HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 08-02-12 g�VTH TqN� F ' �,.: e se�'e� • 1950 . W0�t �e��tm�rnr v��`� SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, August 2, 2012 2:00 P.M. District Board Room 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California Richard Solbri , General Mana er Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Mana er Eric W.Schafer, President BOARD MEMBERS James R. Jones, Vice President Chris Cefalu, Director Rand Vo el esan , Director Kell Sheehan, Director 1. CALL TO ORDER RFGULAR MEETING—PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (This is an opportunity#or members ofi the public to address the Board on any short non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. No discussion or action can be taken on matters not listed on the agenda,per the Brown Act.�ach member of the public who wishes to comment shall be allotted five minutes,and no more than three individuals shall address the same subject.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (For purposes of the Brown Act,all Action and Consent items listed give a brief description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed. Recommendations of the staff,as shown,do not prevent the Board from taking other action.) 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be removed to be discussed and considered separately upon request.Comments and questions from memben of the public,staff or Board can be taken when the comment does not necessitate separate action.) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION / ACTION 6. PRESENTATION a. Award Government finance Officers Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting (President Schafer) 7. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION REQUESTED BOARD ACTION a Upper Truckee River Sewer Pipeline (1) Find Minor Irregularities in Bid to Pg.� Protection Project be Imma#erial and Waive Immaterial (John Thiel, Principal fngineer) Irregularities; and (2) Award Bid to the Lowest Responsive, Responsible Bidder, Thomas Haen Company, Inc., in the Amount of $199,b52 b. Payment of Claims Approve Payment in the Amount of Pg. 13 $3,149,934.74 REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA-AUGUST 2, 2012 PAGE-2 8. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken) a. Water 8� Wastewa#er Operations Committee Meeting of 07/30/12 (Jones/Vogelgesang ) 9. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Discussions may take place; however, no crction will be taken.) 10. EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPRESENTATIVES REPORT 11. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT(S� (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) a. Outreach Presentation to Tahoe Doug�as Rotary 12. STAFF /ATTORNEY REPORT(Sl (Discussions may take place; however, no action will be taken.) a. Yorba Linda Water District Suit Settlement (Brad Herrema) 13. NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS 1 EVENTS Past Meetinas / Events 07/25/12- ECC (Employee Communication Committee) Meeting 07/27/12-Outreach Presentation to Tahoe Douglas Rotary 08/0�/12-AB 1234 �thics Training Future Meetings / Events 08/07/12-08/10/12-CASA (California Association of Sanitation Agencies) Conference 08/08/12- 10:00 a.m.-�I Dorado County Water Agency Meeting in 5hingle Springs 08/13/12-9:00 a.m.-2012 Lake Tahoe Summit 08/16/12-2:00 p.m.-STPUD Regular Board Meeting at District 14. CLOSED SESSION (The Board will adjourn to Closed Session to discuss items identified below. Closed Session is not open to the public; however, an opporfunity will be provided at this time if members of the public would like to comment on any item listed.Three minute limit.) a. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9�a)/Conference with Legal Counsel Pg.25 Existing Litigation re: False Claims Act Case: United States, the S#ates o#California, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and Tennessee and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J-M Manufacturing Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. ED CVO6-0055-GW, United States District Courf for the Central District of California b. Pursuant to Government Code Section �4956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Pg.2� Counsel- Existing Litigation re: Los Angeles County Superior Court Case No. BC459943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J-M Manufacturing, et al. 15. ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 16. ADJOURNMENT (To the next regular meeting, August 16, 2012, at 2:00 p.m.j South Tahoe Public Utility District • 1274 Meadow Crest Drive•South Lcrke Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474• Facsimile 530.�4�.0614■www.stpud.us yOUTH T h�F -= �-= �eew@� ' 1950 • w��0� �-'�lTiLITY W�F► CONSENT CALENDAR AUGUST 2, 2012 ITEMS REQUESTED ACTION a. Paloma Well VFD Replacement (1) Find purchase of Danfoss FC 202 Pg. 1 (Ross Johnson,Manager or Plant Operations Series Aqua Drive 300hp Variable John Boyson, Electrical Supervisor) Frequency Drive (VFD) to be Except- ed from Bidding, as Economically Preferable to Match or be Compatible with the District's.Existing Equipment; and (2) Approve Purchase of VFD from Electrical Equipment Co. Inc., in the Amount of $16,955.95, Plus Tax and Shipping b. Regular Board Meeting Minutes: Approve Minu#es Pg.3 July 19, 2012 (Kathy Sharp,Clerk of the Board) The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month.A complete agenda packet,including all backup information is available for review at the meeting and at the District office during the hours of 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.A fecording of the meeting is retained for 30 days after minutes of the meeting have been approved. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Hearings will not be called to order prior to the time specified,but may occur slightly later than the specified time. Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard;comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all written material presented at the meeting.Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard during "Comments from the Audience;" however,action cannot be taken on items not on the agenda. *Backup materials relating to an open session item on this agenda,which are not included with the Board packet,will be made available for public inspection at the same time they are distributed or made available to the Board,and can be viewed at the Disirict office,at the Board meeting, and upon request to the Clerk of the Board. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings. If particuiar accommodations are needed, please contact the Clerk of the Board at (530) 544-6474, extension 6203. All inquiries must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. General Manager s.�.. Richard H.5olbrig � • 1950 • ���jjj,,,��,� � w�► /� ! '� � /'\ /"'1 Directors ����� Chris Cefalu \.��/ ��/! \����/ !►�/ James R.Jones �'" �'u b�i c U t�i ity D i 5-tri�t �ndy Vogelgesang Kelly 5heehan ric 9chafer 1275 Meadow Cr+e�t Driv�•5outh Lake Tahae•CA�'0150-74QZ f'hone 53D 5�4�4-6474�Fax 534 54t-0614•w�vw stpud.�,t� BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4a TO: Board of�irectors FROM: Ross Johnson, Manager of Plant Operations Jot�n Boyson, Electrical Supervisor MfETING DATE: August 2, 2012 ITEM-PROJECT NAME: Paloma Well VFD Replacement REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Find purchase of Danfoss fC 202 Series Aqua Drive 300hp Variable frequency Drive, (VFD) to be except�ed from bidding, as economically preferable to match or be compatible with the District's existing equipment; and (2) Approve purchase of VfD#rom �lectrical Equipment Co. Inc. in the amount of $16,955.95 plus tax and shipping. DISCUSSION: The Paloma Well VFD needs to be replaced. VFDs are used in water well pump applications to match supply to demand and maintain syst�em pressure within a predetermined range.The series Aqua Drive is specifically designed for water and wastewater applications. The District has purchased and configured many smaller Danfoss VFDs which have performed well. Up{�er Truckee, Camp �Zichardson, Ta11ac, Tahoe Keys, Johnson, Trout Creek and AI Tahoe sewer pump stations all have Danfoss VFDs. On the water side Mountain View, Forest Mountain, Biack Bart and many other facilities use Danfoss VfDs. Since each VFD manufacturer has their own software, considerable sta#f time would be needed to #rain on the configuration of an unfamiliar unit. Famil+arity also improves troubleshooting if a drive fails to perform. The Danfoss YFDs are compact enough to fit inside the existing electrical cabinet at the Paloma Well without modification. District staff has found Danfoss VFDs to recovery gracefully from power flickers and failures, an important feature. The District owns other V�Ds that require hands-on operator attention to restart after a power flicker which can consume valuable staff time when it is needed most. District staff's experience with several other VFD manufactures suggests that Danfoss VFDs are very competitively priced. The FC 202 Series Aqua Drive is not a "high end" drive, but it does have a desirable feature set and a proven track record with staff. -1- Ross Johnson/John Boyson August 2, 2012 Page 2 The District may purchase equipment without competitive bidding when the items are required or economically preferable to match or be compatible with those presently on hand and the purchase is made from the manufcrcturer or supptier who supplied other such equipment. This item has been reviewed by the District's Purchasing Agent. SCHEDULE: Immediate order. COSTS: $16,955.95 plus tax and shipping ACCOUNT NO: 2003-8346 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: $22,000.00 ATTACHMENTS: Price Quote CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES � NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO ��uTH TA Hp� "`"="°= '"..�`" =.e�= �SewQr • 1950 •`N*�e�`G�C ��C CI77LITY ��� SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Richard Solbri , General Mana er Paul Sciuto, Assistant General Mana er Eric W.Schafer, President BOARD MEMBERS ,� >r James R. Jones, Vice President �"' Chris Cefalu, Director Rand Vo e esan , r Kell Sheehan, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE $K� D OF TORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBL�iC', ILITY DISTRI �� ,�e(�� JULY 19.�012 . MI N UTF.S= -��5' . � g'�Na . . The Board of Directors of the South �` =Public Utdity � � ict met m a regular session, ��SY.`,:'. 'S, . July 19, 2012, 2:00 p.m., at the District iC����cated at .5 Meadow Crest Drive, -,fr'G. 1 South Lake Tahoe, California. ''�:�. . � .�. ��, ;�... �b�_r� Z� `'�: BOARD OF DIRECTORS: : ::,� ,.��`;�;;� e: .. �a>�;;� ROLL CALL ,::9.., ` President Schafer, Dire�#�'rs CefCi�Jones, S�h�` � ,���°� , Director Vogelgesang�as,absent::;:; v. ��.�_. STAFF: ,;�,°:w: � � . ��,�: Solbrig, W nde " Coc�ir��, Bieds��, Swain, Swain, Br , Curtis, R ie�, ' ney Kvisfiad: � � � , �;:� GUESTS: Joh �. sbury and y B��ti�vski/Mountain Counties Wate ources Ass tion, C�ctve Eggerton/�I Dorado County Water Ag ,� ,. � Consent ttem a. (Unpa se ts) and Cons�nt Item c. CORRECTIONS TO THF (2012 Wildwood Waterlin I Bijou Waterline Replacement) AGENDA OR CONS�NT were brought forward for di ssion prior to Board action. CALENDAR Moved Cefalu /Second Jones / Vogel eq sana Absent / CONSENT CALENDAR Passed to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: a. See Consent Items Brought Forward; b. Annual Software Support Costs for Financial/Human Resources Software-Approved payments to Sunguard Public Sector for annual maintenance costs in the amount of$18,162.78; -3- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES-JULY 19,2012 PAGE-2 c. See Consent Items Brought Forward; CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) d. Headworks Replacement Phase 2 Project-Approved Change Order No. 4 to GSE Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of $25,505; e. 2012 Water Tank Recoating Project- (1) Approved the Project Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for Blastco, Inc., dba N.Y. Blastco, Inc., and (2) Authorized staff to file a Notice of Completion with the EI Dorado County Clerk; f. Gardner Mountain and H Street Tank Fencing-Aii�hi��s�ed staff to advertise for bids for the installation o�e�meter security fencing; s.�Y:�; rn,��,�. �t ,. g. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minu�'� d ,une 21, 2012; ��-��:.. .;,. �.� x h. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: J�'; (�� h, �' .A" �,;.: �VA^�', at+ �f' CONSENT ITEMS BROU� ro .R�INARD FO , SCUSSION /ACTION t� :,�� ��-. ',-4 Tim Bledsoe gave the Boc���l;an overviewpf,..the delint�uent '';��;�; UNPAID ASSfSSMENTS �;, account proc.ess which;'"w c�n�.� a yearlyN:I��sis,arit�g�v.