HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-17-97SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Christopher H. Strohm, President BOARD MEMBERS James Jones, Vice President Robert Mason, Director Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT APRIL 17, 1997 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session April 17, 1997, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS' President Strohm, Directors Wallace, Jones, Mosbacher, and Mason. ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Sharp, McFarlane, Bird, Powers, Adams, Rondoni, Schrempp, R. Johnson, Noble, Brown, Hydrick, Twomey, Attorney Neese GUESTS: Nick Carrell Manager Baer introduced Mike Rondoni and Mike Adams, the new Underground Repair water and sewer supervisors. President Strohm pointed out that the 1997/98 Budget Workshop was added by an Addendum to the Agenda. All noticing requirements for this addition were met. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ST057287 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 17, 1997 PAGE - 2 Richard Solbrig requested Spring Creek Sewer Line damage be added to the Agenda as an emergency item. The magnitude of the damage came to staff's attention after the posting of the Agenda and due its urgent nature, must be discussed immediately. Attorney Neese presented the legal framework required to declare this an emergency item so that it may be added to the agenda. Solbrig confirmed an emergency exists due to the fact that the severe flooding and runoff received earlier this year damaged the sewer line in the upper portion of Spring Creek. The damage became evident after the snow melted allowing access to visually inspect the line. Nearly 200' of the line has been expos- ed. The Board declared this an emergency item in early spring, but the USFS barred access until spring and the emergency declaration was withdrawn. Now that access has been granted, the USFS relayed their repair schedule to the District on April 16. Homeowners in the area will begin using their properties soon, any subsequent use for sewage purposes would create a discharge into the creek. The rains caused the river to jump its bank, creat- lng a deep 5-6' open trench. USFS will reimburse the District for the road repair, and FEMA may reimburse trench backfill costs. Due to public health and safety, it is necessary to perform repairs as soon as possible. Competitive bids will be solicited from the contractors who have performed work on other recent District emer- gency projects. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) Moved Jones/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously that sufficient evidence has been presented to allow this emergency item to be added to the Agenda as Action Item No. 1. Attorney Neese presented the legal framework to de- clare this an emergency item. Along with Richard Solbrig, it was determined sufficient findings were pre- sented, as stated above, to justify declaration of an emergency. By adopting Resolution No. 2652, the Board will make the following findings: sufficient evidence was presented to determine that an emer- gency situation exists, repairs are necessary to main- tain service and to mitigate the emergency, the timely progress of repairs would be impacted by the formal SPRING CREEK SEWER LINE EMERGENCY PROJECT ST057288 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 17, 1997 PAGE - 3 bidding process, and immediate action is necessary to respond. The resolution also stipulates that the Board delegates authority to the General Manager to order any action in response to the emergency. Addi- tionally, because of the emergency, the project is exempt from CEQA requirements. Moved Wallace/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 2652. Richard Solbrig reported that services in support of the EA preparation were previously approved for $6,999. Continuing with the repair/replacement option for the export system, design drawings and specifications need to be prepared for the portion of the A-Line to be replaced. Sections of the existing line parallel to Highway 50 from Santa Fe to Highway 89, and along Grass Lake Road are to be replaced. Several route options will be consider- ed prior to one being selected. Moved Jones/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve Task Order with Carollo Engineers in the amount of $219,800 to prepare design contract docu- merits for the project. Hal Bird reported that three interested parties plan to come before the Board to present their requests to receive effluent after contractual obligations to existing users are met. He presented a brief history surrounding their request. Moved Wallace/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted: 1) Authorized implementation of the two-week discon- nection procedures on the property located at 2209 South Street, APN 23-393-281; 2) Authorize entering into Electricity Project Service Agreement (EPSA); SPRING CREEK SEWER LINE EMERGENCY PROJECT (Continued) SPRING CREEK SEWER LINE EMERGENCY PROJECT A-LINE REPLACEMENT IN MEYERS AREA PRESENTATION: EFFLUENT DISPOSAL IN NEVADA CONSENT CALENDAR ST057289 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 17, 1997 PAGE - 4 3) Boulder Mountain Booster Station: A) Approved Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for Thomas Haen Company; and B) Authorized filing a Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk; 4) Hydrick-Torney Force main and Wet Well (Ponderosa): A) Approved Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for C.B. Ebright; and B) Authorized staff to file a Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk; 5) Ponderosa Street Pump Station: A) Determined that project is exempt from CEQA; and B) Authorized staff to file a Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk; 6) Waterline Replacements in D Street Area of Airport Water Zone: A) Determined that project is exempt from CEQA; and B) Authorized filing a Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk; 7) November 1997 General District Election: Adopted Resolution No. 2651. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Mike Rondoni reported bids were received and opened on April 14 for water line replacement projects. The majority of the work will be performed in the Margaret, Julie, Dede, and D Street areas. Embassy Suites and Osgood/Paradise projects are also included. The bid was broken down into four specific items; the lowest bids for each item was accepted. Moved Mason/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to award bids to the lowest responsive, responsible bidders: Familian Pipe and Supply - $21,407.10; R Supply - $17,234.00; Groeniger a Co. - $4,164.74; and Western Nevada Supply - $2,044.89, for a total amount of $44,850.73. Mike Adams reported several leaking manholes have been discovered. Due to the District's continual inspec- tions for I/I, several more are expected to be found. Quotes for pressure grouting were solicited. WATER LINE MATERIALS BID MANHOLE GROUTING ST057290 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 17, 1997 PAGE - 5 Moved Jones/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Pacific Pipeline, in the amount of $5,425 for repair of the 13 manholes presently known to be leaking; and authorized up to $10,000 for repair of the additional manholes that are expected to be found after inspec- tions are completed. Manager Baer and the Legislative Committee recom- mended that funding be approved for Holland a Knight for work performed. They also recommended that the mid-point range contained in Holland ~ Knight's pro- posal to continue with efforts to secure federal funding be approved. Moved Wallace/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to authorize payment for past and present services of Holland It Knight in the amount of $95,000. Moved Jones/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $513,474.34. Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Mason and Jones Abstained/Passed to adopt Regular Board Meeting Minutes of March 6, 1997. (Directors Mason and Jones did not attend that meeting and abstained from voting.) Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Mason Abstained/ Passed to adopt Regular Board Meeting Minutes of of March 20, 1997. (Director Mason did not attend that meeting and abstained from voting.) Moved Wallace/Second Mosbacher/Strohm Abstained/ Passed to adopt Regular Board Meeting Minutes of April 3, 1997. (Director Strohm did not attend that meeting and abstained from voting.) 3:20 P.M. 3:25 P.M. Attorney Neese presented the Board with an overview of the first phase of the project. The Ordinance/Planning Committee has compiled and indexed all active ordi- MANHOLE GROUTING (Continued) EFFLUENT EXPORT PIPELINE FUNDING PAYMENT OF CLAIMS REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: MARCH 6, 1997 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: MARCH 20, 1997 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES: APRIL 3, 1997 MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED WORKSHOP: ORDINANCE CODIFICATION PROJECT ST057291 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 17, 1997 PAGE - 6 nances into one administrative code. The structure of the code is expected to be adopted at the May 1 Board meeting. Phase II of the project will involve substantive changes to the ordinances, and will be done this fall. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met April 14 and discussed several items on this agenda. Minutes from the meeting are avail- able upon request. County Water Agency / EDWPA Committee: Bill Hetland, from ElD, and Merv de Haas from El Dorado County Water Agency, recently toured the District's facilities. EDWPA will now hold quarterly meetings rather than bi-monthly. LAFCO/Constitutional Revision Committee: Director Mosbacher attended ACWA's Day in the Capitol. She learned there has not been much interest in consolidat- ing special districts due to the high costs involved. Flood control, storage, levies and dams were the main focus of the day. McFarlane added that a bill is pending where special district representatives would be removed from the LAFCO Board and be replaced by City and County representatives, plus three public at large members. Legislative Funding Ad Hoc Committee: President Clinton and Vice President Gore will hold their environ- mental summit at Lake Tahoe this year. Efforts are underway to include District issues on their agenda. Director Wallace reported he will attend a spring legis- lative conference where Attorney General Lungren will be a speaker. Director Jones reported he will attend ACWA's Spring Conference in South Lake Tahoe and encouraged Board attendance. A workshop will be held in regards to devel- oping a committee to monitor the actions of Regional Water Quality Control Boards. Director Mason attended the ECC meeting. Topics of discussion included the recent surplus sale of the District's Camel, and administration building security. WORKSHOP: ORDINANCE CODIFICATION PROJECT (Continued) BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER REPORTS ST057292 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 17, 1997 PAGE - 7 Director Mosbacher reported that due to the difficult winter, the Alpine County fish meeting will not be held this year. President Strohm stated there are state grants available for alternative power sources. The export line hydro- electric project may qualify. Manager Baer reported on four items: 1) Improvements made by Hal Bird, the Districts new Land Application Manager, were very apparent after touring Alpine County facilities. 2) Market Strategies held a conference here in South Lake Tahoe, where the District's Information Officer gave a presentation on the recent employee survey. 3) ElD has been facing many problems on the west slope. PGSE has proven to be very difficult to work with. 4) A public hearing on the District's budget will be held May 1, at 7:00 p.m. Finance Officer: Rhonda McFarlane reported on three items: 1) Useful information was provided regarding Proposition 218 at the recent Day in the Capitol. 