HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 11-07SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Robert G. Baer, General Mana• er Richard Solbri • , Assistant Mana _ er Duane Wallace, President Cathie Becker Director BOARD MEMBER Ma Lou Mosbacher Director James R. Jones, Vice President Eric W. Schafer, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER 7, 2002 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, November 7, 2002, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Wallace, Directors Jones, and Schafer. Director Mosbacher arrived at 2:05 P.M. Director Becker was absent. STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Sharp, McFarlane, Hoggatt, Schroeder, Cocking, Bergsohn, Thiel, Schafer, Bird, Rondoni, Coyner, D. Johnson, Torney, DeVee, Roderick, Norton, Prieto, Hammond, Attorney Kvistad GUESTS: DeAnne Hooper, Jay Kniep, John Brissenden, Robert Silva ROLL CALL Moved Schafer / Second Jones / Mosbacher and Becker CONSENT CALENDAR Absent / Passed to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted: REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 7, 2002 PAGE - 2 a. Local Groundwater Assistance Grant Application for CONSENT CALENDAR the Development of Groundwater Resources in the (continued) Presence of Contaminant Plumes, South Lake Tahoe, California - Adopted Resolution No. 2748 -02 authorizing the General Manager to enter into a grant agreement with the California Department of Water Resources in the estimated amount of $210,802; b. Luther Pass Pump Station Tank Rehabilitation - Approved Change Order No. 1 to Larry Bashor Sand- blasting & Protective Coating in the amount of $13,417.80; c. 2002 Materials Testing and Inspection Services - Approved amendment to Task Order No. 40 for AMEC Earth and Environmental, Inc., in the amount of $40,000; d. Rejected liability claim received from Al Lenzi in the amount of $2,700; e. Adopted Regular Board Meeting Minutes: October 3, 2002; f. Adopted Regular Board Meeting Minutes: October 17, 2002. [2:05 P.M. - Director Mosbacher arrived at this point in the meeting.] ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Robert Silva appeared before the Board to seek relief from the District's Administrative Code Sections 4.7.2 and 4.7.5, and Government Code 821.4, related to sewer later pressure checks. He requested reimburse- ment for costs incurred in the amount of $3,648.98. District staff inspected the sewer lateral from Mr. Silva's property line to the public main and found some defects which may have been caused by a faulty installation in 1966. The District authorized Pederson Underground to replace the lateral in the public- right -of -way and the District paid for those costs. The property owner is respon- sible for maintaining the section of sewer lateral that is located on their private property. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD: Robert Silva, 905 San Jose Avenue, APN 26- 047 -23- 003 -01 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 7, 2002 PAGE - 3 Mr. Silva stated as a result of this faulty installation from the cleanout, he has incurred damages for work com- pleted on the property which he does not feel responsible for. He stated the pressure check program poses an undue financial burden on homeowners and he urged the District to reconsider how the program is administered. He also suggested that customers be given advance notification of this program. Moved Jones / Second Schafer / Becker Absent / Passed to reject the liability claim in the amount of $3,648.98. On September 5, 2002, the Board agreed to waive Administrative Code Section 4.3.2 to allow for the connection of two properties owned by DeAnne Hooper and Steve Castle, respectively, to one sewer lateral subject to Hooper and Castle executing an agreement with the District. Due to miscommunication with District staff, it was originally passed by the Board that two sewer connections be allowed to discharge into one common sewer lateral. Staff requested the previous Board action be amended to allow for a total of four sewer connections into one common lateral (two connections for each, Hooper and Castle). Using parcel maps, Lisa Coyner showed that Hooper presently has two houses on her property that are on holding tanks, and Castle has one house with plans to build a second house on his property. DeAnne Hooper and Jay Kniep were present to answer questions from Board members. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD: Robert Silva, 905 San Jose Avenue, APN 26- 047 -23- 003 -01 (continued) SEWER SERVICE FOR DEANNE HOOPER AND STEVE CASTLE Moved Schafer / Second Wallace / Becker Absent / Passed to approve two sewer connections each for Hooper and Castle (a total of four connections) to one common sewer lateral, subject to the execution of an agreement between the District, Hooper, and Castle; which is to be reviewed by District legal counsel. The District is eligible to purchase natural gas at whole- NATURAL GAS PURCHASE sale prices as a "transportation customer" until the sludge AGREEMENT incinerator is placed into standby status in approximately six months. Once the incinerator is shut down, the District's natural gas purchases will be too small to qualify as a transportation customer, and gas will be purchased through Avista Utilities at tariff rates. The District has been purchasing through IGI Resources, Inc., for the last four years. Extending REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 7, 2002 the contract for six more months is expected to reduce NATURAL GAS PURCHASE cost over Avista's tariff rates. Staff has been unable to AGREEMENT locate any other gas broker willing or able to deliver to (continued) Tahoe. Moved Mosbacher / Second Schafer / Becker Absent / Passed to: (1) Authorize exception to the bidding pro- cedures as outlined in the Purchasing Policy for Special Circumstances /Sole Source Purchases; and (2) Approved entering into Natural Gas Purchase and Sales Based Contract, with IGI Resources, Inc., in an estimated amount of $70,000. PAGE -4 The District and County of Alpine, and the Alpine County CONSOLIDATION OF AGREEMENTS Water Agency, entered into an agreement in 1967 with BETWEEN STPUD AND ALPINE respect to the District's transportation, storage, distri- COUNTY bution and application of treated effluent in Alpine County. The agreement was amended five times between 1969 and 1989. The agreements and amendments were difficult to track the rights and responsibilities of the parties. Further, many of the provisions in the agreement had either been completed and /or were no longer applicable. As a result, the agreement and amendments were reviewed by each party and a new agreement was developed (consolidated agreement) which consolidates the remaining relevant provisions, and includes new exhibits which are based on the original exhibits that have been modified to reflect the consolidated agreement. The consolidated agreement does not change any of the parties rights and responsibilities, but simply makes the agreement and amendments easier to understand. Hal Bird reported the Alpine County Board of Supervisors approved this item at their November 5 meeting. Moved Mosbacher / Second Jones / Becker Absent / Passed to approve consolidation of the Alpine County contract agreement and five amendments, and authorized the Board President to execute same. Mr. Hubert Bruns, Alpine County resident, sent a letter to the District's Board of Directors expressing his concerns over potential discharge of untreated sewage into the District export pipeline by a resident in Hope Valley. A draft response letter was presented for the Board to consider. ALPINE COUNTY CONTRACT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 7, 2002 PAGE -5 Moved Mosbacher / Second Schafer / Becker Absent / ALPINE COUNTY CONTRACT Passed to authorize Board President to execute response (continued) letter to Mr. Bruns as presented. John Brissenden, Sorenson's Resort, reported while Mr. Brun's letter did not name the Hope Valley resident, by innuendo, it most likely refers to him. He stated that the response letter will still allow him the opportunity to work with District staff to take advantage of the contract, which allows for 100,000 gallons to be discharged into the export system. He reminded the Board of his request approxi- mately seven years ago to achieve a 10,000 gallon allowance. He subsequently found out the expense for the project was far too much. He now hopes to have positive discussions with the County, Lahontan, and the District, to develop an achievable approach. Moved Schafer / Second Jones / Becker Absent / Passed to approve payment in the amount of $1,341,974.65. Finance Committee: The committee met October 28 and November 7. Director Schafer reported the committee discussed CaIPERS at the October 28 meeting. The meeting on November 7 included discussion regarding: renewal of several insurance plans, the District's invest- ment portfolio, pension plan audit draft, and the 2004 budget schedule. President Wallace stated the employees are researching the possibility of switching the District's pension plan to the PERS program. He summarized the research that has been done to date, and reported the employees would like to proceed in developing a specific recommendation to bring to the Board. Operations Committee: The committee met November 4. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. President Wallace reported on the upcoming trip he and Dennis Cocking will make to Washington D.C. They will attend several meetings with legislators. While there, they hope to resolve some of the problems with the Forest Service related to the B -line Phase 3 export pipeline replacement project. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 7, 2002 PAGE-6 President Wallace did not attend the last meeting. The ex- manager of the Water Agency is training the new general manager; not much will be happening until the new manager is brought up to speed. Director Mosbacher reported on four items: EL DORADO COUNTY WATER AGENCY PURVEYOR REPRESENTATIVES REPORT 1) She attended a public meeting regarding the proposed Wilderness Bill and heard the Freel Peak study area (which includes the whole basin) is no longer included in the bill, but no one has proof of that. She asked President Wallace to make inquiries during his trip to Washington, D.C. Dennis Cocking stated that ACWA has been following the bill and they concluded that the Freel Peak area was excluded from the bill, but Meiss Meadows is still included. President Wallace stated that Senator Dianne Feinstein is objecting to the bill because it prohibits mechanical thinning of the forests. 2) She attended Alpine County Board of Supervisor's meet- ing on November 5 where they approved the consolidation of agreements between the District and Alpine County. 3) She attended the Meyers Roundtable. The CHP still plans to build a new building. They will put their fuel tanks above ground. Groundbreaking is scheduled for May, 2003. 4) She learned from a conversation with Virginia Huber, El Dorado County Environmental Management, that Tveten's station will probably never sell gas again. The person who bought it is not interested in cleaning up the site. Except for cleanup efforts by Lahontan, not much else is likely to be done there. Director Jones reported he, along with Rhonda McFarlane and Dennis Cocking, will attend the ACWA conference. Robert Baer reported on four items: GENERAL MANAGER REPORT 1) He will be a speaker at the American Groundwater Trust & California Bar Association Natural Resources "legal issues program." He will discuss the District's experience with MTBE. 2) The District Christmas party will be held December 6. 