HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 18 Ri.SOLUT!OP~' t{0. / ' ' CANVRSSING RFTURNS AN~ Er. CLAn:.NG THE RFSULT OF THE G¥~RAL DISTRICT ELECTION HrLD IN SOUTH TAHOE PUB- LIC UTZLITY DISTRICT ON TU~iSDAY, ~RY {... 1:~52, FOR T~ OFPiCE 0P ....... ~_ AT LAP, Gl NLr~R T .... ~ RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the South Pahoe Public Utility DistPicl;, Count3. o[' Rldorado, Szate of California, 5hat ~'~HERZAS~ pursuant to hhe ~rovisions of law, Section S 11~-21; P.U.D.A. of 1/21 Severnins ~he South fahoe P'dbtic Utility District, a seneral district election was held in sa-4d D. strict on Mc~. 6, I 52 rot the office of ~h'ector ar. LaPSe: No. 3; and W~iRRAS. said election was no~3icea, calle'~, held and conducted in the manner and time required by law and 'ohe resolu- tions, orders and procaedinss taken by the District; and WHEREAS, che Board of Directors met at its usual place of meeting az the time provided by law to canvass th~ returns and declare the result thereo~~ and having completed the canvass or Pot ur'ns, NOW, THRR~FOR~, !T iS RESOLVED, D~TPRHiNEL' A~ DECLARED as follows: 1. There was one election precinct established in the District by ~he Bo~rd of Directors for 5he purpose of holding the election, which precinct was designased Consolidated Precinct "A' and the polling place therein was located at Bijou Fire House in the District. 2. The election was dul~ and regularly' noticed, called held and conducted, and the votes cast thereat recelve~ and can- vassed, and the returns thereof ~de in time, form and manner re- quired by law. 3. The ~otal number of votes cast at Consolidated Pre- cinct "A" for the respective candidates was ~ Johnston 4. Yha're w~:re ~p absent~ batlcts ap~lie~ an~ ~) absantee ballots vo~d i~h- number or absc~ btllots ...... ...... ~ fop the r{.spectiv~ candidates is as follows: 1. Charles Johnston ~} of RiP:0ctor at La~,So, i}{~. -'. Ut ! lit.5 ~ hr, let ' , /' ? e .-~ /' / ,.,,' / ....... ~ . ~hao the fores'}!nS r,ssolut]_on was dui., and. p,Ul:]ulsNly ado~tc.d a~ a Bo z'd of i racto:s or the South P,ihol Public Utilit~ in.; ~t~, ,; Oi'. m,~i:b :.: ps thcp2,3i~: NOES, T.:h',zc~oz's: