HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 03-07-13 g�VTH TqhOF � I e _ �: ~ o•�( �sewe• • 7950 ' Ws��i' eL�IJTILITY��� SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, March 7, 2013 2:00 P.M. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California Richard Solbri , General Mana er Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Mana er Eric W.Schafer, President BOARD MEMBERS James R. Jones, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director Rand Vo el esan , Director Kell Sheehan, Director 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (This is an opporfunity for members of the public to address the Board on any shorf non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. No discussion or action can be taken on matters not listed on the agenda,per the Brown Act. Each member of the public who wishes to comment shall be allotted five minutes,and no more than three individuals shall address the same subject.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (For purposes of the Brown Act,all Action and Consent items listed give a brief description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed. Recommendations of the staff, as shown, do not prevent the Board from taking other action.) 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be removed to be discussed and considered separately upon request.Comments and questions from members of the public,staff or Board can be taken when the comment does not necessitate separate action.) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION / ACTION 6. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION a. �CMA-RC Retirement Health Savings Program Approve ICMA-RC as Provider of the Pg.41 �Nancy Hussmann, Human Resources Manager) Retirement Health Savings Program and Adopt Resolution No. 2921-13 for the Vantagecare Retirement Health Savings Plan b. Permanent Solutions for Lukins Water Discuss Draft Options and Direct Staff Pg.45 Company / STPUD Intertie (Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA-MARCH 7,2013 PAGE-2 c. Election Costs for Elections Held in Odd- Consider Adoption of Resolution Pg.49 Numbered Years No. 2922-13 to the EI Dorado County (Richard Solbrig, General Manger and Alpine County Board of Super- Kathy Sharp,Clerk of the Board) visors Changing the District Election Cycle to Even-Numbered Years to Realize Costs Savings d. Payment of Claims Approve Payment in the Amount of Pg.55 $1,270,237.84 7. 2:30 P.M. PRESENTATION a. Summary Analysis o# Customer Satisfaction Survey (Joe Hanson, Meta Research) 8. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting of 03/04/13 (Jones/Vogelgesang ) 9. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 10. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPORT 11. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT(S) (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) a. California Energy Commission Grant 12. STAFF / ATTORNEY REPORT(S) (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) 13. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS / EVENTS Past Meetin4s / Events 02/23/13-02/27/13-CASA (Ca. Association of Sanitation Agencies) Washington D.C. 02/23/13-02/28/13-ACWA (Association of Ca. Water Agencies) Washington D.C. 02/27/13-Water Conservation Workshop 03/04/13-Water and Wastewater Operations Committee Meeting 03/OS/13-ACWA Legislative Symposium 03/O6/13- Board Budget Workshop Future Meetings / Events 03/11/13-03/13/13-Joint Utility Management Conference 03/13/13-8:00 a.m.- ECC (Employee Communica#ions Committee) Meeting at District (President Schafer is Board representative) 03/13/13- 10:00 a.m.- EI Dorado County Water Agency Board Meeting in Shingle Springs 03/21/13- 1:15 p.m.- Finance Committee Meeting at District 03/21/13-2:00 p.m.-STPUD Regular Board Meeting at District REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA-MARCH 7, 2013 PAGE-3 14. CLOSED SESSION (The Board will adjourn to Closed Session to discuss items identified below. Closed Session is not open to the public; however, an opportunity will be provided at this time if members of the public would like to comment on any item listed.Three minute limit.) a. Pursuant to Government Code Sec#ion 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel Pg.69 Existing Litigation re: EI Dorado County Superior Court Case SC20120227 GRCLT Condominium vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District b. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel Pg.71 Existing Litigation re: False Claims Act Case: United States, the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and Tennessee and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J-M Manufacturing Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. ED CV06-0055-GW, United States District Court for the Cen#ral District of California c. Pursuant to Government Code Sec#ion 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Pg.73 Counsel- Existing Litigation re: Los Angeles County Superior Court Case No. BC459943, S#ate of Nevada, et al. v. J-M Manufacturing, et al. 15. ACTION 1 REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 16. ADJOURNMENT (To the next regular meeting, March 21, 2013, at 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete agenda packet,including all backup information is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 days affer minutes of the meeting have been approved. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for parficular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified, but may occur slightly later than the specified time. Public parficipation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard;comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written material presented at the meeting.Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard during "Comments from the Audience;"however, action cannot be taken on items not on the agenda. Backup materials relating to an open session item on this agenda,which are not included with the Board packet,will be made available for public inspection at the same time they are distributed or made available to the Board,and can be viewed at the District office,at the Board meeting,and upon request to the Clerk of the Board. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings. If particular accommodations are needed, please contact the Clerk of the Board at (530) 544-6474, extension 6203. All inquiries must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. g�VTH TqypF -- �,: w� ��`�r . 1950 •��� � CONSENT CALENDAR MARCH 7, 2013 ITEMS REQUESTED ACTION a. Alpine County's Summer, 2013, Fish Purchases Authorize Payment to Alpine County Pg. 1 (Hal Bird, Land Application Manager in the Amount of$51,000 Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent) b. C-line Hydraulic Power Generation Project Approve the Cost Proposal from Pg.5 �Ivo Bergsohn, Hydro-Geologist) HDR Engineering in the Amount of of $44,800 for Engineering Services c. Diamond Valley Ranch Irrigation Improvements Approve the Request for Fee Pg.zi Project Increase in the Amount of $24,440 (Ivo Bergsohn,Hydro-Geologist) to Purchase Order P25814 for Additional Environmental Services d. Purchase Two Pick-Up Trucks: One for Underground Authorize Purchase of Two Y2 Ton Pg.27 Repair Sewer, and One for Inspections Department Pickup Trucks from the State of (Randy Curtis, Manager of Field Operations) California Competitively Bid Contract, in the Amount of $39,125.28, Including Tax and Delivery e. Purchase of Pick-Up Truck for Alpine County, Authorize Purchase of One 3/4 Ton Pg.31 Diamond Valley Ranch Pick-Up Truck from the State of (Randy Curfis, Manager of Field Operations) California Competitively Bid Contract, in the Amount of $26,839.48, Including Tax and Delivery f. Headworks Replacement Phase 2 Project Approve Change Order No. 9 to Pg.33 (Julie Ryan,Senior Engineer) GSE Construction Company, Inc., in the Amount of $16,455.02 South Tahoe Public Utility District■ 1274 Meadow Crest Drive ■South Lake Tahoe,CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474■ Facsimile 530.541.0614■www.stpud.us General Manager �� Richard H.Solbrig �'�` • 1'^`'w�► `f'\ t '� � �� Director5 �� � Chriy Cefalu James R.JoneS °j�*"� (�+ t '�''`� �{'�y�►•�^ Randy Vogelgesang - ����i lI u�!�f V� ��� �/) �V�/ Kelly 5heehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Cr�est priye•8outh Lake Tahae•CA 96150-74�t t'hone 530 544�-6474•�ax 530 541-0614•www.s�wd.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4;; TO: Board of Directors FROM: Hal Bird, Land Application Manager Linda Brown, Purchasing Agent MEETING DATE: March 7, 2013 ITEM-PROJECT NAME: Alpine County's Summer, 2013, Fish Purchases REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize payment to Alpine County in the amount of $51,000. DISCUSSION: Alpine County received one quote from Summer Lake Trout Farm for the 2013 fish planting season, with the same prices quoted as last year. The District has paid for Alpine County fish plants since 1988 as required per contract. Staff audited Summer, 2012, fish purchases and all funds were spent. � � I I SCHEDULE: Payment before April 15, 2013 COSTS: $51,000 ACCOUNT NO: 1028-6649 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $50,000 ATTACHMENTS: Letter from Alpine County CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer ' GENERAL MANAGER: YES � NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -1- �-rt g;�,�'zde �r� February 8, 2013 �a� �ir�, Land APP�ication Mana�er Diamond Ualley }Zanc{�,A�Pine Countc�, C/� `jout�Ta�oe Pu6�ic util�ty pistrict 1275 Mea�ow CrestDrive �jouth Lake Tal�oe,CA 96 i 50 Dear Hal: Alpine County Fish and Game Commission has received one bid for fish for the 2013 Fishing season. Our supplier for the past several years, Summer Lake Trout Farm out of ; ' Susanville, California has presented this-bid�---_ ____ _ _ - _ ---- The bid for the 2013 fish planting program is that of the previous year.The bid came in at $3.40 per pound for 15,000 pounds of fish for a total of$S 1,000.00.This bid is for Catch able fish delivered and planted in Alpine County streams and lakes.We are extremely Pleased with the quality of fish they provide. We are fortunate to once again partner with SouthTahoe Public Litility District in this joint Program. From all of us on the Fish and Game Commission,Thanic you again ior your support. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at (530)694-2114 or (530)801-2114. _ Sjxi�erely, ����� , �� �'�_...__. _ = Dave O. Zellmer, Chairman -3- General Manager Richard H.5olbrig � • 1950 ."�,yy. �' Q�6� /"� � V � ,�r.�� Director5 `� r j Chris Ccfalu �'� JameS R.Jones '�" 'r4et • � � e • Randy Vogelge5ang �u b i I c u tl I�-�y D�5tr��-� Kolly 5hechan Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow CneSt Drive•Sauth Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-740Z t'hone 530 544-6474��ax 530 541-Q614•www.�tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4b TO: Board of Dirsctors FROM: Ivo Bergsohn, Hydro-Geologist MEETING DATE: March 7, 2013 ITEM-PROJECT NAME: C-line Hydraulic Power Generation Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve the cost proposal from HDR Engineering in the amount of$44,800 for engineering services. DISCUSSION: In September, 2012, the District received a planning grant from the EI Dorado County Water Agency (EDCWA) for the C-line Hydraulic Power Generation Project. The engineering design for the C-line hydraulic power generation facility was completed in October, 2012. In order to construct and operate this facility the District will need to attain authorization from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). In order to be eligible to receive Renewable Energy Credits (RECsj for electricity produced from this facility, the facility will need to attain certification as an eligible renewable resource under the California Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) program. The District has received a verbal commitment from Liberty Utilities to purchase power from the proposed facility in order to use the RECs. A Power Purchase Agreement will need to be negotiated with Liberty Utilities. In February, 2013, District staff invited cost proposals from Carollo Engineers and HDR Engineering to assist the District complete the FERC application process to attain a conduit exemption, and the California Energy Commission (CEC) application process to attain precertification as a conduit hydroelectric facility under the RPS program. Only eligible facilities that have started commercial operations can apply for RPS certification. Cost proposals were received from the invited consultants on February 20, 2013. Following careful review of these proposals, District staff recommends that the Board accept the cost proposal from HDR Engineering based on their extensive experience in completing the FERC and CEC application process. Specifically, staff recommends that the Board accept the HDR Engineering cost proposal (dated February 20, 2013) to complete Tasks 1 through 4 and Optional Task 7 to complete the permit process to attain a FERC conduit exemption; Optional Task 5 to review Liberfy Utilities standard offer for Power Purchase (or equivalent document) to -5- February 20,2013 Ivo Bergsohn,PG, CHG South Tahoe Public Utilities District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 RE: Proposal for Development of a Conduit Exemption Application to FERC -CHYDRO Dear Mr. Bergsohn: In follow-up to our meeting with you and the South Tahoe PUD (District)management staff on February 15,2013, we are please to provide this letter proposal for HDR Engineering,.Inc.to assist South Tahoe PUD with preparation of a Conduit Exemption Application to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission(FERC) for development of the C-Line Hydro Generafion Facility Project(CHYDROj. This proposal briefly outlines our understanding of the project and our proposed approach for completing the application to FERC. We have also outlined the primary tasks, roles and responsibilities, a proposed budget and schedule,as well as our assumptions for perfoinung the work. This work, if awazded, would be completed under the existing Master Services Agreement between the District and HDR Engineering, Inc. We appreciate this opporlunify to assist the District with this project. If you have questions about this proposal,please feel free to contact me via phone(916.679.8731) or email , (rick.ionesna,hdrinc.com)at your earliest canvenience. Sincerely, Rick Jones,PE Managing Principal Hydropower Services CC: Fred Holzmer(HDR) Tim Bachelder(HDR) HDR Eagineering,Inc. 2379 Gateway Oaks Drive Phone:(916)679-8700 Suite 200 Fax:(916)679-8701 —7— Saaamento,CA 95833 www.hdrinc.00m � ? � s Ivo B�xgsohn,PG,GHG . � �'ebruary 20,20 i 3 �: Fage 2 of 6 � , b HDR's Understanding of the Project The District seeks a FERC Conduit Exemption license for development of the CHYDRO Project (Project), a 55 kW capacity unit that will be operated at a flow range of 4— 10 cfs of recycled ; wastewater, developed as part of the District's Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan. The District intends to sell the energy and Renewable Energy Credits(RECs) generated via a Power Purchase Agreement to be negotiated with Liberty Utilities,the assumed local off-taker. The District has obtained grant funding from the El Dorado County Water Agency (EDCWA)to � be used for pernutting(FERC licensing) of the Project,and the District would like to complete as much of the FERC Licensing process as possible by June 30, 2013, at which time the current � grant funding expires. HDR understands that environmental and cultural issues associated with ; the Project have already been addressed during the permitting process for the lazger Recycled � Water Facilities Master Plan,of which CHYDRO occupies a very small footprint within the Master Plan. Also, consultation that has occurred during permitting of the Recycled Water � Facilities Master Plan should greatly streamline consultation needed for the FERC proceeding to K license the Project, including a comprehensive list ofTikely stakeholders for the Project. f Proposed Approach to the Work 4 Based on our review of the available information to date, our approach to the FERC licensing of � the Project is that this will be an"administrative proceeding"rather than a full licensing ; proceeding. By that,we mean that the hydro development is merely a small component of the � lazger ongoing permitting process that South Tahoe PUD has been working on to develop the Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan, and that much of the consultation and presumably all environmental studies have already been completed with respect to potential impacts to ; environmental and cultural resources. � Based on that assumption, HDR proposes to streamline the FERC licensing process from a standard Three Stage Consultation proceeding,by requesting a waiver of Second Stage , Consultation(i.e., Studies)which normally concludes with submittal of a Draft Application. ;; HDR proposes to prepaze and submit the Initial-Stage Consultation Document in the form of a ; Draft Application. Consultation with key stakeholders would be scheduled about two weeks � prior to filing the Draft Application to FERC. ; HDR proposes a request to FERC to reduce the standard 90-day review period to 60 days for stakeholders to review and comment on the Draft Application. If FERC approves this request, then there will be time to prepare responses to stakeholder comments prior to June 30,2013 and to finalize the Application for submittal to FERC. � Y Additional services that the District may opt to include in HDR's scope of work are described below under Optional Services. � x � HOR Eaginearing,Inc. 2379 Gateway Oaks Drive Phone:(916)679-8700 i^ Suite 200 Fax:(916)679-8701 —8— SaaameMo�CA 95833 www.hdrinc.com � � Ivo Bergsohn,PG,CHG February 20,2013 Page 3 of 6 Roles and Responsibilities The proposed HDR Team is as follows: • Rick Jones- Project Manager and overall quality control • Tim Bachelder- Lead for development of the Draft Conduit Exemption Application • Fred Holzmer- QC review of the Draft Application, and HDR lead for consultation meetings. Leads for Optional Services: • Michael McDonald(McDonald Partners): preliminary consulting services for power purchase agreement-review Liberty Utilities' standard terms and conditions for a power purchase agreement and prepare written comments and recommendations. • John Galloway(HDR): preliminary consulting services for obtaining Renewable Portfolio Standard-eligible status—prepaze CEC-RPS-1 and supplemental forms, and if desired,attend a meeting with the CEC in Sacramento to introduce the Project and develop path forwazd for obtaining RPS-eligible status for the Project. • Sandy Flint(HDR): cultural resources section of the Application to FERC. Resumes for each individual on the proposed team are attached. Scope of Work TASK 1: Proiect Mana�ement, Review Existin� Info Kick-off Meeting, and Undate Strategic Plan for Call with FERC Review existing information(e.g., available engineering plans for CHYDRO and the Supplemental EIR developed for the overall Recycled Water Faciliries Project). To include a Kick-off Meeting(conference call)during the first week of work for questions and clarifications as needed. Fine tune the draft strategic plan submitted by HDR to the District on February 15, 2013. Setup a consultation meeting with FERC (via conference call)to discuss the District's proposed approach for an expedited licensing process for a Conduit Exemption. TASK 2: Consultation with Stakeholders Prepaze list of stakeholders and setup consultation meetings with key stakeholders. Assume 3 consultation meetings: two separate meetings with individual stakeholder groups (e.g.,Alpine County, Washoe Tribe), and one Joint Meeting with invitation to all stakeholders. A review of the FERC record indicates a Joint Meeting is standard for conduit exemption applications, and is typically scheduled after the ISCD/Draft Application which needs to be noticed twice, within two weeks, in a local newspaper in which the county in which the proposed Project is located. TASK 3: Prepare Initial-Sta�e Consultation Document and Draft Application Prepaze draft Initial-Stage Consultation Document in the form of a Draft Application for a FERC Conduit Exemption license. Review by the District(1 to 2 week review cycle). Revise docs per District comments and file Draft Application to FERC,to include an Introductory Statement and Exhibits A, E, F and G of the Draft Application. HDR Engineering,Inc. -9- � s ,: Ivo Bergsohn,PG,CHG February 20,2013 Page 4 of 6 TASK 4: Revise Draft A�plication and File the Final A�plication Prepare responses to Agency and Stakeholder comments, if any. Revise Application as needed and file Final Application to FERC. Note: this task may occur prior to or after June 30,pending �: FERC approval of request for 60-day review period for stakeholders to comment on draft ` application. HDR will inform the District as soon as the schedule for this task can be = ascertained based on the review period granted by FERC. �: Optional-TASK 5: Review Standard PPA and Provide Recommendations McDonald Partners to review Liberty Utilities' Standard O�er for Power Purchase(or equivalent proposal) with the District. Deliverable will be a markup of the offer sheet with additional � comments and recommendations. Assume no face-to-face meetings with the District or Liberty ` Utilities. t Optional-TASK 6: Prepare draft CEC RPS Certification Farms ; and Perform Informal Consultation Prepare draft California Energy Commission(CEC) forms for certification of Renewable � Portfolio Standard(RPS)project eligibility (CEC-RPS-1 and supplemental forms). HDR will optionally facilitate one informal consultation meeting with the CEC in Sacramento, if required, s to advance the District's certification application. The purpose of the meeting would be to explain any nuances in the application to CEC staff,provide their staff with assurance through a ; detailed technical presentation the District's project meets all of CEC's RPS certification criteria. # A meeting would involve the District staff along with Rick Jones and John Galloway and require seven hours of staff time plus travel mileage expenses. 4 Ontional- TASK 7: Cultural Resources Section of Draft Application The cultural resources section of the Draft Application will need to be prepazed based on the archaeological report(s) and consultation records developed during permitting of the Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan. One option would be for the District to develop the cultural resources section of the Application, or alternatively, for the District to provide the ` archaeological report(s) and consultation records to HDR's cultural resources lead to develop this section of the Application. In addition, FERC will need a letter of concurrence from SHPO; if SHPO has approved the Master Plan,then it may be as simple as a letter from the District to SHPO describing the hydro development and FERC proceeding, and assuming SHPO will provide concurrence to that letter request. Estimated cost for HDR to review the available documents and prepaze the Cultural Resources section of the Application is$1,300. For background, HDR's cultural lead, Sandy Flint, has an ongoing working relationship with the Washoe Tribe, developed during the past five years on FERC relicensing of the Yuba-Bear and Drum-Spaulding hydroelectric projects in the Tahoe National Forest. Information to be provided by South Tahoe PUD � • Status of pernuts and the available consultation record related to the District's application 4 to permit the Recycled Water Facilities Master Plan:permits sought, names of the issuing ' agencies,consultation documentation, status of each permit,and copies of all issued pernuts and approvals. ; NOREngineering,inc. £ -10- ' t 3 Ivo Bergsohn,PG,CHG February 20,2013 Page 5 of 6 • CAD drawings showing approved/installed pipeline alignments(georeferenced if possible to save us time in doing this manually) and details of the valve/powerhouse including plan,profile and sections. We also need to understand what equipment has been approved under the master plan and what additional equipment we'll need to install at the powerhouse and conduit connection under the FERC Conduit Exemption so we can that on the Exhibit F drawings. • Current,detailed descriptions of the proposed equipment to be added to the valve house needed to generate power. Assumptions • Kick-off meeting (conference call) during HDR's preliminary review of existing information assumes 2 hours each for Jones, Holzmer and Bachelder. • Two sheets each for Exhibit G and F drawings(4 drawings total) • The proposed powerhouse building is currently included as part of the overall Master Plan and no additional approvals will be required for the structure for FERC to issue a license(i.e., no FERC review of the building required), as the building will be inside the FERC Project Boundary and under FERC jurisdiction. T'he FERC Boundary may include the 12-inch diameter loop to and from the powerhouse building, if the loop exists entirely to support the proposed hydro development. • Draft and Final Applications submittals to FERC and to stakeholders will be electronic, therefore no costs for hazd copies;may included CD copies to the stakeholders without email addresses. • Assumes few comments will be received from stakeholders on the Draft Application, therefore,the level of effort to prepaze responses to stakeholder comments, if any, will require a minimal formal response and therefore minimal revisions to the Final Application. � SHPO consulta.tion will also be administrative,based on approvals that have been issued for the Master Plan. • Cost does not include Conference Room rental space for the Joint Meeting. Perhaps the meeting could be held at the District's office. • The District to send letters to the pernutting agencies involved in the Master Plan to alert them of the proposed hydro development application prior to filing the ISCD and Draft Application to FERC. Other Options and Assumptions Prepare draft Exhibit F and G drawings: drawings must be developed for inclusion with Draft Application and must meet FERC's requirements for Exhibit drawings. The work could be performed by HDR, assuming relevant drawings aze provided to HDR from the design consultant(s), or as an option, the drawings could be prepared by the design consultant(s)with guidance from HDR re: FERC requirements and QA review by HDR prior to filing to FERC. For the purposes of this proposal,the work has been included in this cost estimate. HDREngineering,inc. -11- Ivo Bergsohn,PG,CHG February 20,2013 Page 6 of 6 > � Proposed Schedule _ � , , . -- . : �,, �� :�r�or� � �'�� �wio±a � M.,io,i�' �� a.;s�inr ` � : ib Tealc Nams Sart F��tah, bvi�tion ; s„; _ % aai s�+ m i%r Ynr ai� � 3�s a�+r` ar� ev`ze az n a�w`sn i 1' �oiiliaetl�ward �3l13T1�'d 9/���P'f0�1 °{d` � � �' ttevle�vE� �f�lf0�$M lfl�0� '`�td`' � � 9 �taiaelalder�orraAmtion 3I252013 3R�b13 6d' �' � ,, . , h .. ; r .,' � . 