HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 04-04-13 �OVTH TANOF � � ' �,,.--- � 0� �Sewej ' 1950 ' W�� �i e��U7"ILITY D��� SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, April 4, 2013 2:00 P.M. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California Richard Solbri , General Mana er Paui Sciuto, Assistant General Mana er ._.. : : _ .. : Eric W.Schafer, President BOARD MEMBERS James R. Jones, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director Rand Vo el esan , Director Kell Sheehan, Director 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING— PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (This is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Board on any shorf non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. No discussion or action can be taken on matters not listed on the agenda, per the Brown Act. Each member of the public who wishes to comment shall be allotted five minutes, and no more than three individuals shall address the same subject.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (For purposes of the Brown Act, all Action and Consent items listed give a brief description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed. Recommendations of the staff, as shown,do not prevent the Board from taking other action.) 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be removed to be discussed and considered separately upon request.Comments and questions from members of the public,staff or Board can be taken when the comment does not necessitate separate action.) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION / ACTION 6. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION a. Payment of Claims Approve Payment in the Amount of Pg.39 $900,841.45 7. STANDING COMMIITEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting of 04/O1/13 (Jones/Vogelgesang) i REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA-APRIL 4, 2013 PAGE-2 8. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 9. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT 10. STAFF / ATTORNEY REPORTLI (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) a. TJ Maxx Water Connection (Paul Hughes) 11. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS / EVENTS Past Meetings / Events 03/25/13-TJ Maxx/Lukins Water Connection Meeting 03/27/13-Outreach Presentation to TRPA Governing Board 04/O1/13-Water and Wastewater Operations Committee 04/03/13-Outreach Presentation to Kiwanis Club of the Tahoe Sierra Future Meetings / Events 04/10/13- 10:00 a.m. - EI Dorado County Water Agency Board Meeting in Shingle Springs 04/18/13-2:00 p.m.-STPUD Regular Board Meeting at District 12. CLOSED SESSION (The Board will adjourn to Closed Session to discuss items identified below. Closed Session is not open to the public; however, an opporfunity will be provided at this time if members of the public would like to comment on any item listed.Three minute limit.) a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) Conference with Legal Counsel Pg.53 Existing Litigation re: EI Dorado County Superior Court Case SC20120227 GRCLT Condominium vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District b. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) Conference with Legal Counsel Pg.SS Existing Litigation re: False Claims Act Case: United States, the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and Tennessee and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J-M Manufacturing Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. ED CVO6-0055-GW, United States District Court for the Central District of California c. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) Conference with Legal Pg.s� Counsel - Existing Litigation re: Los Angeles County Superior Court Case No. BC459943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J-M Manufacturing, et al. 13. ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 14. ADJOURNMENT (To the next regular meeting, April 18, 2013, at 2:00 p.m.) i I REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA-APRIL 4, 2013 PAGE-3 The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete agenda packet, including all backup information is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.,Monday through Friday. A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days after minutes of the meeting have been approved. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified, but may occur slightly later than the specified time. Public parficipation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard;comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written material presented at the meeting. Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard during "Comments from the Audience;"however, action cannot be taken on items not on the agenda. Backup materials relating to an open session item on this agenda,which are not included with the Board packet,will be made available for public inspection at the same time they are distributed or made available to the Board, and � can be viewed at the District office,at the Board meeting,and upon request to the Clerk of the Board. � � The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings. If particular accommodations are needed, please contact the Clerk of the Board at (530) 544-6474, extension 6203. All inquiries must be made at least 48 hours in �'I advance of the meeting. i I $� TH qh � .�. - _ �,t.= •` ���sr . 1a60 •�W4� ��: � CONSENT CALENDAR APRIL 4, 2013 ITEMS REQUESTED ACTION a. Engineering Student Intern Approve Contract with Blue Ribbon Pg. 1 �Julie Ryan,Senior Engineer) Personnel for an Engineering Student Intern from May through October, 2013, in an Amount not to Exceed $25,000 b. Pioneer Trail Services Relocation Project Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids Pg.3 (Julie Ryan,Senior Engineer) c. State Streets, Pioneer, Sierra Tract MXUs (1) Authorize Exception to Bidding � Pg.s (Mobile Reading Units) Procedures as Outlined in the i (.lames Cullen, Inspections Supervisor) Purchasing Policy for a Sole Source I Purchase of Standardized Supplies; and (2) Authorize Purchase of Sensus MXUs from Western Nevada Supply, in the Amount of$89,812.80, Including Tax and Freight d. 2013 Construction Inspection and Materials Approve the Proposal from CME Pg.7 Testing Services Engineering to Provide Construction (Shannon Cotulla, Engineering Department Manager) Inspection and Materials Services on an as Needed Basis e. ACWA (Association of California Water Agencies) Adopt Resolution No. 2924-13 Pg. 19 Region 3 Board of Directors Nomination Nominating Paul Sciuto Resolution (Dennis Cocking, Public Information Officer) f. ACWA Region 3 Federal Affairs Committee Adopt Resolution No. 2925-13 Pg.2s Nomination Resolution Nominating Paul Scuito (Dennis Cocking, Public Information Officer) g. Regular Board Meeting Minutes: March 7, 2013 Approve Minutes Pg.31 (Kathy Sharp,Clerk of the Board) h. Regular Board Meeting Minutes: March 21, 2013 Approve Minutes Pg.35 (Kathy Sharp,Clerk of the Board) South Tahoe Public Utility District■ 1275 Meadow Crest Drive ■South Lake Tahoe,CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474• Facsimile 530.541.0614■www.stpud.us General Manager Richard H.5olbrig . 1�5Q • � �yr. Director5 �j Chris Cefalu � � V' � �� JameS R.Jones i1rF+� p� { t•/� ► � � ti Randy Vogelgesang i U��i V ������y ��1�� Kelly Sheehan , Eric 5chafer 1275 M�acbw Cr�eSt Drive•5outh Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 f'hone 534 544--C3474•�ax 53Q 54t-0614•www.stpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: Board of Directors , FROM: Julie Ryan, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: April 4, 2013 ITEM-PROJECT NAME: Engineering Student Intern REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve contract with Blue Ribbon Personnel for an engineering student intern from May through October, 2013, in an amount not to exceed $25,000. DISCUSSION: Staff requests that the Board authorize payment to Blue Ribbon Personnel for one engineering student intern position from May through October, 2013. The Engineering Department currently has no interns, and is advertising for one summer intern position. The application period ends on April 12, 2013. Following the application review, interview, selection and pre-employment process, Staff expects that the intern will begin work by mid-May (exact dates to be determined based on review period duration and selected applicant's school calendar). The intern will be working as an engineering assistant on several tasks, including inspections support on the State Streets and Sierra Tract Waterline Replacement Projects (shadowing an Engineering Technician), and assistance preparing permits and Autocad drawings for plant paving and BMP projects. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: �25,000 ACCOUNT NO: 1029-4405; 2029-4405 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $32,800 AITACHMENTS: None II CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer 8�Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES �l� �Q NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -1- ' General Manager , .... Richard H.Solbrig � • 195t):'"'�, �. /"� �� Director5 �� � �� Chris Cefalu ��� �l �"� JameS R.Jones � �.^� + 1 '{"'� �'f'' eG • Randy Vogelgesang ��V�)� i,,� tjl�I Ijv ���J�j�'�j�/ Kelly 5heehan � Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow CreSt Drive•South Lak�Tahae•CA 96150-7401 t'hone 530 54�4-6474�Fax 530 5q-t-0614•www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: Board of Directors FROM: Julie Ryan, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: April 4, 2013 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Pioneer Trail Services Relocation Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize Staff to advertise for bids. DISCUSSION: Staff has designed a water service relocation project on Pioneer Trail between Highway 50 (at Stateline) and Ski Run Blvd. The purpose of the project is to abandon two aging and leak-prone water mains (1-4" and 1-8") that run parallel to the 18" water main on Pioneer Trail. The project has been prioritized to get in front of the City's planned improvements in this area, and has the following primary objectives: 1) Transfer 18 existing senrices and 2 hydrants from the existing 4" and 8" waterlines on Pioneer Trail onto the existing 18" waterline on Pioneer Trail. 2) Intertie the 18" waterline to waterlines on perpendicular streets, where needed, and abandon the 4" and 8" waterlines. 3) Add water meters on all se►vices affected by this Project that are not currently metered. 4) Address conflicts of existing service boxes and hydrants with the City's Pedestrian Improvement Project which will be built starting in July, 2013. On Friday, March 22, 2013, Staff issued the project plans to Contractors for bidding as Addendum No. 2 fo the State Streets Waterline Replacement Project. The bid opening for the project is currently scheduled for 2 pm on Tuesday, April 9, 2013. The project work on Pioneer Trail from Highway 50 to Larch must be complete by June 15, 2013. The approximate construction costs for the Pioneer Trail Services Relocation Project is $563,800 based on the �ngineer's Estimate prepared by staff, of which approximately $150,000 is budgeted for repaving. Please note that this project does not include 7 additional senrice transfe�s that will be performed by the District's Underground Repair Water crew in coordination with the affected property owners, because they include relocation of the service connection off of Pioneer Trail onto a side street to minimize repaving work on Pioneer Trail.The cost of these 7 service transfers has not been �I �I i -3- � Julie Ryan Apri14,2013 � included in the Engineer's Estimate, but Staff has budgeted an additional $50,000 for this work. ; z k 4 t t !; � t: SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $613,800 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-7003/PIONER � BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $124,250 ATTACHMENTS: None CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO � CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO t -4- 6 6eneral Manager Richard H.Solbrig � . ,� � `�/'\ �� � �� Director5 Chris Cefalu James R.Jonee � `�" '�` ♦ Randy Vogelgesang ; �u b l i c U ti l ity D i�tri ct Kelly 5heehan Eric 5chafer 1275 Meac�ow Crest Drive•�outh Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 f'�wne 530 54�4-6474•Fax 530 54-1-U614�www.5tpucl,us BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: Board of Directors FROM: James Cullen, Inspections Supervisor MEETING DATE: April 4, 2013 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: State Streets, Pioneer, Sierra Tract MXUs (Mobile Reading Units) REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Authorize exception to bidding procedures as outlined in the Purchasing Policy for a sole source purchase of standardized supplies; and (2) Authorize purchase of Sensus MXUs from Western Nevada Supply in the amount of $89,812.80, including tax and freight. DISCUSSION: Staff would like to purchase a total of 594 MXUs for District meter projects. To ensure that all parts will perform with the District's electronic meter reading system, the District only purchases MXUs manufactured by Sensus (as authorized by the Board on May 21, 2009). Western Nevada Supply is the sole source supplier for Sensus in this area. This item has been reviewed by the District's purchasing agent. SCHEDULE: Order by April 15, 2013 COSTS: $89,812.80 (includes tax and freight) ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8306 (State Streets) 2029-7003 (Pioneer) 2029-7002 (Sierra Tract) BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $926,584 $124,250 $369,350 ATTACHMENTS: N/A CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -5- � ( General Manager Richard H.5olbrig � . issa':�—. �'^-s�$j�, � f .� � �� Direetoe5 U ChriS Cefalu JameS R.Jones ,,�,r�-•- Kandy Vogelgesang f�ublic Ut�iity Di�tri�t KellySheehan Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadc�w Crest Drive•South Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 � f'hone 530 54�4-64-74•Fax 530 541-Q�n14•www.5tpud.u5 . BOARD AGENDA ITEM ! TO: Board of Directors FROM: Shannon Cotulla, Engineering Department Manager MEETING DATE: April 4, 2013 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: 2013 Construction Inspection and Materials Testing Services REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve the proposal from CME Engineering to provide Construction Inspection and Materials Testing Services on an as needed basis. DISCUSSION: The District's construction inspection resources are limited due to a vacant position that is in the process of being filled, and an Engineering Technician being put on light duty for medical reasons. Due to this and the number and complexity of construction projects for the 2013 construction season, we anticipate a need for additional construction inspectors. Staff distributed a Request for Proposal (RFP) to engineering consulting firms for inspection and laboratory materials testing se►vices in the region. The inspection services will supplement District staff for the inspection of the construction projects on an as-needed basis. The material testing services will consist of testing concrete cylinder, asphalt content and gradation, and compaction curves. The District does not have the capabilities of performing these tests. The District received proposals on Friday, March 22, 2013, from seven engineering consulting firms.Staff reviewed the proposals and recommends that the Board approve Construction Materials Engineers, Inc. (CME) as the selected consultant. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: Varies by project BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: Costs will be charged to project budgets ATTACHMENTS: Proposal to provide Construction Inspection and Materials Testing Services CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer and Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES -8 NO CHIEf FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -7- ,� �_ �� ; ,e^ - Y � E4�.3'' F ��-i- F k ��� f ��ri p} YZi � F�2t F' Y M1� 3 .�� kF L � � �. �'A � ( � � �` � � 6 �'� . ; '...�„ � 4 F-�.s.��� C _ � E f � F- � �, .^'f d''� � t ... 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' .. �� " .. � , " .. � \ � � � . ,..� _ . • .. � . , � . . . %e � � � . .. � . � . .. .. . ' '1.✓... �- . . . ._ ' .. . _ . .. .l�-.. . ' I ' ' / � � � • , , I • Y ���5'�1�UC�'I�� �i�'i�'�RI�LS ��GI����tS, ���. � 6980 Sierra Center Parkway, Suite 90 Reno, NV 89511 March 22, 2013 Mr. Shannon Cotulla SOUTH TAHOE PUBUC UTILITY DISTRICT 1275 Meadow Crest Drive ' South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 RE: 2013 Construction Inspection and Materials Testing Proposal Dear Mr. Cotulla: � Construction Materials Engineers, Inc. is pleased to present the South Tahoe Public Utility District with this Statement of Qualifications to provide Inspection and Materials Testing Services. We are confident that you will find our firm to be a strong candidate to provide the full range of services required by STPUD. As you will clearly see from the attached statement, CME has knowledge and experience with projects throughout the Sierra region and routinely provides these services to numerous public agencies in the area. CME has a long history in northeastem Califomia and northem Nevada, and has completed numerous underground utility, environmental infrastructure, street, highway, drainage, flood control, bridge, : building, and airport projects throughout the area. Our project managers, materials engineers, project inspectors, and testing technicians have a proven track record for providing the services anticipated under this request. We maintain a solid reputation of proven performance, client satisfaction, and cost- effective delivery of our services. Longevity, Stability, Experience At CME, we offer our clients longevity, stability and reliability. Our proposed inspectors are uniquely qualified for this contract. Mike Magee has been providing similar services to STPUD every construction season for the past 15 years. Russ Allen and Dave Nash, with a combined 64 years of experience, are both ICC, ACI, and NAQTC certified. In addition, half of the partners in the firm have worked together for 20 years or more, and the remaining partners have worked with the group for more than 10 years. Many of our technicians and inspectors have been with us for more than 10 years. Our 39 emp/oyees have a fofa/of 372 years with the �rm, an average of nearly 10 years on the team. Even more impressive is an average 20 years of experience in the profession. Service Capabilities �For more than 20 years, CME's management, geotechnical, laboratory, and field teams have built a solid reputation of service and satisfaction by delivering a wide array of general engineering projects on time and within budget. Our group has the demonstrated knowledge and skills to assume either full project responsibility or provide the necessary quality control support to complete a project team. CME is capable of providing the following services in house: -Construction Administrafion -IBC Special lnspecfions -Aggregafe Source Qual�cation -Project Inspecfion -PC Concrefe QA/QC -Contractor Qualihr Control -Materi�s Engineering -Asphalt Concrete QA/QC -Geologic Defe►minafions -Field and Laboratory Testing -Concrete and Asphalt Mix Designs -Constructabilit}r Reviews -Geotechnical Engineering Page1 -11- office 775-851-8205 � fax 775-851-8593 � www.cme-corp.com �I � F � � CME's Reno Laboratory is Caltrans Certi�ed. CME maintains one of the largest materials testing laboratories in the region and is currently Caltrans and AASHTO certified for the testing of asphalt, soils, and concrete. : In 2012, eight of our field and laboratory testing technicians held 185 separate � certifications for Caltrans test methods. In May 2012, our laboratory was audited by Caltrans and qualified to perForm 41 Caltrans test procedures. We have r` provided quality control materials testing services on 13 Caltrans projects in the ; ��� High Sierra the past four years. Although not applicable to this request, our field j - staff is certified by NAQTC for sampling and field density testing — with many , certified for laboratory testing of soils, aggregates, concrete and asphalt. � ` Know/edge of Local, State, and Federal Specifications The CME team has continuously provided inspection and materials testing services throughout the Sierra region for many decades. We regularly provide materials testing programs that meet the , requirements of local agencies and Caltrans. In 2008, we were the first consultant to implement the new Caltrans IAP specification during the Highway 49 Widening project near Vinton —a project that was the recipient of a 2008 National Asphalt Pavement Association Award for Quality in Construction. Our materials quality control programs have been used on federally-funded projects for the Corps of � Engineers, US Navy, FAA, and Bureau of Land Management. No other local firm offers such i demonstrated knowledge of local, state, and federal specifications and materials. ; ; Lake Tahoe's Environmental Concerns Our proposed inspection team has decades of experience dealing with Lake Tahoe's environmental ; concerns and requirements. All three are accustomed to monitoring contractor's SWPPP best practices ;' • and are familiar with Lake Tahoe's acceptance criteria. ; Field Testing Services �� � � CME's proposed field inspectors are among the most experienced in the region and are all cross- � trained to provide field testing. These individuals have maintained ACI, Caltrans, ICC, and NAQTC ` certifications to pertorm the requested levels of construction testing. This approach allows on-site inspectors to conduct sampling and testing which can eliminate the expense of mobilizing an added technician to conduct field testing, thus providing cost-efficient services to our clients. Our cross-trained approach has helped our clients control their inspection and testing services costs for many years. ` Districf's Master Agreement for Consulting Services—Page 5, Paragraph F.3 y In the past, it has been our understanding that the District requires $5,000,000 coverage for engineering design work. However, $1,000,000 coverage has been adequate for construction ; inspection and materials testing. CME currently maintains the insurance required by paragraph F.2 but F only has $2,000,000 errors and omissions insurance. If the $5,000,000 errors and omissions insurance E requirement for this contract is firm then our estimated fees will increase by 10%. We appreciate your consideration of our qualifications to provide the requested services. Should you ; have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call. We look forward to working with you toward the successful completion of this contract. � Sincerely, CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ENGINEERS, INC. ; Just Verdi egg artin N. Cr , E Pro" ct Man er President � Page 2 -12- � � � CONSTRUCTiON - MATERIALS ENGINEERS INC. i Project Approach i We understand that the South Tahoe Public Utilities District services a large area of the Lake Tahoe Basin with tens of thousands of water and sewer connections. As such, the District has a large, well qualified, full-time staff. However, there are times during the summer when construction projects are in full swing th�t the Capital Improvement Pro ram needs resource au mentation for . 9 . 9 . construction inspection and materials testing. CME has prov�ded these ve services for man rY Y . years. Our ical ro'ect startu dail and mont I tYP P J p� y, h y routines are outlined as follows: Project Start-Up � Meet wifh Project Managers— Paul Sciuto, John Theil, Julie Ryan, or Ivo Bergsohn —to discuss project specifics. • Check with Heidi Baugh for plans, specifications, addenda, permits — especially TRPA and Lahontan Water Agency. • Either the project manager or Heidi will assign each of our personnel a digital recorder. . • Check in with Bill Frye or Mary Alsbury in IT for computer assignmer�t, user name, and password in order to access the DistricYs Engineering Department system for daily reports and photos. ` _ . Obtai�ga#e-I�eya�d-6ybeF I��y. • Visit project jobsite(s) to observe site conditions and assure that BMPs are in place, properly installed, and in compliance with project specifications and agency codes. • Post addenda in plans and specifications. • Check in with project manager upon departure. Daily Routine • Download all daily reports and photos to the engineering computer each morning. • Check in-box for correspondence, RFI responses, etc. • Tum in density test reports, concrete test results, laboratory � -£y test results, etc. - , — t.;. =�- . • Receive and review certified payroll for compliance with Davis-Bacon or California prevailing wage requirements. • Inspect project(s)for compliance with BMPs, plans, specifications, and permits. • Perform required materials testing. • Record all construction activity including progress, personnel, equipment, weather, and notewo�thy items. • Ensure worksite is cleaned up and secured appropriately at the end of each shift and all equipment and materials are placed in approved construction yards. • Contact project manager about daily progress, contractor schedules, and any problems noted. Monthly Duties • Review contractor pay estimate with contractor personnel for accuracy and reasonableness. Construction Materials Engineers, Inc. Page 3 -13- � � r CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ENGINEERS INC. Project Experience z The staff of CME has provided services on projects of all types throughout the High Sierra for many ;: decades. We have provided STPUD with inspection and materiats testing services on several underground utility, pipeline, building, and treatment plant infrastructure projects. But our experience is not limited to District projects. Our staff provided special inspection services on four of the parking garages at Stateline. We provided specialty services for the Ritz Carlton at North Shore. We inspected and tested new roadways, bridges, and ski facilities at Northstar. We s provided quality assurance inspection and testing at the Lahontan development in Truckee. We , _ provided construction administration and quality control for erosion control projects in the Tahoe 4 Basin for EI Dorado and Nevada Counties. We have provided special inspection services on some ' of the largest mansions around the Lake's shore. We are quite familiar with the construction and environmental challenges of working at Lake Tahoe. Some of the projects that attest to our '' capabilities include: � South Tahoe Public Utilitv District (2007-2012) Reference: Paul Sciuto, Assistant General ManagerlEngineer 530-544-6474 • 2009 Materials Testing Services ; • 2010 Inspection and Testing Services • 2011 Inspection and Testing Services ; ! _ • _�012-Ma#er+als Tes#iRg-Senriees _ _ , � , i �, ,I�, I , � • Lake Tahoe Boulevard 12"Waterline Replacement I � � • STPUD Water Mete� Installation • Diamond Valley Ranch Pipeline � ___. � • Diamond Valley Ranch Pipeline Geotech -� � • Snowshoe Thompson Ditch Repair �' � Snowshoe Thompson Ditch Slope Repair Geotech � • Millich Ditch Breach Repairs . � " � � Wildwood Waterline Replacement Geotech � • State Streets Waterline Project Geotech € • Angora Water Tank Replacement. • Angora Water Tank Replacement Geotech • Echo View Water Tank Replacement ° � North Apache Booster Station • Grizzly Waterline Replacement and Booster Station Geotech • Headworks Replacement Phase 1 Demolition � • Headworks Replacement Geotech • Final Secondary Effluent Pump Station Geotech • Country Club Tank and Waterline ` • South Upper Truckee Well#3 Corrosion Control Treatment • Schue Waterline � • Luther Pass Station Seismic Upgrade e • Luther Pass Station Standby Power Generator Facility • Zone Confluence Tank Geotech • Glen Road Waterline � • Gardner Mountain Waterline � Construction Materials Engineers, Inc. Page 4 —14— ;; . s! � � � MATER�LSTION � ENGINEERS INC. , � � Northstar Communitv Services District � Reference: Eric Martin, District Engineer 530-562-2133 • Corp Yard Civil Site Work � • Corp Yard Shop Remodel • 2009 Slurry Seal Project • 2010 Slurry Seal Project, Martis Landing and Basque Areas • Northstar Drive Geotech � 2010 Northstar Drive Reconstruction ' • 2011 Northstar Drive and Roundabout Recons#ruction - . 2012 Northstar Drive Overlay and Roundabout u � ������-�� " .'a �=i � � � �, • NCSD Recycling Area • Northstar Mailboxes Project - • TH-1 Well Pro}ect Special Inspection f.�::� • Vehicle Bay Storage Building Geotech �.:� ; • Vehicle Parking Bays Testing '� � i • 2011 Cross Country Sewer Connection Project • Big Springs Drive Caltrans _ __ _ _ Reference: Ron Cotlins 530-283-2451 • SR36 CQC Testing • SR36 Mix Designs � US395 Doyle Overlay - • SR70 Overlay � ;� • SR89 CQC Testing �� ��� • I-80 Kingvale CQC • SR267 • SR89 Tahoe City to Squaw Valley • Nevada County Bridge#17-0012 to#17-0063 • Rapid Strength Concrete • SR395 • Asphalt CQC • Truckee River Canyon Concrete CQC Placer Countv - Reference: Brian Stewart, Senior Civil Engineer 530-5&4-6-2�6 - - - • Brockway Erosion Control Project � Placer County On-Call Testing and Inspection • West Sunnyside Nevada Tahoe Conservation District Reference: Doug Martin, District Manager 775-586-1610 • Glenbrook Creek Restoration Project • Rosewood Creek Area A SEZ Restoration Project Construction Materials Engineers, Inc. Page 5 -15- � s: CONSTRUCTION `` MATERIALS . ENGINEERS INC. � Project Team The staff of CME is located in Reno, Nevada and has provided the South Tahoe Public Utility District with geotechnical engineering, inspection, and testing services for several years. In each �` case we have remained•flexible by changing staff volumes to meet the changing needs of STPUD. This year, the District has an aggressive Capital Improvement Program requiring the services of 4 three inspectors. � ��� � �, � E We are proud to offer the services of capable, qualified, �, �. and certified inspectors to meet your needs. To support this � effort, we can also have available several highly qualified � specialists to assist you with technical or materials � engineering issues should the need arise. � � Martin N. Crew, PE - Principal-in-Charge: As President of � CME, Marty will be responsible for contractual matters. It is 2 not expected that Mr. Crew will be directly involved during � the progression of the contract. Should any contract t - matters arise during the contract, Mr. Crew will remain `' , � available to address ou uestions or concerns. P� Y q Justin "Verdie" Legg — CME Project Manager: Verdie " - s ; � , has been involved with the marnagem�nt and supervision of �; STPUD assignments for many years. His responsibilities � will involve committing resources to the contract and � providing oversight of the scope of work. We expect his ,� � involvement in this contract to be minimal. He will be � responsible for billings and managing the project budget. In addition, Verdie can offer assistance � on any technical or materials engineering issues that might arise. " r Michael Magee — Lead Senior Project Inspector: A veteran of numerous STPUD projects, Mike is thoroughly familiar with the personnel, facilities, processes and procedures of the District. Mike � has provided inspection and testing services on more than 20 projects in the past 10 years. He is experienced working on earthwork projects subject to the stringent environmental restrictions in the � � � ; Tahoe Basin and has monitored local SWPPP BMP programs. Services have included inspection s � and materials testing of pipelines, ditch repairs, sewer plant facilities, buildings and other physical ' infrastructure. He communicates well with district staff to keep them apprised of construction activities and interruptions in facility operations. ; Russell Allen — Senior Project Inspector: Russ provided similar services to STPUD in 2010 on � several projects and is one of our most highly sought after inspectors. His common-sense_outlook " and eas oin # y g g personality make him a great candidate for District projects which require an inspector with an eye for detail, an ability to document existing conditions, and diplomacy to ease � the concems of impacted residents. Russ is a veteran of projects at Lake Tahoe and has spent the past several years working on the North Shore at Northstar Resort for Northstar Community District `' and East West Partners. As a Ce�tified Compliance Inspector of Stormwater, he is experienced f working on earthwork projects subject to the stringent environmental restrictions in the Tahoe Basin and has monitored local SWPP BMP programs. David Nash — Project Inspector: Mr. Nash is a certified inspector with 33 years of experience. He ` has been with CME since 2012 and provides project inspection on the full range of project types. F` Mr. Nash is ACI, NAQTC, and NICET certified, as well as being an ICC Special Inspector, and has a degree in civil engineering technology. � Construction Materials Engineers, Itl�q6_ Page 6 �: � 3 , �! CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ENGINEERS INC. Martin Jensen — Project inspector: Mr. Jensen joined CME in 2005 and has 25 years of experience. He has an MS and BS in Geology and is Caltrans, NAQTC, AWS, and ACI certified, as well as being an ICC Certified Special Inspector. Mr. Jensen provides project inspection and testing for soils, concrete, and asphalt, and Special Inspections for soils, reinforced concrete, spray - fireproofing, structural masonry, structural steel and bolting, and welding. He has provided these � services on roadways and highways, utilities, buildings, infrastructure, mining, power, and airports. � Mr. Jensen has been responsible for several projects in the Lake Tahoe Basin. �i ; � Stella Montalvo, PE — Project EngineeNlnspector / Geotechnical: Ms. Montalvo is a licensed '� civil engineer in Nevada, as well as being a Certified Erosion Sediment and Storm Water Inspector and a Qualified SWPPP Practitioner. She has provided geotechnical, civil, and inspection services on many projects in the Lake Tahoe area, has prepared and developed SWPPP permits, and has performed field work and document preparation for submittal to the Tahoe Re ional Plannin 9 9 Agency. Ms. Montalvo has specialized in geotechnical en ineerin and other ro'ects in , , 9 g p the Lake . J Tahoe Basm dunng her career. We also offer many other services capable of enhancing the quality of materials and construction practices used on STPUD projects. Because this contract is very important to us, we have offered the services of some of our best personnel for this assignment. The District is free to adjust assignments to best meet the needs of this year's projects. Constructian Materials Engineers, Inc. (CME) 6980 Sierra Center Pkwy.,Suite 90 Reno, Nevada 89511 Phone 775-851-8205 Fax 775-851-8593 www.cme-cora.com Martin N. Crew, PE - Principal-in-Charge Russ Allen Cell 775-720-4785 Cell 775-233-8327 mcrew(a�cme-corq.com rallen(c�cme-corp.com Justin Verdie Legg— Project Manager David Nash Cell 775-772-0658 Cell 775-233-7197 vleaQ(a�cme-corp.com dnash _cme-com.com Michael Magee Martin Jensen Cell 775-843-9948 Cell 775-846-3587 mmageeCa�cme-corp.com miensenCc�cme-coro.com Stella Montalvo, PE Cell 775-741-7518 � � � � smontalvoCa�cme-corp.com � �� � 4 '� � Construction Materials Engineers, IfLCt�_ Page 7 � € CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS 775-851-8205 � ENGINEERS INC. ;: � South Tahoe Public Utility District ' 2013 Inspection and Materials Testing ;> � � Date:03/142013 �� r F Activitv Q /Da s Hrs/Dav Rate Total Comments � � T ical Fees for 1 Week on a Pi eline Pro'ect � PM Onsite Visits/Report Review 1 1 $ 160.00 $ 160.00 One hour per week f Inspector Reg 5 8 $ 103.00 $ 4,120.00 � Inspector OT $ 134.00 E Inspector Mob/Demob 1 3 $ 103.00 $ 309.00 Once per week F:; Inspector Per Diem 4 $ 85.00 $ 340.00 Four days per week � � Vehicle 5 $ 60.00 $ 300.00 � Nuclear Gauge 5 8 $ 10.00 No Charge � Total On-Site Fees � 5,229.00 � Asphalt Concrete Test Series 1 $ 735.00 $ 735.00 Includes 3 cores = Moisture Density Curves 1 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 ,, Typical Fees for 1 Week on a Structure Project = G PM Onsite Visits/Report Review 1 1 $ 160.00 $ 160.00 One hour per week � Inspector Reg 5 8 $ 103.00 $ 4 ,120.00 � Inspector OT $ 134.00 � Inspector Mob/Demob 1 3 $ 103.00 $ 309.00 Once per week � Inspector Per Diem 4 $ 85.00 $ 340.00 Four days per week � Vehicle 5 $ 60.00 $ 300.00 � Nuclear Gauge 5 8 $ 10.00 No Charge Total On-Site Fees � 5,229.00 t � Concrete Cylinders(4) 1 $ 88.00 $ 88.00 Incl mortar 8�grout �' Masonry B�ock 1 $ 210.00 $ 210.00 Set of 3 � Asphalt Concrete Test Series 1 $ 735.00 $ 735.00 Includes 3 cores � Moisture Density Curves 2 $ 250.00 $ 500.00 � ;: Typical Call-Out Fees per Trip without Per Diem ' t Inspector Reg(hourly) 1 8 $ 103.00 $ 824.00 ` ¢ Inspector OT $ 134.00 Inspector Mob/Demob 1 3 $ 103.00 $ 309.00 � Vehicle 1 $ 60.00 $ 60.00 � Nuclear Gauge 1 8 $ 10.00 No Charge r Total On-Site Fees a 1,193.00 � A complete fee schedule is included in the appendix. X 1. Based on CME paying prevailing wages of$57.15 regular, $73.51 OT, and $89.87 double OT �' 2. Billing rates prior to July 1, 2013-$103.00 regular, $134.00 OT, and$155.00 double OT 3. On July 1, 2013 increase prevailing wages to$58.60 regular, $75.69 OT, and$92.77 double OT ' 4. On July 1, 2013 increase billing rates to$105.00 regular, $137.00 OT, and$158.00 double OT r 5. Based on one mob/demob per week s } -1s- Page 8 �� � General Manager ���, � Richard H.5olbrig � r ,� � �� Directore U Chris Ccfalu JameS R.Jones a�,.: p' ! • r � � ♦ Randy Vogelgesang 1 U I I C U�[I I��/ D 15tCI G� Kelly 5hechan Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow CreSt Drive•5auth i.ake Tahoe•CA 9ra150-7405 t'hone 534 544--64-74•�ax 530 54t-0614•www 5tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM I TO: Board of Directors FROM: Dennis Cocking, Public Information Officer MEETING DATE: April 4, 2013 ITEM-PROJECT NAME: ACWA Association of California Water A encies Re ion 3 ( 9 ) 9 Board of Directors Nomination Resolution REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2924-13 nominating Paul Sciuto. DISCUSSION: The ACWA requires a Board Resolution in order to accept the nomination of Paul Sciuto for ACWA Region 3 Board of Directors. SCHEDULE: N/A COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 2924-13 and Nomination Form CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES �� NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES --- NO -19- � RESOLUTION NO. 2924-13 2 3 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PLACING 4 IN NOMINATION PAUL SCIUTO AS A MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES 5 REGION 3 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 6 7 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District does encourage and support the participation of its members in the affairs of the Association $ of California Water Agencies (ACWA); and 9 WHEREAS, Paul Sciuto has indicated a desire to serve as a Board Member of 10 ACWA Region 3; 11 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe � �2 Public Utility District: 13 1. Does place its full and unreserved support in the nomination of Paul Sciuto as a II� Board Member of ACWA Region 3. ; 14 � �5 2. Does hereby determine that the expenses attendant with the service of Paul Sciuto as a Board Member of ACWA Region 3 shall be borne by the South Tahoe 16 Public Utility District. �7 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby cerfify that the above and foregoing �g resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regular meeting duly held on the 4th day of April, 19 2013, by the following vote: 20 21 AYES: 22 NOES: 23 ABSENT: 24 25 26 Eric Schafer, Board President 27 28 ATTEST: 29 Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board 30 -zi- IS�� Association of , � =���;DIDATE California Water Agencies :�..�.. Since 1910 Leadership.Advocacy.Information.Service � _ �'. Name of Candidate: �CWt( %�i�� Agency: �O-��LO� �u�I,+ G �}}-! �t TY �\Stl't�Titie: � � °� t n e Phone:_ /l� • 'rJ�'J� �P7i0�- Fax: �J 0 • �'� • q' E-mail: 17�aGT it�(�, �'y�U�{, �y{- (..� US ACWA Region:_� County: il �lr l� Region Board Position Preference: (ff you are interested in more than one position,please indicate priority-1 st, 2nd,and 3rd choice) ❑ Chair ❑ Vice Chair �Board Member Agency Function(s):(check all that apply) ❑ Wholesale �.Sewage Treatment ❑ Flood Control �Urban Water Supply ❑ Retailer ❑ Groundwater Management/Replenishment ❑ Ag Water Supply �.Wastewater Reclamation ❑ Other: Describe your ACWA-related activities that help qualify you for this office: Yo 5�%t ovta( = +h EP-( %. �i P,�l G( /►�1�. � a ,v� � e�� ev� In the space provided,please write or attach a brief,half-page bio summarizing the experience and qualifications that make you a viable candidate for ACWA Region leadership. Please include the number of years you have served in your cu�rent agency position,the number of years you have been involved in water issues and in what capaci you have been involved in the water community. �i v �+�i �e�.i.