HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 11-01-12 I ���TH TqNQ� - �s ; °. � e+ �; A(�S@K'or ' 1950 ' ��~��� ' e��C lJTlLITY D�S� i I SOUTH TAHQE PUBLIC UTILITY D[STRICT � ' R�EGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA j Thursday, November 1, 2012 2:00 p.M. District Boqrd Room ' 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California ,, . '� Richard Salbri , Generaf Mana er Pau1 Sciuto, Assistant General Mana er Eric W. Schafer, President BOARD MEMBERS James R. Jones, Vice �'resident Chris Cefalu, Directar Rand Vo el esan , Qir�ec�or Kel! Sheehan, Director i. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEE�ING— PLEDGE QF ALLEGIANC� 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDf ENCE (This is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Board on any shorf non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdic�ion of the District. No disc�ss�on or ' action can be taken on mafter5 not li5ted on tY�e agencEp, per fhe Brown Act. Each member of the puE�lic who wishes to comment shall be allotted five minutes,and r�o more fhan three indi�idual5 shall address ihe same subject.J � 3. CORRECTIONS�O ThEE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (For purposes o�the Brown Act,alf Action ! and Consent items listed give a brief d.es�ription of each item of business to be transacted or ctiscussed. , Recommendations of the sfiaff,as shown, do not prevenfi the Board from faking other action.) 4. ApOPl'I�N OF CONS�NT CAL�NDAR (Any item�an be removed to b�discussed and considered separa#.ely upon req�est.Comments ar�d questions from members of the�ublic,staff or Bqprd can be tpken � when the-�omment does not necessitats separate ac#ion.} 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGMT �O�tWARD FOR SEPARA�E DESCUSSION /ACTION 6. 11'�MS FOR BOARD ACTION R€QUES�ED B�ARD ACTI4N _ a. Requesf fio Appear Before the Board Consider Custorr�er's f2equest that Pg.27 Received from Cameron Falls Conc�rning the District's Labor Cost and City fees Related to Installaiion of Domestic and Excavation-Fee be 5hared�qually Fire L�ne Service between Him a�d the District ' (Tim Bfedsae,CusfomerService Ma�ager} b. Fire Service Capacity Charge Liste� to�Pr�esentation, Provide Pg.29 [Pavf Hughes,Chief Financipl Of�icer) Comment arld Dil"eC# Staff as Appropriate ; i � I I i ; _ __ __ -- ', REGIIi.AR BOARD MEEFING AGENDA-NOVEMB�R 1, 2012 PAGE-2 , '', c. Memora�dum of Understanding (MOU) Adopf MOU (*A redline copy of the MOU '�, Pg,57 between Sfationary �ngine�rs Local 39 wifl be distributed prior to,and at the Board �'�, and South Tahoe Publi� Ufility Dis�ric# meeting) ' {Nancy HuSSmann, Human Resources Director) d. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Adopt MOU �*A redline copy of fihe MOU Pg.59 betweer� the Management Staff and the wil]b�:dis�ributed prior to,and at the Soufih i'ahoe Publ�c Utility Dist�ic# Board mee�ing� (Nancy Hussmann, Human Resources DirectorJ i � e. ACWA-JPIA Prudent BuyerClassic Plan Approv-e Changing Medical � P�.6t {ivancy Hussmann, Human Resour��es pirector� Insurance for Emp�oyees to the , ACWA-.JP1A Prudent Buyer Classic I Plan Effective January 1, 2013 � f. Paym�nt of,C�aims Approve Payment in �he Amount of ' Pg.69 �1,�13,470.42 i 7. STANDING C4MMfTTEE REPORT � (Discussions may take plpce; however, no action will be fiaken) ; a. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting of 10/29/12 {Jones/Vogelgesang ) � $. BOARD MEMBER R�P4R1'S {Discussions may tak� place; however, no action wiEl be taken.} 9. EL DORADO COiJNTY WATE�t AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT � 1Q. G�NERAL MANAG�R REPORT S (Discussions may fiake pface; however, na actian will be taken.} ; a, l.ib�r#y Er�rgy Settlement Report b. Lukins Inte�rtie/TJ Maxx i 1. STA�� ATTORNEY REPORT S {Discussions may take place; how�v�r, no actiar� wili be taken.) a. �I Dorado Co�nty Water A��ncy/Congressman McClin�ock Meeting � R�port (Dennis Cocking� 12. NOTICE OF PAST AND �U�URE MEETINGS / EVENrS ! Past Meetir� s fvents ; 1 a/29/12-Water and Wastewater Operations Committ�e Mseting � Fufiure Meeti�tqs / Evenfs i i/02/12- 11:00 a.m. -- El Dorado County Departm�ent of Transportatior� M�eting a� District 11/05/12-- ]0:00 a.m.- EI Dorado Count Wafier A enc 5 ecial lWee�ir� in Shin le S rin s 1 Y 9 Y P g g p 9 ; 11/14/i��- 8:00 a.m.- ECC (Employee Communication Committee) Meetir�g at District ; [Director Vogelgesang will be the Board re�resentative) 11/i 4/12- �0:00 a.m.-- EI Dorado County Wafer Agency Board Nieeting in Shing�e Springs l 1/15/12- 2:00 p.m.-STPUD R�gular Board Meeting at Distric� i i/22/12 & 11/23/12-Thanksgiving Hofiday [District Office Closed) � I� _ _ _ _ ', R�GUI,AR 80ARD MEETING AGENDA-NOVEMB�R 1, 2012 PAGE-3 ', 13. CLOSED SESSION (T�e Board will adjourn to CloSed SeSSion fo discuss items identifi.ed below. ' Closed Session is not open fo the public; however, ar� opportunity will be provided at this time if members of the public would like to comment on any item li5�ed.7hree minute limit.} a. Pursuan�to Gavernment Code Section 54956.9(b�IConference with Legaf Counsel- Pg.85 Antici ated Liti ation one case p � f ? b. Pursuant to Government Code Secfiion 54957(a)/Conferer�ce with Labor , Pg.s� Negotiators r�: Memorandum of Undersfar�ding with t�e Management Unit ' Present a�This Closed Session Will Be Agency Negotia#ors: Austris Rungis/I�DA, Richard Solbrig/General Manager, Nancy Hussmann/Human ��esources Director, Paul Hugh�s/Chief Financia� Officer c. Pursuant to Goverr�mer�t Code Section 54957(a)/Conference with tabor � Pg.aa Negot�ators re: Memorandum o# Ur�ders#anding with Stafiionary Engin2ers, Local 39 � Present at This Closed Session Will Be Agency Negotia�ors: Aus�ris ftungis/IEDA, , Richard Solbrig/General Ma�ager, Nancy Hussmann/Human Resources Director, ��I Pa�l Hughes/Chief Financial 4fficer 14. ACTION / REPORF ON 1TEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSiON 15. ADJOURNMEN� �To the next regular meeting, November 15, �:00 p.m.} � � � i ? The South Tahoe Public Utility Distrtct Board of Qirectors regulariy meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A cornplete agenda packet,including alf backup information is avc�i�able for review at the rneeting and at the District o#fce during the hours of 8:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days af�er minutes of fhe meeting hp�e been approved. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes i pnly and will not rtece5sarily be considered in the order in which they appe�r on the agenda. Designated times are for ' parficular i#�ms only. Public Nearings will not be-called to order prinr to the time specified,but may occur slightly lat�r � than the specified time. I Public parti.cipation is encouraged. Public comm�nts on i#ems appearing on the agenda will be taken at fihe same time fhe agenda items are heard;comments shouEd be brief and directed#o t�e specifics of the item being considered. Please pravide t�e Clerk o#the Board wit� p copy of all written maferial presented at th�rneeting.Comments on items I not on the agenda can be heard during "Corrtments from the Audience;"however,action canno�be tafcen on items not on the agenda. �`Backup materials relating to an open session i#em on fhis agenda,which are not included with#he Baard packet,wiil be made available for public inspeciion at the same time they are disfiributed or made available fio the Boa�d,and can be viewed at the Disfirict offce,at the Board meeting,and upan request#o the Clerk af tY�e Board. The rrseeting locatipn is accessible to pEOple wifh disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate pa�ticipation of th� disabled in al1 of the Distric#'s public meetings. If particular accommodations are needed, �lease �confpcf the Cle�'k of the Board at (530} 544-6474, extension �5203. All inquiries must be mpde at least 4$ hours in advance of the meeting. ; � � i ; �ou�� 7qy� � F _ � � AGeL/er . 7950�- ��i¢�U" , G lJ7'�L17Y���� CONS�NT' CALENDAR , 'I NOVEMBER 1, 2Qi2 ' fTEMS RE UESTE� ACTION i a. Alpine County Annual lmpact / Mifigation / Authorize Payment of the District's Pg. 1 Compensation Annual Mitigation Fee to Alpir�e � (Debbie Her�derson,Accounting Marsager) Cou�ty in the Amount of$113,700 ', b. �012 W�Idwood Waterline and Ba� Bijou Waferline Approve Change Order No. 4 to Pg.3 Replacement Thomas Naen Company, in fihe (Pete �avallee, Assaciat� Engineerp Amount of$19,191.82 c. Snowshoe/Millich Slope Revegetation Approve Char�ge Order No. 1 to Pg.7 Mainfenance V&C Constru��ion, in the Credit I, (Pe#e La�allee, Associate Engineer] Amoun#of$�,$50 d. F�eadworks Replacemenf Phase 2 Project Approve Change Order No. 6 to Pg. 11 {Julie Ryan,Se�ior Engineer) �5E Construct�on Company, Inc., in , the Amount of$b9,471 � e. Board Policy Manual Section 2l 50: Cod�e of Adopt Code of Conduct ' Pg. �� Conducf E (Ka#hy 5harp,Clerk of the Board� � � Sauth Tahoe Pubfic Utility District ■ 127.4 Meadow Crest brive ■South Lake Tahoe,CA 96150 �hone 530.544.6474■ Facsimile 530.541.0614■www.st�ud.us � I i ' � � Ger�eral Mar�aager '', � , �'tChard H.Sotbrig ' + '�8� s , cJg,�,�g!E W�t6r /� D1� � �� � �['f� _G�t�iSCefa1� w Jatnes R Jotle� � �U��1G u`�I�l��l �[�'��fG� . ! ����b�� pale Rise '�c 8ohaf� � � 1275 Mea�iow�r�C Dr�ve•South iake Ta��•C�9�o���-7401 � . " - � f�one 53C)5�4-�O47q-•Fax 530 5���p�t4•w�r.��Gpud,�� BOARD AG�NDA 1TEM 4 a. i I , �`C�: Board of Directors �ROM: Debbie�Henderson, �4ccounting Manager � MEET[NG DA7E: November 1, 2012 � � IT�hl1--.PROJ�CT NAhIIE: Alpine County Anr�ual Impact/Mi#igatfon/Compensa�ion i � - R�QUESTED SOARD AC]'tON: Authori�e payment of Distri,cfi's annu�l mitigatio� fee fio - Alpine County in the amounfi of$113,700 D1SC�l�S[ON. �he second amendment to the agr�eemenf-beiween #he Dis#ric�and �he € Counfy of Alpirte, dated June 2, 1983, provides�or.an a�nual payment focompensate for � and mitigqfe the im�acts of Harvey Pla�c�e Dam Projec#. The current year obligation is $� �3,700. This represer�fs �he $114,800 paid ir� fiiscal year 20� 1/2012 decreased by�he percen�age decreas�.in the Dist�ict's sewer sy,stem connecfiions from 10/1/11 to 9f3Q/12. � ' . The decrease in the current year is attribufied to South Tahoe Pubfic Utili#y District Ordinance 5Q6-OS regarding r�lie€fio�excess sewer capacity. ; � ; � � SEHEDUI,�: Amount due is indicafed on this meef�ng's payment of claims COSTS: $11.3,700 ACCOUNT NO: i 02$-6650 { �' BUDGETED AMOUNi' R�MA�NING: $1�,Q,Q00 ' A1'1'ACHMENi'S; Afpine County Mi�igation Fee Report � ; CONCURR�NC�WITH R�QUESTED ACTION; CA'f�GORY: Sew�r � GENERAL MANAG�R: YES �# HO I � CH[�E FINAI�C[A!.OF�IC�R: YES NO I �..�� i .._.� ..�.��� F:ichard M.5olbrig �� . direcCors � � �� '`"�� Chris Cefalu $ ' ��� � �� ,lames�.Janes , �� Ranc�y Yagelge5ang , °�£s�"""" [ � t�f` I �"�''`�s .�('�"' !� '�"'� • KellySheehan ', � �t�.�s��i�./ l�► 1/��t l.I*� �1 a,� 1����V' Eric 5chafcr � 'I27�M�acIDW�t DI�Ytt*t'.l"ULr�I�.ak�S Taf�O�•CI�.�'iaQ-T4OS Ph�t�'�30�-7"4�F�x 5�0�1-4�1�«unr�+�nr:�p�i.t�� BQARD AGENDA [i'�M 4 b. '�O: Board of Direetors I ' FROM: Pete Lavallee, Assaciafie�ngineer M��T[NG DATE: November 1 2012 , I ITEM w PROJECT NAME: 20i�Wildwood Wa#er�in�; and Sa! Bijou Wa�erf�ne RepEa�ement R�QU�STED BOARD ACTiON. Approve Chang�e Order No. 4 to Thomas Haen Company, in the amounf of�19,19i.82 DISC#JSSION: The itemized parfs of C�ange Order No. 4 are crs #oEfows: Parf A, in fih�amount of�5;�91:��, is for removal of slurry encasem�ent qf�he#ie in , locafiion at station l+pQ that ex�er�ded more than 10 feet down Ba! Bi}vu Rd for a depth ; ranging befv�een 4 and 6 feet. ''� Par� B, �n t�e amount of$4,13�A�, is for Ensfialla�ion of a verficai offset from sfations �±60 � to 5+�0 wh�re fihe Distriet`s exis�ing i 6 ir�eh Bi�ou force l�iain was or��and a half feet highet'in elevation #han shQVsm on fhe plans whic� put it ir� direct confiliet with the new water main. . i Parf C, in the amounf of$1;243.��, is €�r repair o�a 6 incE�sewer mqit� on B�al Biiou �oad I which was mismarked by 40 inch�s. � � � Pa�f D,in �he arrioun�o�$18b.88,is for t�e ir�s�a]�atiort�f an 18 incY� dueti.f�i�on.sleeve � : �rom sta#ion 7+�Q to 7-��� to{�ate�ct�he�new 8 Ench P�E wa�er rnain from a proposed ! future drop inlet. . I �arf.�, it� t�e amount of$3,7��.13, is for i�sta�lci�ian o#a verfical o�fs�t#rorn s�ation 7�83 � fio S�-�5 fio avoid confiicts�nri#h a commur�icafion and ele�trical conduff bai��as w�11 as � . a gas main which were de��er�E�an shawn or� the plans or an#icipated durir�g d:esign. I I Part f, in the c�mour�t of�4,3��:5I�, is for extending t�e 8�nch main from fihe design�d ; end poin�to #he service conn�tion for the La�esf�ore.LAdge qs welf as con�crete encasement at a commun�cation and��ectrica! conduit bat�k crossing. Work also includ.ed insta�lafion of an 18 inch duc�ile iron sleeve aroun� f}�e new 8-�rich water rnain. _3_ i � ' Pefe lavallee November 1,2012 Pcrge 2 _ , � j I . ; ; I . , , _ x � , ! � � � SCHEDUE�: As soon ds posSik�Ee � ` CbSTS: WItDWD: $0.00: EC�BINL: $19.1�1.8�2 ;` ACCOUN:x NQ: 2029-8263/WlLD1xV[7;�0�9-7098/ECBBIAfL � ' � Bl��.G�TED A14AOUNT REMA[N1`N�: $59$.38(�: $�$150:,170? A'lTACHIIAENtS: Change Oi't�er No. 4 CONCURR�NCE WtTH REQUESTED AC]'lON: CA'CEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: Y�S � � NO � � - , CHIEF FtNANCEAL OFFI�ER: YES NO . � -4- ; .,�, � ��U�H ra��� �HANGE ORDER NUMBER 4 � _ ;�� Pro'ecf 20'i2 Wildwood and Bal Bi�ou Wat�r[ir�e Re�lacernent � J s" �'" Pr— Ojecf � �i r�tr�195o�'�'tc 6� i e4�tm�4�� Contracfor Thornas Haen Co. , i Qa�e: Navember �i, 20�f2 PO# P�5242 I �.. � i The Gon#rac� Shaft Be Chanc�ed As FolEows: A. Ifem A addc�sses in full the add'rtianal work authori�ed �erball�by the District on fhe Ba1 Bijou Water��ne Proj�a#to pr•ovid�`equipmenf, material, and lal�or fa chip ar�d remove siurry i aro€�nd fi�e valve c1�st�e at the intersec�ion of Ba! Bijou Rd'.and Highway 50 s#atian '(�-00 sir�ce it was an unknown undergrac�nd conditior�. Work�e�orrned on a fime and materiaf basis r�ot to exceed $5,�9'i.25. See Attachment A, billing number 17'�9 far a br�;akdown af , alt costs. TOTAL FOR ITEM A!S $5,491.�5. ?I TOTAL.FOR CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 4 !S�A+ B + C +D + � + F � 49 191.82 $ . . , � ..,..... ___.___- :£ :t, � _;: :�_. -� � �t��gina� Contract � $'I,892,462.v�8 � P�e�iou� Chang� Order $�:q,p,5:3g',p9 Curren��Cor�tracf 2 033 oo�:s7 _ � . , , ; TH�S CHANG,E ��RDEf� , $:19�'I9'1 F82 ' ! New Gon#rac� TotaE ' ; $2,052,'�93:�9� ! Contractor agr�es to make fhe her�[n-described changes in accorda�tce�uittt ffte fe�ms hereaf. The change in contraet pcice andfor con�raet#ime noted is fu�l settlement for cosfs incurred because of the !, ci�anye(s�described,unless s.pec�fcalty noted iR individual descriptio�i(sj: � Date:. Aufihorized By STPUD' B�aard Presidenf � , i Date° Ac�eprted.By Con�rac#o� Date: Rev�ew�d By . � � .