�,a = (Consent Item a.) breakdown of the cu ^' �ba�an�sowed. H�, 1�ined tFipt . much of the balance is . ;�d by th��Lake TaliC���velopment Company. �� ..:�' . . �s.. � .y^.+)t ,i Moved Ceft�lu S�ci�ra�., ones'.�"�� el �e s�it Passed .�;, to adopt R�Solution No�:�15-12 a4�,�rizing uent accounts to be add�d to the 2012/13.�(Dorad��ounty Tax Assessor's Roll. 1��. The Board was prpvided with an pmend , Change Order No. 1. 2012 WILDWOOD Julie Ryan explained?#�iat the som;e of the verbiage had been WATERLINE AND BAL BIJOU changed but the mori�� amount-�s the same. It was noted that WATERLINE REPLACEMENT this project is extremely o��r buctget. She explained some of the (Consent Item c.) problems they encounter€c�e�uring construction. The Bal Bijou portion of this project will begin after Labor Day. Moved Jones /Second Sheehan / Voqelgesang Absent / Passed to approve Change Order No. 1 to Thomas Haen Company, Inc., in the amount of$93,060.18. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION On June 21, 2012, the Board authorized award of the bid to 2012-2013 SODIUM HYPO- Brenntag Pacific Inc. (Brenntag). When staff requested delivery, CHLORITE SUPPLY TOTES Brenntaa realized tMey had made a mis#ake in review of the bid -4- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES-JULY 19,2012 PAGE-3 documents and indicated that they are not able to deliver as 2012-2013 SODIUM HYPO- specified in the contract. Staff offered Brenntag the option to CHLORITE SUPPLY TOTES terminate the contract and pay the difference between the next (continued) lowest bidder or to refrain from bidding for three years. Brenntag chose the lat#er option. The next lowest, and only other bidder, Sierra Chemical Co., has agreed to extend their bid on the price previously quoted. Moved Cefalu /Second Jones / Vogel4esana Absent / Passed to: (1) Authorize termination of contract with Brenntag Pacific I sub�ect to terms of termination agreement; (2) Find that f solicitation of competitive proposals for sodium hypoc supply tote contract would not produce an advant (3) Authorize contract with Sierra Chemical Co., in.th stim amount of$15,621.30. Moved Jones !Second Cefalu J Vogel ec�san-q.Absent / Passed �b�3 ENT OF CLAIMS � ���r to approve payment in the amount of$1,288,53(3:�0. ,��,� , . 3 Yµ�:•`���'x Dennis Cocking gave a short histo MCWRA, o'� �, , ch the PRESENT � ION: Mountain District has been a member for man � Counties Water Resources ��"��° �� =�; Association (MCWRA) John Kingsbury/MCWRA gave a Power t pre 'on tha�:�,,:. covered the agency histat�r;missi.on state t, re � .. challenges, members,���i�fiative �.f#orts, pa in forums, outreach and`��cation ef��rts, affili " , and me ng schedule. He stressed the importar� of being z ;olved in making and p ' ' ating in�J�gislc���.����irs as er rights are under at#a ` " ardy. °;:$„ . ;� - Water an stewater � tions•�=' mittee:'1`he committee STANDING COMMITfEE met on July inutes of th�� eetin�:�ce available upon REPORTS request. ����r�� - . -�,F�, ' A:�;� The July meeting w , ncelledry�, irector Jones introduced EL DORADO COUNTY Dave Eggerton, Exec�� -Dire -of the agency. He briefly WATER AGENCY REPORT addressed the Board sta oks forward to working with the District on upcoming pr ��ts and legislative issues. Richard Solbrig reported on his attendance at a workshop GENERAL MANAGER sponsored by CSDA entitled "Transparency and Public REPORT Engagement." District Information Officer: Dennis Cocking reported on two items: STAFF REPORTS (1) Consumer Confidence Reporf went out with the July billing and not in a separate mailing to save money; (2) The final Grand Jury Report has been distributed. The District was investigated, however, was exonerated and not included in the final report. -5- REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES-JULY 19,2012 PAGE-4 Assistant General Manager: Paul Sciuto reported on the flows to the STAFF REPORTS plant over the 4th of July. Since the 4th was on a Wednesday, and (continued) not a three day weekend the flows were considerably down from last year: July 4th-4.64 (million gallons per day) July 7th-4.71 (million gallons per day) These flows went through the new Headworks which was just put on-line. �`�>. Leqal Counsel: Gary Kvistad reported that the State Legis . in their effort to trim the budget have suspended the re �nts in the Brown Act to post agendas and report out from ion. These two items are technically reimbursable �rom th� fiate ft�'���� agencies. He advised the District to continue its�s�fr�nt process:`;� :. '��-�.� ;:�_:� ,. .��.. 3:12 P.M. ' A[�� � RNMENT TO CLOSED SESS ` ,;� ACTION / REPORT O DISCUSSEf1��1RING CLOSED SESSION a. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of t � Ca ' - Govemment code, Closed Session may be held for conferencs�rnrith legal c sel re existing,litigation: false Claims Act Case: United Sta#es,���i����#es of Ca nia„ a Flor�da, Nevada, and Tennessee and the Commonu��alths ofi ti�assach Vir �x rel. John Hendrix v. J-M �.r.> Manufacturing Co't�i��ny, Incc;and Form lastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. ED CVO6-0055-GW, l�r��t�d Stq:�e;;.District C . for the Central District of California. ,ti>:--°� �� � '''��•,�';..., . . "e�F �'I _;.i No re. ':�`'���i�l`€�`���"� actits�'i� ° �- , . b. Pursucs����o Section 5 . 9(a) of`#he Califomia Government Code, Closed Session may be held'"��'�onference legal'�t�unsel regarding existing litigation: Los Angeles County Sup���r Court, Ca No. BC4�9943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J-M Manufacturing, et al. °��� Y, ���S;:J.S`s. No re orfable Bo • c ' 3:21 P.►v�. RECONVENED TO OPEN SESSION AND MEETING ADJOURNMENT Eric W. Schafer, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board By: Chris Whalen, Assistant Clerk of the Board —6— Ueneral Manager Richard H.Solbrig ^,,._;r, �eeeay.