HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 08-28-13 Special Meeting H T g�VT qH�F v - �,,:,: � o� A(�e�k'er . 7950 -���s�� �k=ITLITY D�S� SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SPECIAL BOARD MEETING AGENDA Wednesday, August 28, 2013 Z:OO P.M. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California Richard Solbri , General Mana er Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Mana er Eric W.Schafer, President BOARD MEMBERS James R. Jones, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director Rand Vo el esan , Director Kell Sheehan, Director 1. CALL SPECIAL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS (An opportunity will be provided at this time if inembers of the public would like to comment on any item listed below.Three minute limit.) 3. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR Any item can be removed to be discussed and considered separately upon request. Comments and questions from members of the public, staff or Board can be taken when the comment does not necessitate separate action.) 4. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION a. Angora Creek Sewer Relocation Project (1) Hold a Public Hearing to Receive (John Thiel, Principal Engineer) any Comments on the Draft Initial Study and Initial Environmental Checklist; (2) Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environ- mental Impact; (3) Approve the Project for Implementation; and (4) Authorize the Filing of a Notice of Determination with the State Clearinghouse and EI Dorado County. b. Angora Creek Sewer Relocation Project Award Bid to Lowest Responsive, (John Thiel, Principal Engineer) Responsible Bidder c. Pioneer Trail Services Relocation Project Authorize District to Enter into an (Julie Ryan,Senior Engineer) Agreement and Board President to Sign Said Agreement with the City of South Lake Tahoe to Provide SPECIAL BOARD MEETING AGENDA-August 28, 2013 PAGE-2 Pioneer Trail Services Relocation Project Repairs to Paving in an Amount up (continued) to $125,000; and, Authorize Staff to Make any Immateriai Changes to the Terms of the Agreement as Staff Deems Necessary. 5. ADJOURNMENT (To the next regular meeting, September 5, 2013, 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete agenda packet,including all backup information is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days after minutes of the meeting have been approved. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda.Designated times are for particular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified, but may occur slightly later than the specified time. Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard;comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written material presented at the meeting.Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard during "Comments from the Audience;" however,action cannot be taken on items not on the agenda. *Backup materials relating to an open session item on this agenda,which are not included with the Board packet,will be made available for public inspection at the same time they are distributed or made available to the Board,and can be viewed at the District office,at the Board meeting, and upon request to the Clerk of the Board. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate parficipation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings. If parficular accommodations are needed, please contact the Clerk of the Board at (530) 544-6474, extension 6203. All inquiries must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. I � ��VTH TqHO �. - - � - - =.�-= ,p,. • �/S@we� ' 1950 '�ws`� ��k'UTILITY D�S't CONSENT CALENDAR AUGUST 28, 2013 ITEMS REQUESTED ACTION a. Request to Advertise for Bids for Diesel Particulate Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids Filters for Truck #27 (Crane Truck) and Truck #80 for the Purchase of Two Diesel (Dump Truck) Particulate Filters. (Randy Curtis, Field Operations Manager) South Tahoe Public Utility District■ 1275 Meadow Crest Drive ■South Lake Tahoe,CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474• Facsimile 530.541.0614 ■www.stpud.us General Manager Richard H.Solbrig • 1 0.'"`"`^- � ta� W`$j�„ Director5 Chris Cefalu � �� � �� JameS R.Jones '"-r"""� :�„ • r • � � Randy Vogclge5ang �'u b i I c U�G�i�-�y p��tri ct Kelly Sheehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadaw CreSt Drive•Sauth take Tahoe•CA 961�-7405 i'hone 530 54�4--6474•�ax 530 541-0614•www.�tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 3a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Randy Curtis, Manager of Field Operations MEETING DATE: August 28, 2013 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Request to Advertise for Bids for Diesel Particulate Filters for Truck #27 (Crane Truck) and Truck #80 (Dump Truck). REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize staff to advertise for bids for the purchase of two diesel particulate filters. DISCUSSION: Exhaust particulate filters need to be installed on two District Vehicles: Truck #27 (Crane Truck) and Truck #80 (Dump Truck). These filters are being installed to comply with the California Air Resources Board mandate requiring installation by December 31,2013. The California Air Resources Board also mandates these must be purchased or out to bid before September 1, 2013. Quotes were previously received but were over$15,000, therefore, requiring Board approval to go out to bid. SCHEDULE: ASAP COSTS: Estimated at $36,500 ACCOUNT NO: 1005-8413, 2005-8450 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: $30,000 AITACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: General GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEf FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO i � General Manager Richard H.5olbrig � • t� �-_-�,�8fg�, Directore � �./i� Chris Cefalu � � � m Ja es R.Jones :,�,: • � � i � Randy Vogelge5ang �ubljc U-����ty D��tr�c� KellySheehan Eric 5chater 1275 Meadow Ct e5t Rrive�5outh Lake Tahoe•CA 961�0-7401 (fione 530 54�F-6474•fax 53Q 541-Q614•www.5tpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of Directors FROM: John Thiel, Principal Engineer MEETING DATE: August 28, 2013 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Angora Creek Sewer Relocation Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Hold a Public Hearing to receive any comments on the Draft Initial Study and Initial Environmental Checklist; (2) Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact; (3) Approve the project for implementation; and (4) Authorize the filing of a Notice of Determination with the State Clearinghouse and EI Dorado County. DISCUSSION: The District has prepared a Draft Initial Study and Initial Environmental Checklist with a finding that the proposed project will not result in any significant adverse environmental effects as a result of implementation with the implementation of the mitigation measures identified in the document. A Notice of Completion and Notice of Intent to Adopt a Negative Declaration was filed with the State Clearinghouse on July 24, 2013, for a 30-day review period which initially expired on August 22, 2013. A neighborhood meeting was held on August l bth. The comments received and response to comments will be summarized in the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration. At 2:00 p.m., open the hearing to receive any additional public input on the Draft Initial Study and Initial Environmental Checklist, and the finding of no significant adverse environmental impacts. After receiving public comments and response to comments by staff, the Board may close the hearing, adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration, approve the project for implementation, and authorize the filing of a Notice of Determination with the State Clearingho�se and EI Dorado County. II John Thiel August 28,2013 Page 2 The project schedule is as follows: • Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference-August 20, 2013. • CEQA Review Period Ends-August 22, 2013. • Bid Opening- August 27, 2013. • Certify Negative Declaration -August 28, 2013-Special Board Meeting. • Contract Award-August 28, 2013-Special Board Meeting. • Notice to Proceed -September 9, 2013. • Begin New Sewer Installation-September 16, 2013. • Project Completion - October 15, 2013. SCHEDULE: See above COSTS: Construction Estimate - $240,000 ACCOUNT NO: 1029-7006 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: <$45,788> ATTACHMENTS: Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact. Due to its length, the Draft Initial Study and Initial Environmental Checklist can be viewed on the District's Website, STPUD.us, at the District's Customer Service Office, or upon request from the District's Clerk of the Board. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO G�enerAi Managar Rkharc!H.Eioqnig � . 1950 . w� 5o u�th Ta h � o e .��.� �'" 1�ublic Utility DiStrict '�`°'� ��. 1275 Meadow Cr�st Drivre•5outh Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 54�4�-6474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.5Cf7LIG�.US NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IlVIPACT � FOR TI�SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT ANGORA CREEK SEWER f RELOCATION PROJECT I ; � Project Title: Angora Creek Sewer Relocation Project '. Project Location: Mountain Trout Dtive,South Lake Tahce,CA 96150 APN 033-020-03 Lead Agency: South Tahce Public Utility District County: El Dorado County PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Project proposes to replaae and realign the 8-inch sewer line crossing Angora Creek that is at significant risk of struchu�al failure, the consequences of which could include: sudden loss of sewer service to residents in Angora Highlands;significant risk to water quality in Angora