HomeMy WebLinkAboutAP 03-04-04 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA Thursday, March 4, 2004 2:00 P.M. City Council Chambers 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California Richard Solbd , General Manager Paul Sciuto, Assistant Manager James R. Jones, President BOARD MEMBERS Edc W. Schafer, Vice President Tom Comte, Director 1. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE (Short non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the District. Five-minute limit. No action will be taken.) 3. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR 4. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR (Any item can be discussed and considered separately upon request.) 5. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION I DISCUSSION 6. REPORTS a. Surplus Property Donation Program (Linda Brown) b. Customer Service, Operations and Laboratory Facility Status Report (John Thiel) REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA-' MARCH 4, 2004 7. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION PAGE- 2 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION 10. Al Tahoe Access Road (John Thiel) (1) Authorize Execution of Lot Line Adjustment Agreement with the California Tahoe Conservancy; and (2) Authorize Staff and Legal Counsel to Make Minor Modifica- tions to Agreement if Necessary bo Payment of Claims Approve Payment in the Amount of $1,206,780.73 BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Executive Committee (Jones / Schafer) b. Finance Committee (Wallace / Schafer) c. Water & Wastewater Operations Committee (Jones / Comte) d. Planning Committee (Mosbacher / Schafer) BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS ao Legislative Ad Hoc Committee (Wallace / Jones) Building Ad Hoc Committee (Jones / Schafer) Water Conservation Ad Hoc Committee (Mosbacher / Comte) Sewer Lateral Ad Hoc Committee (Jones / Comte) EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT 11. 12. 13. 14. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS GENERAL MANAGER REPORTS (Topics of discussion will include the following items:) a. Update on B-Line Phase 3 Export Pipeline Replacement Project b. Sorensen's Discharge Request c. Grant Funding for Utility Relocation for Unfunded Erosion Control Projects ASSISTANT MANAGER i STAFF REPORTS a. Update on Bakersfield Well Treatment System (Emergency declared 01/02/04) b. Update on February 24 Sewage Spill NOTICE OF PAST AND FUTURE MEETINGS I EVENTS Past Meetings I Events 02/23104 - 02/26/04 - ACWA Conference 02~25/04 - 02/27/04 - Water Reuse Conference 03/01/04 - Operations Committee Meeting Future Meetings I Events 03/09/04 - 1:30 p.m. - Lahontan Regular Board Meeting at Inn By the Lake 03110104- 9:00 a.m. - Finance Committee Meeting at District Office 03/10/04- 10:00 a.m. - El Dorado County Water Agency Meeting at Shingle Springs REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA - MARCH 4, 2004 PAGE - 3 15. 16. Future Meetin.qs I Events (continued) 03/11/04 - 9:00 a.m. - Finance Committee Meeting at District Office 03/15/04 - 03/17/04 - Water Environment Federation/American Water Works Assoc. Joint Management Conference 03/18/04 - 2:00 p.m. - STPUD Regular Board Meeting at City Council Chambers CLOSED SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation: Pioneer Trail Waterline Replacement Near Filter Plant Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO et al., San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. F. Heise Land & Live Stock Company, Inc., William Weaver, Eddie R. Snyder, Crockett Enterprises, Inc., ClV S-02-0238 MLS JFM United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, Sacramento, Ca. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)lConference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Association, et al., County of El Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20010165 ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION 17. ADJOURNMENT (To the next regular meeting, March 18, 2004, 2:00 p.m.) The South Tahoe Public Utility District Board of Directors regularly meets the first and third Thursday of each month. A complete agenda packet, including all backup information is available for review at the meeting and at the Distdct office during the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Items on this agenda are numbered for identification purposes only and will not necessarily be considered in the order in which they appear on the agenda. Designated times are for particular items only. Public Heatings will not be called to order prior to the time specified. Public participation is encouraged. Public comments on items appearing on the agenda will be taken at the same time the agenda items are heard; comments should be brief and directed to the specifics of the item being considered. Comments on items not on the agenda can be heard dudng 'Comments from the Audience;" however, action cannot be taken on items not on the agenda. Please provide the Clerk of the Board with a copy of all wdtten matedal presented at the meeting. The meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate participation of the disabled in all of the District's public meetings. If particular accommodations for the disabled are needed (i.e., disability-related aids, or other services), please contact the Clerk of the Board at (530) 544-6474, extension 203, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR MARCH 4, 2004 ITEMS REQUESTED ACTION Elks Club Well Control Building (Nick Zaninovich) Approve Increase to Purchase Order for Electrical Consulting Services from DTN Engineers, Inc., in the Amount of $4,480 Regular Board Meeting Minutes: February 5, 2004 (Kathy Sharp) Approve Minutes Co Regular Board Meeting Minutes: February 19, 2004 (Kathy Sharp) Approve Minutes South Tahoe Public Utility District · 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474 · Facsimile 530.541.0614 · www.stpud.us South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H, Selbrig Tom Comte Jarn~s I~ Jone~ Ma~y Leu Mosbacher Duane Wallace EHc Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474, Fax 530 541-0614, www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 4.a TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: ITEM - PROJECT: Board of Directors Nick Zaninovich, Senior Engineer March 4, 2004 Elks Club Well Control Building REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Approve increase to purchase order for electrical consulting services from DTN Engineers, Inc., in the amount of $4,480. DISCUSSION: Due to major revisions of the well electrical design related to less-than- expected.well production, the requested purchase order increase is necessary to properly complete the project. SCHEDULE: Project complete June 30, 2004 COSTS: $4,480 ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8460/RWELKS BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: <$202,149> ATTACHMENTS: Letter from DTN Engineers, Budget Analysis CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED ACTION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES .~. NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~.'~,~.~.c~,,,-,,.,.,,_NO CATEGORY: Water February 16, 2004 ~ ENGINEEr, iNC. O~d, San Francisco, orange county, CA 1611 Telegraph Ave., Suite 809 Oakland, CA 94612 Phone: (510) 2674)441 - Fax: (510) 2674)443 Nick Zaninovich, PE, Senior Engineer South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Subject: Elks Club Well Construction SupPort Services Dear Nick, As discussed, this is to sincerely request that the District consider approval for additional funding for the construction support services for the referenced project. Our estimate is as follows: Review of shop drawings: a. Electrical submittals including generator b. Instrumentation including software logic 8 hrs 16 hrs 2. One site visit 8 hrs Total 32 hrs Fee' 32 X $140/hr: $4,480 Please call us if there are any questions. Thank you very much for your approval. Best Regards, DiepNguyen, PE ~/ /_J CC: Heidi Donovan, STPUD Contract Admin. STPUD- Elks Club Well Pump Station Page 1 of 1 ACCESS ROAD Account: 2029-8130 BUDGET REMAINING ANALYSIS: 2003/04 All Years Spent to Date 192,024 945,835 Outstanding Purchase Orders- 0 0 0 0 Total Encumbrance 0 0 Total Spent & Encumbered 192,024 945,835 Budget FY 2004 0 600,000 Remaining Budget -192~024 -345,835 Note 1: Fifty percent of the left hand turn lane costs are to account 8130. The remaining 50% is a receivable due from the SLT Recreation Facilities JPA. Note 2: The amount in excess of budget reduces the Capital Outlay Reserve. Consent Item TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" 4.b James R. Jones, President BOARD MEMBERS Eric W. Schafer, Vice President REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 5, 2004 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, February 5, 2004, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Jones, Directors Schafer, Comte, Mosbacher. Director Wallace was absent. ROL,,L CALL STAFF: Solbrig, Sharp, McFarlane, Sciuto, Bird, Hydrick, Cocking, Attorney Kvistad. Moved Mosbacher I Second Schafer I Wallace. Absent / Passed to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted: CONSENT CALENDAR Elks Club Well Control Building - Approved Change Order No. 3 to White Rock Construction, Inc., for seismic requirements, in the amount of $5,963.04; B-Line: Phase 3 Export Pipeline Replacement Permitting Fees - Approved Task Order No. 27-G to Parsons HBA, for assistance in obtaining additional permits, in the amount of $13,270; ' REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUT~:S -" FEBRUARY"E, 2004 .... PAGE - 2 c. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: December 18, 2003; CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) d. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: January 2, 2004; e. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: January 15, 2004. ITEMS'~OR BOARD ACTION " The Finance Committee met to consider the sewer infrastructure borrowing and recommended proceeding forward with the competitive sale of revenue certificates of participation. Rhonda McFarlane reviewed the costs associated with the debt issuance. SEWER FINANCING Moved Schafer / Second Comte / Wallace Absent / Passed to authorize staff to: (1) Proceed with the competitive sale of revenue certificates of participation to finance sewer infrastructure; and (2) Engage the appropriate services to execute the new borrowing. Consistent with the 2003/04 budget, the District intends to issue tax-exempt debt to replenish the sewer capital reserve fund and to design and construct additional sewer infrastructure. In order to have current capital costs eligible for the financing that will take place in the next few months, it is necessary for the Board to adopt this resolution. SEWER INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING REIMBURSEMENT Moved Schafer I Second Comte I Wallace Absent ! Passed to adopt Resolution No. 2781-04, declaring intention to reimburse expenditures from the proceeds of obligations to be issued by the South Tahoe Public Utility District. Rick Hydrick reported the existing tank truck for the pump crew was built over ten years ago and no longer meets DMV requirements. This pumper/tank truck is used to main- tain wet wells and the entire Fallen Leaf Lake sewer system. When the bid specifications were written, Distdct staff included the gear ratio that made most sense in the bid; however, the truck manufacturer, Ford, recommended the 5:13, rather than the 4:11 gear ratio. This does not provide a competitive advantage for West-Mark because they pro- vided the correct gear ratio at the same cost. PUMPER TANK TRUCK PURCHASE REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY 5, 2004 PAGE - 3 Moved Mosbacher / Second Comte / Wallace Absent / Passed to: (1) Find that the West-Mark bid substantially complies with the specifications even though a different gear ratio was bid; (2) Find that the change in specified gear ratio did not provide West-Mark a competitive bid advantage; and (3) Award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, West-Mark, in the amount of $80,437.50. Richard Solbrig reported this conservation easement is a mitigation measure necessary in order to obtain the TRPA permit for the project. Approximately ten acres of forested property at the High School will be protected from development through an easement with the District (the school district will still retain coverage rights and ownership of the property). The easement value was appraised to be between $160,000 - $210,000 based upon 80% of the purchase value of the property. Moved Comte / Second Schafer / Wallace Absent / Passed. to approve Grant of Forest Conservation Ease- ment, with final terms to be negotiated by staff and legal counsel, provided the terms do not significantly change from the draft easement presented, in an amount not to exceed $210,000. Moved Mosbacher / Second Schafer / Wallace Absent / Passed to approve payment in the amount of $1,620,316.17. Finance Committee: The committee met February 5 to discuss grant proposals. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met February 2. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. Administrative Building Ad Hoc Committee: The committee and staff attended a meeting with the District's architects. Costs estimates associated with the laboratory are being reviewed. Water Conservation Ad Hoc Committee: The committee attended the District's stakeholders' meeting. Local land- scapers, who play a big part in controlling water usage, were in attendance. The committee will meet again February 11. PUMPER TANK TRUCK PURCHASE (continued) B-LINE PHASE 3: EXPORT PIPE- LINE REPLACEMENT MITIGATION MEASURE - HIGH SCHOOL FOREST CONSERVATION EASEMENT PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS REGULAR BOARD MEt:liNG MINUTES- JANUARY 15, 2004 ' ' PAGE - 4 Director Jones reported David Kelly relayed his apprec- iation to the Board for the surplus computers the Distdct donated to non-profit groups. His group received some and they are thrilled. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Director Mosbacher reported on three items: 1 ) At the Meyers Roundtable meeting, she learned the gasoline tank for the new CliP building in Meyers will be above-ground. Also, the California Conservations Corps may move into the old motel that became the senior residence. 2) The Weather Channel showed a program about water quality, which may be of interest to District staff. 3) Alpine County Board of Supervisors are not supporting efforts by Fish and Game to poison fish in the county. Director Schafer reported the CASA Conference he attended was very good. He passed along information to staff related to a sewer lateral grant program. Director Jones stated the Sewer Lateral Ad Hoc Committee will attend the District-sponsored Sewer Lateral Community Forum on February 9. Land Application Manager: Hal Bird reported on two items: 1) The Desert Research Institute gave the District's lab a glowing report in a presentation they did before the Alpine County Board of Supervisors. A meeting will be held to discuss if the monitoring fees the District pays to the County can be used in other ways. 2) The USGS is preparing a report on nitrogen in the Carson River. He, along with the District's lab director, will participate on the Carson River Advisory Committee. GENERAL MANAGER / STAFF REPORTS Legal Counsel: Attorney Kvistad developed an executive summary covering the potential of acquisition of a municipal utility system(s) in the Tahoe area. General Manager: Richard Solbdg reported on two items: 1) David Jinkens, City Manager, will attend the February 19 Board Meeting to discuss the City's strategic plan, and a proposal to move the refuse station to District property on Al Tahoe Boulevard. 2) The application period to participate on the federal advisory committee that oversees expenditures of federal money in the Lake Tahoe Basin, has been extended. 3:20 - 3:30 P.M. MEETING BREAK "REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY $, 2004 ' ' ' PAGE- 5 3:30 P.M. ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION 4:45 P.M. RECONVENED TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING cLOSED SESSION NO reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation: Pioneer Trail Waterline Replacement Near Filter Plant No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO et. al., San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956(a)lConference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. F. Heise Land & Live Stock Company, Inc., William Weaver, Eddie R. Snyder, Crockett Enterprises, Inc., ClV S-02-0238 MLS JFM United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, Sacramento, CA No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINU~-S - FEBRUARY 5, 2004 No reportable Board action. 4:45 P.M. PAGE- 6 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Assoc., et al., County of El Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20010165 ADJOURNMENT James R. Jones, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" R~chard Solbn , General Mana er Paul Sciuto, Assistant Mana er James R. Jones, President BOARD MEMBERS Eric W. Schafer, Vice President Duane Wallace, Director Tom Comte, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT FEBRUARY 19, 2004 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, February 19, 2004, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Jones, Directors Wallace, Schafer, Comte, Mosbacher. ROLL CALL STAFF: Solbrig, Sciuto, Callian, McFarlane, Hoggatt, Hydrick, S. Gray, Bergsohn, Nolan, W. Stanley, Rasmussen, Coyner, Attorney Kvistad. GUESTS: Alex Johnson, Scoff Flory, and Steve Carlton/Geotrans; Jeff Fedorchak/Impact Strategies; David Jinkens and Adrianne Gooch/City of South Lake Tahoe. Jeff Fedorchak, Impact Strategies, gave a brief overview on events in Washington, D.C. He also reported that he has scheduled a number of meetings for President Jones and Dennis Cocking with various elected officials, to discuss United States Forest Service Special Permits and continued concerns over MTBE contamination when they are in Washington next week. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - FEBRUARY t9, 2004 PAGE - 2 David Jinkens, manager for the City of South Lake Tahoe, gave a Power Point presentation regarding the City's strategic plan. He also asked the Board to consider the possibility of relocating the South Tahoe Refuse facilities to District property located off Al Tahoe Boulevard. PRESENTATION:City of South Lake Tahoe: Mission Statement & Strategic Plan 3:18 - 3:25 P.M. MEETING BREAK Alex Johnson/GeoTrans, gave a Power Point present- ation on the status and capability of the GIS they are developing for the District (Phase 3 is currently 85% complete). He also gave a demonstration on how the Map Book Production Tool works showing waterlines, sewer lines, and the various permits and reports that staff will be able to view using this system. PRESENTATION: Geographic Infor- mation System Project Status Moved Comte / Second Mosbacher/Passed unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted: CONSENT CALENDAR ao Flagpole and Elks Club Well Drilling Project - (1) Approved Change Order No. 2 to Zim Industries, Inc., in the credit amount of <$34,090.70>; (2) Approved Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims; and (3) Authorized filing a Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk. Al Tahoe Sewer Pump Station Upgrade- Authorized execution of agreement with Sierra Pacific Power Company for the installation of a 225-kilovolt amps pad-mounted transformer, in the amount of $15,066. Sludge Handling and Odor Control Facility - Approved Change Order No. 4 to Pacific Mechanical Corporation, in amount of $116,286.28. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Moved Comte / Second Schafer/Passed Unanimously to (1) Authorize execution of agreement to extend the Intergovernmental Agreement providing for Grant Services; and (2) Authorize staff to negotiate an update to Attach- ment A of the Agreement with Alpine County and the Grant Coordinator. INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREE- MENT WITH ALP~INE COUNTY REGULAR BOARD M;:~I'ING MINUTES - FEBRUARY 19, 2004 PAGE - 3 Moved Wallace/Second Schafer / Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $827,210.07. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The Committee met on February 17. Al Wukas gave a brief report on a system that would help to protect groundwater from underground storage tank leaks. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. Le,qislative Ad Hoc Committee: President Jones reported on the upcoming AWCA conference he and Dennis Cocking will be attending next week in Washington, D.C. They will also be meeting with elected officials to discuss various issues that concern the District. Water Conservation Ad Hoc Committee: Director Mosbacher reported that she attended the second half of the stakeholders meeting and noted that the word has gotten out that the District is very serious about this issue. Sewer Lateral Ad Hoc Committee: Lisa Coyner reported she received excellent responses about the workshop held on February 9. A Technical Review Committee, comprised of homeowners and contractors, will be set up to discuss and review the proposed changes to the Administrative Code and specifications on sewer laterals. Director Wallace reported that Hatch & Parent were hired to help solve the water issues between SMUD and the El Dorado County Water Agency. Director Wallace reported on his recent trip to Washington D.C., made on behalf the South Lake Tahoe Chamber of Commerce. He also gave a brief report regarding his meeting with Tim Leslie and Dianne Feinstein regarding the Healthy Forest Bill and the use of funds available to thin the forests around the Lake. Director Mosbacher reported she attended the Upper Truckee River Road Closure meeting the District held on February 9, and that she, Paul Sciuto, and Jim Hoggatt will attend the Meyers Roundtable meeting next week to address this issue. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBERS STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE REPORT BOARD MEMBER REPORTS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINU7I=S - FEBRUARY 19, 2004 PAGE - 4 General Manager: Richard Solbrig reported on three items: 1) Letters have been sent to Senators Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein and John Doolittle, requesting their assistance in obtaining the final $500,000 appropriated under the Lake Tahoe Restoration Act to address MTBE contamination in the Lake Tahoe basin. 2) Assemblyman Tim Leslie's office is adding a paragraph to legislation authorizing the California Tahoe Conservancy to fund portions of the District's erosion control projects. 3) He sent a letter to John Brissenden/Sorensen's Resort, informing him that he needs to approach the Alpine County Board of Supervisors about his proposed packaged treatment plant he would like to add to the District's export pipeline. Assistant Manager: Paul Sciuto reported on two items: 1) There will be two more public meetings held on the South Upper Truckee road closure on March 8 and 22. The meetings will be advertised in the paper, on the radio, and by flyers. 2) The Bakersfield Well treatment emergency project is proceeding as scheduled and should be on-line by June 15. Site work will begin April 1 if the District receives the variance permit from the TRPA. 4:53 P.M. GENERAL MANAGER / STAFF REPORTS ASSISTANT MANAGER/STAFF REPORTS ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION 5:43 P.M. RECONVENED TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation: Pioneer Trail Waterline Replacement Near Filter Plant No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO et. al., San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 REGULAR BOARD :'.~-"ETING MINU! ~-S - FEBRUARY 19, 2004 PAGE-5 No reportable Board action. No reportable Board action. No reportable Board action. 5:43 P.M. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. F. Heise Land & Live Stock Company, Inc., William Weaver, Eddie R. Snyder, Crockett Enterprises, Inc., CIV S-02-0238 MLS JFM United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, Sacramento, CA Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Ca. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Association, et al., County of El Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20010165 ADJOURNMENT James R. Jones, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board South Tahoe Public Utility District By: Jeri Callian, Assistant Board Clerk South Tahoe Public Utility District Memorandum Item 6 .b Richard Solbrig, General Manager Board Members Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer Date: To: From: Subject: February 25, 2004 Board of Directors John Thiel, Senior Engineer Status Report on the Customer Service, Operations and Laboratory Facility The building committee continues to work with our architect, Dale Smith, toward the completion of final construction drawings and specifications which are expected in early April. Thereafter, we will come before the Board for approval to advertise for bids. Currently, we are planning to bid the work out in separate phases for sitework, building construction, final grading and paving, and landscaping. This will improve the overall project schedule and will allow smaller, local contractors to bid on the work and improve bid prices. Sitework is planned to begin in June with building construction to follow in late July or August. To make way for construction for the new operations and laboratory building, District crews will be demolishing the sludge tanks and control building in April. Ken is renting a couple excavators and a concrete cutting tool to take them down. The concrete will go to the Ready-Mix plant for grinding and recycling. Steel and other debris will go to South Tahoe Refuse. Our two trailers will also be moved in March to make way for the demolition and forthcoming sitework. There continues to be concern and discussion over the rising cost estimates for the project. Initially, we had budgeted about $5.1M for an existing building expansion and remodel project that did not include improvements for the lab or operations. Since then, a structural analysis of the administration building concluded that significant seismic retrofits are necessary for the existing building. Additionally, the building does not meet ADA and other building codes. A retrofit of the existing building would disrupt work, require temporary relocations, and may cost as much or more than new construction without providing the benefits of a new, efficient, well-designed building. The project now includes a two-story customer service facility and an adjacent one-story operations, laboratory, and emergency operations facility. The 19,000 sq. ft. customer service facility will provide about 12% more office space as well as a boardroom and other smaller conference and training rooms. This building is in line with previous size and budget estimates with a construction cost estimate of $200 per sq. ft. The operations and laboratory facility is almost 7,000 sq. ft. and includes an emergency operations center, server room, 16% more space for operations, and 44% more space for the lab. Because this building will be built to a higher structural standard, and because of the significantly higher cost of laboratory installations versus standard office spaces, the construction cost estimate for this building averages $384 per sq. ft. Most of these spaces were not included in the original project concept and budget. The construction cost estimate is $4.4M for the Customer Service Facility and $3.2M for the Operations and Laboratory Facility. With a proposed project budget of $7M, and depending on how the bids come out, we may be looking at phasing the construction of the Customer Service Facility and the Operations and Laboratory Facility. Meanwhile, we continue to work with the architect for intelligent ways to reduce our construction costs. South Tahoe Public Utility District · 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone 530.544.6474 · Facsimile 530.541.0614 South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. $olbrig Tom Comte James P~ Jones Ma~y Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric $chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 ° Fax 530 541-0614 ° www, stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 7.a TO: Board of Directors FROM: John Thiel, Senior Engineer MEETING DATE: March 4, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT: Al Tahoe Access Road REQUESTED BOARD ACTION' (1) Authorize execution of Lot Line Adjustment Agreement with the California Tahoe Conservancy (CTC); (2) Authorize staff and legal counsel to make minor modifications to agreement if necessary. DISCUSSION: In conjunction with the STAR Community Ballfields Project, the District completed an access road to Al Tahoe in 2002 and related intersection improvements in 2003. The road is located on District property except for the last 50 feet, which is on CTC property. In order to facilitate a property transfer with the City, we propose to alter the existing property lines so that all of the accesS road is located on District property. Thereafter, we will come before the Board to execute a property exchange with the City, thereby transferring the access road property to the City in exchange for City right-of- way on Meadow Crest Drive. SCHEDULE: CTC Board approval in March. Complete in April. COSTS: $1,000 for survey and TRPA costs ACCOUNT NO: 2029-8130 BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: <$192,024> ATTACHMENTS: Lot Line Adjustment Agreement with Attachments, Budget Analysis CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED AC.,/TI~'N: GENERAL MANAGER: YES~/'"J NO CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES~%"~-~'~.._O~.,-._NO CATEGORY: Sewer LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT AGREEMENT This Lot Line Adjustment Agreement (Agreement) is entered into by and between the South Tahoe Public Utility District, a California public agency formed in 1950 pursuant to the Public Utility District Act (District) and the California Tahoe Conservancy (CTC), on this 4th day of March, 2004, at South Lake Tahoe, California, with reference to the following facts and intentions: A. The South Lake Tahoe Recreational Facilities Joint Powers Authority (JPA), in cooperation with the CTC, the City of South Lake Tahoe (City) and the County of E1 Dorado (County) developing certain real property owned by the CTC to be utilized as ball fields by the public (CTC Property), which is described in the attached Exhibit A, and incorporated by this reference; B. The District constructed an access road (Access Road) on a portion of its property (District Property), which is described in the attached as Exhibit B, and incorporated by this reference; C. The Access Road is located on the District's property except for a small portion near A1 Tahoe Boulevard which is located on the CTC property; and D. The District and CTC desire to adjust the lot line between the District Property and the CTC Property such that the access road is located entirely on the District Property to enable the District to transfer a portion of the District property containing the entire Access Road (Access Road Property) to the City pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. Lot Line Adiustment. The District and the CTC agree to accomplish a lot line adjustment between the District Property and the CTC Property as described in the attached Exhibit C, and incorporated by this reference. The lot line adjustment shall be accomplished such that the size of both properties remains the same. The lot line adjustment shall be accomplished as follows: a. The District shall be responsible for processing all applications, obtaining all surveys and documents, paying all expenses, obtaining all approvals and performing all other acts necessary for the adjustment of the lot line including the preparation and submission of a parcel map reflecting the adjustment of the lot line. b. The District shall upon completion of the adjustment of the lot line, prepare a deed and any other documents necessary for the parties to convey portions of their respective properties to each other as described in Exhibit C. The parties agree to execute any and all documents necessary to complete the lot line adjustment in a timely manner. After the lot line adjustment has been approved, the District shall cause the parcel map and the deed, with any accompanying documents, to be recorded with the E1 Dorado County Recorders Office. c. The parties shall each convey those portions of their respective properties as necessary to accomplish the lot line adjustment free and clear of any all liens and encumbrances. d. The parties agree to cooperate with each other in obtaining the lot line adjustment by performing any and all necessary acts and executing any and all necessary documents to complete the lot line adjustment and record the parcel map in a timely manner. 2. Compliance with Applicable Laws. The parties performance of their respective obligations pursuant to this Agreement and any and all applications, deeds, leases, agreements or other documents shall comply with any and all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders, including without limitation, the California Subdivision Map Act (California Government Code § 66410 et seq.). 3. General Provisions. 3.1 Good Faith. Wherever in this Agreement a party has the right to approve an act of another party, the former shall exercise such discretion in good faith and according to reasonable commercial standards. Similarly, where a party is required to satisfy a condition or complete an act in a certain fashion or within a specified time period, that party shall pursue such objectives in good faith and make all reasonable efforts to accomplish the same; the other party shall likewise in good faith cooperate and assist the other party in accomplishing this task to cause the consummation of the agreement as intended by the parties and evidenced by this Agreement. 3.2 Construction. The provisions of this Agreement should be liberally construed to effectuate its purposes. The language of this Agreement shall be construed simply according to its plain meaning and shall not be construed for or against either party, as each party has participated in the drafting of this Agreement and had the opportunity to have their counsel review it. Whenever the context and construction so requires, all words used in the singular shall be deemed to be used in the plural, all masculine shall include the feminine and neuter, and vice versa. 3.3 Severability. If any term, provision, covenant or condition of this Agreement shall be or become illegal, null, void or against public policy, or shall be held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, null or void or against public policy, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected, impaired or invalidated thereby. The term, provision, covenant or condition that is so invalidated, voided or held to be unenforceable shall be modified or changed by the parties to the extent possible to carry out the intentions and directives stated in this Agreement. 3.4 Signatures - Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. This Agreement shall not be effective until the execution and delivery between each of the parties of at least one set of counterparts. The parties authorize each other to detach and combine original signature pages and consolidate them into a single identical original. Any of such completely executed counterparts shall be sufficient proof of this Agreement. 3.5 Assignment. A party shall not voluntarily or by operation of law assign, hypothecate, give, transfer, mortgage, sublet, license, or otherwise transfer or encumber all or any part of its rights, duties, or other interests in this Agreement or the proceeds thereof (collectively, Assignment), without the other party's prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Any attempt to make an Assignment in violation of this provision shall be a material default under this Agreement and shall be null and void. Absent an express signed written agreement between the parties to the contrary, no assignment of any of the rights or obligations under this Agreement shall result in a novation or in any other way release the assignor from its obligations under this Agreement. 3.6 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and permitted assigns, except as restricted by this Agreement. 3.7 Waiver. No waiver of any provision or consent to any action shall constitute a waiver of any other provision or consent to any other action, whether or not similar. No waiver or consent shall constitute a continuing waiver or consent or commit a party to provide a waiver in the future except to the extent specifically stated in writing. Any waiver given by a party shall be null and void if the party requesting such waiver has not provided a full and complete disclosure of all material facts relevant to the waiver requested. No waiver shall be binding unless executed in writing by the party making the waiver. 3.8 Governing Law. The validity and interpretation of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without giving effect to the principles of conflict of laws, with venue for all purposes proper only in the County of E1 Dorado, City of South Lake Tahoe, State of California. 3.9 Notices. All notices, approvals, acceptances, demands and other communications required or permitted under this Agreement, to be effective shall be in writing and shall be delivered in person or by U.S. mails (postage prepaid, certified, return receipt requested) or by Federal Express or other similar overnight delivery service to the party to whom the notice is directed at the address of such party as follows: To: District Richard Solbrig, General Manager South Tahoe Public Utility District 1275 Meadow Crest Drive South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 With Copy To: Gary M. Kvistad Hatch and Parent 21 East Carrillo Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 To: CTC With Copy To: Any written communication given by mail shall be deemed delivered two (2) business days after such mailing date and any written communication given by overnight delivery service shall be deemed delivered one (1) business day after the dispatch date. Either party may change its address by giving the other party written notice of its new address as provided above. 3.10 Attorneys' Fees. If any legal proceeding (lawsuit, arbitration, etc.), including an action for declaratory relief, is brought to enforce or interpret the provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover actual attomeys' fees and costs, which may be determined by the court in the same action or in a separate action brought for that purpose. The attorneys' fees award by the court shall be made as to fully reimburse for all attorneys' fees, paralegal fees, costs and expenses actually incurred in good faith, regardless of the size of the judgment, it being the intention of the parties to fully compensate for all attorneys' fees, paralegal fees, costs and expenses paid or incurred in good faith. 3.11 Authorizations. All individuals executing this and other documents on behalf of the respective parties certify and warrant that they have the capacity and have been duly authorized to so execute the documents on behalf of the entity so indicated. Each signatory shall also indemnify the other parties to this Agreement, and hold them harmless, from any and all damages, costs, attorneys' fees, and other expenses, if the signatory is not so authorized. 3.12 Entire Agreement and Amendment. This Agreement contains the entire understanding and agreement of the parties with respect to the matters considered, and there have been no promises, representations, agreements, warranties or undertakings by any of the parties, either oral or written, of any character or nature binding except as stated in this Agreement. This Agreement may be altered, amended or modified only by an instrument in writing, executed by the parties to this Agreement and by no other means. Each party waives their right to claim, contest or assert that this Agreement was modified, canceled, superseded or changed by any oral agreement, course of conduct, waiver or estoppel. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this License Agreement as of the date first stated above. SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT By: James R. Jones, President 4 CALIFORNIA TAHOE CONERVANCY By: (Name) (Title) ATTEST: ATTEST: By. Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board/ Executive Secretary By , Deputy Clerk 6 SB 349127 v1:007627.0105 Description of Property A portion of t. hat certain real property in Section 2 and 3, T. 12 N., R. 18 E., M.D.B.&M., described in Decree of'Distribution entered December 27, 1963, recorded December 27, I963, in Book 6.89 at Page 277, and in deed dated Oecember 26, 1983, recorded December 31, 1963, in Book 669 at Page 497., Official Records of El Dorado County. Said. portion is all that part thereof bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the southerly line of Lot 12 of said Section 3, N 8~° 11' 45" E 274.11 feet from its intersection with the easterly line of Johnson Road (40 feet in width), said POINT OF BEGINNING is also distant 130 feet South easterly, measured at right angles from the base line at Engineer's Station 'K" 136+50.74 of the Department of Public Works' Survey, Road 03-ED-50, from Po~ Mile 71.8 to Fost Mile 80.4; THENCE from said POINT OF BEGINNING (1) along said South line S 88°11' 45"W 364.40 feet to a point that is S 88'11' 45" W 50.28 feet from its intersection with the westerly line of Johnson Road (40 feet in width); · Thence leaving said South line (2) N 40° 22' 33" E 853.23 feet; Thence (3) from a tangent that bears N 38°10' 10' E along a curve to the left with a radius of 1950 feet, through an angle of 16° 41' 02", an arc distance of 567.82 feet; Thence (4) N 19° 53' 16" E 343.88 feet; Thence (5) N 00° 07' 13" W 157.35 feet; Thence (6) N 27° 55' 16" W 103.08 feet to a point in the South westerly line of that certain county road described in deed recorded June 14, 1966, in Book 792 at Page 193, said Official Records; Thence (7) along said South westerly line S 41° 57' 27" E 1134.44 feet; Thence (8) leaving said South westedy line N 64° 45' 39"W 134.98 feet; Thence (9) S 65°32' 05" W 340.32 feet; Thence (10) from a tangent that bears S 58°54' 23" W along a curve to the left with a radius of 2,000 feet, through an angle of 10° 48' 13", an arc distance of 377.12 feet; Thence .(11) S 48° 36' 04" W473.93 feet Thence (12) S 41° 05' 57" W 319.26 feet to the point of beginning. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Action Item 7.b FOR APPROVAL March 4, 2004 Payroll 2/18/04 Total Payroll BNY Western Trust Company Cost Containment - health care payments Hatch & Parent -legal services Total Vendor EFT Accounts Payable Checks Sewer Fund Accounts Payable Checks Water Fund Accounts Payable Checks Self-funded Ins Accounts Payable Checks Grant Funds Total Accounts Payable 310,732.54 310,732.54 0.00 43,011.77 33,888.77 76,900.54 573,302.67 140,430.91 16,192.14 89,221.93 819,147.65 Grand Total Payroll EFTs & Checks 02/18/04 EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT EFT CHK EFT EFT CHK AFLAC Medical & Dependent Care CA Employment Taxes & W/H Federal-Employment Taxes & W/H CALPERS Contributions ManuLife Pension Loan Payments Orchard Trust Deferred Comp Stationary Engineers Union Dues United Way Contributions Employee Direct Deposits Employee Paychecks Adjustments Sub-total 534.83 13,546.34 69,850.02 41,700.06 4,970.52 12,127.74 1,530.72 125.00 146,325.29 20,022.02 310,732.54 S o u t h T a h o e P.U.D. 02/25/04 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S R E P O R T 02/20/2004-03404/2004 � 1 WED, FEB 25, 2004, 3:29 HMI - -rte: D AS -- -leg: Q, 3L- -loo: CI�SI'1E - -- -fob: 298119 #J9018 - - -pr g: 09 <1.07 >-- report id: C Default Selection: Check Verthr Nane Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: Mn1,HW,RV,VH Account # Department A C W A SERVICES CCP (ASC) AFLAC A W DIRFET AWWA A -1 CHEMICAL INC AM/ICE-PACIFIC ALPFN SIE2RA C7Jrrrh CXNIPANY Description Amount check # Type 10 -00 -2530 COAL & AIINDNISIRAZICN 10 -29 -4304 EiGIlNEERIlVG 20 -29 -4304 ENGINEER= 10 -22 -4304 HUMAN RESOURCES 20 -22 -4304 HUMAN RES:LRCM DIRECTOR 10 -00 -2532 GENERAL & AEMINISTRATICN 10 -05 -6011 KJUI N NT REPAIR 20 -02 -4820 FINES 10 -02 -6042 20 -02 -6042 10 -04 -6042 10 -06 -6042 10 -00 -0422 10 -00 -0421 ANDS RMPS HE?AW lvAINTENANCE OPERATIONS GENERAL & AEMINISIRATICN GENERAL & AIITINISIRATICN 20 -01 -6071 L1 ND REPAIR 10 -00 -6520 COAL & ALM NISIRATICN 20 -00 -6520 GENERAL & ALMINISTRATICN EMPLOYEE VISION MIS VISION VISION VISION VISION Check Total: INSURANCE SLIPUEARIF Check Total: AUIIIK7ITVE r' Check Check Total: OF10E SUPPLIES Check 'Ibta1 : GROLNDS & NAINIENANCE GROUNDS &MUNIENANCE CROWDS & MULTENANCE GRMNDS & NAINIIINANCE JANITORIAL SUPPLIES INVENDOR SHOP INVERT Ci�erk Total: SHOP SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Check To al: Check Tbfial: 2,541.12 - 20.68 - 20.68 - 20.68 -20.68 2,458.40 1,098.98 1,098.98 322.39 322.39 51.50 51.50 40.76 40.76 79.12 79.12 190.05 151.63 581.44 174.42 174.42 61.50 61.50 123.00 00055933 00055934 00055935 00055936 00055937 00055938 00055939 South Tahoe P.U.D. 02/25/04 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 02/20/2004-03/04/2004 2 2 WED, FEB 25, 2004, 3:29 FM - -req: DOiAAS- - -leg: GL 3L- -loc: CNSI'1E - -- -jab: 298119 #J9018- - -prog: 09 <1.07 >- -report id: PC Default t Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check 'I'pes : MAI, HW, RV, VH Ventor NNrrr Aaocumt # DEpartrrent AMC F7R[H & ENVIRCNVENDUJ INC 20 -29 -8401 ENGTNEBRING PFERICAS - SD LAKE TAHCE ARANARK INIFCRM SERVICES AVAMR AUIUVATICN SUPPLY AVISIA =TIES B & T SALES &SERVICE -F EY =FIRMS HAKES RASE 'Fir R1B8`N TEMP PERSCMEL, BCC CASES 10 -28 -6360 ALPINE COUNTY 10 -00 -2518 GENERAL & ALMINISIRATICN 10 -02 -8414 PUMPS 10 -00 -6350 GENERAL & AEMINISIRATICN 20 -00 -6350 GENERAL & AIIMINISIRATICN 10 -04 -6042 HEAVY WINIfl KE 10 -00 -0415 GENERAL & ALM NISIRATI0 10 -02 -6051 PUMPS 10 -21 -6520 AMENTSIRATICN 20 -21 -6520 AUV NISIRATICN 10 -37 -4405 INFCR=CN SYSTEMS 20 -37 -4405 INFORMATICN SYSTEMS 20 -02 -6050 R1v1PS 20 -02 -4790 PUPS Desci-ipticn CUSICIER SERVICE CENTER Check 'Ibtal: PROPANE Check Tbtal: U IFCIRNI/RUGS /TCECB PAYABLE Check Total : FLYGT PUMP /VFD AL TAE PS Check Tbtal: NAZURAL CAS Nz1ZURAL CAS Check 'Dotal: GROUNDS & NAINTENANCE Check Zbta1: GASOLINE INVENTORY PUMP SIATICNS Check Total: SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Check Total: OCNIRACR L SERVICE CCNIRACR L SERVICES Check Total: WFTTS CT HER SUPPLIES Check Total: Arr.mt Check # Type 3,108.89 3,108.89 00055941 Ma 70.79 70.79 00055942 M' 973.52 973.52 00055943 NW 25,311.69 25,311.69 00055944 MA7 134.87 153.69 288.56 00055945 M4 466.02 466.02 00055946 M' 3,999.21 32.18 4,031.39 00055948 MA7 25.00 25.00 50.00 00055949 Ma 815.04 815.04 1,630.08 00055950 MrI 546.98 845.53 1,392.51 00055947 WI South 'Ith e P.U.D. 02/25/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS R E P O R T 02/20/2004-03404/2004 � 3 Wm , FEB 25, 2004, 3:29 FM - -rag: DOUGLAS -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: CN51'1h - -- -jab: 298119 #J9018-- -ping: C 09 <1.07 >-- report id: FC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MiI,HW,RV,VH Verrbr Narre Pcccunt # Departffent CCHINC CSDA CSUS FUJNIDATICN INC. CWEA CADIEK TIC CALIF DEPT CALIFORNIA 10 -39 -4820 FINANCE 20 -39 -4820 FIDE 20 -01 -6200 LAND REPAIR 10 -01 -6200 L REPAIR 20 -38 -6250 CUSICDER. SERVICE 10 -07 -6250 LABORATORY 20 -07 -6250 LABCRATORY 10 -29 -2504 ENGINEERING OF GENERAL SERVICES 10 -28 -8492 ALPINE COUNTY 10 -38 -7045 CI.EICIZ SERVICE OVERNIGHT 10 -00 -4810 20 -00 -4810 10 -21 -8461 10 -38 -7045 10 -28 -8492 10 -07 -4810 20 -07 -4810 20 -29 -8460 • 20 -29 -8440 COAL & ALMINISIRATICN GENERAL & AENDNISTRATICN AEMINISTRATICN Q ''ICVIER SERVICE ALPINE GaN Y LABORATORY LABCRAICRY FIUIlNEERINU EI` Description Orr10E SUPPLIES Orre10E SUPPLIES Check Total: TRAVEL /NEEIIlB /ECUCATIICN Check Tbta1: TRAVEL /EETIMS/EXATTCN Check Tbtal: DUES is u PS /C =1FICATT DUES is i. -1 I PS /CERTTFICATT DUES/N1ENEERSEIPS /CE TIFICATT Check Tbtal: SUSPENSE Check Tbta1: TRUCK (ALLJ1'1'1CNAL) REPLACE F IPLtX #62 Check Tbta1: PCS= EXPENSES RF ' #1 REPLACE TRUCK #62 TRUCK (ALDl'1�1CI�AL) PCS= ELKS CUE WELL REDRILL WELL, F AGPOI.E Amount C ck # Type 66.67 66.67 133.34 00055952 M"l 300.00 300.00 00055953 M'l 176.53 176.53 00055954 MW 41.00 120.00 23.00 184.00 00055955 MW 1,500.00 1,500.00 00055956 WI 416.85 399.05 815.90 00055957 Ma 12.00 12.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 12.50 61.50 7.50 2.50 Scuth Tahoe P.U.D. 02/25/04 PAYMENT O F CLAIMS REPORT 02/20/2004 - 03/04/2004 WED, FEB 25, 2004, 3:29 RBI - -req: DC AS -- -leg: GL 3L - -loc: CNSfiE - -- -jab: 298119 #J9018- - -pmg: C 09 <1.07 > - -report id: Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: Ma, Ill, RV, VH Vencbr Nane Account # Department CPS LIrE 20 -29 -7046 10 -29 -8238 ENGINEERING 20 -29 -8438 ENGINEERIN3 10 -29 -8235 ENG1NEERI 3 10 -00 -2539 10 -01 -4314 10 -38 -4314 20 -38 -4314 30 -00 -6744 10 -00 -2512 10 -19 -4311 C AR.IIk' S CAFE AND CATERIN3 10 -39 -6200 20 -39 -6200 CARCLID ENGINEERS CIRCLE E SYSTEMS Casco AIR SYSTEMS INC CITY NATTCN AL BANK 90 -98 -8828 10 -29 -8235 10 -06 -8328 10 -29 -2504 10 -29 -7040 20 -02 -7478 10 -02 -7481 10 -29 -8235 COAL & AUVENISIRATICN UNDERGRaND REPAIR CUSICMER SERVICE CLEICMER SERVICE SRr F FUZED INSURANCE GENERAL & AUV NISIRATICN ECAPD OF DIRH IC S FINANCE FINANCE FART PIPELINE GRANT EMINEERINB OPERATICNS Fri PCMPS IENMNEERM PLI�IPS Description BAKE SFIELD WELL TREATMENT' PLMP SIN, GARENER MIN SLUDGE BAN= FACILITY Check Total: LCi 3 TEEM DISABILITY, LNICN LCIG TEEM DISABILITY, UJICN LCIG TERM DISABILITY, UNION LCIG TERM DISABILITY LNKN EXCESS INS SR F INSLAED MED LIFE INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE Check Total: TRAVEL TRAVEL, /IDUCATICN Check Total: SI H = FACILITY PLANT SCAM SYSTEM SUSPENSE SMILMHYFCCEDUTE BSI Check Total: } E T ER AMP #1 REPLANT Check Total: VACiAM PCMPS -FLL Check Total: SLUDGE HANEL= FACCUZIY Check Total: Amt Check # Type 5.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 139.00 00055958 Ma 1,962.81 3.32 11.94 11.93 13,903.56 2,416.97 -0.73 18,309.80 00055959 Ma 50.62 50.62 101.24 00055960 Ma 19,898.40 3,272.00 2,528.00 1,020.50 23,267.50 49,986.40 00055961 Ma 5,370.28 5,370.28 00055962 Ma 2,491.56 2,491.56 00055963 MW 24,904.48 24,904.48 00055964 MA S o u t h T a h o e P.U.D. 02/25/04 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 02/20 2004 - 03/04/2004 WED, FEB 25, 2004, 3:29 1M - -req: DCUG AS -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: CNSITh - -- -jab: 298119 #J9018-- -prng: 09 <1.0 >--report id: Default t Selecticn: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: M✓J, HW, RV, VH Vendor Narre Account # Department meat C CERA PRO 10 -22 -4405 }DVN RESOURCES 20 -22 -4405 H VVN RESOURCES DIRECTOR COST CI:NITIIl NI' CIS TNC 30 -00 -6741 SP P FLUID INSURANCE 30 -00 -6742 SPI F FLUID INSURANCE C1OX & C CX C:15TRUCITCN INC CULLEN, JAMES W DELL N TI3LP EL DORADO C U IY EL DORADO CONIY EL ECRADO COUNTY EL DORADO CXx.IVIY 90 -98 -8828 Fes' PIPELINE GRANT 90 -98 -2605 aFCRT PIPELINE GRANT 10 -38 -6200 CLSTCMER SERVICE 20 -38 -6200 CUSICNIEE2 SERVICE 10 -37 -8430 INFORNATICN SYSTEMS 10 -37 -4840 ILFORWTICN SYSIENE 20 -37 -4840 INFCRIATICN SYSTEMS 20 -29 -6650 EMIlNEERIlV3 20 -29 -6650 ELU NEERI 3 20 -29 -6650 EN INEERM 10 -29 -6650 ENGTNEE It'I3 Descripticn CINIRACILAL =ICES =ACTUAL SERVICES Check Total : ADYD ISIRATICN FEE PPO i1E Check Tbtal: ELLINE FES III LPPS-CAMPGRCUN ACCRD C CNST RE= C%k Total: TTRRA�/ /ECUCATIC:N Check Tbtal: LAPIOP, IS DISIRICT CLMPUIFR SUPPLIES DISIRICT COMPUI R SUPPLIES Check Tbtal: OPERA m'73 PERMITS Check Tbtal: OPERA rIl 3 PEN'S Check Tbtal: OPERATIM PEIv1LTS Check Tbi-a1 OPERATING STS Check Toi-al Verxor Tbtal ap8 Amount Check # TYpe 38.70 38.70 77.40 1,909.08 379.50 2,288.58 75,240.00 - 7,524.00 67,716.00 93.50 93.50 187.00 2,345.32 810.67 810.64 3,966.63 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 140.00 00055965 00055966 M✓J 00055967 M'1 00055968 MA] 00055969 Ma 00055970 M✓J 00055971 M'1 00055972 Ma 00055973 M'1 S o u t h Tahoe P.U.D. 02/25/04 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 02/20 2004 - 03/04/2004 WED, FEB 25, 2004, 3:29 RK - -rag: DCWL1 S -- -leg: GL JL - -loc: CESJI1 - -- -job: 298119 #J9018- - -pmg: 09 <1.07 >-- report id: Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MAI, E , RV, VH Vendor Nam Account # Department ELECIRICAL E jJIPA NT CO INC 10 -03 -6022 ELECTRICAL SHOP FAST FPICATORS INC. FEES FISHER SC ENITFIC 20 -01 -6052 UNDEFrfaND REPAIR 90 -98 -8828 10 -03 -6041 10 -22 -4810 20 -22 -4810 10 -29 -8238 10 -39 -4810 20 -39 -4810 10 -28 -4820 20 -29 -7046 20 -29 -8438 OCPCRT PIPELINE CRAW E BOIR CAL SHOP HENAN RESOURCES HINAN RESOURCES DIRE✓I . ENGINEER3 FINANCE FINANCE ALPINE CCIVIY EMINEE2M IHMINEFRI NG 10 -07 -4760 LABCRArcRY 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY FRED=J Orr10E Nom, SCZAT 10 -38 -6027 C1E OvIER SERVICE 20 -38 -6027 CE'ICNER SERVICE GASB G F S C ENLICAL 10 -39 -6250 20 -39 -6250 FINANCE FINANCE 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 20 -07 -4760 LAECRATORY Description CRY I I' C1�Total PIPE, COVERS, & NANEDIES Check Total: ELINE PHS III LPPS-CAMPGDOJq RJII DIEGS POSENGE EXPENSES POSIASE _F S PUP TALE MIN POSTAGE O11,10E SUPPLIES BADS D WELL TRFATNEIT BSIR SIN, CLIAN (REPL) Check 'Total: LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORMORY SUPPLIES Check Total: anCE 132312\1E N-1' REPAIR Oh1.10E EQUIP= REPAIR Check Total: EUES/N IIPS /CERTIFICATI DUES/NSHIIPS /CERTTFICATT Check Thal. LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Total: Arrrxnt C1ck # Type 856.81 856.81 00055974 M'l 997.43 997.43 00055975 M' 49.23 20.64 9.11 9.10 35.55 33.37 33.37 14.68 48.65 12.75 266.45 00055976 M' 581.72 581.68 1,163.40 00055977 MVI 21.25 21.25 42.50 00055978 MW 95.00 95.00 190.00 00055979 NL4 105.28 105.27 210.55 00055980 MAT South Tabce P.U.D. 02/25/04 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 02/20/2004-03/04/2004 LED, FEB 25, 2004, 3:29 FM - -red: JL - -lcc: CNSI'1E-- - -jcb: 298119 #J9018-- -prcg: 09 <1.07 >- -resort id: Default Selecticaz: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MA1, HW, RV, VH Vendor Nacre Pmt # Department GRAINGER INC, W. W. HACH OCMPANY IDLT ERCJIHERS HUD ECNDED LCCIZNITH HrRAFLO INC IDEXX DISIRIBUITCN CSFP. INJETRIAL SAFETY INSTY- PRINTS =KATE SAFETY & SUPPLY 20 -01 -6071 LAID REPAIR 10 -04 -6075 HEAVY. NAINIIIATCE 10 -04 -6041 HEAVY NAINIENANCE 10 -03 -6021 ELECTRICAL 1RTCAL SHOP 20 -01 -7038 L1 ND REPAIR 10 -28 -7474 ALPINE CITY 20 -01 -6052 LECERGROUND REPAIR 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 20 -07 -4760 LAECRATORY 10 -01 -6052 LIM) REPAIR 10 -01 -6075 LIPID REPAIR 10 -38 -4920 QEZCMER SERVICE 20 -38 -4920 CZEIO AER SERVICE 20 -19 -4820 BOARD OF DIRB2IUZS 10 -00 -0421 COAL & ADIAINISIRATICN 10 -39 -6077 FINANCE 10 -07 -6075 LAECRATORY 20 -07 -6075 LABJ ATE' Description SHOP SUPPLIES SUIZD PM NT' /PHYSICALS Check Total: PRIPARY EQUIPMENT Check Total: BAC DE- CATERPILLAR Check Tb1-al : WELL, ALP CD RANCH ITJUSE Check Total: PIPE, COVERS, & NANEDLES Check Total: LABORATORY SUPPLIES LABDRATOFtY SUPPLIES Check Total: PINS; COVERS, & SAFELY EQUIPMENT PHYSICALS Check Tbfia1 : PRINTIM PRIM TIM O1.r'10E SUPPLIES Check Total: SHOP SUPPLY INVENICRY INVENIORY FRII DIS IS SAFETY DQJUNE T� OI Ic7LS SAFETY EQUIPMENT /PHYSICALS Arount Check # TYpe 400.78 230.74 158.48 790.00 00055981 MAI 855.86 855.86 00055982 Ma 362.51 362.51 00055983 M1 8.58 8.58 00055984 MAT 1,184.10 1,184.10 00055985 NW 368.46 368.45 736.91 00055986 MI 1,936.64 298.14 2,234.78 00055987 MAT 83.90 83.91 36.68 204.49 00055988 MAI 661.83 36.76 28.53 28.52 S o u t h Tahoe P.U.D. 02/25/04 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 02/20 2004 - 03/04/2004 PC e 8 TED, FEB 25, 2004, 3:29 HK - -req: DCUL S -- -leg: GL 0L- -loc: CI�11'Th - -- -jab: 298119 #J9018- - -prog: 09 <1.07 >- -resort id: FC Default Selection: clerk Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Narre Arrant # I tr ent Lescripticn Amount Check # Type 10 -00 -0425 COAL & AIIK NIS RATICN J & L PRO KLE N INC 10 -39 -6074 FIl CE 20 -39 -6074 FINANCE SAFETY SUPPLIES INVENTOIRY Check Ibt a1 : JANITORIAL SERVICES JANITORIAL SERVICES Check Tbt'a1 : 765.45 1,521.09 00055989 MW 1,423.50 1,423.50 2,847.00 00055990 NW JOHNSONT, EAVID P 10 -00 -2541 GENERAL (Sc AIINDNISrIRATICN CALPERS PAYABLE 908.37 Check. Total: 908.37 00055992 M A7 JONES, J R 10 -19 -6200 HARD OF DDS TRAVEE 20 -19 -6200 BOARD OF DIRECTORS TRAVEL/ /DJUCATICN 192.50 Check Tbtal: 385.00 00055993 MW KATIE F, EAVID 20 -00 -2002 COAL & ADMENISIRATICN UTILITY BILLING SUSPENSE 99.00 10 -00 -2002 COAL & AUv NISTRATICN UTILITY BILLING SUSPENSE 72.42 Check Total: 171.42 00055994 MW ELY /JELLS CE SULMNIS INC 10 -28 -7039 ALPINE COUNTY HQSM RANCH LAND PURCHASE 2,421.75 10 -39 -4405 FIDE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,210.00 Check Tbtal: 3,631.75 00055995 MW KI11NE CD, STEVEN L 10 -01 -6075 LAND REPAIR SAFELY EI UIEMENI PHYSICALS 58.00 20 -01 -6075 UNDERGROUND REPAIR SAFETY E JIPPEV /PHYSICALS 58.00 Check Tbtal: 116.00 00055996 MW L A CHEMICAL 20 -02 -4790 PIMPS CTIHER SUPPLIES 655.63 Check Total_: 655.63 00055998 MW S o u t h Tahoe P.U.D. 02/25/04 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 02/20 2004 - 03/04/2004 �Pac�e 9 WED, FEB 25, 2004, 3:29 FM - -req: DCUCAS -- -leg: GL JL - -lac: CLIS1'1E - -- -job: 298119 #J9018-- -picg: 09 <1.07 >-- report id: �E�LSSR Eefault Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Narre Account # Department LAB SCIENCE INC LAKE TAHCE AUTO VILLACE LAWSN LEIS INC T,TI1Y'S TIRE SERVICE INC. M W H LABORATORIES MC FARIANE, RHCNEIA FASTER. CARR SUPPLY CO MOTICN Il'IRIES INC ALA MD MAIN CEf T I If AR 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 10 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 20 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10 -03 -6071 ELECTRICAL TRICAL SHOP 20 -05 -6011 EQUIPMENT REPAIR 20 -07 -6110 LABORATORY 10 -39 -6200 FINANCE 20 -39 -6200 FINANCE 20 -03 -6054 ELECTRICAL SHOP 10 -02 -6051 PUMPS 10 -04 -6071 HEAVY MAINTENANCE 10 -05 -6011 20 -05 -6011 10 -38 -6310 20 -38 -6310 EQUIPMENT REPAIR FJIFMENT REPAIR CUSICMER SERVICE GEICMER SERVICE Description LABORATDRY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Total: A7ICKIITVE AUICNDITVE SHOP SUPPLIES AUICMOTIVE Check Total: Check Total: Check Total: NENTTORE13 Check Total: TRAVEL mMIETTNeMS/ECUCATTCN TRAVEL / =MI IGB/EarATICN Check Total : REPAIS� WATER TANKS PUT CI S Check Total: SHOP SUPPLIES AUIC DAVE AUICNDIIVE TEL 7E Check Total: Check Total: Arrc nt Check # T'pe 52.31 52.30 104.61 00055999 NW 31.48 31.48 62.96 00056000 NW 129.50 00056001 M4 16.62 00056002 NW 225.00 00056003 NW 129.50 16.62 225.00 8.50 8.50 17.00 00056004 NW 200.41 234.05 434.46 00056005 MAI 122.46 122.46 00056006 NW 441.30 441.26 882.56 00056007 NW 14.23 14.23 South Tahoe P.U.D. 02/25/04 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 02/20/2004-03404/2004 Pa10 WED, FEB 25, 2004, 3:29 R1 - -re: DCAJC�AS -- -leg: GL JL - -loo: CNSITh - - - -job: 298119 #J9018-- -prcg: 09 <1.07 >- -report id: FC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Narre Account # Department MNIQJIP INC N I G P CALIFORNIA Q APIFP NEVADA ENERGY' SYSIFMS INC NEWARK ELECTRONICS S Or1ICE DEFCT 10 -37 -6310 20 -37 -6310 10 -05 -6310 20 -05 -6310 10 -29 -6310 20 -29 -6310 10 -01 -6310 20 -01 -6310 10 -02 -6310 20 -02 -6310 10 -28 -6310 10 -07 -6310 20 -07 -6310 10 -03 -6310 20 -03 -6310 10 -21 -6310 20 -21 -6310 Description INECRYATICN SYSIHvE MIECIRVATICN SYSTEMS E JIAYTT REPAIR FiUTAMENT REPAIR ENallEERIM ENGIlNEERIM LNCIEB REPAIR LAID REPAIR FLMPS PUMPS ALPINE Carry LABCRPY LABCRATLIRY F1 T~C IRTCT-\L SE P EIBCTRICAL SEDP At1 INISIRATICN AIIMINISIRATICN 10 -02 -6051 PUMPS 10 -39 -6250 FINANCE 20 -39 -6250 FINANCE 10 -05 -8417 10 -05 -6011 20 -05 -6011 10 -01 -6055 EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR L1ID REPAIR T=I—ENE TEMPI—ENE TELEPPENE TELEPIENE TFIEFIENE TELL TEMPI-ENE TE EPI—EN✓ TEWin~ TECH rTE F'PFY N TEMPIENE T Fin~ Check Total: PIMP SIATICNS Check Total: EUUES/N PS /C IFICATI DUES/M SBIPS /CERTIFICATI Check Total: GENERATOR TRCUT CREEK (REPL) Check Tbt-a1 AUICMD IVE AUICMDIIVE Check Total: INFILTRATION & INFLOW Amount Check # Type 95.62 95.61 141.73 141.72 63.54 63.54 20.03 30.02 41.55 46.92 10.27 2.69 2.68 6.24 6.23 21.00 20.99 838.84 00056008 M' 2,061.04 2,061.04 00056009 MW 12.50 12.50 25.00 00056010 MW 23,886.72 23,886.72 00056011 MW 41.40 41.39 82.79 00056012 NA1 73.78 S o u t h T a h o e P.U.D. 02/25/04 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 02/20 2004 - 03/04/2004 aVsk_ WED, FEB 25, 2004, 3:29 FM - -req: DCUMAS -- -leg: GL 3L - -loc: CNS1'1E - -- -jab: 298119 #J9018-- -prog: 09 <1.07 >- -resort id: Default Selection: Check Verxbr Nacre Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: Mg, HW, RV, VH Amt # Department Orr10E PRO PDMSIEE[ PACIFIC BELL PACIFIC PPT T ,ACRLDCCM EesaripLicn Amount Check # Type 10 -22 -4820 HCNP\T R 20 -22 -4820 HLIVV N RE9aRCES DIRB:IctR. 10 -21 -6250 AIIMINIISIRATICN 20 -21 -6250 AIIMINISIRATICN 20 -29 -7046 ENGI EERIM 10 -00 -6320 COAL & ALM NISIRATIC T 20 -00 -6320 COAL & ALM NISIRATICN 10 -00 -6310 10 -01 -6310 20 -01 -6310 10 -02 -6310 20 -02 -6310 10 -06 -6310 10 -07 -6310 20 -07 -6310 10 -05 -6310 20 -05 -6310 10 -21 -6310 20 -21 -6310 10 -22 -6310 20 -22 -6310 10 -37 -6310 20 -37 -6310 10 -39 -6310 20 -39 -6310 GENERAL & AMINISIRATICN I.NEEERGRCIND REPAIR IIND REPAIR PLMPS RS OPERATIC NS LAB1RATORY LABCRA`LC RY EQUIPMENT REPAIR PMENT REPAIR B AU SIRATICN ALMINISIRATICN HLNPN RESCURCES HLNP -T RESOURCES DIPH IDR INECRMATICN SYSIENS INFCRwATICN SYSTEMS FIAKE FINANCE Orl'10E SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Total: DUES /M S'EIIPS /cR'IFIC ATI EL S/M IIPS /C IFICATT Check Tbfial: EAKER,SETELD WELL 'IRFATMENI' Check Total: SIGNAL CHARMS S SIGNAL Cif Check Total: TEL 7E TELERENE TEIEPIENE TELEPHONE TELEPIENE 7E F'PFTC NE TELTE aE • FPFiNE TI • FPFTt N TELL TELEPFENE r Check Total: 60.92 60.89 195.59 00056013 NW 12.50 12.50 25.00 00056014 M' 208.40 208.40 00056015 MV 248.36 31.96 280.32 00056026 Mg 848.85 7.54 7.54 19.76 19.75 22.84 8.01 8.00 7.20 7.19 7.93 7.92 10.50 10.50 90.26 90.25 7.09 7.09 1,188.22 00056025 NW S o u t h The P.U.D. 02/25/04 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 02/20/2004 - 03/04/2004 CPa e 12 WED, FEB 25, 2004, 3:29 AEI - -red: DOUGLAS—leg: GL 3L- -loc: CNSLLE - -- -job: 298119 #J9018-- -ping: C.EZ509 <1.07 >-- report id: PC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: NW,HW,RV,VH Vendor N3rre Account # Department PACIFIC MECHANICAL CORP PETTY CASH PIC NEER AMERICAS INC PLACER TITLE =ANY PCIAIERS, T RFNCE H PRIEIO, ANICNIO RADIO SEC 10 -29 -8235 10 -29 -8349 10 -29 -8236 10 -29 -8234 10 -04 -8422 10 -00 -3540 20 -02 -6200 10 -21 -6200 20 -21 -6200 20 -38 -6200 10 -39 -4820 20 -39 -4820 10 -39 -6200 20 -39 -6200 ENGINEERING ENUINFERIM EMI:NEERI M ENUNEERIM HEAVY MUNIENANCE GENERAL & ALMENISTRATICN AMPS ALMINISIRATICN AEMINISTRATICN QEICMER SERVICE RIDE FrINAN`.E FINANCE FINANCE 10 -06 -4750 OPERATIONS 90 -98 -8828 ECFCRT PIPELINE GRANT 10 -21 -6621 AEMINISIRATIag 20 -21 -6621 ALM NISIRATICN 20 -07 -6200 LABORATORY 20 -01 -6200 20 -37 -4840 10 -37 -4840 I_NDERGRaND REPAIR INFCRMATICN SYSTEMS INIFCFMATICN SYSTEMS Descripti.cn =lam IANK EFOVARY t2 CIJVER PRIlvRY fl RESUR ' MAIER SECP PARKING Check 'Ibtal : CTIHER SC LLA 1NI1 lE TRAVEL MEEI'IN:�S E TICN TRAVEL o 1 /EDUOUTCN TRAVEL 2 1 /EaTATICN IRA 0 I Ca, /ELUCATTCN anCE SUPPLIES OrnC E SUPPLIES TRAVEL/MEETINGS/EIMATTCN IRAUEL /MEEMBS /ECUTICN Check Total: CHLORINE Check Ittal: SLLNE PHS III LPPS -CAN Check Total: INCENTIVE & REE CNITEN PRO. INCENTIVE & PRCZ TRAVEL CCITT Check Total: TRAUEL/MEE TINGS /EaTMICN Check Total: DISTRICT CI1UIER SUPPLIES DISTRICT CZMPU EZ SUPPLIES Amxnt Check # 'IYpe 60,067.00 1,078.14 52,526.38 52,526.38 57,942.40 224,140.30 00056016 NW 3.60 21.60 5.00 5.00 20.00 6.12 6.11 11.53 11.53 90.49 00056017 M' 1,368.09 1,368.09 00056018 MAI 400.00 400.00 00056019 M' 25.00 25.00 133.25 183.25 00056020 MAI 45.00 45.00 00056021 M' 33.13 33.13 South Tahoe P.U.D. 02/25/04 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 02/20/2004-03/04/2004 aVER 6ED, FEB 25, 2004, 3:29 RK - -req: E AS -- -leg: GL 0L- -loc: MS1'1E - -- -jab: 298119 #J9018-- -ping: C5609 <1.07 >-- report id: Default Selecticn: Check Stack ID: AP ; Check Types : Ma, HW, RV, VH Ven for Narre Account # Dapartrrent RAU, P D Faces, I-MMI-ER SAFF'T'YL SIN