�� /� Dircctore � �� � �l../ Chris Gefalu 4� �.r JameS R.Jones Randy Vogelge5ang `�" f u bl i c Uti i i�Gy D i�tri c-� Kelly 5heehan Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow CneSt Drive•5outh Lake Tahae•GA 96a50-740Z Phone 53Q 544�-6474•Fax 534 541-C1614•www S�Cpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM ba TO: Board of Directors FROM: John Thiel, Principal fngineer MEETING DATE: August 2, 2012 ITEM-PROJECT NAME: Upper Truckee River Sewer Pipeline Protection Project REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: (1) Find minor irregularities in bid to be immaterial and waive immaterial irregularities; and (2j Award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder Thomas Haen Company, Inc., in the amount of$199,652. DISCUSSION: This project includes the construction of three grade control struc#ures along the channel of the Upper Truckee River to protect a 12" sewer pipeline and approximately 85 lineal feet of vegeta#ed �ock slope stabilization along the east bank to protect the sewer manho�e. Plans, specifications, and permitting were completed by District s#aff and Norfhwest Hydraulic Consultants (NHC). On July 17th, nine contractors attended the mandatory pre-bid meeting and five purchased plans and specs. Three bids were received as detailed on the attached Bid Summary. The apparent low bidder is Thomas Haen Company at $199,652. �wo minor deviations are noted. The engineer's estimate was $230,000. SCHEDULE: Open bids 7-26-12; Award 8-02-12; NTP 8-20-12; Completion 10-31-12 COSTS: $199,652 ACCOUNT NO: 1029-7096/CCBKRP BUDGfTED AMOUNT REMAINING: Unbudgeted item ATTACHMENTS: Memo from Contract's Administrator including Bid Summary. CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Sewer GENERAL MANAGER: YES n`- NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -7- South Ta hoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahce, CA 96150 Telephone: (530)544-6474 Fax: (530)541-0614 Memorandum Date: July 26, z012 To: Board Members, Richard H. Solbrig, Paul A. Sciuto From: Heidi C. Baugh, Contracts Administrator Subject: Upper Truckee River Sewer Pipeline Protection At 2:00 o'clock on the afternoon of July 26, 2012 we received and opened three (3) sealed bids for the above-referenced project. Bids ranged from $199,652 to $274,368. The engineer's estimate was $229,940. A careful review and analysis of the three bids showed a number of deviations, most minor. See attached spreadsheet and list of deviations for full breakdown of each bid. Thomas Haen Company, Inc. is the apparent low bidder. Thomas Haen Company, Inc. had only two very minor deviations. I contacted the Contractors License Board and was given the following information: License Number 447064 is current and active and expires 10/31/2013. The company is a corporation. Thomas Haen Company Inc. holds a Class A— General Engineering license. South Tahoe Public Utility District. 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474:�acsimile 530.541.0614 UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER SEWER PIPELINE PROTECTION Bid Opening: 7/26/2012 at 2:00 o'ciock p.m. Deviations and information qathered durinq bid analysis of the three bids: Thomas Haen Company Inc.: • Bidder's General Information, General Contractor's Information, Item 1, the California State Contractor's website lists a P.O. Box address. Contractor listed the physical address. Contractor uses both addresses and both addresses are active. • Bidder's General Information, General Contractor's Information, Item 5, asks for"name, address and phone number of surety company and agent who will provide the required bonds on the contract." No address was provided for the agent, no phone number was provided for the surety. White Rock Construction Inc. • Under information provided for Subcontractor List, White Rock Construction did not identify the percentage of contract work to be performed by the listed subcontractor. • Bidder's General Information, General Contractor's Information, Item 5, asks for"name, address and phone number of surety company and agent who will provide the required bonds on the contract." Name and address of surety company were not provided on this page. • Bidder's General Information, Revegetation Subcontractor's Information, Item 3, incorrect expiration date for [sub]contractor's license was provided. • Certification by Contractor's Insurance Broker, the first blank only provided the agent's name and did not provide brokerage information. • On the Bid Form, items did not calculate out to be the same as written by the contractor. There was a $100 difference. C.B. Ebright Company, Inc.: • Bidder's General Information, General Contractor's Information, Item 5, asks for "name, address and phone number of surety company and agent who will provide the required bonds on the contract." Contractor identified only the surety name, and did not list address or phone number; did not provide phone number for agenUbroker. • Bidder's General Information, Revegetation Subcontractor's Information for was left blank, no information was provided. -io- SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICTS Upper Truckee River Sewer Pipeline Protection Project � , BID SUMMARY July 26,2012 En ineers EsUmate Thomas Haen Com an Wh(te Rxk ConstrucUon C.B.Ebri ht Co. Descri tion Unk QTY Unit P�ice Amount Unit Price Amount Unit Prtce Amou�t Unit Price Amou�t 1 Mob/Demob 10% LS t 522.500.00 522,500.00 517,000.00 577,000.00 513,200.00 513,200.00 $25,600.00 525,600.00 Install 8 maintain shoring&soil 2 stabilization for worker safe LS 1 55,000.00 $5,000.00 51.00 $1.00 5�0.00 $500•00 5100.00 a100.00 Fumish,instali,maintain erosion 3 control measures&other BMPs LS 1 522,000.00 522,000.00 511,400.00 y11,400.00 520,000.00 520,000.00 $18,750.00 578.750•00 Develop,maintain,remove site access routes an staging areas, 4 vide traffic control LS 1 S16 000.00 a16,000.00 6,000.00 536,000.00 557,000.00 $57,000.00 340,000.00 540,000.00 Fumish,install,maiMain,remove temp.waler diversion dams and dewateri�g basin and conUOl 5 water lans&s LS 1 535,000.00 535,000.00 $17 886.00 $17,886.00 yt7,000.00 547,000.00 $45 000.00 545,000.00 Fumish all labor,equip.& materials and install Class 3 CY 40 Rock at vegetated rock tce 6 tectio� $165.00 $6,600.00 5240.00 $9,600.00 5150.00 56.000.0� 52�.