Creek; and sudden sewer surcharges downstream of the sewer line failure. The project installs a gravity flow sanitary sewer realignment that will be constructed from a manhole on the corner_of Mount�in Trout Drive and Ctear View Drive, spanning to a downstream manhole located on the north side of Angora Creek, approximately 330 feet south of the sou�west terminus of Mountain Trout Drive. A total of approximately 638 linear feet of 8-inch piping and two new manholes will be installed, as presented in Appendix A. Construction of the new gravity sewer collection main will allow for elimination of the exposed 8- inch sewer line crossing Angora Creek. The existing line that crosses Angora Creek will be . abandoned in-place without disturbance to the creek channel and SEZ. PUBLIC REVI�W PERIOD: STPUD has made this Notice of Intent (NOn, Mitigated Negative Declaration(1VII�TD), and Initial Study(IS) available for public review and comment putsuant to Section 15073(a)of the CEQA Guidelines.The 30-day comment period for the NOI,MND,and IS begins on duly 24,2013 and ends on August 23,2013.Comments should be submitted to t�e South Tahce Public Utility District at: 1275 Meadow Crest Dr. South Lake Tahoe,CA 96150 Attn:John Thiel PUBLIC MEETIl�IGS: The District's Board of Directors will take.comments on the ISMIl�iD at their regularly scheduled Board Meeting on Thursday,August 15,2013 (2:00 p.m.)and will consider adopting the MND at a special Board Mceting on Wednesday,August 28,2013 (2:00 p.m.)to which the public and all interested parties to this matter are invited. The meetings will be held at Distrid offices (address above). DOCUMENT AVAILABILITY: The MND and IS are available for review during regular business hours at the District offices. There is also an electronic copy available opline at the District's website, www.stpud.us. ff you require additional information, please contact Mr. Thiel at (5.30) 543-6209 or submit questions and comments by email at jthiel@stpud.dst.ca.us. General Manager Richard H.5olbrig ----'�—�--•. �°'• .�" ,��'�,�,� ��, /'"� I'''� Directors / J � {/ /'� �� Chris Cefalu ��'"� ���r�� Jamea R.Jones :.�,: • . � � . Randy Vogelgesang 1 u V i�� ��j��'ty �t�t��1✓ V Kelly 5heehan Eric 5chafer 12'75 Meadow CreSt Drive��auth Lake Tahae;CA 9615(1-7401 Phone 534 544-6474•Fax 530 541-�14•www.5tpuci.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: Board of Directors FROM: John Thiel, Principal Engineer MEETING DATE: August 28, 2013 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: 2013 Angora Creek Sewer Relocation Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Award bid to lowest responsive, responsible bidder. DISCUSSION: The proposed project includes installation of approximately 670 linear feet of 8" PVC, SDR 26 sewer main, two tie-ins to existing manholes in service, installation of three new manholes, extension and transfer of three 4" residential senrices, site restoration including revegetation and paving replacement, fill and abandon in place two sections of existing 8" AC sewer pipe totaling approximately 377 linear feet and installation of three concrete plugs at existing manhole connection points. The project schedule is as foltows: • Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference- August 20, 2013. • CEQA Review Period Ends-August 22, 2013. • Bid Opening - August 27, 2013. • Certify Negative Declaration -August 28, 2013-Special Board Meeting. • Contract Award -August 28, 2013-Special Board Meeting. • Notice to Proceed-September 9, 2013. • Begin New Sewer Installation -September 16, 2013. • Project Completion - October 15, 2013. On August 20, 2013, fo�r contractors attended the Pre Bid Conference. Bids will be opened at 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 27, 2013. After opening the bids, staff will review the bids in detail for compliance with the specifications. A summary of the bids, along with staff recommendation for award, will be distributed prior to, and at the Board meeting. John Thiel August 28,2013 Page 2 '� � I I SCHEDULE: See above. COSTS: Engineer's Estimate - $240,000 ACCOUNT NO: 1029-7006 BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: <$45,788> ATTACHMENTS: Bid summary and staff recommendation for award will be distributed prior to, and at the Board meeting. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO I General Manager Richard H.Solbrig � . �a5a:-�. �.�, w� � � V � Director5 �� ChriS Cefalu James R.Jones � t• � i tr �("�'�i( ♦ y�♦ Randy Vogelgesang ��b�!� �„!�l�{ 1f_�( ���tl �V 4/ Kelly 5heehan �+ Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Cre�t Drive•South lake Tahae•CA 9C154-7401 �'tOC18 'rJ�� �-�7q-"�X J'��41-C�'I�•WWW.S�?Ul.