� -� ,vt ' � -h�- �`�^-i�" ov � �\ �iZf.vt `v� -P-� W�S � r � • �� �t. �i' S-v ��K � yi � S a arn e ,v�e�(i v�- �o Vl �. , �U k ►S l� ' �I, N� h.e QV� ��S � a � dtMA.t f�.�tC,e w(�ru(a,� � A�,� e� v�ee r✓t ov� a�, e t�,,-�-� Y'e� c� U/ •�� `v� /�/� q /� , . � ;v� G�� %�n � �2Yr (� VG ZltVi 5 av� M 1 acknow edge�hat he��o�le�ofa�gie�h�oa` rcUne���s o�a d fhe mee�ngs oftF►�i io�j Board durin m term of � 9 9 Y office;including participating in ACWA's Outreach Program,re ion aciivities re ular and s ecial me in 9 , g p et gs and conference cal/s,as well as otherACWA functions to se[an example of commitmenf io the organization. 1 herebysubmit my name for consideraiion by the (Please attach a copy of your agency's reso/ution of support/sponsorship for your candidacy.) �� � � �s,,�-��� ,��� 3/���3 Signature Title Date Email completed form to: Katie Dahl,ACWA Member Services Specialist katied@acwa.com•FAX 916-561-7124 -23- General Manager Richard H.Solbrig • 1850 • �, �� � a u-t a I J� Directors Chris Cefalu �� James R.Jones � pu bi i c U t�1 i�y D�5tri�� �ndy Vogelgesang Kelly 5heehan Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow CneSt Drive•5outh lake Tahae•CA 96150-7401 f'fhone 530 54�4-64-74•Fax 530 541-4614•www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: Board of Directors FROM: Dennis Cocking, Public Information Officer MEETING DATE: April 4, 2013 ITEM-PROJECT NAME: ACWA (Association of California Water Agencies) Region 3 Federal Affairs Committee Nomination Resolution REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2925-13 nominating Paul Sciuto. DISCUSSION: The ACWA re uires a Board Resolution in order to acce t the nomination q P of Paul Sciuto to the Federal Affairs Committee. SCHEDULE: N/A COSTS: N/A ACCOUNT NO: N/A BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 2925-13 and Nomination Form CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES � NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -25- _ _ ___ � RESOLUTION NO. 2925-13 2 3 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT PLACING 4 IN NOMINATION PAUL SCIUTO AS A MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES 5 REGION 3 FEDERAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE 6 7 WHEREAS, the Board of Direc#ors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District does encourage and support the participation of its members in the affairs of the Association $ of California Water Agencies (ACWA); and 9 WHEREAS, Paul Sciuto has indicated a desire to serve as a Federal Affairs 10 Committee Member of ACWA Region 3; 11 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe �2 Public Utility District: 13 1. Does place its full and unreserved support in the nomination of Paul Sciuto as a 14 Federal Affairs Committee Member of ACWA Region 3. 15 2• Does hereby determine that the expenses attendant with the service of Paul Sciuto as a Federal Affairs Committee Member of ACWA Region 3 shall be borne 16 by the South Tahoe Public Utility District. �7 WE,THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing �g resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regular meeting duly held on the 4th day of April, 19 2013, by the following vote: 20 21 AYES: 22 NOES: 23 ABSENT: 24 25 26 Eric Schafer, Board President 27 28 ATTEST: �I 29 Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board � 30 -a�- t9/a-M10 ! s � ✓Zi�Ol1 fC1I a#�qfllK Association of California Water Agencies COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION FORM ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES 910 K Street,Suite 100 *��k Sacramento,Califomia 958143577 (916)441-4545 Fax(916)554-2324 1=first choice 2=second choice 3=third choice NAME COMMITTEE Please print legibly ��� f y�� u� ��-��,� �-F�� r5 � QUESTIONS? P/ease call Jan Jennings at ACWA(916)441-4545. RECOMMENDATION SUBMITTED BY: District/Company Name �•T�o�i r v � Phone ���• ��3 °�O� ( SIGNATURE: Title �'�`���Zfil�G�.( /V�LLVtGt,�j� Either the Agency/District General manager or Board President must sign this form. I � —29— �ovTH rq yoF t-.,�.:' -.�._.`.�'�' -.�-= ,p c C'Ie�'°� • 19 5 O •W sl� `G� � vnurv o�� i I �� SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT '� Richard Solbri , General Mana er Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Mana er Eric W.Schafer, President BOARD MEMBERS Jpmes R. Jones, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director Rand Vo el esan , Director Kell Sheehan, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 7,2013 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, March 7, 2013, 2:00 p.m., at the District Office, located at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ROLL CALL President Schafer; Directors Cefalu, Jones, Vogelgesang. Director Sheehan was absent. STAFF: Solbrig, Sharp, Sciuto, Hughes, Brown, C. Stanley, Hussmann, Ryan, Bledsoe, Bergsohn, Bird, Cotulla, Cocking, Curtis, Van Gorden, Attorney Herrema G U ESTS: Jennifer Lukins/Lukins Water Company, Tom Davis/Mayor, City of South Lake Tahoe; Cass Amacker/Garfinkle-TJ Maxx Moved Jones / Second Cefalu /Sheehan Absent / Passed CONSENT CALENDAR to approve the consent calendar as submitted: a. Alpine County's Summer, 2013, Fish Purchases-Authorized payment to Alpine County in the amount of$51,000; b. C-Line Hydraulic Power Generation Project-Approved the cost proposal from HDR Engineering in the amount of $44,800 for engineering services; c. Diamond Valley Ranch Irrigation Improvements Project- Approved the request for fee increase in the amount of $24,440 to Purchase Order P25814 for additional environmental services; -31- a � f REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES-MARCH 7, 2013 PAGE-2 � d. Purchase Two Pick-Up Trucks: One for Underground Repair CONSENT CALENDAR Sewer, and One for Inspections Deparfment-Authorized (continued) purchase of two 'h ton pick-up trucks from the State of � California Competitively Bid Contract, in the amount of ¢; $39,125.28, including tax and delivery; � s � e. Purchase of Pick-Up Truck for Alpine County, Diamond Valley ;: Ranch-Authorized purchase of one 3/.ton pick-up truck from � the State of California Competitively Bid Contract, in the amount of$26,839.48, including tax and delivery; , � f. Headworks Replacement Phase 2 Project-Approved Change Order No. 9 to GSE Construction Company, Inc., in the amount � of$16,455.02. ' __ ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION �; � Two proposals were received from firms that provide retirement ICMA-RC RETIREMENT health savings plans. Interviews were conducted, and the HEALTH SAVINGS PLAN employee selection committee determined the program a offered by ICMA-RC was a more comprehensive program that „ was also ready to be implemented. Moved Voqelgesanq /Second Cefalu /Sheehan Absent / Passed to: (1) Approve ICMA-RC as the provider of the Retirement Health Savings Plan; (2) Adopt Resolution No. 2921-13 for the Vantage- �_ care Retirement Health Savings Plan; and (3) Authorized staff to ' execute final documents. � The Temporary Water Supply Agreement the District currently has PERMANENT SOLUTIONS > in place with Lukins Water Company expires June 1, 2013. A draft FOR LUKINS WATER of potential permanent options was provided, including cost COMPANY/STPUD INTERTIE � estimates. Staff requested the Board review the draft and provide � comments in order to finalize the options and provide them to Lukins Water Company and the properfy owner. � ,. Tom Davis, Mayor of City of South Lake Tahoe, requested that all � involved parties schedule a meeting to discuss the options and � present a viable solution at the first Board meeting in April. F No Board Action. x The Lake Tahoe Unified School District and the Lake Tahoe ELECTION COSTS FOR ;: Community College recently changed their election cycle to ELECTIONS HELD IN ODD- even-numbered years instead of odd-numbered years (as well