HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 09-06-12 �0�;'�!i 7?qy�� � Ey _ �= @ I , 'bGsacr.er.� �s5o>.. .rl�``G'� ,.����.u7'��trY p�s�¢� , , ._ _ . - : . , ._ '� S4UTH TAHQE PUBLIC UT�LITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD M��TING AGENDA Thursday, September 6, 2012 2:00 P.M. � District Boqrd Room i ! 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe; Gqlifornia ' Richard Solbri , Generaf Mana er Paul Sciuto, Assisfan# General Ntana er Eric W_Schpfer, President BOARD MEMBERS �Jam.es R. Jones, Vice Presid�nt ; Chris Cefalu, Director Rand Va el esan , birector K�IE 5heehan, Director i i I 1. CALL TO ORDER R�GULAR MEETING -- PEE�GE OF ALLEGIANCE i i I 2. COMM�NTS fROM THE AUDf�NC� �7his is an oppor�unity for rnembers o#fhe pubEic to address ths Board � an any short non-agenda items that are wit�in the subject mat#er jurisdict3on of the District. No discussion or , action can be taken on matters no#li5fed on the ag�nda, per the Brown Act.Each member of the public who ''�, wishes to comment 5hali be allottEd five min�tes, and no more than three indi�iduals shall acidress the same '�� subject.) � 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA 4R CONSENT CAEENDAR (Forpur�oses of the Brown Act, alI Action pnd Consent items listed give a brief description of each i#em of business to be#rar�sacted or discussed. ; Recommendations of the staff,as shown, da not pre�en#fhe Board from taking pther pction.J I 4. ADOFTION 4F CONSENT CALENDAR (Ar,y item can �e removed to be discussed and considered separately�pan request.Comments and questions fror� memf�ers of the public,sfiaff or Board can be taken I when the cor�-iment does nof necessitate separate action.� � 5. CONSEN� ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SFPARATE DISCUSSI�N ACTION S. PR�SENTATION : a. C-Line Hydraulic Power Generation feasibility A��aly�is ; (Ivo Bergsohn, District Hydrogeologist; �Tim Taylor, P.E., Carollo��ngineers) ; 7. ITEMS F�R BOARD ACTION ___ __ REQUESTED BOARD ACTION i � a. ASSOCiation of California Water Agencies/ Appoint Or�e Boa�d Member and � Pg.55 Joint Powers irts�rance Authority �ACWA/JPfA) Two Alfiernates fio the ACWA/JPIA ' (Nancy Hussmanr�, Numan Resources Direcfor} Board of Directors b. Customer Satisfaction Survey Approve Contract with lv��ta Pg.57 (bennis Cocicing, Disfrict Infarmation Officer} Research, In•C., in an Amount Ranging from $33,500 to $46,400 (Final price depends on survey options selected) _ _ _. _ - - ...................................... .... _ __ -_ __ - __ __ _ '' R�GULAR BOARD M��TfNG AGENDA-SEPTEMB�R G, 20i 2 PAGE-2 c. Liabilifiy Claim Against STPUD Received from Consider Claim in Accordance with Pg.6� GRCL7 Coridominium, Inc. Government Code 8]0, et seq. , (Tm Bledsoe, Manager of Customer 5ervice) d. Payment ofi Claims Approve Payment (Payment ot ciaims P9•�� will be provided prior to,and at the Board ' me�ting) � 8. BOARD MEMBER SFANDING COMMfTTEE REPORTS j (Discussions mpy take place; how�v�;r, no action will be taken) ; a. Water& Wastewater�Operations Committee Meetir�g of 09/a4/12 (Jones/Vogelgesang ) � 9. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS {Discus�ions may#ake place; however, no action wifl be tak�n.� I � ZQ. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEY4R REPRESENTATIVES itEPORT � � 17. GEN�RAL MANAG�R REPOR'� S (Discussions may take place; however, no action wilf be taken.� ; I 12. STAFF !ATTORNEY REPORTCS] (Dis�cussions ma�take place; I�owever, no actior�will be taken.) a. Coun�ry Club Sewer Repair Update �Paul Sci�to} b. Trea#men� Plant Updafie (Paul Sciut�) � c. Washoe Tr�be Response to Commen#s:S�Plifl �ecy�fed Water facilities Master Plan �i Environm�nt lmpact Report Draft Addendum-Ju1y 2012 (Brad Herr�ma) � 13. NOTiCE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS EVENTS Past Meetin s �vents 09/04/12-Water and W�s#ewater�Operation5 Commitfiee Meeting a� Dis�rict Future Meetin„qs I Events — 3 09/1 1/12-9:OQ a.m.-STPUD Spe�cial Board Meeting at Districf ' 09/12/l 2- 10:00 a.m. - EI Dorac�o Cour�ty Water Agency Board Meeting at District � 09/i 7/12-3:30 p.m.-Water and Vb`astewrter�Oper�ations Committee Meeting at District 09/19/12-8:00 a.m. -�CC (Employee Communications Committee) Mee�ing at District �; Q9/20/12-2:00 p.m. -STPUD Regular Board meeting € 14, ClOSED SESSION (The Board will adjourn to Closed Sessian fo discuss items identified below. Closed Session is not open fip the pubfic; however, an opportunity will be provided af this fiime if members of the public would I�fce to comment on any item listed.�fhree minu�e fimif.) a. Pursuant to Govemmen� Code Section 5�9�6.9(b}/Liability C1aim Against STPUD � Pg.�3 ReceEVed from GRC�T, Condominium, Inc. 15. ACTION REpORT ON IT�MS DISCUSSED DfJRING CLOSED SESSiON �6. ADJOURNMENT (�o the next regufar m.eeting, September 20, 2012, at 2:00 p.m.J � ' ��u-�H r,ayQ` � , � � ; �,� � �" �mi: I � . A{� wer�' 7954" Wg � . � . � �<<�Ul'ILI7Y 4���, , , _ .::- , ' CONSENT CAI.ENDAR �� SEPT�MBER 6, 2012 ETEMS REQU�STED ACTlON � a. GIS Devefo�ment Approve Tasfc Order No. 17 to Arete � Pg. 1 {Wanda Stanley,GIS Specialist) Sysfiems in the Amount of$39,930 I I b. 2010 Filter �2ehabilitatio� Project (1� Approve Change Order No. 3 to Pg. �i (Julie Ryan,Senior�ngineer} •ERS f�dUStriql ServiCes, in the Amount , of $1,941.18 c. Computer Equipment for Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Aufihorize Purchase ofi Budgeted 3 Pg.2T (Cl�ris 5kelly, Network/i'elecam 5ystems Adr-r�inistrafior) Computer� and Equipment in the ' Estimated Amoun# of $61,3Q0 i (including tax) d. Asphait Patch Paving Award Bid �o the Lowest R�espor�sive, ':. Pg.25 (Randy Curtis,Manager of Field 4pera#ions} Responsible Bidder, D8�L Pavit�g, fr1C., � in the�Es#�mated Amount of $43,463.50 1 e. USDA Sewer Speciaf Use Permit (1) Authori�e Execution of the USfS Pg.29 (Paul Sciuto, Assistanf General Manager/Engineer) Master Sewer Use Permit and Sign the Permit Pending Minor Changes ; Made During Staff Review; and {2) Authorize Paym�nt of the Yearly Renta! and Permit Fee in �he Amount � of$41,216.1 fl f. 2004 Sewer Debt Refunding Approve Resolution No. 2917-12 Pg.29 {�au� �ugt,es,chiet�inanciai officer) Authorizing and Direc�ing �he � - Executior� of ar� Installment Sale ; A�greeme�t wit� Public �'roperty � Fir�ancing Corporation of California ; for the Purpose of Refinancing � Was#ewater Improvemen#s and � Authorizing and Approving Related Documenfs and Actions (Back�p to this ` i#em #o be �rovided prior to, and at the Board mee#ing) �� __ ___ --- -__ _ , CONSENT CALEI�dAR--SEPT@MBER G, 2012 PAGE-2 g. Regular Board Meeting Minutes: Approve Minutes pg. a� August 1 fi, 2012 ; {Kathy Sharp,Clerk of the Board} i , ' f � � I I I �he Sovth Tahoe Public Uiility District Board of Directors regularly meet5 the first and f�ird Thursday of each month, A compfete agenda ppcke�,including all backup information is available for review pfi the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m.-3:Q0 p.m.,Monday thfough Friday. A recording of the meeting is retained for 30 i days aff�r minufes of ihe meeting f�ave been approved. Items on this agenda are numf�ered for idenfificpfion purposes only ancE will not necessariiy be�onsidered in the order in which they appear on fihe agenda. Designaied times are for particular item�only. Public Heprings will not be called to order prior to the#ime specified, bu�may occur slightiy Ipter than fihe specified time. i I Public parficipation is encouraged. Public comments on iterns appearing on the agenda will be iaken at the sarr�e time � #he agendcs iterns are heard; comments should be brief and directed#o the specifics of t�e item being considered. Please provide the Clerk of#he Soard with a copy of afl wri#ten material presented at the meeting. Comments on iter�s not on tl�e agenda�an be heard during "Comm�nts from fhe Audisnce^' however, action cannot be taken on items not on th�;agenda. ; 1. Backup materials refating to an open s�ssion item on this agenda,which are not included wit�#he Board packef,wifl i be made available for public inspection at the same fime they are disiributed or made available#o the Board, and i ca��e�iewed at the Distric#office, at the Board meefing,and upon request to fhe�Clerk af the Board. I7he meeting location is accessible to people with disabilitiss. Every reasonable effort wiEl be made to accommodate f participa#ion of the disabled in all of the Distric#'s public meetings. ff par�icular accommodations are needed, please contact the Clerk of the Board afi j�30J 544-b474, extension 6203. AI! inquiries must be made a# least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. - Sou#h Ta�oe Public Utility District■ 1274 Meadow Crest �rive ■South LakE Tahae, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.f,474■ F�cs�mile 530.54�.0614•wwwst ud.us p I i I � Rlchard H.5olbrig � 1 � f F •,"` Director5 ' � � GhriS Cefalu �� � �� James�.JoneS ..►"`-• ��"` t ��^j [►f'� � r � / r r Ranc�y Vogefge5ang �G�V �i�,J � �,/��� i.r`V ���,/����j Ef Ke[Ey Sheehan ��t Eric Schafer , , i27�Mea�ow Cr���[�rVive��au�l��a�Tahae•�9�31�?-7�'t ! � �o�re a���4-� • �, 7� �x 53Q�[-��Q�T� t�t. � .u� � BOARD AG�NDA ITEM 4❑ I I r�� Board of Direcfiors j �ROM: Wa�da Stanfey, GIS Specia�ist � , MEETING DATE: Sep�ember b, �O1� 1TEM-PROJEC'� NAME: G!S Support Services R�QUESTED BOARD ACTtON: Approve�asfc Order No. i 7 fo Ar��e Sysfems ir� the amount of$39,930 � DISClJSSION: This Tas�C flrder includes 8 separate fasks related to fhe supporf, use, and !, developmenfi of�h� District's GfS system and refated systems including ESRf ArcGIS, Mair�tenance Cortnection, In#raMap, Inf�Wat�r, and the Disfirict's GPS program. ;I Anfiicipated tasks are de�aifed in the attached Scope o�Work and include fihe ' fiollowing:Tasic 1 -GIS Suppar#: On-ca[f tee�r�ical support and fraining; ArcGlS Server � 8asic administrafiion s�p�ort, ArcGIS i 0.] upgrade supporf; ArcG1S 3 0.1 SP i fnsfiall/setup; I ArcGIS Third-party extensions periodic upgrades,Task 2-Gf5 Edi�ing and Data Model Maintenance:On-call �ES data edifing; Mcrp Baofe produc#ia� svpport; F! DaradQ ' Gour�ty parcei updates, Minor Dafa Model rnodifications; Cusfiom fiool maintenar►ce and minor modifcations� Infrastruct�rre Ne�work�difi�r�g tools cor���uration a�d support; ? Task 3-�IS �nhancem�nts: Add photo eapabifities to GeoDa�abase;Task 4-General GPS s�pport: On-call GPS �echnica! support; Updat�e GPS Firmware; Update GPS Operqting Systern, Tasfe 5- �SI�[ Licer�sin� for�v4uni�ipal UtilifiEes Cos�-Ber�etit Analysis;�asE; 6--Ma�ntenance Co�r��efian Supporf: On-call integrer#ion support; Updafe/Rename water Faciiify IDs to refl��t pressure zor�es;Task 7.-infratt±lap Support; Qr�-call integration support; Confgure for leafc-frace isalation crnal sis;Tasfc 8- fr�foWafier su art of fihe Y PP h draulic modelir� s y . g ystem and i�tegra#ion with the GIS. � SCHEDULE: EJpon Board approvql. Service� #hrough June 30, 2013 COS�S: �39,93Q � ACC4ilN�' NO: 2029-8]2Q�GlSS�1"-CSLT I BUDGETED AMOUNi' R�MAiNiNG: $56,404 E � ATTACHMENTS: Scope of lNork, Cosf�sfiimate,�'ask Order No. 17 C4NCURRENCE WITH REQUESIFD ACF[ON: CATEGORY: VYater&Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: Y�S � NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: Y�S N4 � � -�y I � ,��. ,.._..�.�.,�.� :�.;,�;�,.�.�, .. . �:� �:;� F �. �� . � � � -, , .. ��'` 220 Alamo A�e. , _ _ �. :�. 5anta Cruz, CA 95460-3002 , . 831-42�-0772 � i Ms.Wanda Stanley South Tahoe Public ut�ity District ! 1275 M�adow Crest Dr. ; Sa�eth La�ce Tahoe CA 96150 �' , 2 August�012 I Dear Ms.Staniey: i, As requested,please find attached a proposal far Geagraphic Information Systern � consutting services for fhe 20I2-2013 fiscal year. , Iaf you have any q�estions regarding this proposaI,please do not hesitate to call Fne at � 831-4�0-0772. , Sineerely, �+� � k�^ '�� _-.�*� p , . 9 ,. +��� Alexand�r M.Johnson,P:E. .� . �, Enel: �cope af Work ', Cost�sti�iat� � � � � � � � i , i � I � -3- I � � Soufh 7`�hae Public Utilif District ' � Fisca� Year 20'!2-20'�3 . ' Geographic Informa#ion Systems Ser�ices Scope_of Work in#roduc#ion I ' The South Tahoe P�biic Utility District(S'TPUD}maintains a Geographic Infarxnation '� System{GZS)to assist i�.the managem�ent of its wastewater colleetion and water distrib�tfion facilities.'1'k�e intent of th�is task order as to provide consulting and support services ir�.the cantinued use and developz�ent af th�Distri.ct's syste:m. Anticipated tasks ; �this effort are outlined below. ; Task 1. GlS Support ;, ,E Contractor wi1l provide general support to Distric��or the�naintenance and modifications '� o�'its GIS systems.Anticipated tasks include: I, I.1 Qn-cali technical su ort anil trainin , Services as re,quested by the GIS manager or the Dis�rict System Administra.tor. These activiries may be accomplisl�ed over the phone ; on on-site as requested by the Distric�. 1.2 ArcGI �erver Basie Arc�DE adm.i�iistration su ort. This wiil inc�ude general ; system adm�nistra�ion taslcs such as managing user permissior� and traubleshooting '� cQnnection problems. 1.3 ArcGIS 10.� u ae su ort.Assist the disfrict in upgrading i�s ArcGIS Desktop and Server insta.liation5 frozr�version �0.0 to version 10.1. This wil!includ�u�grading,a t�st Desktop systems and verifying campatibility wit�.the Distriet's various softv�are extensions and custom toals.AxcGIS Server vviil up upgraded in.co�sultation wi�i the ; District's database server administratio�.team. The upg�ades will be irnplemented upon the release of ArcGIS 10.1 and as direct�d by the District GIS manag�r. . 1.4 Arc�'rIS� 10.I SP1 installl etu' . As�iat the�3isi�ict in upgz�adi.ng Desl�op computers and the GIS server to AarcGIS 10.1 SP1. This will include upgrading a test Desktop , sys�ern and verifying comparibiiity with the Distnict's various software e�tensions and ' custom toals. i.5 ArcG�S Third- extensions eriodic u es. .A.�sist the District in.maintaining curreni versions and patc�Ievels of their third-party extensions to ArcGI� Das�top. These will be applied tl�roughout�e year as nece�sary,as directed by the District GYS ! managex. . ` , i � i _�... � '--- _ _ _ _ , _ _ __ __ - - ......... ....... .. _ _ _ _ _...... . _ -- _ ' Task 2, GIS �Eal�fing and Data Model Mainfenance Contractor witl assi�t District staff wi�h GIS editing taslcs,and will make modifications and updates to the District's G�S database structure as necessary as directed by the � District GZS manager.Anticipated activiries i�ctude; 2.1 On-calI GIS data editin . Contractor will provide on-call GIS editiz�g services as requested by the Dxstrict. ', 2_2 Map Book�roduction sup�ort_Provide support to the District��ing�e atuival ' produc�ion of Sewer and Water grid rnap boaks. �.� El Dorado County�arcel- u�s Assist the District dur�g the az3nual update of the Ei Dorado County parcei base layer. 2.�Minor Data Mode1 modifications Make z�.odifications to the Water/Wastewater and/ar Treat�ent Plant GTS c�ata structures as rec�uested by tt�e District. Examples of mixior modi fica�ions that may be requested include creating a new FeatureClass,adding vaiues to a FeatureClass Domain,adding/modifying FeatureCIass subtypes, etc. ! �.5 Custom tool rna�z�tenan�e and ininor rnodifications. Maintain and/ar�nodify the District's custorn geoprocessing taols as xequ�sted, These tools are used for integration with the 1Vlaintenance Connection CMMS,the Springbrook G�stomer Billing system,and � ! other District systems. T�ae taols are devetoped using the Python language a:nd the AtrcGIS Geoprocessing sit�pacl�a:ge, as wel�as the ArcG�S Model Builder envu�ozunent. 2.G Tn£rastracture Nehvairk Edi�in tools confi ration an su ort. The Infrastructure � ` l�ietwark Editiz�g tools az�ea set of ArcGIS ed.iting workflows,tools and tooIbars£or ' � ` ma�#aui�ng water and sewer utility data. The tooIs are configured througk�a set of ta6les stored in the geodatabase,ancl through a se�o#'�.nnL configuration files. Th�contractor vsriil assist the Distri.ct in managing the configuration of the Infrasf,ructure Network , Editing tool, at the requeste�.of the GIS Manager. Task 3. GIS Enhncemenfs � 3.i Add hoto c abili 'es ta GecrDatabase. After complefion of ttie upgrade of the �� Distric�'s GIS sys�ems to version �0.i,the contractor will enable the atYac�zx�.ent ; functionality for selected featureclas�es�the geodatabase. Tlie selectivn a� � featureelasses wzlI be made by the GXS Mana�er, in consultataon uFith the co�tractor. '' Contz�actor wiil enable attachments, and wilt set appropriate per�issions ta allow GYS editors ta mar�age the attachments. ; Task 4. General GPS Support Con�ractvx will assast District staff wi�h thei�G�S survey program. Th�District currently uses two Trimbl�GeoExplorsr XH 3000 and twa GeoExpTvrer XH 5000 units vcrith exteinal antenz�as and ather peripherals, and uses the Trimble ArcGIS extensions for C'rP� data�nanagement and processing.Anticipated activi�ies incfude: �.Z On-call G�'S technical su ort. Services as requested by the GIS manager. These activities may be acco�nplished over the phane on on-site as requested, and may inelude � -5- _ _ _. _.. ___ _ configurahan o��e units,tcoubleshaoting the GP,� data workflow,modification af tl�e vc+�orkflow,tra.ining of GPS users, or other GPS-specif.