HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-07-00SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Robert Baer Genera Mana~ler Richard Solbri~, Assistant Manager Christopher H. Strohm, President BOARD MEMBERS Pembroke Gochnauer, Vice President James Jones D rector Mary Lou Mosbacher, Director Duane Wallace, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT DECEMBER 7, 2000 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, December 7, 2000, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Strohm, Directors Wallace, Jones, Gochnauer, Mosbacher. ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Callian, McFarlane, Noble, M. Alsbury, Bird, Johnson, Brown, Hoggatt, Hussmann, Reid, Bergsohn, Hydrick, Powers, Attorney Kvistad. GUESTS: Larry Mace/Grant Thornton, LLC, Doug Smith and Chuck Curtis/Lahontan RWQCB, Ginger Huber/EI Dorado County Environmental Department, David Kelly, Joyce Blackstone, Margie Daum, John Cefalu. Staff requested Consent Items a., b., c., and d., (water disconnection procedures) be removed, as the situations have been satisfactorily resolved. CONSENT CALENDAR REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 7, 2000 PAGE - 2 Consent Items g. and p. were brought forward for discussion prior to Board action. CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) Moved Mosbacher/Second GochnauedPassed Unanimously to approve Consent Calendar as amended: a. Item removed; b. Item removed; c. Item removed; d. Item removed; e. Authorized implementation of the two-week water / sewer disconnection procedures on the property located at 3208 Highway 50, APN 34-321-19, for failure to maintain grease trap; Underground Repair - Water: Temporary Help - Approved Purchase Order No. 9632 to Substitute Personnel and Business Services in the amount of $34,008; g. See Consent Items Brought Forward for Discussion; Railroad Tank - A) Approved Change Order No. 2 to Morse Construction Group in the credit amount of <$1,820.35>; B) Approved the Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims, and C) Authorized staff to file a Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk; i. Park Avenue Project Phase 1 - Approved Change Order No. 4 to the City of South Lake Tahoe in the credit amount of <$21,459.31>; Flagpole Tank Roof Replacement - A) Approved the CIoseout Agreement and Release of Claims; and B) Authorized staff to file a Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk; k. Materials Testing and Inspection Services for the 2000 Construction Season - Approved Amendment to Task Order No. 34 for AMEC Earth Environmental, Inc., in the amount of $20,485.37; ST110868 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 7, 2000 PAGE - 3 I. Test Well and Sentinel Well Drilling - Approved Change Order No. 1 to Beylik Drilling in the amount of $24,425.40; CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) A-Line Phase 3 Replacement Project - Approved Change Order No. 2 to L. N. Craig Construction, Inc., in the amount of $95,573.20; Resolution 2712-00 - Adopted Resolution of Commendation to Senator Dianne Feinstein for her role in achieving passage of the Tahoe Restoration Act; Resolution 2713-00 -Adopted Resolution of Commendation to Congressman John Doolittle for his role in achieving passage of the Tahoe Restoration Act; p. See Consent Items Brought Forward for Discussion; q. Approved Regular Board Meeting Minutes: November 16, 2000. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR DISCUSSION / ACTION Director Mosbacher received clarification regarding bid procedures for this project. Moved Mosbacher/Second GochnauedPassed Unanimously to approve Task Order No. 15 for HSI Geotrans to design a GIS System in the amount of $24,400. Director Gochnauer received clarification regarding the Confidentiality Amendments to the Plan Document. Moved Goch nauer/SecondWallace/Passed Unanimously to approve amendments to the Plan Document. Larry Mace reported on the completed audit of the 1999/2000 Financial Statements. The 1999 Financial Statements were corrected to capitalize $300,000 in construction projects. He noted decisions made by staff were consistent and prudent to District policies. Grant Thornton, LLC, attests to everything presented to the Board. No Board action. GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) (Consent Item g.) EMPLOYEES' BENEFIT PLAN DOCUMENT (Consent Item p.) PRESENTATION: 1999/2000 Financial Statement Audit by Larry Mace, Partner, Grant Thornton, LLC STl10869 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 7, 2000 PAGE - 4 ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $1,723,422.08. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS 2:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearing Notices were published in the November 24, and December 1, 2000 Legal Notices section of the Tahoe Daily Tribune. GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE ADOPTION OF THE GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA WATER CODE 10750, ET. SEQ. President Strohm opened the Public Hearing at 2:30 p.m. Open Hearing Dennis Cocking gave a slide presentation explaining the background, purpose, and development of the Groundwater Management Plan (GMP). He noted the differences in the initial estimated costs and the revised costs for the monitoring wells, along with the revisions resulting from Stakeholders Advisory Group meetings and public hearings. He provided clarification regarding: cost of annual reports, salary for the additional lab technician, and enforcement of violations. Staff Report Chuck Curtis/Lahontan RWQCB expressed his appreciation Public Comments to staff and the Board for addressing his concerns in the GMP. Ginger Huber/EDCED thanked the staff for addressing and incorporating El Dorado County Environmental Department comments and concerns. She stated there are some minor issues to be worked out concerning the District's access to sample wells on a monthly basis. John Cefalu received clarification regarding the enforcement policy. Bob Witters relayed his satisfaction with the GMP. Sampling can be worked into his daily, monthly, and quarterly reports. He is comfortable with the enforcement polices, and appreciates that the GMP will provide quicker responses to potential leaks. Doug Smith/Lahontan RWQCB clarified Lahontan's monthly vs. quarterly sampling. Lahontan views each site differently depending on the concentration levels found. At