4' ����..� , `.;:�3 "' �/tf�q13� i#¢; , z �. f ; , � v � _ . �.. , . , ,... , < , . ., i 't 3 bistrid Revbw dTfiall AQplc�tlon U1%2f►t8 `- �/SI'20i3 ' $d �'>.i.,t`.�,_ � � "8 .f�etS'�Daid6aRAPP�+ .4H5I2M3 , ` ' '. 6 R ±1l�51�b13 id E 1: S�faeholderR�lsw` IJi5/2M3 B71�t?M3 -. 15d � � �' �� , r, .x,..� , $: Rerie4 and FMe Fina1 MPk� 8/17/2413 ;Q)25�1013 7d . ;�' `�- ry'" � : ' , ;• _ , . . , .. . _ '9; 0��—����4�!d A111�#,� f� :`,�1 � �, q , ; : ; _" `+ a�z. .��.:t�t� �.�: ...;? . .>. � a. � ., • , _ U�Q �f—LEtRP$MPT�fion + s,'S���t� ^��w'.�.,, a� �,.,, ��. .� .+`hi�€ � a'"x t•. � x r „ ; ._ ... f ; .,. . �,. .. s. , � , „ M s _ � . ..., , . ._ _ __. . ? * If FERC does not approve the 60�ay review period proposed here,the schedule will default to the standard 90-day review § period and the tasks that follow will shift forward by 30 days. This would result in a shift of Tasks 7 and 8 into July 2013. ; _ . Budget ; HDR's proposed budget for the scope of work is provided below by Task. F Task Hours Fee ; � includin ex enses � Task 1 58 $8,800 ` i Task 2 26 $5,000 Task 3 90 $12,100 ° Task 4 20 $3,000 Subtotal for Core Sco 194 $28,900 ; � O tional-Task 5 36 $9,000 O tional-Task 6 28 $5,600 O tional-Task 7 8 $1,300 O tional-Contin enc * 40 $7,000 Subtotal for O tional Sco e 112 $22,900 � Total for Core+O tional Sco e Items 306 $51,800 ` * Optional Con6ngency—potential authorization by the District to fund additional scope items that may occur due to � conditions/circumstances that are outside the realm of HDR's assumptions for the proposed Scope of Work. t Attachments ; � Resumes for all key staff i � � HDR Engineering,lnc. �� —12— � Richard B. Jones, PE Managing Principal, Hydropower Services Professional Experience Education Mr.Jones has a background in several engineering disciplines,including civil, M�ter of Saenoe, environmental and ener Energy Resouroes Engineering, , g,y resources. Most of his experience has been gained in the Stanford Universiry,2012 hydropower industry, including Federal Energy Regulatory Commission(FERC)relicensing Bad�dor of Science,Gvil&�nvironmental management/studies,operations and water management modeling,water temperature and Engincering(Wate�Resources), quality modeling, renewable integration studies,new hydro feasibility studies, Part 12 dam Comell University,2003 safety studies(PMP/PMF),hydrology synthesis/characteriza.tion. With respect to Certificate,Engineering Management, relicensing,Jones has worked with varying levels of responsibility on over ten FERC Comell University,2003 proceedings in California,North Carolina and Colorado. Professional Registrations Jones has experience coordinating permits,compliance documentation,and grant Professional Engineer-Civil,Califomia, applications,and specializes in both water and energy resources. Field engineering No.C69732 Issued:01/3012006,Expires: experience includes construction support for hydraulic structures, stream/canaVreservoir OG/30/2014 water temperature and quality studies, bathymetric surveying of numerous reservoirs in the Professional Affiliations Western United States,and stream/canaUreservoir water temperature monitoring. American Soaery of Civil Engineers (ASC�,Saaamento,Member,2004- HDR Project Experience Present Assoaation of State Dam Safety Offiaals, BQCks Creek Project,Bucks Lake Recreation Design Services,Pacific Gas &Electric National,Member,2006-Present Company. Mr. Jones was the Project Manager and Engineer of Record for the development Stanford Energy Club,Member of new campsites,parking facilities and pedestrian walkways at Sundew and Mill Creek campgrounds on Bucks Lake,all features of PG&E's Bucks Creek Project(FERC No. Stanford Energy Joum�,Associate Edita, 619). Each feature was designed based on US Forest Service and Americans with 2012 Disabilities Act(ADA)accessibility compliance criteria. HDR provided site plan Chi Epsilon,National Civii Engineering alternatives construction drawin and details for recreation features such as icnic tables Honor Soaety,Comell University � �� P� and fire rings. Mr. Jones also provided construction support for each site. Yuba-Bear/Drum-Spaulding/Rollins Relicensings,California,Pacific Gas&Electric Company and Nevada Irrigallon District.Mr. Jones is the Assistant Project Manager of HDR Tenure the Yuba-Bear,Drum-Spaulding,and Rollins FERC relicensings(ILP Process)for Pacific 9 Years Gas&Electric Company and Nevada Inigation District in northern California. These combined proceedings represent perhaps the most geographically diverse and hydraulically Industry Tenure complex relicensing in the nation. He is responsible for overseeing a technical team of over 10 Years 40 individuals through study plan development, field implementation,and report/regulatory document development,reporting d'uectly to Jim Lynch,Project Manager. In addition,Mr. Jones manages all project financials, including monthly cash flow projections and client status reporting. Yuba-Bear/Drum-Spaulding Water and Power Model,Pacific Gas& Electric Company..Mr. Jones developed a water and power model of the combined Yuba-Bear and Drum-Spaulding Projects located in northern California,using the Corps' HEC-ResSim modeling soflwaze. The Projects consist of over 50 reservoirs, 100 miles of water conveyance,and provide over 270 MW of combined generation. Mr. Jones also prepared a detailed schematic of the Projects following a helicopter tour,multiple site visits and discussions with operations staff. He created unimpaired hydrology for the Projects watersheds with a team of engineers and scientists using historic flow and climate data. With over 125 logic nodes,the Model is one of the largest ever created using ResSim. The Model was calibrated basgc��n 10 years of historical water and power data. � � � ,. a � DeSabla-Centerville Water and Power Model,Pacific Gas &Electric Company. Mr. s � Jones developed a similar HEC-ResSim model of PG&Es DeSabla-Centerville Project � � (FERC No. 803),a hydroelectric project with a capacity of 26.6 MW. This model was used � in the ProjecYs FERC relicensing process. Mr.Jones was actively involved in preparing ' model scenarios and presenting results to a diverse group of stakeholders through relicensing � workshops. Mr.Jones also developed a"Heat Storm Module"as a pre-processor to the � Water and Power Model,which used historical meteorological data to develop a synthetic air � temperature forecast and make canal release decisions for downstream river temperature e �' _ management. � South Fork Power Project Relicensing,South Feather Water and Power Agency. Mr. � Jones was Assistant Project Manager for this FERC relicensing(ILP Process)effort. His t work has included preparation of a watershed-specific hydrologic statistical analysis to � determine water year type breakpoints,flow studies for biological and recreational purposes, � analysis of existing generation potential using HDR's project-specific CHEOPS model,and � design and hydrologic analysis of potential power upgades, culminating in a feasibility � report. Other work with this client has included collecting and processing field data,creating � updated azea-capacity curves and writing technical report for bathymetry studies conducted ; at each of the project impoundments. d Don Pedro Project Relicensing,Turlock Irrigation District/Modesto Irrigation District. � Mr.Jones provided support and oversight for the development of synthesized unimpaired : hydrology and a Water and Power Model for the Don Pedro Project's FERC relicensing � process. Mr.Jones also developed outlines of several license application exhibits. ;; Red Mountain Bar Pumped Storage,Turlock Irrigation District. Mr.Jones worked as a �: _ project engineer to identify and develop area-capacity curves for potential pumped storage �, reservoir sites above Turlock Irrigation District's Don Pedro Reservoir. He performed site � reconnaissan�e to identify fatal flaws,and helped determine operating criteria to maz�imize � `' the benefidcost ratio of each alternative. # Upper American River Project Relicensing,Sacramento Municipal Utility District. �'' Worked with SMUD project managers to develop spreadsheet models for accretion analysis � by water yeaz type. Developed time series analysis spreadsheets to be included in a � PHABSIM study as part of the IFIM for the Upper American River Project(UARP). Mr. 4 Jones worked on QAIQC and sensitivity analyses for SNTEMP and CEQUAL water temperature models that were previously created for the UARP. Mr.Jones also participated � in ramping rate field study below Ice House Reservoir,collecting water quality and stage -0 data. � t '� Recreallon Upgrade Grant Application,Tri-Dam Project. Prepared grant application for ��� facility upgrades at Beardsley Point Boat Launching Facility in the Stanislaus National � � Forest(Central CA). Proposed improvements included a boat ramp extension and new � boarding float,new restrooms and a well for reliable water supply. Application materials � � prepared included a detailed feasibility study,engineering cost estimate and conceptual drawings. Probable Maximum Precipitation/Flood Studies(PMP/PMF). Mr. Jones has performed and reviewed probable maximum flood(PMP)studies for over 25 watersheds in northern and central California,with drainages ranging from 1 to 500 sq.mi. Developed snowpack ' curves based on elevation and location using neazby snow gages and performed flood =3 routing for each watershed using HEG1 and HEC-HMS. As part ofthese study efforts, Jones has developed alternative snowmelt modeling assumptions using site-specific meteorological data. � £ Richvrd 8. Jones- Page 214- �•� � Fred J. Holzmer, LG, LHG Environmental and Regulatory Director, Hydropower Services Professional E�cperience Education MA.Hydrogedogy,University of Texas, Mr. Holzmer has over 25 yeazs of experience in multidisciplinary environmental projects Austin,1992 related to water resources and transmission lines. His overall technical and regulatory B.S.Zoology(Aquatic Bidogy),Universiry experience includes FERC licensing and compliance,hydrology,geology,and water quality, of Texas,Austin,1979 as well as a uatic biolo q gy, and field engineering on industrial construction projects. He Professional Registrations manages a focused goup of environmental and regulatory professionals,including recreation �censed Gedogist and Hydrogedogist, �d cultural resource specialists,to serve the needs of utilities and water supply agencies in Washington State support of their FERC hydropower and transmission line licensing and compliance projects. Industry Tenure Reettlatorv 25 Years Director of Environmental and Regulatory Services for HDR's Southwest Region Hydropower Services,Mr. Holzmer has worked on seven relicensings under FERC's Integrated Licensing Process (ILP). He served as Technical Coordinator for the DeSabla- Centerville Project,one of the seven pioneer ILP projects,and is cuirently providing management and technical assistance with several other II,P relicensing proceedings, including the Yuba River Development Project and the Merced River Hydrcelectric Project. Mr. Holzmer is the Project Manager for relicensing under the ILP for PG&E's Narrows No.2 and Rollins Transmission Line Projects,and for implementation and compliance of the new FERC licenses for the Sly Creek and Woodleaf-Kanaka Transmission Line Projects. Project Experience Pacific Gas&Electric Company,Narrows No.2 Transmission Lines—Mr. Holzmer is currently Project Manager for relicensing of the Narrows No. 2 Transmission Line Project under FERC's II.P. The Pre-Application Document(PAD)and Notice of Intent were filed to FERC on Apri128,2011. All FERC-approved studies were completed in 2012 and the Initial Study Report is in preparation. Pacific Gas &Electric Company,Sly Creek and Woodleaf-Palermo Transmission Lines—Mr. Holzmer is Project Manager for implementation and compliance of recently issued FERC licenses for the Sly Creek and Woodleaf-Kanaka transmission line projects. Prior to license issuance,Mr. Holzmer worked on relicensing of the Sly Creek and Woodleaf-Kananka transmission line projects,including a study of Project Access Roads for indications of road-related sediment transport to streams. Study results were included in the license application for the two transmission line projects. Pac�c Gas&Electric Company,McCloud-Pit Hydrcelectric Project-Mr. Holzmer served as Senior Consultant for development of unimpaired hydrology data and the operations model for relicensing of the McCloud-Pit Project. In this role,he provided project oversight and QA/QC review of unimpaired hydrology data,and QA/QC review for validation of the operations model. The resulting unimpaired hydrology data and validated model were approved by the agencies for use in comparative analysis of alternadve operating scenarios to negotiate minimum flow conditions under a new FERC license. Pacific Gas&Electric Company,DeSabla-Centerville Hydrcelectric Project-Mr. Holzmer was the Technica��oordinator for relicensing of the DeSabla-Centerville Project � , under the ILP. He coordinated the completion of all relicensing studies and was the 4 �; technical lead for the study of Project access roads for road-related sediment transport to ' � streams.He coordinated prepazation of the new license applica�ion that was filed to FERC in � ; October 2007. Mr.Holzmer is the Project Manager for ongoing support of the relicensing, � I and most