SCHEAME, PAUL 20 -03 -6071 ELECTRICAL SEDP 20 -01 -6200 L TID REPAIR 10 -38 -6200 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20 -38 -6200 CUSTOMER SERVICE 20 -01 -6075 LIPID REPAIR 20 -01 -6200 LIVD REPAIR 92IENTTFIC SPEZIALTTES SRV INO 10 -07 -4760 LABORATORY 20 -07 -4760 LABORATORY SCOT SPFX.TALTY C 10 -06 -8112 OPERATIONS SHIELDS HARPER & CO INC 10 -28 -8467 ALPINE COUNTY SIERRA CHEMICAL CO 20 -02 -4750 PUMPS 10 -06 -4790 OPERATIONS SIERRA PACIFIC POWER 10 -00 -6330 GENERAL & AUVENIS'IRATIC N 20 -00 -6330 (SAL & ALMINISIRATICN Description SE-DP SUPPLIES Check Total: TRAUEL/MEETIN3S /EETIC N Check Total: TRAVEL /E u TIC N Check Total: SAFETY DLUIFNENI/PHYSIC RLS Check Total: TRAVEL/MEEIrliBS /E 7.'ICN Check Total: LABJRATDRY SUPPLIES LABORATORY SUPPLIES Check Total: C NITNLUE E ISSICNE MNIRNM Check Total: DEISWANLEADED ELVIPS Total: CHLCRINE MIER SUPPLIES Check Total: ELECTRIC= ELECTRIC= Check Total: Amount Check # Type 32.16 98.42 00056022 MW 22.50 22.50 00056023 NW 34.00 34.00 68.00 00056024 M4 221.04 221.04 00056027 MAT 23.25 23.25 00056028 Ma 202.36 202.36 404.72 00056029 MR 75.93 75.93 00056030 MW 10,484.64 10,484.64 00056031 MW 1,279.73 172.12 1,451.85 00056032 WI 132,652.63 31,625.22 164,277.85 00056033 MA South Tahoe P.U.D. 02/25/04 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 02/20/2004 - 03/04/2004 PS14 WED, FEB 25, 2004, 3:29 PM - -req: DOUGLAS—leg: GL JL - -loo: CNSLLE - -- -jab: 298119 #J9018-- -prcg: 09 <1.07 >- -report id: PC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW, HW, RV, VH Vendor NN[re Account # Dartrrent 30UIH LAKE TAEEE, CITY OF Sa MinELL CZNIROLS SUBSIT'IUIE PER9CMEL & TAHOE ELLEPRI VI' TEMPLE ASSOCIATES IGJRNEY, ' TRUCK PARIS & B UIPMENI' CO 'IURNER & ASSOCIATES INC =IN LOCK AND SAFE L NITED RFNIALS 10 -38 -6200 CUSTYER SERVICE 10 -07 -6025 LABORATORY 20 -02 -4405 PUMPS 10 -02 -6051 PUMPS 90 -98 -8828 EXPORT PIPELINE GRANT 20 -07 -4820 LABORATORY 10 -29 -8235 EM3INEERIN3 10 -04 -6071 10 -04 -6200 10 -05 -6013 20 -05 -6013 HEAVY NICE HEA,UY MAINTENANCE NANCE EQUIPMENT REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR 10 -29 -8235 IINGIlEE I43 20 -29 -8355 ENCINEERM 10 -04 -6042 HEADY M INIENANCE 10 -28 -7474 ALPINE COUNTY 10 -04 -6021 HEAVY MAI NIIINANCE D°srripticn TRAVEL/NEETIN /ETICN Check 'Ibta1 : LABORAIORY EQUIPMENT Check Total: CZNIRACIL1p,L, SERVICES PIMP STATICIqS Check Total: MINE PISS III LPPS- CAMPSPOLN Orr'ICE SUPPLIES SLUDGE HANIDLIlM FACILITY Check Tbt-al : SHOP SUPPLIES Check Total: TRAVEL/MEEITN3S /EDUCAT'ICN Check Tbt'al : GENERATORS CENERATCRS Check Total: SLUR E HAND= FACILITY REPL HWY50 WIRLN- WINITN;A/Y Check. Tbta1 : CXNCS & NAINIENIANCE Check Total: WELL, ALP CD RANCH HCXEE PRIMARY EQUIPMENT An-cunt Check # T'pe 100.00 100.00 00056034 NAT 136.44 136.44 00056035 MW 750.75 607.75 1,358.50 00056036 MW 1,158.30 6.44 12.87 1,177.61 00056037 MW 592.02 592.02 00056038 MW 18.56 18.56 00056039 MW 326.77 325.44 652.21 00056040 MW - 623.44 2,760.00 2,136.56 00056041 WI 4,798.04 4,798.04 00056042 Ma 129.74 342.84 South Tahoe P.U.D. 02/25/04 PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REPORT 02/20 2004 - 03/04/2004 Pa15 WED, FEB 25, 2004, 3:29 FM - -re: DOUGLAS -- -leg: GL JL - -loo: CNSJ1E - -- -jab: 298119 #J9018-- -prcg: 09 <1.07 >- -report id: PC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: MW,HW,RV,VH Vendor Narre Pco writ # Arent VERIZCN WALLACE, P DU1NE WALTERS ITCN, K G 10 -04 -6071 HEAVY IvAINIERANZE 10 -28 -6310 ALPINE COUNTY 20 -19 -6200 BARD OF DIRECTORS 10 -29 -8238 ENGINEER= 20 -29 -8438 ENGINEERING WATER ENVMITIWT FECERATTag 10 -06 -6250 OPERATIC iS WEDOD INC VESIERN ENVIRCIVENIAL WESTERN NEVAEA SUPPLY WHITE ROCK CONSIRUCTICN ZELLMER, LAVE 10 -28 -7474 ALPINE ILNIY 10 -07 -6110 LAB1RATORY 20 -01 -6052 iI11ND REPAIR 10 -28 -7474 ALPINE COUNTY 20 -29 -7046 IIMIlNEERING 20 -29 -8460 ENGINEERING 20 -00 -2605 GENERAL & ALKINISIRPIITCIV 10 -28 -6042 ALPINE CLNIY Description Airc nt Check k # Type SHOP SUPPLIES Check Total: TEL7F' Check 'Ibta1 : TRAVEL/MESIITMS/ECUMTCN Check Tbta1: POMP SIN, CIa,RII ER MIN BSTR SIN, LIAN (REPL) Check Total: EUES/N SIIIPS /CERTFICATI Check Total: WELL, ALP CD RANCH HD(EE Check Total: NENIMR= Check Total: PIPE, COVERS, & NANEUES WELL ALP COWELL TREATMENT Check Tbtal : ELKS CLUB WELL REE RTT T , AO:RD CENST REINGE Check Total : GRaNCS & NAINIENANCE Check Total: 68.10 540.68 00056043 1447 114.27 114.27 00056044 Mw7 112.50 112.50 00056045 MW 33,500.00 48,000.00 81,500.00 00056046 tW 177.00 177.00 00056047 Ml 375.15 375.15 00056048 MK 450.00 450.00 00056049 NW 174.52 3,565.83 232.13 3,972.48 00056050 MV 36,374.13 - 3,637.41 32,736.72 00056051 MV 4,500.00 4,500.00 00056052 MW South T a h o e P.U.D. 02/25/04 PAYMENT O F C L A I M S REPORT 02/20 2004 - 03/04/2004 �16 t WED, FEB 25, 2004, 3:29 H4 - -req: U LPS -- -lag: GL JL - -loc: CNS1'1E - -- -jab: 298119 #J9018-- -prog: 09 <1.07 >-- report id: FC Default Selection: Check Stock ID: AP ; Check Types: M'7,H14,RV,VH Vencbr Narre Aix mt # Departrrent Iiptian A it nt Check # Type ZYMAX 20 -07 -6110 LAECRATORY NENITCRING 1,457.00 Check Tbtal: 1,457.00 00056053 Ma Grand Tbtal: 820,933.17 South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. Solbrig Tom Comt~ Jam~ ~ Jo~ Mary Lou Mo~bacher Ouane Wallac~ Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 · www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 15.a TO: Board of Directors FROM: Jim Hoggatt/Construction Manager/Engineer, Gary Kivstad/Legal Counsel MEETING DATE: March 4, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation: Pioneer Trail Waterline Replacement near Filter Plant REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct legal counsel. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(c) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for the conference with legal counsel regarding anticipated litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED A~TION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES (,/~-~- CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~y-y-~4L NO NO CATEGORY: Water South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. 5elbrig Tom Comte James I~ Jonee Mary Leu Mosbacher Puane Wallace Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474, Fax 530 541-0614, www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 15.b TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: March 4, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO, et al., San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED A(~TION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ,~'~ CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES .~. NO NO CATEGORY: Water South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager ~chard H..5olbrig Dl~'ec~oFs Tom Comte James P~ Jones Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric .5chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive, South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614, www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 15.c TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig/General Manager, Gary Kvistad/Legal Counsel MEETING DATE: March 4, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. F. Heise Land & Livestock Company, Inc., William Weaver, Eddie R. Snyder, Crockett Enterprises, Inc., CIV S-02-0238 MLS JFM United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, Sacramento, CA REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACH M E NT S: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED .~'~ ION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO NO CATEGORY: Sewer South Tahoe Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. 5olbrig O~'ector~ Tom Comte Jame~ I~. Jone~ Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace Eric 5chafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe. CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474 · Fax 530 541-0614 · www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 15.d TO: Board of Directors FROM: Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager MEETING DATE: March 4, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S-01-1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of California. REQUESTED BOARD ACTION: Direct staff. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED AC~TION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES NO NO CATEGORY: General South Taho Public Utility District General Manager Richard H. 5olbrig Oirector~ Tom Comte James R. Jones Mary Lou Mo~bacher Duane Wallace Eric Schafer 1275 Meadow Crest Drive · South Lake Tahoe · CA 96150-7401 Phone 530 544-6474. Fax 530 541-0614. www. stpud.us BOARD AGENDA ITEM 15.e TO: FROM: MEETING DATE: Board of Directors Richard H. Solbrig, General Manager March 4, 2004 ITEM - PROJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Association, et al., County of El Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20010165 REQUESTED BOARD ACTION' Direct staff DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of the California Government Code, Closed Session may be held for conference with legal counsel regarding existing litigation. SCHEDULE: COSTS: ACCOUNT NO: BUDGETED AMOUNT REMAINING: ATTACHMENTS: CONCURRENCE WITH REQUESTED~ION: GENERAL MANAGER: YES ~ CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: YES ~ii~CW.~ NO NO CATEGORY: Water