereof on file in the office of the Secretary of said District.
8. Said Board fu~the~ declares that all public streets,
highways and property within said assessment district in use in
the performance of a public function as such~ shall be omlt~ed
from the assessment hereafter to be made to cover the costs and
expenses of said acquisitions and improvements.
9. Contributions will be made towards the costs and
expenses of the work not included within this project but from
which the area herein assessed will be benefited, said work
being the acquisition of transmission and disposal capacity
and said other facilities.
10. Notice is hereby given that serial bonds to represent
unpaid assessments and bear interest at the rate of not to exceed
six per cent (6%) per annum~ will be issued hereunder in the
manner provided by the Refunding Assessment Bond Act of 1935 as
modified in the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, the last
installment of such bonds shall mature fourteen (14) years from
the second day of July next succeeding ten months from their
11. Except as herein otherwise provided for the issuance
of bonds, all of said acquisitions and improvements shall be
done pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Improvement
Act of 1913, as amended.
12. Reference is hereby made to the proceedings of this
Board and the letter of the County Health Officer under Division
4 of the Streets and Highways Code.
13. Said proposed acquisitions and improvements are hereby
referred to the Engineering Offices of Brown & Caldwell, San
Francisco, California, District Engineer of said District, and
the person having charge and control of the acquisitions and
construction of public improvements in and for said District of
the kind described herein, being a competent person employed by
said District for that purpose; and said District Engineer is
hereby directed to make and file with the Secretar~Y of said
District,a report iu writing, presenting the following:
(a) Plans and specifications of the proposed imp~ove-
ments to be made pursuant to this Resolution of Intention;
(b) Descriptions and mede sho~ing the ~enera! 'route and
termini of lends end easements to be acquired;
(c) Engineer,s statement of the itemized and total estl-
mated costs and expenses of said acquisition and improvements
and of the incidental expenses in connection therewith;
(d) Diagram showing the assessment district above refer-
red to, and also the boundaries and dimensions of the respective
subdivisions of land within said district as the same existed at
the time of the passage of this Resolution of Intention, each of
which subdivisions shall be given a separate number upon said
(e) A proposed assessment of the total amount of the
cost and expenses of the proposed acquisition an~ improvements
upon the several subdivisions of land in said district in propor-
tion to the estimated benefits to be received by such subdivisions
respectively~ from said acquisition and improvements, and of the
expenmes incidental thereto.
1~. If any excess shall be realized from the assessment
it shall be spent for the maintenance of said acquisition and
improvements, unless the Board shall hereafter determine that
said amount or any pa~t thereof shall be applied as a credit
to each assessment herein.
i hereby certi:f'y that the £o~cegoiug resolution was
adopted and passed by t?,s Bosrd of D~..?ectors of the South
Public Utility District at a special
of held on the 22nd day of October
the follow.~.ng vote~:
AYES; and In .faw~-~ the~eof, D~_rector~:
YOUn~ Crocker, Johnston
NOES, Direc tors~ Hone
~ENT, Dlrect~ None
mee ~i~E t he~e-
.~ 1952~ by
Oomnty of E1 Dorado )
deposes and says:
· being first duly sworn·
That he is a citizen of the United States and over the
age of 21 years;
That at the instance and for and on behalf of the Clerk
of the South Tahoe Public Utility District, he posted Notice
of I~provement pursuant to Resolution of Intention No. 31
adopted by the Board of Directors of said District on
October 22, 1952· on all open streets within the assessment
district described in said Resolution of Intention· at not more
than 300 feet apart on each street so posted· and not less than
3 in all. That said posting was fully completed on the ~
day of ~OJ,~- . · 1952. That a copy of said notice
is hereto attached marked Exhibit "A" and by reference made a
part hereof.
SUbscribed and sworn to before me
Notlr~ Public-in ~nd for th'~' County of
E1 Dorado, State of California
County of San Mateo )
JEWEL STEELE, being first duly sworn, deposes and says~
That for and on behalf of the Clerk of the South Tahoe
Public Utility District and on November 17 , 1952,
affiant mailed notices of the adoption of Resolution of Intention
No. ~1 of the Board of Directors of the District adopted
October 22, 1952 and of the filing of the engineer's report therein
referred to, postage prepaid, to all persons owning real property
proposed to be assessed under said Resolution of Intention,
according to their names and addresses as appear on the last
equalized assessment roll for County taxes, or as known to the
Clerk, in form a copy of which notice is hereto attached and marked
~xhibit "A". Said notices contained a statement of the time,
place and purpose of the hearing on said Resolution of Intention
and report,and a statement of the total estimated cost of the
proposed acqu/sitions and improvements, and the amount, as shown
by sald report, to be assessed against the particular parcel or
parcels covered by the notice, together with a statement that any
person interested may file a protest in writing as provided in
the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913.
this 19th day of November , 1952
ry c in and' for the County o~"
San Mateo, State of California
Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 52
that on the 22nd day of October,
1952, the Board of Directors of
the South Tahoe Public Utility
District adopted its Resolution of
Intention No. 31 wherein it did
declare that in its opinion the
public interest and convenience
required, and that it was the in-
tention of said Board to order the
acquisition and construction of a
sanitary sewerage system in said
District, as more particularly
hereinafter described.
All of said work and improve-
ments are to be constructed at
the places and in the particular
locations, of the forms, sizes,
dimensions and materials, and at
the lines, grades and elevations
shown and delineated on the
plans, profiles and specifications
preliminarily approved therefor
by the Board of Directors and on
file in the office of the Clerk of
said District.