recently he prepared three draft management plans that will be required for � implementation of the new FERC license that PG&E anticipates receiving in 2013. Pacific Gas &Electric Company,DeSabla-Centerville Hydrcelectric Project-In support of compliance under the existing license,Mr. Holzmer was Project Manager for development of erosion control options for 19 canal spillways on the DeSabla-Centerville : Project. He led a team of engineering geologists,geotechnical engineers and construction b managers to develop cost effective means of reducing turbidity impacts to federally listed spring-run Chinook salmon and steelhead during emergency operations of canal spillways : that drain to Butte Creek. The recommended options included physical treatments at 2 of 19 � canal spillways, and most importantly,re-prioritizing the use of 19 canal spillways to $ effectively mitigate the cause of turbidity events with minimal cost impacts to hydroelectric b project operations. i Nevada Irrigation District(NID),Yuba-Bear Hydrcelectric Project-As part of the � fisheries studies for relicensing of the Yuba-Bear Hydrcelectric Project;Mr. Holzmer led a � fish entrainment study to evaluate entrainment at the intake to the Dutch Flat No.2 Canal. ; The study required design of a fish capture system(fyke net)that could be safely installed x and operated on the canal with flows up to 600 cfs while minimizing impacts to contractual � water deliveries through the canal. The study results successfully demonstrated that fish E entrainment at this site is extremely low,which was an important environmental,regulatory � and economic outcome for NID in the FERC relicensing proceedings (i.e.,fish screens will : not be required at this locadon under a new license). ' Nevada Hydro Company(NHC),Talega-Escondido/Valley-Serrano 500 kV = Interconnect Project-HDR was contracted by NHC to assist NHC staff to address r' deficiencies identified by the California Public Utilities Commission(CPUC)and revise the € Proponent's Environmental Assessment(PEA). Mr. Holzmer worked closely with NHC � staff(Project Proponent)to revise their PEA to the CPUC as part of the overall pernutting � process of the Lake Elsinore Advanced Pump Storage(LEAPS)Project, with specific � emphasis on the potential environmental impacts related to the Talega-Escondido/Valley- '; '" Serrano(TF/VS)transmission line proposed as an integral part of the project. � � ;- South Feather Water&Power Agency(SFWPA),South Feather Power Project-In # prepazation for SFWPA's relicensing of the South Fork Feather River Project,Mr. Holzmer � synthesized the historical unimpaired hydrology data for the South Fork Feather River basin. � He was also responsible for the QA/QC and validation of the operations model that was used � ' to evaluate alternative operating scenarios for power production and development of �; � proposed instream flows included in the license application. ` South Feather Water&Power Agency,South Feather Power Project-Mr. Holzmer was ' Project Manager for the Probable Maximum Flood(PM�studies that were completed for E ' five major dams in the South Feather Power Project. The project included determination of ` f the probable maximum precipitation(PMP)using the HMR 58/59 method for the general i s and local storm. Gage data from the January 1997 flood event were then used to calibrate the watershed unit hydrograph parameters for each dam using the HEC-1 model. Routing the general and local storm events through the system resulted in overtopping of two dams, � which required development and modeling of remedial concepts(e.g.,dam raise,additional � ; spillways)to evaluate potential remedial options that can be implemented to safely allow passage of future floods through the system. # Fred J. Holzmer-Page 2 16- �'` f ; Timothy B. Bachelder Senior Regulatory Specialist Education Professional Experience B.S.Mechan'�cal Engineering,University of �.. Bachelder has been planning, licensing and permitting, and managing post-licensing Massact►usetts,Bachelor of Science,1990 compliance activities at engineering and environmental projects since joining HDR in 1990. Registrations and Professional Although the bulk of his regulatory experience has been related to FERC's management of Affiliations the hydroelectric industry, he has also worked on a range of other projects including gas National Hydropowe�Association,Co�hair Nansmission-line construction, National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) of the License Administrabon and permitting, natural gas pipeline permitting, and development of Spill Prevention Complianoe Subcommi�ee(1996-Z000) Countermeasure and Control (SPCC) plans. Tim's involvement in licensing and relicensing FERC jurisdictional hydropower projects over the past 22 years has included managing Specialized Training and multidisciplinary teams of scientists and engineers during all phases of the FERC licensing Certifications process, including the simultaneous federal and state ermittin rocesses. His Environmental Law in Maine-Short P g P Course-The Cambridge Institute,1992 responsibilities have included preparation of Initial Consultation Documents, FERC license Introduction to Federal Projects and Historic applications, FERC amendment applications, Army Corps permit applications, state water Preservation Law-Short Course-The quality certification applications, responding to additional inforcnation requests, analyzing Adv�sory Council on Histaic Preservation, the impacts of new licenses as issued by FERC, ensuring compliance with FERC's new 1993 digita( Exhibit F and G drawing submissions, and assisting licensees with post-licensing Writing and Reviewing Environmental studies and compliance. Mr. Bachelder is also responsible for monitoring FERC activities Impac;t Statements and Environmental nationally, maintaining HDR's corporate regulatory and legislative databases, and Assessments-Short Course-Executive disseminating relevant and timely information to both HDR sta.ff and its clients. EnterExises,1994 Industry Outreach Training-Cuftural pro'ect Ex erience Resources-�hort Course-Federal Energy � P Regulatory Commission-OFfice of Pipeline Regulation,1995 Escondido Project, San Luis Rey River, California, City of Escondido and Vista Contrading fa Cultural Resource Tasks- Irrigation District - Licensing and Regulatory Specialist responsible for developing and Shat Course-Naati�onal Pre.servation helping implement the strategy of converting the long-delayed relicensing into a conduit Institute,1997 exemption application that proposes to remove much of the existing project from FERC Identification and Management of jurisdiction. Traditional Cuftural Places-Short Course- National Preservation Institute,1997 Upper American River Project, California, Sacramento Municipat UNlity District. HDR Tenure Project engineer responsible for managing the complex Exhibit G mapset created in GIS to 22 Years support the FERC relicensing application in compliance with FERC's just issued digital exhibit drawing standards. � Industry Tenure 22 Years Baker River Project, Baker River, Washington, Puget Sound Energy- Assisted with pre-licensing preparation for this multi-development project including development of a relicensin website and stan dazds/ rocedures for the reli en in g c s ublic lib . P gP �Y FERC Relicensing Seminar, Big Creek Project, Southern California Edison Company. Developed and presented a two-day seminar on the FERC Relicensing Process to Southem California Edison's team working on the relicensing of the Big Creek Hydrcelectric Projects. Seminaz topics included The Hydropower Relicensing Process, Managing Hydro related Cumulative Impact Issues for Relicensing, Federal and State Agency Hydropower License Mandatory Conditioning Authority, Electronic Filing at the FERC, The Relicensing Public ; Library and Administrative Record,Relicensing Websites, and Adaptive Management. _17— ( i I � ; & i ; _ � Osage Prnject, Osage River, Missouri, Ameren Missouri - Licensing and Regulatory � � Specialist responsible for managing the Section 106 consult�tion process and studies for this � � relicensing, including the development of the FERC-approved I�istoric Properties � Management Plan and subsequent management guidelines. Assisted with efforts to remove � = excess lands from the project boundary during relicensing. Conducted a post license � compliance assessment of the utility's inhouse tracking system following license issuance � and continues to assist Ameren Missouri with post license compliance filings on as as- � needed basis. � ; � Taum Sauk Pumped-Storage Project, East Fork of the Black River, Missouri, Ameren � Missouri—Licensing and Regulatory Specialist responsible for background research efforts to support development of the strategic licensing plan, tracking the upper reservoir rebuild � ` process to ensure consistency with the pazallel relicensing process, cultural resource strategy and Section 106 compliance, and Exhibit F and G updates. Currently participating in NEPA � scoping activities that will lead to the issuance of a new license. k 3 g ` Priest Rapids Hydroelectric Project, Columbia River, Washington, Grant County � PUD-Project Engineer responsible for working closely within Grant PUD to prepare for the relicensing of this large mid-Columbia hydroelectric project. Role included development and review of relicensing public library, development of a relicensing website, regulatory � analysis, support for a wide range of relicensing filings, and development of the cultural � resource and Exhibit H sections of the license application. � � Central Falls Project, Blackstone River, ConnecNcut, Blackstone Hydro Corporation— #; Project Engineer responsible for helping the licensee successfully respond to complaints s filed with FERC regarding non-compliance with minimum flow releases and run of river � operational requirements attached to the Project license. � : � ---- -_.. _ _ �: York Haven Project, Susquehanna River, Pennsytvania, Olympus Power LLC — � Licensing and Regulatory Specialist responsible for managing the Section 106 consultation � process and studies for this ongoing relicensing and for providing regulatory support for the � HDR relicensing team. � � � i- � Yadkin - Pee Dee River Project, Yadkin—Pee Dee River, Progress Energy - Licensing � and Regulatory Specialist responsible for managing the Section 106 consultation process and � studies for this relicensing, including the development of the Historic Properties � Management Plan. Assisted the licensee with developing and filing the Exhibit F and G �. maps for the application. r 4 ' HDR Regulatory 5harepoint Portal (Intranet). Tim Bachelder is the developer and � manager of HDR's internal regulatory intranet site designed to provide staff and ,; ; management nationwide with access to HDR's internal regulatory azchives. This site � � contains significant FERC orders, court cases, policy statements and intemal analysis. The �' ' internal portal has provided a self-serve system of core regulatory and legislative material �: ; since it was implemented in 1999. � Publications k Using Electronic Communication in Hydro Project Relicensing, Hydro Review, Volume � f XIX,No.3,May 2000 � � � ; r � Timothy B. Bachelder- Pag�g� 17J.` �; � ;; MICHAEL W.MCDONALD 222 High Eagle Road Alamo,CA (9�5� 743-8588 EDUCATION: UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Seattle,WA Bachelor of Arts in Political Science June, 1969 EXPERIENCE: McDonatd Partners 1/1/2003 to Present Principal • Co-owner of a consulting business providing management, financial and energy advisory services to public agencies throughout the LTnited States. UBS Warburg Energy 2002 2003 Executive Director • Led wholesale power marketing group responsible for California and the Southwest. Customers included municipal utilities,investor-owned utilities, independent power producers, and power marketers. —_—_ ENRON NORTH AMERICA 1998-2002 Vice President,Origination • San Francisco: Led Origination group responsible for business development, power mazketing, power plant development and related products and services. Customers included municipal utilities,co-ops,and governmental entities in the Western U.S. • Houston: Developed and implemented Enron's public power business strategy. Coordinated the Origination and Mid Market groups to expand customer coverage and increase deal origination in all regions of the United States and Canada. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POWER AGENCY Roseville,CA General Manager 1985-1998 • Chief Executive of a 15 member Joint Action Agency which provides wholesale electric services. Member services include power plant finance, construction and operation, power supply management and legislative and regulatory advocacy. • Managed the development of 625 MW of geothermal,hydroelectric,and gas turbine generating capacity, including design, finance and construction. Managed the initial financing and refinancing of over$2 billion of generation projects. • Represented the Agency and the public power community in testimony before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,Congress,and the State Legislature. -19- z � CITY OF HEALDSBURG Healdsburg,CA City Manager 1978-1985 Assistant City Manager 1976-1978 • Chief Executive of City of 10,000 providing full range of municipal services. Served at the pleasure of a 5 member elected city council. • Represented the City on the Board of Directors of the Northern California Power Agency and � the Redwood Empire Municipal Insurance Fund. f' � • Led the City through a major economic redevelopment including the formation of a Community � Redevelopment Agency and revitalization of the dow�town. � COUNTY OF SAN MATEO,Office of the County Manager San Mateo,CA Senior Management Analyst 1970-1976 AWARDS AND AFFILIATIONS: � ; ICMA Management Innovation Awazd, 1978 �: Fotmer Chairman,Transmission Agency of Northern California �' Former Chairman,California Oregon Transmission Project Management Committee � Former Chairman,Northern California Power Pool Executive Committee Former Member,Western Systems Coordinating Council Board of Trustees Former Member,California Municipal Utility Association Board of Governors � Former Member,Governor's Bay Delta Task Force �' ; � ; � z � � � ; i _ � i g � 3 s £ a i' � ( - N i F, � i � i. c i �, i i t a i ` —20— a �. � General Manager Richard H.Solbrig ��,�gt • 1950:`^� y,'_ ��`" wa�. vf'\ / �� � �� Director5 u ChriS Ccfalu Jamey R.JoneS �'" `�"� � • Randy Vogelgesang f u b I i c U ti 1 i�y C�i 5tr�ct Kelly Sheehan Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow Cre�t Driv,e•5outh Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 Phor�e 53D 544-6474•Fax 530 54-1-p614•WWW.S�UGf.US BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Ivo Bergsohn, Hydro-Geologist MEETING DATE: March 7, 2013 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Diamond Valley Ranch Irrigation Improvements Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve the request for fee increase in the amount of $24,440 to Purchase Order P25814 for additional environmental services. DISCUSSION: District staff requested that Hauge Brueck 8� Associates (HBA) provide additional environmental services not within the original scope of services of their purchase order for the Diamond Valley Ranch Irrigation Improvements Project (DVRIIP). The majority of these out-of-scope items were needed to assist the District prepare additional forms and project documents reques#ed by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to complete a Section 404 permit application for the DVRIIP. These included: 1) Preparation of a Pre-Construction Notification Form (PCN) and accompanying project description for the complete project (dated September 4, 2012); 2) Preparation of a draft ENG 4345-Application For Department of the Army Permit and Supplemental Information Letter Report (dated December 13, 2012); 3) Attendance at an Application Meeting with USACE staff, Sacramento, CA (December 20, 2012); 4) Preparation of a Biological Assessment for the Supplemental Information Letter Report; and 5) Identification of Diamond Valley Ranch areas that could potentially be used by the District to satisfy USACE mitigation plan requirements. In addition to the out-of-scope items already completed by HBA, District staff foresees the immediate need for additional environmental services for this project through the end of June, 2013. These include: 6) Providing assistance to District staff to complete a project description and ENG 4345 application for the revised Phase 1 Project (01.25.2013), requested by the USACE; 7) Providing assistance to District staff to complete a Supplemental Information Letter Report for 401 Water Quality Certification, required by the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board; 8) Attending a site visit to verify the extent of irrigation-dependent wetlands at Diamond Valley Ranch with i USACE staff; and 9) Assisting District staff attain Section 106 Compliance for the DVRIIP and prepare the Cultural Resources Section of the draft FERC Application for the C-line hydraulic power generation facility. Approval of the request for fee increase shall raise the contract amount for Task Order 16 to $28,690. -21- I March 7,2013 Page 2 s k f. 5 t F � t 6 � 2 {, i F, [; E � \ 3 ! SCHEDULE: All additional environmental services to be comp�eted by July, 2013 4 � COSTS: $24,440 ACCOUNT NO: 1029-8161/DVRIIP � BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $6,878 � � ATTACHMENTS: Request for Fee Increase Task Order 16, Purchase Order P25814 (HBA, _ February 27, 2013). �� r CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer �; ; GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO ; CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO � � F L -22- ;' �, �; NAUGEBRUECK A S S O C 1 A T E S www.hau9ebr�sck.com CALIFORNIA P 916-2E3-5800 f 916-313-3��5 2�Februa 2013 2233 Watt Areeue.Suite 295 ry Sacramento,CA 85825 Mr. Ivo Bergsohn N E VA DA South Tahoe Public Utility District P 775-589-4700 1275 Meadow Crest Drive F 7J5-588-470� South Lake Tahoe r.o.eox,o:s, , CA 96150 310 Oorla Court.Suite 209 Zephyr Core,NY 89448 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR FEE INCREASE, HAUGE BRUECK ASSOCIATES TASK ORDER 16, PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER P25814 Mr. Bergsohn, A request for fee increase has been prepared for additional environmental permitting services requested by the South Tahoe Public Utility District for the Diamond Valley Ranch Irrigation Improvements Project(DVRIIP). The majority of these services (Work Items 1 through 5)were performed to assist the District satisfy US Army Corps of Engineers(USACE)permitting requirements. The remaining items(Work Items 6 through 8)aze for additional services believed to be needed for thus project through the end of June 2013. Each of these items are regarded as extra work as they were not foreseen within the original scope of services for Task Order 16,Purchase Order P25814. The total value of these services is estimated at$24,440 which would raise the contract ceiling for the current Task Order to $28,690. A brief description of the additional environmental services to be completed under this request for fee increase is provided below. Projected hours and fees for these extra services aze summarized in Table 1. 1) DVRIIP Project Description(Sept. 4, 2012) -incorparation of findings fram the 2012 interim vegetation survey, added project impact analysis and compilation of mitigation monitoring and cultural resources � information. i 2) DVRIIF Application Meeting(Dec 20, 2012) - Prepazation for and attendance at Post Application Meeting with United States Army Corps of Engineers(USACE) in Sacramento, CA on 20 December 2012. Meeting was used to: present the complete project to USACE staff and the findings of the interim vegetation survey. The meeting was also used to discuss the information needed by USACE staff to make determinations and issue a public notice for a Section 404 Permit for the DVRIIP. 3) DVRIIP Supplemental Information Letter Report(Dec. 13,2013) - additional environmental analysis for development of the disturbance estimate for the DVRIIP; assistance during preparation of the draft Supplemental Letter Report and ENG 4345 -Application For Department -23- _ . ; Mr. [vo Bergsohn £ 27 February 2012 Page 2 P 4 of the Army Permit. 5 � 4) DVRIIP - Mitigation Plan(Jan. 13, 2013) - Research and delineate ` - wetland mitigation locations available onsite at DVR. Additional options ' for wetland mitigations in the area were also reseazched and summarized. � Mapping of potential mitigation locations were identified and mapped for � use in future planning. 5) DVRIIP—Biological Assessment(Dec. 21, 2012) - A Biological Assessment for DVRIIP was prepared per the request of the District and E USACE. ` 6) DVRIIP- Section 404 Nationwide Permit(March/Apri12013) - Provide environmental permitting and GIS assistance to complete the project description and ENG 4345 application for the revised Phase 1 Project { (01.25.2013). � 7) DVRIIP- Section 401 Water Quality Certification (March/Apri12013) - Provide environmental permitting and GIS assistance to complete the _ Supplemental Information for 401 Water Quality Certification letter report for the revised Phase 1 Project(01.25.2013). � 8) DVRIIP-Site Verification (tentatively scheduled April 2013) -Attend a site visit with USACEOE staff to verify the existence and extent of ` irrigation-dependent wetlands at Diamond Valley Ranch. � , 9) HYDRO- Section 106 Compliance (Mazch 2013)- Assist the District ; attain Section 106 Compliance for the DVRIIP; and Prepare the Cultural e Resources Section required for the draft FERC Application to attain a � conduit exemption for the Gline hydraulic power generation facility. '` � � Table 1 �' 3 Work Item Date Hours Fees r 1 October 2012 20 $2,b00 � 2 December 2012 28 $3,64� t. 3 December 2012 20 $2,600 ` � 4 January 2013 20 $2,600 € �, � -24- i' Mr. [vo Bergsohn 27 February 2012 Page 3 Table 1 5 December 2012 24 $3,120 6 March 2013 20 $2,600 7 March/Apri12013 20 $2,600 g April 2013 20 $2,600 9 March 2013 16 $2,080 TOTAL 188 $24,440 Based on Table 1 above, incorporation of the requested fee increase of$24,440 would increase the contract vale to $28,690. Please feel free to contact me at 775.588.4700 with any questions or if you require any additional information. Kindest Regards, Garth Alling Senior PlannerBiologist CC: File -25- General Manager � Richard H.Soibrig � ♦ 1950 i � �^ ( ,� � � ^ Director5 U �'j Chris Cefalu '�` JameS R.Jone� � �. f u b[i c U ti i ity D i�tri�t �ndy Vogelgesang Kelly 5heehan Eric Schafer 12?5 Meacbw CreSt Drive•Sauth Lake Tah�e•GA 96150-7401 I'hone 53D 544-6474•Fax 530 541-0614•WWW.5�.U5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Randy Curfis, Manager of field Operations MEETING DATE: March 7, 2013 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Purchase two pick-up trucks: one for Underground Repair Sewer, and one for Inspections department REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize purchase of two Yz ton pickup trucks from the State o#California competitively bid contract, in the amoun# of$39,125.28, including tax and delivery. DISCUSSION: These two pick-up trucks were budgeted for purchase and/or replacement in the fiscal year 2012/2013 budget. 1) Truck #52, Underground Repair Sewer 2) Truck #64, Customer Service Inspections SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $19,562.64 each ($39,125.28 total) ACCOUNT NO: 1005-8212, 2005-8352 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $27,000 -$30,000 ATTACHMENTS: Justification sheet �'I CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer and Wpter GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -27- Truck #64, reqlacement Cost: $30,000 This is a short bed '/2 ton truck. This truck is primarily used in town with mostly stop and go use. It only has 70,000+ miles on it but it also has a lot of idle time at job sites. There have been many repairs done to this vehicle. The wiring has been damaged by rodents, the ECM is constantly sending random trouble codes which cannot be identified replacement of wiring and ECM would be expensive, and repairs have been adequate so far. We would like to replace it with a smaller V-6 truck which will provide better fuel economy and is better suited for the job. This truck is in the Customer Service, Inspections Department. Truck#52, replacement cost $27,000 This is a short bed '/2 ton truck used mainly by the Underground Repair Sewer Supervisor and also as an on-call standby vehicle. This vehicle is in the field daity responding to calls and directing crew duties in the Districts collections. It is near the end of its useful life at over 135,000 miles. This vehicle had been moved out from budget year 2011/2012 to get more additional use before replacement. This truck is in the UGR Sewer Department � i � � I � i i,l i -29- General Manager Richard H.Solbrig �� � � f .� � �� Directore U Chris Ccfalu James R.Jonea � � � � Randy Vogelgesang � � f u b I 1 c U-��i�-�y D��tri ct Kelly 5heehan Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow C,�,e�t prive•South Lake Tahoe•GA 96150-7405 i'hone 530 54�4-6474•Fax 530 541-0614•WMNV.5'�UGI.US BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4e TO: Board of Directors FROM: Randy Curtis, Manager of Field Operations MEETING DATE: March 7, 2013 ITEM-PROJECT NAME: Purchase of pick-up truck for Alpine County, Diamond Valley Ranch REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Authorize purchase of one 3/. ton pick-up truck from the State of California competitively bid contract, in the amount of$26,839.48, including tax and delivery. DISCUSSION: This item was budgeted for purchase and/or replacement in th� fiscal year 2012/2013 budget. Truck #71, Replacement Cost: $30,000. The current truck in use is a 1 ton pick-up used in Alpine County as well as trips to the District and Gardnerville. It is driven mostly on rough dirf, roads and in fields and is also used for moving lumber, towing equipment and snow plowing. The truck is in very bad condition and not to be relied on. The chassis is worn out and the drive train will need to be rebuilt soon. The truck has a lift gate which is attached to the bed of the truck and has been torn off and reattached several times. Cracks have now developed in the bed and mounts. The 3/4 ton pick-up we would like to replace it with is more economical. SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $26,839.48 ACCOUNT NO: 1005-8377 Truck #71 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $30,000 ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -31- General Manager Richar�l H.5oilmig �t • 1950 • h{�8 � � o u t a o e �� _.__. ,�mes�.Ja►�5 �'" f ub[ic Utility 1�i5trict , ��LOU�baclxr nai��� ��s�na� 1275 Meadow Crest Drive•South fake Tahoe•CA 9ro150-7401 f'hone 530 54�4--6474•Fax 530 541-0614•www.5tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4f TO: Board of Directors FROM: Julie Ryan, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: March 7, 2013 ITEM-PROJECT NAME: Headworks Replacement Phase 2 Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve Change Order No. 9 to GSE Construction Company, Inc., in the amount $16,455.02. DISCUSSION: Change Order No. 9 addresses 5 balancing quantities, 13 work items that are beyond the scope of the contract, and one change to the Contract Time. 1� The earfhwork and paving bid items of the Contract were bid on a cost per unit price basis. As such, the actual installed quantities for these 5 bid items varied somewhat from the quantities bid. The Change Order will adjust the contract quantities for these five items to reflect the installed quantities for a net savings to I the District of <$5,927.98>. I 2) During construction Staff noticed that insufficient detail had been provided for � the structural connection between the columns and the basement slab. Staff provided additional instruction to the Contractor, after work had proceeded on #hese elements. The additional work to replace the structural connections was performed on a Lump Sum basis for an additional cost of $1,558. , 3) After installation of the ship's ladder at the Headworks, it became apparent to Staff that the omission of a doweled handrail posed a safety concern. Staff directed the Contractor to add a handrail, which was not called for in the Construction Documents. The additional work to add the handrail was performed on a Time and Materials basis for an additional cost of$1,528. 4j After startup of the Headworks, the seal water panels at the grit pumps were experiencing water hammer. To allow S#aff to continue to process water while troubleshooting the water hammer, Staff directed the Contractor to install instrument bypass piping and to replace the fluff water valves with a slow- actuating style. The additional work to modify the piping and replace the valves at four panels was performed on a Time and Materials basis for an additional cost of$7,399. '� 5) It came to Staff's attention during construction that the stucco termination detail �, at the meter hatches was incomplete. Staff provided the Contractor with a -33- t �. i i s a w € �� March 7,2013 '' ; Page 2 " ;� s s - more robust detail, the additional elements of which were added on a Time and ` Materials Basis for an additional cost of$1,274. � 6) It was brought to Staff's attention during demoiition that the site plans did not f provide for continued access to the Electrical Room during demolition of the P8�E �' Building, even though the proximity of the old building would have made access ; by the permanent stairs hazardous at best. Staff directed the Contractor to construct a temporary access to the Electrical Room on a Time and Materials basis for an additional cost of $3,271. § 7) During construction, the Contractor identified an error in the Construction Drawings with respect to grading at and around the Camel Dump. Staff and the ` ¢ Design Engineer directed the Contractor to modify the Camel Dump to accommodate the surrounding installations. The additional work was performed 3 on a Time and Materials Basis for an additional cost of$1,2b9. �: 8) During construction, Staff noticed that the approved mount for the davit crane at the Headworks floor sumps would pose a trip hazard. Staff directed the ;; Contractor to install an alternative, more costly, flush-mount receiver, that would minimize the hazard. The additional work to provide and install the flush-mount `'_, receiver was performed on a Time and Materials basis for an additional cost of ; $1,734. €` 9j On June 28, 2012, during the first weekly flushing of the AI Tahoe Pump Station � after the new Headworks came on-line, the upwell channel overflowed. The � Contractor aided District crews in responding to the emergency. The additional � work was logged and charged to the District under the terms of the Contract on �; a Time and Materials basis for an additional cost of$1,584. � , 10) During construction, Staff noticed that the Construction Drawings failed to � : identify a hatch in the channel covers so that the raw water sampler could be �'' `' retrieved for maintenance. Staff directed the Contractor to add a 15"x15" � ¢ hatch with cover and handle in the channel cover. The additional work was � performed on a Time and Materials basis for an additional cost of$351. � 11) During installation of Parshall Flumes at the outlet channel, Staff directed the � Contractor to modify the installation to address a discrepancy in the contract � documents and to improve flow and reduce maintenance. Staff directed the `` ; Contractor to make the change on a Time and Materials basis for an additional �' cost of $719. i 12)This fall, after the first freezing temperatures, Staff noticed that the pressure level sensor at the Backwash Tank had stopped giving accurate readings because it had frozen. Staff directed the Contractor to add insulation to exposed tubing F and the sensor. The additional work was performed on a Time and Materials ` basis for an additional cost of$1,141. 13) During construction, Staff noticed the very close proximity of the level sensor at the upwell to the adjacent P2E pipe discharge. To combat the potential for turbulence to affect level readings, Staff directed the Contractor to install a stilling well over the level sensor on a Time and Materials basis for an additional �` cost of$448. 4 t 14) During construction, Staff noticed that the Construction Drawings failed to call ` for an isolation valve or a concrete thrust block at the new fire hydrant. The �,, District provided the Contractor with�� 6" gate valve from District supply, but the � �; � March 7,2013 Page 3 additional work to install the valve and the thrust block was performed on a Time and Materials basis for an additional cost of$107. 15)The Contract Time for the project is set to expire on February 22, 2013. Staff recommends that the Contract Time be extended by 10 days to account for the actual time beyond the original Contract Time that was required to modify the outlet structures at the Headworks. The new Contract Time will end on March 4, 2013. Please note #hat the second Liquidated Damages Deadline for parfial completion of the Headworks Project is currently set at August 31, 2012. Staff continues to negotiate an extension to this deadline based on delays beyond the Contractor's control. The District expects a request for further extension to this date, as the compound effect of delays is assessed by Staff and the Contractor. Staff recommends that the Board approve Change Order #9 to the District's contract with GSE in the amount$16,455.02. With $397,022.98 in Change Orders approved previously, this Change Order #9 brings the contract total to $8,434,338.29. The Engineer's Estimate for construction was $9,198,605. i I I � SCHEDULE: As soon as possible COSTS: $16,455.02 ACCOUNT NO: 1029-8033/HDWORK BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $996,284 ATTACHMENTS: Change Order No. 9 CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO � CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -35- ootH T CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 09 �._ �,�,,:,� Project: HEADWORKS REPLACEMENT PHASE II PROJECT iOLS!"'°►�»so��•``� o'� Contractor: GSE Construction Companv, Inc. �c�nun �s� Date: March 7, 2013 PO #: P23714 The Contract Shall Be Changed As Follows: A) Amend Bid Item 6 to reflect a 2,003 cy increase in the Contract quantity for Over Excavation and Off Haul of Unsuitable Soils for actual work performed. At the Contract rate of$22.10 per cubic yard, this increase in the Contract quantity results in a cost to the District in the amount $44,266.3 TOTAL FOR ITEM A IS $44,266.30 B) Amend Bid Item 7 to reflect a 732 cy increase in the Contract quantity for Over Excavation and Stockpiling of Suitable Soils for actual work perFormed. At the Contract rate of$13.60 per cubic yard, this increase in the Contract quantity results in a cost to the District in the amount $9,955.20. TOTAL FOR ITEM B IS $9,955.20 TOTALFORCHANGEORDERN0. 91SA + B + C + D + E + F + G + H + I + J + K + L + M + N + p + p + (,� + R + S = $16,455.02 :Do�lar:Amounts C�rntractTjme .. Original Contract $8,020,860.29 622 Calendar Days Previous Change Order $397,022.98 109 Calendar Days Current Contract $8,417,883.27 �31 Calendar Days THIS CHANGE ORDER $16,455.02 10 Calendar�ays New Contract Total $8,434,338.29 741 Calendar Days Contractor agrees to make the herein-described changes in accordance with the terms hereof. The change in contract price and/or contract time noted is full settlement for costs incurred because of the change(s) � described, unless specifically noted in individual description(s). � Date: Authorized By STPUD Board President Date: Accepted By Contractor Date: Reviewed By -37- Page 1 addresses in full the additional work authorized by the District for stucco termination at the meter hatches for an additional cost of$1,274.00, as detailed in Contract Change Request #65 and GSE's PC0120 dated January 11, 2013 (attached). TOTAL FOR ITEM I IS $1,274.00 J) Amend Bid Item 4, including all labor, equipment, materials and subcontractor costs necessary to provide temporary access to the Electrical Room during demolition as directed by the District in Design Construction Memorandum #75, dated August 1, 2012. This item addresses in full the additional work authorized by the District for temporary stairs for an additional cost of$3,271.00, as detailed in Contract Change Request#67 and GSE's PCO #101, dated January 16, 2013, and as adjusted by the District in its Response #1 to the CCR (attached). TOTAL FOR ITEM J IS $3,271.00 K) Amend Bid Item 31, including all labor, equipment, materials and subcontractor costs necessary to modify the Camel Dump as directed by the District in Design Construction Memoranda #84 and 84.1, both dated August 22, 2012. This item addresses in full the additional work authorized by the District for modifications to the Camel Dump for an additional cost of$1,269.00, as detailed in Cont�act Change Request#70 and GSE's PCO #104, dated January 16, 2013 (attached). TOTAL FOR ITEM K IS $1,269.00 L) Amend Bid Item 11, including all labor, equipment, materials and subcontractor costs necessary to modify the davit crane mount as directed by the District in Design Construction Memorandum #55, dated May 16, 2012. This item addresses in full the additional work authorized by the District for modifications to the davit crane mount for an additional cost of $1,734.00, as detailed in Contract Change Request#71 and GSE's PCO #090, dated January 16, 2013 (attached). TOTAL FOR ITEM L IS $1,734.00 �I M) Amend Bid Item 4, including all labor, equipment, materials and subcontractor costs necessary to respond to the overflow emergency at the Headworks on June 28, 2012. This item addresses in full the additional work accounted by the District for Contractor response to this emergency for an additional cost of$1,584.00, as detailed in Contract Change Request#73 and GSE's PCO #094, dated January 16, 2013 (attached). TOTAL FOR ITEM M IS $1,584.00 N) Amend Bid Item 10, including all labor, equipment, materials and subcontractor costs necessary to install a hatch in the channel cover for access to the sampler as directed by the District in the Response to RFI 157, dated June 18, 2012. This item addresses in full the additional work authorized by the District for the hatch for an additional cost of$351.00, as detailed in Contract Change Request#74 and GSE's PCO #099, dated January 16, 2013 (attached). TOTAL FOR ITEM N IS $351.00 O) Amend Bid Item 10, including all labor, equipment, materials and subcontractor costs necessary to modify the outlet channel discharge based on verbal authorization by District Staff and Design Construction Memorandum #33, dated September 21, 2011. This item Page 3 -39- ; 3 f addresses in full the additional work authorized by the District to modify the outlet channel ` discharge for an additional cost of$719.00, as detailed in Contract Change Request#75 and GSE's PCO #028, dated January 16, 2013 (attached). TOTAL FOR ITEM O IS $719.00 _ P) Amend Bid Item 14, including all labor, equipment, materials and subcontractor costs necessary to add insulation at the pressure level sensor at the Backwash Tank as directed by the District in Design Construction Memorandum #74.1, dated November 9, 2012. This item addresses in full the additional work authorized by the District to add the insulation for f an additional cost of$1,141.00, as detailed in Contract Change Request#76 and GSE's r; PCO#146, dated January 16, 2013 (attached). TOTAL FOR ITEM P IS $1,141.00 � � Q) Amend Bid Item 17, including all labor, equipment, materials and subcontractor costs �' necessary to add a stilling well at the upwell level sensor as directed by the District in � Design Construction Memorandum #61, dated May 31, 2012. This item addresses in full the , additional work authorized by the District to add the stilling well for an additional cost of $448.00, as detailed in Contract Change Request#80 and GSE's PCO #92, dated January � 18, 2013 (attached). TOTAL FOR ITEM Q IS $448.00 ` � R) Amend Bid Item 20, including all labor, equipment, materials and subcontractor costs y necessary to add a gate valve and thrust block at the new fire hydrant as authorized � verbally by District staff. This item addresses in full the additional work authorized by the � District to add the valve and thrust block for an additional cost of$107.00, as detailed in ; Contract Change Request#84 and GSE's PCO #149, dated February 5, 2013 (attached). � TOTAL FOR ITEM R IS $107.00 � � S) Change the Contract Time, identified in Section 007200, Part 2.04 of the Contract Specifications and modified by Change Order#6, from seven-hundred thirty-one (731) calendar days to seven-hundred forty-one (741) days, as described in detail in Design � Construction Memo #98.2, dated February 13, 2013. The District reserves its right to collect „ liquidated damages for failure to complete the relevant portions of the Work by the deadline. � No compensation is awarded due to the delay, and any additional costs for the work related 41 to this item will be addressed separately. {' TOTAL FOR ITEM S IS $0.00 �� ; TOTALFORCHANGEORDERN0. 