� '�, -�- . il . 1 I '' B. Item B adc{resses in fuit ft�e additiar�al work authorized verbally 6y the District on the Bal Bijou Waterlir�e Praject ta provide equipment;matEriai, and labor to instal! a ver�icai o.ffs�f from sta�ion 5-�50 ta 5�-80 ta go ur�derneafh the 96 inch AC Forcemain which was or�e and a half feet higher than shown in the plans.W�rk perforrried on a tim� and materiai basis not�o exc�ed �4,�36.04. See Attachment B, bi[lir�g number 2�28 far a ; breakdown of al! costs. � i i T4TAl. FOR ITEM B 1:S$4,�.3.:6.d4 � C. Item C addr�sses [n fuil t�te adtfitior�ai wark authorized �er�ally by fhe Distcict on the Bai Bijo�Waterline Project fo provide equipment, ma#eriai, and labor fo repair a 6 �nch , sewer main w�ich was.mismariced by farty inches in front af 9�6 Bal Bija.0 �d. Work ' pe�Formed on a time and ma�eriaf basis not to exc�ed $�,2�3.02. See Attac�menf C, b�lfing number 2429 for a breakdown of all costs: j TOTAL F�R ITEM C [S$1,243.U2 � D. If�m D addresses in fui! the additional woc�c autho€ized �erbally by the Districf o�the Bal Bijau Waterline Prajec�tv prv.vide equi�tnen#, material, and Iabor to�nstal! an 'I8 inch ductile iron sEeeve, suppfied by the Disfrict, from sfia�ion 7�-90 to 7+2�ta protect the new � �ighf ineh wateriine�rom the city's proposed dro� int�t.Wark p�r�armed on a time and ' material basis not fo exceed $186.88. See Attachm�nt D, billing number 2430 far a i br�akdown of al[ costs. � ' TOTAL FDR 1TE'M D 1S $186.88 i E. Item E addresses in�full th�add'itional.wock authorized �erbalfy by th�pistric€�the BaI ' B�j'a�Waf�riin� Project�o provid� equipment, materiat, and labor to i�istat� a verti.r,a# �of#�ef fFOm station 7+�83 to 8-�05�o avoid cor�fiicts v�rith communica�ion, etectri�a[, and � gas lines which wer� at a ��ep�r than shown on the pfans_ Work performed aa-a���e and material basis not to exc��d$3;753.'�3. S€:e Attachmenf E, bilting n�amb�r:�432 for` � a breal�down�f ali co.s�s. TQTAL FOR ITEM E IS.$��753.13 � F. [tem F address�s in f�l� ttie addifionaf wor�c authorized�erbally 6y the Distric�on th� f3al � BiJo�a�IVa#eriine�Project to��rovid� �quiprn�r��ar�d �abor to e�fen� and ir�stail fh� nev� � ���;ht ir�ch ci�tctile i�on main:ur�dec the existing and prapased �torm drains: Goncfefe � �r�ea�erment was alst� provid€d where the riew main crosse��witY�i�t�+velve inc�€�s of a. �communication and �feetricat conduit bank. Work performed ar� a time and m.aterial . E�as�s r�of to exceed $4,38�'�.5a. Se�Attaehrnent F, billing number 243?far a breakdawn of al[ eos#s. ' TOTAL FOR ITEM F IS $4,381.50 ; i � . � TOTAL FOR GHANGE ORDER �UMBER 4 IS A+ B + C +p + E + F � $19,997,82 I . ` ; i E . �E ; � � � -�-' i I � ' . Gerreral Manar,�sr • Rfc�hard H.Solbrfg � r � . � at�,. �.Ul� ��J � � .c�c�� Jame�R.3orie� .:.,.. _ ....�_ �[,����G ��I�I�y �IS�Y'�G� _ � ������ ��s�� ' i�75#�leadow��Dr�ue��th iaf�e T�hos•C!�9�15Q-74�1 - . � - � F'ho��3U 5�-6�3-7A�•Fax 53C3 54i-0�1�-•www�t�aud.u� � BOAR� AG�NDA ITEM� c. 1 ' '��: Board of Directors � FR4M= Pefar Lavallee, Associate �ngineer M�FflNG DATE: November �, 2Qi 2 , �C IIEM-PROJ�CT NAM�: Snowshoe/Mliflich Slope Revegeta�ion Maintenance REQUEST�D BO�hRD ACTtON: Approve Change Ord�r No. 1 to V&C Constr�ction ir�the credif amount of��,850. � DISC[1SSION: Chan�e Order No: 1 qddress�s a�edit far 37 rose bushes whi��w�ere � .found at the closeout inspection of fihe project#o be missing from the slope.The original � contrac#required #he instaEiation of 60 ros� b.usf7es in three rows a�five foo#ort een�er. � 1N�at was ac#uafly instafled on the slope was a #ota� of 23.rose bushes in fiv�ro rows. `- ' Because of th�s discrepqncy V&e will provide a credit�o the District i� #he amount of $},8�0 which is$50 per bush for 37 ros� bushes. � � , ; .i 3 . � i . SCH€DUf�E: �s soon as possible i C0S1'S: C$],850> � ACCOiJNr NQ: i 029-7075/SNOBLO � BGJD�ET�D AM4UN� R�MAINING: $b,�06 ! � A'[TACHMENTS: Change 4rder No. T � C4NCt�RR�NGE W1TH REQUESTED ACTION: CAT�GORY: Sewer � G�N�RAL MANAG�R: Y�S NC) CHIEF FtNANCiAl.OFF[C�R: YES N4 �� —7— � '' �Q,�tx rq��� CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 1 ' _ Project 2019 S�ows�oelMilfich Sfope ..�..�, �,..� �I� � �se"�°�.�asn���CCt�G�. COtitiE"aC�OE' V&C Cons#ruction ��uI1L1i�T ��� Date: No�ember 1, 2Q12 PO # P25370 ',, The Cor�tract Shall Be Changed As Fo�tows: �' A. Finaf irtspecfion of�he 51ope found �hat oniy 23 of th� 6Q bus�es called for per the , contrac�were instalfed during the original planting between Snowshoe and Miliich Ditches. Pro�ide credit to the District far 37 cose bushes wf�ich were not planted in the amounf of$SQ.00 per bush which results in a tota� credit ta the Distric# of$1,850.00. � TOTAL �OR IT�M A [S <$1,�50.00� � TQTAL FOR CHANGE �RDER NUMBER '1 IS A= <$1,850A0� ! � Origina! Contract $'10,000.00 � ' Previous Change Qrder �Q � Current Contract $�4�pp�$p- THIS CHANGE ORDER [$�,$50.00> New Confract Tofal $8,'I50,40 Contractor agrees#o ma[ce the herein-described changes in accordance wifh tf�e terms hereof. The ' change in confract price andlorcontract time nofed is full settlement for costs incurred because of the change(sj described,�nless specifically noted in individual description(s). �' Date: Ae�thorized By STPUD Board Presiden� Date: , Accep�ed By Contractor ',' 1. Dafie: Rev'[ewed By ; i . ; � � I . i � -9- 1 ; _ __--- _ _ _ ', � � CGettera[Mat3ager ', . f�iehard H.9o�brlg ', e,� . 1950 • �, �� ��� V � �/ 1✓� �� -�' Cefa[u .lames IZ Janes � �� ' r�y .�+ . t. , -}'` .t -�` ' i+4aryi.ouMb56acf�er j ' �E.#1/��V �.�1�1�� ��� V1 t� V - � Dale Rlse Eric Schafer � �275 Meadaw Cr�t Drive•5ou�h 1..ake Taho�*Ca��54-740� � - � � f'i�or�e 53�15q•4-6474•'�ax�530 5�-�-Q�14�www.��puc�.us , BQAR� AG�NDA ITEM 4 d. � � . '�, TO: Board of Directors i , '� FItOM: Julie Ryan,Senior�ngineer ; . ' MEF37NG DATE: Nov�ember 1, 2D12 ; IT�M-PROJEC'i NAM�: HeadworE:s Replar�ment Pt�ase 2 Project , R�QUESF�D BOARD ACTION:. Approve Change 4rde�-No. 6 fo GS�Construction Com�iany, Inc, in fiY�e amount�69,471.00. DlSCUSSi4h: Chqnge Or�er No. 6 addresses 4 work ifems that c�� beyond the s�ope of the contract,one change �o the Contract rme, and one chqr�g� ta an intermediote 3 dec�dlirte. i ' 1) The Cortfract Time for fif�e projecfi is s�e� to expire on Nov�mber, �, 2012. Staff recommends tha#the Contrqct Time be extended by 74 days to account for ' de(a�s cqus�ed byfihe add�tior�of wo�k�o the�Con#ract, and troublesf�ooting during sfiartup vf fihe Headworics. This exfieetsiori afst� accounts fior additiona{tirm�e ; , tha.t wili be nee�ded affier the comple�ian o�site worfe, which is exp�fi.ed by � Deeember 7, #o compE�te office v�,�or};ar�d proces5ing change orders. �he new �onfraef Time wifC�nd or� ,lanuary 18>2Q13. �} �SE experienced deiays in sfartup and tes�ing of t�e new Heud�orks #haf eaused #hem to pass tt�e July 1, 2012, [iquida��d darnages deadline for complefian of�he H�eadworfcs.S#aff recammends fhat the frst I�quic�a#ed Derrrmages Deadtine bee�ended by 6� days {to Augusf 3�, 2012) to c�+count#or .these delays. Staff does no� re�comm�nd any additional compensa�ion due �o ; the delay,the cas�s f:or�he any addi�ional work will be addressed s�epa�at�ly, and tY�e Ristrict confiinues fo �es�rve�t�e r�g�� to assess.liquictate.d d�mqges for failure to complete those porfions of the Work fha��'�mair� in�ampl��e afifi�c � August 31, 2ai 2. Headinrorl�s fiesting remain.s incomplefe #o date, as GSE . contir�ues fio troubleshoo� problem items. The Dis�ricfi expects a r�quest fo� � furfher exfiension #o t��s dai�e, as the compaUnd effect of unavoidabl� defays pre � continuing fo be ass�ss�d by Staff and fihe Con#ractor. 3) The Con�ract Drawings provided two confiicting d�e�ails for stru�tural supporf at � the openings for ti�e Headworks rof�-up doo�s. The Design�ngineer provided ar� ; �j alfiernative design during consfruction which, while cieaner�is slig�tly more cc�stly i � i -��- : � - ----- __ ----- ----- _ _ _ _ __ Jufie Ryan Nov.3.20» - � . Page 2 I i ta co�struet.�'I�e addifiona['work was performed on a lump sum basis for the additional cost of$3,94i.00 for fwo openings. ' 4) !t was brough#to the Districf's aftention during construction by the bridg�crane" supplier#hat the bridge crane assembEy does not have a power disconnect.7his '�, disconnecf'is required by OSHA be�ause the power source is nofi located in the � Nlain Headworks where the bridge crane is located, bui�i5 in fhe �lec#rica! Room whe�e fhe bridge crane can�ot be seen.The disconnect was provided by GSE , for the lump sum cosf of$3,252.00. 5) lt was broughfi fo t?�e Disfirict's atten�ian during construction that the supporf�or �he bridge crane, as desigr�ed,would ir�terfer�with the window at the �ron#of fil�e Headworks struc�ure, as construcfed. To address fihis confiict, �he Contractor ; provided an-alt�rr�zrtive b�arrt support�at�tt��l��p sum eosfi ort�2��32:(lfl.-�_— i6� Af the starf of constr�ction fhe Disfiricf realized fihat.t�e Contracfi Docum�ents faiied to�prouide specific recommendations �or r�ofing insulation. A Specification wqs provided fio �he Contracfior, and they provided a lump s�m � r�et cosf o�$4,�408.00 to provide the required insu{ation, abov+� ancl beyond the � cost of insulation accounted for in t�e Bid. ; 7} During cor�structio�, s�aff dire�cted G��#o install �he 4" l W piping fo#he.Filter , Buifd�ng in an afternati�e focation to whqt was called for i�t�fhe Contract. The '� . Confirqct�ailed to cc�l! for et��asernent ef fihe wafierline ar�d a backflow device, I � bofh of which are s#andard re quirementswithin #he Pianf. The relocation required a short-run for encasement, ar�d allowed fil�e bacicfl'o�nr device to be � instaffed indo�rs. The additional work was performed on a�ime r�r�d Ma�erials , Basis fior the to�crf cost�30,55�.00 � j S�a€f re�commend�t�cat �he Board approve Change Order No: 6 to fihe Distric�t's eantrcrct wifh G5�i� the amount$69,471.00, and wifh the c�ang:es �o fiY�e Contract Time and #F�e ir�term.edia#.e deadline id�nfP�Eed above, Wifh $24i,824:98 in Change �rders ; � apprQV�d pre�iously,fi�is'Change Orde�No_d brings tf�e�on€ract#afal to �8,332,15�.27. i i�he Engineer's Es��rrmate for canstruction was $9,198,605.Qi0. � . . a _ , . , i � ' 1 � � . . , . � � . . , . 3 SCHEDtlEE. As soon as possible � . COST5: $.69.471.Oa i ACG4f1NT NO: ]Q24-8033/HDWORi� B�UDGEr�D AMO[lNT�ItEMAlNING: $1,389,0�6 � : ' ATFACHM�NTS: Change Ort�er No. 6 CONCURR�NCE WI1H REQUESTED ACr1QN: CATEGORY: Sewer G�N��AL MANaG�R: Y�S Np CH[EF �INANCIAL OFF[C�R: Y�S N� ' -12- , o�T�+ ra,,� CHANGE ORDER NU�II�ER 0,�,6 � :� ,.:�,� ProJect: HEADWORKS REPLAGE.MENT PHASE II PRO�ECT ' s��'°►�f954���`6i Z'� Contrac.for: GSE Cons#ruction Companv, lnc. i � eIl�.��p}5� . . i , ,. Daf�: November„'i.,, 2012' P�#: P23714 The Confract Sha[! Be Changed As Follows: ! A) Change the Confract Time, identifed irt Section 007200, Part 2.04 of the Contrac# i Spec�fications, from six-h�ndre�d t�.r�r���r�o {622} calendar days to six-hund.red nine�y-six (696} calendar days as described in detail in Desig� Co�sft�uction Memo#98, dated ' OctobeT 19, 20'f 2. The DiStrict reset�res its r�ghfi to collect�iquiaated dama�es €or fail�re to ��` complete fhe relevant por�ior�s o�the Work by�he deadlir�e. No compensation is awarded due to tiie delay, and any addi#ional costs for f�e work related fo this �tern will be addr�ss�d � separately. � ; T4TAL fOR ITEM A IS $0.00 ; � TOTALF�RCHANGE �f�DERNO. fi [SA+ B + C + D + E + F + G + H = $fi9,47'I.00 4r�gir�al Contract $8,020,8SD.29 �z2 Calendar Days � Previous Change Order $2q:'��g24,gg Current �onfract $8,2fi2`,fi85.ZT 622 Ca[endar Days ! TNIS CHANGE �RDER 74 Cale�dar Da s �s�,47�.00 � New Co.�tract Total' $8,332:,156.2T s9s c�i�nd�r a�y� Co�tractor agr.ees to make the herein-descrihad shanges in accordance with fhe terms.f�ereof The change. in contract price ancllor contcact time noted:is.full seftfement for cost's'incurred-because of fh�ef�ange(s). ' described, unless specificaF!'y noted iR individua(description(s). j Da�e. Authorix�d By STPUD Board P�-esidenf Da�e. . � Accepted By Con�rac�ar . . . J Date. . Reviewed By - , . ; , ; j -13- B) Cha�ge the second #ntermedta#e deadline�or fiquidated damages identified ir� Section 00 72 00, General Conditions, Part 2A4.A, from .3uly 9, 2072, to Augtasf 31, 20'�2, to account for �nanticipa�ed de(ays in the star�up of t�e Headworks ar�d to allow more time to complete. , Op�:rational Tes�ing as descri�ed in Design Cor�stn�ctian Memo #56.3, da�ed A�agust 3, ', 2�12. The Districf reserves i�s right to col[ecf liq�idated damages for failure�o complefe#he . ' relevar�� portions o�the Work by the deadline. No compensation is awarded due to the. delay, ar�d any additionaf casts fior the work related �a this item will be addressed separately. This item does not address any impacts fo Car�fract Time resulting from these chang�s ir� , work. TQTAL FOR lTEM B �S $U.00 C} Amend Bid lfem 10, including ali labor, equiptnent, ma��riaEs and su�contractor costs � ' necessary to change the roll-�p door detail from a cas#-in-place beam to a steel char�nel ,' door frame, as directed by the Distr�.ct in its response fio RF[ 37, dated June 28, 20'i'I. this �tem addresses in ful! ti�e additional work authvrized �y the D�s#rict to char�ge th� door frar�e for an additional cost of$3,94'f.00, as.de#ailed in Contraet Change Request#3Q and GSE's PCOQ49 dated March 22, 2012 (attached). TOTAL FOR ITEM C IS $3,94'[.OU D)Amend.Bid ltem 10, inc�uding aIl �abor, equipment, materials and subcontractor costs � necessary to add an �SHA-required disconnect for tf�e bridge crane at tl�e Headworks as called for ir� the District's Reponse to RFI No. 144; dated Jur�e 1, 2.0'i2. This item address:�:� in ful[the a�dit�onaf work authorized by t�e District to add the discon�ect for an additior�al �I cost of$3,252.00, as:detailed in Contrac�Change Request#3� and GSE's PC0095 dafe� Jur�e �8, 2092 (attached}. TOTAL FOR ITEM D l5 $3,252.4D � E)Amend Bid Item '�0,. incfudir�g aA �abor, eq�ipmen#, materials and subcontractor cos#s � necessa.ry to amend the b�am support�or tt�e br�dge crane to a�oid a windo►n�at the � Headworks as cafled for ir� t�e Dis#rict�s'Reponse ta I�FI No. 123, dated March 19, 201�. ! This ifem atldresses in fuff the additional work auth�arized by�he District fo a�d the disconnect for an additionak cosf of$2,632.00, as detailed in Contract Change Reques� '� #34.'I and GSE's PG0095 da#�d S�ptemb�r 11, 2012 (attac�ed}. TOTAL FOR ITEM E �S $2,632,OU F}Amer�d Bid Item '{0, inc�uding the n�� incremental labor, e�uipmen�, materials and subcontractor costs� necessary fiv pra�ide t�e roofng insuiation called €or in Design C�onstr�ction Merrmorar�da#1 and 'i.'