� 510,000.00 umis a ,equip., ena s, install Class 4 rock at vegetated 7 rockice ection CY 55 5770.00 59,350.00 5194.00 510,670.00 5155.00 58,525.00 3250.00 513,750.00 Fumish labor,equip.,materials, install Class t Rock at Grade 8 ConVOI sUuctures CY 165 $200.00 $33 000.00 597.00 $16,005.00 5155.00 $25,575.00 3195.00 532,175.00 Fumish labor,equip.,materials, install Class 2 Rock at Grade 9 ConUol str�xxures CY 120 5170.00 $20 400.00 $178.00 521,360.00 5165.00 319,800.00 5795.00 S23,400.00 Fumish IaDor,eqwp.,materials, install cobble at Grade Caitrol CY 35 10 sVuctures 5145.00 55,075.00 5207.00 57,245.00 5200.00 57,000•00 y133.00 34,655.00 Fumish labor,equip.,materials, 11 install Rock/Willow Ke CY 20 5240.00 y4,800.00 5132.00 52,640.00 5155.00 53,100.00 5211•00 34,220.00 Fumish labor,equip.,materials, install BouMer Clusters wRh 12 Wi1lowTrans lants EA 3 51,200.00 S3,600.00 5800.00 $2,400.00 51,000.00 53,000•00 51,720.00 55,160.00 umi a ,equip.,m ena s, install Disturbed Area Revegetation tor stte access routes,pedesVian access trail, 13andsta i areas SF 14,000 $1.00 a14,000.00 51.00 514000.00 51.00 514,000.00 5�.9� $12,600.00 umi ,equ�p.,ma ena s, instali Disturbed Area Revegetation associated with 14 lower banks at rade control SF 260 32.50 5650.00 52.25 3585.00 52.25 3585.00 52.20 5572.00 umis a ,equip.,m ena s, install Dfsturbed area reveg assoc.w/upper banks and 15 flood lain,incld dewateri cell SF 2,000 $1.00 a2,000.00 51.00 52,000.00 $2.50 $5,000.00 52.20 54,400.00 Fumish labor,equip.,materials, instail Type 1 upper bank reveg at vegetated rock toe protection 16 and tade control stniciures SF 1,020 E72.00 512,240.00 511.00 511,220.00 $7.00 $7,140.00 SF.GO $6,732.00 Fumish labor,equip.,materials, inslall Type 2 upper bank reveg 17 at rade conUol sUUdures SF 690 $2.50 $1,725.00 511.00 $7,590.00 37.00 54,830.00 56.60 54,554.00 Fumish labor,equip.,materials, install Wllow poles and Boulders 18 al Tce at Grade CoMrol LF 50 $30.00 $1,500.00 $111.00 $5,550.00 532.00 51,600.00 $120.00 $6,000.00 Fumish labor,equip.,materials, i�slall SEZ restoration area per 19 lans and s SF 6,000 $2.00 $12,000.00 57.00 $6,000.00 $2.20 313,200.00 5220 513,200.00 install concrete encasement on existing sewer per plans and 20 s LS 1 $2,500.00 $2.500.00 5500:00 3500.00 32,500.00 $2,500.00 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 TOTAL r District Review and CateulaUon: S229,940.00 j198 652.00 5259,555.00 5274 368.00 TOTAL as written In Bid Received: same 259,655.00 same -1],_ 1 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR APPROVAL August 2, 2012 Payroli 7/24/2012 423,934.24 Total Payroll 423,934.24 ADP 2,457.78 American Express 12,068.10 Bank of America 231,266.61 BBVA Compass Bank 741,531.88 BNY Mellon Trust Company 371,425.72 Brownstein/Hyatt/Farber/Schreck legal services 13,337.50 CDS-health care payments 59,880.31 Union Bank 0.00 Total Vendor EFT 1,431,967.90 Accounts Payable Checks-Sewer Fund 562,948.52 Accounts Payable Checks-Water Fund 694,143.97 Accounts Payable Checks-Self-funded Insurance 36,940.11 Accounts Payable Checks-Grants Fund 0.00 Totai Accounts Payable 1,294,032.60 Grand Total 3,149,934.74 Pavroll EFTs � Checks 7/24/2012 EFT AFLAC Medical & Dependent Care 1,142.98 EFT CA Employment Taxes & W/H 17,077.35 EFT Federal Employment Taxes & W/H 87,610.39 EFT CaIPERS Contributions 77,052.32 EFT Great West Deferred Comp 19,825.37 EFT Stationary Engineers Union Dues 2,540.36 EFT United Way Contributions 115.00 EFT Employee Direct Deposits 212,270.62 CHK Employee Garnishments 1,235.69 CHK Employee Paychecks 5,064.16 Total 423,934.24 -13- PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department!Pro)Name peserlotlon peeN!/Proi Code Am9l1�S Cheek Num Tvne A-1 CHEMICAL INC GEN 8 ADMIN JANITlSUPPLY INV 1000-0422 430.17 A-1 CHEMICAL INC FINANCE INVlFRT/DISCOLJNT 1039-6077 1.00 CheckTotai: 431.17 APA0082B21 MW ABC IMAGING ENGINEERING-C-LINE CONDITION CLINE EVAL 1029-8028-CLEVAL 3,636.56 CAeck Total: 3.636.56 AP-00082822 MW AFLAC GEN$ADMIN AFLAC FEE DED 1000-2538 121.00 Check Tatal: 121.00 AP-00082823 MW AHERN RENTALS HEAW MAINT BUILDINGS 1004-6041 75.33 AHERN RENTAIS HEAW MAINT GROUNOS 8 MNTC 1004-6042 25.81 CheckTotal: 101.14 AP-00082824 MW' ALL EIECTRIC MOTORS INC PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002-6051 1,705.30 CheckTotal: 7.705.30 AP-00082825 MW ALPEN SIERRA COFFEE GEN&ADMIN OFC SUPPLY ISSUE 1000-6081 131.25 Check Total: 13125 AP-00082826 MW ALPINE METALS HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004-6071 80.81 r Check Total: � 80.81 AP-00092827 MW �AMERICAN EXPRESS OPERATIONS SUPPLIES 1006-652U 200.00 Check Total: 200.00 APA0082828 MW AMERIPRIDE UNIFORM SERVICES GEN&ADMIN UNIFORM PAYABLE 1000-2518 527.70 Check Total: 527.70 AP-00082829 MW ARIZONA INSTRUMENT CORP OPERATIONS SERVICE CONTRACT 1006-6030 975.00 Check Total: 975.00 AP-00082830 MW AT&T MOBILITY ELECTRICAL SHOP TELEPHONE 1003-6310 6.92 ATBT MOBILITY ENGINEERING TELEPHONE 1029-6310 21.06 AT&T MOBILITY ELECTRICAL SHOP TELEPHONE 2003-8310 6.91 ATBT MOBILITY ENGINEERING TELEPHONE 2029-6310 21.05 Check Total: 55.gq AP-00082B31 MW ATBTICAINET 2 GEN&ADMIN TELEPHONE 1000-6310 15.75 ATBTICALNET 2 PUMPS TELEPHONE 1002-6310 81.77 AT&TICALNET 2 OPERATIONS TELEPHONE 1006-6310 31.41 ATSTICALNET 2 GEN&ADMIN TELEPHONE 2000-6310 15.74 Uaer:THERESA Page: 1 Current Dah: 07l25/2012 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 16:47:54 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Deoartment/Proj Name Daserintion AcelM 1 Prol Code Am4y1}S Check Num Tvoe ATBT/CALNET 2 PUMPS TELEPHONE 2002-6310 35.61 Check Total: 180.28 AP-00082832 MW AVJWA OPERATIONS DUES/MEMB/CERT 1006-6250 98.00 Chack Total: 98.00 AP-0OOS2833 MW BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM HUMAN RESOURCES CONTRACT SERVICE 1022-4405 385.00 BARTON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM HUMAN RESOURCES CONTRACT SERVICE 2022-4405 385.00 Check Total: 770.00 AP-0�062834 MW B8&H BENEFIT DESIGNS HUMAN RESOURCES CONTRACT SERVICE 1022-4405 624.50 688H BENEFIT DESIGNS HUMAN RESOURCES CONTRACT SERVICE 2022-4405 624.50 Check Tatal: �.pqg.pp AP-000B2835 MW BENTLYAGROWDYNAMICS OPERATIONS SLUDGEDISPOSAL 1006-6652 1,714.72 Check Total: 1.714.72 AP-00082836 MW BIOMERIEX-VITEK LA80RATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 45.49 BIOMERIEX-VITEK LA80RATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007-4780 45.49 Check Total: 90.98 AP-00082837 MW I �BLUE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE 1038-4405 932.38 � �B�UE RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL UNDERGROUND REP CONTRACT SERVICE 2001-4405 7,75B.40 BLL1E RIBBON TEMP PERSONNEL CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTRACT SERVICE 2D38-4405 4,339.28 Check Total: 7.030.02 AP-00092838 MW CALIF DEPT OF HOUSING CUSTOMER SERVICE E�UIP RENTlLEASE 1038-5020 14.50 CALIF DEPT OF HOUSING CUSTOMER SERVICE E�UIP RENT/LEASE 2038-5020 14.50 Check TotaL• 2gAQ AP-00082639 MW CALIF WATER RESOURCES CTRL BD OPERATIONS DUES/MEMB/CERT 1008-6250 95.00 Cneck Total: 95.00 �-��82g4U 1o1W CASHMAN EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT REP AUTOMOTIVE 1005-6017 224.62 Check Totel: 224.62 AP-00082841 MW CDS GROUP HEALTH SELF FUNDED INS ADMIN FEE 3000-6741 2,730.30 Check Total: 2.730.30 AP-0�082842 MW CHANG,HARRISON CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660•WCPROG 200.00 Check Total: 200.00 �-�082843 MW CITY OF SLT COMM SERV DEPT DIO-PR EXP-EXTERNAL PUB RELATIONS 2027-6620-PREEXT 25.00 Uur:TI-IERESA Page: 2 Current Date: 07lZS/2012 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 16:47:54 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Qgpartment!Proi Name Deserbtion Acct#!Proj Code A�12l+pt Check Num IyR@ Check Total: 25.