HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09-19-13 o��H 'rAho � ,; F � ,, ,,` _ =�_"`` , � J �p `�@y�. - - a�,e _ (/ er 7950 .W �� _ @��'U7'ILITY A1`�� ` SaUTN TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY D�STR�CT Richard Solbri , General Mana er Paul Sciuto, Assisfiant Generaf Mana er Eric W.Scha�er, Presiden# 64ARD MEMBERS James R. Jones,Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director Rand Vo el esan , Director Keli Sheehan, �irec#or REGULAR MEETING OF�HE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE Pf1BLIC U1ILITY DISTRICT Sept�mber 19, 2013 MINUTES The Board of Direcfors ofi the South Tahoe Public lJtility District met in a regular sessian, S�ptember 19, 2013, 2:d0 p.m., at the District Office, located at i 275 Meadow Crest Drive, � \) Sou#h Lake Tahoe, California. , __. � BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ROLL CAL� Presiden�Schafer; Direcfiors Cefalu, Jones, Sheehar�, Vogelgesang S�AF�: Bledsoe, Cotulla, Garon, Nolan, Solbrig, Thie�, Van Gorden, Cullen, Eidam, Guttry, Attorney Kvistad Moved Cefa�u/Seconded Sheehan/Passed Una,nimouslX to approve CONSENT CALENDAR the Consent Caler�dar as submitfed: a. SLT Pacific ASSOCiafes- Aspens P�o�ec�- Au�horized fihe Board President to execute the acknowledgment of fihe Irrevocabfe Offer�o Dedicate, Certificate of Acceptance and adopt Resolution No. 2937-13 accepting the Asp�ns Sewer Main Extension and record these ifiems with the �I Dorado County Recorder; b. Criticaf Waterline Evaluation Project-Approved Contract Task Orderwifih HDR i� fhe amour�t nofi to exceed $79,1�0; c. �alfe� Leaf Lake Sewer Upgrade Project-Approved contract Arnendment A fio Task Order 11 to Brown and Caldwell in the '/� Amount of$8,212; '�, REGUlAR BOARD ME�TING MIN�JTES-September l 9,201 S PAGE-2 _ d. WSOP (Water Systerr� Optimization Project) -Approved C4NSENT CALENDAR Confract Amendment B to Tasfc �rder 1 ta West Yost Associates, (continued) ��. _ ' in the amount of $27,7�0; � e. Sewer Line Patch Repair-Awarded Bid fio the Lowest Responsive, Responsible Bidder, Hoffman Southwest Corp., in the amount of$4�,699; f. Angora Creek Sewer Relocation Project- [1) Accepted Gran� of , Easement from Miner JP &� KD Trust; (2) Autharized paymen� to 3 � Jeff Miner, �frustee, in the amour�t of$],000; and (3) Direcfied staf�to record the easement and Certificate of Acceptance to APN 033-552-17; g. Approved Special 8oard Meeting Minutes: August 2$, 2a13; h. Approved Board Meefing Minutes: Sepfember 5, 2013. ITEMS FOR $OAR� ACTION Richard Solbria presented the�fraft public outreach RFP which will PUBLIC OU�REACH be senfi to five consultants. Presiden�Schafer requested three additional consuf�artfis be added to the distribution list as well. �., � Moved Vo el esan Second Jones Passed Unanimousl to authorize sfiaff to issue t�e RFP for public outreach as prese€�ted fo the eight consultants identified. Staff reported #his Tasfc Order fs grant funded and the cor�tract is APPROVE TASK 4RDER complete with �he Deparfment of Water Resources effective #5 TO KENNEDY JENKS September 19, 2413. CONSULTANTS IN THE AM4UNT OF $526,760 lvtoved Jones Second Sheehan Pa�sed Unanimousl to approve FOR THE�fSfRWMP j Task Order #5 to Kennedy Jenks Consuliants in the amount of (7AHOE SiERRA $526,760 for ti�e TSfRWMP (Fahoe Sierra Integrated Regionaf Water INTEGRATED REGIONAL Management Plan) and update and