�, both dat�d May 6, 201'l, instead of�he roofng insufa-tior�t�afi rrvas bid. Tf�is i�em a�dresses in.ful! fihe�dd�tionaC work authorized by t�� Dis�r'ret to proVide fhe. aft�rna�ive roofing irtsufation for a �o�af net cost of$4,408.00, as � detaifed in Confract Change Request#38 and GSE's F'C.00'#2 dafed June 23, 2012 f attac�ed}. T�TAL FOR ITENf F IS $4,408.40 � G)Amend Bid Ifiern 10, including the net incremer�taf labor, equiqment, maferials and s�bcor�tractar costs necessary to provide the coatings af the Headworks B�ildir�g called fo�- in fhe Distr�ct's Response to R�I 35.1, dated July 5, 201'I, above ar�d beyor�d �he coatin�s that were bid. This item a�dresses in f�ll �he addifional cost ta install t�e eoatings called for [n RFI 35.1 for a to�a) net cost of$24,685.00, as detailed in Contrac� Change Req�est #12.'�, GSE's PC0031.R1 dafed A�gust 22, 201�, and �he District's Response to CCR '�2.'t dated Oc�o�er 11, 2012 (attached). T�TAL FOR 1TEf�G IS $24,685.00 ', H) Amend Bid [tem 20, inc�uding fhe net incremen�al fabor, equipmer�#, materia�s and ', subeontrac#or cast� necessary above a�d beyond the bid price to provide the 4" 'iW piping '�, in the alternative alignment defit�ed ir� Design Construction Mernoranda#�7 and �7.1, da'�ed ', Ju(y '�8, 2011, and Jan�ary 20, 2012, respectively. This i�em addresses in fuli the additional cost to instalf the 4" 1 W in the new alignment, for�3Q,5�3.Q0, as detailed in Contracf � Change Reques##7.3, GSE's PCO00'f 9 dated October 17, 20'�2 {attac�ed). TOTAL FOR iTEM H IS $30,553A0 � TOTALFORCHANGEORD€RNO. filSA+ B + C + D + E + F + G + H = $fi9,471.00 i � I! � ; ' I i . ; � i . I � ,, 1 ; - ; ; ..� � ; -a:�- � General Manager Rlchard H.9olbrig * �� Director5 ', � V �� ��� : � ChNS Cefalu , �� Jame6 R.Jones , y�`�» r r r � � Randy Yogelge5ang i, . ��b��� �-������ �������� � ���5�e�han � Eric 5chafer 927✓I�I�ow��ti�v��5otx�h�Tahc��C1�9�1�Q-7�1S t�acta��3U�7A���x 530 54�-D61�=ww+�t.st�t�d.�� ; B(�ARD AGEN�A iTEM 4 e. i � �'�: Board of Directors • FROM: Kathy Sharp, C�erk of#he 8oard/�ecutive Services Manager , k M�EilNG DAT€: November 1, 2012 i � ITEM-PR4.l�C'f NAM�: 8oard Policy Manu�l Sectian�150:Code of Cor�duct ,, REQ�IESTED BOARD AC'�14N: Adopt Code of Cortdu�� �I �ISC[tSS1D1�: 7�}�e Board made a mofion at a pr�vio�s Board m�eeting that in parf directed stafF to review fif�e Boa�d Pofi+cy Mar�u�af to deterrnine if it coufd be more ��plicit as f7o what appropriate ac#ior�s can�be�onsid'ered in response fo a.I�ir�ctor's �iolation of Baard Folicies. Sfaff has re�earc��d this�ssue, and �a5 determined fh�ere pre procedv�'es��r qddressing miscor�c�uct: admoni}ion, sanction, and censure.The ; a:#tae�d policy ir�cludes descripfions anc�-p�ocedures.for Dir�cfior comp(a'ints and non- Direcfior com�lain��. " T�i� item was reviewed by the Fxecu�ive C�r-nmittee, staff, and lega!counsel,,approval �, is re�ornmended. SC.H�DUL�: N/A �OSTS: N/A ACCQIJNT NO: N/A BUDGEI"�A AMOUN'� R�I�AINING: N/a AiTACHM�NTS: D�a# Board Policy Section 21�0: Cod�e of Conduct C4NCURRENCE WITH RE`QfiESTEp ACTION: CATEGORY: Generaf ! GEN�RAL MANAGER: YES � NO I C�iIE��INANCIAI,OF�{C�R: YES N4 � , � � , � —1�7= i � ; '�, � South Tahoe Pub��c Utilit Dist��ct � Y . ] Board PolMCy Manua� ; ; � � � � � i2.150.10 The Soufh Tahoe Public U�ilify Distric# promotes and air�#ai�s the highesf s�andards o� personal and professional efhics and cor�ducfi a peop[e who work for qnd represent the �istrict, incfuding ifs Board of Dire ; 2i 5D.20 A Direc#or musfi comply wi#h appficable ia u his conducf. Directors are also � �, required �o comply w'rfh fhis Board Poli a ual.Th owing procedures shall be . foflowed whe� #h� Board reasonabl ves ti�at ano member ofi#he �oard �as vioEated t�ese policies, engag�d i onduct, o�has fa o act in the best interests of fihe District. � ; 21�0.30 A Director's ur�acceptabi �duc# may e�sonaf at#ac ainst#elfow Directors, di�ruption of ine reaches fidences, ir�terference wifih Distriet � operafEOns, breaches of fid ' s, irnpro ehavior toward District vendors or employees, undisclosed con o :ts, an like. 2I50.31 A Dire vior ma at liab for the District and.fellow Di�e . he B � shoul irec countable so that Board inac�ion , is not d as ndorse of fhe misconduct, or expo�e the D'rsfirict fo [iability. � � 215a.� are rote m iiity when fi�ey are actir�g within.their roEe as a f�ire s-�� . d �y G ent Code Section 820.9. Howev�r, fhere is nofhing in sec hat exonerates an individual Baard member from Iiabili�y � ue to his m r�duc an 'rndividual Board member may b� h�ld personqll� ; le�for the ondu at took place. � . ; 2T50.�0 1Nhile the has d' tiar�in deciding fi�e actions if.may choose to #ake in response '� to a com�la a Direcfor's conduct,this policy pro�ides definition and ` procedures rel ree types of responsive 8oprd actions: adrnon�tion, sanc�ion, I and censure. All c sidera#ion of corrmpfain�s ar�d result'rng ac�ior�s must tafee pface in ap�n session and in corripliance wi�h the Browr� Act. Closed session may be held only if conferring wifih iegal counsef in o�en session would prejudice the position of�he Districfi in . pending Iitigation. Direcfiors wilf respeet �he confidentialifiy appropriafie �a issues of p ,sensitive na#ure of cfosed session d��cussion(s]. � 2]50.41 Admonition � � Admo�ition is the least severe form of penalfy. An admoni#EOn may�ypically be directed to all members of the Board,-reminding fihem tha# a par#icufar fype of behavior is not in the laest interests of the Distric�, and that, if i� oecurs or is four�d to have occurred, cou�d make fhe memb.er subject to sanction or censure. Ar� ; admonifion may be issued in ��spor��e to a par#icular alleged qction or actions, i � I ' alfihough it wouEd nof neces5arily have to be tri�gered by a complair�t of ', misconduct.An adrrtonition may be issued by the Board prior to any find€ngs of '� fact regarding the complaint, and beca�se it is a warr�ing or reminder,would not necessarily require an investigation ar separate public heari�g fio determine whether a complaint is true. . �,� :: ,21 SfJ:�42 Sat�ction Sanction is the next mos#se�ere form of action, �anction should b� direcfied to a ' particulc�r member of fi�e Board based on a irec#or's particular action (or set of crctions] fha#is determined #o be miseon f is considered by the Board not to be sufficientfy serious to require cens sar�ction is dEStinguished from censure in that it does nofi constitute nfi. A wr�t�en sanction may be b4sed upon the Board's revi�w a sid ' n of a writfen compfain�.The Director accused of such rnisc >t will ha� opportunity#o provide a written response to the com A sanction m issued by the Bourd, and � because it is not punishmer� iseiplir�e, it would n cessariEy require an ` investigation or separafie pub -aring. � .E �� 2150.43 Censure Censure is the mosf s r of dctiv is policy. Censure is a formal stafiement of the Boar rcia 'man ne of its Directo�s. I� E5 Q pUt1E�'[VE acfiion, rves as nalty d fo ondvct, b�t it caRi�s no�ne or � suspe 'ghts of Dir efe ed ofi�icial. Censure shou[d be � use � ases i' ich fhe e�erm hat fihe miseonduct is a serious � - o#fi�ns rder t ro#ect th erriding freedom of speech, the Board shalf not impose c re of ifis D or�for fihe exercise of his or her FFrst � me r�o isfiasteful t�e e�pression was #o#he Bo�rd or � . Ho � r, nof � shall be cons#rued to prohibit fi�e BoQrd from ; eoElecft - on ing ar� ressing�its strong disapprobation o€s�ch r�rnarks. : � 2150.44 - �ral to Dist A##orn --At any point during fihe proces�es hereinafter ' ed, fhe rd may re�er the mafter, as appropriate, to the EI aarado Co istrict - rr�ey for investigafion. Prior to or following 5uch referraf, tfie , _ Board ed v�ith an�of the actions descr�ped in this pol�cy. 2i5�.50 Avqilal�le P�oEedu s for addressing h�liseond�ct i'here are four separcrte rrm�thods for�he 8oard to address Director misconduc# und�r this , Policy: (i] writte� compfaint; (2) request for admonition; E3.} req.u�st forsanction; qr�d ' (4) request for censure. Wri�ten complcrints fhafi specificalfy seek admonifion, sanetion, or 3 ' cer�sure as a specific r�medy shalt be #reated as a request for#hat rerrmedy (qdmonition,. � sanction, or censure), and fihe provisions of sections 2150.60- 2�5�.90 shalf not apply.The Board can aEso reque5t the Director fio resign in an ex�reme case, but �o mechanism � exists �o force resignation if fihe Director refiuses. -�a- 23 50.60 Writfen Complaints � ln fh� event a Director reasortably believes another Direc�or has fa9ied to act in the bes� � in�erests of the Distr�cf, resulting in misconduct, a written complaEnt shall be submitted to the Human Resources Director. 2150.6} !n the eve�t a non-Director files a written complainfi sfating �is/her reasonable beliefi fha# q Director of#he Board has acted or failed to act in ; the best interests of fhe District, resufting in misconducf,the foflowing procedures j shall also apply. I ; 215�.74 A written complaint sig�ed by fihe complqinc� be filed with the Human �esources ' Director. Upon receipt, the Human Resourc r shall transmif fhe complQint to the Generai Manager and legaf counsel for e � . Th neral Mar�ager and leg�l ', counsel s�a�l review ttie compfair�fi to - �-nine whe = f�ere are s�fficienfi grounds for I � furfher action. 2150.71 Ef a complaint faiEs to articu a suffici t basis f her �onsid�ration, �he complQinant and the accused D - or e advise e legal counsef, and fhe rrmattershalf be ed conclu Board Presiden all be nofified of such , � action. 215�.72 If a complaint adeq�a a s a su # bas�s for furfher ae#ior�, fitie.legaf _. .. . eouns�l. senfi the mpEai. Com e (which shall be composed of ' the G er, Hu R ' ec , and the Board Presiden#). In the �he su t of the int is ard Pr�sident, the Board's V�ce PreSid i�f serv the Boa re�idEnt's stead.The legdl counsel mQy , recomm a , i, t �� ' t . # �in = as �o � int should b� eondvcted; or 2.2 Info res o€the comp�aint shoufd occur;or � �1�{�. An ind der�t i estigdtion of the complaint sk�ou}d occur. ' 2150.80 �Prio��o an rmin by fhe Commitfee to proceed wi�h an investigafiion, th� ; accu5ed Dire e gEVen a reasonable o�aporttrnit�r to rneet with the Commi���e � or fo provide a response fio t�ie compfain#. In d�ciding whether or not to open an ; inve�tiga#ion, the mmittee shoufd consider: i � � . � 215p:8� Whether an in�estigation may cornpromise ir�vestigation� regarding the same ' alfeg�d rnisconduct,whether fhe misconduct rnay result ir� criminal charges, and , whe#her fhe right of fihe accused Director to a fair jury frial rnay be compromised ! by proceeding witn an investi�ation. � 2i 50.8� W�e#her person� i�vofved in th� allegations may ehoose to exerci�e th�ir constitufional right againsf self-incrEminafion,which may limit the investigation's abilify to present a fulf and impartiaf pict�re of ti�e all�ged e�ents. -21- ' i i 2]�0.83 Whether measvres can be taken �o protect the righfs of the Director accused of � misconduct, the Director or non-Director mafcing s�ch allegatia�s, and those who i have in�ormatio� regarding �he allegations. � 2i 50.90 Investigations 2�5�.91 If#he Commitfee defermir�es that an in�estigation is warranted, upo� notification � of�he Board, legaf counse! may be dir.ec#ed to conduct the investigafion. Legal � counseE; at its dfscretion, ma�select and manage an indeper�dent investiga�or to � ass�st in conduc#i�g �he in�es�iga#ion. ' �i5Q.92 !n the course of fhe investigation, legal el shafl de�ermine the process by , which s#atements are taken. LegaE c y allow vvitnesses to choose to ' provide a�igned declaration und r a�t er��,ry a#fiesting to their ; icnowledge of the facts surroun he comp 1 � i 215Q.93 Wi#hin thirty (3�) days of th� � �h� investigation b s, IegaE counse! shalf ; inform ti�e Board of the invest� ' n's pro ss. Investi ' n5 should be , compEet�d wi#hin three {3J mon rn �ate the inv tion begins; however, in the ev � invesfiigc� not be comple within th� #hree �3) � monfh time period, unsel sha otify the �oard. i2i 50.94 At fihe cor�clusion of th ves , the r of�h� ir�vestiga�io�s#�all be E p�eser�fe ' ° 'ting to fiY� orrmm� the i�tee is safis#fed with the ,com "' e inves #io v� #he Board wit�its #indings and Ir .' any. . mmen ns. �o!! ch fir� c�nd recommendations, any > rndivi irecto y�ile a es#far qdmonition,`sa�ction, or censure. ' 215�.95 om � fh investigation is not warranted, the ; co nt e Boa r�otified. Folfowing such nvtification, , shoufd ire� �on-Dir r fife a reque5�for admonition,san�tio�, or cens�re, t om shal!su�amit tQ tF�e Board a recommendation as set forf�t ' Section5 2 100, i 0� and 2l 5Q.i 20 below, and the rn'atter sha!}tf�er�after - ans�dere fhe Bo rd a� �#s next public meeting:subjeGfi ta the restriction of. S 2150.1 efow. 2�5�.1 OQ Reques#for A � , � �i SO.lOi Any Directo or r�on-Director may mafce a written requ�sf foc adr�oni�ivn which ; rnusf be submitted to the Human Resources Director, who will submit it�o th� i � Commifitee#or review.The requesfi rnusf confair�specific languag� c�esc�iptive of � the c�ll'eged misconduet and �he reason(s� admoni#ion �s apprczpriate. A copy of ;fhe reques�for admonitior� shafl be provided to the Di�ector a�ccused of the miseor�duct. � � 21�0.1 Q2 �he Commiftee shalf review the reques# and submit i� to t�e Board witt� a recommendation.The Corrmmitfee's recommendation shalf �rovide: � 2�50.102.1 Admoriition is warranted, or -22_ ', �150.102.2 Admoni#ion is no�warrar�ted; or � 21�0:102.3 �urther investigation is warranted; or � � 2150.i02.4 No future acfion is req�ired. i i 2150.103 �he Cornmittee sl�all make a recommendation based on the Committ�e's review of the written record. i . I 2150.104 The Corr�mittee's recommendation shall be bjec�fo a majority vote of the , 8oard. (No action can be taken without t ot�s.) I 2��0.i 1 Q Request for Scrnction 2�50.111 Any Direcfor or non-Director m fee a writ . quest fot sanction whict� mus� i be submftted fio the Commit - - e request mu tain specific language ; descriptive of the alle�ed rtduct and the reas sanctior� �s crppropria#e. � A eopy of the reques#for san shafE be -ovided t � Director accused of fhe..miscor�duct�y persona� serv it ' (5) b�sine s'from th� date�h� � Commifte� reeeiv reqvest.l' or service shall ol�ed if th� Board i � member is unavai! r�ice. �'I 2150.312 1'he Commitfee shaN re th est an termine i#an inves#igation is warranf wing th estig . if n- sti�atian was underfaken, folfow the re t, f '� ee 41�subrnit the request�o the 8oa h a r� enda - Comi e`s reeommendation shafl provide: � 2�SO.i T 2.