HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-15-01SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Robert G. Baer, GeneralRichardAssistant Duane Wallace, President BOARD MEMBER James R. Jones, Vice President REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER 15, 2001 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, November 15, 2001, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Wallace, Directors Schafer, Jones, Strohm, Mosbacher _ROLL CALL STAFE.;. Baer, Solbrig, Sharp, McFarlane, Garcia, Gray, Coyner, Schrempp, Brown, Hussmann, Powers, R. Johnson, Hoggatt, Schroeder, Thiesen, Henderson, M. Alsbury, Callian, Cocking, Anderson, Attorney Kvistad GUESTS: Blaise D'Angelo, Alex Graf, and Michael Dill/ Echo Creek Ranch project proponents; Cathie Becker, David Kelly Kathy Sharp, Clerk of the Board/Executive Secretary, was presented the Employee of the Month award. Consent Items a. and b. were brought forward for discus- sion prior to Board action. PRESENTATION CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 15, 2001 PAGE - 2 Moved Mosbacher / Second Strohm / Passed Unanimously CONSENT CALENDAR to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: a. See Consent Items Brought Forward for Discussion; b. See Consent Items Brought Forward for Discussion; Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Certificates of Deposit- Adopted Resolution No. 2727-01: "Authorizing certain staff to purchase and redeem certificates of deposit held for the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency"; Surplus Vehicles and Equipment - Authorized contract with Nationwide Auction Systems to sell District surplus at public auction; So Tallac Pump Station Force Main Repair - Approved Change Order No. 1 for ARB, Inc., in the amount of $10,966.70; Board Policy Section 1060: Records Retention - Approved amendment to include reference to applicable laws; Board Policy Section 2020: Appointment of Directors - Approved amendments to add language that is consistent with the rest of the policy, and reflecting Board appointments are determined by a majority of the Board; ho Board Policy Section 2040: Directors' Compensation - Approved amendment correcting reference to applicable Government Code and to reflect appointed board members are eligible for benefits upon filling vacancy; Board Policy 2060: General Manager - Approved amend- ments adding section 2060.151 enabling the General Manager to take action in response to emergency situations; Board Policy 2110: Board Committees - Approved amend- ments to include reference of standing committees, deleting redundant section pertaining to expense reports, and stating Board President can dissolve ad hoc committees; REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 15, 2001 , PAGE - 3 ko Board Policy Section 3000: The Brown Act - Approve amendment referencing applicable sections of the Government Code and delete the inclusion of the Brown Act as Appendices A; CONSENT CALENDAR (con't.) Board Policy Section 3030: Board Meeting Conduct - Approved amendment stating the public shall not be required to fulfill any condition precedent to addressing the Board. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR DISCUSSION I ACTION (Consent Items a. and b. were combined for the purpose of this discussion and Board action.) Director Mosbacher stated the disconnection lists and notices were inconsistent: the list does not state the names of property owners who are delinquent, and the notice does. A discussion followed regarding if names should or should not be included on disconnection lists and notices. The Board directed staff and the Planning Committee to review this matter and bring their recommendations to the Board. DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES FOR DELINQUENT SEWER AND/ OR WATER ACCOUNTS (Consent Item a.) WATER DISCONNECTION PRO- CEDURES: FAILURE TO PERFORM ANNUAL BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY(lES) TEST (Consent Item b.) Moved Schafer / Second Strohm / Mosbacher Abstained/ Passed to: (1) Authorize disconnection procedures on the two-week disconnection procedures for delinquent sewer and/or water accounts; and (2) Authorize implementation of the two-week disconnection procedures on the property located at 2940 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, APN 25-010-52. Director Strohm disqualified himself from participation in this item due to a potential conflict of interest. Blaise D'Angelo, proponent for Echo Creek Ranch project, gave an overview of the planned group recreational facility. He met with the Operations Com- mittee on November 12 to introduce the project and to discuss the feasibility of extending the waterline along a portion of South Upper Truckee Road and Old Meyers Grade. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD: BLAISE D'ANGELO, RE: ECHO CREEK RANCH REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 15, 2001 PAGE - 4 Mr. D'Angelo's appearance was informational only. He will attend the December 3 Operations Committee meeting and the December 6 Board meeting to further discuss the District sharing in the cost to install 1,300-feet of waterline and to to maintain approximately 500-feet of the line in perpetuity. No Board action. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD: BLAISE D'ANGELO, RE: ECHO CREEK RANCH (con't.) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Staff recommended this position be reclassified from a Union position to a management position. Due to the nature of the position and the scope of responsibility, it is appropriate to be classified as a management position. The Union and Management Group have agreed with this reclassification. Moved Jones / Second Mosbacher / Passed Unanimously to approve reclassification of Laboratory Director position to a Class 5 management position. ---~ Moved Wallace / Second Jones / Passed Unanimously to (1) Authorize staff to enter into an agreement with Zavidow-Shows Insurance Services Network, Inc., to provide Prescription Drug Card Plan through PAID Prescriptions (ZS Paid Prescriptions) effective January 1, 2002; and (2) Approve deposit for claims reserve in the amount of $7,840. Moved Wallace / Second Jones / Passed Unanimously approve the relative ranking of the planned projects. Jim Hoggatt reported that the results of a pilot study for the centrifuge replacement project indicate that the percent of solids obtained can be increased to the point that it is feasible to haul the District's sludge to an approved disposal site. Staff recommended that a new sludge handling facility be designed and constructed by Carollo Engineers. The new facilities would consist of a building for the centrifuges, including a disposal facility to handle the trucking of sludge, and a new sludge storage tank. A new odor control package will be needed to go with the new facility. The Operations Committee has reviewed this item and recommended approval. LABORATORY DIRECTOR RECLASSIFICATION PRESCRIPTION DRUG CARD PLAN ENGINEERING 2002 PROJECT PRIORITY LIST SLUDGE HANDLING FACILITIES AND ODOR CONTROL PROJECT REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 15, 2001 PAGE - 5 Moved Jones / Second Schafer / Passed Unanimously to approve Task Order No. 56 for Carollo Engineers to provide design and construction assistance in the amount of $540,000. Moved Strohm / Second Wallace / Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $843,619.40. Director Mosbacher reported on efforts by a group of private individuals trying to limit access to wildnerness areas, including some in Alpine County. She expressed concern that segments of the District's export line may be affected. Jim Hoggatt stated staff is aware and has already scheduled a meeting with the wilderness coalition repre- sentatives to ensure their boundaries did not include the existing export line, plus any of the areas the District has proposed for the export line. Director Mosbacher will attend that meeting. President Wallace requested the District's Washington, D.C. representatives also look into this matter. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met October 29. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. Director Strohm pointed out he did not attend that meeting even though the minutes indicate he was there. Planning Committee: Director Mosbacher reported on the November 13 meeting held with Alpine County ranchers. Kennedy/Jenks gave a presentation that brought up the concept of the District charging for recycled water. Federal Legislative Ad Hoc Committee: Director Jones stated the committee met November 15. He reported on the teleconference they had with the District's represen- tatives in Washington, D.C. Chief Financial Officer: Rhonda McFarlane reported the District received the last of the $10.5 million in EPA money for the export pipeline grant. The remaining work on the export pipeline will be done by the 45% match that the District committed to in order to qualify for that money. SLUDGE HANDLING FACILITIES AND ODOR CONTROL PROJECT (con't.) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER REPORTS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS STAFF REPORTS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 15, 2001 PAGE - 6 General Counsel: Attorney Kvistad reported the State Water Resources Control Board has issued a revised water quality enforcement policy. He will prepare a redline/strikeout version showing the changes. 3:40 - 4:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 4:55 P.M. STAFF REPORTS MEETING BREAK ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING CLOSED SESSION No reportable Board action. No reportable Board action. No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. Lakeside Park Associa- tion, et al, County of El Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20010165 Pursuant to Government code Section 54956.9(c)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Liti.clation (one case) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Conference with Real Property Negotiators - Negotiating Parties: Board of Directors, Robert BaerlGeneral Manager. Under Negotiation: Consideration of Property Purchase; Property Identification: APN 1-080-80, APN 1-080-81, APN 1-080-82, APN 1-080-56, APN 1-080-60, APN 1-200-01, APN 1-200-10, APN 1-200-11 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 15, 2001 PAGE - 7 No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO, et. al., San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 No reportable Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Conference with Labor Negotiators - Agency Negotiators: Robert Baer/General Manager, Nancy Hussmann/Human Resources Director, Board of Directors. Employee Organization: Inter- national Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Local 39, AFL-CIO 4:55 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Duane Wallace, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST:~"~ ,/..~. ~, ~":'-~'-'~/.,, ~,~ ~ Kathy Sharl:iy',~lerk of th~ Boated South Taho~ Public Utility District z 0 :r:z 0