avthorize staff to make any WATER MANAGEMEN� immaterial changes �o the 7ask Order a� staff deems necessary. PLAN) AND UPDATE AND AU7HORfZE STAFF TO MAK� ANY IMMA- TERIAL CHANGES TO THE TASK Oi2D�R AS STAFF D�EMS NECESSARY Moved Cefalu Second Sheehan Passed Unanimausl ta approve PAYMENT OF CLAIMS payment of claims in the amoun� of$1,060,b97.65. ,---� Director Vo el esan sfated he attended the rec�nt Employee gOARD MEMBER , Communications Commi�tee Meeting. REPORTS 3 Direc#or Jones distributed an article from �he Sacramento Bee pertaining to The Town of Lincoln water district. I ; , R�GULAR BOARD MEETiNG MINUTES -Sepfember 19, 20i 3 PAGE-3 . � Director Schafer reported an his recenf attendance at the CASA BOARD M�MBER i : ���, Conference and distributed informa#ion pertaining to #he confer- REPORTS � � �:_.�� ence. He requested other Directors become more involved in (continued) CASA and consider assuming the role of CASA liaison in the future. E Richard Solbria discussed public outreach efforts currently En process G�NERAL MANAGER ar�d presen�ed a draft article to be sent to all Districfi customers REPORTS regarding upcoming capital outlay projects. Upon further discussion, it was decided to postpone the mailing until affer the nexfi Board workshop, allowing time to prepare a more comprehensive plan of action. Solbrig also stated he will be atter�ding the Lake Tahoe Communify College ViSioning Session on ! September 20tn, Le_aq I Counsel: Gary Kvistad gave an updat� on the Tahoe Keys STAFF/ATTORN�Y Custamer Transfer issue. Staff is pfanning to attend the Tahoe Keys REPORTS Board meefiing to provide information about the DEStrict. Tim Bfedsoe reported on the TJ Maxx project, stating the goal is to complefie fhis project by October l 5'". He also sfated the Chateau Project wafer�ine [oop will begin October i Sr. 2:35 PM ADJOURNMENT TO ,,-��� CLOS�D SESSION '�. - 3:03 PM RECONVENED TQ OPEN SESSION ACTION / R�PORT ON ITEM DISCUSSED DiJRING CLOSED SESSf4N a. Pursuanf fio Government Code Section 54956.9(b)/Conference with Legal Counsef re: existing fitigat�on re: EI Dorado Counfiy Superior Court Case SC20120227 GRCLT Condominium vs. Soufih Lake Taha� Public Ufiiiity Districf (filed 10/22/12) No re artable Board acfiion. � b. Pursuant to Section 54956.9{a) of fihe Cafifornia Governmenf code, Closed Sessiort was hefd fo�conference with legal counsel regardi�g existing litigation: False Claims Act Case: �lnited Stafes, the S�ates ofi California, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and 7enr�essee and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J-M Manufacturing Company, Inc. and �ormosa Pfastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Actiort No. ED CV06-0055-GW, United States Disfricf Court for the Cenl�ral District of California. No reportable Board action. ,,� �-� c. Pursuant fio Section 5�4956.9�a) of the California Government Code, Cfosed Session was held for confis�ence with legaf counsel regarding existing litigation: Las Angeles County Superior Caurf, Case No. BC459943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J-M Manufacturing, et al. No reportable Baard action. � �1 REGUI.AR BOARD MEEtING M1Nl1TES-September 19, 2013 PAGE-4 3:03 PM ADJOIfRNMENT ` t ic W: Schafer, rd President South 7ahoe P �c Utility Dis�rict ATTEST: Melonie Guttry, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ; --.} 1 ! � 3 E �-�,� i` � � �i 1