� �u inv 'on of t ques#for Sanction is required, ar i , . on :ra�her iorr is warranted,or , 112.3 San is fed, or � 2150. No fur# c�ion arranted; i215�.1-i3 7he mitte !f rnak�a �ecommendation bas�d an the Committee's review I af fh� rd. i . 2150.1 i 4 The Gommi ee's recammencla�ion shall be subject to a majority vote of th� Board. (No ac#ion can be taken wEthou#thre� �otes.� .I ; 2 i:5�.i 20. Reques#for Censure . � 2i 50.121 Any Direcfior or non-�iree#or may make a written requesf for censur�which must be submit�ed to the Commi�fee. Tf�e request musf contain sp�cific langua�e � descriptive of#he al[eged misconducf and the reasor�4sJ cen5ur�is appropriate. A copy o€the requ.es�for censure shalf be s�rved on the Direcfior accused of fhe mis�onduct by personal serviee within five [5� busi�ess days from the date fhe Commitfiee re�eives the wri�ten request.The time for service shali be�tolled if the Dir.ector is unavailabfe for sen�ice. _23-- i 2150.122 The Committee shali review#he request and submit ti�e request to�he Board with ' a recomm�ndafion. 3�he Committee's recomm�r�dation shafl provide: .I � 2154.�22,i Further investigation o�the request#or censure is requ'ired; or ; , 2�50.122.2 Ad�nonition or sanctio�is warranted; or ' 2�50.122.3 The request for censure s�oufd be sef for a separate Soard public h�earing;or - ; 2150.122.4 No further acfion is req�ired. I 2150.]23 A recommendation of�he Conmm' fi all ased on #he Commit�ee's review of fihe wr��ten record. � 2i 50,i 24 If the Board deterrr}ine5 tha� �r invesfigation is r ' ed subjecf to a majority ;' vote�f the Board. (No action be fake witnout th ofes.) The 8oard shall '� direct the Comrrtiftee fo Eead fh sti :�he follo uidelines apply fio such an invesfiga�i 2i 50.124.1 �he Commi�#e ssis�ed epara#e independent in��stigator. 2:1 SO.i:24.2. fJ . pletion he i� ion, � ommittee sY�ould determine if ° . N e facfs e ' � co iderption, there are reasonabfe 3 ' ounds fieve o ieve isconduct oceurred. � �"` 2I50.12�4,3 �h m al�iss' the Board a�final report ar�d recommendpfion a#a d M ' g (as a reporfi only, no Boacd acfiar� is � ess �he Co e in:al reporf shal� be made available to the . � 2]5Q.13Q Pro � _ ; 2150.131' If afat� B public heqring is required, it must be seF��duled far enough in � adV to pc e #h� Director sub}ec�to the charg�s ad:equa#e tirrie€o � prepa aring,i'ha� Director shall be given:the opportunity to maCce an ; opening osi�g sta#�ment, and fo question the reque�ting par��.�'Yie Dir�ector . ma� be rep ser�ted and may have fhe r�presentative speak or quesfion or� � his/her behalf: TFie Presid�nt or Vice President, if t�e Presid�nt is the subjeef of the ch.a�ges, shall preside at fihe pubfic hearin�.7he rules of evid�nce shaf! nof apply i ' to #he heqring�ot.the rnatt�r, w�ic� is not a formal ad�ersaric�l proceeding: Lega� � counseE vwill assist Direc#ors in the investigafion, and provide Eegat adviee#o fihe Board during #he hearing of the matfier. � 2l 50. 132 in the event that the ir�vestigation de�ermines�he �oard Poliey Man�al or Dis�rict Policies were violated, an age�da item sha[f be prepared for ar� open session for , #he 8ocrrd �o cor�sider whether to discipline or express disapproval of the i�vol�ed Director. Af#h� open session agenda i�em, the involved Director must first disqualify i�imself from t�e proceeding by recusa� at the beginnirtg of the agenda -24- ' ifem. Whil�fihe invofved Director has a fimited r�ght fio be pres�nt t�a speak on : his/f�er own �ehalf, the invol�ed Direcfor must do so not as a Director buf solely in � an individual capacity and must sit wi#h other members of the public. After fihe public comment section, �he involved Director must leave the room when the Board discvsse5 and �o�es on its course of actior�, due fo cs risk that th� involved Direetor's mere presence in the room may impraper[y influence #�e proceedings. , �t�e involved Direcfor has a right to ha��e a representafive or counse! in t�e room ', at af! times, qnd may re-enfer the room affier the Board has voted on its course of '' action. � 2150.133 A decision #o censure r�quires fhe adopti motion or a resolufion ma[cing findings with respec##o the specificch as��l on substanfial evidence and ' shall be subjec#fo a majori#y vofie ot . �No ae�ion can be taken without ; fhree votes,) � � � . ; . I , , � 1 Acfoptian�ate:�000c -25- . C�enera[Manager ', - R€chard H.5albrig , �� ' � � � � — -- _-_-- _._-�_-----�--- y " �� " "�,, � ChriS Gefalu � James R.JoncS �""" � "�""�ts .'�^` f �t[� � tZanc�yYogefge5ang � ������ � Vl�� ky/� ��r��I f�#! Kel�ySheehan Eric Schafer 1�tM�adow��Driv�;Sau�lak�'faF�a�•�,�7�1-740'! '', f�vr��S0 544-�4-74f F�x 5�C1�q-1-t�a'�-�����.u� �'�, BOAR� AG�NDA IT�M 6 a. I�I� '�O: Board of Directors �ROM: Tim Bledsoe, Cusfiomer Service , MEETfNG DAT�' . Novernber �, 2012 ; . ITEM-PROJECT NAti�t�: Request to Appear B�fore the 8oard R�ceived fram Cc�meron Fa[fs Cor�ceming fees Relafed �o fnstalEa�io� of Dornes�ic and Fire Line Service .; REQUES�ED BOARD AC'�ION: Cansider custom�r's request that�he Disfirict's [aborcost and City excavation fiee be shared equally between him and the District ', STAFF INTRODUCTIQN: � '�, District staff instqffed a domes�ic and#ire line service #o cu��omer's house being builfi on '� �;ngora �ake Road.7'he initial cosf for the time and material was $2,229.43. Due to a double wa�er bnx alreacEy insta]!ed a#the cdmer of�Fte�cu�tomer's lot�but was used for another Io#focafed on Susie Lqke �2oad by q� easement from ano�her property owner, the �/" t"rme pnd.mat�ria!wos deducted from�he amaunt due.The fotal cosf was feduced to $.1,468.21.T�e�cusfomer objecfed fo the amount cY�arged and would like fo discuss �h�s wifil� the Board. ? CUSi'QM�R G�Ml�{E�#TS: ; The Distric� agre�d th��I shoufd b�chprged �or only f�e I" fire lir�e and the District ` wou�d b� responsible for�he 3/" dom�stiG water line.The tofiai hours bifled for the job � was.4.5 �ours and f#�e Cit�exeavation fee for the enfiire job wa�$300.Q0. �, �US��QM�'R'� R�Q�l�Si'ED�OARD aETI�ON�: � I am req�esfiing fhat the totaf labor cos�and�he CitX exeavafiion fee be shared �qually ', ' f�y myself and the Disfrict.�'his would reduce my bill, dated 10/11/�2, by$330.47. , I''��� STAFF R�COh�th�IENDATION: ', District staff lhas reviewed the tEme and ma#erial cFiarge and the fiatal cost is eorrecf, and recommencfs �hat the $1,466.2] is due for the work�dane at i 34� An�ora take . Road. � , I � -z�- I .:. I ' rm Siedsae . ', Nov. i.2012 ', Page 2 � � ; . � ; ' i � �i � � � . . I SCHEDU�E: ' C087S: ; ACC4iJNT NO: i ; I BUDGE7E� AMOUNT REMAIN[N�; AtTACHMENTS: � � CONCURRENC�WITH REQt1ESTED AC�lON: CATEGORY: Wc�ter GEN�RA!MANAG�R: Y�S,�/S � NO CHIEF FINANC[AL OFFICER: Y�S . ND -28- 1 , ... Generaf Manager �ichard H.5o[brig �r S�? s �� Directors �� �` Chris Ce€alu - ' �� {�! � �� JameS R,JoneS Randy Vogefge5ang , �� ������ � [���1 I.f� ���i.+�'�1� Ke[!y 5heehan , Eric 5chafer �I 12'�5�irl�d�r Cr�priu���o�h l.�ke Tahae��A��5�4 74C�'t �I � 1'hvn�a3Q�����*�ax�3Q 5�-1-46��-�rr�+�:�tpuc�.u� B4ARD AGENDA IT�M 6 b. � TO; Board of Directors FR4M: Pau[ H�ghes, C�ie� Financial O{�icer M�E��NG DATE: November l, 2012 �i'EM- PROJECT NAME: �ire Service Capacity Charge � R�QUESTED BOARD ACTiON: Listen to p�esenfation, provide comment and direcf staff qs appropriafe. DISCUSSION: Pre�io�51y,stqff was directed to evalua#e the cur�enfi fire senrice capacity j charge mefhodology. Due to the s�atewide req�irem�nt of fire sprinkler installations on a1[ new development effective Ja�uary 1, 2013, fihe Board.reqEized the impact fio an avercrge residential developmer�f, promp�ing the review of the currenf fir� sen�ice , capacify charge me#hodology. , '� The Board approv�d a professional services con#ract with Municipal Financial Serviees I (MFS�, who developed the currer�t capacity chdrges as parf of the 20D6 Water Capacity Charge Sfiudy. Sfiaff work�d clasely wifh the consultanfis fo deve�ap a r�ew - approach, and assump#ions to defiermine specifically, t�e impacfi of fire sprinkler i ir�sfial�ations fio�he Disfiricf water sys�ern. Attached is a detaifed report for review. Represenfiafives from MfS wil! present the information and res.pond to Board c�ves�ions and comments. Fvllo�ving,staff wilf seek final d�rection from the Board #o de��lop the ` nec�ssary or.di�ance revisions fo implemenfi the revised charges. Board acfion co�[d #ake p[ace at fhe next regufar meeting on November 15, 2012,wifih �he ordir�ance ` fiaking e�fect t�irfy days Iater. � , , , , SCHEDULE: Anticipa#e Board appro�a! at fhe November 15, 2012, re�ular meeting 'r C05TS: ACCOUNT N�. � � - � � BUDG�T�D AMOUN� R�MAINING: . � AT!'A�G'H�ICEN.TS: �uff reporf from Mur�i�i�s�l,-�����a�-�c�ur�c�s � ; _ . . - C4�1�iCUR'��NCE W[T[-I R�Q.11ES1'�p AC�'l4lit: +CdPiT`�GORI�:lAla�et GEN�ItAE M�kNAGER: Y�S ��.� W� � i . I CFti�F FINANGIAL OEEIC�R: Y�S NO I i . I —29— J i ' . t�, � � i F _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ 871 Coronada Center Drive,Suite 2p0 � ������n,n,vsso�2 1�l�uni�ipal i Tel:(530j k39=fi264 � Fi"nanciai ' Services Ucto�er�2,20i2 � D�tA�T . �I �� Mr:P�u��lughes,Chief.�nancial Uft'i�r South Tahoe Piib�ic l�tifify U�strict 1275 Meadow Cr�st D�ive Sovth Lake Taf�oe,CA 9�150 Subjec�: �valuation of 1N�ter Capacit�i Charges far Connections witti�ire Service�fows DearMr.iiughes: The Sou#h Tahne Fublic Uti�f�y District(S'fPUD) retained Munieipal Fnan�ral Seivices(NlFS)to revisit their cafculatian of t�e capacit}+charge assessed to cecoYer the capitat eo�associated far private fire pmtection service through indiaidual ; sprinlder.sys�ems or private fre�ydr�nts. � APPR4ACH Altho�gh the eafc�lation of bath wa#er rates a�d water capacity charges#o recover the costs af pu�lic fi�e p�otectio�(via hydra�tsj 9s wel[devel�ped,the calc�lation of capacity eharges to recover the cost of privat�fire protec�io�service is refatively ne�r and not as we![deve,loped Esee the American 1Nater 11V�rk,s:Assn�iatia�.(AWWA�:M�Ma�pal ofWaterSupp/y P�'ac�ices,P�reiples ofWaterRat�s, Fe�s,and Charges�. Ur�#iI re�en�ly,when resici�ntial connECtiv�s were cequired to have sprinklersys�Eems,there was littl,e i��eres�.in r�covering the�st ut water system cagacity assoctated with private fre � profec#ion,�4s a consequenee,we have developed an a[tema�ive .met�od for cafcutating capaaty chajges for griva#�tire , pr�o#ectian connectians in a r�anner similar#o that tar eafCu}�ting capa��}r charges far public fire protection (hydrant i charges}. A!'FERNAiN£ALLOCR710N MEINO� An aftema'�ve aflocafianmetho�tyas developed which i�tcorpnra#ed the follawin�ehan�es: ` 1', Rev�se t#ie afiocation- of costs €or pipefines and b�o�te� p�mping facilities to flre proteetion such thaf ir�crementa€.,fire�low(in gatEons per m�na�e,gpm)incfudes onfy privat�fire.:proteetion fT�ws`:r�lated to servici�g one,2U�gpm spriokler. , : ., ; 2. aevise the al�ocation cosfs fars#orage facilities(r�servoirs and tan�s)to fire pro#�ction such that incremental fire ' volume includes or�ty private fire p�otectio�vplume related to s�nricing nne;2U g�m sprinkler for one hour. .� 3': Ass�me tliatth��ast of puhft�fire pr�tecti�in vta hydxants are atfequ���1y be�hgrecoy�reci,(e�er�rough rates � or water cont�ection capac?ty charg�s) a�i�d'exeiude thern from th� asse#s tiei�g alTucated to the prirrate�re protec�io�cast r�covery. �'he changes fis�ed above woulcl insure that we are only recover�t�g fhe in�remen�al cagaci�y.associ�ted with priYate fr� prateefi�an(pr�vate spr�nklers)and nat dauble-�ipping with respect to puhhc fire pratection capaciiy costs.The latter are bei�g recov�red°v�a ra�es and/or regular capaci�diarges: , � � � ; ; I � � � � � � , i � -31- I � . _ _ Mr.Paul H�ghes ; October�2,20l2 Page 2 of Z I - BASIS FOR CURR�NT F1R�PROTEC�ION ALLQCAPOHS. � Currently,the ca[culation of fire protection capaciry ct�arges are based an cost ailacatfons deve[oped in 2QUfi. ,�he fire ' Profection cost atfocations are shown below in Ta61e 1 w�ich reproduces Tabfe 3.4:f�am.the Saptember 2[?U6 Water ', CapacityCharge StudyFinalReport{200G Study}. ' Table i. Galculatia�t ofSystem Nlaeat�os far Fre.Protection from�e 2006 Water�apacilyA�iargeStudyFrnalReport Tab�e 3A System A1�etaHontor Fire Proltettion Only Basis of'. 2op6 l�ssumed Cspitai Annuai N[ocatio�to ' ` Rep[acement `Useful Life 1n#erest Recovery Capftal Ffre � Fre [lescri tion Cosk a Years h Rate Facior ` Recave' Protestion�c d' ,Protecf�on I Source ot5upplyand Pumping 59;i50,W0 25 496 a.0640 $585,709 1.009b �5,857 Transmisslon and�istributiort: P1p'elines. a37?S.AU7,920 40 49� fl:0505 �15,884;682 38.34% S6,U89,769 Keservoirs and�Tahic;, y75,647,359 40 4% O.a5p5 $78R,554 ".74:74% , $116,546 600ster StaUons 2 qU0 pp0 4p . 4°� 0.0505 121 256 .38,34% •487 &u6total Transmtssion an�bistribution �333,449,279 51G,79s,498. 58;252,802 Hydrants 510.617,OU0 44 4� O.U505 5506.U54 10096 5��094 Laad . �15,562,48'E 100 4% U0408 5835.a57 5.07°/a 532,187 VYateriitghts . $6;772,384 100 4°� 0.49.08 5276,367 1.00°h 52,764 i ! Tata[ 5:3�3,95p,740 5!&�799.T26 56,799,704 Percent A[loca4on �g� I Notese � - a.Asset data is fiqm'LaWe2.1. b,Except for tand and Wafer R�gtttsi rrafues aie 6ased on useiul fiires shtiwnRki ffte pistricCs anRUal financ3�rejidits. ' _ Usefu�kv�es far tand artd WaEa'R`ghis ar�e sef to itl0 years to ap}srqbmaie artrtc3af tapital recove�g�perpetuity wifh,no deprecEatton aF assel value. c.Sovree M supply.arld pum�6i�q.and iiansmfss�n and cfistribtlho�.