�0 AP-00082844 MW COCKING,DENNIS CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 200.00 CheckTOtel: 200.00 AP-00082845 MW CROSNO CONSTRLICTION INC GEfJ&ADMIN-TANK COATING CONST RETAINAGE 2000-2605-TKCOAT -8,782.00 CROSNO CONSTRUCTION INC ENGINEERING-TANK COATING TANK COATINGS 2029-8261-TKCOAT 87,820.00 Check Total: 79.038.00 AP-00082846 MW CRYSTAL DAIRY FOODS UNDERGROUND REP OFFICE SUPPLIES 2001-4820 1320 Check TotaL• 13,pp AP-00082847 MW CWEA HEAW MAINT DUESIMEMB/CERT 1004-6250 687.00 Check Total: gg7.pp pp-00082848 MW D8L FOUNDRY 8 SUPPLY GEN&AOMIN FRAME/COVERS INV 1000-0410 3,822.44 D&L FOUNDRY 8 SUPPLY UNDERGROUND REP PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 1001-6052 90.00 Check Total: 3.912.44 �-Q�82849 MW DATCO SERVICES CORP HUMAN RESOURCES SAFETY PROGRAMS 1022-6079 163.80 DATCO SERVICES CORP HUMAN RESOURCES SAFETY PROGRAMS 2022-6079 163.80 I �' Check Total: � 327.60 AP-00082850 MW �DELL MARKETING L P INFORMATION SYS DIST.COMP SPPLIS 1037-4B40 1,919.71 DELL MARKETING L P INFORMATION SYS DIST.COMP SPPLIS 2037-4840 1,919.70 Check Total: 3.839.41 AP-00082851 MW DIONEX CORP LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 320.02 DIONEX CORP LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007-4760 330.71 Check Total: 650.73 AP-00082852 MW EL DORADO COUNTY PUMPS REGLTRY OP PRMTS 2002-6650 486.00 Check Total: 48g.OQ AP-00082853 MW EMPIRE SAFETY 8 SUPPLY GEN 8,ADMIN SAFETY INVENTORY 1000-0425 205.58 Check Total: 205.58 AP-00082854 MW ETS LABORATORY MONITORING 1007-6110 992.25 Check Total: 892.25 .°.P-OU082855 MW FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. HEAW MAINT PRIMARY EQUIP 1004-6021 55.41 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. HEAW MAINT FILTER EQ/BLDG 1004-6023 759.10 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. HEAW MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004-6071 38.17 User:THERESA Page: 3 Current Date: 07/25/2012 Report:OH_PMT_CLA�1S_BK Carrent Time: I6:47:54 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Deoartment!Prol Name Desc lon Acefk/Prni Code A[Il41lflS Cheak Num Syp! FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. DIAMOND VLY RNCH GROUNDS 8 MNTC 1028-6042 7424 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 2002-8051 48.81 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC. HEAW MAINTENANC BUILDINGS 2004-6041 78.77 Check Total: 1.054.24 AP-00062856 MW FISHER SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 143.27 FISHER SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007-4760 137.75 FISHER SCIENTIFIC LqBORATORY REPL AUTOCLAVE 2007-8255 9,962.79 Check TWaI: 1Q243.81 AP-0OD82857 MW FLORES,ANETA OPERATIONS DUES/MEMBlCERT 1006-fi250 80.00 Check Total: 80.00 AP-00082858 MW FLYERS ENERGY LLC GEN 8 ADMIN GASOLINE INV 1000-0415 1,828.75 FLYERS ENERGY LLC GEN&ADMIN DIESEL INVENTORY 1000-0416 1,&44.93 Check Total: 3.671.68 AP-00082859 MW GFS CHEMICAL LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 1007-4760 42.10 GFS CHEMICAL LABORATORY LA8 SUPPLIES 2007-4760 42.09 t. CheckTotal: gq_�g pp-00082860 MW v �GRAINGER GEN 8 ADMIN SHOP SUPPLY INV 1000-0421 406.45 GRAINGER GEN&ADMIN JANIT/SUPPLY INV 1000-0422 184.64 Check Total: 591.09 AP-00082861 MW GSE CONSTRUCTION CO INC GEN&ADMIN-HEADWORKS CONST RETAINAGE 1000-2605-HDWORK 131,849.55 GSE CONSTRUCTION CO INC ENGINEERING-HEADWORKS HDWKS IMP PROJ 1029-9033-HDWORK 418,495.54 Check Total: 376.645.99 AP-00082862 MW HATFIELD,DARYL CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 200.00 Check Total: 200.OQ AP-00082863 MW HDR ENGINEERING INC FINANCE ADVISDRY 2039-4440 2,254.70 Check Total: p,pg,q.�p qp�0082864 MW HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE CONTRACT 1022-6030 208.75 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACT 1038-6030 140.15 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS FINANCE SERVICE CONTRACT 1039-6030 166.50 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE CONTRACT 2022-8030 208.74 HIGH SIERRA BUSINESS SYSTEMS CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE CONTRACT 2038-6030 140.16 HIGH SIERRA BU51NES5 SYSTEMS FINANCE SERVICE CONTRACT 2039-6030 166.49 User:THERESA Page: 4 Current Date: 07/25/2012 Report:OH PMY_CLAIMS_BK CurrentTlme: ]b:41:54 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Deoartment/Proi Name Descrintion AcetlF/Proi Code Am4LOL Check Num 7yQfl Check Total: 1.030.79 AP-00082865 MW HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES DIAMOND VLY RNCH-DVR HOUSE RENO RANCH HS REMOD 1028-8130-DVRENO 18429 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES FINANCE SUPPLIES 1039-6520 20.00 Check Total: 204.29 AP-00082866 MW IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP. LABORATORY LA8 SUPPLIES 1007-4760 1,198.18 IDEXX DISTRIBUTION CORP. LABORATORY LAB SUPPLIES 2007-4760 1,211.31 Check Total: p.4pg.qg pp-00082867 MW INSITE LAND SURVEYS ENGINEERING-SUNSET STABLES E CONTRACT SERVICE 1029-4405-ECSTBL 3,700.00 Check Total: 3700.00 AP-00082868 MW INTERSTATE SAFETY 8 SUPPLY GEN d ADMIN SHOP SUPPLY INV 1000-0421 349.89 Check Total: 349.89 AP-00082869 MW J8L PRO KLEEN INC FINANCE JANITORIAL SERV 1039-fi074 1,603.50 J&L PRO KLEEN INC FINANCE JANITORIAL SERV 2039-6074 1,603.50 Check Total: 3207.00 AP-00082870 MW KINGSBURY GENERAL IMPROVEMENT GEN&ADMIN-USF5 GRNT ADMIN SUSPENSE 2000-2504-SMOKEY 16,357.30 r � C eck Total: 16.357.30 AP-00082871 MW �LIBERTY UTILITIES GEN&ADMIN ELECTRICITY 1000-6330 64,635.76 LIBERTY UTILITIES GEN&ADMIN ST LIGHTING EXP 1000-6740 8.34 IIBERTY UTILITIES GEN&ADMIN ELECTRICITY 2000-6330 49,006.73 Check Total: 113.650.83 AP-00082872 MW MARTIN,LARRY CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG UVTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 2,667.00 Chack Total: 2.687.00 AP-00082873 MW MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 1002-6051 