�c tasks. 4.2 U date GPS Farmware. LTpdate fu�nware on up to two{2)Di�trict GP�units. The ', � GPS devices may be the T�imble GeoExplorer XH 3000 of GU00 uz►its. They will upgraded to t�e most current Trimble firanware�for that unit,at the directian of�he GIS Manager. 4.3 U date GPS O eratin S stem. Upgrade fihe operating system on�o two(�,)Distiict GPS units tio the current Windows Mohiie operatin.g system. Tl�e GPS deviees ma�be�he Trimble GeoExplarer XH 30Q0 of b000 units. They wzll be upgraded as recornmended by the GPS manu�acturer,at the di�ection.af the GIS Manager. Task 5. ESRI Licensing for Municipa! U�ilities Cosf Benefit , Anatysis � � ESRI has a ne�v licensing opt�on fnr small mwaaicipat�tilities that m.ay provide the Dist�rict with rrxore GIS capabiIities fvr similar costs to the current licensing options. Contractor wiIl research the new lic�nsing options, and�rovide the District a cost-bene�t i analysis comparing the new licensing aptions to the elcisting licensing implementation. 5.� Cost-benefit anaI sis. In coordinat�o�with the District GXS xnanager,Contractor will research the licensing options for ESRI soflware available to the District. Can�ractor will , prepare a cost-benefit analysis for the available lic�ns�g op�ions, identifying capitat II eosts, implementation costs,ongoing casts,software capabilities,and integration capatiili�ies fox the various ESR�software licensing options. Specific enha:z�:;ced GIS �capal�ilities to consider include ArcGIS for Server capabili�ies(web-enabled GIS), ir�creased software fi�zictionaiity, increased ease of integration,and incr�ased � productivity. i , Task 6. 1�laintenance Connectr'on Support Contractar wiil assist�e D�sti-i.ct wi�t�e xnaintenance an.d enhancement of systems used to in�egrate the GI�with tbe Ivlaintenance Connection A.sset Management system. 6.1 On-call ir�te ratian su ort.�ervices as requesfied by th.e GIS iV,Ianager and CM1VI� Manager. Tbase aenvities may be ac�omplished over the phone on on-site as requested, � and may incIude consulting on systeFn�ntegration issues,adjustmen�t to system ; integration tools and scripts, a�.d other int�gration tas�s. f.2 U date/Rename water Facili IDs to reflec� ressure zones. Contractor wi11 generate new�ni.que FacilztyIDs for the water ass�ts mana ed in the GIS,that inco arate tl�e g �P ressure zone into t� P e naming scheme(suny.lar to the sewer dramage basins �n the wastewater z�anageme�t system). The layer5 for this renaming a.re the wPressurfzedlVfain and wSystemValve iayers..The naming sche�ne will be developed.in coorclination v�vith � j tI�e GZS manager and the CMMS manager. Cantxactor will rename�Iie feafures; update � the GTS with the new FacilityIDs using a sepa��te database version; and will provide the Di�trict a tab�e cross-referenci�g the new and.oId FacilitylDs. j -6- � __ _ _ _... __ - ______ -__ Ta�k 7, infraMap Support ', Contra.ctor will assist the Distriet with#�e on-going vse o�inf�aMap for accessing t1�e G�S. i 7.1 O�-catl inte ation su ort. Services as requested by the GIS rnanager, in support of 1 GIS acc�ss by the infraMap system. These acrivxties may be accomplished over the phone ', on an-siC�e as.requested.Activiities may include consul�ang o�system integra�ion issues, adjustment to system in�egra�ion tools and scr�pts,an.d other integratzon tasks. . 7.2 Confi e for leak-trace isolaho�.anal sis. Con.tractor will worie with the GI� manager to s��apgropriate sources andlor sinks in the�vater geomeixic n:etwork.'The networ�flow clirections wiIl then be coinpufied,and synch�onized with the geodata.base re lica used b the infraM r y a�mstalZat�ons. Contractar will assist t�e infraMap sys�em ; manager wifih eonfiguring infra�ap to use the buii�-in tools for leak-trace isoloation j analysis in the fiel�. Task 8. InfoWa�er support � � Contractor wiil assist the District wi�h GIS-specific issues invoived in t�e on-going water � distribu�ion system aptimization project. Specificaliy, contractor will assist in the � implementat�on af the InfoWa€er hydraulic modeling systexn, ant�its integraEion with the �I G�S. �� 8.1 O�-calt inte ation sn ort. Services as xequested by the GIS manager.Th�se ' , activities may be accnmplished over#he phone on an-site as req�ested.Acti�vities may iriclude consulti.ng on syst�m integration issues and interfaee with ti�e consuitant creat�g • the'hydraufie madel. 1 i '! i 1 j 3 i � i I � � i I -�]^ , e ' N ', 3 � S i � � � I � � O • L O � _ 4 b pi j v ' - . �, c c°it � i 6 p F C i i i � . 9 - V a `�' �� m � v �n�' � d m - II� . '°cu --� ro m �� m '�a o a e �:: o `o ° ' E t� 9 w n m a q � I �na � m mW N . . . 0 0 n Q � N a' S � ?W G O 6� 0 O O 6. 0 4 O O O O- a o 0 A � m iV N n PI �o �G m � 6 v f+l b M a o � � a°$oo a° °$°a °o� °o°o°o °o °a°o °o°o � � . �I � y�N� N.O G CG� �4 OC � I P � n � a - « g` oS$oo oa°8°o ° ooS o oS aa o q O NY O C 0 �'O O G ��9 4 O � C J 'ay 4�9 nym(mV N NN'. a0 N O �m 1(� .'1 �N N tll • n O H W �N N pp N I 0 c � � . � °o°o°� O O O 8 a o °°° o ° o � OOO o �00 o p � avrYio�o Y'ad � � oo e o . ' f�O��W 4�0 COmN N N� i0 �O �f0 N M . I O y N y O� � p � � . ~ .. ............. ........ ... ................�. � I G . � 0 4 pO� S S�a o p O o 0 o O aO O o a O Q 17 ��O ne+� �ON o0 00. A N60� N� fl� 00. ^ yYaD fV b 41 �- M W jp �m w w �o �� I � +'r 4: M. � � s , � c c � � � 0 r a „ � 9 H y G � td/� � ' �N � N � N a � � p A v � � ° env �� 5 ° �� � � �� n � '� c �s y Y u v�i ' o yp a i i V � E'N G� Itl . I c� �� � �u � N Y E R `w m N p y ... � � o �E Y� .e r"`a E c & � Y A � p a �bo.,t c r.�� a = p f,'p y H v, f ' =7� � � t.3 g R 7 a LL p Ny p � . �ei �C q� 9 y.0 U-�� �m E 'V z�y U O ��v�� � 4 0.g°y°a� � u'v°1 �'" 4� e� » d � ?. ���a '3 a a�a2 ro. �-5N �m e�'ia v oR �`o F ' y s v��� AO�O a`O� c �� „�,'�° CpY E � �� r � y�+ �� Gut °�o� �+'0+ "�yua` a L°'° e. o a� f- . . (ry� - �,�ni.°..°��M �17p�m oo hi3�a�i ��c oSC c� 7c � . - O~ VI� - ��� n (7 p� VINN� - E �at - F y �...,.,. ,C m� e� c 0.^I-i0 �a e-� IN`a' "� C7 �Y�L'��i " � p°°h .cn ��n�n u" z`.�v :'e i'9, 447 . F R . y Na4QQQ y9jO�clu U� y�j Q �01,7 L9 "�U �07 �EO U W p �"m . '" E �N,-i tn V N �..N M V fn��p Vj''+ fl,-� en .y �M N A.-i N �.a ��' ��.. �nini n �ri �vaa W�n ��u�e �-nn NW � y h•� ri i•i a ui �n r: a7 ' �O � ti,� I --8— _- -_ ........ _.._._. __ i ARET� SYSTEMS , TASK�RDER NO. 97 '� CONSULTING S�RVICES �I This Agreement is made and entered into as of the�th day of Ju1y 20�2 b �nd between South ; Y : Tahae Public Utility Qisfrict, hereinafter r�ferred to as "DISTRtCT" and ARETE SYSTEMS, ' hereinaft�r referred to as "CONSULTANT". In cor�sid�ra�ion of the mut�a� pramises,cavenants, and conditians as addressed in the Master I. A�reement dated July 15`, 2007 and as sp�ci�ically hereiriafter set forth, t�e parties da hereby i� agree as follows: '' I. PURPQSE i The purpase of this Task Order is for Geographic (nformat'ran System consultir�g � services far the 2Q1�-2013 fiscal year. ! � 2. scoP� o� woRK � The items of work include: CIS Suppork of technicaf on-ca!{; Administration; ArcGiS j '�'0.1 upgrade; ArcGlS 10.1 SP1 instal.1/setup; ArcGIS Third-party ext��sion periadic upgrades; G!S Editing and l7ata Model Maintenance; GIS Fnhancements to add photo , capabilities to the GeoDatabase; General G�S Sup�ork; Maintenance Connec�ion � Support; �n€raMa{� Support; ar�d InfoWater Sup�ort. 3 3. STAFFING Staffing wiil be under the dir�e�ion of Alexander �of�nson, P.�., Principal. CQNSULTANT shail not change staf�ir��wi�hou�approval by DISTRICT. Any changes shall provide for eq�ivalent qualifications as far as �ossibf� and prac�ical. �� 4. T1ME 4F PERFORMANCE � , i I T�e work items will be performed b�twee�Ju1y T, 2D12 and June 30, �Oi 3. . 5. PAYMENT ! Payment to CONSULTANT f�or services per�ormed under this Task Order shal l be at a rat� of$105.00 per hour for the GIS/Database Architect rate and $80 per hour for the ; G!S Analyst rate. Ar�y oth�r staff will be charged ir� accordance wit�t CONSULTANT'S ; fee schec�ule for the person assigned to thie �roject task. Tf�e costs for thfs Taslc Order are r�ot to exceed $39,930 excep#as pravided in Article IV of�he Master Agreement. -9- i __ _ __ _ _ - -- -- - ', b. LABOR CODF I�E UIR�MENTS All State of California prevailing wage laws mus�be camplied with in#he per�ormance of worfc r�fated to t�ais Tas�C Order. These inelucfe, but are not �imi�ed to, Labar Coc�e S�ctions 1720 t�rough 186�. I 7. ��FECTfVE DAT� , This Tas�C Qrder No. 17will become effective upon �xecution by both parties and shalE � serve as a Notice to Proceed upon execution by Distric�. 1 � � IN WITI�ESS WHER�QI=, this Agreement is executed by the Ger�eral Manager and Clerk of fhe Board of the Sot�t� Tahoe Pt�blic Utility District, and CONSULTANT #�as caused �his Agreemer��to be executed the day and year�irst above written. � SeptembEr b; 201� ' Richard 5olbrig, Genera! Manager � 3 � S4UTH TAHQE PUBLfC UTILITY DISTRlCT I � I � . Se term�er fi, 20i 2 ; Al�xander)ohnson, p.E., Principal ' Arete Systems , � , . � � , i � � � --�.o- ..... ....... ... _ _ __ - - ', General Manager ', .�-��_,,,� Richard H.5olbrig • ��} • �'`� '� i � �� � �� pirectars Chrss Cefalu I ,�ames t2.JvneS , ������.✓ � [/t�f V� ��� L+�E ��..1 V t�andy Vogelge5ang Kelly 5heehan '� Eric 5chafer '���J I1��OW��pN"�1lG��LI���'���'f43B��:��'��JQ-7�� Pho�e 530 5�4�-F,x4���-•�x�3C3 5410�'Iq-*w�vw��p�d,us i � BOARD AGENDA iTEM 4b 70: Board of Direcfors '' FR4M: Jufie Ryar�, Senior�ngir�eer � MEETING DA'fE: September b, 2012 tTEM- PROJECT NAME: 2010 fiiter�ehabilitafion Project E REQtIEST�D BOARD AC7'lON: (i J App�ove Change Order No.3 to ERS Industrial �enrices, 'I in t�e amoun�of$1,941.]8; (2j Approve fihe Parfia! Closeout Agreement and Re[ease of Clcrims; and (3) Authorize staff fio file a Partial Noti�e ofi Complefion with the �I Dorado County Clerfc. , DISCI�S510N: Change Order No. 3 addr�sses one work item thaf is beyond the scope of the �onfiract: � • � , �} During testing of the pressure reducing vafve that ERS lndusfrial Services (�RS�; ' instq!(ed to regufate bacfcvvash supply for�he Filters, ifi was discovered �ha�ti�e vafve would not open within the al[otfed time for backwash. The Con#ract did nof specify ar� allo�vable fime tQ reqch full flow. �'he val�e was modified fio speed up the op�ning fime by adding a secondary pilof s�stern #or a lump sum additio�tql cost of$1,94i.�8. E Staff recomrrmends that the 8oard approve Change Order No.3. Wifh$43,440.74 ir� Chq�►ge �rders approv�d previousfy, this Change Order No.3 brings the contract tofal fo $90$,578.2�. The Er�ginee�'s Estimat��or construction was $1,150,000. E�S has compfetec! fhe mec#�anica! work related to the Filters Praject, includir�g all mechanicaf punch fis� i�ems. The eFecfrieal, insfirumen#afion, and SCADA programming ' work remai�s fio be comp�ete. �RS �s currently workirtg �o address punch lisf items for ' elec#rical, insttumentation and programmir�g. �RS has nof yet begun �he Sifie Acceptance Dernor�strqtion for SCADA, which wilf tafce afi lecrs� 60-days fo compfete. � �he Disiricf i�as approved all comp�nents of the Contrac�refc�fi�d #o mechanicaE elemenfi� of#he pro�ect.Staff recommends ap�rover[ of#he Partiai Closeout Agr�eement and Release af Claims for#he mechanica! ortio ns of the worl� and the fii�in of the p , g Parfiaf Notice of Compfefiion with fhe EI Dorado County Clerie. -11,-- Jul�e Ryun August 16,2012 Page 2 � ; � : � , i ! � ., � E , SCHEDULE: A5 soon as possible ; ' C4STS: �1,94i.i8 I ACCOUNT N4: 1029-8Q56f FIi.T�R BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAiNiNG: �99,�96 ATf'ACHM�NTS: Change Qrder No. 3, Partia� Cios�out Ag�-eemen� and Refease ofi � Claims, Par�i.dE E�otice of Complefion. I � CONCURRENCE WITH REQU�ST�D ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer � � GENERAf.MANAGER: YES � NO Ckil�F FINANCIAL OI�FiCER: YES NO -12- __ __ __ _ _ _�__ _. ....... _ _ _ __ -__. _. � �v�� � -�� C�A�f�E 4i�D��� NUM�Ei� 3 - , � �r�j�� �9.1 .llt�r R�h iii .n Pr�. .� . , .,,�. . ;-. �,;� . . ! ,�� ' "�"+ Cor�trac�r �R� f;�du�f�ia€�� i�� �����5b' �� G� . �� _'C '� . � ���e: ������.�r,.6-.��� . P�# P,��. i . � rl�� Cantract�h�tr���h����As F��Is�ws: - : � I�.�r�nd B�d lt�r� 6�o ir�cl�d�.�f�l�kior, eq�ip�n-e�t� r��#��i�1s ai�d s���rrtr��or��t� ' �e�ssary to�ravld��r���I�r�t� � �pe���� PrE�c�r�ft����r���d,�,���1laiir�af . I����o�v Cr��t Dnv�, as d��ur���Y�,d 'rr� �� �ii�t��f's ���#��,���t�d:���a�4, ��1:�� ��d:s�rbs�qu�ht�rr�s��r���r��e. T�re�d��n�a;�{c�t fi�r����.��r�i�.:���:t�1.��, ��z� � � �d�r�es ir�f�t!#��[�r�#t��°��E�1�f���t�'�r tit�inr�r�d�r�r�e�d i�'��f��r�qu���r�rn. � ��d��d A�gw�#93���.���}, ��V' T� [i7l3 �61Y11 ��� `P�����r�:�� '�`C�T�, �`t���H�I�:���.��i��l�.�I� � , A-��;;��#�.'��- . ; : _ � . �.. � • i��� Cmn�'� . , ..: . ; . , ,� �� � �`�lio��CMan�� ���� . . � �. � ,' � ��� �, ' , , . . . �� .� ��ir�r�t��t Ca�r���# s • '` ��C�i'a������ .����•� -����i��rs j �� �:r'�� ��i��� �� � ' ��t�t��T��: - �.-����� � � ar���'��m�[��;��rl��� , , . ;� . �� �a��� " 1 .�' ',� �� ,. �����i�ra��ri�e a��'�r��s�:�i��,��i�-�rt�r�#������r�l��tr.��r�ar��f�i�. ��r'l��s)ri�s�r'rb�.�i�s�������`��l�r�,iEtdlk�r��.��pf����'��. � - - �. � � � . . . ��:: • - - ` _ .. - - �. . . A�����r� �y�TP����2��`�Pi•e�i��� _ . �� � . . .,. i �:: 4 da�te:��� t � � �r Cvn���r � '��G�. --F . �� ` �����.�- � � -�- : � � � .Da�: � 2-7 (-�� . 'v��-.ed�y . � � - _ . - . � . . � . _ . . . . . , . � . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . � . , - . . . . . . . � 1 -13- RECORDING REQU�ST�D BY: ', SOCITH TAHO� PUBL.IC IJTILITI'DISTRICT ' At�n: H�idl C. Baugt� WH�N R�CORDED MAIL TO: i South Tahoe Publie Utility District 1275 M�adaw Cres#Rrive � South Lake Tahoe CA 96150 . � SPACE lSBOYE THIS LiNE FOR 12�CORDFR'S U5E A�nt: z�-o6�-3z � . I�DTFC� (� P�A#�TtAL CC��L,�"T��� ' �lOT[C�IS HER�BY GNEN TFfAT: � 1. The undersigned is OVVN�R or agent of i�e QV4fN�R of the intere�or estate statecf below in the praperty hereinafter descrif�d. i 2. The FULL iVAM�o�the�WN�R is South Tahoe Pubfic Utility p�skrict , 3. The Ff1LL ApDRESS of tfze OWN��is 1275 Meadow GY�st Drirre,South LaKe Tahoe;CA 96150. �i 4. Th�NA�fi1R�OF THE INT�REST or�STATE af t�e undersigned is: In fee. (If other than f�e,�rike"in f�e"attd insert here;for example,"purchaser under contract of purchase,"ar"lessee." 5, The FUI1 NAMFS and FWL�ARDRESSES of ALL PEfLSONS, if any, WF�O HOLD SUCH TNTEitES'f or�STATE witli th�undersigned as � JOINT TENANTS or as TE�tANTS I�!COMMON are: � hlarn�&Addres� � I�ame&Adtlress I 6. The FULL NAMES of FULL ADt)R�SSES OF 7HE PREb�CESSORS in IM"�RFST of the undersign�d i�'the property was transFerred subsequenf to the cornment�ntent o€�he work of improverr�ent herein referrec�t4: �fame&Address Name&Address 7. A work of impro�ement on the property hereinafter described was C�ONIPLET€D� �(�/ZOi2. i 8. The wnric of improvem�nt completed is descrfbed as folEows: ZO1Q Fl��r Rehabilitat�on Prflject. 9. The NAM�OF TH�ORIGINAL CAfV€RACTpR,if any,for st�cf�work of imprQ�ement is ERS Ind�strial Services�ne. fQ. The sh-eet address of said'property is].275 M�adow Cre�Drive,Sout� t.ake Tahoe,CA: 11: The property ar�whiclr said.work of improvement was oort�pleted is in�e Gty af So�th Lak�Tahoe, County of�i porado, State of California�and is d�scrlbed as foffovus: � As sFiown in Fachibit"A"atfacF2ed f�ereto and made a �ar�hereof,�r}�����Ix j���g� , ' oar�: Se tember 6 2D1� . si�rv,ar��o�owrv��oR a�Enrr oF owN�a�RI C S�I�AF�R vE�u�cA-�a�v FaR in�drnro�a�owrv�x: � Sau�h �a�ae PUD Board �resi dertt I,the undersig.ned;dedare ur�d�r pena[ty of perjury under the iaws of the State af Califom9a tha�I am tthe awr�er oF the aForesaid interest or estate in the properly desctibed in the above notice; t�at I have read said no�fce,that I know a�rd v�der5tand the mntenl�thereof, ancF tF�e facEs stated f�erein � are tw�and correct. . ; DA�AND PLACE 5�6�lA7tJRE O�QINNER�lAMED IN PAf�A�CFtAPH'2. � v���canoN FoR n��N-it�o�i,viaua�ownrER: South Tat�oe Pub� i c U'�i�7 t D1 S�k'"Y C'� I,the undersigried,declare under penaEty of�erjury under the laws of the 5tate of CafifomPa tha��I am the BQa.r� Pre��.i d`ert� of the afaresaid inter�st or esfafe in tt�e prop�r[y descrlf�ed i�the abo�e notice; that I have r�ead the said notice, that I fenow and understand tfie contents thereof;and that�e�acts&tated fherein are true and correct. i' DATE ANA PLACE ��l 1.��[:kiA�O�f STGiVING ON BEHALF OF QWNER . Soard .