`E1�tY Ptanl A6ueafions are 6ase4 irPpn aqocatE'Di�s-' desaibed tn tEie 1995:Water Rate Studypages!1-Mi through 4-5: d.FlydranE"and weteF"ri�fits UGTi�y PHrrt AHncafions arie the same as Tur sauree ot supPN a�A�p�4: Land IJhldy Planf Nlocations are a 6ased on the compas�e perca�fa transmission and dishibution. � �i .. � . -� . . . . . . .. . � . _-. . . � . .. . . . , . .. . � i`his rr�ethad rel�es on sy,sf��daf�publisfted ir�the.1�,95 Wa,terRafe�S�udy:, �ap9e�of,selectad pages fmm the 1995 j ' lNaterl�ateSir�dy,w��tte rel�vantdafa�s inEtuded in �AEipendixA. , E . . .. . . . . . . . .. , . � -.. . . . - '� . -. , , � . . . , . ' l �� ' I 1 { _32_ , Mr.Pa�[Hughes Uctober 22,2012 ', Page3of7 � D�NQ:UPMENT�F'ALTERNATIVE F][t�PROTECfiUI�ALLOCAT[�HS I, Aiter�a#ive fire proteCtion aJfoeations were developed by incorparating changes related#o: 7.)starage cost allacatinns; ',, 2)pipelines and baoster station cbst allocatians,and 3)fhe Fre FlowMaxim�m paily�emand for each of five°categories ', nf co�nect�flrts. ' The�Fre Flow Maximum�aily pemand(MDD)vaties from 1�04 ga�Eons per mii�ute{gpm)ta 30U0 gpm€ar each of#ive ; categories of connectio�s.The duratian of fire flow demand varies from 2 to�hours.The categories a�e defined by#he type of cus#omer{residential o.r commercia�a�d land use dassifica#ion.T#�e flaw and duration for a fire spriflkler is the same for a([iypes of cannections:The fire#laws (in gpm} and duration(in ho�irs, hrs:) are sirown in Tab[e 2 for each ; eategory.A!I data was provided by the Disfic#. i '€abl�2. Fre Protec�ion AssuropHons for Fve Categories of Custamer/Land ilse Class"fiica�ions � FireFlawMDD Sprinlder ', Flaw, Duratian, Flow, [3u�ation, Customer/Eand Ilse Classification. gpm hrs. gpm hrs. Residential �,000 2 2U i Non-Residentiaf>3,600 sf i,5Q0 2 20 1 CommeraayiightEndusdyt21,0.00sf 2,540 2 2Q I Commerclaf/Light lndustry between 21;Op0 5f and 3U,10U sf 3,Od0 3 20 1 � Commerciai Malti 5tory>166,4UO st � 3,000 4 2U f ; - The basis for east aftoca�ons#ar sforaig�f�c�tities and far pEqef�nes and booster st'atior�facili�ies used in#he 2UOB Study a�d in the development of tl�e affemative are compared in;T�ble 3.The devel4pm�nt..o#cost allocation5 is a three step �roc�s tha#involves cafcufation o�,fce pro�e�an allacations with o�e sprinlder(step 1),calculatiar�of fre profection , allaea#ions�rittiou#a sprinkfer(step 2);an�ea3culation ofthe difFe�ense between the vaiues#rom step�and step 2. �I ; Table3. A[temative Fre Pt�#eetion AEloeations�lsing Reside�tiaF,Fne FlowAssumptions . ; Currenk AEtematsv�F�re Pi�nteccfio��Allocations . {2QD6 Study} Step f Step 2 Step 3 ��� Method, YU'dhSprinlder Wit�aut5prinkier Spri�lderflnly Storage,millian gal�ons. Fre Yolume 1.425 Q.121 0.120 SystemVoEu[ma .9.70a 1U.432 10.�132 Pipefines&600sterStations,galCons par mi�ute ��RowMaximumAaify�emand* 4,75U 1,020 i,U00 System Maximam Dafty Demand 7.640 T,9.U6 7,906 ; '�afal Nlaximnm Da�Iy Demand i2,390 � � . *The�reFlowMaximumDailyDema�dforA[femativeMethodsvariesforeachoffnrecategoriesofcannec�ions. Th�altemafive fir:e pro�e¢tion attocations are based on the updated Fire F[ow Maximum UaPly pemands shawn in Table 2. � . , --33-- Mr.Pauf Hughes Octa6er22,2012 Page 4 ot 7 The a[temative�ire pr�#ectian allocations for each c�f�#he five categories of connections assume one sp�inlder head oqerat�ng a#2Q g�m,Musf connections will have mare tha�one sprinkler.The use of an�sprinkler ir�the calculation af aitemative fire proteetion alfosabio�s enables#he development of a-u�it cast€ar one&prinfder which may�e applied to cannectior�s wi#h ar�y numher of spr�nidars. � The altematiue storage cost alloca#ions and pipelines;and booster s�atian co5t atiocaUons for Residenfial connec�ions ' shouvn in'fa6Ce 3 are�sed�o:develop,the a[[oeation to f�re pmtection,as a percent of the fotal vaiue of all water system � assefs.NQta;tha#the arrrent method established a 36 percent fire prnteciion allocat�on a�plicable#o a![Customer/Land Else Ciassifcab�ns:The al�emative method estahlishes a 0.�79 per�ent altocation for ane spr�Rkler operating at 20 gpm for one hour.�'he fire sprin�l�r profection allocatio�applfes ta all Customer/Land Use C[assi�ieatians.Calc�fat�on of the aitemative Total F�e Protectioo Alloca#ion for an�spr�nkler,usir�Residential fire ftow ass�mptions,is shown�n 7able�4. II Tabfe�..Altema#iveTotal Fre protection Atlocation Using R�ide►it�al Fr�FlowAssumptions Current Methad $tep.2:4Y�khout Sprin[der j 20q6 Annual : Percent $ Pement $ Descxiption Capital Recavery Alloqtion Allacation l�acation AllacaUon � Soutt:eofSupply 585,709 1.00% 5,857 , 1.UD9� 5,857 ' Transmissfan a�d D"�stribertion PipeC�rtes 15,884,682 3$.3446 6,089,769 i2.fi5% 2,U49,193 Storage 790,559 14.74� 116,54fi 1.15°6 9,094 BoosterStations. 121,255 38.34X 46,486 12.fi5% 15,337 Hydrants 506,494 100.U4�6 5D6,094 IOU.00% 5U5,094 Land, 635;057 5.UT96 32,187 14.00%�. 88,908 ; 4Ya#erRights. 27fi,367 f.00% '2,7SG 1.Q0%. , 2,Tfi4 ; `� rnta�: 18,799,724 � 6,799,704 � 2,83T,247 � . . ' Percentl�[ocation 3$.4',� i4.0% � _ . , . f �I, The a�#emative s#orage cost aflocations a�d��ipe�ines and booster s�ation cost aCloca�io�s for each of the five categories of eonnectfons,�si�g the upi3ated Fre F1aw Maxicnum paify�Uemands far each category,are sGmmarized in subsequent tables. j : 1 , ; ; ,.;, , �� , l, � ; � i i � i I i . ; j --34_ � I Mr.Paui Hugf�es October22,20l2 I � Page 5 of 7 '�, R s�mmary of tf��s#orage fire protection aliocatio�for each customer/€and�se dassi#ication using't�e customer/[and ��, use cfassifieation fire protec#ian da#a in Table 2 is shawn befow in Table 5. �I , Tahle 5. Sam�at�of S#orage Fre Protecfion Al[ocations '� MasterPtan�af,a Percento�storage PerceotofStarage Atlocable w Fre Altacable to�re Incrementai%ot �re Flow, Duration, Flowwith 20 gpm Fbwwithout Storage Allocah�e , Customer/Laod Use Class'�'ication gpm. hrs. SprinEder SpriaEsler to Spdnider . Residentia[ 1,000 2 3..1629G l.k50°k O.D12% Non-ResidentiaE>3,6Upsf i,500 2 1.737°6 f.72596. O.Oi2% - .._._..:.....��___._. ._._..._...�.......�.�._...._.__�.�...._.,.---•— -•--._., __ ._._._.�_.�._........,.___,.,_--------- _ .__mm.. .___---- Commercia�/Lightlndustry<21,OOOsf 2,500 2 2.88796 2876� 4.OI296 i Gammercial/Lightlndus�ybecween21,00Us�and30,10Dsf 8,06Q 3 . 5.18$%, 5.17fi% 4.Oi2� I Cbmit�e�iCia6MuffiSfory�166,OD0Sf 3,Ob0 4 6.913'� fi.9U296 0.0129G � f � Asummaryof�he pipelines:and boosterstafionsfire protection allocatian°foreaci�ct�s#omer/�and us�c[assification usi�g , pipefines and baostersta#ionsfire flaw data in Table 2 is shown below in Tabl�B. i . ' 'Fable 6:'Summary of Pipelir�es�a�d B�oster 5tatiflns�i�Protection A!lacatidns MasterPlanDafa PercentofPipeGnes PerceotafPipelines and B.00ster pumping and 800sferPumping IncrementaE%of Alloca6le to Fire AE{ocab�e to Fre PipeIines and Booster �reFlaw, Vol�mewit[i2Ugpm Volamewithaut20gpm PumpingAllocableto Gusmmer/Land lJs�Glassif'�catian . gAm . Sprink{er SprinEder Sprinfder ; F2esidential ' 1,ODU 12.90296 12.64996 Q:2s3% kon-Residential>3,6U0sf l,50.4 19.226% 18.973% D.253R6 ` I Gdmmereiaf/1.�glitlntlu�y�21`,004�sf 2,5pQ 3�.,8759�: 31,fi22% 0.25396 ' Commercial�l.�ghflnd�rstry�tween2f,00Usfand30,i0U-s� : .3,000 38,199%. 37:94696 0.25�396 Camme�iaf MuI�Story>.16S,UOU sf 3,004 38.299No 37.946% 0.25396 � ° . , . . i � , � � � � .i � I I I i j -35- ' I Mr.Pa�!Hughes October22,20f2 Page 6 of 7 Asust�mary,:�f the total perce�t allocation t4 fire protection for�ach cus#omer/fand�se elassi#icafio�using the me�hod j from the 2Q06 S#udy and the altemative method is shawn in Tab[e 7. i iTable 7. Compa�ison ofthe Gurre�tt and AltemaUve Fire ProfieCtion Allocations I 2006 Me�od. Alfemative MetGod PC�CCfifAI�OCa[IICfOF�TSO PerCentRllocabIBto ' Fre F�ow, Duratian, gpm Fre Protec4ion and Fre Prot�ctian for Gustorner/Land Use C[assifrcaf�on � gp�n hrs. 7620 gpm Max Daypemand ane,20 gpm Sprinlder Residentiai.. f,000 2 36% 0.279� , �fon-Resfdentiat>3,6045f 1,500 2 36� . 0.279% '', Cammercial/LightlnQusfry�21,000sf , 2,504 2 36% 0.279°G '�, Caromeraal/Lightindustrybel►'veen2i,QQOs�and3U,lQOsf 3,000 3 36% 0.279% � Commercla!Mu�i Story>l6fi,040 5f 3,040 4 3fi96 U.279% : Ealcu�a�ion of the tatal percent alloca�on to fire protectior�for each cusfamer/land us.e ctass9�icatian using each method ,. isshov�m in Tabtes 6-i through B:�in Appendix B: � � CA�ACCFY CHARCF�.S BASFD OH ALT�RNATiV��[R�PROTEGTI01�ALLOCAliONS ; Q comparison pf the.caleulation af capaci#y charges fo�,Residential.cannections,w�th dif�erent connecfion sizes,us�ng the ' method€rom tlt�2U06 Stady.and the aEtema#ive me�hod is shown in 7af�[e 8. ! � I TableS, Compartson of the Curren#and 1il�emafive Reside�ia[Capaefty C�arges , I 2D�D6 Studtr Altemative Meihod Fre Prote�tio�&3/4-inch Domes#ic 8ranch i3Op-�ch 150-incf� 2.Q0-inch 1.00=incf� 1:5�-int�► 2.Op,inch I Oome�ticifise :tateralca�nectlonsrze $fi,386 ' 522,773 $36,436 � '' Late[almfnas3/4-fnehtnetercE�arge - 54,555 S15,J41 '�29,644 Fire Sp�'rnlderChargBS.. basisfarfire �otectio n 4� 5S5 3.5 941 29 604 6 832 6 832 S 832 P S S � $ S S , � , � . � � flr�pmfee7rpn allorxtiorr 0.360 D.360 D.360 i t2 Spriaklers°6a1loeatlon O,OOZ'0 3-SSprfnlde�s�al/ocatkn 0,0�40 68SpnGikle�s�alloeation 4.02�3 �`re[fua7onirtdiarge� 19� 45°b 60� �reduadvn In flr�senvice svmponent> 97� 989� 9'9°k � ^ , I 'I I i, I ' • —36— � �� , Mr.Paul Hughes ' October22,2012 ' Page 7 of 7 ', A�summary of the calculatian of capacity charges for Nonresidential and Commercia[fire sprinMer connections,using t�e , attemative method,is shawn in�'able 9. 'Fable 9. Summary of�matirre Nont�es�dent�at an�Comme�cfaC Capaciiy Gt€argesfor Connections wiHi Fre Sp�nl�ets Fire Connection SprinlderFlow Ma�dm�m FWw Eq�'nralency Fre Spdn�der Capacity Facfor Ma�dmum# Capacity gpm cza g�m Sprinfde� Charge � 0.75-lnchmeterr�apacitycharge� . �6,832 � %sprinlderfire protection allocatfon� 0.279% �'spdn/der�re protectfan allocadon> $I9.08 � lA0-Inch 58 g�m 2.5 2 S48 ! f.5D-i�ch 100 gpm 5.0 5 S95 ' 2.D0-inch I60gpm 8.0 8 $152 ' 3.UU=inch 3�0 gpm 16.0 I6 �305 4.Op-inr� 5pp gpm 25.0 25 �477 6.00-inch 1,U00 gpm 50.0 50 �953 8.U4-inch 1,804gpm 9�A 94 �1,7i5 10.QU-inch 2,80�gpm 145.0 145 �2,764 12.00-inch 4,800 gpm 215.4 215 �4,098 � iS.Op-irtch 8,000 gpm 440.0 400 �7,624 � � Calaulation of.fhe caPasi#y ehar.ges for each custamer/land uss cfasstfiea�ion usin�#he altemative method is shown ir� j 7ah[es C-i through G5 in Appendiz C. � i1�e.Di�ric�may also use fhe percentage allvea�lons devefoped in#his let�er repor�fo devefop capacrty charges for fire profecfian for other�re proteedo�sce�ta�ios. ; Verytrulyyaur�, IV[UNt.E�PAL FlMANCfAL SERIIICES x��� Tom Pavfe�ic ; � ! 'I� i i ; -37— I . " ! 3 I 1 i ; I � . � ' . . ... , . . E i i E � � � , ., � 1 -38- � �� �� �� .���`�� � � ` �`�, `"�. ��� ��` ��"°� ��,�a��`°�. �'��`�°'���`"� �`�-�1 �� r�„ r,����� `r;` � � �., �,_ . ..��k7f- ^� X� �� ��� �. �� � A`�,:e�m �� � ``iYr `t�, ��=.q� . ..ir.�;���g-�:.",.. �� +.� .._;,,_. �; �`<��"�.�''+nu`�.: � �_y.�;ry� ���� i � e � : � � > . . � .. .-.., . �x. '�. � -� �c�� ��.�.� �� � �� �-w ���� -� ."� .�,-.'������ �. �, �� � . ��� �,�, � ' .��,�"��.r� �, � �� ���a����,� , ' � �_ � °� �� ��, ; � s�� � �� �� � �� �`` �`�" z e ����� ' _ - .--.,.... .. ...._ 6 �_ �m��.�w������e�°' �� ��.;"� .._........... . .,,.:.�.:.:. ....... .......,..,.-.�...._.�-....W:.. ��.� �z�.���'5�.3.��`��„��k, �'�''� � kra���'`f`�.'��`.s�� ''�u:.'���'�'+�."°°as�. . . a - �� �*�' .�,�'.� .. � '�����^��a"'���.��� ��� ��r� � �'�����'¢y� -�+a� � ` �� � �" ��a�L y .. �;y � S�r� �� ���� � ��� � ;. �� : � �'`- ��-�" �.e✓,'�e� �3 ' '�,�a J+ x.z � v,�p° '��� �°�'��"'''����� ''-"����-r �`. `�s����'s'°�.�":y� :�. g��,,� ;� �" "` '' `� ��'���. � �� �,� ,� ,� ,�„� z ,,,�;� � �� �#� -���,���`.`���;'���� ,���`" �g��s ���"� �f,�� �.�` �� �a r��'�`'��,�.,��� .�a�'�: ���.� �?� F'�-i,^� � � -w -c.����c'.��.rfYro `�a'� �.:� ""� � <�G��} �i``ea �. �.�aL�'�,�-+����..�'�,�„",�,�,.z`r�"'�'°.� �r ��w�.�'nt`�`���;�``�°�'��"���}�^'�i'��:� � � ..,z9.sa-L �. raz`4'+�.,-�. "n. �'� t �,d � �W�'" ��y° �� � ��""»�Z^�'���`���� ������������������ ��� � . . _... . - 'g_,x�'�'�`�.,,,���r z��n�,���?�-;t���� �t�� �c>P^�c� ��"�°��,���� a� . � � °`z�"'����o-"�.�`��'",��,•"4`���-��.��`� E 4:,� ���R"���4�'�3%?� � � �,��" � �'k-°..:,r-�:.v�r��y: '$,;.,,r��3y'ti.�� xd�?� rs .+.� ��`Y�'.���'a:&?'�"' � x�; e,+,. �' �.�,.����`�`'����-����?���,"r+,�� 3 �� �y��_,.�....���-^e�vc�'3�„��sr�Z�a��� x �,j`�a��tr;��'�.1��"`k-`�4 "��"R: ��.�,���a ..�5..�1's�.�,.u.-t*��,?,�;sc'�f��a�,.�'.��d Ex xs�i� �� ,�j ,�§ . -w4e5 s�d�*-v.,�.'"'l�"` � �F'3uY"'dQa�x�`�x'�a�,�.�"�w„�-?ti3''�`'� x ���;������s� �,��- �����,'.�s�;��- �`����a�'� �����«� ���.«,..�� �;.�-��;��'`-�`�.�*'��� �^�`�� n���;����``r� ,��� � a. �,�..��.�s� a.��� ��"��-���������������� y ��a�°r°;' ��-`K��au-�S'��d-`"��". a�'.�-�`x.+.�s�`';� c��.�'�,.�k�'.d�,�'�������,�h� �� -�,�`�xs-�r���"`-�'x$�V��y.��°p.�.;���,s��� p'2` 4x.,;�5 � A� �� ���"�'�.w.4,s,���'�' ���&'�'M�,�^l��td� ��^ �a��,�x��° 'w ^s, ��_" 'k � <z�Y'��f�� �:� g+�,q� ��y�,�, ��'..,���...�� �� a �.��° , .r�ro-��;,�'".x,�rv'"'��+-�,��'��.r'"�-"�'�-�,�w)�_ _'�'�,���s��`a��'� rp�'�`°t�,.�.='�`"��-.`�����: : '��i4�'" a.�,�g �'6�����'-�� �'�" �''4��' �z`�����'r�k�`'�`�'��������"���t� �, � :� °�' y =���*x"������,�"``���a������ �,����-� °`���'�'�°&���' � .� �' ��,`��.,�rr s �'- �,. .�'`^%'s�.�..h�� ��zy�°��'���.-��•'`�`�Y�'�,c,�r1'��'��-,�:...� ���;�"`+�r��.�'��.p��;�33`������'�� 6 u.5 V3W "�.rz.'���Re'*�''����^'L' -a,�„x�. �������'�,�N�,�,32���,�4,,�,���'„�ty����gt �--��ey` ��. ���,�p�x*�'� �"��'� �� �M 1..9r :`,ti A-�I°� f � k^ ,"�:�'��SF"�„�^���'�Fp^� �c, �'.a+"�S '� \4 � ��,"'i9'S 1,{,�" �°"�"f�3�����.��.e.t�a � �������'{��.���������� �''e4��L ���"`-a: � �j� ���, ���:����'� �`��¢ -.�T�.� �, Y'1 ,�z.+;�:.� ��,r�'+ � �,. 0��������������p �� � � � t 4 `�� r�� � � � s ��� � � '� ��.°��„`�„�����-�rz�����i�':; �� � � � ��; �� � � � L�� x�.��'��.�E�� �,, L��,��: � � �� �r� � ; 4���,•'%�6¢������..�F''�3'-�"� ��yT �q�c� �', Am �,� ,�^'�-A����� ���� � '� � c '�'���_,�.�,��"x��-������,�.„-� .���,��� ,, I.. . CHAP�`ER� CUST ALLUCAZ'�ON ` ; Zn th�s cha�ter, tlie �mbedded cnst of servica method is used ta analyze the costs af � - servin� the So�� Tahoe Public U�ility I]i�ttict (District) custome�s. The embedded cost of � � s�rvice method allocates the re�enue requirements (as devei+�pe.d i�Chapter 3} to the apglicable ; fu�ctional eost eate�orie,s and det�mnu�es the unit cost af s�rvice. Thns method is based on the j ''premisc that a wate3c"system is desigr�ed to servs the c�iffering demands pIaced upon it by the various �ypes of e�sers connected to the system an�, th�s, it is neeessary to allocate cvsts in praportion ta the demands �at use�s make on the sys�em. Tlierefore, the embedde� cost of �i � serviea analysis pro`+ides rate eqwty among vsers by determining the unit costs of semee far I each functianal cost category and multiplying tha msultant va�.ues by each user's correspanding demand or user charac�isties from Chapter 2. , C05T ALLOCA�ON METHODS Tn order to design equitable water rates; it is n�cessary ta allocate the re�enue ree3uirements among the various cusEomers comme�nsurate wa.th ti�e cost a� �ra�iding service. Two embedded cost o�service methods are commaniy �d ta allacate wat�r sysi�m costs, the base-e�ra.capac�t3► method and the ebmmad�xy=dein�n� me�ho�:- Bo�-of these method5 are ' ` endorsed by the America�. �ater Works Association and are presented u: their V�ates R�te ' Manual (Ml). Tndependent of the methc3d selected, revenue requirement� ar� allacat�d to. ; funetional cost categories (e:g., incremental fire pratectian, average ar�nua� water eo�sump�ion, � peak rate of water co�ption,and numii�r of customers or ac�4u�ts)in i�ie fust steg of a two- � step �rocess and tlien distrihuted to �m�rs in proportion to t�ieir sl� of �aeh of ttie i functionai cast eategories. � � The method used ta�Il.ocate the Disbrict's water ut�i�y revenue reqw�nements is a modi.fi,ed ' version of fhese embe�dec�cast of ser�vice methods. Thes�methods ar�e modiSed by combu�ing the annual az�d peak.water consumptian caEegories into one categary, the•€acility funetional eost category. Ttus fust rnodification does not pr�clude'tlie allocation af th�e fac�li�y functional cost l to an:nua� and peak wateF consum�tion categori�s or to aff-peak seasori and peak se�son. � cate��ries. T� fa�t; it aIIo�vs �he flexibility bf develvpi�ag a number of wat�ir rate stivature � �Itematives, such as seasonal quantity eha�ges. a� de�eloped in iChapter S. The s�ca�d j t � rnodification is t�e addi.