�.LiS BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Julie Ryan, Senior Engineer MEEiING DATE: August 28, 2013 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Pioneer Trail Services Relocation Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize District to enter into an agreement and Board President to sign said agreement with the City of South Lake Tahoe to provide repairs to paving in an amount up to $125,000; and, authorize staff to make any immaterial changes to the terms of the agreement as staff deems necessary. DISCUSSION: In June, District Crews completed the Pioneer Trail Services Relocation Project, with the exception of repairs to the pavement and drainage features. Because the City of South Lake Tahoe is currently working in this area on their Pedestrian Improvement Project, the City has obtained a quote from their Contractor, Granite Construction, to perform these repairs for the District. To formalize this arrangement, staff has worked with the City to prepare an agreement for the District to reimburse the City's costs for repairs to pavement and drainage features in Pioneer Trail. The draft agreement is attached.The terms of the agreement are being reviewed by the City. SCHEDULE: September 1, 2013 to October 15, 2013 COSTS: $125,000 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-7003/PIONER BUDGETED AMOUNT AVAILABLE: <$7,878> ATTACHMENTS: Draft Agreement and Granite Construction quote CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO i � � ' Reimbursement Agreement Between City of South Lake Tahoe& South Tahoe Public Utility District This AGREEMENT, entered into effective on , is between the City of South Lake Tahoe, municipality of the State of California,referred to herein as"CITY,"and the South Tahoe Public Utility District, referred to herein as"DISTRICT." Recitals 1. CITY secured funding, prepared contract documents, advertised, and intends to award and administer a construction contract for the approved work, to be complete�i„by the lowest responsible bidder, for installation of improvements for the Pioneer Trail Pedestrian Improvement Project, referred to herein as "PROJECT." 2. DISTRICT owns and maintains sanitary sewer and potable water utility faailities within the limits of the PROJECT,which have been modified and reloeated in part to accommodate the PROJECT improvements while continuing to meet their intended purpose as water and sewer utilities in conformance with applicable regulations. These modifications and relocations of`the utility facilities have resuited in damage to the existing roadway improvements owned by the City of South Lake Tahoe. Repair of existing roadway improvements is referred to herein as"WORK", and includes repair to improvements damaged by the District as well as additional improvements not�ffected by the District. 3. DISTRICT hereby aclrnowledges review of PROJEGT scape for the WORK(Attachment A)to repair the roadway improvements and agrees in principal to the construction in the manner proposed. The CITY intends to add the WORK to the existing construation contracf for the PROJECT. 4. DISTRICT agrees to pay the CITI'for the portion of the approved WORK attributed to damage by the District�bn the basis of identified items for the WORK,which are defined in Attachment A and subtotaled in Part IIi.?below. 5. The terms of this Agreement shall supersede any inconsistent terms of any prior agreement or Memorandum of Understanding relating to the WORK. 6. The parties define herein below the terms and conditions under which the WORK is to be financed, constructed, owned, operated,and maintained. I. CITY Agrees: 1. To perform the WORK to achieve its intended purpose. 2. All WORK performed by CITY or on its behalf by a licensed contractor,shall be monitored for compliance with the PROJECT plans and contract specifications by CITY personnel or designated representative. 3. To permit DISTRICT personnel to monitor, participate, and perform any additional quality assurance measures as deemed necessary for compliance of the WORK with DISTRICT standards and practices. 4. Upon completion of the WORK and all work incidental thereto,to furnish the DISTRICT with a detailed statement of construction costs, the basis of which is identified bid items for the PROJECT subject to reimbursement from the DISTRICT. � 5. To the extent that the guarantees or bonds required by the CITY's contracts for the PROJECT pertain to the WORK,the CITY agrees to enforce its rights thereunder in order to protect the DISTRICT'S interests in the sanitary sewer and potable water utility facilities. II. DISTRICT Agrees: 1. To reimburse the CITY for the portion of the WORK performed, as defined in Attachment A and subtotaled in Part III.7 below. 2. The reimbursement payment to the CITY will be within 30 days of receipt of a detailed statement of construction costs for the WORK; subsequent to fmal acceptance of the WORK by the DISTRICT and payment for the WORK by the CITY to its contractor. 3. At no cost to CIT'Y,to perform any additional quality assurance measures as DISTRICT deems necessary, beyond that which is currently scheduled. 