868.11 MC MASTER CARR SUPPLY CO PUMPS PUMP STATIONS 2D02-6051 868.12 Check Total: 1.736.23 AP-00082874 MW METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS DIAMOND VLY RNCH OFFICE SUPPLIES 1028-4820 485.78 METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 1029-4820 84.60 METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1038-4820 44.35 METRO OFFICE SOLIJTIONS FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 1039-4820 27.81 METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS ENGINEERING OFFICE SUPPLIES 2029-4820 84.62 METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2038-4820 44.35 Uaer:THERESA Page: 5 Current Date: 0725/2012 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Tlme: 16:47:54 QAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Deoartment/Proi Name Deacriotlon Acetk/Prol Cnde AIIlVyIIt Check Num Twe METRO OFFICE SOLUTIONS FINANCE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2039-4620 27.80 Check Total: 7gg,g� Ap-00082875 MW MOTEL 6 PUMPS STANDBY ACCOMODA 1002-6083 19.66 MOTEL 6 PUMPS STANDBY ACCOMODA 2002-6083 19.66 Check Total: 39.32 AP-00082876 MW MWH L4BORATORIES LABORATORV MONITORING 2�07-6170 70.00 Check Total: 70.00 AP-00082877 MW NIETO,FRANK GEN&ADMIN UB SUSPENSE 1000-2002 937.36 Check Total: 937_36 AP-0OOR2878 MW North Tahoe PUD GEN 8 ADMIN-USFS GRNT ADMIN SUSPENSE 2000-2504-SMOKEY 73,965.69 Check Total: 73.965.69 AP-00082879 MW O I CORP LA80RATORY LABORATORY EQUIP 1007-6025 34226 O I CORP LABORATORY LABORATORY EQUIP 2007-6025 332.95 Chetic Total: 675.21 AP-0008288D MW O'KEEFE,TERESA CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-8660-WCPROG 20.00 I � Check Total: 26.00 AP-00082881 MW � �OPTIC FUEL CLEAN OF CA E�UIPMENT REP GENERATORS 1005-6013 1,290.00 Check Total: �,pgp,pp AP-00082882 MW PDM STEEL HEAW MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004-6071 385.20 Check ToNal: 385.20 AP-00082883 MW PERKINEIMER INC LABORATORY SFTWR,LIMS 2007-8622 5,897.23 Check Total: 5.897.23 AP-00062884 MW POLY�YNE INC OPERATIONS POLYMER 1006-4720 16,059.06 Check Total: 16.059.06 AP-00082885 MW PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 1002-6071 167.07 PRAXAIR 174 HEAW MAINT PRIMARY EQUIP 1004-6021 59.69 PRAXAIR 174 HEAVY MAINT SHOP SUPPLIES 1004-6071 218.43 PRAXAIR 174 HEAW MAINT SMALL TOOLS 1004-8073 360.18 PRAWIIR 174 UNDERGROUND REP PIPElCVRSMIHLS 2007-6052 100.28 PRAXAIR 174 PUMPS SHOP SUPPLIES 2002-6071 167.06 Check Total: �,p7y.7� AP�10082886 MW Ueer:THERESA Psge: 6 Current Dah: 07/25/2012 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 16:47:54 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Department!Proi Name Deseriotion Acet#!Pro Code 1 AT.9��IS Check Num IypB PRIETO,ANTONIO UNDERGROUND REP TRAVEL/MEETINGS 2001-6200 32.19 Check Tatal: 3p,�g qpA00828R7 MW RADIO SHACK pUMPS WELLS 2002-6050 7.53 Check Total: 7.53 AP-00082868 MW REDWOO�PRINTING ENGINEERING-CC/BK SWR REPAIR SWR REP CC/BKFLD 1029-7096-CCBKRP 414.09 Check Total: 414.09 AP-00082889 MW RELIANCE STANOARD GEN&AOMIN LIFE INS UN18D 1000-2512 7,522.08 RELIANCE STANDARD GEN R ADMIN LIFE INS MGMT 1000-2525 480.12 RELIANCE STANDARD GEN&ADMIN LNG TRM DIS,MGMT 1000-2531 1,186.72 RELIANCE STANDARD GEN&ADMIN LT�,UNION 1000-2539 1,611.56 Check Total: 4.800.48 AP-00082890 MW SCHAFER,ERIC BOARD OF DIR TRAVEUMEETINGS 1019-6200 182.00 Check Tatal: 182.00 AP-00082891 MW SCOTT VALLEY BANK GEN 8 ADMIN-HEAOWORKS CONST RETAINAGE 1000-2805-HDWORK 41,849.55 Check Total: 41.849.55 AP-00092892 MN I oSIERRA CHEMICAL CO PUMPS ITYPOCHLORITE 2002-4755 2,747.82 t Check Tatal: 2_7q�_gp pp-00082693 MW SIERRA FOOTHILL LABORATORY LABORATORY-IND CRK RES MONT MONITORING 1007-6110-INDIAN 390.00 CheckTatal: 390.00 AP-00082894 MW SIERRA SPRINGS PUMPS SUPPLIES 1002-6520 37.80 SIERRA SPRINGS DIAMOND VLY RNCH SUPPLIES 1028-6520 37.81 SIERRA SPRINGS CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPPLIES 1038-6520 19.47 SIERRA SPRINGS CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPPLIES 2038-6520 19.47 Check Tatal: ��4.55 pp_pp062695 MW SOLINST CANADA LTD ENGINEERING-DVR MONIT WELLS MON WLS DVR/ALPC 1029-8136-ALPMWS 12,265.45 Check Total: 12.265.45 AP-OOQ82896 MW SOUTHWEST GAS GEN R ADMIN NATURAL GAS 1000-6350 33.00 Check Tolal: 33,pp pp-00082897 MW STOP LOSS INSURANCE SERVICES SELF FUNDED INS EXCESS INSURANCE 3000-6744 33,805.11 Check Total: 3 ._ 83 05.11 AP-OOOB2698 MW SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL 8 UNDERGROUND REP CONTRACT SERVICE 1001-4405 2,241.60 U�er:THERESA Page: 7 Current Date: 07/25/2012 Report:OH PMT_CLAIMS_BK CurrentTime: 16:47:54 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vandor Nama Depatimant/PrpJ Name Descrl �on Aeet#I Proi Code Am21lpL Check Num IYpg SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL$ UNDERGROUND REP CONTRACT SERVICE 2007-4405 1,099.60 SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL& CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-8660-WCPROG 853.44 Check Total: 4.1g4.64 AP-00082699 MW TAHOE PRINTING 90ARD OF DIR OFFICE SUPPLIES 1D19-4620 9.97 TAHOE PRINTING INFORMATION SYS OFFICE SUPPLIES 7037-4820 9.97 TAHOE PRINTING BOARD OF�IR OFFICE SUPPLIES 2019-4820 9.97 TAHOE PRINTING INFORMATION SYS OFFICE SUPPLIES 2037-4820 9.96 TAHOE PRINTING CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES 2038-4820 '19.93 Check Total: 59.90 AP-00082900 MW THIEL,JOHN ENGINEERING REGLTRY OP PRMTS 1029-6650 501.00 � Check Total: 501.00 AP-00082901 MW THOMAS HAEN CO INC GEN&ADMIN-WILDWOOD WATERLN CONST RETAINAGE 2000-2605-WILDWD -47,562.00 THOMAS HAEN CO INC ENGINEERING-WIIDWOOD WATERLN WTRLNS WILDWOOD 2029•8263-WILDWD 475,820.02 Check Total: 428.238.02 �-��82902 MR+ TRIER,MARTHA CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6860-WCPROG 200.00 N Check Total: 200.00 AP-00082903 MW r �UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT CUSTOMER SERVICE DUES/MEMB/CERT 1038-6250 250.00 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT CUSTOMER SERVICE DUES/MEMBlCERT 2038-6250 250.00 Check Total; 500.00 AP-00082904 MW UNIVERSAL HEALTH NETNORK SELF FUNDED INS PPO FEE 3000-6742 404.70 Check Total: qpq_7p Ap-00082905 MW V&C CONSTRUCTION INC GEN 8 ADMIN-SNOWSHOE DITCH R CONST RETAINAGE 1000-2fi05-SNOBLO -200.00 V&C CONSTRUCTION INC ENGiNEERING-SNOWSHOE DITCH R SNOSHU REPAIR 1029-7075-SNOBLO 2,000.00 V&C CONSTRUCTION INC GEN 8 ADMIN•DEMO FP,COLD CRK CONST RETAINAGE 2000-2605-DEMOFP -265.38 V8C CONSTRUCTION INC GEN 