�ion of a variable fi�nctio�al ctisx caUegory ia order w i�ol:ate the�►�rTable 1 on a e operauan.an ma�ntenance expenses w c vary' y wi water � . .. p�o uct�ori. . _ 3 � T�ie allocation af#he District's uti�ity plan�t,the capitai-r�lated rev'enue requirements,and . . the Q&M�xpenses to#he funcfiional cost categories are pnesent�d in[h�following sec�ions. '�fie � levels of capit�l related revenue reqUirements and O&�vi expenses are� infl�enced to diffe�ent � degrees by the various demand functians �nd, th�s, they are allaca�ed separa#e1y. I0511J+9S1�*1kF�OR7S114SStt9S5-�AP�I:WPS i QbiS�PS4tQ i '¢ I ... �� I `41"' _ __ __ _ _ '' ,.. �' ��2 UTII.ITY�'LA��AT.LUCATIOi�I I The fi�rst st�p in this cost allocation analysis as to calculate t�e annual capital recovery cast for each of the Dis#rict's water f�eiliti�s by using the vrig�nal apst of ffie utility plant - faeiiities.{as flf Decemb�r 199�}, and the�cagital mcovery facto�. The replacement cost of the wat�r utility plant does not need w be nsed in the calsulation of the capital re�overy costs. �he capital reco�►ery eost is a theoretical va�.ue that appra�cima�es the sum of straight line depre�afian , and:the av�rage an.�aual �ferest cost of bonrowed funds aver the use�iil liFe the facility. It is eomp�tec� by az�ortizing�he capital cost of each component ove�r i;ts us��ul li�e us�ng an intem.st ; ; rat�.based on the cost af bormwed funds. T#�e interest cost for th� Distri�t, over the defwed � � � S-ycar study periad is estimated at?.5 percen�. � £' The secend step in this cost aTivcation analysis is ta allocat�the ann�al aapital r�cov�ry casts af the utility plan�to the functianal c�st categories defined belaw: �. Fire Protect�on - facilities used frnr fixe pmtectzon (i.e., hydrants) and facilzxies i ' used jaintly�ox bvth fire protection and suppiy af potable wacer. � Z. �ac�Iity - faciliaes used ta suPPly pntable water, tv meet iaath average and pea�c rat�s of demand: ' 3. Customcr. - :facilities nelated to �raviding servir� to individual customers; (i.e., !,, meters �d serviees): , The annua�c��ital xeeovery cost allaeation serves as a ge�ide for allocating the District's , wat�er utility re�enu� .requixernents �d .dete�min�g �quitabl�.water r�es: for the District's customers. 'I�ie water utiIit� plant allocation is shown in Table 4-1, with the 6ases for these '' allocatians presented in xhhe �ollawing sections: F'ire Protec�ian rA►uocaf�on - � � ' A�thoug�on�y relati�v�ly small quantities-of w�.ter aze actually cansumec3 annually in fire � � �;�:ting,a�nd .fi�re#ightin�teainaing,exercises;the District's water u�ty�raduc,tion and d�saributi�n sys#ems mus�t .be capable. of pro�ic�ng relaFively lar�e ffo�rs. of water for;�short d�a�ic�ns at " suitati�e:press�aie within reach°of any poten�iai fi�e Specifically, tha.value of the fsre pzntection p�QVided by tfi�`Nater Utility consists af tlie�ollowing cos#s: . _ �� ° �. Pro �a� share of the capital recovery�z�nses for faciiit[es �sed joint�y fo�fi� pratecrio�and delivery of potable water,plus aay di�ect capitat recove�y cicpense for fire protection. � . � ; 2. Pro rata sbare of O&M and capitat cost expenses far facilities used joiintly far�'i� grot�ction and delivery of potable water,plus any dir�ct D&M-ezpenses for fue i p�otecti.an. i � � i • � 06r131D31B'4RE80R7B1145A19S54�{iIIP�.+YVPi I QMS�PS�lO . ��2W i 'i 43 , � oo � a � o� r� ���o � o�c`�*��c�'v a � , � s C c� .� �n�t+l.cn tn � , c`� el: .� y , �D Q� ,..r �y p _ m � .,.,.. . � � _ r� (� M t� C G? O b +r7 00 ...�t °r tr n �n � v � O N `�f � Q� t� GO et�D�4�i� N 0�0 U � � � N � � M [� 01[��f*�Y�'S M � � � n �v .-r. � p N ob 0 v1 O fJ 41 c+M �. M O�O N O i'� cn : : ��,,. .� �. �° �t � Cti tiG O cri�t�1�, th �G • t`!. oo ef a�vy�n�L7 � 1 ' �� !�� .th. . - ��� 00 t��c��- .-� N rr V'1.-i A1 00 -.'r�-t . _ . j , .... .3 fY � � � . . � � � . !.FM _ . . . . . � . � . .. � C . . . - � ' I . � � `e}'�'�'�tC - I : � Ry � � � � O G 'e � � �1��� " � �,•s' �', �'+ � � C '�i;o �c � � ��CC� ' ' . � �.., �.., � oo � p � ; oo rn a,�►o,o�. C m b �S r-+ .-� cn .-�.-,r,,�..+ � � �O h V'! C�! h O� C� O1 �D � W O`C!'�� � e� �D' Q� 40 .-i q .-� �D cn���� Q ? � � %;�c`� n � ao c> � �-s, °°. � a�c*��o � � � �ppp��� . .v � � VN'1 N M � a � � � Q H���K7 C�`Z -. I �� � O ^ � � r,,,� � � .} �..u�:r.: :.:kt.; '� �� . .. - . � ' 1 � � � . � n t- .�-� v c- d� �t sr t�n r� n '� .> o°'o o°�° °° a� a`�, .� a� a, o� �n�n v>�i o g ��, ca c? c4.�; S�'�'o, no,. S � �v`r'"�' � �' .�(.,r,r,.r. � � - ►� . ai COO CCC3CO O CCdOO A4 , � � � + ; -y� -� ' �� � . . . . . n �,r.t , ; � � [;� ; � r, �r, o: c.p c e� ca a.. e�o o v�o0 N F`1:tV: � >tf r7f tf et �t r-�r,.-K e-� �a: � � � � .. � � .�: � � �n �' ,'m Q'd+ � �;o,oo c•�c�r�v'�o0 00 : � � ,,,. V� . vy O�i' ..�.[`p. . v� � � � n. '�t er� .a: �c t�.-;;.� n en m � � � ��r 1 N` � �V�.� � n t�` � o�o�t��m�� � s vy .� � � � � � � n a � �` � � - � ,.6�� T' � �:' � . .� .� � � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � - A � a � � � � �. � � � � �' �y �'� m �' � � � m � �` � � � � � � ��� �� � �, � '� � � o � �: •� � � � �� � q�:�,g���, � � � � � � � � ��� � �H � ����� �'� . � � � � � � � .. � ;ns� aa .o :�k3�3�f�3� � � � � xa ,� .� � ,�, .. � � � � � � � v� i� E�+ H v� f�C�C'7�7 E��� H A, :1 � .�. �; ' . _ -43- � , _ _ I 4-4 T The partian of the utility p2ant ailocable to fue protection is determined by estimatin�the i potential use�fo� fre pro.t�ction of the various componenCs of the systern: source of s�pply, ' , . pumging, treatment, and transmissio� and c�stributian (inciuding storage). Sourc�e af SaPP1Y� Pe�mpi�, and ZYeatment Fac�tities � The consumptio�t for fire p€otection, bydrant fluShi��, at�d training are generally not �. known. Hawever.vu the basis af experiettce af ot�er utilities and ciiscu�ions with t�e District, , it i� estimated that wateyr use for fice protection re�ated�ctivities apgroximat� 1 perce�t o�#.otal water use, For this reason, 1 pe�cent of source of supply and pumping facilities I�ave been ', . allocated to fire prat�ction. Aecause treated water i� �ot necessazy for fsr�.protectian, none af '� the t�atment facilities have been allocat�d to fire protectian. . . , . ; Transnvssian and Disfribntia� Facilif�es , ., The allocatio� of the District's iransrnission and distribution facilities to fire pro�trection � . , i�determined by the follawu�g ratio; Fire flow°denutrul ,. � Maximune day demarid +j'rre�ow demcuid f The District's fire flaw d�mand was estimated using the following �surance Services �fficers ¢SO} equation; : � � � Nia�imum fue flow = 1,020 �c P'�(1.0-0,01 � P� � ; � . ; whez�P i,s ec�ual ta the gopulation in tho�sands�nd tb.e flow is eicpre�sed in.ga3lons per minut� � � (gpm}. Althaugh the ISb no longer uses ihis relatian, it�as �n�e basis far det�rmic;ing:the f fre flow�quirements for.most�public water systems far many years and is a reasonable e�timat� �;:�`" fox the purp:oses of tt�s study; Tf�e District has deteimined t�e fire demands by zone,bvt unl�s � water rates ar�being d�ve�.ap�d by r�ane; it is not necessa�ta use fi�re demands by zone for fbi� allocati�n af ihe Distri�t's facilities. IFsing the e�tirriated'population of the llistric�'s s�rvice area � of 2;4,QD0, the maximum f� fl:ow is 4,75� �pm: Using th� maawnum:day demand of ,"" 1I.0 million gallans: per day fmgd), 38 percent {4,750 �pmf4,?50� gpm + 7;640' gpm): of the � transmission and disiribution system aze allvea�d to� fire f1aw. � ,� _ $ Ail of the hydrants areF of caurse, allocat�to��re pratectivn. _ Starage. TTie alloeation of the Distnc#'s sto�ge facilit�es ta fue protection is,dete�mined ` usang the fvn4wing ratio: . "i a� � ,,q - .: o6nsqse�ueeeoars�sssu9�.o�+��.wrs .: �ts�s�ia _ - —44-- � 1� '' ,< 45 , � , Fire fYow.demartd . . Stor stem I � �Y ��Y The storage system ea.pac�ty is cw�rently G.4 mg and wili be expa�ded to 9.7 mg�n'�995: The , daily required frre flow is assumed to be 4.75U gpm fax S hours. Therefore, using the ratio presen�ed above. about IS pe,rcent(1.43 mg19.7 mg} af the storage facilities ars alloea�ed to fire flow. f � � � . M1 Customer Allocation I The pvrtion af the water uti�i;ty;plant allocated to the customer functiona� cost cat��ory i .� � cansists of aamete:red and metered sen►�ces which are sole�y aitocat�d to tfie cust,omer fi�netian�al ; cost eategory. . �i� . ..D ..' .. . ' . , �V^ Facil� Allocation � � _ .. I � � , � . � The remain'tng cap�ci�3r:(aft�r the allocatian to,fire protection}is termed generai capacitye G�eral capac�ty is allocat�d ta�he facility fi�ct�bnal eost eategpry and includes all fa�ilities not allocate� ta either fire pmtectioa or customer functio�ai.cost ca�egories, As will be discussed in the-0&M eacp�nse allocation, the po�ti4n o£the facility functianal costs whfch aze directly � d�pendent vn the 1�ve1 Qf water producf�ion aze subseguentiy.allocat�d ta th�variab�e funct�onal � cast category.. ; �;.: .. � A]I the G&A .faeilities were alloeated in accordance witiai the composite of all the "' allocations d�scri�d abo�e. E T�e.r�salting to� wa�r n�lity plant allocatior�, as rese:�t�d in Z`able 4-1 is s�awn in . � P , f the chart be3aw: Func�o . n�cvs�:�at�g�ry Allocatton; pere�nt P�e p�otec�io�i�' . . 18.( Fa�i,liEy"'' . 7G.9 C�stamer 4 S The relati�+ely iow a�o�a�ion�o the c�stomer f�netional cost cate�ory r�flects the fac�ttiat the majo�ity of the District'�custom�rs are usanmetered: 'l�e wat�r sXst�em facility alYo�at��n is , used to alloeat�tbe D'astnct's wafeir u�ty capital and O&M expenses in the follaw�ing s�ctians. - �I � . , aan�s��oRrstiisssusss�qr.�.v�rrs �� _.� QMS�PSiiD' ' � � , � i , I, -45- �I I ' Table B-f Altematnre Fire Pro#ection Aliocatian for Res9dertiai Connections il Step 1. System AIlocation for P�b[ic Fire Prate�ion far Con�ectians virith a SprinMer �', 2006 Mnua1 Capital Recovery Allocat3on to Descdptien fram Tabte 3-4 Fire Proiection,96(a} Fire Protectian Saui'ce of SuPPh' 585,709 1.00% 5,857 Transmfssion and D3sb�'bution Pipelines A5,884,fi82 I2.94% 2,049,377 ��e 79D,559 1.16% 9,185 Baos#er StaYions 121,256 12.9U96 15,6A4 Hydrants 5U6;094 100.00� 506,U94 l.and &35,057 14.30% ' 90,813 Water Rights . 276,367 1.00� 2,764 � Total 18,799,724. 2,679,734 Percerrtlll[ocation , �q.�� Nate a: Pipelines,boosters�ations,and sto�age ailacatians from Table 5 and Ta6le 6. One.percent nf water use assumed tv be rela�ed to Fre Protectio�. Land allacated vaa eomposite altocation. I, Step 2. System AI#acation for P4blic�fre Proteetian far�onn�ctions wifhou�a 5prin�ler . 2006 Mnual Capita!Recovery Atlocation to : Uesc�iption From TatiEe 3-4 �Fi�e Protection,%(a) �ire Protectian Source of SuPP�Y 585,709 1.009� 5,857 �� 1'ra�sm�ss9an and Qistrih�tion PipeBnes 15,884,6$2� 12.65% '2;009;193 � ��� 790,559 . ,; .. ... : i.i5% ;9;094 � BnosterStations 12f,256 12.65.9E 15,337 HY��� 506,494 I00.0�96 506,094 Land - 635,057,. .> 14:OU96 88,908 �. , Water Rights 276,367 1.0.096 2,764 � Tota[ 18,789,724 2,637,2�7 'i PerceMAlloeadbrr . 14.0% � _ - Note a: Pipelines,600sterstations,and�storage aifoeatior�s fram Fa61e 5 anBTable fi; � Onepercentofwateruse.assumedtobe.reiatedtaFreProf�ction. Landalfocatedvia.eompositea�location. ' :... 3 . . _ . . . . .. . . .. Step 3. 5ystem Altocation for Private{20 gp�m Spnnkler�Fire Protecfion .; 2U46MnualCapitaERecovery' '�.Alfu�a�tontv � �escription From i'abfe 3-4 Fre Protection,9G(aJ Fire Prutection I Source of SuAPh� 58�,709 `1.0096 5,857 Transm ission and Distrihufian Pipelines 15,884,682 0.259� 40,�:�4 Starage 790,558 0.0196 9i BaosterStations 121,256 0.259b . 34I ,- .. - . Hydrarrts notfnc�uded .... notinclu�ded nqtlncluded land . 635,451 0.2896 1,772 . � Wa#erRiglits " 278,367 I.flO% 2,764 � Total 1$,293,63D 50,974 Perce�Alloca#ian � U.27949b Nate a: Pipelines,bnosterstations,and skarage a!luca#ians fram Table 5 and 7aqle 8: . . One percent af water use assumed.#o be related to Fre Rrotection. Eand aUuca#ed via campasite alloaat€on. -46- Iable B-2 Aftemative Fire Profectian AdocatioR for Hon-8eside�rtial>3,6UO sf Cannections � Step i,�ystem Ailocation far Puhiic Fire Protecf�on for Connections with a Sprinkler i20U6MnualGap'dalRecavary a[locationto � � aescriptian FromTable 3-4 Fire Protection,%(a) F1re�Protectifln i Source vf SuPP�Y 585,709 1.00% 5,857 Transmissfon and bistribu#ion Pipe]ines 15,884,fi82 19.23% 3,453,974 �a�ge 790,559 1.74°,b 13,732 Booster 5tations 321,256 19.�396 23,313 Hydrar� 505,094 100.9Q� 50G,094 , I.and 535,057 19.9046 12fi,3,�6 j Water Rights 276,367 i.UO% 2,764 ; , TofaF i8,799,724 3,732,ip9 Perce[rt Aflocatian l9:9� Nota a: Pipelines,boosterstations,a[�d starage alfocatians from 7abfe 5 and7able.6. I 4ne percer�tof watef use assumed to be reEafedto.Fire.Pratection. Land a[lacated via c.om�os�te aElocation. Step 2. System Aftocation for Rublio Fire Proteetion fiar Connections withaut a Sprinkler 2006 Mnua[Capital Recovery Altocation ta flescription From'Faple 3-4 �ire Protection,96(a) �ire Protectio� Sa.urce of SuppEy 585,709 1.fl0°G 5,857 � Transmiss�on a�d aufri6u�ivn Pipelines 15,8&4,682 18.9T9b 3,013,790 �a�� 79Q,559 l.7S% 13,641 � BaosterStations 121,�56 18.97% 23,U06 1 HydCatsts 506,494 100.QQ% 5a6.U94 �.and 635,05T 19.6096 124,471 i WaterRigt�is 276,367 i.QO°6 �,7fi4 ' Total 18�799,724 S�6&9;G22 Perce�Aliucaffo�i 19.6°6 p rage al[ocatians fram Iabfe 5 and'fa61e 6. Mate a: Ri elines,hoosterstations,andsto ; One Fercent of water use assur�ed ta he reiated to�ire Pro.te�tion. I,and ailocated via campus'�te all�atian: �ep 3...System;A1[oeatlon for Private(2O�pm SpriR[tier}Fre Rrofiecti�. . _ _. . . . _ _ 2QOGtio�uaiCap.'�a4RecoYery AI[ocaUantn Descriptian �rom tahle 3-4 Fire Protection,°,6(a) Fre Protectiart i ., � __ _. .: _ . � ` So�rceo4Supply 585,749 1.0090 � 5,857 i� Transmissian and Distr�hution . Pipelines: 15,884,682 0.259G 44,18.4 ; ���e 79U,559 O.Ui% 91 800sferStatians 121,25G 0.2596 307 Hydrar�ts . �otinoiuded natineluded natincluded 'Land 635,057 0.28� � 1,772 Wafer Righ�s 276,367 I.0046 2,764. l Totaf 18;293,680 50,974 I, Perce�Aliocation a 2790% , hiote a: Pipelines,baasters�aiinns,and s#orage al[ocations trom TahleS andTahle 6. ', �One percent of wateruse assumed to be related.ta Fre Prote�fian: Land a[lucated via co[nposite alfocation. �I , . , '' -47- ; _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Tabie B� A�temafire F�re Protection Allocatio�for Commercial/1.ight Induslry�21;Q00 sf Connechions i � Step i. System Alloeatxo�for Public Fre Pro#ection for ConRectia�s with a Spt�nk�er 2Qp6RnnuaECapftalRecovery- Aifocativnto ' Description Fram�'able 3-4 Fre Protec�ian,%(a) Fire PrutecUan 8ource of Sappfy . 