4. To accept ownership, operate and maintain the portions of the constructed WORK that are part of the DISTRICT sanitary sewer and potable water utility systems. 5. To waive any and all rights to any type of express or implied indemnity or right of contribution from the CITY for any liability, claims, demands, costs, charges and expenses (including, without limitation, attomey's and expert witness fees and other expenses of litigation) and causes of action of whatsoever character on account of loss or damage to the sanitary sewer and potable water utility facilities that are relocated or modified pursuant to this Agreement and as part of the WORK and loss of use thereof,or for bodily injury to or death of any persons(including,without limitation,properly,employees,subcontractors, agents, and invitees of each party hereto) arising out of or in any way connected with the WORK, and arising from any cause whatsoever,including any passive negligence of the City and excepting only,and in direct proportion to,the active negligence of the City which is the proximate cause of the event giving rise to the claim or liability. Such waiver does not extend to the City's contractor and does not apply to other existing District sanitary sewer and potable water utility facilities within the area of the PROJECT that are not relocated or modified as part of the WORK. III. Mutually Agreed: 1. Upon completion of the WORK to be performed by CITY in accordance with the scope of work,the new water and sewer facilities shall become the property of the DISTRICT. 2. Deviations from the scope for the WORK,initiated by either the CTTY ar DISTRICT,shall be agreed upon by both parties hereto by Amendment. 3. Modifications to the WORK which are not mutually agreed upon by the parties to this Agreement, will require an Amendment to this Agreement. 4. If the PROJECT, which precipitated this Agreement, is canceled or modified so as to eliminate the necessity of the WORK;the CITY will notify DISTRICT in writing and each party may then terminate this Agreement. 5. The CITY agrees to pay the contractor for work completed on the identified bid items, which are incorporated by this reference as the WORK,subject to reimbursement from the DISTRICT.Any changes in quantities of the bid items shall be agreed to by both the CITY and DISTRICT. 6. That the parties will be relieved of their respective duties and obligations hereunder if performance of this agreement is prevented by the elements,natural disaster or acts of God,or if they are ordered or enjoined 2 from performing hereunder by any court or regulatory agency having jurisdiction. Either party may discontinue performance of its duties and obligations hereunder if the other party breaches any term or condition of this agreement. 7. That the portion of the WORK attributed to damage by the District are as follows: Item No. Item Descri tion Units Est. Q Unit Price Reimbursement Amount 1 Mobilization of Coldmilling and LS 1 $2608.75 72%of cost $1,878.30 Paving Equipment 2 Sawcutting,Removal,Preparation, SF 1500 $13.05 100%of cost $19,575.00 and Paving of Trench Patches 3 Traff'ic Control DY 5 $2,470.00 72%of cost $8,892.00 4 Adjustment of Utilities(Lower& EA 20 $800.00 14 of 20 $11,200.00 Raise as Needed) 5 Remove&Replace Concrete Curb& LF 80 $60.00 100%of cost $4,800.00 Gutter 6 Coldmilling&Offhaul2"Thick SF 34 200 $0.36 24,700 of $g g92.00 Existing Asphalt Concrete ' 34,200 sf ' � Buy,Haul,&Place 2"Thick Asphalt SF 34 200 $2.40 24,700 of $59 280.00 Concrete from Tahoe Asphalt ' 34,200 sf ' 8 Stri in Work LS 1 $4 578.00 72%of cost $3 296.16 Total: �115,413.46 IV General Provisions l. Notices. Any notice required to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and either served personally or sent prepaid, first class mail. Any such notice shall be addressed to the other party at the address set forth below.Notice shall be deemed communicated within 48 hours from the time of mailing if mailed as provided in this section. 2. If to CITY: Nancy Kerry City Manager City of South Lake Tahoe 1901 Airport Road South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Provide a copy to: City Attorney City of South Lake Tahoe 1901 Airport Road, Suite 300 South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 If to DISTRICT South Tahoe Public Utility District Attn: Richard Solbrig, General Manager 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 3. No Waiver. Waiver of a breach or default under this Agreement shall not constitute a continuing waiver of a subsequent breach of the same or any other provision under this Agreement. 3 �� 4. Dispute Resolution. The parties to this agreement hereby agree to meet and confer in good faith for the purposes of resolving any dispute under this agreement prior to bringing any action for enforcement. 