NUMBERED YEARS as changing from at-large seats to five separate geographic trustee zones). As a result, the District is the only local agency remaining in the odd-year election cycle that would assume all ` associated costs instead of splitting it three ways, which would be a significant increase for each election hereafter. � -32- �: � �, REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES-MARCH 7, 2013 PAGE-3 If the District chooses to change the election cycie, approval ELECTION COSTS FOR must be obtained from all counties in which the District is located. ELECTIONS HELD IN ODD- Accordingly, a resolution would be sent to both the EI Dorado NUMBERED YEARS County Board of Supervisors and the Alpine County Board of (continued) Supervisors within 240 days prior to the November election, and would have to be sent by March 8, 2013. It is important to note that those members of the Board whose terms of office would have, prior to the adoption of a Resolution, expired prior to that election will, instead, continue in their offices until their successors are elected and qualified. In no event, how- ever, may the term be extended beyond December 31 of the year tollowing the year in which the District's request is approved. Moved Vogel ec� s°ng /Second Cefalu /Sheehan Absent / Passed to adopt Resolution No. 2922-13 to the EI Dorado County Board of Supervisors and Alpine County Board of Supervisors changing the District election cycle to even-numbered years to realize cost savings. Moved Cefalu /Second Vogelqesanq /Sheehan Absent / Passed PAYMENT OF CLAIMS to approve payment in the amount of$1,270,237.84. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee STANDING COMMITTEE met March 4. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. REPORT Staff prepared the submittal for funding requests to submit to the EI Dorado County Water Agency for consideration. Director Jones reported: ACWA's JPIA is reacting to health care BOARD MEMBER REPORTS reform; participated in an ACWA conference call re: updates on chromium, perchlorate, and CCR options; and on his atten- dance at the ACWA Washington D.C. conference. President Schafer reporfed on his attendance at the CASA Washington D.C. conference, and on the "buy American" requirements being included as parf of infrastructure funding. District Information Officer: Dennis Cocking reported: the District got language reintroduced as part of the Restoration Act which will make funding for projects easier to obtain; the Army Corp of Engineers "waters of the U.S." issue at Diamond Valley Ranch is being resolved with assistance from Congressman McClintock; he attended the Legislative Symposium and learned a smaller water bond may be forthcoming; and warned of the potential of another property tax shift attempt. 3:00-3:10 P.►v�. ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION AND RECONVENED TO OPEN SESSION -33- , � � REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES-MARCH 7, 2013 PAGE-4 .. .... . . . ...... .. . . . . ... .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . . 4�. ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)Conference with Legal Counsel re: existing litigation re: EI Dorado County Superior Court Case SC20120227 GRCLT Condominium vs. South Lake Tahoe Public Utility District (filed 10/22/12) No reportable Board action. b. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session was ` held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: False Claims Act Case: United States, the States of Califomia, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and Tennessee ; and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J-M ` Manufacturing Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. ED CVO6-0055-GW, United States District Court for the Central District of California. � No reportable Board action. c. Pursuant to Section 54956.9�a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session was held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Los Angeles County � Superior Court, Case No. BC459943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J-M Manufacturing, et al. � � No reportable Board action. � Y. 3:10 P.►v�. ADJOURNMENT E' � � � 4y� k Eric W. Schafer, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District i 4 d t ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility Distric# ; x -34- ; F ��uT H rq y�F �,...._ -.....,..�.� � �-- ..� - -,� � ��'er • 1950 •Vds�e �G� C UTILITY ��� SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Richard Solbri , General Mana er Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Mana er Eric W.Schafer, President BOARD MEMBERS James R. Jones, Vice President � Chris Cefalu, Director Rand Vo el esan , Director Kell Sheehan, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MARCH 21, 2013 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, March 21, 2013, 2:00 p.m., at the District Office, located at 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ROLL CALL President Schafer; Directors Cefalu, Jones, Vogelgesang, Sheehan STAFF: Solbrig, Sharp, Sciuto, Hughes, C. Stanley, Van Gorden, Bird, Ryan, Hussmann, Cocking, Bledsoe, Cullen, Rasmussen, Henderson, Curtis, Attorney Kvistad GUESTS: Brian Wallace/Grant Thornton, Brooke Laine/City of South Lake Tahoe Council Member President Schafer addressed the misinformed and inflammatory COMMENTS comments made regarding the District during a recent City Council meeting. Council Member, Brooke Laine, relayed her commitment to attend the District's Board meetings as a liaison and to open lines of communication, be better informed, and create a cotlaborative rather than adversarial relationship. a. Equipment Trailer Purchase-Approved purchase of a Felling CONSENT CALENDAR FT-4002 deck-over tilt equipment trailer from Schafer Equip- ment Company, in the amount of$26,404.92, which includes tax and shipping; -35- i � t REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES-MARCH 21, 2013 PAGE-2 - , � b. Temporary Help for Inspections-Approved contract with CONSENT CALENDAR Blue Ribbon Temporary Services for two temporary (continued) � employees, in the estimated amount of $53,000; c. Temporary Help for Underground Repair Water-Approved � contract with Blue Ribbon Temporary Services for two temporary employees, in the estimated amount of$54,125; d. Temporary Help for Underground Repair Sewer-Approved contract with Blue Ribbon Temporary Services for two temporary employees, in the estimated amount of$61,100; � e. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: February 21, 2013. 4 Brain Wallace, Grant Thornton, gave a PowerPoint presentation PRESENTATION: REPORT ON covering the audit results and financial statements for Fiscal THE 2012 FISCAL YEAR � Year ending June 30, 2012, including the single audit performed FINANCIAL STATEMENT k on grants. No misstatement of facts was found and no adjust- AUDIT ments were recommended. The clarity of the financial statements are excellent and very transparent. Staff was thanked for their � efforts, in particular, Debbie Henderson was recognized for her efforts. � Paul Sciuto gave a PowerPoint presentation covering the high- PRESENTATION: WATER £ lights of the Water System Optimization Plan. He noted the plan SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION E` can be adjusted based on input from the Board and public. PLAN LEVEL OF SERVICE � Topics included: key service objectives for the water distribution system, quantifiable goals, and associated costs. The main � priorities are to provide adequate water supply (undersized � waterline replacement) and provide the water cost efficiently (water meters).The remainder consists of smaller capital projects needed to bring the system �p to the appropriate level. ` � ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION � ,; ; �; t: Staff worked with Barfle Wells Associates to complete a $6.7M WATER BORROWINGS FOR = borrowing to finance the State Streets and Sierra Water Line INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVE- ° Replacement Projects sched�led to begin this spring. In MENTS AND DEBT ;: conjunction with the borrowing, two older borrowings from REFINANCING ' 1999 and 2001 will be refinanced