5&5,749 f.00% 5,857 � Transmisston and Ristribution '' Pipefipes l5,884,682 31.87� 5,063,167 ' ; Siorage 790,559 2.89% 22,826 �i Boos�erStatiuns 121,256 3i.87� 38,65D Hydrarrts 506,094 100.00% 5UG,p94 J Land 635,057 31.OQ% 196;868 WaterRights 276,367 1.00� 2,764 Tota[ 18,799,724 5,838,225 Perce�Rtioca#ian 31.OX I Notea: Pipe�ines,600sterstations,andstarageaflocatiansfrom7a�le5andTable�6. Ooe percent ofwafer use assumed to be related�to Fre�Protectian. Eand altacated via composi#e alfopUan. I i '€ Step 2. System AlfoEation for Public�ire Pra#e�#ion for Connections uvi�hnut a Sprin�ler � 20U671nn�alGap'�a[Recavery' Aflucationta It>essrip#ion From Ta61e 3-4 Fire Pro�ectian,%{a) Fre Pro4ectifln I SourceofSapply 585.7Q9 1.00� ` 5,857 � Transmission and Distrfbutian Pipelines 15,884,682 31.62� 5,Q22,983 $tordge 790,559 2.8$9b 22,735 ; BaosterStaUons 121,256 31.62% 38,343 Hydrar�ts 506,094 100.0096 506,094 lat�d 635,057 3U.80°6 l.95,598 WaterBig#rts - 276,367 1.OD°6 2,764 Totaf . 18,799,724 5.794,373 E PeroerRAlfflca#ian 30.$% Hate a: Plpelines,haostersfations,and storage a[laeations.from TabEe 5 and Ta6le 6. Onepercentatwa�eruseassumedtoberelaEedto-freProtectic� Gandaliocatedv]acumpas�#ea�Eoeation. �I � Step 3�. Sysfem A�loca�ior�;for Private(20 gpm Sp�inwer}Fi�e Rratec#iot� , '; 2006 An�uai Cap'ifaf Recavery Aliocatior�ta � Descriptinn From Ta61e.3-4 �re Pra�eation,96{a) Flre Proteetion . ..: , i Sou�ce af SwPP� 585,7U9 1.0096 ` 5,857 i Transmissfon and pistri6utlan . � Pipelines 15;884,682 0.25% 40,184 c 5torage 790,559 O.Of96 91 ` BvasterStations 121,256 0.25°G 307 Hydrants nat incfuded oat 3ncfuded not incEuded' Land 635,057 O.Z89b 1,772 � Water Righfs 276,357 1.40% 2,764 TotaE: 1$,293,630 5U,974 .. PercerrtAl[ocatian 0.279D9� Nate a: Ripelines,boosterstatians,and stnrage a[lacatians frnm Tabie 5 and Tab�e 6. One percent af wateruse assumed to be retated tn Fre Pro�ction.Land alfacated via compo5ite a1locat�on. 3 ,� � -48- � Tahle 8-4 Altemative Fire Protectian AElocatiar�for Commerciat/Ligk�t Indu.stry helween 21,000 sf and 3U,100 sf Cannections Step i. System AI[ocation for Public Fire Protectian for Carinections w�th a Sprinkler 2006 An�uat Cap'ita[Recovery:. AI[ocation to Description From Tabfe 3..-4 �re Protectiao,96(a) fire Protectian SourceofSuPP�Y 585,709 1.00% 5;857 � � �ransmission and dis#ri6u�on Pipelines 15,884,682 38.20°� 6,U67,764 Starage 790,559 5.19% 41,Qi3 Booster Stations 121,256 38.209� 46,3l8 �Y���� 506,494 1d0.00% 506,094 � ��d 635,057 3fi.70% 233,066 ! water Raghts 276,387 1.009� 2,764 Fofal 18,799,724 6,902,876 ' P�rce�rtAfEocation 36:79b � Note a: Pipelines,6oaster.station5,and storage allocations from'Cab[e 5 and7able:6, One percent of water use assumed to be related ta fre.Prntecdan. Land alfocated via campnsite aliocation. �ep 2. System Allacation far Pub[is Fire Protectia�for Connections witho�a Spr�nk[�r �- 20Dfi MRUaI Gapf#aI Recovery AI[ocatio�to Description. �'romTabte 3-0 Fire Protection,%(a) �ire Protection ' Source of Supp�y 585,709 1.009G 5,$57 Transmission and Distri�utivn Pipelines 15,8$4,682 37.95°k 6,027,580 ��ge 790,559 5.1896 �40,922 ' BoosterStations 121,256. 37.9596 46,Ui2 1 , Hydrar�is 506,494 - 100.0096 5�6,0.94 E.and 535,057 36.50°6 23f,796 Water Rfghts 276,367 I.Q4� 2,764 Tata! I8,799,72� 6;861,024 . : , Percer�Allocatian � 36.5� Nate a; Pipeiines;tinosterstatians,and starage al[acatiansfrom Tab.fe 5 and 7able 6. . - One percerrt of water use as��mecf#a be relafed toFr�:�rotectinn..Cand�aAa.cated uia camposite.ailacation: � ; . E �tep 3�, 5ystem Al[ocat7on for�ri►rat��20 gpm Sprinttler}.FiFe Protectian ;� _ �0061�nnuaFGapita�Recovery: AlEoeationto � Aes�ripqart F'rom Table 3-4. Fire Piotection,%(a) . Fre Pratectlbn ! �5ource ot Suppty . 585,709 1:00°b 5,887 E 7ra�sm�ssian and Distribution Pipelines. 15,$84,682 0.2596. 4U,!$4 i 5torage 790�559 0:0196 91 I 8aoster Statiatts 221,256 0.25% 307 � Nydrarrts not incEuded �ot included not inciuded i Land: 635,Q57 0,28% 1,772 ` Wafer Rights 276,367 1.U0% 2,764, i"atal iS;283,634 5�,374 Percer�tAlEoca#ion 0.2�9096 Hote a: Ptpelines,boas�er s#a�ons;and stnrage afiocatians from 7able 5 anHTabie 6. One percent of water use assumed to be related�O Fre Protection.land alloaated via�omposite alloca�ian. -49-� I � I i ' �abEe 6-5 Aftemative Fre Protecfion,4lfacation farCammercSa[Mu�ti Story.>166,000 sf Connectians � S#�p i. Syskem Allocat�o�n for Ruhiic�ire Protectivn for Connectians with a Sprin�[er 20U6AnnualCap'�talReoovery AI[acationta pescrip�vn From Table 3-4 Fre Protectfo�,�(a) F�re.Protectlen Souree�nf 5upply 585,7Q9 1,0096 5,857 ' Transmission and Uisb�ibut'ron PipefineS 15,8$4,882 38.20% 6,067,764 , 5torage 79D,559 6.91� 54,654 ', 800ster Sta�a�s 12i�256 38.20°6 46,3.18 'i Hydralrts 506,U94 IOU.00% 50fi,094 ��d 635,057 3G.80% 233,701 Wa�er Rights 276,367 1.UU� 2,7fi4 Total 18,799,724 6,91Z,152 ; Perce�Allocakion 36.8% Note a: Pipelines,6aosterstations,a�d storage atlocations frotriTabie 5 and Table 6. Or�e percent of wateruse assum.ed to be rel�ted to�ire P�a�ection. l:�nd al�ocated via composrte altocation: St�ep 2, System Affocatia�f4r Rubiic�re Rrntection#or Connee�ons witf�out a Sprinkler -� 2006MnualCapitalHecuu'ery AIlocatianto Desc�ption: �ram'iabfe 3-� Fre Protectiun,96(a} Fr�Pmf�cfion Source of SuPp�y 585,T09 1.40% 5,857 !, Transmission.and 0�stributton Pipelittes 15,884,682 37.95% 6,027,580 ��e 790,559 fr,90% 54,5fi3 . SoosterStatia�s 12l256 37.95% 46,Ot7 MqdraR#s 5U6,494 iUO.OD% 506�d94 3 land 835,457 36.6096 232,431 ' W�er ftights 276,367 1.OD% 2;764 ��I. 18;799,724 6,$�5,3Q0. ., � Percer�#Rllaca�on j 86 696 � Hate a: Ripeli�es,baos#ersta�o+�s,andstorage aEiocat�ansfrom.3able 5 andTable 6. � . Unepercentofwateruseassumedtoberelate.dfoFire.ProteEtion:Landal[ocatedviacompnsiteallocatian: Step 3. System•Alfocation:for Rrivate[2ff gpm Sprink�er}Fire Profec��fln 200&.I�nnual Capita)Recovery ,4EIQC�tion to � Description. From7abte 3-4 �ire Protection,�(a} �re Protectian 5ource.of SuPP�Y 585,749 I.OQ96 5,857 ; T�ansmission and D'istributiam 3 Pipeiines 15,884,882 0.25�0 40,i84 ' ��ge 790,559 U.Oi'K 9i � 8oasier 5iations 121,258 0.25% 3U7 . �y��� �oti�cluded nat inc�uded not included` : Land 635,057 4.28.°� ' 1,7�2 Water Rfghts 276,367 1.UU96 2,764 I TotaE 18,293,&3D 5Q,874 -; Pereers#Rflocaticn 0.279496 ' Nate a: F€pe[ines,600stersta#ior�s,and statage al[ncatio�sfrom Tahle 5 andTahle 6. One percent of water[�se assumed to he related to�re.Pro�ecUon. tand allocated via composite allacafion. . -sa- . __ _ ' 7able C-1 ', Calculation of Residential CapaciryCharges Usfngthe Ntemattve MeUtot I Current Meter Gapacify Charges Maxfmum Fiow Capaclty �quivalency 20.10 Gharges MeterSfze m a Factar 24Q6Sfudy{a7 , 0.75-inch 30 gpm 1.U0 $6,832 ' 1.00-inch 50 m 5..67 ' gp $11386 � ' I.50-incft 100 gpm 3.33 $22,773 � � 2.00-inch 160 gpm 5.33 $36,436 3.44-inch 324 gpm 10.6i $72,872 4.ao-„�c� 504gpm 16.67 $II3,863 � 6.00-Inch 1,004gpm 33.33 $227,726 I 8.OQ-inch ].,800 gpm BO,OU $409;907 I IQ.00-I�ch 2,9UOgpm 96:67 $66D,4U5 i 12.00-inch 4,300 gpm 143.33 $979,221 � . 16.OU-indt 8,000 gpm 266.67 $l,821,8p7 No#ea: FromTable3:-5Brot�mandCaldwelf2QQ6WaterCapaailyCha�g'esSfudy. ' Fire Prutection A4ocation: ', W� Withou� Sprin�der Sarinkler S_ �n'n�cfer � 14.3% 14.055 U.27990 � , . FreSprtnEderConnectionCapacftyCharg� � UD2 6"St�r�` ' Altemative Me�hod Fr�Piatec�ion&3/4inch DoroesEic Bran� i.UO-inch 1.50•Inch 2.00-ineh 1.00�inch 1.5D-inch 2.00-inch � Uamestic Use , � Lateraieanne�tiansize - $11,386 . . $22.7T3 33fi;436 , Lateralminus3/4incf�metercharge $4,555` �.18,941 �29,604 � Fire SprinfderCharges � basis�orfreprote.ction �4,555 $15,941 $29,6U4 $6,832 �6,832 $6,832 flr�prnfectionallocatiar 0.350 0:36F� D.3S11 Z 2Spdnlders%allacafior O.00TO 3-SSprinldets%aIlacatior, O,Q140 6-SS'pdnklers�allosatior, 0 0223 %r�dwetlaninckarg��. 199fi 45% 6D90 �r�ductionlnS�esetviaeaompor�errt� 9T� 98� 99% � � � —51— . � � ___ __ _ _ _ __ ___ Ta6fe C-2 Calcu[ation of Honresidentiai Private F7re Flow CapacityCharges Elsingthe Aftemat�ve Metha Cun'ent Meter CapacifyCharges I Maximum FTaw ! Capacity Equivalency 2010 Gharges ' 14�eterSize m a actar 2008Studv�� i ' U.75-lnch 30 gpm 1.00 $6,832 � 1.00-inch 5�gpm 1.67 $i2,388 1.50-inc� 100 gpm 3.33 $22,773 2.00-€ncft 160 gpm 5.33 �36,43fi � 3.00-(nch 320 gpm i0.67 $72,872 4.00-inch SOO gpm iS.fi7 5113,863 6.U�-inch 1,OtlOgpm 33.33 �227,726 , 8.00-fnch 1,8�0 gpm 60.OU 5409,9U7 ', iU.pO-inch 2,9b0gpm 96.67 �66D,405 12.Q0-inch 4,3QOgpm. �.43.33 $978,221 16.00-fnch 8,000 gpm 265.67 $1,82f,807 � Note a: From 7ah1e 3-5 Brorvn and Caidwef12006WaterCapacityChargesSfudy. � Fir�PratectionAAacatinns j With Withnut 5prin[der '� S rirakler S,�tin�ler 4� ;� 19.9°� 19.fi� 0.279% Fre Sp�fnfder Cannectio�Capacity Charge: i �ireCannec�ion Sprin�lerFlow: Nlaximum Row �quivalency Capaaty Fac�ar Ma�otmum# �fnn-ResiderEtia! gpm faj @24 gpm Spri�kle�s., >3,60U sf � 1).7S-inchmeterca�nacltydra�ge':�. $6,$32. %sprinklerfirepmtecb'onal/�tinn% �.279K $sptinklerfr�prot�'ona!lacat�on% $19.OG j1.UQ-i��........................................ ........�o.�rn............,...... .°2.5....... ....e,... ..2 ...................�8. 1.50-irtclt 100 gpm 5.0 5 �95 2.QA-inch 180 gpm 8.0 8 � $152 � 3.Of}-ineh 320 gpm . SB.O 16 �30� 400-irief� 5dOgpm: 25.0 25 $477 1 6 OD.inc[i 1�40�gpm 5D.0 54 _ $9�3 S Q�iiiCh 1,8(l0gpm. 90.0 9t�: �1�715 50.00=�nch 2,9UOgpsn 1�5.0 #45 $2,764 i 12:OU-ineh �4�3QQ gpm 215.0 215 $4,fl98 i I6.04-inch B4OOO gpm �4U4.0 4a4 57,624 j i i ' I -52-- _ _ _ __ ___ Table G3 Calcu[ation of Commercial/lfght[ndustry�21,000 sf Private Ffre FlowCapacity Charges Usirrg#he Ntemative Metho Cu�rent Meter CapacEry Charges Ma�amum F1ow i, CapacdY �Cluivafency 207.Q Charges , eterSiae m a Fa or 24��StudY{'� ', 0.75-inch 30 gpm I.4Q �6,832 i.00-inch 50gpm i.fi7 $1i.,386 , '', 1.50-indt !00 g�m 3.33 $22,773 , 2.04-inch 160 gpm 5.33 $36,438 �', 3.QQ-inch 320 gpm iQ.67 $72,872 , 4.OD-inch 50Ugpm 16.67 $ii3,863 ' 6.00-inch 1,004gpm 33.33 $227,T26 8.40-fnch 1,800 gpm fiU.04 $409,907 id.00-inch 2,900 gpm 98.67 �650,�05 12.a0-inch 4,30U gpm 143.83 �979,221 �s.aa-inc� a,U�Ogpm 266.67 $1,$21,807' � Nofea: FromTable3=5BmwnandCaldwe[I20D6WaterCapacltyChaiges3Yudy. i i Fre Pmtection Ailacations �I I Wifh Withouk Sprinlder IS_nr_inider Snr3nlcfer 0� 31.0% 34.8� 0.27996 Fre SprinklerCan�ecGan Capacity Charge: � , FireGonnectian SprinfderFlow I Maximum Flow Equivafency Commerciaf/ Capa4�i�< Factor Maximum� Light[ndusfqr . gpm(a}. @2U gpm S�tinEders , <21,04U sf � • - ------ _ . _ - -- OT�lndrmet�rcaPadlyclta'igc y $6,832 %sprfnl�lerfr�prol�onallocabon`.- 0:279% - � �spr3nkler�r�;protecllonal/QCa�ai�3�: $:19.Q6 �3..00-inch...........................................................5a'gPm.w....................2.5. . ... ..:�.. „ ...........�8. f.50-ineh 1QOgp�n 5.0 5.> .. �95 �.00-inch f60gpm &.0` 8- . $152 � 3:04-inch 32Dgpm. Y6.0 �6� �3D5 440-insh, 5U0gpm 25.0 . 25 �4�7 6.00-inclr t,0E10 gp�tt 50.0 50. ,, �953 i 8.U0-1nch 1,SOOgpt[i 9Q.0' 90' �1�T15 I0:00-inch 2,9DQgpm 145.0 14�5 •' $2,764 i2AD-inch 4,300 gp� 2I5.0 2f� `$4,U98 i 1�,00-inch 8,fl00 gpm �4D0.0. 4UU , $7,624 I ! ; , �� � �, �' � -53- ' ii ' 7abEe G4 Cafcula#ian of Cot�merciai/Light Indusfry6etween 21,pD0 sf and 34,100.sf Privafe Fre Elow GapacityCharges Using tfie ARernat�ve IUEetho Current MeferCapac'�E}cCharges Maximum Fla�r Capacity Eq�hralency 2410 Charges ter5ize m a Factvr 20U6 Sfudv�� Q.75-inch 3d gpm I.QU $6,$32 I.04-inch 50gpm i,fi7 $11,386 1.50-insh 104 gpm 3.33 $22,773 2.Q0-]nch 160 gpm 5.33 $36,436, 3.OQ-inch 320 gpm 10.67 $72,872, � �.04-Encfr 500gpm 16.67 $fi3,863 i6.U0-i[�ch 1,400 gPm 83.33 $227,72fi � 800-inch 1,804gpm 6U,QQ $409,90Z 10.00-inch 2,900 gpm 96.67 $664,4Q5 �.2.00-inch 4,300gpm 143:33 $979,221 f6.44-inch 8,OOOgpm 266.67 51,821,SU7. Note a: Fro�Tabfe 3-5 6 rown a�d Caldwei12006WaterCapacilyCha�ges5trrdy. I � Fre€Kotection AI[ocation: � - Wifh Wi#hout Sprinlder j . SnrinEder S.pdnlder 0� j 3&.79b 38.5% � d.279°� ', F�e SprinMerConnection CapacFtyCharg� � _ ,:.� .. I Fre Connectian SpdnMer Flaw � Commerciat/. � Maxlmum�3aw Equivalency 4ighilndustry ' , .,Gapactty Factar Ma�dimum# beiween 2 i,fl00 i .gpm(a� . @20.gpm Sprinl�ers and3U;l00sf _0.T51ndrmetercapacilydrar�e� $6,832 i �spr3nKler�reprotccfion:alloca8on% 0.279% �i _..._....d.................................. �sArinlfderflreprot�cb'onalloca�lon:- ...�.........$;19.06 E 1:00-fnch� ..5�gp�� 2.5:.. .. ..__ ..�;.. ...:.�48 1.50-�ncfi IUO gpm 5.0 5... S95 � ,� 2.00-inch f60'�pm: 8.Q. 8 $152 ' 3.OQ-Ineti 3�20 gpm: 16.0 16 $305 i A.00-inch 50Ugpi�. 25.0 25 $477 i 6.OU-Epeh I,OOUgpm 5U.0 . 50 $953 . � 8.00-fnch �:,8UUgpm.. 90A 9U $1,715 � 10.00-incfi 2,9QOgprtr f45.0 145 $2,764 12.00-inch , 4,3d0gpm. 215.0 . 215� $4,098 ; 16.00-inch �$,UDOgpm � 4DOA 4Q0 $7,624 i • �� . .I _54- , _ _ _ _ _ Table G5 CalcuEation af Cammercial Mu{d Story>166,UOD sf Private Fre F1awCapacityCharges Usingti�e Alternative Metho Current Meter CapaciEy Charges � Ma�dmum F�aw I � Capaedy Equivalency 2010 Charges M erSiza m a Factnr 20U6Studv�� 0.75-inch 30 gpm S.OD $6,832 i.00-inch 50gpm 1.67 $11,38fi • 1.54-inci� 100 g�m 3.33 $22,773 ' 2.OU-inch l6Ugpm 5.3H $3.6,4;38 � 3.00-incEE 324 gpm I0,67 $72,872 i 4.Q0-Ei1GG 50Ugpm 16.$7 $11.3,863 i 6:00-inch 1,ODUgpm 33.33 $227,726 S.U4-inch 1,800 gpm 60.00 $409,907 I.O.a4-inch 2,8a0 gpm 96.67 �660,4D5 12.00-inch 4,340 gpm 143.33 $9.79,221 16.U0-inch 8,000 gpm 288.67 $1r821,807 iNotea: FramTaqle3-5BroyrmandCaldwe[l�006WaterCapaWfyCharge.sStudy. E � Fre Protecfi0n RIIOCation: With Nfithout Sprinl4er S�er Sorinkler � 36.5°k 38.696 Q279% , . FireSprinf�erGonnectionCapacityCharge; '� FireCannection SprinkferFlaw Maximum Flaw Eq.uivatency Commcrcfa6 Capaaty Fac�ar Maximum� MuiGSfory gpm(a} @20gpm 5prinkiers >IB6,OOOsf 0..75indtrnetercapacifycharge� $6,832 ' %spnnlder�ir�pmtecdon allacation: U,278� ,f'spdnklerfireproteclionaflaca�'oR: $19A6 1.00-Inch.............__.._..........................,...........5D.��_..�_...............2,5.. . ..........,.,..a2...............»...,$�. 1.50-inch iQ0 gpm 5:d 5 �95 2.QU-inch i6Q gpm :6.0 8 �f52 3:U0-inch 32Q gpm 16.0 16 $305 4:(�U-ineh 50�gpm �S.Q 25 $4P� 6.0.0-Ensh i,000 gpm 54.4 5a �953 � 8.U0-i�#t 1,800 gpm 9D:0 9� $1,715 I 1:0.00'-inch 2,900 gpm 145:0 145 $2;764 12.4Q-i�ctt 4;300 gpm 215.Q 215 $4�fl98 16.00-inch 8�040 gpm 400A 40D $7,624 I � . ; ; ; I � _��_ . General Managcr Richard H.5olbrig � '', +► �9 • ' �� � �w *� � �� Director5 ChriS CefaEu � .7amey t�.Jonea �'""�' •"'"` � r (r�+ (E �[ t Y Ranc4y Vagefgesattg ��l��i i.