first detection they may sample monthly, then move to quarterly sampling once remediation is underway. He stated that District staff and Lahontan have worked together on the GMP and cooperation between staff has been excellent. STl10870 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 7, 2000 PAGE - 5 Joyce Blackstone pointed out a discrepancy in the GMP regarding funding. Attorney Kvistad will correct this in the final document. Director Gochnauer noted the monthly monitoring will allow the District to detect problems sooner. Costs associated with the GMP enactment are well worth the benefits. President Strohm commented that the early detection provisions in the GMP would help ensure problems encountered with MTBE in the past cannot happen again. Director Jones noted that the monthly monitoring will only be required on sites that are closest to District wells. The Public Hearing was closed at 3:41 p.m. 3:41 P.M. 3:50 P.M. Director Mosbacher reported the Planning Committee has met to develop a recommendation regarding the selection of a consultant who will develop the District's Alpine County Master Plan (including the Indian Creek Reservoir TMDL issue). The committee recommends awarding the contract to Kennedy/Jenks. Moved Mosbacher/Second GochnauedPassed Unanimously to award contract to consultant Kennedy/ Jenks for development of Alpine County Facilities Master Plan in the estimated amount of $550,000. Ross Johnson gave a brief outline of the problems surrounding the TMDL issue. With the assistance of Kennedy/Jenks, the District will have an adequate response to Lahontan regarding their requirements for TMDL's by the December 22, 2000, comment period deadline. No Board action. Kennedy/Jenks will include this work as part of the Alpine County Master Plan. No Board action. Public Comments (continued) Board Member Comments Close Hearing MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED ALPINE COUNTY FACILITIES MASTER PLAN REPORT ON INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR TMDL STANDARDS INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR TMDL STANDARDS STl10871 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 7, 2000 PAGE - 6 Richard Solbrig reported on the 2001 Engineering Depart- ment's project priorities. He responded to Board members questions regarding the ranking of particular projects. The Board directed staff to include the access road to Al Tahoe Boulevard and the District's Properties Master Plan as top priorities. No Board action. Finance Committee: The committee will meet December 8. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met December 4. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. Planning Committee: The committee met December 4 regarding Alpine County Master Plan consultant selection. Federal Legislation Ad Hoc Committee: Director Wallace met with Rochelle Nason, League to Save Lake Tahoe, regarding her misconception that District pipelines should be considered as economic projects rather than environ- mental projects. Director Mosbacher reported on the December 5 Alpine County Board of Supervisors meeting she attended. She also reported on her request to Sierra Pacific Electric Company to send the District information on their survey related to installation of a fiberoptics line from Jackson to Minden. Director Wallace reported on a moratorium that has been placed on the USFS from purchasing sensitive lands. The entire buy out program is being challenged and he does not know if this could affect the District. Emergency Standby Generator Spill Containment Emergency Proiect of 10/5/00: Richard Solbrig reported the emergency contracts for this project have been completed. Any further work related to this project will be subject to the competitive bidding process contained in the Public Contracts Code. CONSTRUCTION SEASON 2001 PROJECT PRIORITIES BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER REPORTS STATUS OF EMERGENCY PROJECT ST110872 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 7, 2000 PAGE - 7 Dennis Cocking reported the District sent letters to residents on Grass Lakes Road regarding the Luther Pass Pump Station spill, offering to schedule a no-cost test of wells within 500 feet of the spill. Tests that have been completed were all negative. One resident denied the District access to his property. 6:15 P.M. 6:20 P.M. 7:10 P.M. STAFF REPORT MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED AND ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION There was nothing new to report regarding this item. No Board Action. Legal counsel and staff updated the Board regarding the status of this case. No Board action. Legal counsel and staff updated the Board regarding the status of this case. No Board action. This item was discussed at the 1:00 p.m. closed session held this date. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel re: Anticipated Litigation (one case) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)lConference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: Mountain Cascade, Inc., and Valley Engineers, Inc. vs. STPUD Board of Directors and STPUD, County of El Dorado, Superior Court Case No. SC20000050 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: Schwake vs. STPUD, Federal Case No. CV-N-93-851-DWH Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a)/Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: STPUD vs. ARCO, et al, San Francisco County Superior Court Case No. 999128 STl10873 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - DECEMBER 7, 2000 PAGE - 8 Staff updated the Board and received direction regarding. this item. No Board action. Negotiators were directed regarding this item. No Board action. 7:10 P.M. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Conference with Real Property Negotiators: Negotiating Parties: Board of Directors, Bob Baer; Under Negotiations: Consideration of Property Purchase; Property Identification: APN 1-080-53, APN 1-080-54, APN 1-080-56, APN 1-080-60, APN 1-200-01, APN 1-200-10, APN 1-200-11 Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a)/Conference with Labor Negotiators: Agency Negotiators - Board of Directors, Robert Baer; Employee Organization - STPUD Management Staff ADJOURNMENT Christopher H. Strohm, Board President South Tahoe Public Utility District Kathy ~;har~.~ Clerk of the I~'oard South Tah~ Public Utility District STl10874 i zz 0 STl10875