�r�siden� i�or South Tahoe PEJ� . -��- � i Notice oFCompletion i EXHIBIT `�A„ ' � N01"ICE 0� COM����T�ON 0�A PORTfON OF THE 20'f0 �IL��R REHAB€�,ITA�"fON PROJECT � The worlc performed consists. of rehabil�#ation and modifcation of FiE#.ers 5 and 6 (including demofition and disposal of existing appurtenances, recoating, n�w , . media, and new in#erior piping}, PF�V vaui� piping, flter galfery p�ping and val�ing, �� . and related hazarda�as materials abatement. The locatian of t�e wor� �s.a�tf�e Sauth Tahoe P�blic Ut'rlity Distric#Was�ewa�er Treatme�t Plan� si#e at 'f27� Meadow Cresf Drive in Soufh Lake Tahoe, EI i ; Dorado �ounty, Califo�nia. I 11l . lll i lll � 'I . � E ; � � NOTIC�0� COMPLETIQN OF A PORTION OF THE 20�U F11�T�R REHABILITATION PROJEC�' � �XHIBIT "A" ; -�6- __ ___ _ _.._.. _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ __ , _ .......... PARTfA� CLOSEOUT AGREEMENT AND RELEAS� OF CLAIMS ', THIS AGREEMENT AND RELEASE OF CLAfMS is made in South Lake Tahoe, Califomia, this '�, cEay of September 2012 by and between Sou#� Tahae Public Ufility DISTRtCT, hereirta�ter refer�ed ta as "DlSTRICT", and ERS fndustriai Services, �r�c., hereinafter referred fa as "CONTRACTOR°. . KNOW ALL P�RSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: � 1. The QlSTRlCT and C�NTRACTOR er�t�red inta#hat agreement for Purchase Order No. ', P23344, for DISTRECT praject describec� as 2010 FILTER REHABI��TATiON P�ojeef ' S�pternber 21, 2010 ("Agr��ment°). Th� Car�tra�t was amended througF� Change Qrder •� Nas. 1 througl� 3 as ap�ro�et! �y tf�e part�es, p���ining to P�rchase 4rt�er No. P23344 an� da#ed Septemb�r 6, 2092. 2- CONTRACTQR and DISTRICT agree that the #o#a1 adj�s#ed Cor�tract price and time of E pertarmance for Purchase 4rder Na. P23344, aftee the execution of#he cF�ange orders, #s as fallows: � Original Cantract Price: $849,526.60 ' Adjusted Cot��ract Price: �gpg,57g_Zp �. �ther than t�e �ncom�leted portions of th� project {"U�completed WoE-Ic"), described below, the DISTRECT and CONTRACTOR wisf� to close out the Agreem�nt and release� ' any clairns related thereto. The CONTl�ACTOR has no# pe�formed ar�d the D(STRlCT has �ot acce�ted �he worE� related to tilter and piping instrumenfation and controls, incfuding P�C i�stallatio� an� pragramming. Th� CONTRACTOf� wilf eomp[ete rs[ateci. punel�list items and testi�g to complete fhe warlc. Tf�e DiSTRfCT is witt�holding $9,945.47, plus 8% retainage an , $�45,9Q0.13 for the Ur�completed Work. � The wi#hf�olding wii! b� released wi�e� the CONTRACTOR cornpletes the Uncomplefed � Work �o the sa#�sfact�on, and aceeptan�e of the DISTRfCT. T�te CONTRAGT4R si�afl � cornplefe thr� U�cornpleted Work pucsuant to a schedui� app�roved by the D[�TRfCT a�d no later thar� D�cemb�r 20, 2012. TF�e 9-year warran�y period far the Uncom�Eete.d Vlfork sha11 cornrnenee �apon tfie comple#ion flf th� V�lorlc to the safisfacti�n and acceptanee of t�e DISTRiCT. i 4. That the und�rsignee}, as the authorized represenfat��e af CONTRACTOR, and fior eaeh a#i�s successar�, assigns and artn�rs for a p , nd �r� consideratron of Eighf Hundred Forty- Nin� Thausan�f five H�ndr�d Twenty-�ix Dallars anc! Si�cty Cen#s ($849,525.�U), cor�trac# amo�nt, pfus Fifty-Nine T�ousand Fif�y-Or�� Daflars and Sixty Cents. i �$59,059.fi0} for Contract C�ange Order Nos. 1 f�rrough 3, and less �he withholding for � Uncompiet�d Work rec�ipt of which "is acknowl�dged, daes release and forever cfischarg� the DISTRtCT; and,�ach of ifs successars, assi�ns, directars, afficers, ag�nts, seruar�ts, volunte�rs ar,d empfoyees, frnm any ar�d all rigFrts, c#aims, ca�rses of action, ' deTnands, deb�s, obligations, liabifities, aetio�s, damages, costs and exp�nses (incf�ding but r�ot limified to ai�orneys, paralegal and exp�rts' f�es, cos�s and expenses) and other cEaims, which may �e asser�ed against DISTRICT by reason of any mafter or thir�g which was tt�e sub�ect mat#er of ar bas[s for: � Fartia� Closeout Agreemen�&Release of Cla��s p��� � ; _ __ __ _ _ _ - - __ _ ,.. __ ___ _ _ __.... _ _ __...... ' A. The perfarmance of all terms a�d conditians of #�at cer�ain agreemertt dated 5eptember 21, 2090 for Purchase Order No. P23344, DISTRlCT praject deserib�d as 20�0 FILTER R�HABiLITATiON PROJECT; � B. Cf�a�ge Order Nas. 1 through 3, as appro�ed by fhe parties, pertaining to ', Purchase 4rde� No. P23344 and dated Septemb�r 6, 2012; � ', wifh #he excep�ion of the Uncampleted Work. 5. Nothing contained herein shal! waive or al#�r the rights, privTeges, and powers of the DISTRICT or the du�i�s, liabilities and obligatior�s of the CONTRACTOR and its sUre�y in respecf ta any portions of�he Con#ract Documents for Purchase Order No. P23344. : 6. The DfSTR�CT has received no ciairrms �rom €he CONTRACTOR. Except as expressiy � provided in this section, the D�STRICT fias received no other claims from the � CONTRACTOR. ; 7. Upon execution of fhis agreement, the DISTRICT agrees to promp�ly ��cord a NOTIC� � OF PARTIAL COMPLETIQN with the EI Dorado County Recorder. Upon complation of the Un�cample#ed Work, the parties shall err�er info a Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims, as to Uneom�leted Wark, and record a NOTICE OF COMP�.ETION wi#h tne EI Dorado Gounfy Recarder. 8. The �resently retai�ed amount is $ 7'E,890.62 Original Contracf amo�n# $849,526.60 � Tatal Chang� Order Arnau�t $ �9,051.6Q Less: Ama�nt Pr�viously Paid $822,6'17.'I1 I, (Reques� Nos. 1 thro�gh 18) �, Retainage to b� paid $ 52,281.fi1 Re�air�age�o be wi#h�e�d $ '!9,872.01 � Withholding far Ur�completed Work; $ 9,945.�7 ' Th� "Retainage to b� Pai:d° wilf be released #o the CONTRACTQR at the expiration of t�e lien ' period 35 (thirty-ftve) calendar days aft�r da#e of recording a NOTICE DF PA�TIAL i, COMPL�TIQN by EI Dorado Countj! Record�r ar when aal: s#op notic�s ha�e b�en r�lease�, � whichever lasf occ�rs. The Re��ase provided pursuant to #his Rgreemer�t shal[ not apply to CE.�NTRACTOR's r.ight ta th� r�tentior� amount unfil artd to th� axfe�t such arrmour�fs are received by CONTRACTQfi. i 9. It is understood and agr�ed by th� CONTRACTQR that #he facts w�th respe�t to which #fie.�elease PROVIDED PURSUANT TO THIS Agr�emenf is giv�n may turn flut #o b� otf�er than or diff�rertt from #he fiacts as now known or believed: #o be, ar�d. I� GONTRACT'OR �xpressly assumes th� risk of the €acts turning out to be different than they t�ow appear, a�d agrees that the re{�ase pro.vided purs�anf �o this�greem�nt shall be, in a[I res�ects, effecti�e ar�d nof su�jec# to �ermirtation or resci�sion by any such tfifference in facts and CONTRACTOR expressly waives any and aEl righ#s it has or may . have und�r Caiiforr�ia Civil Code Section 1�42, which provides as foliows: "A generaf release does not extend to claims which fhe cr�ditor does not know or suspect to exist ir� his �a�or afi tF�e time of ex�cuting t�e Refease which if �tnowr� by him must have materiafly affected his seftlement with the deb#or." Partial Closeout Agreemen�&Release of Clai�s Pa �e 2 __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ . . . . _.._ � _ __ '!0. The re�ease made by #he CONTRACTOR is not to be construed as ar� admission or , admissions ofi liability and tt�e CONTRACTOR cfenies at�y such lia�itity. CONTRACTOR ' agrees tha# ft will fiorever refrain a�d forebear from commencing, ir�stituti�g or prosecufing any iawsuit, action or other �proceeding against t�e DISTRICT based on, ; arising out of, or in any way connected wi#h#he sudj�ct matter af t�is release. i 91. The CONTRACTOR hereby releases fhe DlSTRICT firam ali claims, other ti�an any refated to the Uncompleted Work, including but not limited #o those of its Su�contracfors I fo�alf defay and im�act costs, if any. , 72. The CONTRACTQR represents and warra��s ta the DtSTRfCT that the CONTRACTOR ', �as no# heretafore assigned ar transferred ar p�rported to assign or trans#er to any person, firrn, corporation, as�ocFatiar� or entity any of fhe rights, claims, warranties, ; demar�ds, debts, ob(igatrons, liabilities, actions, causes vr action, darnages, costs,. exPenses and other claims and the CQ�TRACTOR agrees ta indemn�fy and hold harmless the DISTRICT, ifis suecessars, assigns, direc�ors, offic�rs, agenfs� S@N`dCitS� volunteers and empdoyees, frum a�d against, without limitation, any and afl rights, clafms, warranties, demands, debfs, obligatior�s, IiahiEities, actions, causes of action, damages, costs, expenses and oth�r c�aims, including but not limi#�d to attorr�eys', parale�a[ and ex�erts' fees, casts and expens�s aris�ng out of ar cannecfed wEth any ' 3 such assignment or transfer or p�rported assignm�r�t or transfer. 1-3. The �arties acknow�edge #hat they have been represented by counsef of their own choice in connecfion wi#h the preparation and execution of this �reemer�t. The par#ies ackr�owl�dge and represent t�at tt��y understand and �oluntarily co�se���c�_.t�_.._ j eaeY� and avery pro�ision contained i�this e�greemer�t. 14. The pa�#ies further acknowiedge and repr�sent that no promise, inducement or ; agreeme�t, r�ot �erein expr�essed i�.this Agreement, have been made and #hat #his ' ��-�t�ins #he er�tire agre�ment among #he parti�s and that the terms of#he Agreemenf ar� contractual and not a m�re recital. �` 15. The persans exeeuting #his Agreemenf represent and warrant #a the other party that th� i e�eeu#ion and perFocmance o�the terms a#this Agre�ment have �een du�y authorized f�y � all eorporate, partnership, indivicival, o� other entity requirEments and fha# sai� persons �ave the right, power, legaf capacity and authority to execute and enter into t�is � - Agreernent. S�UTH TAMOE PU�LIC UTlLlTY DISTRICT i RI�HARD SOLBRIG, GEN�R,4L. MANAGER DAT�D aTTEST: KATHY SHaRP, CL.�FZK OF BOARD DATED ERS �M�USTRIA� SERVECfS IN , C. I BRADFQRD P. RADONICH, PRESl�ENT �ATED . Partial Closeotzt Agreernen�&Rel�ase of Cl�i� p��� � __ _ _--._ _ _.. ..._ ._ __ _ __ _ __ _. - - _ - •. .�... uy�. ', Rlchard H.SolbNg ', � ♦ 95C1 w �" � � �.� ChDs CeFa u � �� Jame6 R.JaneS i '':�'�" j ��j ��+ j� + r r P.andyYogelgesang , �i,�[1/��1„/ �,,,��1���� ����,f���j�Ir Kelly 5heehan , � Eric 5chafer I �275 M�ac�ow Cr�t Drivr���u�t�.a��`ah�e�C/'�9C315U~74D'� f'hv��O 5�4-f�47�*�x 53Q 544-OC1��w�n,v���,u� BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4c � I TO: Board of Direcfiors �ROM: Chr'rs Sfcelly, Nefwork/Telecom Sys�ems Administrator l j MEETiNG DAi'�: Sepfember 6, 20�2 � i lTEM w PROJ�CT NAME: Computer�quipment for Fiscal Year 2012-2Qi 3 ; REQUESTED BOARD AC'flQN: Authorize purehase of budgefied eomp��ers and ! equipment in the estimated amour�� of$b],300 (including fiax) f DISCUSSION: Computers wiif be purchased from ver�dors using the Wes�em Sta#es Con#rae#ing A�fiar�ce {WSCA) or o#her govert�men#or purchasing�oalifiion con�racts that are compefitiv�fy qwarded.The WSCA and o�her purchasing contrac#s esfabfish cooperati�e multi-sfiate contracts in order to achieve cost e�fecfiive and efficient ' acquisifiion of quality p�oducts and services.Staffi finds fihese confircrcts�fio be very competitive. � Staff is se�king qufit�orizafiion fio purchas�current�y budgefed computer systems (se�e a#ached iistj. Purchetse5 are staggered to coordinate insta�latian workfoad and ensure. the Disfiricf receives fi#�e most up-to-date equipmen#.This item has been reviewed by ; fll� DISfI1C�'s Purchasing Agent. As stafed in tY�e �urc�asing Policy, these contrac�s qua[ify as meeting the formal public competitive requiremenf. ; �CMEDUEE; Jufy 2012-Jur�e 20i 3 CQS�S: $b 1,300 i ACCO!!NT NO: Various (see at�acl�ed) BUDGETED AMOUNt R�MAlNfNG: $61,300 ATfACHMENTS: Budgeted a�couri� numbers and amnunts wifi� descri tior� p CONCURRENCE WITH REQI�ESi`ED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer&Water G�N�RAL MANAG�R: Y�S � NO i ; CHlEF FINANCIAL OFFIC�R: YES NO � � --21- ...................................... �4 :4:,".�.,i': . ��' � , � - '�. ..q -:� . I �� , �' . i , , � ��. ". I � � .9�: � E ' �" .� x�:�� . i .:.'%w�`.-`' ^�� Yk �. �: , e�F �'- o 0 0 o c7 0 o a o o a o o a o o ca o a o 0 - w o 0 0 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 o a a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,�y'� C? b O O �D O O O i'� Q � O O M ,.��" E��, crJ c� M c� �t M Ch O O O O `�_ � M (� � ,��� � »� b4 64 64 6��ti�} b4 64 EPr 64 t� 64.G? 64 6`Y 64 b4 6�} � 64' .tl-T b9 , °;t�a:,. ��;�� '� o v �;a� �• � � � � > > O ; � i."�i.','.....�.............� N� N F� � . a ��,.... --- . ; _. '° ., �,-�s . q'�m ., �� � � � � � � � � � � � -� � � � . _: d' d' �V ',d' '�t tt � � �rt 'q' �� �V' '� � �' s`�Za �"� 00 DD CO Of] 00 OD W DO �a0 00 06 00 CO CO 00 d=:�'�, •-: �. �t ��' �t �F V' '� �7 �' '� V '� � �' .� � � � � � 1 i f 1 . I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 � 1. ��, � .� � � ^ � � {� ^c ^ � � ^ � � ��:�, c o c�7 m c� c h c h c+� cr, M co c*� ch c� r� c*) °^° .� � a a o 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 o .c] o p a o° _� -��.. �n �n �n �n �n �n � � �n u� �n �n u� �n � : �� � � � � � � � � � .� � � � � ^ N ^ �°s �°n ° � Y°r � �° u°� u�i �°n �°n �°n �°n �°n _� ' ��. U 1 - `' ..,� . x �� u.r � v� � € � x °.�� � � C y w% � �IC � � � 5 a m: � a ` � �=�. w y 3 . 3 c' �. v �. a ,x � � s t� °= � � a _ c � � T ° t �' � U a U a � � . � � � `: Q .L] U U vi �C � .dC � �. c�' m Z d C�C f � � � � � � � � � ' �. Q Q 4 � f]. (.2 Q sn sn v�j ''� � �°- s°- � ° ° a � d a a � � � � � Q � � : Q � �. �, � � �. � a '� � ,a eVi d oV_. � � nU.. � � � .aU.. � S > > � � � o C} a �°° �. o���, � � O � Q �+ cD "� i. � O .� � � U U o ��' � � a�i c c � � i. '� '� -a � �-; a� � � o 0 0 0 � � � �, °�' �' o � � � � � o v � c 0. � � � � m "� Q3 � � N N N N •� '�' O O U� N - � ' �n � :�- Z U — — � � — Q 'e '� ai E � , � - 'c 'c v U ¢ Q -ca Q � - - ° °���..:;x:' (� U` Q�i a (,�j � � b � � O Q � � j � ¢ � � �-��p � � u� u� v� Q � .Q Q w � c � U U M vVi vi 'g�' I' .&� . .. . --23- '. _'"_. .....�....J.. ' I�ichard H.5olbrig ;► • �....,, � �•.`"`'� �' • Directors �` �� � � �� Chris Gefalu ��'�� �ames R.JoneS �^* # '�"' '�"'��.�ts ' �aneEy Yogelgcsang ', � �����V �.»��l�� �,f� ��s,.� E'/t ��t! Y.el�jr5heehan . ', .. Ef7G r'JCFF&�GC ; 1275 M�a�vw�C3r�ve•50�€.ake Ta��e+Gl��1�f?-7qf1� : �ho��3D 54�-�7�(-•Fax 534 5�1-C�'�q-M'w�trw.���.u� � I I �OARD AG�NDA ITEM 4d � ��� Board of Directors � FROM: Randy Curtis, Manager of�iefd Operations ME�TING DATE: Se�ptembe�6, 20�2 IT�M-PROJ�C� NAME: Asphalt Pa#ch Paving ' R�QUESTED BOAR� AG'fION: Award bi�I to fhe iowest responsive, respon5ible bidder ' D 8� L Paving lr�c., in #he estimat�d amount of$43,463.80. '' DISCUSS�ON. Underground Reperir Water/Sew�r Departmen�s complete repairs of numerous waterfine I�aks and serv�ce tie-ins. Upon completion, femporary eold mix i aspha[t paficl�es are in"sfialled to the damqged�or cufi out asphaft. Lafier, wi�en the weather permits, these pafiches musfi be permanently repaired fo City and County specifcqtions by lice�sed paving contrac#ors. Total bid values are estimates based ' upor� bid p�ices multipfied by an estimafed r�umber of pa�cf�es of various sizes pfus rela#ed work. The estimcrfied facfiors are based upon hisfiorical da�ta fogether wifh r�ew projections of worie. Although fhe actuai quar��ifiies at�d fatal may vary, un�t bid prices ? wfll remain firm. ; SCHFDUl.�: ASAP �'� COSTS: $43�,4d3.$0 ACCOUNT NO: 20ai-6Q52 i BtJDGETED AMQl1N'� REMAINING: $277,a47 � ATTACHMEN'iS: Bid Resufts j i CONCiJR�ENC�W1TH REQ�IEST�D ACTfON: CATEGORY; Sewer GEN�RAL MANAGER: YES � NO CHfEF FINANCIAL OFFIC�R: YES NO -25-- �ourH �r.�.HO� � f'UBLfC uTlLITY DfST�fCT � � I BID TABULATION I � '', BfD# 7�-7�=0fi ; '�, FOR 20'I2 Asphatt PatcFting Senrices OPENlNG D/�TE August 27, 2Q92 D& L Paving Cnc. $ 43�,463.80 , Thomas Haen Company inc. 47r�44.2g � To�a�bid r�al�es�a�e es�i�at�s-based upo�t�bid prices mt�ltaplied b�an estimated n�mber o�pa�e�es c�va�io�s sE�es p��s �elated�work. The esta�na�ed f-aetor-s a�e based-upon h�s�o�iea�dat��oge�k�e�wi�h �ernr pro�ee�ia�s o#woFk. /���o�g�, ��ie ae���q�an�ie� and�o�aa may r�ar�, �n� bid-p�iees-w%I�re�ain��i�Fn. , � � � , , � ' I � � i -27-- � �.......................................... ..... ......... .... . __ _ _ _ _.... . . _ _ - ___ _...... _.. _ __ _ .._ ' � General Manager �ichard!1.5o1bHg � � � � � /�'� � '�^ /`"`� �"' '� Direttars � ' � �'(�""� Chris Cefatu , �"f JameS R.Jones � Rancly Yogelge6ang ������ �„��r����� ��������j Kef�ySheehan � _ �ric Schafer '�2���P.�(JW C1'���!"1Yt:+�'J"i3lt�i�.�T,��it3�'���l'�'r,.a'(?`�'�-Qj �C��J����-��X�J�����'��-�W4t�4Vf.a�?�.LtS BOARD AG�N�A I'fEM 4e ' r�� Board of Directors FROM: PauE A, Sciufio, AssiStant General Manag�r/Engineer � M�EfING DATE: Sepfember b, 2012 ' F'fEM-pROJECT NAM�: USDA Sewer Special Us� Perrnit R�QfIESTED BOARD AC�fQN: (1) Authorize ex�cution o�#he U�FS Master Sew,�r Use Permit and sign fhe permifi per�dir�g minor changes mad� during staff review; (2} Aufhorize paymer�t o�tY�e yearly renfal and permit fee in th� amounfi of$41,2 i 6.10, , DISCUSSf4N: T�e District's Special fJs� Permit 4StJP) for sewer#acili�ies on �arest Service ' Eand expired a number of years ago. After tf�e District seftled its porfiot� of the Meyer's f�andfill G#igation, the Districfi submifted an application package fior a new SUP in Ma�ct� 20i0. �he �orest Service has now completed their reuievv of the fac�lities wh�ieh reside on their parcefs pnd f�as developed a permit which includ�s all of�he Forest Service Specialist ' Reviews, Maps of�he facil�#i�s on Fores�S�rviee Properties, an O��era#ion and Mqin- tenance Plan, and c�eneral guid�fines for completing woriC under�I�e perrnit. This permit will vvrap together a�l o�fhe s�wet�€acilities ir�fo a single p�rmif and there will only be a sfngle charge fior mainfiair��r�g the permit.The permifi wilf no�t expire untif Dec. 31, 20�42, b�t fhe Distriet wif( be �eq�ired to pay#f�e yearfy fee as weli as parficipate in a yearEy ' planning meetir�g v+�hich wil!deveaop the work which wilf be required of the District in #he cor�n�ng year. It is lifee�y t�e yearly€ee wili escalate each year. i ' SCHEDUL�: � COSTS; $41,21{�.10 ACCOUNT NO: 1029�66�0 , BUDG�tED AMOUNT REMAlNING: $50,334 AT�ACfINtfN�S; flraff�p��iqt �ls� Permit and �rttachments ' CONCtfRRENC�W[Tf� REQt1�S1'�D ACTtQN: CATEGORY: Sewer i . G�N�RAL MANAGER: Y�S NO CHIEF �fNANC[AL OFFICER: YES NO -29- :...................... ......... .... ... , Authoriza.tion II): ELD�00806 F�-270f1-4 (10�09) . ', Con�aet ID; STPUD � ON.[� I�io. 059�-0082 ', Expiration Date: 12/3I/2042 Use�flde: 3�3, 753,�22 � . I. iJ.S.DEPARTI!?IE�NT O-F AGRiCULTiT� �' FOR��T SERV�CE , SPEC�AL I�SE PERMIT I, AUTHO�ITY: I, �EDERAL L�1�D POLZC3_'AND 11�G1VIT ACT,AS AMENDED October 21, 1976 , �', �outh Tahoe Public Utility Dis#ict(S'TPUD}, 12751VIeadovv Czest Dri�e, South Lake Tahoe, CA ' 961�:0��reafter calIed "�e ho�der").is authorized fo�se o.r oecup�t�ational Fares�S�stem Yands �n�flY�I.�ke Ta�o�;Basin Managernen�Unit, subJ'ect ta�h�terrn�and eond��ions o�#hi�sp��a�. � use penriit(the perinit}. ' i � � 'I'hi�:�ern3it covers I24.1 acres�{5,405,796 square fee�) thro�ghouf�l Dorado Co�nty and i� 'i laeated in: Mt. Diablo Meridian,T. I 1N., R.1 S E., s�s. 5, 6; 8, 14, 15, 16, 17,23,and 24.'�'. I2 � �.,�. 17 E., secs. 1,2, �i, 12, I3, 14, 22,24, 25, 26 and 35.T. l�N.,R. IS E., secs. �, 2, 3, 5> 6, '�, 18, �9, �1, 28, 30, 31,and 32. T. I:�N., R. 1 S E., 5ees. 33, 3�,and:���, as shown an�e rnaps. a:t�acliec�as Appendix J. __.. . . 'i��Z�at issued�Q�-th���p�s�af � . -- . .- - - _ . Operat�o�and maintenanee a�f exisfiing sew�r eol�ee�ia�and�xpart line���ems,mon�toring we1ls and a�ccess roa�' . . � i , s ta�iese se�rer impravement�. Tl���rulect x�knc������STPUD � ��wer ma��er special us�germi�. ; . I 'T'�i�follawing e�bits are lrercb�attach�d to�and x�arle�a p�rt of�l�is�e�it: � � A. Seuter�ines-unc�er pern�� B; ��+er lines und�r�a�er�er�t ; �. !-�ecess route�fzoads�nd��special use permit . ` D�. A�.ccess rou�es/roads tmder��ment ; E. RQad u�e and main�er�an��guz�:etir�es �. R�source Pratect�o��uic���in� ; • i.anc�cap�g�e���a�iori � �I'0510kI'�OTi�t'E1� I � BiolQgicaI.l�esource� G. Tr�e/stas�rErnova�an�l pruni�g guidelines � H. �ire rcvention � p glltt��tlIl�g I. 5-�ear operations and rna�ntenance plan guidelines 3. DeYailed maps of sewe��i�es,road�, aixd e�e�ent� � -3�- . � _ - _ _........._ �n a�tditio�.ta auth�riz�g sewer impro�ements,the permit wi11 incorporate: � ' 1. 1�n exi�ting pr�surizec�sewer ex�ort pipaline l��catect atong Highway 89� (Lu�fie�'Pass� '', authoriz�d under special use permit ELD�00803 (�-Line Luth.e�Pass)and: . ' 2. Qne 2-inch water quality monitoring well tocatecl next to the Lu�i.er Pa:�s pump statioz� {APN O�G-492-06), a�fhor��ed under speei.al use per�nit ELD Q�QQ819. The water quality � monitoring wel�was iristalled�a de�ect presence af graund water contaminates. ; � Th�above descrih�d or defin�d area shal�be refer�ed to herein as the"permit area". i �' TERMS AND CONDITYOI�S , ' GENERA.L TERMS � A.AUTHORITIF. This�errnit i�issued pur�uant tQ th�Fec�eral Land Policy and Management � Act{FLP11M��,as amended 4ctol�er�l, 1976 and 36 CFR Fart��1, Subpart B, as �n.ended, ancl , is subjec�to their provisions. � B. AUTHORTZ�D OF�`ICER. Th�auth�rized officer is t�xe Eorest or Grassland�upErvisor or a sut�ordinate c�ffice;r�ith dei�ga�ed authority. C• T��NI•This p�rmi�shalZ e�pir�at rnidru�ht on �.2/31/�042, thirt�ye�rs from�he date of � i�suance. i ', D• RENEWAL• This pe�tnit is not renewable. �'ria�'to e��iration of this permi�,.tl�:e hvlder rnay '� appl��ar a nevSr��;rmi�.that v�ould renew tha use and oce�paney�:uthorized by this perm�it. A:p�lic�tion�for a rte��e�if�nust t�c submit�eci at�ea�t fi m�nths pr�ar to expiration.of thi� � ' pem�it. �e�zet�a:k'af'th��s�and ocEUpancy au�.arized tr��tris�ernuf sl�al�be at the sole idiscref�o��£fh�authari�ed a�eer. At a�ninimurn,before rene�ng�he use arici occupancy � authorizeel by�his per�nit, the au�hari�ed of�'icez-shalT rec}uir��hat(�}the use and oecupancy to be a�thori�ed b�the ne�pe�cniY is ccr�is�en�v�ith the�t�nrl�rds'anc�guide�i�es in.�.e applicab�e land managemen#plan; E2)the type:of use and oecupanc�y ta be au�horized bx the new perxnif is the sarn�as t�ie�y�p�a�use anti.accupancy au:t�iorized liy�is��rmit,axid (�;}-�h�hol;�e�r is iri � com�Iia�xce wi�h all�iie�enms of this�erxnit.The authorized oi�cer Xa�:a�pre�eribe ne�v terri�s and cond'ztions v�h�n a n�v�perrnit is iss��ct. E. AIVIE.I�D�IENT. This pernut may�ie amended in u�hale or sn part b�t�i�Fore�t��ria� , when, a��h�c�i�cre�ion of t�e author�zed of�icer,.sueh ac�zox���dee�ed ne�essa�y or d��irat�I��a ineorpora�e new te�ins that may b�required b�r la�v, r�l�t�o� dir�E�v�; �e applic�ble f�rrest ' iand and r��aurce mana�e�nen�pla�, ar projects and aetivi�ies imple�r��n�i�;g a�and ma�za:gement � '� plan.pursu�t fa 36 �FR Pa�t�15. � F. C��PLIANCE WI'I`H LA,WS,RCGLTLAT�ONS,ANII 4'TH�R LEGA:L R�QUR�lYIENTS. �exercising the righ�s arid priviYeg�.gran�ed by tlus permit,�he ho�der shatl ccamp��with a11 p,resent and futur���d:eral la�s and reg�l�Eions and a1I prESent and�uture � � sta�e, county, and m�nicipal laws,�eg�.lations, and othe�legal requirements that appl�to the � permit area;, to the extent tliey do no�eonflict with#'eder� law, reg�lation, or poli�c�. The Forest Service assunies no respons:ibility for enforCing laws,�eg�iations, and othez legal requirements , ' 2 -32- � �at falt under the jurisdietion of Q#her gov�mmerital en€ities: . G 1�41�i EXCLUS;FVE USE,T'he use or cicctxpan�y a�:thari�ed by this pert�i�is no#e�c�usive. The�orest��rvice r�serves the righ�o�aecc;ss°�a the per�nit ar�a,iricluding a c,�antinuir�g�i:ght of � phys�cal entry to fhe p�rmi�area for inspection,man�tQrin�,o�any o�her puipose consistent�vith ',, any right or.obligation af the iJnited�tates undet-�y la�r or regulation.The Farest 5er�iee ', reserves the right to a11o�others to use the pem�it area in ar�y way that is not inconsis�ent with the holder's.rights and priv�leges uncier#his�peirnit, after cons��:�oz�with al1 parties involvecl. Except for any resteic�ioris�liat�he.ho�der and the au�orized o�ceF agree are nee�ssary�fa 1 proteet the instai�ation and ope�ra�ion�f aufib.orized t�rnporary improvements,�he lands and v�raters covered by this p�z�u��hall remain op.�n to fih�public for al�t iawful puzposes. ' H.AS�IG�ITAB�I,YTy, 'T�ri�p�rr�i�is not assignable ar t�rransferable. i � I. TR�NSFER OF TTFLE'I'O THE IM�"ROVE�iE�T.T�. . � . , 1. Not�ficatian o�'F�sf�z:The holdex sha�l notify the authorized o�f`icer when a#ransfer of t�Y�� fo all or park of the a�Ehorized improve�ents is eontemplated, 2. T�ans�e�o£Title. An�tran�fer.of titie ta the imprav�men:�s�overed by t.�is�ern�i�sha�l r:esult : iri tezm�a�c�n of the petm��.The.patty who acquires ti�e to the impravemeu�s must submit an applie,a�on far a perrx�it. Tb.e Fo�est S.c�rc�iee is not o�ligated.#o��sue a ne�v pertnit ta�he party who acqu��;s t�tte to the impro�vem�nts.'�.e aut2i�rizeci offic��haYl det�;rrnine t�at t�e a�p�icaa� ! meets requirements under appl�cab�e�ederal reg�anons. . II. IMPRO�IV�ENTS ; � � � � ; '� A. LIl17I'I`ATIONS ON U�E. Nothirxg in�is permit gi.ve�or implies pemussifln fo build or m������s�ructu�e or faci�i�o�:fo ronduct any acn��,�less sp.ecific�ll�authorized by t�.� pertr�it.,�:y use not�geeifiea.l�y aut�:o��d by thi��errr�t.inu�t b�s propa�sed in acc�c>rc�a�ce with�� � �6 CFR�S I..�4. �lppro�al af su�a�ra�aosai th:rough issuar�ee a�'�ne�pe�it or:pe�nit i amend�cn����a�fi�e s�1E di�ere�ic�n af�e authorized o#fieer. � - � B. Ei,ANS. AIl plans for de�Iap�nerF�, laXout,cons�ru�tion,.��co�stniction, or alx��a��ion af Eimproverner��s in�he p�rnut area, as vc!�11 as revisions to�hose p�ans must be prepared by a professivna��rigineer, a�chi�ee�, l�dscape architect, ar o�her quali�ie�i pro�e�siona�bas�d an federal:�xnployx�ent s�anc�airds ace�p�a��e�o.th�authorized of�e�r. T���e p�a�s a�xd;plar� , �rewi:szon:s r��xst:lia�r�w�t�en.appraval�om�he at��hor�zed�offee���for�;th��ar�implefn�nted. ' The authorized o.#�icer may r�uire�h��alder: to fi�rnish a�-buil�plans, maps, o�s�rveys upon �, campletion a�f the v�ork. . ,, . , IIT. OP�RAT�ONS. A, PERI�D.Q��U�.E, �se or oc�ct�panc�of#he permit area shall be exercised at lea�t 3`65 days each year. � � i i � � ; --33- I _ _ _ __ __ _ ......... B. COND�TION O�'OPERAT�O��:Th�hol�er�shai:ll maint�in the autl�o�iz�d impra�vemen�s ', and permit area tt� standards of repair, orderliness, neatness, sanitarior�,�and safe�y acceptahle to the authari��d offi�er anc�con5istent w�ith ot�er pxovisians o�this per�mit, St�ntiards are s�tbjeet to periortic chaz�ge��t the�.ut�vri�ed o£f cer wh�n dee�ed necessary to m�e�statutory,reg�latory, ; or po�icy requuements oF tv p�otect nat�o�at far�st resow-ees. T�e ho�der shali camp�y wi�h � ! inspectzon requiretnen�d�eeinecl appropri�te by�e au�liorizecl offic�r, ; ' C. OPERATTI�G Pi�.A:N. 'T�e ho�der shall prepare and a�inually revise an.operat�ng p�an �very fve years. The a��rating plan sha11 b�p�e�aFed in consultation v�i�h th�autliorized o£fii�er ar the auEhorizEC�ofC�.cer's des�giated represen�ati�e and shal�cover all aperations authoriz�d by t�s ; pemiit.The aperating plan shall outlin�sfeps the hold�er will take to protec€pu�lic health and sa�ety and the environment a.nd shaIl inctude sufficient detail and standards to enabte the Forest � Service to moni�ar�he hoider's operatians fQr comp�iane�wifih the�errns and condit�ons of t�:� permi�. The operating plan sha�l be submi�fed by the holder and appm�ved by the authorized officer or�e authorized offieer's desigr�a�ed repres�n�a.tive:prior to con�n:enc�r�ent of ope�afior�s - � an.d �ha11 be attached to this permit as an appendix. The author�zect officer may:requir�an annual mee��ng�vith fihe hotdez ta d�sGUSS the terrns and condi�on�af tlie peznut or ogerafing piar�, � 1 annuai use reports, or other coneern�eit�er paz�y may have:. � � i D. IN�P�CTIO�T BY THE�QREST�E1�VI-CE�T1ie Forest Service shatl mvn'ttor�lie hal.der's � aperations and reserve�fhe righ�#o inspect.the perfnit area:and�r�nsmission faci�i�iES at an,y�irne � for complia�c�wi#h the tezm�af�i�s�p�rmit..The holder`s obli�ation�und:�r�b:is permit are not ' con�n.gent upon any dut�o€th.e Fores�Se�r�+i�e to inspect the pe�mit area Qr transmissian facilities. A fail�are by th�Forest Serviee ar o.ther go.vcmment��offici�s ta u�pect is no�a 1ustificafi�on�ox noneornpliance with any of€he terms anci cvnditi.on�of this pemut. ? �.RIGHTS A,ND L�4.BILTTIES ' � . I � � A. 11E.GAL�FFECT OF TH�P�R:MIT. Th�s:pe�ut, whieh is revocable and termin��le;i� � ; nat�contra�t ar a l�a��,bu�r-afJi�r a fed�a��ie�ns�. The�e;��fits and requi�em�nts confe�recl by �is au�horiz�tion are re�i�vt�abi��sQT��un��r t��p�oced�Zres set forth in 36 C�R Fa��5�, Subpart C, and 5 LF.S.C. 704. Thz�pe�mrt does not Eo�ti�ufe�cantraet for pur�iases Qf�e Cantract Di�spuEe�Aet,41 II.S.G. �01. The .ermit i�nat real Fa e does n t p � o con�re an . P� � �3' Y Y i infere�t in r�a��propert�, and m��na#be t��d a�colla�e�a�far a loan. B: VA.�1D OU'F�TA�FD�I�IG Ri�l�i'T�.'�is p�nnit is subj��t to� a�1 valid autstati.d�n�.�igh�. ! Valid out��andin�r'tgh�s include th.ose deri�ed under mini�i�.�d m�neral lea�ingl�v��Q�t�i� �ni�ed S�ates�. '�h.e L3ruted��a�es is riot Iia�a��e�ta#�ie h�ldeF f�r the�;xercis�of an�such right. C.AB�ENC��F'THTRD�-PA�TY BENE�TCIAR�RIGHT�. Thc parties�o this pernut do no#intend�o confer an ri ts ari an �hird a� as a ben Y � Y efxciar unde:r thi� .er�nit. � y Y � ; D. SERVTCES TIOT PROVIDED. This�er�it does�ot provide.for the fizrnishing of'roacl ar ' �rail maintenax�ce, water, �ire pratec�ion, search and rescue, or any other such service b: a I y I �overnment agency, utility, association,c�r individua�. 4 -34- _ __- __ , - _ ___ _ _ E.�R.ISI�OF.LOS�. The holder assume�`aiI x�:sk of luss asso�iated with us�or accu�aney o�the ', permit ar�a;ui�Iuciing bu#not�im:ited fo the#�,vand�ismT�e and any fire-fight�g ac#�vities , (�cluding pr.eseribed b�rns), �:�al�ches,rising water�,winc�s, falling limbs:ar tr�+es, and other forEes o£nature. If authorized texnporary improvements in�e permit are�ar�c����royed or substantial.ly damaged, the autho�ed of�cer shalt conduct an analysis to determ�ne whe�her the � improvements can be safaly oceupied in th��uture and�vhether'rebuilding should b.e aliowed. If � rebuilding is na�allowed, th�permit shall ternzu�ate. ' F.DA11�IA:GE.TQ LTNi�'�D STAT�S PROF�RT�. Th�lxolder Y�as an aff rrnafiive dut}F to pzoteet fro�:damage i�ie iand,propert�`, and other interests of#he I�r�ited S�ate�.Damage inc�ud�bu�is not Iimited#o fire suppresszon costs, darn�ge to g�vernment-ownecl improvemen�s eovered by this pern�:i�, and all�osts anc�dan7ages a�sQCiateci with or resultin�frorn�E release or tl�reatened release of a ha:z�rdous.material accurring duxing or as a re�ult af acti�riY�es o�the holder o��e holder's heirs, a�signs, agen�s, emp�oyees, eontractors, ar lessee�on, or related ta, , � the�:ands,prop�rty, and other interests covered by this pe�m:it. For purpasES af cla�s�IV.F ar�d , seci�an�, "hazardous material" shail me:azi{a) any hazardou� substanee under sec�ion l0i(14} of '� the Cornpre��nsive Enviro�nental Response, Camper�sac�io�, and Liability Ac�(CL�iC�,A);4� U.S.C. § �6U1(14); (b} any poZ.lutant ar contaminan.t under section.141(3�3)of C��RCLA,42 � U.S.C. �9601�33j; {c} any petroleutn produ�t o�its deriva�ive, incluciing fiiel oil, anc�waste oils; � and(dj an�hazardous substanee,extr�mely ha�aardous sub�tance,�oxi�substanee,haz�.rd�us waste, i�t��Ie,reactive or correasive m�terials, pal��tan�, con�amina�t, �1cnlent, cornpo�d, mixture,so�u#on ar. su�stance:�hat rnay pos�a present or poten�a�hazard to human heal#h or the envi�ronm��t uzider any appliea�le e�.vironm�nta�Iaws. 'j ::i. The holc�e���all avoid damaging o.r. con�am�nai�n��e�n�ironment, inciuding b�nat�imited fo the soi1, vege�ation(such as trees, shrubs, and grass), su�ace water, and groundwater, durir�g j the hoide�'s,us�az�oeeupanc�o�thc�gem�i�area. I�the��nvironme�.�ar any g��e�ne�t property � covered t�:��is p�rmit becames dama�e�during the holcYer'���se or occupan�cy of'�e�.p��it � area, the holder sha11 immed.�ately repair the damage or replaee t�e damaged item�to�he satis�ae�ion_�af fihe authorize� o�ficer a�d.at ao exp�nse ta�e United: States. 2. The fiol:de�sh��be lkable for all inji�r�', Ios�, v-r damag�,inc���ing fir�suppr�ssio�i,.p��ve�tiort and.eontro�of����r�ad of�r��asiv�specie�, ar other cos�s irt eontiec�ion with rehab.i�z�atiton or � Festoratiort o�natural�esottrces as�o�iated wi�h the u�e c�r oecupane3�autho�tized b.��i�per�n�t. � �o��e;ti�afio�sfialf include but not be i�it�d to the�ralue�o€r�so�i�rces d�naged or dr�st�oye�, the�dsts of re�tor��ion, cle-anup,.or oth�r mitigatio�, fire s��pr�����or o�her types o:f aT�atem��t eosts, �.nd all ac�Gninis�ative; leg�l �i���udur��ttorney's�ees), a�d o�her costs. Such cast�rnay li� d�duetet�fro:m a p�rformance bond�ec�uireci�nder clatzse��.I. � 3. The ho�de�shall b�li�ble#'or damag�.ea�tsed:by u�se offi�i��io�cl�r or the ho�der's heir�, ass�gns; age��s, er�plo�e�s, contracto�s, or lessees�to al;l�ro�ds and�raz��o�.the�iJnited Sfa�es�o th�;�ar�� � e�tent as p�a�icl�d under clause ZtV.F.l, except that liabili�si�.0 not inc�ude reasanabl�:�nd ordinary wea�r and tear � i 5 -35- � ', G HEALTH,.S�TY;A�D EN�?II�O�NTAL PROTECTIQN. T��hold�r�shall � , pro�'npt�y abate�s eorn�i;etely as possible and in cc�rnpliance with alI applicable Iav�s and ', reg�latior�any�act�vit�or condi�an ari�ing aut af or relat�ng to the au�:ori�ed use or oce�a.ncy, ' . fhat causes or�reateris;to cause a hazard to p�b�ic hea�tl�.vr the safety of the holder's employ.ees or agents or harm fo the en�ironrn:en��inelud�ng areas flf veg�tal�+an or f�ml�e�-T fish or o�her v�i:ldiife popul�nor�s,�hei�ha�bi�a�s; or an�r oth�r�a#.i�;ral resources).The hald�r shall preven� � impacfi.s to fi.