91SA + B + C + D + E + F + G + H + I + J + K + L + s' M + N + O + P + Q + R + S = $16,455.02 f: $ � S j: i Y s i �' � � � E, � i C ;;, t ' _.__._.---_--...._..._.._._---.__.._,........_......._........____----.._.__.__......_.__._._ .__. t. -- -..__.._.. _._....__ _.__.....--- --_..__.. _...----.—.--._.._— _._.__. __.. .._— --.--.. __._._. —40— Page 4 �' � x � Gcneral Manager Richard H.5olbrig ...�-.--�-- � +�� � /""� t ,� � �� Directore `% U ChriS Cefalu JameS R.JoneS � � � r r � Randy Vogelgesang �u b I i c U�G�i i ty D��tri�-� Kelly Shcehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Cre�t Drive•South lake Tahoe•CA 96150-740t F'hor�e 530 544-6474•�ax 530 541-0614•www stpud,u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Nancy Hussmann, Human Resources Manager MEETING DATE: March 7, 2013 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: ICMA- RC Retirement Health Savings Program REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve ICMA-RC as the provider of the Retirement Health Savings Program and adopt�esolution No. 2921-13 for the Vantagecare Retirement Health Savings Plan. DISCUSSION: The District sent out Requests for Proposals to firms that provide Retirement Health Savings Plans, and received two proposals by the January 11, 2013, deadline. A committee comprised of both Union and Management employees was formed to review the proposals and determine which provider would best suit the District's needs. Interviews of the two proposers (ING and ICMA-RC) were conducted on February 14, 2013. The committee believed that the program offered by ICMA-RC was a more comprehensive program that was also ready to be implemented. This included the fact that the ICMA-RC program already has an IRS Private Letter Ruling for their program. A Resolution must be adopted by the Board of Directors in order to proceed with implementation of the Plan. SCHEDULE: March 8, 2013- Proceed with Implementation COSTS: Per negotiated agreement in Union and Management MOU's. ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: Resolution for Adoption of the VantageCare Retirement Health Savings Plan CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: ' CATEGORY: General GENERAL MANAGER: YES .A NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -41- � RESOLUTION NO. 2921-13 2 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FOR 3 ADOPTION OF THE VANTAGECARE RETIREMENT 4 HEALTH SAVINGS (RHS) PLAN 5 Name of Employer: South Tahoe Public Utility District State: California 6 7 Resolution of the above-named Employer (the "Employer"): 8 WHEREAS, the Employer has employees rendering valuable services; and 9 WHEREAS, the establishment of a retiree health savings plan for such employees serves 10 the interests of the Employer by enabling it to provide reasonable security regarding such employees' health needs during retirement, by providing increased flexibility in its 11 personnel management system, and by assisting in the attraction and retention of �2 competent personnel; and 13 WHEREAS, the Employer has determined that the establishment of the retiree health savings plan (the "Plan") senres the above objectives; 14 15 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this Employer hereby adopts the Plan in the form of the ICMA Retirement Corporation's VantageCare Retirement Health Savings 16 Program. �7 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the assets of the Plan shall be held in trust, with the �$ following entity or individual service as trustee (Select one): �g o The Employer ❑ The following position within the Employer: 20 ❑ The following group or committee within the Employer: 2� ❑ The following third-parfy trustee: for the exclusive benefit of Plan participants and their survivors, and the assets of the 22 Plan shall not be diverfed to any other purpose prior to the satisfaction of all tiabilities of the Plan. The Employer has executed the Declaration of Trust of the Integral Parf Trust in 23 the form of: (Select One): 24 ❑ The model trust made available by the ECMA Retirement Corporation o The trust provided by the Employer (executed copy attached hereto). 25 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Human Resources Director shall be the coordinator 26 and contact for the Plan and shall receive necessary reports, notices, etc. 27 28 29 30 � -43- � {; g � WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing resolution ` � was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the South ' �: 2 Tahoe Public Utility District at a regular meeting duly held on the 7th day of March, 2013, by the following vote: ; 3 ;; � 4 AYES: £ NOfS: � 5 ABSENT: � 6 { ; 7 # Eric Schafer, Board President � 8 � ATTEST: 9 10 � 11 � Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board = 12 � � � 13 � 14 ¢ � 15 � � 16 �. � 17 � 18 � � 19 s 20 21 ; � 22 � � 23 � �' 24 � � 25 ;. € 26 ; � 27 � 28 � � � ^ $ LV � 30 � � -44- f � i Generai Manager Richard H.5olbrig .....s-- � . ��o . w� � / ��"�'�' � �� Directors U i� Chris Cefalu James R.Jones ""' `!4�+' • � � � � Randy Vogelgeeang pubI�c U��I�ty D��tr�ct KellySheehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Cre�t Drive•South t,ake Tahae•CA 96150-7405 ('hone 53Q 544-64-74�Fax 530 541-0614•www 5tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Paul Hughes, Chief Financial Officer MEETING DATE: March 7, 2013 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Permanent Solutions for Lukins Water Co./STPUD Interfie � REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Discuss draft options and direct staff. I j DISCUSSION: Currently, a Temporary Water Supply Agreement exists between STPUD �, and Lukins Water Company to supply water to a restricted portion of the Lukins water system through the existing interfie located near Eloise Avenue. The reason for the agreement was to provide improved water pressure and fire protection allowing the property located at 2015 Lake Tahoe Blvd. to o{�en a new retail store. The expiration date of the agreement is June 1, 2013. Lukins is required to notify the District by April 1, 2013 of: 1) A developed, permanent solution to supply fire protection water, or; 2) The District's obligation to deliver the water shall terminate on June 1, 2013, or; 3) Lukins agrees to transfer the property as a customer to the District without any compensation payable by the District to Lukins. If Lukins fails to notify the District as provided above, ', Lukins agrees to transfer the properfy to the District as a customer. Attached is a draft list of potential permanent options, including cost estimates, to supply improved water pressure and fire protection through the interfie to Lukins Water Company or through direct connections to the property. The least expensive option listed is a direct connection for both domestic and fire protection service to the property, and the property becoming a customer of the District. Following discussion of the potential options, staff is seeking direction, edits and. comments from the Board to finalize the options and provide them to Lukins Water Company and the property owner. -45- ; 4. �- � , ; � March 7,2013 Page 2 � � s }; _ � � #. { t € ; ;' ,: � � s ; �. j ;;� i a � � k � €' � � � SCHEDUIE: Temporary water supply agreement expires June 1, 2013 COSTS: Multiple options available ACCOUNT NO: j; i e: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ; ATTACHMENTS: Draft list of options � E � CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Wpter ( GENERAL MANAGER: YES N� � CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO � g � � � t i —46— �, � � DRAFT STPUD/LUKINS/GARFINKLE(TJMAX)PERMANENT WATER AND FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE SOLUTIONS At the February 21, 2013 regular board meeting, adion was taken to standardize the commercial capacity charges c�eating a�xed amount by connection size consistent with the residential formula. Estimated usage is no longer required to determine the charge. 1. Leave the 8" Intertie open without the "loop" restriction. Lukins Water Co would have continuous access and benefit from increased domestic and fire flows: STPUD one time capacity charge for an 8"connection is currently$409,907.The ongoing quarterly service charges for an 8" connection are $4,799.70 for the base charge and $1.37 per one hundred cubic feet of water used. These fees would be charged to the Lukins Water Co. 2. Leave the 8" Intertie open with the "loop" permanently restricted by Lukins Water Co: Due to the recent Board action setting capacity charges at�xed rates by connection size,the charge would be equal to option#1, $409,907.The ongoing quarterly service charges for an 8" connection are$4,799.70 for the base charge and $1.37 per one hundred cubic feet of water used. These fees would be charged to the Lukins Water Co. This is the current temporary operation. 3. STPUD Fire Only connection directly to the Garfinkle property: Current one time fire only capacity charge for a 6"fire line is $81,981.This assumes the property remains a domestic customer of the Lukins Water Co. There would be no ongoing quarterly service charges from STPUD. Property owner would be responsible for the cost of the physical 6" water line installation plus the cost to connect to the STPUD main. The intertie would be closed with this option. Lukins and the California PUC would need to agree to this option. 4. Least expensive option:STPUD domestic and fire protection water provided directly to the Garfinkle property: One time STPUD domestic capacity charge for a 2" connection is currently$36,436. The one time fire capacity charge for a 6"fire line is $953.00. Property owner would be responsible for the cost of the physical water and fire line installations plus the cost to connect to the STPUD main. The ongoing quarterly service charges for a 2" connection are $479.70 for the base charge and $1.37 per one hundred -47- { $ � � cubic feet of water used. The intertie would be closed with this option. Lukins and the California PUC would need to agree to this option. 5. Leave the intertie open,with or without the "loop" restriction, and install a pressure trip � � valve at the intertie which would only operate if the pressure dropped to a preselected �' figure in the Lukins water system. The District does not have any adopted discount or � reduction built into its capacity charge structure to address the restriction provided by �. the trip valve. Due to the fact that the pressure drop could be caused by something � other than fire protection, staff would recommend the charge be equal to option #1, $409,907 for the 8" intertie connection. If the Board desired to entertain a fire only option for the intertie, and assume that the trip valve would only register during a fire event,the charge would be $147,566.52 for an 8"fire only connection.The ongoing 4 quarterly service charges would be equal to option #1.These fees would be charged to �` the Lukins Water Co. � 6. Same as option #1 but on a temporary pro rata basis. If Lukins assumes that his water � system will be upgraded in the near future allowing for improved fire flows, the Board �' may wish to entertain a temporary option allowing Lukins to pay 10%of the 8" capacity s charge annually until the improvements are complete and the intertie is closed. The � � _ District has agreed to similar arrangements in the past for temporary irrigation t connections but not domestic or fire.The ongoing quarterly service charges would be r, € equal to option #1. E �1 s � � t i " � > �' �, �. € i` i � w i i € � t 1 k —48— �; � a � General Manager Richard H.5olbrig y°�' , � ��/'1 r ,� � O� Directors � ChriS Cefalu James R.Jones ��' � � � � � Randy Vogelgesang f ub11c Ut�Iity C�r�tr�c-� KellySheehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow CreSt Orive�South Lake Tahoe•CA 9�150-7401 !'hone 530 54�4-6474•�ax 530 54t-0614•WWW.S"�1UG#.LtS BOARD AGENDA ITEM 6c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board MEETING DATE: March 7, 2013 ITEM-PROJECT NAME: Election Costs for Elections Held in Odd-Numbered Years REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Consider adoption of Resolution No. 2922-13 to the EI Dorado County and Alpine County Board of Supervisors changing District election cycle to even-numbered years to realize cost savings. DISCUSSION: The LTUSD (Lake Tahoe Unified School District) and LTCC (Lake Tahoe Community College) recently changed their election cycle to even-numbered years '', instead of odd-numbered years (as well as changing from at-large seats to five ' separate geographic trustee zones). As a result, the District is the only local agency remaining in the odd-year election cycle and will assume all associated costs instead of splitting it three ways. There