to take advantage of the lower interest rates creating an estimated savings of$159,000. � The terms are 2.27% interest for 17 years. Staff is also working � to refinance the 2007 sewer debt which is estimated to create $800,000 in savings. i � � -36- t REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES-MARCH 21, 2013 PAGE-3 Moved Voqel4esanq /Second Jones / Passed Unanimouslx to WATER BORROWINGS FOR approve Resolu#ion No. 2923-13 authorizing and directing the INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVE- execution of an installment sale agreement with Public Property MENTS AND DEBT Financing Corporation of California for the purpose of REFINANCING refinancing outstanding obligations, financing water system (continued) improvements, and authorizing and approving related documents and actions. During the 2012 contract negotiations, the District agreed to SIDE LETT�R AMENDMENT implement a tax-deferred Retirement Health Savings Plan to TO MANAGEMENT be used to reimburse medical expenses after retirement.The MEMORANDUM OF provider selected was ICMA-RC, and the de#ails of the options UNDERSTANDING available under such a Plan became available. The Plan allows for unused sick leave, for employees hired before January 1, 2013, to be rolled into the Plan on a tax-deferred basis, upon separation from service.The management staff would like to amend their MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) to mandate 20% of the vested sick leave balance for each manager be rolled into the ICMA-RC Retirement Health Savings Plan upon their retirement. Employees hired after January 1, 2013, would not be eligible for this benefit. A side letter to the MOU is required to amend existing sick leave language. This item has no cost to the District, and can be revisited and changed after any contract negotiations. It was noted that the Union will consider their options during their 2014 negotiation process. Moved Jones /Second Sheehan / Passed Unanimouslx to approve Side Letter amending the Management MOU. Moved Cefalu /Second Vo4elgesang / Passed Unanimouslx to PAYMENT Of CLAIMS approve Payment of Claims in the amount of$1,162,054.75. Finance Committee: The committee met March 21 to review the STANDING COMMITTEE annual audit and give comments. REPORTS Director Jones: reported on his attendance at the joint meeting BOARD MEMBER REPORTS of ACWA Region 3 and Mountain Counties Water Resources Association; he will attend a workshop with staff re: small hydro systems; and distributed his reporf and associated costs from the Washington D.C. conference. Director VogelQesang_reported on the recent City Council meet- ing where incorrect information was given related to the District about TJ Maxx/Lukins water service. Staff reported a meeting has been scheduled with representatives to clarify their misconceptions, to communicate issues, and discuss options available. -37- � Y' #. � REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES-MARCH 21, 2013 PAGE-4 � � k Richard Solbria: reported on his attendance at the Utility Manage- GENERAL MANAGER �' ment Conference concerning water and wastewater long-range REPORT planning. ' � Leqal Counsel: Gary Kvistad reported a draft of the proposed STAFF REPORT f rate adjustment was distributed to Board members. He asked for their comments and concerns. None were received. A 5%rate ; increase will be implemented starting with the current billing � statement. � 3:30-3:40 P.rvt. ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION AND � RECONVENED TO OPEN F SESSION ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION ` , � _ , a. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session was f held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: False Claims Act Case: United States, the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and Tennessee ` and the Commonwealths of Massach�setts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J-M Manufactu�ing Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. � ED CVO6-0055-GW, United States District Court for the Central District of Califomia. �_ � � No reportable Board action. � �. b. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session was � � held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Los Angeles County s Superior Courf, Case No. BC459943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J-M Manufacturing, et al. No reportable Board action. 3:40 P.nn. ADJOURNMENT � x Eric W. Schafer, Board President r South Tahoe Public Utility District � ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District z 6 S -38- 4 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL April 4, 2013 Payroll 3/19/13 428,601.64 Total Payroll 428,601.64 ADP & Insight eTools 269.69 AFLAC/WageWorks-claim payments and fees 1,377.66 American Express 3,869.32 Bank of America 0.00 BBVA Compass Bank 0.00 BNY Mellon Trust Company 0.00 BHFS legal services 0.00 CDS-health care payments 89,143.39 Union Bank 0.00 Total Vendor EFT 94,660.06 Accounts Payable Checks-Sewer Fund 294,743.89 Accounts Payable Checks-Water Fund 80,122.36 Accounts Payable Checks-Self-funded Insurance 2,713.50 Accounts Payable Checks-Grants Fund 0.00 Total Accounts Payable 377,579.75 Grand Total 900,841.45 Payroll EFTs & Checks 3/19/13 EFT CA Employment Taxes & W/H 16,854.73 EFT Federal Employment Taxes & W/H 93,129.15 EFT CaIPERS Contributions 80,592.18 EFT Great West Deferred Comp 20,389.10 EFT Stationary Engineers Union Dues 2,557.83 EFT United Way Contributions 160.00 EFT Employee Direct Deposits 210,675.42 CHK Employee Garnishments 881.71 CHK Employee Paychecks 3,361.52 Tota/ 428,601.64 -39- , I � � { 5 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �°1 � � R �}' ? h �O l� � O� � � 7 � � � V� � � � � � � � 00 00 00 00 W 00 00 00 W 00 00 00 ' O O O O O O O O O O O O ?��� O O O O O O O O O O O O � a d ¢ � d a a � a � � � � � � O h N N f0 � O O � O O O � � � M f� N t� N 1n O (� CO � � M C7 N O in tn IA r- U7 � � p1 �.. rn cc ri ao rn ao (V N � �i r� r� vi oi �ri oi �o N N c7 � O N .M- � �[ � � �V � M �.; N � N � `.,�.. 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DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: EI Dorado County Superior Court Case SC20120227 GRCLT Condominium vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES �� � NO - CHIEf FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -53- General Manager Richard H.5olbrig � � �� � � Directors � t ' ChriS Cefalu 1 1� � JameS R.Jones C.� „! � h � O� Randy Vogelgesang �� � 1�u b[i c U-ti i ity D i 5tri ct Kelly 5heehan Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow Cr�est Drive•South l..ake Tahae•CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 54�4-G474•�ax 530 541-0614•www.stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: Board of Directors FROM: Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: April 4, 2013 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct Staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Los Angeles County Superior Courf, Case No. BC459943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J-M Manufacturing, et al. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES �� .6 NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -55- 6eneral Manager Richard H.9olbrig �� 1'V� ! Director5 � ��� Chris Gefalu V � t T ah O� James R.Jones i , � � � Randy Vogelge5ang � pubi�c Ut�lit� D�5-trict KellySheehan Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow Cnest Driv�•South Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474•Fax 530 541-0614•WWW.5�.U5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM TO: Board of Directors FROM: Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: April 4, 2013 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: False Claims Act Case: United States, the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and Tennessee and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J-M Manufacturing Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. ED CVO6-0055-GW, United States District Court for the Central District of California. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERALMANAGER: YES �`1� NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO —57—