�e environmenfi an.d cui�ural resaurces by iFnpleinenting ae�it�n�identified in�he I aperating plan to prevent esta.blistunen�.and spr�ad of invasive species.The holder shall i�:mediately no�i£y the authari�ed o��er�f a�� �c;ri.aus aecidents fhat occ�in cannection with 5uch activities. The r�sponsihility�o��o�ee�th�hea�:th and saf�ty af a11 p��sons a�ected by�lie i rz��or oceupancy authori��d by this pezmit is svlely that of th�hold�r.'I'h�;Forest Sez�viee h�:no i duty und�r�e terms of:#his�ermit fo�aeef�p�it area or ope�ations and activities of the � halder for ha�a.�dous eonditio�s o.r�ompliance v�i�h health and safety stauc�ards. ' �.R.ESOURCE P�tO'FPC�ION , � A. COMPLIAI�C�V�'��`H ENVIRU1�iVI��+ITAL LAWS. The holder s}�all in connect�on wi� �e use or occupaney au�orized by this pc�rmi.t comply wifh aIl appiicabie feder�, state, and Ioca�environmentaa;I l�v�s and r�Iations, ineluding but not limited to thos�estah�lished p�rsuant to�e I�eso�ce Conser�afii.on a�nd Re�co���Aat,as az�end�d,.��U.S.C.�6�UI �f seq.,the Feeleral� V�ater Poll:�t�ian Co�ztrol AEt, as ain�nded; 33 LI.�.C. 12'S1 et.seq:, the Oil Pollution Act, as ; am�nded,:33 U:�:C. 27�1 et sec�.x�e Clean Air Aet, as amend�ed,42 �.�.C. 7�4� et seq., iC�RCLA, as arnended�4�U.S.C. 9501 et seq., �Ii.e:Toxic Subs�ces Car�tr-ol Ae�, as amended, � 15 U.S,C. �601 et seq.,�he Federal Ii�secti.cide, Fun�icicie, and Rodent�cide Ac�, as.amex�ded, 7 I iy,�:C. 136�t seq.,and�he�af�I]rinicir�g�at�Act, as arnenc�ed, ��U.S..�..3'4}��et seq- _ i �._ , B�. V�NDAL���1!I. T�i�;�older�haIl tal�e r�a�on�ble.measures to pre�e�fi�d discourag�. , �andali�m�d disorderl�condu��and v�hen necessary 5ha1�Eonfact the approp�iate tavu I e�orcerne�t officer. . ; C. PESTiCIDE LT�L. Pesticides may n�t be used a�tside o�buildings�o eontrol unrlesirable . ; wocacl�and;ii�rbac�ts�egeta�ian�i:nclu�ling aqu�t�c plar�ts),in�cts,�ode�tsx f�n,.and o.trier � i �e��fs anc�w�i��ri#�or��p�io�r wri�en appro�� �rom�e autk�orize�o�c��. A re.quest fo�- ap�s�-ova� of plarr�ed u�e��.of pesti�ide��hall��submi�t�d anz�u�lly by fl�e h�aid�r on the due t�ate , esfablished by th�au�a�z� o�cer.Th�r.�po�shall co�!ez a 1�-mv�.th p.eriod a��pla�ed us� E b��inni�g 3 mvn� aft�r�e repQrt�:da��. I��4rm�ion es�ential �ar revi��v shall be provided in €he farm�p�ified. ��c.��rior�s€o t�i;s s��.ed'u�e may 1�e�lvwed, �u�jec#.fd er�er�eney req�es� , and approval, ont�when unexpectecl Qut�ir•�a�o�p�s�or weeds r�u�z'�can�rQl zn�asures th� ' �ere no��ant�ci:pate� a�f�e t�e an annua�re�or��as submi�ed. Oni��ose mate�at� regisE�red '', by t�e U.S. En�ironmen�a:�P�ate��ian A;gen�y for�i��peczfic purpos�p�ax�ned sh�tl b� 'i con�ider�d for us�o�r�a�ional�orest�y�:te�Iands. Lab.el instructio�and a1I applieable la�u� and regulations shac�i.be:stricfly followec�m t�ie application af pes�icide� ax�c�dis�osal:of excess I materials and cantainers. b ' .--3fi-- � i i , D. ARCHAE�LO�YCAL-FALEt3NT�LOGICA.L DISCOVER�ES.The holder sha11 ', immediately no�ify the autho�z�d offi.eer o£all anti:qu.ities or otiier objec�s of lustoric or '' scientific inter�st, inclucli�g but no��imited to historic or prehz�toric ruins, fossi�s, or artifaets discover�in connection with the use and occupanc�autihorizecl�ry tbis perm�t.The hald:er shall � leave these discvveries intact an�.u�place�n�l directed ath�rw�ise by the autharized oi�cer. � Pz'o#ect�ve and m3tigative measures sp�Gified by the authorized of&cer sha�l be�he responsibility � of the holde�. ' E.�TATNE AMER�GAl�.GRA.V�S�PROTECTION AND R�PATRIATION. Tn aceordanc� with 2S LT.S.C. 3402(d) and�3 CFR 10.4, if the holder inadverten�.y discaver-s human rem.ains, i� fi�nerary objec�, 5�cred.objects,vr obj'eets vf cu�tura�patrimony o�Na�ionaZ Foxest Sys�em ! lands, the ho�der sha.lt immediate�y ce�se work in the area of the dzscovery and shali rnake a ' reasonable effort to protect azid seeure the items. '�'h�holder sha�I unm�diately n��ify�h� autharized ofl�c�r by telephone of�ae discover�and shall follov�up w;ith writ�en canfirn�ation o� i tl�.e discovezy: Th�activity that resulted in�he in:advertent dis�over�may no�resume until 3 Q days aft�r the�uthorized oi�'icer certifies rec�ipt o�'the written canfirn�afion, i�resumptio�ofthe ', activity i�atherwi:se lawfui, ar at any time if�bindin�writ#en agre�zn�nt.has been e�cecuted between th�Forest Servi-ce arid.�he affliated �dian tribes that adop�s a reco�verl!plan foF th� hzzman remains and objec�s: F. PRQTEC'I`�Dl�OF H�EITAT O:F THItEATENED, E�DANGERED, AND �; S�NSIT'IVE SPE+CXES.The l�ca�on of si�F;s with�n the permi�area needing special me��es� � for protec�ion of p�ants or animals list�i as threatened or endang�red under�he Ez�dange;red � -:�peeies Act{ES.A.}o€�973, �6�7.S�.C. l�31 e�seq., as amended, ar ident�fied:as sensit�ve or �� :oth.ez-wise rec�uiring speciai protectia�by the R�gianal Fore��r un�er Fo�est Service Ma�u� � f�SA!I}2G70;puz's�tant to.can�uitation conducted u�der sectiom 7 of the ESA,ma�be shav�n o�r : �he pround or on a s�ara�e map�. The Fna�.shall be a�tach�d to fhis pennit��an appendix.'�i�; j holder shali tal�e an�pro�ecti�e and mi�iga#ive- �easures specified�by t�e aufhorized.ofScer. if � pro�ective and rni�ga�ve�n�asures prove.inadequate,if other si�e�uri�the permit area containing threatened� e�dangered, ox sensitive sg�cie� or species o�.�ris�requaring speeial iprotection are dfscovered;-ar if riew sp�ei;�s are�isted as threa��ned or�ndan�ereci under the���i or ic�ennfied as sensi�ive ox o.therv��se requiTi,�g special�Sro#eetion b��ke I�eg�onal For�ster uneter. � �e FSM, the authoriz�d officer may specifX additional protee�ive and mitigative measures. � Discover�of thes�sites��t�e hQxde:r or f�,e Fo��s�Serviee sh�1F b�prQmptly:reportec��o�� I other party: I I G. CDNSEI�'T'r0:�TQL� HAZARD.OiJS M.��ERI�L�. The h��c�e:r shail nof stare an� hazardo�s material�at th�:site v�cithout p��r writ�en appraval fraui th�authoriz�d a�ficer. Thi� a�praval shall na�l��u.nr��on�b�y wi�h�i�d, ��he authorized o�fice��pro�itle�approvaT, �h� pe�nit s�all.include;or�n th�case of appraval pro�ded�fter�his pe�nit is issued, s�.all be amended to include� e - p clfie�erms ad�e�sin th�s�ora e of haz�rdou�rna�erials includin the . g g � � spec�fic t�pe ofma�er�als to b�sfored, �h�v��t�m�, the�ype of sto�age, anc�a spill plar3:. Sucl� ; tezms shall be pxogo��d by the holder and ar��ubj�c�#.� approval by t�ie authorizeci o�'ficer. I � I. If the holder receives consent to store hazardous material, t�e hald�r shall ident�fy to the � Forest Servi ce a�y hazardous material to be stored at the sit�. Such identification information sha.11 be consisten�with ealumn{1} of the ta�1e of hazardous mater�als and special pxovis�ans � -37-- -__ __ ____ _....... . � enumerat�d at 49 CFR 172.101 w�henever the�azardous material app�ars�ri�that table. For hazazd commwn:ication purposes,the holder shall rnai�Eain Material Saf�;ty Data �heets for any , . sto�ed�hazardot�s ehemical�, consistent wi#h 29 CFR �.91U.1200(e) and(g). In additian,�1 , hazardous materials stvred�y the holder shall be used,�abe�ed,�tflred,�an.sported, and dispased� 'I of in a�cordance wi�h all applieable federal, s�af�; and locai laws and regulation�. I 2. Th�.hvlder sha11 no�release aay hazardous ma�erial as defined in clause TV.F, onta �and or intti rivers, streams, impflund�nents, ar nat-�ral or man-inade channels leading to th.em. A.11 prudent ;� and safe at�emp#s must be made to conta:in any rel�ase of�ese rna�e�ia1�.The.au�liorized officer ; i�cY�a�ge may spec��s�ecifi�conditions that must b�meC, ancluding condt�ion�inore st�ngent ' �han�ederai, state, a�d�ocal regutatians, to prevent releases and protect naEural resou�ces. . H. CLEA�'I3P AND R.�MEDTATION � ' 1. 'T�e ho�der shall itn�n�diatel�r noti�y a�l appropria��respans�authori�ies, including the � i�ation�l Response Center and the auth.ariz�d aff�i�er�tlie authorized o�cer's des�gnated � represeirtati�e,af any oiI discharge ox-of the re1�e of a hazardou�materia�i�the perrnit area in ! an arnc�unt grea�er than�r equ�I�t�o its.reportal�l�quanti&y, itl accnrciance with�33 CFR Part I 53, �, Subpart B, and 40 CFR Pa7tt�0�. FoF t�e p�poses o��s requirement, "ai:l" is as defin�d b� seetion 31 i(a}(1) of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S:C. 1321(a){�). The holder shail imm�diafeiy nflti�r the au�horiz�o�ficer or the au�hor��ed of�cer's desi�ated representative of any re��ase � ar�reatened r�lea�e nf any:�,�ardous materiai in or�near the p�nnit are�whieh m�:�b�hannful to pubYic health or w�lfare or which may adv�ely a.ff�et natural resources on federal lands. � ; 2. Except wi�h�espect to�.x.fe,�erall�_�ez�nitted release as that tezm is define�under�ec�ion j 141(IQ)af CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. �601�'t0}; the ho.��e�'s�all c�ean up or otherwis�remediate�any ' r�lease,threat of rel�a�e, Qr c�ischarge of�a�ardous�fna�erials that a�+c�s eithe�u�the pemufi area or ii�eonnection vvit� the holder's ac�zvities in fi.h�pemxit area, regard.l�s� of whether those , � act���ies are auth.orized-und�r�his permi}t. 'Fhe hoider s1�all perfQrm c�ea��p or rerr�ediai�an. � '', iminediateI�upan di�.co�ery of the r��ease,�hr�a�o�r�teas�,o.r dischar�e af�azardous mate�at�. �� The holder shaIl pe;rfor���ie c�ea:t�up:or r�:n�di�tion�a the satis€a�tion o€�.he a�.thvrize�:a�fzcer �n�a�no expe�s��o the�Trr�t�d'State�. Upon r��a�ea�on Qr�ern�it�.tio�af tlus permit, th�nolder shall de�iver the�i��:ta�e For�;�t Service free�and e�ear o�cont�mi�a�ion. � �. CERTI�ICAT�ON UPOI�RE�OCA`TIQ�I OR TERMINA'TION. If the holder uses o-r � .�tares hazaxd'ous mate�ials at�he site, �pon revoca#iar�a�termina�ion of�iis p�rrnit the l��lder �shall��ovide the Fore�t�er�iEe wi:�la a regort ce�ified by�prof�ssional or. prof�sionals � aee�ptats�e to the Forest �e�<;e th�t.the p�rm�ti�ea is uneontamir�ated b�#��pre�enee of i hazardat�rnafi�ri�s ar�e��aat�e��has�o��een a r�;��e vx disch�ge of h�zardous rnaterial� upon t�ie perm.it�rea, into ��ace�uvate�a�ox ne�t�i�pe�t�ea, or i�to graundw�.ter.belovck t�e perrnit ar�a during tixe tczm a€the perrni;�. '�'hi�Eertif c�1�Qn r�q�xiremenf ma�be waived b�tf�� aut�ori�ed of�c�r v�hen t�e Foxes�Ser�i�e determines that�he ri�l�s posed b�th�hazardous �naterial a��minimal. If a releasz or diseharge has o�curred, the profes�io�al or professionals shall do��unent and cert,i�y fhat�e r�lease or discha:��e ha�been fiiily remediateei and that�he pe�mit area is in complianc�with ail fede�a�, state, and lacal laws and reg�u�at�ans. � � S °38- '�I'.�LANll II�SE 1�EE AND AC�OUNTING ZSSUES A. LAND USE FEES.Tne ha�der shall�ay an i��ial annualland use fee o�f$40;�4'7.9fl £or the ', period firom Janua�ry 1,2p1�2 to December 31,2012. On J'anuazy I,the holder shall pay an , annuai land use fee calcu�ateci usu�g fhe 20Qg-�OZ�linear�g�t-af way fee s�hec�ul�, then:an� updated.fe�sched�les after 2015. � � � B. MQDIF�CATrON OF THE LAND USE�EE. '1'l�e land use fee may be reviseci vwhenever � necessary to reflect fi�e market value of�he authorized use ar occuganey or when the fee sX�tem i` used to caicuiate the lanc�tise fee is modified or r�p�aced. '�� �� C. FEE PAYMENT�S�CIES. 1 Creelifin�Payznents, Paymer�#s shalI be crecuted on the date reeeived by�e deposi�faciii�r, ' exeept tha�if a paym�nt is r�ceived on a non-worleday,tbe payment slaall no#.be credited until.the � next workday. 2. I7is uted Fees.Fees are due and payable by the du�e c�ate. Disputed fees mus�be paid in full. 3 Ad�ustrnentts wilt b�made if dicta�ed by a�n adm,inistrativ�appe�Y decision; a cou,�-t decision,o� s�ttlement�ernis. i 3. Late Pa ents . fia} �ei�est.Purs�ant to 3I TI.S.�. 3�717 et sec�.,%nterest�h�:11 be c�iai-ged o�any fee amou�not :=.paid:�ithin 30 days fror�r�i�date:if beca�xie due, The ra�e o£intere5t as�essed shall be#.he�iig�ier t�.a�the Fsornpt Pa�ner�t A.�t rate orti�e rate of tk�e�tx�re:q:t value a�f�ua:�s�a the TrEas z.e. �� �rY(� , _ , ,'I'reas��a�and lo�n aecount ra:te),as pr�c�b�ci�nd p�zblished a�nually Qr t�uarterl�by�f.h� �° Sec:re�ary:�of the Tra�ury i��.e:��deral Regisfer and 4`h�TTea�zzry Fis�al Req�ziremen�s I�tlartual: - �ulle�ins. In�erest on the prineipal shal�accrue from t�ie date the�ee amount is due. �Com:�sf�ati�re I �) Ca�t.�.���e acco�t beco�n �de��q��za��, adnu���r��v�cvs#s to c��er `� pr:ae�ssing a:nd hand�ng.�,e d:elinqu�ncy shaiY b�a��sse�. , , (c,�Penalties. �4 penalfX of 6°fo per annr�rn shatt be a�ses�ed'on t�,��of�:�amount fhat is more��. � 9�days delinquen�a�d s�all acerue from the same da�e c�r�which interes�charges begin ta accnxe:� . r �c�) Tu�ina�ion for 1V�Qn�a�nent: Thi�perrnit��a�l�er�ina��e without�e��s�i�of priar na#�e€<an�opportut�i�y�o cotn�-l�wlien any�ermit fe��a�a�nt is.�4 calentla�c�ays frorn�e�ue. cia�e in a�ears. T'tie�.ofder s�a���r.��nain r�:�pan�ih��£ox�e c�ei�nq��n��f�e�. , . � 4.�inistrative Offse�..and�redi��eporting. I?elinquent f�es an�.ofher charg�;s assaciated with. th�pezmit shail be subject to a:al1�ghts and rem�es af�ordeel the United Sta�es pursuant to 3 I U.S.C: 3�11� et seq. and'carnmon Ia�. Del%nq�e�icies ar�subjeEt to.��oz�atl of the f�l�owin�: (a}AdYninis�rative affset af payments d�.e t�e hold�r fram the Farest Servkce. �II . {b) If�excess of b0 d'ays,re�erral to fhe Department�of the Tr�asury for appropn�fe collection ; ac�on as provided by 31 LI.�.C. 3'�11(g)(1}. _a9_ 9 !............................ .. . , (c) Offset bp the Secretary of the Treasury of ar�y amount�clue the hoider,as grovided:liy 31 ', II.S.C. 372U et seq. {d)Disclas�re to eonsumer ar eoinm�rci�eredit report�ng agencies. � � Vu.1�EVOCATxON, SUSP�N�ZOAT,AND TERMIII�ATIO�i A. REVOCAT�ON AND SUSPEl�TSIUN.The authorized of�'icer may revoke or suspend this permit in w�ole or in part: ', �. For noncompliance wi�federal, state, o�loca�law. �. 2. For nancampliance wifh the tez�ms a��.s permit. ' 3. For abando�ent or other�'ail�re of�he holcler to exercise�he privileges gran�ed. 4. V�ith th�e consent o�fhe ho�der. 5�For speci�ie and cQr�pe�iing rea�o�s in the public interest. � Prior�o revocation or suspensian,other�han unmediate susper�sion uncler clause�I.B,the authorized o�`xcer shatl give fhe hald�writ��n notice flf�he�aunds£s�r revoca:i�on or suspension. Ir�t�e case of revo�af�an or s�uspension based o�c�ause�T.�4.1,2, or 3,the authorized off cer sha11 giue t�ie halder a reasonable time, typically not to exceed 90 days,to cwre '� any noneompliance. - B: �Ni11�ED�:TE SUSPENSION. The authorized officer�nay inunerliately�uspend�hi.s pernut in whole or-in part vv�en n�cessary to�rotect pubiic health or�a�e�y vr�:e ez��o�ment. The suspen�ian decision s�ail be ir�writ��. The ha�der ma�request.an on�si�e review vvith the � au�hori�ed a�cer's supervisox o�th�advers�condi�.ons prompting-�ie sus�ei�sion:Th� � a�thorized o�ficer's�up��i:�or sha11`g�ant t�a'rs request with��48 hoi�s..Fol�Civ���th�on-si�e r��ie�, �e authorized�offi�cer's 5�p��isor sha:lt pramp�ly a�rn�,madify; o�canEe�the� , suspEnsic�n. ;i C. APPE�ILS�1�D:It�MEDI��: �ritte�deeisions bX�a�tk�o:ri�ed o�cer r�la�i.ng to � administra�ian of�his permit are su�j:eet to a�ni�trafive apgeal�zz�uar�z t�3�5 CF��'art�51, Subpart C, as amended. Revoca�io�or. suspension of�s perm�t shaXl no�give ris�to any elaixn far.datn�ges b��he h�z�d�r again����.�o.resf��c�. D, TER1VYINt�T�4N. This pe�nit sha11 terrninate wb.en by its terms a fi�ecl or�gre�upon c�ndition, event, o��ime occurs v�rithou�any actioz��y the au�hori�ed officer. E�arnpl�in��ud:e b�t are no�limz�ed to ex�ira�ion af th:�pernu#by i�s terms on a sp�eif ed�dat�an,d��rm��a�ion upon cliang�4f cont�ol-o.�'.the busines�.enrity.Tenn�nation c�f�hi�p��rii��ha���xQ��equire noti�ce, a decision d"ocumen#,ar any en�itc��tal analysis ar othe�do�um�n�a�ion: '�`e�rmu�a�ion of this er perrnit is no�subject ta admuu�tra�i�e appeal an.d s�a�t no�give rise��an:�c�aim far damage�b� the holcl�r a�ainst the Fo��s�S�r�e.