3) Bob Flynn, board director from Georgetown Divide CSD, was defeated in this election. 4) This morning, high winds knocked a tree down onto power lines, which caused a spark that set fire to the brush REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 7, 2002 PAGE -7 on District property around the emergency holding pond. The fire caused a significant amount of damage. He circulated pictures of the damage. The fire melted the plastic liner that covers the pond, including parts of the liner that were buried in the ground. The District will contact a repair company that specializes in that type of liner to ascertain the extent of damage and repair costs. Baer reported a tree at Glenwood Well also fell, which destroyed the fence and power line, and fell onto the neighboring property. 3:55 - 4:00 P.M. 5:25 P.M. 5:25 P.M. GENERAL MANAGER REPORT (continued) MEETING BREAK ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENED TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION / REPORT ON ITEM DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION No reportable Board action. No reportable Board action. No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.95 /Liability Claim Received from Al Lenzini Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.(a) /Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: F. Heise Land & Livestock Com- pany vs. STPUD and Does 1 - 10 Inclusive; Alpine County Superior Court Case No. C18644 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956(a) /Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. F. Heise Land & Live Stock Company, Inc., William Weaver, Eddie R. Snyder, Crockett Enterprises, Inc., CIV S -02 -0238 MLS JFM United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, Sacramento. CA REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 7, 2002 PAGE - 8 No reportable Board action. No reportable Board action. No reportable Board action. No reportable Board action. 5:25 P.M. ATTEST: Kathy Shar South Tah Jerk of the : ?• and ublic Utility District Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) /Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation re: Meyers Landfill Site: United States of America vs. El Dorado County and City of South Lake Tahoe and Third Party Defendants, Civil Action No. S -01 -1520 LKK GGH, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Califomia Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a) /Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Association, et al., County of El Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20010165 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.(a) /Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. John Breese Mumford, et al., El Dorado County Superior Court Case No. SC20020030 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.6(a) /Conference with Labor Negotiators: Agency Negotiators - Board of Directors; Employee Organization - Represented and Unrepresented Employees ADJOURNMENT Dti-ekeuad,6- Duane Wallace, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 7, 2002 PAGE -5 Moved Mosbacher / Second Schafer / Becker Absent / ALPINE COUNTY CONTRACT assed to authorize Board President to execute response (continued) letter to Mr. Bruns as presented. John Brissenden, Sorenson's Resort, reported while Mr. Brun's letter did not name the Hope Valley resident, by innuendo, it most likely refers to him. He stated that the response letter will still allow him the opportunity to work with District staff to take advantage of the contract, which allows for 100,000 gallons to be discharged into the export system. He reminded the Board of his request approxi- mately seven year ago to achieve a 10,000 gallon allowance. - iet: He subsequently found out the expense for the project was far too much. He now hopes to have positive discussions with the County, Lahontan, and the District, to develop an achievable approach. Moved Schafer / Second Jones / Becker Absent / PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Passed to approve payment in the amount of $1,341,974.65. lance Committee: The committee met October 28 and November 7. Director Schafer reported the committee discussed CaIPERS at the October 28 meeting. The meeting on November 7 included discussion regarding: renewal of several insurance plans, the District's invest- ment portfolio, pension plan audit draft, and the 2004 budget schedule. President Wallace stated the employees are researching the possibility of switching the District's pension plan to the PERS program. He summarized the research that has been done to date, and reported the employees would like to proceed in developing a specific recommendation to bring to the Board. Operations Committee: The committee met November 4. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. President Wallace reported on the upcoming trip he and Dennis Cocking will make to Washington D.C. They will attend several meetings with legislators. While there, they hope to resolve some of the problems with the Forest vice related to the B -line Phase 3 export pipeline replacement project. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORT w 0 0 z 1- w 2 co 0 U w cc 0 Q 0 m w z 1- 0 } cc Z J O fn • w O D QZ • w 0< wa • O U w H O O • p z O_O ~w w as 0 U ~ O U Z U) Q — Z 0 m• re wF2 1< I- HQ w 0 U Z cc O U U Z C k V" 17-0 .11* 6245t/