5. Controlling Law Venue. This Agreement and all matters relating to it shall be governed by the laws of the State of California and any action brought relating to this Agreement shall be held exclusively in the Superior Courts in the County of El Dorado, South Lake Tahoe Division. 6. Amendments. This Agreement may be modified or amended only by a written document executed by both Consultant and City and approved as to form by the City Attorney. 7. Severabilitv. If any term or portion of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. 8. Entire A�reement.This Agreement constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of Agreement between City and Consultant. All prior written and oral communications, including correspondence, drafts, memoranda, and representations, are superseded in total by this Agreement. 9. Execution. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall constitute one and the same instrument and shall become binding upon the parties when at least one copy hereof shall have been signed by both parties hereto.In approving this Agreement,it shall not be necessary to produce or account for more than one such counterpart. 10. Authority to Enter Agreement. Consultant has all requisite power and authority to conduct its business and to execute,deliver,and perform the Agreement.Each party warrants that the individuals who have signed this Agreement have the legal power, right, and authority to make this Agreement and to bind each respective party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on the date first written above. Tom Davis,Mayor Eric Schafer, Board President City of South Lake Tahoe South Tahoe Public Utility District APPROVE AS TO FORM: City Attorney ATTEST: ATTEST: Susan Alessi, City Clerk Eileen Eidam, Interim Board Clerk 4 GRAiIITE�� August 21, 2013 City of South Lake Tahoe 1052 Tata Lane South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 RE: Coldmilling& Paving 2" Overlay on Pioneer Trail, South Lake Tahoe, CA—Revision Dear Mr. Marino, We are pleased to submit the following quotation for the coldmilling and paving work associated with the Pioneer Trail Pedestrian Project. Please see below for a breakout of cost and scope: i � . . . • I � �.�-_' �;;-�.:: ::. - -°� .�^>a�. . ... _ ,'•�. ,#- ' .:: ,r%��. 1 Mobilization of Coldmilling and 1 LS $2,608.65 $2,608.65 Paving Equipment 2 Sawcutting,Removal, Preparation, and Paving of Trench Patches 1500 SF $13.05 $19,575.00 3 ' Traffic Control 5 DY $2,470.00 $12,350.00 E 4 Adjustment of Utilities(Lower& 20 EA $800.00 $16,000.00 Raise as Needed) 5 Remove&Replace Concrete Curb& g0 LF $60.00 $4,800.00 Gutter 6 Coldmilling&Offhaul 2"Thick 34,200 SF $0.36 $12,312.00 Existing Asphalt Concrete 7 Buy, Haul,&Place 2"Thick Asphalt Concrete from Tahoe Asphalt 34,200 SF $2.40 $82,080.00 8 Striping Work 1 LS $4,578.00 $4,578.00 BASE BID TOTAL: $154,304.00 ��►n�-rErM SPECIAL CONDITIONS/EXCLUSIONS: 1. This proposal includes sawcut and removal of trench patches,patching the trench patches, coldmilling,plantmix paving(4"thick maximum), and traffic control,utility adjustments, and mobilization for the items listed above. All other work is excluded. 2. This proposal excludes all bonds,professional engineering services, survey, construction staking, pernuts,testing, final as built drawings(we will maintain and update onsite as builts),and utility connection fees. 3. This proposal includes traffic control for Granite's work only. 4. This proposal excludes any landscape, irrigation, and landscape restoration work. 5. This proposal includes 1 mobilization for paving equipment. Additional mobilizations will be charged at the rate listed above. 6. This proposal excludes any dust palliative work, SWPPP work,hydro seed or any other temporary or permanent dust control measures. 7. This proposal excludes all electrical work. 8. This proposal excludes procurement of,or payment for,any permits. , 9. If temporary striping is needed after the paving work is completed,Granite can supply and install "stick& stop"temporary markers. 10. Price is based off of the quantities listed above. Increases above the units listed above will be billed on actual installed&measured quantities. Because the quantities listed are small, additional labor and equipment may be calculated if quantities decrease. 11.The work listed in Bid Item#5—Remove and Replace Concrete Curb&Gutter is being performed out of sequence with the rest of the work on the project. Therefore, the original bid item price of$30.00 per linear foot is not able to be maintained for this proposal. Because of the small amount of work(80 LF)that is being performed out of sequence and between the new improvements,the crews' production will be extremely inefficient,and the prices listed above for Bid Item#5 reflects this inefficiency. This item also assumes that the city would prefer that Granite remove curb and gutter from joint to joint rather than internuttently. Sincerely, Paul Shogren Project Manager Granite Construction Company