�. �. I2I�GHTS,A:I�D R�SPON��SIL�'IES UP4N 12�'�QCAT�Q.i� QR T'�Rl!'YINATION i �?ViTHOUT REI�EWAL. Upon revocation or termination o�this permit wit�i�ut renewal of the Ianthorized use, the holder shail,ret�r.ove alI strueiures and irnpro�em�n�s, e�cept those owned by ; the CJnited States, vvi�hin a:rea;�onahle pe�.od:prescribed by�he.authorized of�e�;r and sk�ail � resto;re xhe site ta the satis�action of the authorizeci o�icer. If�lie holder fails tQ�e�nove all 10 -40- , _ _ __ structures and�improvements with�n fhe pr�scribed�eriod,fihey shal�become t�e prop�erty of th� . United States and ma�i�e�a1d,des�to�ed, or atherwi��disposed o�without any liability to tti�; ', United States. However,the holder shall remain Iiable�or ali costs assaci�ted with their rema�al, including cosEs af sale and impa�ndment, cleanup, and r�storation of the site. . V1I�.MISC�LLANEOUS PROViS��O�N� A• N��1!IBE.R� OF CQNG���.No member of ar dclegate to Congress�or residen� comma�ssion�;r shail henefit frazn thts permi�either direc�ly ar indir�ctty, except to the extent the au�horized u;se pra�uides a�eneral benefi�fo a c�rpora�ion,� B. CURRENT ADDR�SSES. The holder and the Fores�Service�ha:�l keep each other infarmed ' afewtrent mailing adc�resses, including thvse necessary€or bi�ling and paytnen�of Iand use fees. C. SUPERSED�D P�RZVMYT. Thi�permi�supersedes speciai use pertnits d•esignated ; ELD400�01 (STPUD sewer master permit}, ELD400803 (STPUD B-iine L�th�ar Pa�s), and ELD4Q0819 (monitoring�rells). D. SUPERIQR CLAUSES. If there is a confliet between any o€t.he preceding printed clauses ; and'a:�y of the following cl�nses,the pr�eeding pri:nted olauses shall con�ra�. E. NOXIOU� V�EEDS.The permi.f halder sha11 prepare, in cooperatian wifT��e Farest Se�vice�, a noxio�s weed plan for swr�e�ing,preven�g, reportix�g, cantrollin�and moni:#v�ing noxious ; weed.population�on the au�harized areas and v�i�hin tlie holder's area of respQnsability. These ; measuxes may inciude, wher�a�prop�iat�; equipment i�s�ection for sail, seed�, an.d vegetative m�tter, equipment clearung, �nd us�of weed-free ma�erials(soil, gravel, s.traEV,muleh} and se�d rnixes. A c�arrent li�t of no�cio�s weeds of concern is availabie at t��Fo��t S�tpervisor's O#�ce. I F. SURV�YS,LAND COR�TCRS. The l�older sha�l pr�teet, in place, ali publie land survey � monum�nts,privat��roperty corners, an�Farest boundary markers. In the�vent thaf any such ` land rma�:rkers or monumenfs are des�roy�d in the�;xercis�of the privile�es pernutte�i bx this . i au�io�izatio� depending an the t�e o:f rnQnumen��:es�ro�yed,�he hold�r shall se�that they are ; r���tablish�d.or ref�renceci in accorda�c��Fh(1} tFi�procedures.ou�l�ine€�i�the"�Viarival of ` InstrEtc�ians for the �urvey af�he�ub�lie f�and o�ttr�Uni��ct �ta�es,"(2}#�e s��cifie,ations af the counfy s�arve�or, or(3) the�p�cifications afthe Forest Serviee. � Furthe�, �e.holder shall cat�se sueh Q�"fieia� su��y reeords as are a�'fected �o�i�axnended as � pz�ovid'ed b�r>Ia�u.No�t�in:g in t�us claus�shall re�iew�fhe�io�der'�li�bility�ar t�te�illfii� ; dest�e,�i.on or�madification o�an�Go�ernment suive�marker as providec�a� 18;CI.S�.G. I85&. j G RL�VI�O'V`AL AND PLANTIl�IG����EGET�T'TON AI�TD- OTH�R��O'I��ES. T'�ii� pernut does not authvrize the cutting of��rnber ar other�regetai�on. Tree�or sluubbery may be remo�ed or destroyed only a�er the authorized officer or: the au�ia�ized office�'s designated ! ;rep�esentative.has approvec�in writing and marked ar oth�rv�ise idenrified what ma�he remaved or c�estroXed. Tim�er cut or destroyed shall be paid for at curz�ent stu�npage rates for similar timber in the�,ake Tahoe Basin Management Unit. T�ie Forest Ser�ice reserves the right to dispase of the merchantable�imber to those othe;r than th�holder at no stumpage easY ta#he 11 ; -41-- i I � holder. Uz��nercha��abl�rnaterial shal.l.be disposed ofas dir�cted by the authorizecl.6�eer. � ', Trees, si�rub�, a�d oth.er pIan�s may,be.plant�d v�ithin the permi;t areac�?vith prior vvrit�en agprc�val ' o�'the autho�ized o�cer. . H. GR4.UND SU,RFAC�PROTECT�ON AND REST4RAT�ON.Thc halder sha11 prevent and cortrol soil erosion and gul��i:ng on Na�ionat Forest Sy�tem lands in and adjacent ta�e � permit ax�a resu�ting from eonstruct�on,aperati�on,maintenance, and termination o��he � authorized u��. Th�halder shall cons�ru�au�liv�.zed improv�m���s so as to avoid a�acu��lation a�exeessive amo�.u�.ts Qf�v��er i�the penmit area and�ncraaclimenf on s�:'eams. The holder st�al� revegetat�ar otherwise st�ilize�for exax�ple,by const��ting a retauung v�all) all�:ra►�d�here the soil has been exposed as a result of��holder.'s conshuc�ion,maintenance,aperation,or '', termination ofthe authozized:use.. , , I, �. TIMBER PAYItMENT.AIl Nationai For�st fimber c�tt or destroyed in�he construc�an o��he ' �ermitteci imprav�m�nts sh�i�ae gaid�ar at curreu�st�un�age ra�es for similar�n�et tn fihe ' Nanonai Forest.Yo�n.g-grnwth fimber�ie1o�merchanta�iXe size v;�ll be paid for��t curren� � dama��-appraisai value; and alI slash and debris resutting from the�ut��g. or dest�u�tion of s�e� tirnher shall tie disposed a£as necessa�-y or as the Forest�ervice�nay direet. � This pe�rmut is acceg�ed.subJ.ect to the co�clirions set ou�abave. , . S�i�TH TAH�T P�IBLIC UTII,TrY" �.�..D,�PAR�IYfE�'I'�O� , DIS'T�CT�STPi7D) AGRiEULTIIR� '� � 'I . � B�!: . �:�,� Erie Schaefer NANC�J. GIBSO� STPLTD Board President Forest��pervisor ; ; , Date: Date, . '' Aceo�ding to the Paper4vark�eduction,4et o€1995,�n agency rnax not eonduct.or spo�o�,and a persa�is not requimd io respE,nd,to a ealleeEion of igformatio�.unless it disptays a.valid QEv�$co�t�i�oT�i�uinher."�hc:vali�OR+IB�eonfrdI n�enxber ffl�`�[r'ts ii�f'arniatiou cu�c�t�o�is 0596- 008�.`['h�time requ�red to complete th�ifl€ormat�on calleGtion is estimat�d to a�arage I Itotecp�r�sponse,ine�uding th�nime�r�wtierving , inskcucUons,s�azeheiig existic�g data sn►u3ces,gathering and maiatainir�g the data n�aded,aad cotnpleti�g.and reviewing the.cottact�on o£ int'ormation. . 1'he[1.5.Depa�tment of Agriewlture(�]3DA�gmtu'6its disEri�aEiou in ail its pcagraxns.a�activities on kbe Fia�is af race,e�Ior,nationa!arigin, ag�,disa6itiry;anct;wli�re appticable,se�c,.ivaci#al status;�a►uifi�'#sfatets,pa�tat statusr retigio�seaeuaf orieT�tatio�r,gerte�ic intbrniaiioi�,pc�iEieat i €ie�efs,Feprisa�,or.�eeause xll oc pact mEan�ividaaf's ineom�is deri�rect�Fam�}�puhi�e assia7anee:{P+[ok a�rproh'iaite4�bas��pp[y to� p�ms.}Perso�s witfi disa�Sili#ies who regn�xe xltemati�e means for com�unication o€progiaaarn int'oFinati�n{,Braille,far�e print,.audiotape, etc.J.sho�ld cdntact U�DA s TAitG�T Centcr at 20�-720-2600�vmiee afld'['t3i7j. To�ite a�omplaint of discritnination,write CJ�D.A,Diceetor•,.O�ce of Civi�I�.ig,hTSa.140fI Ind�endenee Avenue;SW,V4las�ngton,�2U�:SQ- ; �3410 or ea(E to�t free(&65)632-3992{voice).'FT11?users.can eonract EI�D,�.through IoeuT retay or t�e FecieraT relay aE 4800�877-$339('I'ADj or I (856}.377-8G42(relay voie�e}.�SDA is en equai oppo�tutiiiy provider and enuPloyer. i iThe Privaay Act of I474(5[1.5.�.SS�a)and the Freedom of YnformaEion Act�(S Ef.S.C.S52)go�em tfie eonfrd�ntiality to tre prouided for infor�xration recei�ed by the Foi�est Sen+iee. 1� —42— _ _ _ __ _ _... _ ___ SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT (STPUD) SEWER NMAST�R SPECJAL USE P�RMIT ELD4U0806 'I'hese exhibits are at#ac hed to and made a part of the special use permrt. A viola�ion of any carr�ponent a� these.exlubzts would be considered a viala�on afthe special use per�nit. i INDEX TQ EXHIBITS � i i A. Sewer limes tu�der special use pern�it ' B. Sewer lines under easement � C, Aecess routes/roads�nder speciat use�e ' � D. Access rau�es/road�under easernen� , ; E. Road Use and Maintenance Guidelin.es � F. Resou:rce Prote�tion Guideiines i • Lax�ciscapinglVegetation � Erosion Control ' • Biologfcal li G. '�'ree7S�as�i Rem� d p 'deiin� H. Fire Prevention Gui _�. I. 5-Ye �' " d 3 c �zid s ; J. De map�of s 'nes, ;a�d ea ts ' i , ' '�, , �, . � ''�, STPU�master pertnit exhil�its pa�� � I��� -43- _ _ _, _ _. _....._.. _ - - _ . _. _...... _.. __.._...... _ - - _.... FEE COMPUTATION SHEET—SPECIAL USES ' ORIGINAL � REVISION ❑ A) PERMIT IDENTIFICATiON E� " �� �� ��:���,' ��; '� �-��;�_ �� �. � •,�:� �. w-. ��� � a�� ~��� �� ��� 'r � `.�:� ' � , < '` ��€-�-�� � - ���,� I, `<� � >' � ;� ���� .�'��'�`°�" ,�� ��� �.��:�`�„� # ?�ts`��' . {B} REVISION iNFORMATION � 'i°s';:.�� � ..�� �~��,��`°� � �� � . p���� p�� ��: � � �% �.� � ����� � _ � � � � � ; ffi �� � ���.� ' �@� -��� i � � - �� ; x�� . .� � , � � � �� � ���� . � � �����,�, � � - � , -�� `�„ �•����° r � � " �� � ° � � � � �.,� � �z � , ,� _ ,�r� x j� /� �. � '.!3` m tt '��t�.'°`°''@T�x;�Y�"��?�4��U�� '� . � ����I:��������`��1`,�,�.b� '�`� ,� . 4 , `a^ `; �° p �,-„; k� ., < � :�� �,�.������_ ������-°'�T'�:. �;°��������p>,:�..�:�. ., re�. : , .��:�, ami�Y .�R °�' � �a��",�= `�� ��:�;E,:�M�� s�.c° .�a;�""'�".x , s..^ _'..,�"�'.s,"s-.:?:':��,.�,,.s.... I (C) ACTUAL FIGURES : �����<�. � �a�����1������ �.J��'z���� '��� �������� -t�'�;� �3 `" < � n � � z, � �� � � �>;� . : y,� .��. �; ?� x I ���� ��x.a -. �. ��:.ra.�r ..x�•"'� s :�� � .a. +� � -"'b. � � i. . � ,� .� .�. �y�' ^ '.��,, �, . ,_,.� a -- �i -�.u � � ���'�������5 fi �� �°°E ��� .����Y�'.�r� .�J� ��V� }� s £J^d��'�2���� �� �5''� � � � a t� . "'� i-.r s� � 'i n 4 � � �6 . �.' ^'.- ��:�����,a. •v � I � � ,�.3 t '. +�r i .. _ _ �,. - '� � � ����� ,,_ _.a '�,�, �� � � `�`�� :��� 5� ,. � .n.... ' - ,.g �.... _�°. ..' < , g ���° � �� §� =:s ` ��,-�"�"`�`�••-�"' � i` a�;� . .a. ,�Y-�° . c:-� ��.t � �_. � � ° .+a ���":�v.�,_.�...:a_..»»».� ,i�# �,. `^,�,b. � 75:.'v_..,,_'�..� ..�� � (D) ADD�T�QNAL REMARKS _ � ���'������ ��;��;�����.����"�.��s���z����a.��������a����, � -�� �_���_ , �z���������������������������������������������¢� �� � Q�,���.d������i�.���dc����y �������.�1`����r ��.��' , � '���n� ��'������'��c�������� � y� ����µq" � X r. ` � �c .- ..�` :�z Fy������ez sfi .�'`�j��� : '} � ��.����T�t����-��'��'����2''�.�� ��� ��T"C�i�'��, F � � ���T�" , ������i��1�1+��E�.����0.F3�t l,�"°� �^ "C�� z� :�- -x� x �' ;. 6 P�"��-";"�''°s,�:'1 S',^ �^'"� Y..�� v�a''�: - � .����� i r 4� . ' � {�� i �` � ��'�'�S^� s. . . a' E .����..����r�. �,� y ,_ � �. ; ��������������������������� � �� � ,� � � j. ��* ; ��]?.���.����"���� fi_ �t?�f������-��� x���k��������.��3��Y a��� �� l...��-�s . �yy���•� ���:,.. {...���� .a��{+... .�j���S�i'_�i.l�����������.y�� . . �'v ,� ..._.{ ��. �} � � � . Z" g� .z �.�°..,..m� .c�F . �:.��t��� ���'���'f�f"���'1� ��`4"�,���I�.r��:� � ��� E � ��< �� ` � � .� �������"T3�t` � �� � �� ����� � ; k ��z ,:., :,. . ��� �s � � � , �� � ` �������.�1����,��'���������� �.�������e�����`��������. � � ����� ������'�'r��:� ����h������ r����������.�:����������� 4 �����-���y�it���������$�� " r� , � � �. � ,, � ; , ','� . � ; S ' -- , � �� - . x �� � a 5' , � -. �.- 3 .� . � �- : � § ' "� , . __ �'=�� . . _ , - �, D �.���, �"_.Ct _ { , � �� ��� � � ,�: ��,,�'�.�ci���a��;��-th����.� ���������' �:x '� � �� � i .�� � ; . ' ;' ; �=�c�e ���T'I��a�� : �;; , ` � r i �� � "� � � `�'�''� �} �'� : ' R , ��� ��.�� , � ������ �,� � � i `s� �y,�v�r�.'��,....?�.z:-���a�`� .>.»�-" z.,....�.,.:."S'° _. �`xc�-���,jt°�„-.,,�r� .-*�xi:���" ) � � ��.F e4" -y.,�: �s � �;.e�:a.f .... . ,^ a- atr � i � .. : . ., ._ s � � c:v-'�� �"-Y z-�:: �� � �. r a��� �„3 - r � � ..T�W�„ I �� � . � -r� � ��� �'.�?°'rx �� � � s � ��,.,.y:������ �` �,�rf�� ; ��..- �--�� ........r<, f� # � �' .� � ����'(— ��a�� f�" ``���„ � � � � ,,.. __.�s. _ - , .., , :.., -W . -...: . . ��- .FL_.,.,�__, ..._.�.'. ...�r.... .zr,...�.._^ ��s.,�.x..kf...,_ ..,...�..�:�:.«... [t5-2700-26(8100) —44— i .�........ .............._....... __.___.___._ _,....W..,.�.,tiy„ - �ichard H.5ofbrig ��'„"",�. , �4 � � � � �""� Pirectore � �� � � f� . Chrie Cefa4u �+'� JameS R.Jonr,S "'�` �" [ � [ r Randy Vogelgesang ! �y��j�j ��/'����`� ���.���� Kelly5heehan Eric 5chafer �I �I t2`7�h�i�adOw�C��'��riY6�S�tr�#��Tc-�hC��Cf4 9�15U-74C1; E'hvrre a3Q 54�--�47A�•�'ax�3���-�4�1�l-•�vww.��pucl.�� i BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4f i TO: Board of Directors ''' ��OM- Pauf Hughes, Chief Fina�cial Q��icer � MEEI'tNG DA1'�: September 6, 2012 !i"�M-- PR�J�CT NAME: 2004 Sewer Debt Refur�ding � REQUEST�D BOARD ACTION: Approve t2esolution No. 2917-�2 authorizing and directing #he execufiion of ar� Enstalfine�t sale agreemenf with Public Property Financing Corporafion of Ca�i�or�ia fior fhe purpose of refinancing wastewa�er improvements, and � autl�orizing and approving related docum�n�s and actio�s. � DISCUSS[ON: As you crre aware, Distr�ct staff has been working with Barfls Wefls � . Associaf�s to refir�ance fihe 2004 Sewer debt to achieve substantial savings through ' low�r interest rafies.T�e bank whieh propos�d #he mosf a#firaGtive rate was BBVA , , Compass wt�.icY� �ecently provided fincrncing fo the Dis�rict fior th� Fleadworks project. � �he refnanced amaunt of$]O.S mi�lion af 2.3�will a�chieve a gro�s scr�rings of just under � $�.5 millio� ov�r the remaining #erm o#ti�e debt without exfiending the �erm of the ; originat deb� (wf�ich is 12 years). � Resolution No. 2917'-i 2 aufihorizes execution of fihe ins�allment safe agreement, escrow � agreemer►t, and fihe engagerne�t of Jones Ha�l, a professio�al law corporatior�, as Bond Cou�sel. Jones Hafl has beer� the Bond C�unsef forseveral Distric#f�nancings. [ � SCHEQ�lCE: Fnancir�g scheduled to cfose on Sep#embe�20, �Ql� cos�s: ACCOl�Ni NO: N/A BUDG�TED AM4l�NT R,EMAlNING: N/A ; A'tTACHMENTS: Resol�atic�� �f�o. ��i 7-1 2, in�t���ent Safe Agreerrient, �scrow Agreerner�t I �to be:prov�e�ed ���or to a�c! a# �he_Boar�l m�e�i�S�. � CQNCI�.RR�N:CE V�T�'�[.�E�J,��;��A�TION: C�4T�GORY: Set��' i � GENER,AI; .MA�A�-G�2: YES. ��- Np ___ __..._----- CHIEF FINANCIAL OFfICER: Y�S NO -45- - '�. ._ __ - _ __ _____ -_ _ ���y-� H T q�y� F '', s���- �� =�s;e= et �'1�C,Cer • t85o •`N��r��C tn-r�.�rv v� � S4UTH TAH4E PUBL�C UT1LI�`Y D1STR�CT '' Richqrd Sc�lbri , Generp!Mana er Pau[Sciuto, Assistant Gener�al Mana er Eric W.Schafer,�re5ident BOARD MEMBERS Jpmes R. Jones,Vice }'resident Cf�ris Cefalu, Dir�ctor Rand Vo el esa , Direet Kell Shsehan, Director � REGULAR M��T[NG O�THE B0�4 IR�CT4RS � SOUTH FAHOE Pl1BI.fC U ICT � ' AUGUST ]6 ' MIN , The Board afi Direc#ors of the South T�rhoe Pu = �ilify Disfricf ine#in ular se�ion, ? August.i 6, 2012, 2:Op p.m., a#the Dis#ric#Office, �ed at 75 Mead rest Drive, South l.ake Tahoe, Californi�. BOARD QF DIR�C70RS: ROLL CALL President Schafer, Direc�ors�Cefa�u, Jo esang. , Director SF�ehan was absenfi. ; STA�F: Solbrig.�harp, ��ci�to, s, Ry . Laval rfis, Bir , Bledsoe, Henderson, Be n, W. � nley, A#� . y Kvis�ad �„: GU�STS� '� ��� E Garfih Ai�i uge sso s, Rob ahontan . ,I� Mov�cf Ce . Second 1�a esan heehan Absent CONSENI'CALENQAR � Passed fio ap� the Conse alen s submitt�d: � ' a. Headworlcs Rep ent Pr t: Phase �-Approa��d Ehange Order No. 5 ta�GS s#ru Company, Inc., in �he amount I of$85,203; I b. 20i2 Wiidwood Waterline and Bal Bijou Wa#eriine-Approved Change Order No. 2 to Thomas Haen Company, irr ti�e credi# qmount of<$8.223.09>; c. �GPS &GlS Springbroofc Integrafion Supporf-Approved Task Order No. 18 fio Arete Systems for integratior�, consufting, and support, in the amounfi not fo exeeed $2,520; d. Uni�orm and Li�en Service Contrcrct-Authorized a �fwo-year contract renewal with Ameriflride Uniform Servic�s, Inc., in an estima#ed amount of$�9,0�0 per year; -47- ............................... ...... R�GUlAR BOARD M��TlNG MINUr�S M AUGUST 1 G, 2Qi2 PAG�-2 e. Capital Oufilay Accounts Rollover-Authorized staff to direc� CONSENT CAL�NDAR ! roffover funds budgeted in 2011/2012 fisca� year to the (con�inued� , 2Qi 2/2013 fiscaf year; �! f. Approved Regular 8oard Meeting Minu�es: Au�ust 2, 2Q12. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACT[ON � I A requesfi to appear was received from a District cus�omer w o R�QU�ST 1'O APP�AR ' planned to present her issue in person.Since she did not p - �, B��OR�THE BOARD �im Bledsoe presented �er request fihafi the Districf offer discount�or part-time residents and wi�o are senior ci ' a � fixed income. BEedsoe reporfied on �he iow income m ,, assistance program that is available, buf i#onEy ' s if ti�e ' owner o�ccupied the resicle�ce fuff-time. He p out �hat 80-85% of the District's costs exisf whether fh em is u#i(ized or nof, ar�d the Dis#riefi is designed to meet high nd periods. � �rovidir�g#uH-time fiire protection is ano�her facto t dri - e . cosfs as well. Approxima�eE� 7'D%of es in the a cond I homes and utility charges are requir quarte� dl�ss of the use of water and sewer. Moved Schafer Second J Sheeh � bsen ed t deny r�ques�to chan ructure. ���� ' Randy Curfis reported que5t nsfia�l fe around both GARDNER MtOUNTAIN AND Gardn�r Mou�ifain tanks SfF nk h�as n r�vised t-o H STR�ET TANK F�NCING �� or�ly in�lude � er M e H t fank : .�� ; fer�eing v�i d re �dere fie nexf budget r process. , Diseussian to ace regar he f � at the Gardner '� Mounfa�n ta:ntc '`tagged" grafft d scrafiched jus� �I one day crfter it w coated painted. �'he neighborhood watch will be qsked d fhis to fFteir security rounds. � Moved Vo el esan Se or�es Shee.han Absen# : Passed fo award bid to the lowesfi r onsive, responsible bidder,Tho!! Fer�ce, I�c., in the amount of$24,499. i Moved Cefafu Second Vo ef �san Sheehan Absen# Passed PAYM�NT OF CLAfMs � i fio app�ove pqymen# in the amount of$�,207,994.79. i Water and Wastewater Operations.,Committee•The committee STAN�ING COMMITTEE met August ]3. Mir�utes of�he meeting a�e available upon REPORTS request. -48- __ - _ REGULAR 80ARD MEETING M1NUT�S-AtJGUS7 96, 2012 PAGE-3 Director Schqfier reported on the inven#ion o�a solar powered BQA�D MEMBER �2�P4RTS toilet, and on the highlights of ti�e recent CASA {Cafifor�ia Associafion of Sanifation Agenc�es� conference he attended. �'�, Director Jones reporfec!on fhe August 8 meeting, most of which E� DORADQ C�UNTY � was co�ducfied in clos�d session. The September 12 meeting WATER AG�NCY REPORT will be held in South Lake Tahoe in fhe Disfrict's board room.The � District's furiding requesfi fo�the hydro power project will be considered at thaf time. � A technica! advisary commitfee was formed to pursue to pertiner�t fio members of the Mounfain Coun#i�s Water.