are a few small districts in the Tahoe area that otentiall P Y could go to election in the odd-year elections; however, they are all "vote by mail precincts" and those districts often do not go to election. The District will be the only "polling place" district going to election in the odd-year election as the two other polling place districts (LTUSD 8� LTCC) have moved to even-year elections. This is new information received from the Registrar of Voter's office. A recent notification sent by their office informed us that, based on past expenses and division of costs, if only one district was on the ballot, costs to the District could triple. As an example given, the November 6, 2007, election was reviewed, and at the time the LTUSD, LTCC, and the District divided the costs three ways and each district paid $23,000 for consolidated election services. If the District was the only one on the ballot for that election, the cost would have been approximately $60,000. District elections are conducted pursuant to the Uniform District Election Law, Elections Code section 10404, which enables a change from odd to even years for its election. The Board of Directors may, by the adoption of a resolution, establish Board elections to regularly occur on the same date as the statewide general election. -49- � � � s March 7,2013 + Page 2 ;`; � k' If the District chooses to change the election cycle, the District is required to seek � F approval from all counties in which the District is located in, per the Elections Code. t As the District is located in more than one county, the District may not consolidate an � election if any county in which the District is located denies the request for � consolidation. Accordingly, a resolution will need to be submitted to both the EI x' Dorado County Board of Supervisors and the Alpine County Board of Supervisors within ` 240 days prior to the November election, which would be March l Ot", and because March l Oth is a Sunday, the Board needs to submit the resolution by March 8, 2013. � a � It is important to note that pursuant #o Elections Code section 10404, subdivision (i), F ` those members of the Board of Directors whose terms of office would have, prior to the � � adoption of this Resolution, expired prior to that election will, instead, continue in their t offices until their successors are elected and qualified. In no event, however, may the � term be extended beyond December 315f of the year following the year in which the District's request for consolidation is approved by the Board of Supenrisors. � � Upon the District's request to consolidate its election with those public entities during f even-numbered years, each board of supervisors is required to notify all districts located t with their respective county to consolidate and to request input from each district on � the effect of consolidation. The EI Dorado County and Alpine County elections officials � must prepare and transmit to their Boards of Supervisors an irnpact analysis of the � proposed consolidation, and the Boards of Supervisors for EI Dorado and Alpine County � must each individually approve the resolution within 60 days, unless it finds that the � change in election dates cannot be handled by existing voting materials. � � a Pursuant to the Elections Code, within 30 days after the approval of the resolution, the � EI Dorado County and Alpine County elections officials are required to notity all � registered voters of the districts affected by the consolidation of the approval of the � resolution by that coun#y's Board of Supervisors. The notice is to be delivered by mail � and at the expense of the District. � � r < � � SCHEDULE: Resolution to Board of Supervisors by March 8, 2013 � � COSTS: Approximately$60,000 � ACCOUNT NO: � � BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $20,000 � ATTACHMENTS: Resolution � t CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: General � D�) � GENERAL MANAGER: YES �l�0`1 NO � CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO ` � k � -50- � h . � � � • RESOLUTION NO. 2922-13 2 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CONSOLIDATING ODD-YEAR GOVERNING BOARD ELECTIONS 3 TO OCCUR ON THE SAME DATE AS EVEN-YEAR GENERAL ELECTIONS 4 5 WHEREAS, the South Tahoe Public Utility District ("District"j currently conducts Board elections on odd-numbered years pursuant to the Public Utility District Act; and 6 7 WHEREAS, voter participation could be greater, election costs lower, and election administration easier if Board elections were held in conjunction with state general g elections in November of even-numbered years; and 9 WHEREAS, District elections are conducted pursuant to the Uniform District Election 10 Law, including Section 10404, which enables a change from odd to even-numbered i years for its election; and 11 yyHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the District has determined that consolidation 12 with the statewide general election held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each even-numbered ear would re sult in a si nificant cost savi 13 Y g ngs to the Distri t• c an d , 14 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors may, by the ado tion of a resolution, establish P 15 Board elections to regularly occur on the same date as the statewide general election; and 16 �� WHEREAS, the District is located in EI Dorado County and Alpine County; and �g WHEREAS, pursuant to E�ections Code section 10404(h), if a special district is located in more than one county, the special district may not consolidate an election if 19 any county in which the special district is located denies the request for consolidation; 20 WHEREAS, the Board may submit such resolution to each county Board of 21 Supervisors not later than 240 days prior to the date of the cuRently scheduled election for Board members; and 22 WHEREAS, the next election for Board members is currently scheduled for Tuesday, 23 November 5, 2013, which requires the Board to submit this resolution to the EI Dorado 24 and Alpine County boards of supervisors by Friday, March 8, 2013, and 25 WHEREAS, under this resolution, the Board establishes that future Board elections shall regularly occur on the same day as the statewide general election; and 26 27 WHEREAS, consolidating Board elections to occur on the same day as the statewide general election, with the next Board election therefore occurring on 28 November 4, 2014, meets the requirements for the timing of the new election date specified in Elections Code section 10404, subdivision �b)(1); and 29 XXXX 30 -51- � ; � � � � � Resolution 2922-13 Page 2 ' �� 2 � 3' 3 � 4 � WHEREAS, pursuant to Elections Code section 10404, subdivision (i), those � 5 members of the Board of Directors whose terms of office would have, prior to the option � of this Resolution, expired prior to that election shall, instead, continue in their offices � 6 until their successors are elected and qualified, but in no event shall the term be �� 7 extended beyond December 31 of the year following the year in which the District's � request for consolidation is approved by the County Board of Supenrisors. _ 8 � WHEREAS, California Elections Code section 10404, subdivision (j), provides that if �: 9 the EI Dorado County Board of Supervisors and the Alpine County Board of Supervisors � 10 °pproves this Resolution, the District's election shall be conducted on the date � specified by the EI Dorado County Board of Supervisors and Alpine County Board of � 11 Supervisors. ` � s �2 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the District Board of Directors as follows: ; 13 �. That the above recitals are frue and correct. _ � 14 � 2. That the Board hereby consolidates its currently occumng odd-year elections for � 15 members of its governing board to occur regularly on the same date as � statewide general elections occurring in even-numbered years. � 16 � , 5 17 3. That the Board hereby requests the EI Dorado County Board of Supervisors and � the Alpine County Board of Supeniisors to approve consolidation of the South � �g Tahoe Public Utility District Board elections to the dates of the statewide general � elections, with the first such election to occur on November 4, 2014. � 19 � 4. All dates and procedural requirements of such election shall be consistent with � 20 , the primary of or general election with respect to nominations, notices, canvass 21 of votes, cerfification of election and all procedural requirements of the Elections � Code pertaining to the primary of general election. � 22 � 23 5. This resolution shall be submitted for approval to the EI Dorado County Board of � Supenrisors and the Alpine County Board of Supervisors no later than 240 days � 24 prior to the date for the next currently scheduled District election. � � � 25 6. That the Board further requests the EI Dorado County Board of Supervisors and the � Alpine County Board of Supervisors to authorize and direct their individual county � 26 elections officials to provide related services such as public notices concerning � 27 consolidation of the District's Board elections. � F 28 � XXXX � 29 � � 30 � -52- � � � � t, �' � Resolution 2922-13 Page 3 2 3 WE,THE UNDERSIGNED, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing resolution 4 was duly and regula�ly adopted and passed by the Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District at a regular meeting duly held on the 7th day of March, 2013, 5 by the following vote: 6 AYES: 7 NOES: ABSENT: 8 9 Eric Schafer, Board President 10 11 ATTEST: �2 Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 � 20 21 22 23 24 25 , 26 27 28 29 30 -53- PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL March 7, 2013 Payroll 2/19/13 425,433.61 Total Payroll 425,433.61 ADP & Insight eTools 1,421.80 AFLAC-claim payments and fees 1,843.30 � American Express 3,272.40 ( Bank of America 0.00 BBVA Compass Bank 507,629.55 , BNY Mellon Trust Company 0.00 i BHFS legal services 0.00 �I CDS-health care payments 71,843.05 � Union Bank 0.00 Total Vendor EFT 586,010.10 _ Accounts Payable Checks-Sewer Fund 185,292.89 Accounts Payable Checks-Water Fund 70,787.74 Accounts Payable Checks-Self-funded Insurance 2,713.50 Accounts Payable Checks-Grants Fund 0.00 Total Accounts Payable 258,794.13 Grand Tota/ 1,270,237.84 Pavroll EFTs � Checks 2/19/13 EFT CA Employment Taxes & W/H 16,652.10 � EFT Federal Employment Taxes & W/H 92,573.35 EFT CaIPERS Contributions 78,960.64 EFT Great West Deferred Comp 21,317.00 ` EFT Stationary Engineers Union Dues 2,546.54 EFT United Way Contributions 160.00 EFT Employee Direct Deposits 207,893.57 CHK Employee Garnishments 1,252.58 CHK Employee Paychecks 4,077.83 Total 425,433.61 -55- �. � ° � � � � � � � � � ' €` V' V1 �D t� oo O� O �• N R a � 7 � � � � � � O O O O O O O O O E�: O O O O O q Op.� O O �. 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EW—� �.�� � v� ¢ w � W > 3 �iw � -68- � F" € �: , 4 6eneral Manager Richard H.Solbrig � � • 1850 • �� Director5 O �� � �� ChriS Cefalu �� ��� James R.Joney -�- a�: r r r � � RandyVogelgesang ' I�U I��I C U�t�I��/ C�f 5t�'I G� Kelly 5heehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Gr�eSt Drivoe•5auth Lake Tahoe•CA 96150-7405 1'hone 530 54�4-6474•�ax 530 541-0614•www.5tpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14a TO: Board of Directors E FROM: Tim Bledsoe, CustomerService Manager MEETING DATE: March 7, 2013 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct legal counsel. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: EI Dorado County Superior Courf Case SC20120227 GRCLT Condominium vs. South Tahoe Public Utility District. SCHEDULE: ' COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -69- S General Manager Richard H.Solbrig �".�„�,_r..__.• "'ai � Director5 U�� �/�' P Chris Cefalu o h V� ��,./ JameS R.Jones -..� � . � , � Randy Vogelgesang ;� �u bl�c Ut�I�ty D 15tr�ct Kelly 5heehan Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow GreSt Drive•South take Tahoe•CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 54-4--6474•Fax 530 541-0614•wwwstpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: March 7, 2013 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing iitigation: Fa1se Claims Act Case: United States, the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and Tennessee and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J-M Manufacturing Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. ED CV06-0055-GW, United States District Courf for the Central District of California. 'II i SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES � NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -71- General Manager Richard H.5oibrig � � ��r � � Directors � � ChriS Cefalu o �h T James R.Jones h � �� Randy Vogelge5ang •�'- :�.: p �]f�/^ • � • � Kelly 5heehan � ' 1 �V I�V Ut�lity D�Str�ct EricSchafer i 1275 Meadow CreSt Drive•South Lake Tahoe�CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474•Fax 530 541-Of 74•www.stpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Manager/Engineer MEETING DATE: March 7, 2013 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct Staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the Cali#ornia Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. BC459943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J-M Manufacturing, et al. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: II CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES �i NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -73-