✓ � #�1�1 #.�� ��c� �./'��� , Ke11y 5hechan ; __ Eric 5chafer , j • �`��?. �."�{3U9/�iC1E'i�pCYSCf�".G10�'i�' "�.lP.���I���n����"7�Q� � �ar���3 5�-�'�A-*Fa�c 5�i0 5�tlC�'i��w�sr.5�pu�€.�� ; ', 80ARD AG�NDA fT�M G c. i� � . 'f4� Board of Qirectors ' FROM: Nancy H�smann, Huma� Resour�es Director , MEETING DATE: November 1, 2012 ` ''� i'fEM- PItO,lECT NAI4AE: 1vl�morandum of Understanding tMOU) befinreen Statio�ary ' Engineers Lo.cal 39 ar�d Soufh�"ahoe Pubfic Utilify Districf , i R�QUESYED BUARD ACr1+�N: Ado�t 11AQU � � DISCUSSION: 7he Disfr�ct rtegofiating team ar�d �he n�gotiati�g team firom Sta�ionary Engineers, Local 39 ha�e me#since March, 2012�o rene�nr the MOU beiween �he ; pqrfies, Agreem�nf on a comprehensive�pa�ckage was r�ached by the parties,wh�ch incfudes cl�anging to a new m�edicaf plan, resul�ing in substantia!sav�ngs�o the Distr�c�. � I � , � � SCH�Dl1LE: Impler��nt the fe�'ms of thE MOU r�troac�i�e �o J.une�l, 20i 2 � COSI`S: � ! ACCOIlN'C N0: ; � � � BUDG�TED AMQUNF �EMAINING: A�'fACHI�VIENTS: A redfine copy o�fihe M�OU will be distributed priar fo, qnd at�he Board Meetfig � � CONCURR�NCL�W[T[� REQU�ST�D ACTi�N: CAT�GORY: Generai ' GENERAL MANAGE�: YES .�d NO CH[�F FINANCIAL QFFlC�R: YES NO � -57- __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ General ivtanager Richard N.5o]brig , � r� '�� s ��,.+� ' � , �� Drrector� ' � '�c ChriS Cefalu , James IZ.Jones �; � ( [ fi�r�r'� (t .r'�" r '�"" s/'�' P,andy Yogelgcsang �te���i V ��l�� �,l� ��� Ee����,,./Ef Kelly 96echan � ERC 5chafer �2�n��rowc��ta���E��ur���era��«c���a��n3 t�4��30�-��a������o��-����+����.� , � B�AR� AGENDA [i�M 6 d. i i T0� Board of Directors i � FR4M: Nancy Hussmann, Human Resources Director � ME�UNG DATE; Nov�mber 1, 2D�2 ', ITEM--PRO,JECT NAM�: Memorandum of Understanding (MOUJ between the Managemen#Sfaff and Sou�h Tahoe Public E�tiiity District REQ�]ESTED BOARD ACTlON: Adopt MOlJ piSCt1SSION`: The District negofiiating t�am and the negofiiafiing �eam from fhe Management S�aff have met since MarEh, 2012 fo renew the MOl1 between th+� parfi�s. Agreement on p comprehensive package was reached by�he}�arfies, w�i�ch ineludes changing to a new medieal plan, resulting in substar�fial savings #o the Disfirict. i . ; �; ,, � �� ,k : �.CHEDULE; fmpfement �he t�rms of the MC�U retroactive�o June 21, 2012 CO�TS: ; ACCO�U�NT N'O; � � � � , BUDGETED AMOElNT ��MAINING: � . ''I ATI'A�HMEN'�5: A redline�apy of the MOU wil[ be disfiribu�ed{�rior to, and.af�he Board Meeting . ', CONGI�RRENCE W�Tf� R�QUEST�Q ACi'tON: CAT�GORY: Gen�raE ' G�NERAL MANAGER: Y�S NQ � i I� CHIEF �INANCIAt�OFFlCEg: YE5 NO i —59-- ,I � ', General Manager I, � !:(chard H.Sofbtig � � � ��1 � �. f''� IJirectors � �� � ( j� Chris Cefa[u �� �+��� JameS IZ.JoneS � -•�•� ' �"" tr/'� `�"'fir � � � R&nc(y Voge[gesang ����t f„J � l/l�� L/`� �����1�C G� Kel�jl 5heehan , Eric 5chafer ; _ I� l2�(v�ead��r�t Dri�re�vr�tt�h�.ak�e Taho�•GA 9�9,�ip-7�'E �'f tc�e 5�D 54�4�-�'�A�w�ax 53Q 541-OC'i�•ww+�r.s��.u� i 80ARD AGENDA ItEM G e. ' �0� Board of Direc#ors FROM. Nar�cy Hussmanr�, Human Resources Direcfior I MEEf(NG DATE; November i, 2012 1�EM--PROJECT NAM�: ACWA-JPIA Prudent BuyerClassic Plqn ; R�QUESTED BOARD ACTlON: Approve changing m�dical insurar�ce for employees to 3 t�e ACWA-JPIA Pnjdent Buyer Clcrssic Plan effecfiive January 1, 2013. i ; DI�Ct1SSION: �he Distr�cfi has been seif-ir�sured for its medica! pfan since January 1, 1997. Alternative pfans were researched �o find a more cost-effective plat� for medical insurance. ACWA-JPiA is a pooled program which provides medical insurance through the anthem Blue Cross Prudent Buyer Classic Pl.an qf a substantially fower cost tha� the , selfi-i�su�ed plan. ACWA-.lPiA r�quires sixty (50) days' notice to compfete enrolfinenf pracesses for a new group, Th�e District quatifies for the fncenfive Rate offered by ACWA-JPIA, a 4% discounfi on fihe Standa�d Rafies for�013. StafF wilE �oti#�ACWA-JPiA ; of the Di�frict's infient to beg�n medicaf coverage�nder the �rudenfi Buyer Classic Pfan effec#ive January ], 20�3. ; i € � � � �� SCHEDU��LE; Nov�ember 1, 20i 2 - Notify ACWA-JPIA of in�enf to beg�in coverc�ge x/1113: r COSTS: $1,�72 per emp{oyee per mon�h ACCOtJNT NO: BUDG�TED AI�AOUNT R�MAtNiNG: ATfAC.HM�NTS: Summary ofi Ber�efits &AC1NA-JPIA 2013 Medical Plan Rates i CONCURR�NC�WITH REQU�STED ACTt�N: CATEGORY: General -; GENERA!MANAG�[t: Y�S N4 CHt�F FlNANCl/il.OFF[CER: Y�S NO � � -��- ; I ; .� � ��,�,r ' � ::�'� ,i� o-r 4 s a }� �f � ���� "�'�� 5 � a �4 ��,. w u �����'� �,���-�f� z. � x ���'�i1�'���x�`� �' c - r -�t� �-- Sg��,z� >:r�-'x� - ��� � �� � ���-��.` y�� � _�;.� ,zs- :>.,- �.3 �-a�,'��t�._-:� =� �z�-r�'�'�..� 7��"'��-�z�.�.���'�'����' x �` `��w*-����.y`�''�,.� -: ,�� _�. � � w��.,"^� ���„-,� �..f �, � � � �'� _ r,.fr,k����r��,s:� . t ; �'` : ' �;� �'�,� ���� � i�q '� . 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Ha�liatge�� tta.Cfl��r 2ll46� 4E196', 1A45� � '�Q�1 Naiural Chldhirtl��es Not Couered NatCavei�ed' Plan pays 5U445 of�shatian fee�tu E50. Nt�t�l�Celte�f . vrtitci�euer�sless .. i.actaban Cour�eli &EquiAme� No Cha e No G EU46 Na E[3 4045 No Ba9�o- , FAh9[LYPWYNING � . - SfenT�abon No Ch�ge °Ntl Charge 2D441 . Na Charge. 411°Yo� ���er 3f19� ; �r�r�r�yresnng�rreatmem so��nre�iona�and .. l�m�t�dc�vera�,�d��tat . . IVa�cme�ea _ �`ir�►"�,��e���:; : , fac�ityfees4excfuding ,uaertun�li�mi;�ifer�T�:andgamete ?ri�i���:�n" �,rL S,��r�nr��e;, sberif�Uanreversal, ihro`a3�f[6���k�er Gt�f�fR�k�,,�.� arilfi�lai ihs�ninaiian : ! i�uftmfer�lirationaiid � gamete imr�falfap�w.. . �.,��� s�.::.a, ._,_, . -.,-- - _,_.__ ...,� �.�.��,. . �. .�;::; � Tra�fer) _:._�._. �.:_.w. ..>� ,� j CantracepSve�eviceslFi#6qg P�Sereferta}rour P6ease�ef��ujr�r5�f'+ti�rLficate. 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' �.�+ � �' 6�ritaTa�N�rva�D�rde[�lp�autlmnr�f6iqrr�mre�: . `� fi�6' ;;, i� 5u�1�S9., . . . . . i�!' ,-,- .. .... , i111°� -, " ,�. d s.v;: � � 1COU¢�eba4�e�efartlef�S.tiwAManbgeaMH514Campstl6feplaacdoesno[intlu�: � �FOrticFPO-amrehaBedne�saftl�enegatiatedraoefor�ofaparaaP?�SR�'�:ar . . . � . . •Farthe nao-PP�-seYcAa�a in a�ssof(a1 ihescheduleaaowimifaraeivic�oFa�rynwrpahid�6�m�derarf6ltlie re�sani6le cliar�afiraeMoesafa related heafm p�uv+da 2 Tle iW F�Mwversfad5tycharg�esnnry andQaes mtiidtide�Phys�ntees. - . 3lhlsiseco�WneQralendaryearm�meum6erefiL � - . � - 3 4 ForRe-autlptkadorypA80EF�2747167 . i This is a sumrr�ary of benefits only.please consalt your Evide�ce af Coverage(EUG)far exciusions and limtta#fons. � I#there is a discrepancy between this dacument and the�OC,t�te�aC pr_evails. Anthem Blue Gross ACWAJoint Powers Insurance Authorfty i P.o.�ox s0007 �.a.Box sssoa2 � Los Angeles CA 90050 Roseviile,956&19�82 � 'Atter�tion:ACWA Services 80U-736-2292 � 500-284-2466 ��-lydl�em83�eGoss[sllietradanameafBlueGoAafCaffiu�da.indepeMen[LCe�seeofthe&ueIXassASSOCiaGon•hNNtHE6lisaregmb¢Kdu�ademarkafAmlemlreurmemmpaNes;[nc. - . lEe BNie pnssrtame aMsymh�l ere rpgi�ered ma�ofihs BEue Cmss Associatloa . . . i i . . . . ' . . _ . . . . . . . i --67_ � I �''� 1 � a � � � � � ■ I � i I i i Antherr:Classic PPO ��Anthem Advantage PPO � (-ai? ��: i-��1 �, � 5tarsd"ard Incentive ,; Standard lncent':�e � s�<Active-Employee 664.29 639.12 r.�iActive-�mplayee . 536.97 516;69 -Active-Couple �,567.48 7.,507.57 `�=.Active-Coaple 1,264.35 1,216.10 _-Active-Family ].,816.11 1,746.64 '`°Aciive-Family 3..464.61 1,408.5fi f s�; `Retirec!-E w/o MCare 664.29 639.12 �4�"Retired-�wJo MCare 536.97 5�.6.69 ,� -ltetireti-C w/o MCare 3.,567.�F$ 1,507.57 ��;;Retired-C w/o MCare 1,264.35 ].,2�.6.10 Retired-F w/o MCare 1,816.11 1,746.64 �•�`Retired-F w/o MCare 1,464.67. 1,40$.66 F�k� Retir.ee-E w/NfCare 491.31 472.79 �Retiree-E w/MCare 394.1�F 379.36 Retiree-C w/MCare 1,162.$4 I,1I8.50 °�``'Retiree-C w/MCare 930.37 $94.9T r _y�e Ret�ree-F w�MCare � 1,334.44 1,2$3.49 ��,:Retiree-F w/MCare . I,Q66.89 1,0�6.23 �. � � �,-; Attive w/MCare-E� 51�5.1� �495.7� "��Active w/N�Care-E i 420.47 4Q4.67 �Activew/MCare-G1 1,213.33 3,157.05 ;�;Activew/MCare-C1 988.38 954.74 i �:;' � ,�Active w/MCare-F= � 1,412.73 1,358.77 ��;Active w/ftillGare-F 1 1,142.53 1,098.97 i Anthem Cali€orniaGa�e HMO. �;;Kaiser HMU NQrth • (-�%) �.-Se�zip cnde lisCYd iaoot��our dFstrizt's7e�i�rr. Standard [ncentive �"z� no chiro yes chiro w,;.. '',, ,Active-Emplayee 678.94 653.21 �f Actiue-Employee 600.81 602.74 �Actsve-Coaple 1,348.00 1,296.53 ���ActivQ-Couple 1,191.74 1,195.60 �Active-Fami[y 1,$63.18 1,791.90 ��Active-�amiiy 1,6.82.22 1,687.6$ '�� _ Retired-E w/o MGare : 678.94 653.21 ���Retired-E(uncfer&5) 600.$1 602.74 3 :Retired-C w/o MCare 1,348.00 1,296:53 ;:'Retired-C(under 65) 1,191.74 1,195.60 Retireti-F w/o MCare 1,863.18 1,791.9Q .�Retired-F{under 65} 1,682.22 1;587.68 Retiree-E w/MCare 493.35 474J6 �T° Retiree-C w/MCare 976.86 939.66 . '�Medicare.Risk-5e�ior Advantage Retiree-F w/MCare 1,350.98 1,299.4U ��' per s�ngle person . 278.27 280.20 � {all persons eiigibie for Medicare must � �AC�IVE W�MC2P@-E 1 5SOA3 567.72 � � enroll(n the Maditare Risk plan) - Active w/MCare-C'� � 1,170.1Z 1,125.50 � " Active w/�Care-F i 1,616.85 1,555.04 � � Anti�em HealthFund High Qeductible PP� Kaiser High�etiuctiple HMO-fVorth � � Statsdard Incentive � E � Attive-Employee 463.69 446.24 ��Acteve-Employee 493.41 E Active-Coup�e 1,089.93 1,048.39 ";Active-Couple 976.13 Active-FamiEy 1,252.�8 1,2�4.20 =���=Adive-Family 3,377.13 , �� sx ' Retired-E w/o IvlCare 46�.69 446.24 ���Retired-E w�o MCare 493.01 lii Retered-C w/o MCare 1,089.93 1,04&.39 ::�Retired-C w/o MCare 976.13 ' Retired-F w/a MCare �,26�.38 1,214Z0 rN`RetirecE-F w/o MCare 1,377.13 - �_� 1 Active wf Mcare-these rates are far employers with 19 or iess emp[oyees COBRA/Cal-COBRA ConNnuation Rates If emplayer group l�as 20 or mflre employees then the emplayer may add 296 to the current qremium lf em�loyer group has 1S or less employees then the employer may add 1035 to the current premiam � -6$- I __ _ _ _ ___ __ _ PAYMENT OF GLAIMS ' FQR APPROVAL � ' November 1, 2012 Payroll 101'I6112 412,429.3H � Total Payrol� 412,429:38 ; � j ADP 26F.24 American Express 15,336.�� Bank of America 0.00 '', BBVA Compass Bank 0.00 ', BNY Mellon Trus# Ccimpany 0.40 �, BHFS legal services 0.00 CDS-health care payments 26,2�7.'i 3 Union Bank 0.00 ' To#a! Vendor EF'T - 4'[,8'[9.93 � ' Accounts Payable Checks-Sewet Fund 5U9,275.07 Accounts Payable Checks-Water Fund 513,OD5.93 , Accoun�s Payable Checks-Self-funded Insuranc� 36,940.1'� '� Accounts Payable Checks-Grants Fund O.QO Tota�Accoun�s Payable � 1,059,221.1 � , . , . - � ' . Grand Total 7,5�3,470.4.2 � ' Payroll EFTs & Checks �01�6I72 ; -- , � EFT AFLAC Medical & De�endent Care 0.00 EFT CA Em �o ment Ta7ces & VIfIH 1� ��[6.0�[ P Y , EFT Federal Emp�oyment Ta�ces & W/H 80,956.19 EFT Ca�PERS Contributions 7fi,4S5.40 EFT Greaf West Deferred Gomp 20,147:44� EFT S�ationary Engineers Union Dues 2,499:87 � EFT Unifed Way Con�ributions 1 'i 5.0� EFT Emp�oyee.Direct Deposits 211,478.47 ; CHK Employee Garnishments 1,24�.92 . ! CHK Employee Paychecks 3,503.38 I I Tota1 412,429.38 . _69-� � __ ____ _ __ _ � � � � � ��` � _ � � � � � . �... � � �. a o :. •. 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Director5 � ��� ' �� �� Chriy CtFa[u ��%� JameS tZ.JoncS � �� r/`� "�''"r �j t '�"" s( Ranc�y Vogelge5ang. �����V � �/��1�� ��t�1f�[��f KcllySheehan , �Nc 5chafer � ��r'J�P�iAW�5'G�I"iV�f�C)���T��C.'�������Q 7�1 ����Q���'�'dX�J�Q�'������WIiT�/.��.�iS , BOARD AGENDA ITEM 73 a. T0. Board of Directors ' FROM: Tim S�edsoe, Manager of CustomerServi�e � M��F1NG DATE: November l, 2Q12 � I � � ITEM= pROJECT NAM�: Conference wi�Y� Legql Couns�l-P�nticipa#ed Li#igafion (one case) �, REQl1�STED BOARD ACTION: Direct legal counsel. i DISCUSSIQN: ,P�rsua���o�ection 5Q�956.9(b) of the California Govemment Code, Closed Sessior� may be held for a conference with legal cou�s�l. � i . ; i seH��u��: � cosrs: �� accouNZ No: ; BUDGEI�D AMOUNZ �t�MAlN1NG: ; AT1'ACHMENTS: C�NCl1RRENC�WITH REQUEST�D ACTION: CATEGORY: � GENER'AI.MANAGER: Y�S WO CHt�F fiNANCIAC OFF[CER: YES NO -85- . � � ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ��,,,w .a,�� ', i�chard H.Solbtig ��� ftirector� � � ��� 1 Clrn�Ccfafu . �� � . JaMte�R..lor�cs`�. , �� . . '� � f f � .. �P17G(jr�092'�CS�l79. ; �"��[t�� ������,� ������� ���5�,�n ' Erts''vc6afer �M�t>tvCr�Drt���p�t�ke Tah�e�Gl�.�15�C1-7�ri �or�53Q�•7�i-*�ax 5�U 541-D61�-+��vwu�r��pud:u� ', B�4ARD AGENDA I�EM T3 b. ' r4. 8ocrrd of D'[rectors FR4M: � ��ehard Solbrig,GEn�ral M.pr�ager - M�TfNG DA'iE: Novemb�r 1, 2012 . � ET�M�PRO.l�CT NANIE: Cc�n�erence with L��bor N�gotia�o�s R�GZU�STf� BOARG ACTIQN: D.ir�t negQ�ia':tar.s DISCUS�I�QN: Pu�suanf to Gc��r�r�m�n#�ode SecfiiQ.n 5�95�{a)/�on��rence:wit� Labot� . Negof�c�to� �e: M�er��r.anc�ur�-�o�r�Jhder��andinr��vvi.th �t��v�anag�rr��n�Un� ; Present+at this�fosed S�ssi�n wi:ll �e A��r�cX E��.g4tiators: Avstris ��ung�sllE�i4, � . Richard�olbrlg/C��eral��tqnage�,Na:n�� Hu��rnannfHuman�Resourees Dir.ecfor,�aul Hughes/Chief Financicrl Qfficex � SCH�DUEf: 3 � cosrs:. A, ; ACCOUNT NO: : , . . BU'DG�TED AMOUNT REMAiN�ING: . I �4TfACMlIR1Ei���; ' ' � � . � C4NCURI��NCE WEi'H R�QU�ST�D ACTtON:; �.. CAY'�Cfi��f`: �en�r�f� G�N�RA!MANAG�R: Y£S � ls� N0_ . CHt��F1N/kNCIkL O�FiC�R: Y€S NO � —��7— ' C�eneral Arianagcr , � Klchard H.5ofbrig ,� � �� � � �. �r�,� ��� � :��, ch��c�a�� Jariie5 K..JoneS °�t"'"�"`" + s r[• '�'''`�ra� Rarut.y.Yugeigcsang ; ������ ������/`� �t�i�'f �� ��IYShtehan i . tic 5ch�fer � 'i2?�Mead���Priv�•�au�[.��Tak�a�RG�i 9�'[5p-7� �� �r��3Q'S�-F��74*�x 53054i�1�+�wwGV.��.+d.�� i . i, B�At�b A��NDA lTENI=l 3 c. Tb: Board of Directtirs FROM: R'rchard Solbrig, Ger�eraf Manager i M�E�1�1G �AT�: �QVember 1, 20�� , , I�'�M-�PR�O.��CT NAM�: . Cor�fer�n�e wi#h l.a�or t�gafic�tors R�rQUE�r�D BOARD AGTtON: Dirs��negafiiaFfbrs, ��5��l��1��. P�uFS�uc��t.fo G�uern Trr�nf C��e S�tiin�54��7(M�/Cir��er�nc�wr�h t�bar Negofiafo�=�;�: hA.��orand�� bf l��r�d�€�dr���tg�nnf�'Sfi+��iQna�r��gi��e�s, (:ic��af�3�` � f: �r��er�t at t�i�� �los�d����.r��i1�f�e�ency N�gbtic�fo�:Au�tris Rur�gis/IEDk, ° . << Ric�c�rd�albng/G�neral>:�{anager; I��nc.�Hus�manri/Hurnan R�sou�ces Qirector, . { P�rul Hughes/Chief Financiaf Offteer , , , , . � . . I . , , �� �CH���QFJ���.E: � � � � COS�'S: �;r='`� ,- , ACC4U�NT` NO:. � .�:, Bl1RGE'CED AM4.UN-T R��AINiNG: - A'fTACHMENTS: _ CO�tC�fRt�ENCE I�I�Fi REE,�Ef�STE�ACrIQN: CAT�GOgY• ��rzera4 i GENE`IZAcL IV��!1M�?,��.�: Y�S �Q � _ CHIE�F1Np►�1ClAL OFF[C�R: 1FES Np . ,.. _._. .._ ^��� , . . . -