� ', Reso�rces Associafiion. , � �I ,Ivo 8er,�sq ohn recapped eftorfs.underway on th er Truckee° STAFF R��4R3' River sewer pipeline pro#ection proj�ct. ; j ITEM FOR BO CT[ ; 2:30 p.M. Public Hearin R�CYCLED WA�ER , fACILITIES MASTE� PLAN �"he public hearing was opened at 2:30 ive pu '', comments regarding t�� . ddendu �nviror� [ lin ' �eporf (AElR) prepared s to fhe trict' " -�d Wafer Facili�ies tvtast Proje ar�d 2.� � Ivo 8ergsohn reporfed a o w ' ribut�d marizing ' corr�mer�fs re ',�_ � date. �}d' will ' cfuded , ir� the fir�al . : ' ` t w� eive f s ance � ff�roug� t at� Wqte d � ing Loa d. � Garf� Alfing, e Bueck A 'a�es, e a PowerPoinfi ; presen#ation efi � 'ng fhe min hang eing mad�fio #he � rnasfier plan,why hanges ecessary, and resuf�ing � impacts ofi changes e proj Tf�e main reason€or th� i modifications �nvalve s f originafly definea#ed as i w�flands thert are actuall ori fields. Th� overalf Master i Plar� was modi€ied to includ � reconfigured qreas and cha�ges �� to fhe sys#em fo avoid averiap wi�h we�land areps.The modifi- � cations w�t! avoid dist�rbanee ta Poten�iai Waters of fi�e U.S., and wiil alleviate #he r�eed to impleme�� u�necessary rnitigation . requiremenfis. Board members ar�d staff discussed the sched�le to reevafuafe � wefilands delineation, long-term projecf plans, comments irece�ved fio date, �se o#recycled uvater fo grow a�falfa, and ti�e ; need for the go�ernment fo develop guidance on wa#er reuse � policies. -49- _ _ -- _ _ _ . _ - - ....._.. __ ___ _......... . _ _.__... - _...... - __ ', R�GULAR BOARD MEETiNG MINUTES-AUGUS�' 1 b,2012 PAG�-4 The Public Hearing was closed a�3:00 p.m., a�d no public RECYCL�D WATER � comrnents wer�receiv�d. � FACILf�IES MAS�fER PLAN (cor�tir�ued) Moved Vo �1 esar� Second Jon�s Sf�eehan Abs�nt Passed fo adop� �esolution No. 2916-12: (1) Certifying the South �ahoe Public Ufility District Recycled Water Facilities Master Pian �inal Addendum to the �inal Supplemenfal � �nvironrrmer�tal lmpact Report; (2] Adopt�ng findings of tacfi per CEQA; ar�d (3) Adopfiing fihe revisior�s which update � the Final �1R (2009) and Finaf S�pplemental E�R �2�11] fior � Mas#�r P�an Projects 1 a�d 2. Rtchard Solbri� reported vn his atfendance af the� G�NERAL MANAG�R � Tahoe S�mmi�. REPORT i � ; Chief�inanciai Ofifcer. �au� Hugh.es r�port� � -�' ancir�g of the FF R.EPOI�T 20�4 5ewer debt and outsfar�ding balance w�� oing smoothly and is expecfed fo be finalized by September e inter ra�e was set at�.3%and will resulfi �n a sa ' gs o�$1.4 . ` i '!i be � or� the September 6 agenda for�h 's conside � _ '� �eqal Cour�sel:Gary Kvis�ad repor�ed h to the II State Revolving �ur�d policy�hat CASA i r�ce E�ou#. . A cfaim was receive a #or rec n overcharges tha�will � cluded fhe Sep r 6 age for fi�e Board's consider� I Director.fo ' � � he A Ass ,� �3:� o lifornia ; Water A s} con in ember � be a good introd��cti wa#er issu d e ag�d o r Board . members' i t. ; ; 3:20 P.rvti. ADJOURNM�NT�O iC�4S�D S�SSfON ACTfON ON I�EM DISCUSSED D!lRLNG �i.4S�D S�SS€�N a. Pursuartt fio Sec�+on 54956.9(a) of#he Califor�ia Govemment code, Closed Sessian may , be held for conference wifih legal counsef r�;garding existing lit�gation: False Claims Act i Case: Unified S�ates, �he S#a�es of Califorrtia, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, qnd Tennessee i and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. Joh� Her�drix v. ,I-M '�i Manufacturing Company, Inc. qnd �ormosa Plastic5 Corpora�ion, U.S.A., Civi! Action No. ' �D CV06-00�5-GW, United Sfates DEStrict Court for the Central District o#California. �, No re ortabfe Board ac�ion. -50- i i ._ . ... __._._ _...._ _ __ __ _....... _. _. __ __ __ REGULAR BOARD M��TING MINUT�S--AUGUS]' lb,2012 PAG�-5 , b. P�rsuanf to Section 5�4956.9(a} of the GaEifornia Government Code, Closed Session may ', b� held for conference with legal counse! regarding ex�5ting fitigation: �.os Ar�gefes � , Cour�fy Super�or Court, Case No. BC4599�43, State of Nevada, et af. v. J-M Manufc�cturing, ' ef al. No reportable Board acti.�n i -- i 3:25 P.M. R�CONVEN�D�Q OP�N i S�SSION AND MEETING ' ADJOURNM�NT ; � ' . � Eric � afer, rd Presid South T Utilifiy Disfiric , � � ATTEST: .� Kathy Sharp, Cfe #he S d South ubfic , � � ., I � i , i i i � -51- ..., �u .a Qy� Kichard H.5ofbrig . � �► � • ' �� � /�"� �*`� Directore �f � �� Chr�s Cefalu , JameS R.Jones � `"�'M" �'"� j "�'"( ['�" ! "�` e �andy Vogelge5ang � ;,-- t ���/ ��t� � tfl�E V� �i� tf���� Kelly 5heehan Eric 5chafer 1�M��n�r Cr��[7riu�f�pt.�h t�ke Tahoe•CA 9�1�0-?A�Q� f�ho�5v�?5�-�7A-��ax 530 54-1-CDF�4«wurt���at�c�.u5 I BOARD AGENDA ITEM 14a �0� Board of Directors � FROM: Tim B�edsoe, Manager of Customer Service I M��'�ING DA'�E: Sepfember 6, 20]2 ; �T�M--PROJECT NAME: Liabili�y Cfaim agains#STPUD re�ceived from GRCL�, ; Condorrminium, fnc. � R�Qt�ESTED BOARD ACTION: Reject Cfaim E DISCUSSION: Pursuant�o Secfiion 54956.9(b) o��he Caiifornia Govemment Cod.e, Closed Session may be heid fior a conference wifh ��gal counsel. � i � ! 1 I f SCHEDUI,E: COSTS: � ACGO�JNT NO: I � BUDG�T�D AMOUNT R�MAlN[NG: A'RACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WI'fH REQUESTED ACt[ON: CAT�GORY:Sewer GENERAL MANAG�R: Y�S � NO CHi�� FINANCIAL OF�ICER: YES NO � � -53- i . Generaf MEanager ' Richard H.5olbrig � , ����� � � /r""�_�� Director5 � � � � �� ChriS•Cefalu , j"'�r James I�.�ones ' �� j [ ♦ E. P.andy Vogelgesang L�1���� ��,�1���� ����r��t,f E� Kel#y5hcehan ; . �ric Schafer I 1`�?5�vfu°��+�f��5'C Dr'I�rE��OUth La�Tah(�e'CI�9�1'�'.�'0^7�K31 � I F'hp�53t?5�F�7�-�f=ax'530 54�-�94 r www.�t�auc�.u� �OARD AG�NDA 1T�M 7a � T�� Board of Directors I �ROM: , Nancy H�ssmc�r�n, Hvman Resources Director M�EfING DA1'E: September 6, 2D�2 IT�M-PROJEC€ NAME: Association of Cal�fornia Water Agencies/Joinf Power� '' Insurance Authority (ACWA/JPfA) Board Appoin#ment � REQUESTED BOARD ACTfON: Appoir�t or�e Board Member and two Al�terrtates #o the , ACWA/.iPEA �oard of Direcfiors ' DISCUSSION: Or� Ju�y ], 2p12, ti�e ACWA Health Bsne�its Aufii�ori�y transitio� its Employee • I - ; Benefits prog�ams fo the JPIA. The Dis#rict has Vision �nsurance through this AGWA/JPIA. , Beca�se the District pa�ticipates in one of t�e �mployee Bene�its Programs, it is aflowed a representative on th� Board of Direcfiars. The ACWA/JPiA is governed by the 8oard of iDirectors which is composed ofi o�e representc�tive �rom each Member,w�o shal! be a member dire��or selec�e�--by the� gov�rnirtg board of t�af Member. Fach Member, in ' addit�on #o appointir�g its member of#he Board, sha�f appoint at least one Aifernate : who si�ail be an offcer, member o�the goveming board, or employe� of fi#�af Member. i Each Director representing a Member, or his Afternqte, shaff have one vote. Distr�ct staff is recommending that Jfm Jones be a oir�ted as the I pP Mer�ber Director fio ; serve on the ACWA/JPlA d�e fio his at#endance at fhe AGWA Conferences, where the Board of Directors meetings are held. As pn Altemate, D�nn�s Cockin� al5o at#er�ds t�e ; ACWA Confe�ences and therefor�would: be a cos�-effec#ive choice for th� Alternate. i� � Staff is recommending a second Altemafe, Nancy Hussmann, fio be availabl� to atfend � 8oard of Direc�ors mee�ings,since she adminisfiets t�e benefit progrpms �or�he Disfrict's employees. SCH�DUIE• Noti . fy ACWA/JPlA and Com le�e Form 7 � p Oa Confiict of Interes� i COSTS: Nor�e � ACCO[!NT N'O: n/a BUDGE'fED AMOUNT REMAINING: �/a i' . ATTACHMENTS. None CONCURRENCE WITH R�Q!)ESfiED ACTlO : CA��GORY: General ' � G�N�RAf.MANAGFR: YES � ' NO ' i CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFIC�R: YES NO j -55-- ' � i __ _...__ ___ _____ _ - ___ .............. - - _ _ .............._ _ -........... . _________ . . ��o�ai�vianayer Richarc!F!,5olbrig i'19:���i`�"" ��� � � �� Director5 � , ��. ChriS Cefalu Jame�fZ.JoneS """. � (� '�'''`�� r'�'�" ri �'"`{+w��^ RandyVogelgesang -,�,�,,... ����t� � E•r��� 1:/� �C� Vl ��! F% Ke[(jr 5heehan �ric 5chafer ', �2?5 Mea�w�t pr�v���o�t�[�Tahc�•CA 9�'[�C}-7�t �ane��4�47A-•�ax 53C)541-aF,�'�4*��vww.�t�u�€.� BOARD AGENDA IT�M 7b T�� Board of Directors '' F��M� � Dennis Coeking, Public Inforrnat�on Officer MEE�ING DAT�: Sep#ember 6, 2012 , 1T�M- PROJECT NAME: Cus#omer Satisfacfiion Survey , I��QU�S�ED BOkRD ACTION; Approve entering into confiract witi� Meta R�searc�, Inc., in ar� Amour�t Ranging fram $33,SD� to $46,400 (�inal price depends on survey optior�s se�ected) - � DISCUSSIDN: Meta ResearcF�, fnc. {Meta), a professiona! public opinion research firm lacafied ir�Scrcramento, conducfed fihe District's 2043 and 2006 sun�eys. An anticipated 2qp9 survey was postponed due fio generaf economic downturn and b�dgefi reduction efforts. At the �oard's request, Me�a has submitfied a proposal for a custome� ' sptisfaction s��vey to be perforrned late 20�2/eariy 20i 3. Costs �ange from $33,50�to $4�,40a. Staff recommenda�ion is for Cusfomer Safisfac#ion Survey oniy (no Focus ��' Grovps) for$33,5Q0. � , . � � SCHEDUf.E: TBD , COSTS: $33,500 to$46,400 ACCOUNT NO: 27-4�405 ! BUDG�TED AM�UNT REMA�NING: -0- {will be funded t�rough contin�ency or budget I firar�sfers� � . AT'fACHMENTS: Proposaf, methodofogy, and scope of work attached COt�tCURRENCE`WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CAT�GORY: General GENERAL MANAGER: YES NO . CF!!�F FINANCIAL OF�ICER: YES NO --57- � � ............ . .. ____-_ _................. _ _ ___ - - -- -.. .. __ . __ _ _.._..._ __ ' me a r�es�cr;�ch research ! dnseg�4 1 success I � South Tah�e Publ�e Ut��ities District ,� 2.Q1� Customer Sa�[sfaction &Pubize ppinion Research introduct�on: South��hoe Pt�blic Utility District has requested that Meta Research prepare propasals for co�ducting ; two differen#su+veys:Customer Satisfaction and Pub[ic Opinion.7f�e following presents a c�iscussion of i how we will approaeh eaeh survey along w'rth some aptions and cost estimat�s. Custorner Sat�sfact�on Surve � Y : Background � Meta Research eonducted c�storrier satisfaction surveys for STPUp in 2Q03 and 2A06.The purpose of those surveys was to address the fa#lowing issues: 1. Assess custamer.perceptio�of the Dis#rict brand � 2. ldenti{y ti�e custarner percep#ian of the quali�y and v�lu�of District services 3. �valuate District perForrnance in praviding s�rvices 4. [dentify awareness and attitudes of c�stomers toward long-term and short-term �istrict plans S. Assess awarer�ess ar�d perce�ti4ns af specifc isswes fmpacting�h� District �. Gather retevant demograpf�ic informatian 7. 8enchmarEe against the 2p(}� and 2006 eustomer satisfactinn.surveys I In both previous surveys,w�s�Neyed residential and commercial(including gove�-nment)custorrme�s using a telephon�e data colleetion method. For the r�sid�ntia[surve.y w�used a mixec�sarr�ple tl�at included residents, nan-resident propei`ty owners anc�renters._ � � Me�hadology: ; We propose a very similar r�ethodalagy for this eustomer sat'rsfac�ion survey as was used in the 2QD3 and 200�surveys.Appr�priate changes may be rnade in consultatior�with District staff. • Sample des�gn: � o Two separate popuEafions will:be surveyed hy telephone: Residential and Commercial � (including go�ernmer�tj. LI�1�E55 ptI1QfWIS@ riOt�CI, s�eci�cations are th�same for both populations. ._ __ __.___.._ _._ _. _._._. -. . ._.__._ ._...__. . __ . ... . 1.... ..__..g -- __._..-- ---___- .._. ._. . .---._ ___ _..._.__�_�---_ 20 i 2 H Stree�,Suite #100 Facebook Q Meta Reseprch Sacrar�ento, CA 958i 3 � P a e wwv�.MetaResearc#�.us -59-- . ___ __ __ ............... _ _ , , _ . __ _ . . ----.. me� q rese�rch research 1 6r�s���� 1 succ�ss � � � • Sample Sizes: j o Residential:400 residen#s wili be interviewed i � 200 non-resident bill-payers fram District custorr�er list ■ 200 residents�inciuding renters)fcom R�D�ample ', a �usi�esses:A#tempt completi�g interviews with 300 eomm�rcial and governmentaf '�, organizations �I • 5ampling Frames o According to District staff,40%of residentiaf custamers will fik�ly not be�n residence at the tirr�e of#�e s�nrey;there€ore, Meta Research feels it is inappropria#e ta use Random Digit Dialing for this project.Additionally, businesses are better reach�d throug�a �isted sample t#tan an Rpb sample. f a Residential Customers: Meta Research recorn�rends using#he QistricYs database of 13,OQ0 cus�arriers and systematically selecting a sample. Upon review of the Distric# datab�se, Meta Research wiU recommend;for District appraval,a process to obtair�a 3 representa'tive sampie. .; � o Business Custorners: Meta Research recommends�sing#t�e District's database af approximate(y 625 commerc�al and ga�ernmer�#custamers,T�e entire Iist of business customers will be.caifed until�.00 interviews are campleted ar untif the iist is compl�tefy � pe��trated after three attempts. ' • Scre�ning o Resicfential: For iiead of household or person whn pays the u�ility bill ' o Bu�inesses: For persar� in charge of operations or person who pays the utility bilf;ar a I I . persan desigt�ated by the arganizatian as best qualifed ta answer the c�uestions ; , • Quotas o None anticipated at t�is tiine • fnterviews to be canductec! in English and Spani�h. . ; Quesfionnaire Design: • Based prirnarilyan the pre�ious questionnai�es o Char�ges wilE be made where a�propriatE. o Some quest€ons wiil be dropped artd repIac�with mo�'e timety quEStions: Repo rts/D�Ii�era bles: ; ; • Ap�roved questionnaire5 � • Statistical Repart � • FTequency q�estionnaires,including appended response percer�tages • Freque�cy tabEes for afl questions in SPS5�O format � . ___. _.------` -- - --....�__ __. . _ __ ___._..._ . _ _- __ ..------._._...__. __------__-.��_—�— ___._ 2Q12#�Street Suife 1 � # � Face�oofc C�M�ta Resear ch , Sacrament�a,CA 95811 2 Pa e www.Meta Researc 1 g h.us � -sa- i �i , � _ _ me ai resedreh �-e�����p� � insight 1 �uccess • Crosstabulation tables for appropriate questians in SPSSOO .�ormat . � Comparison ta 2Q03,2006 resalts • S#rategic Importance Analysis(quadrar��ar�alysis) � Methodofogy sumrr�ary � ', • PowerPaint Report:Summary of#indfngs,condusians and r�cammendations I, • An oral presentation af survey results will be schedu�ed in consultat�on with the District. ' � Optior�al: Online Survey ; � , An online survey can�e �osted. Benefits of the anline survey include: ; � T�st c�stomer respor�se to alternative data coflection me#�od • Campare r�sponses to t��t�Iephone survey ', • Use pistrict email list � � Post a link on the Qistric�websit� � • ' Pub:�ic �p�n�or� Surve�: ; � ' Background STPUD'rs cha�leng�d by financial l�mita�ions and operationaf priarities to meet CA legisla�'rve deadlines �� far installing water metecs.�or District custamers.At this point in�ime,STUPD has installed me�ers at approximat�ly 4D%of��eir custamer�.ase.The District has applied for a grant that would assist in � completing the ir�stal�ation of ineters. lf the grant is not�undec�;or partialfy funded, STPU[�rnay need to ifloat a bond and raise rates.to finisl�th�ins�alfation. Focus grot�ps and a surv�y of likely vozers v�rou�d I h�lp the Disfrict uncferstar�d the IikeIif�aod:of a bor�tf issue passing,develop campaign stra�tegies and messages.Th�s would aEso hel�s develap a-strat�g�r�or sue�cessfulJy communicating a rate increase. l�e�hado7o9y: E � the best approach for preparing for a campaign is to start with'Focus groups,to gef an und�rstanrfing for peaple's feelings and p�rceptions abput t�e i5sue and test possibEe campaign strategies.The next step is ta follow with a qua�#itative survey to tesfi if those responses resonate within the papu(ation and measure that res nnse.To e p ther the ro ' � y p v�de the resources to support making a good deeision. : - -- _---_�..___ ____ .._.__. -_ .. -�. _... ._ _ .._... __.�_ _ .---....._ __ -- ---..-----�-- .__ .__�.___.____._._ 2012 H Str�ef,Suite#1 QQ Fa�cebook @ Mefia ReSea�ch � Sacrame�sto,CA 95811 3 I p a 9 e www.MetaResearch.us j -61-- i � i ' me q t�eseai�ch re��arch 1 insegh� 1 success � i I� Foc�s G�oe�p5 �Providing�ualitati.