2) Auditors will be on site next week to perform prelimin- ary work. 3) FEMA 80ES were on site. The previous inspectors were fired and their paperwork must now be scrutinized. Ponderosa Pump Station may be difficult for them to fund since FEMA typically funds only the replacement of exist- lng structures, not new facilities. Local agencies insisted a pump station be built instead of replacing the existing structure under the river. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Continued) GENERAL MANAGER/STAFF REPORTS ST057293 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 17, 1997 PAGE - 8 Chris Twomey reported on the status of all emergency projects: C-Line Emergency Project of August 8, 1996 - This pro- ject is nearly complete. The installation of the expansion joint between the bridge embuttment and pavement is all that is remaining. Tahoe Keys Force Main Upper Truckee River Crossinq Emergency Project of February 6, 1997 - After the re- vegetation is done on the amusement park side of the river, this project will be complete. Millich Ditch/Snowshoe Thompson Ditch No. 1 Emer- gency Project of March 20, 1997 - Due to FEMA reim- bursement requirements, instead of replacing the ditch with a pipeline as planned, the ditch must now be re- stored to its previous state. Some sections may require a liner to mitigate future washouts. When design is complete, project repairs will begin. 4:20 P.M. 4:25 P.M. STATUS OF EMERGENCY PROJECTS MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED AND ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION The Board directed staff and legal counsel regarding this case. No Board action. The Board provided direction regarding this item. No Board action. 6:43 P.M. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)/Conference with Legal Counsel: Anticipated Litigation/Significant Exposure to Liti,qation (1 Case) Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6/Conference with Labor Negotiators, Employee Position of Chief Financial Officer ADJOURNMENT ST057294 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 17, 1997 PAGE - 9 Christopher H. Strohm, President of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Kathy Shar~.~?_Clerk of Board/' South Tahoe Public Utility District ST057295 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 17, 1997 PAGE - 6 nances into one administrative code. The structure of the code is expected to be adopted at the May 1 Board meeting. Phase II of the project will involve substantive changes to the ordinances, and will be done this fall. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met April 14 and discussed several items on this agenda. Minutes from the meeting are avail- able upon request. County Water Agencv/ EDWPA Committee: Bill Hetland, from ElD, and Merv de Haas from El Dorado County Water Agency, recently toured the District's facilities. EDWPA will now hold quarterly meetings rather than bi-monthly. LAFCO/Constitutional Revision Committee: Director Mosbacher attended ACWA's Day in the Capitol. She learned there has not been much interest in consolidat- lng special districts due to the high costs involved. A --- bill is pending where special district representatives would be removed from the LAFCO Board and be re- placed by City and County representatives, plus three public at large members. Legislative Funding Ad Hoc Committee: President Clinton and Vice President Gore will hold their environ- mental summit at Lake Tahoe this year. Efforts are underway to include District issues on their agenda. Director Wallace reported he will attend a spring legis- lative conference where Attorney General Lungren will be a speaker. Director Jones reported he will attend ACWA's Spring Conference in South Lake Tahoe and encouraged Board attendance. A workshop will be held in regards to devel- oping a committee to monitor the actions of Regional Water Quality Control Boards. Director Mason attended the ECC meeting. Topics of discussion included the recent surplus sale of the District's Camel, and administration building security. WORKSHOP: ORDINANCE CODIFICATION PROJECT (Continued) BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER REPORTS ST057296 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 17, 1997 PAGE - 7 Director Mosbacher reported that due to the difficult winter, the Alpine County fish meeting will not be held this year. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Continued) Flood control, storage, levies and dams were the main focus at ACWA's Day in the Capitol. President Strohm stated there are state grants available for alternative power sources. The export line hydro- electric project may qualify. Manager Baer reported on four items: 1) Improvements made by Hal Bird, the Districts new Land Application Manager, were very apparent after touring Alpine County facilities. GENERAL MANAGER/STAFF REPORTS 2) Market Strategies held a conference here in South Lake Tahoe, where the District's Information Officer gave a presentation on the recent employee survey. 3) ElD has been facing many problems on the west slope. PGS`E has proven to be very difficult to work with. 4) A public hearing on the District's budget will be held May 1, at 7:00 p.m. Finance Officer: Rhonda McFarlane reported on three items: 1) Useful information was provided regarding Proposition 218 at the recent Day in the Capitol. 2) Auditors will be on site next week to perform prelimin- ary work. 3) FEMA 8' OES were on site. The previous inspectors were fired and their paperwork must now be scrutinized. Ponderosa Pump Station may be difficult for them to fund since FEMA typically funds only the replacement of exist- ing structures, not new facilities. Local agencies insisted a pump station be built instead of replacing the existing structure under the river. ST057297 REGULAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BROWN ACT: COMPLETION OF THIS INFORMATION IS VOLUNTARY, NOT MANDATORY, AND IS NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE, NAME I ADDRESS J PHONE ST057298