Said acquisitions and improve-
ments are more particularly de-
scribed as follows:
The construction of a sanitary
sewer main with manholes and
appurtenances along the south-
east side of U. S. Highway No. 50
from Bijou Park Boulevard to the
State Line, with a highway cross-
ing at the intersection therewith
of Pioneer Trail and thence along
the northwesterly side of said
highway to and along Laurel Ave-
nue to the State Line, the acqui-
sition of disposal rights and facil-
ities to be constructed by the Dis-
trict, the acquisition of ease-
ments necessary therefor, and the
doing of all work and the making
of all acquisitions necessary to
complete the same.
The estimated cost of said pro-
ject is $74,280. Contributions will
be made towards the costs and
expenses of the work not includ-
ed within this project but from
which the area herein assessed
will be benefited, said work be-
ing the acquisition of transmis-
sion and disposal capacity and
said other facilities.
Said contemplated acquisitions
and improvements in the opinion
of said Board are of more than
local or ordinary public benefit,
and said Board does hereby make
the costs and expenses thereof
and expenses incidental thereto
chargeable upon the district ben-
efited thereby, which district said
Board declares to be the district
benefited by said acquisitions and
improvements and to be assessed
to pay the costs and expenses
thereof, the boundary of which
district is the exterior boundary
of the composite and consolidated
district consisting of the parcels
of land abutting on or which may
be served by said acquisitions and
improvements, all as more par-
ticularly shown upon a map
thereof on file in the office of the
Clerk of said District.
Notice is hereby given that
serial bonds to represent unpaid
assessments and bear interest at
the rate of not to exceed six per
cent (6%) per annum, will be
issued hereunder in the manner
provided by the Refunding As-
sessment Bond Act of 1935 as
modified in the Municipal Im-
provement Act of 1913, the last
installment of such bonds shall
mature fourteen (14) years-from
the second day of July next suc-
ceeding ten months from their
Except as herein otherwise
provided for the issuance of
bonds, all of said acquisitions
and improvements shall be done
pursuant to the provisions of the
Municipal Improvement Act of
1913, as amended.
Reference is hereby made to
proceedings had pursuant to Di-
vision 4 of the Streets and High-
ways Code on file in the office of
the Clerk of said District.
Notice is further given that the
District Engineer pursuant to
said Act and said Resolution of
Intention adopted pursuant there-
to, did on the 22nd day of Octo-
ber, 1952, file with the Clerk of
said District his report in writing
on said acquisitions and improve-
ments, consisting of maps and
descriptions, plans, profiles, spe-
cifications, estimate of costs and
incidental expenses, diagram and
assessment filed with said Clerk
as parts of said report, and said
Board did on said date consider
and examine said report and by
resolution preliminarily approved
and confirmed same and ordered
that said report and said estimate
stand as the rer
pose of all subs
ings had pursuai
tion of Intention
Notice is fur
Friday, Novemb
3 :00 o'clock P.M
Bijou, Californi
and place appoir
said Board for
in relation to sF
quisitions a n d
and that any pi
objecting to said
sitions and imp
the grades at v
will be done, or
descriptions, or
the assessment c
engineer's diagr
ment for the coa
thereof, or to hi!
costs and expen
file a written I
Clerk of said D
fore the time set
referred to here;
Reference is
said Resolution
said report, inch
costs, plans, pi
tions, maps and
gram and assess;
particular descri
quisitions and ii
on file in the of
of said District.
Dated : Octobe
Clerk and ex-
South Tahoe
Your assessment is as follows :
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the South
Tahoe Public Utility District, El Dorado County, California, adopted
its Resolution of Intention No. 31 on October 22, 1952, ordering the
construction of a sanitary sewer main with manholes and appurtenances
along the southeast aide of U. S. Highway No. 50 from Bijou Park Boule-
vard to the State Line, with a highway crossing at the intersection
therewith of Pioneer Trail and thence along the northwesterly side of
said highway to and along Laurel Avenue to the State Line, the acquisi-
tion of disposal rights in facilities to be constructed by the District,
and the acquisition of easements necessary therefor and the doing of all
work and the making of all acquisitions necessary to complete the same,
all as more particularly described in said Resolution of Intention, and
that pursuant thereto on October 22, 1952, the District Engineer filed
with the Clerk of said District a report on said project consisting of
maps and descriptions, plans and specifications, estimate of coats and
expenses, and diagram and assessment.
The estimated cost of said project is $74,280. Contributions
will be made towards the costa and expenses of the work not included
within this project but from which the area herein assessed will be
benefited, said work being the acquisition of transmission and disposal
capacity and other facilities.
November 28, 1952, at the hour of 3:00 o'clock P. M. at Conley's
Bijou, Bijou, California, are the time and place fixed by said Board
for hearing protests in relation to said proposed acquisitions and in-
provementa; and any person interested, objecting to said proposed ac-
quisitions or improvements, or to the grades at which said work will be
done, or the extent of the assessment district or to the Engineer's
estimate of the costs and expenses thereof, or to the maps and descrip-
tions or to the proposed diagram and assessment, may file a written
protest with the Clerk of said District at or before the time set for
the hearing referred to herein, Reference is hereby made to said
Resolution of Intention and said report for a more particular description
of said acquisitions and improvements, all on file in the office of the
Clerk of said District.
Dated: October 22, 1952.
Clerk, South Tahoe Publle Utility
Number Prope Description Amount