►�e Insight ? We suggest holding two foc�s groups af 10-].2 STPUD customexs ancf vaters.T�es�can be conducted � . either as traditcona!facus graups or using an online focus group plat#orm.The co�t iS the same. However �i each.approach has.its pros and cons. Traditional focus groups al�ow us to meet face to-faee with i people ancf get extra cf�es to their feefir�g via reading their bc�dy language.They can, however,be � dominated by a strong personality and sarr�etimes fall pr�y to"grou�thin�". BQth,of cou�se,are the , challenge for a good+noderator t4 manage.Onfine focus groups can be rur�o�er a tf�ree ar four day ' perlod which a�lows grea��r in#�ractior�and typically can co�er more grou�d�nd provide mar�y more � responses.TF�ey a�so ofFer the participants anonymity and therefare ter�d..to a�oid the probl�m iproviding sociaEly unacceptab�e responses. iVletaBourds � The Qrtline Approach Usi�g MetaBaafds, our onEine focus group platform, we wilE moderate and gather qt�a�itative data about � people's{�erceptions and attitudes regardi�g#he possible�or�d issue and rate increase. �i MetaBoard is aR onli�e bull�tin baard platform where researc#�ers anci participants i�teract using ' asyncf�ronous(over the perlod of a few days}communica#ion, ir�a discussion-like format, participants r�spond ta questions from the rrioderator,as wel�as.to comments(posts)from the at�er participants. An intui�ive interfa�e rrtakes#f�es�dis€ussion "threatf�"easy to follow.Also,because par�icipants are ; __._ , __--- _ . I not required to an5wer ar comment imrnediate�y, respo�ses tend tq be very weiE thought-out and ins.igt�tful.This.rrmethod permits s�ortened tirr�elines,.elimina�es travel expenses,aliows participants to � take part at ttreir convenience and to gain imgartial qu.alitative respnnses a(ong with�nteractive � respons+�s arnong participants. ' Meta6oard�;are b.�sf conducfed witi� approximatefy 1D=7.2 partECipants per boarcf.The f�rst day is�sed ; to generate stwdy �opic discus�ion ancl ge# partic�pant's thinking proclwctiveiy. ��er tF�e neict coupfe ; day.s,the moderafar guides participants in diset�ssion5 testing mult'rple rnessages using a combina�ior�of � qu�stions, ea�mrne�ts and visual cta�s. All of this conversation is �isible to th.e rnaderatflr, th� participants, as well as to client obs�rvers in a virtual "back room". And vrrhen it's o�er, the e�tire transcrip�_is imrr�ediately auailable via download. Hawe�er, Meta rnril(`dig into ��e transcripts for further , analysis'and reporting as the project progresses. Focus Groups � The Traditianal A�proach ' Traditional focus g�-�ups involve the use af a physica! facility, usuatfy a small meeting room with a one- way r�irror far obs�rrrers to watc�from an adjacent roam.We are not aware of any such factlities in the ' Soutf� lake Tahoe area. The closest facilities are in Sacramento. Therefore, if this approach is use� we � i ----- ...._.__.. ___ ._._. ____._._...- . - _....__.�__ __.__. __..__ ___ ...__ . - __ ._..- ---- ._ . _ .__. _-_ ----_r_._._.__.. 2012 N Street,Suite #i QO Faceboak E�Meta Researeh Sacrarn�nto,CA 9581 t 4 � P a g e www.MetaResearch.us --62- __ _ - -_ _......_ _ _ _ _ _ _.._ _....... __ _ _ __ __ ....... ........... _ - -- - ' m�e. a research � �esearch. 1 insi�h� 1 �ucc�ss j woufd roeed to identify alternate�aci{it�es, probably.withou#the o�servatian.area. We would�itlea�ape � � the sess�ons,but they couRci not be observed li�e by the ciient. �' Meta wil!de�e(op a moderatar guide f�r either the online or the traditional ap�roach.The rnoderator guide is meant to pro�ide co�sistency across the differer�t gro� s whi�e aEsa allowin eno�a h flexibili . � � � ty for each s�ssion to be an ap.en and i�sightfuR diseussian. ; Deve��p Surve�Questionr�aire�As�i�g��e Right QuestEOns ' Using the knawledge that corr�es ou# of the facus graups, we wili beg�r� de�elo�ing the survey questionnaire that wf�l be used for both the telephone and t�e on[ine dafa gathering. Rlong tf�e way, CW8 wifl provide feedhaek arrd cEirectRan,while Meta de$igns the questions. En fhis scheme;the purpose af the telephone survey is to prorritle statistically vaEid data that aliows us to quanti{y and project � ' findings ta the tar.get population. The irnpQrtant challenge is to.ask questions that wilf inform t�e '� �istrict's decision process without biasing the respondents. ; Conduct T�t�phan�SurrJey—�nglish � Spanish �Gathe�ing the Da#a I Once the survey questionnaire is approved,we wifl deploy telephone clata collection.Tf�e interuiews will be ava�Iable in English and ir�5panish.11Ue antieipate a rrtaximum ofter�minutes per interview in orderto r�inimize responde�t fatigue. � We wilf coll�ct 400 complete telep�iorte interviews.Telepf�one parkicipants will be�efected usir�g a � sample drawn frorrm the CA Vpter�ile and selected f�or addresses wit�in fhe STPUD boundaries. If�it is determined t�at we should alsa interview non-resident customers,we�ecommend drawing a sampl� ; from t�e Distrie�'s customer file and in�ervie+nr between one and tvtiro hundred customers�ju5t ta get a feef for their pas�tion. If we feel fii�is group is a very importar�t constituent and potential player ir�t�e bond election debate,we may consider increasing the count to interview�DC3.A deseription a€the quality contro{procedures c�sed bq our calf cer�ter partner,OLC Globaf,i5 included in the Appendix. Sample Discussiot� 7he natural sample for t�fs sUtvey is the Voter Registratian File,i'he l�oter Fi1e is used ta draw sampfe for e.lecti�n oriented surveys and we would normally prapase using it far this survey. Howe�er,because ; a targe part af the District's cus�omer base is non-resider�t,the Voter File wifl not sample them.The questio� is this: !s it importar�t to sur�ey non-resident property owners(customersJ tha�cannot vote on a bond issue but migt�t b� influentia! in an election eampaign? If the answer is yes,we would}�rapose ta : _._........_ __ �_ � _ _.. .---.. . .. _ .... ----.. _. .. ._ __ ____._._..—___..__----- ------------�._� 2012 H Street,Suite#100 Fpceboofc @ Meia Research Sacrarrienta, CA 9�811 5 � P a g e www,MetaRes�arc}�.us I -63- i i ; me�c� r�s�ar��h : research 1 ir�s�g�� t succe�s � ; , �!o a split samp!'rng qf non-cesident custorrmers{using the District customer list�and registered voters ' ' {usir�g the lloter File), We wat�ld prabab{�recommend a sample of�FUO responses via the Voter File ancl another 1�fl-�E)0.frorn th�customer list.Our t�inking here isthat the�oters are the primary concern in ; the bo�d efection.�"hey are the ultimate decisian malcers a�d therefore yau neer�the most certainty in evaluating th�ir perceptior�s.The no�-re�sident customers�an�ot�ote,but th�y c�n b�influential if they ehoose to�e.There€ore we would want to at least ge�a sense of their'�eeEings. • Sarr�ple design: � o �'wo separate populatior�s will be sur-veyed by telephone ' �tegistered rroters{i�igh propensity�oters� R O�tiona.l-I�on-resiclent customers � Sample Sizes: o Residentiai:A�0 registered voters wiil be interviewed o Optional-�00 non-res.ident bilf-payers frarr� District customer list , • Sampling Frames � o R�gistered Voters • Curren#voter registration wi#�i�STPUD is 1�,789 • We wiil select a randam sarr,ple of high propensity vaters from the lloteF Fi[e . ' o .Op#inna!-Nan-resident Customers: Meta Research recommends usi.ng the District's e!a#abase of�,3,000 custarr�ers ancf systematically seleeting a sampte. • Screenir�g �' o Voters:The registered voter sel�c#ed from ti�e Vfl�er File only o Non-Resident Customers:Adutt, head of household: i • lnteruiews#o be canducted in Englisi�and 5panish. .� 3 ; I ._.....,.,.. .,. _.�....... . .. .....- �_..__ .....,..___'..'_-._ ....._ . .,_,........_,._ __� ..-...,..._"__.,._,._..__ ._ __ ...., ..__--'_____....,__�,�..,._. __-_r�-._�...�___.__.._.__. 20 i 2 �Sfireet,Suite �100 , Facebo4k @ Meta ReSearch Sacram�nto,�A 4581 t 6 � P p g e www.Me#al�esear�ch.us -54- ', me a�resear:�N rese�r�h 1 �nsight 1 success ' Cost Es��mate: • Customer Satisfactio� Sur�ey o Direct costs ��,0�.�� ; Sample-R�D ■ Telephone cails-400 Reside�tiai @ 1.Qrr�inutes ea. • Tele��one calis-�00 Busir��ss @ 10 minutes ea. � Trarrel-2 trips�-Sac to ST�Up � o ConSU{ting fees 17 5�O.Q0 � • TO�'AI.Cus#omer Survey 33,504.Q0 � o Qptdonal additionaf onfine su�rey �,�pp.p0 r ' • Using STPf1D cus#omer email list 3 ' • Pc�blic Opinion �ocus Groups &Sun►ey ' * Focus Groups ■ Traditiona��ocus Group�(2) 14,300.00 " Meta Boards Or�line�2) recommend�c� 13,100.00 o Nate: Focus group and MetaBoard cost'r�cEudes direct cos�ts&cons�lting fees • Teiephane 5urvey , o Direct costs 7:5,SQOAU I ■ Sampfe-CA Vater�ile � ■ Tefe.phnne calls/Voter F'rle-400 @ 10 rr�inu#es ea. -' � T�lephone caUs/Non-res, Customers-100 @ 1E}m�n�tes ea. ` ■ 7'r�vel-2 trips-Sac to 5TAU� a Gonsulting fees ���gpp.pp. � TOTAl.Pubiic Qpi�ion Focus Gra�ps&Suryey � �4fi,�aa:00 o Optional adelitionat ooline suryey 1,5UO.OD i ■ Using STP�#D customer email li�t ; ; ..._ _. ..__._.. .. ._._ _.--- ..._ -._._ ..__. ._ _ -- -- ... .___..... ._. . ____..... -- -...... ._..__ _ ..._..-- -----_..- -_... .___�_--- i D H 5tr�et,5uite #10p Faceboo[c Q Meta Reseqrch � Sacramenta, CA 958i i 7 j P c� g e www.MetaResearch.us -55- vcucrai rvrttnager ' ,r,,,,,, 3:ichard H.5olbrig � 6i *��i' ��B j�«��, /�"� Director� ' ! 1 �� � , [ j� Chris Cefafu � i.� �'"'f JatneS K_JoneS '"�f'4" � r + a s/''� Pandy Yagelge5ang �.». � ������j �;,,,��j'����� ����j���/� Kelly9heeharr i Eric SchRfer I • ; 127�fv��actaw Ca��t pri�e•ar�tr�E�k�Ta��e•G�9���1-74Q� ,i �'Ftr�rre 53Q�-�7�•�x 53C1541-C?��q-�wv�w.��pud.u� � BOARD AGENDA [��M 7c i � , ��� Board of Directors �'I '� FROM: � �im Bledsoe, Mana�er o�Customer Service � ME�"C[NG �ATE: Se tem i p ber 6, 2012 ` '� lTEM-- PROJEC�' NAME: Liability C�aim against�7'PUD Recei��ed from GRCLT Condominium, Inc. ,' R�C2(�E"ST�D SOARD ACTION: Consid.er claim in accordance with Government Cod� Sectiort 8i 0, et seq. DISCE1SSlON: On August 16, 20�2, GR�CL.�Cor�dominium, fnc., filed a c�aim fior money ` damages p�rsuanfi fo Government C�ode S�cfion 8�0,efi seq. A copy ofi the claim is aftacl�ed �o this agenda item. A closed session item Y�as been included on fhe Board's agenda in order to aliow tt�e Board to dis�uss the merits of fihis claim. � i � _ i SCH�DU�.�: cos�rs: ' ACCOUNT NO; i �UDGEI'ED AMOf1NT REMAINlNG: AT�'ACHMENTS: Claim from GRCL7 Condominium, lnc. CONCURR�NC�W�fiH REQ�f�STED AC�'lON: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: Y�S � NO CHiEF F[NANCIAL OFF[CER: YES NO i i � -67- ; _. __ _ __..... ........ _. _ _ _ _......... . _ _ ----._... ..... . _ -_ _ _ 1 Tho�nn.as G. Trost(SBN 1 S I 961) ' Jason ivI. S�e�an(SBN 232��0) ''� 2 �PR4UL TRQST LLP . 3240 Daugla�Baulevard, Su.ite 3�4 � ; 3 Rasevi�le, Cali�ornia 95661 ' � Telephone: (9 i 6) 783-6262 � 4 Facsimile: {916) 783-62�2 � ' S Attorneys for C�aiman#GRCLT Condami.nium, lnc. --------- ._ � ._____� .�----- — 6 � � . 7 CLA�M�F GRCLT CO�TDONIIIV�UM, II�C. I � - g . - � i � . .9 i� CrRCL`�`CONDOMIN�U�Vi, Il��C.; No. . '- ; ' X� C����� . . CLAIM FOR M��'EY OR DAMAGES I 12 V' - � [Govern�ent Code§ �10 et seq.] , 13 SOUTH TAHQE PUB��,IC UTII,IT��DZSTRICT; i � I .. � . 1� Re onden�. � ,, ..._.._. .,..�._--�- . .. � � SP _...----- . ; . 15 . - ' ' 16 � TO BOAItD OF DIRECTORS QF.SOUTH TAI��E PUBLIC UTJLITY DISTRICT: " �7 Secf�on.I:: Ciaunant In�oru�a�i�n I 8 GRCLT Con.domin.xti�, Iuc, also known as.Ma�.ott Grand Residence�Club �the "Associa.�on"), . � u ; 19 whose addres� is 1001 Heaver�ly �Til�age Way, S:aut1� Lake Tahoe, Cz�tifornia 96150; claims dama�es . - �{� �rc7m Sou�h'�ahoe Public LTti��ify Dis�� (�e"�isfrX�") i.�a�amo�f that, if an ae��vr��e�e�ir�w��d ' 21 lie an unlimi:�ed civi.l action. ''� 22 �-S:eetion�: CIaim In�orma�on . 23 This c�aim is �ased on d�a�ages susfiained by �he Associati:on for s�wer utility account charges 24 Ievied by the District and�aid by the Association for sew�r u�ilities which have never been�on�ected to i 25 and/or s�cing rea�property owned by the Associa�ion, The overcharges by the Dz�triet have occur�red , �d o�ver a period spanni�g more#han ten years and have continued t�nabated but whieh were just discovereti i i 27 by the Assaciatian wi�hin the Iast three manths when the District notified.the Assooiafior�tliat#he Distr�ct j 28 has been chaz�ging the Association �ees for sewer utilities that have never servicad any property owned by No. � {d4956883.DOC; i) CLAIM FOR MONEY QR DA�I�.�ES—GOVER.,NMENT CODE§ S 1 Q ET SEQ. . � _. _._ __ - _ ........... .. _ __ _- - ............................. - --- ___ ___ __ _..... ._ _......_ __ __ , 1 the Associafion. Given the na�ure of'the�.tzli�y charges a,�.d the acco�ts izz�quesfiion,the.Pissociation had. ' 2 . na �teasonabie opportunit�or baszs.to di.scove�the Distriet's o�ercha�ging. Individual pub�c employees, 3 if any, �at may share in the District's liabilit�under this cla:im are unknawn to the Associahan a� fhis ', 4 f.ime. � 5 - �-'�he Associafiion's ian.juri�s consi�t of o�eipayment for u�lities that have never servi�ced 6 . Associafion, property includin,g b�t not limi#ed to principal and anterest on all prio�ovezpaytn,ents by��b,e 7 Assa�ia�on su�ce Jauuary 2001. . � j 8 Sectinn 3: �nsurance informafian ' � � � � �I�crt�Appli�cabr�e.-- � � 10 Sectiau 4: �e teseII#�iive IIIformation ! � X 1� $.�I noti.ces from the District in response to �Yie Assoei�:tio�'s el�aim skould��b� direeted to the � 12 add.Fess listed aboves-with. a::copy to �ason Shermaii, Sproul Trost, LLP, 3�,Q0 Dauglas Boulevard, Suite , �.� �.ao, Roseville, Calzfornia 95661. � ; - . ��4 �eeti��5: �o�ice an.d Si na.ture. � �S Dated: Augus� i3 ,�OI� E � . . SPROUL TRQST LLP . , �6 - - ... _ . .... _ ._ _ � • � �7 . � � .- - � - . 18 � � - � $�; . : �2yr. ?-s—r- �'r � I 9 - ._ . . vmas G. Trost. �� . �i. � Jasan�: Sher�nan� � - : � �4:ttor���� �or C�aimaut GRCLT Condor��it�m ; Tnc. j �� , - 22 . . 23 � 24 � � 25 � 26 . �7 28 � , . 2 {00956883.DC1C;i} CLAIM FqR I�t�ONEY OR D��a1��S—Gp�ER1�MENT CODE§ 810 ET SE4. 1 GIRCLT CQNI)pM�IUM,INC.V, SOU'TH TAI�OE pUBLIC UT�LTI`Y DISTR�CT ' 2 � ' PROOF 4F SERVIC� 3 i am a citzzen of fihe Uni#ec€ States, employed in the City af RoseviFle and the Coun of place I 4 Califoznia�. Iviy business address is 3�00 Douglas Boulevard, Suite 3U0, Roseville, Caiiforniy� 9566I. i ' am aver the a�e af I8 years and nat a party to the within action. �On today's clate, I caused to be served � � the foilowing: � . 6 � � CLAIM FpR MONEY OR DAMAGES 7 � I a�n readiiy familzar wi.�h the firm=s practice of collec�ion and processing correspondence for mail3ing in the urd�a�y course o�'bus���s. Under this pract�ce, eorresp�ndence is colleeted, sealed, 8 postage thereon fizlly prepaid, and deposited the same day with the�. �. Posf.al..�ervice on tl�e sarne ' da . g X I caused the abave documents to be s�zved on the parties in this actian�by placing them in a seaied . en�e�ope in the.deszgnated area for outgoing mail, addr�ssed as sho�vn bei�w. IQ {,BY FACSIMr�.E) by eausing.suck document(s) �o be successfi�.I�y tra�smitted via facsimile to the . �X �dc�`essee{s�Iis€ed below. .[Cade of Civi�Praeedwre §1013(e)(�] I caused the above docume��s ta he personally delivered ta the adc�essee(s)set forth below, 12 � .�� �. Z-ca.used the above clocum�ts to be served on �he partie� in this aetion by causing them ta be ' delivered via�eder�Expr�ss, f�or next-day delivery to the add��ssee(s) set�forth below. 14 I caused the al�ove doeument��to lae served on fhe parties in this actian by transmitting thernG via . ��acsizn'ti�to fihe addressee(s)indic�.ted balow. . � 1� I�declare tfiat I am employed in tfie offiGe af a member o�the bar•of th�s Cpt�rt a� whose direc�ioi� . tl�e ser.vice.was made. �Fed�r.a�) . . �.6 I i� Kat�y S�arp,.C�erk CERTIF�ED MAIL KETURN RLCEII'T REQ. So��th Tahoe Public C��ility Dis�rict � �� 1275 Nf�adow Crest Drive '� South Lake Tahoe, CA 961�4 � 19 . - _ . . �•�'�s�'�.��d�r pe�aIty of p�r�ury fhat ��e foregau�g.is �-tue and �arr�ct �d �i�t ��s.decla�ratron 20 was exeeutec�an A�.gus� 1�3,201�, i�Rosevill�,�a1i£arnia. . i . 21 . 22 - � 23� Y' CLEAN � 24 . 2� . �6 ; 27 � �� foa9s�o76_�oc;i� � � � � �@9F OF��RVICE _ __ __ i � ! E� —��— � �i ��ntero�Fice_ _ I _ � ME MO�ANDUM �S OUTH TaHOE f'UB�lC UTILlTY I D 5T�[GT i ____._._�_ I �ta: �—_.Board of Direcfors _.____.__ ----_�___.....�__--- - _._ .___� '� ,from �� �� -W— —_� Debbie Henderson, Accour�ting Manager j ��—�_ �_�Y_ , ;subject: i payment o�G(aims Report ��� -��- �� LL�-� � ' i da e ;AuguSt 30, 2012 �---_—.__ __-------- �-- - -_ — —� j `_...__..__-- -.�._.—.__..—__ . __�__ ___..__ __ -------- ;, :I Due to printer software difficu�ties, ti�e Payment ot C#aims re ort was not avai � �he #ime the agenda was prepared and w�f! be available prior�to the Board meet nlg at �� ' j I ; , I E . i 5:lyearendlmemolpayclaimmemo2012fourth.doc I _7�_ . ........_...._ ..____ -__._...... ' . . ......................... . ___._ .___.............. _.._............. .___..._... ........... ._.____ ............... . ..._....._........ _._.. .......... ................. . ............ .. ..... .