8�ADMIN-DEMO RALPH TANK CONST RETAINAGE 2000-2605-DEMORT -228.76 V&C CONSTRUCTION INC ENGINEERING-DEMO RALPH TANK RALPH TANK 2029-7090-DEMORT 2,287.60 V8C CONSTRUCTION INC ENGINEERING-DEMO FP,COLD CRK CC FLTR PLANT 2029-7091-DEMOFP 2,653.72 Check Total: 6.247.18 AP-00082906 MW WATER ENVIRONMENT FEDERATION OPERATIONS DUESlMEMB/CERT 1006-6250 179.00 WATER ENVIRONMENT FEDERATION ADMINISTRATION DUES/MEMB/CERT 1021-6250 110.00 WATER ENVIRONMENT FEDERATION ADMINISTRATION DUES/MEMB/CERT 2021-6250 110.D0 Check Total: 399.00 AP-00082907 MW Ueer:THERESA Page: 8 Current Date: 07/25/2012 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Timr. 16:47:54 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Vendor Name Deoartment/PreJ Name Oescrlptlon AeetlF!Prol Code 91II9,y1]S Check Num IyA@ WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY GEN 8 ADMIN JANITlSUPPLY INV 1000-0422 466.77 Check Total: 466.77 AP-OOOR2908 MW WECO INDUSTRIES INC UNDERGROUND REP INFILTRTNIINFLOW 1001-6055 1,364.42 Check Total: 1.364.42 AP-00082909 MW WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP FILTER EQ/BLDG 1D03-6023 553.52 WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SHOP FURNACE E�UIP 1003-6024 90.31 WEDCO INC HEAW MAINT FILTER E�lBL�G 1004-6023 51.31 WEDCO INC ELECTRICAL SNOP PUMP STATIONS 2003-fi051 497.85 CheckToWl: �,�g2.gg pp_00082910 MW WILLIAM A DOWNEY OD INC CUSTOMER SERVICE SAFETYlEQUIP/PHY 1038-8075 94.50 WILLIAM A DOWNEY OD INC CUSTOMER SERVICE SAFETY/EOUIP/PHY 2038-fi�75 94.50 Check ToWI: 189.00 AP-00082911 MW WISCHMEYER,MICHAEL CUSTOMER SERVICE-WTR CONS PROG WTR CONS EXPENSE 2038-6660-WCPROG 200.00 Check Total: 200.00 AP-00082912 MW ZEE MEDICAL INC GEN 8 ADMIN SAFETY/EQUIPIPHY 1000-6075 418.70 i N Check Total: 41870 AP-ODOR2913 MVJ N I GrandTotal: �,z95,322.60 1 + 2y`_> • 322 • 6G+ 1 ;!) � .;C�- 000 1 � 29'E � C3�? . 5p�+ Uaer.THERESA Page: 9 Current Dete: 07/25l2012 Report:OH_PMT_CLAIMS_BK Current Time: 16:47:54 � ..e � 9outh Tdhoe P.U.D. 07/24 12 �LTID T3PID &HEVFIt�ID A�P Q-�XIC RB�'SIFR2 _f�e 1 z�, � a4, ao�, u:sa r� --req: ��.--�.eg: c��-ioc: a�.�----�ob: 505877 #�T1275---p��: LiK'L0o <1..35>--�'t id: cl�[T-- Q�eCk F6�jse ID. P�yee I�rie Ll�te C1'�ee�c Pnn�,mt 'Iyj�e Subs Iael. Tb I�TOGe AP00081916 V47929 C�T.CC F[�L QFAN C�'CA 04/ 12 1,290.00 RV 'IR l�evex�ed GRAND TOTALS: �`��\\�' 'Ibkal Uoid Nl�chirie Writt� 0.00 IambeY of � Pmo�ssed: 0 Zbt�l Void Fian3 Firitt� 0.00 I�at�er of Q�ecks Pxooessad: 0 'Itytal N�hir�e Vlritt�n 0.00 N�arber of Q�erks PYOaessad: 0 Trital Harri Wri.ttai 0.00 N�,n�bes'of Q�c'.Is Pxooes9ed: 0 'IY�tal Re�ls 1,290.00 Nunber of Q�ec]as Prooessed: 1 'Ibta1 G�a�i 1 Frl 0.00 I1zCixr'of Q7ecks ProCfeaead: 0 'Ibtal F�5 0.QO D]l.mber o� F,E'!� Pxooeasa�: 0 Tbtal. EPAYs 0.00 1Qni�er of F�AYs Prooaesad: 0 GRAND TOTAL 1,290.00 w Pavment of Claims American Exoress EFT Veodor Acct#/Proj Code m t WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY GEN&ADMIN-METERS,ETC INV 2000-0402 Inv#: 15268671 1,368.43 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY GEN&ADMIN-METERS,ETC INV 2000-0402 Inv#: 15268671- 3,661.84 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY GEN&ADMIN-METERS,ETC iNV 2000-0402 Inv#: 15268671- 2,296.84 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY LJNDERGROUND REP-PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 2001-6052 Inv#: 35241945 988.89 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY HEAVY MAIN'f-PRIMARY EQUIP 1004-602i Inv#: 35271526 58691 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY CTNDERGROUND REP-PIPE/CVRS/MHI.S 2001-6052 Inv#: 35273038 852.52 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY UNDERGROLJND REP-PIPE/CVRS/MHI.S 2001-6052 Inv#: 35273824 1339 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY PLIMPS-WELLS 2002-6050 Inv#: 35274485 56.75 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY PUMPS-WELLS 2002-6050 Inv#: 35294492 105.60 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY UNDERGROUND REP-P[PE/CVRS/MHLS 2001-6052 Inv#: 35277876 98837 WEST'ERN NEVADA SUPPLY LJNDERGROUND REP-PIPE/CVRS/MHLS 1001-6052 Inv�#: 35279273 119.7'7 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY HEAVY MAINT-FILTER EQBLDG 1004-6023 Inv#: 35280333 727.31 WESTERN NEVADA SUPPLY ENGINEERING-CC FLTR PLANT 2029-7091-DEMOFP Inv#: 35280737 301.48 Report Total: 12,068.10 N �P OH PAY CLAIMS_AE-OH Payment of Claims AmerEx<1.00> 07/25/2012 THERESA-Theresa Sherman 16:49:06 General Manager Richard H.5olbrig � . a . w � ^ • -_,j... � �� Director5 ^y��� � J � � Chris Cefalu `1 1.// L/ James R.Jones � f ublic U-�ility DiStric-� �ndyVogelgesang Kelly 5heehan Eric Schater 12?5 Meadow CreSt Drive•South i.ake Tahoe•CA 9Fi150-7401 Phane 530�44-6474•Fax 530 541-06i4•www stpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 13a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: August 2, 2012 ITEM- PROJECT NAME: Conference with Legal Counsel-Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California GoVernment code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: False Claims Act Case: United States, the States of California, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and Tennessee and the Commonwealths of Massachusetts and Virginia ex rel. John Hendrix v. J-M Manufacturing Company, Inc. and Formosa Plastics Corporation, U.S.A., Civil Action No. ED CVO6-0055-GW, United States District Court for the Central District of California. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GENERAL MANAGER: YES L NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO —25— General Manager Richard H.5olbrig � . ' �-�--.�. Directors .rssry� ^ �.�+ � O� Chris Cefalu U � JameS R.Joney Randy Vogelgesang �� `� public l�-t�lity DiS�rrct KellySheehan Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Cr�t Drive•South Lake Tahoe�CA 96i50-7401 Phorie 530 544-6474•�ax 534 541-0614•www.stpud.u5 BOARD AGENDA ITEM 13b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: August 2, 2012 ITEM-PROJECT NAME: Con�erence with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct Staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California�Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation: Los A�ngeles County Superior Court, Case No. BC459943, State of Nevada, et al. v. J-M Manufacturing, et al. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: CATEGORY: Water GfNERAL MANAGER: YES � NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO -27-