HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-21-97SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Christopher H. Strohm, President BOARD MEMBERS James Jones, Vice President Robert Mason, Director Mar7 Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace, Director H' ;' ;, :' ;' :* ;* :' ;. ;* ;';';' ;' ;';';'? ;*;' ;' ;' ;* ;*;' ;' :* ;';';' ;';' ;';';' ;' ;' ;';';' ;' ;' ;';';' ;' ;' ;';' ;' ;';';' ;' ;' ;' ;* ;' ;' ;' :';';' ;' ;' ;~;' ? ;' ;' ;' ;' ;' ;' ;' ;' ;' ;~;* ;* ;';' ;' ;' ;' ;';' ;';' ;* ;' ;' ;' ;' ;~;' ;' ;' ;~;~ ;t;t;t ;t;r;t;t; ¢~;~;t;t;' ;Ct, t;t;~;¢¢t;~;~;¢5 ¢ t; 5~;t ;t ;~;~;~;~;t;' ;' ;' ;*;' ;' ;t;t ;*;' ;* ;' ;t; t;' ;' ;t ;t;¢¢¢~ ;~ ;~ ;t;t ;' ;t ;t;t;~ ;t;t;t;t :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;' ;' ;' ;t;' ;' ;, ;t;' ;' ;' ;t;' ;' ;t;~;t;' ;* ;t;' ;' ;' ;t;t;~;~;* ;t;t;t;t;' ;t;¢¢t ;r:¢ ¢ ¢?;t;¢?;?;t; ¢¢¢¢t;* ;¢¢¢t;¢¢ ¢ Ct ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;~ ;~;~;t ;*;i ;';*; *;';* ;*;;;';';~ ~ ;°;f;!;~;°; ';' ;! ;'; !; ';; ,'~;; ~; ,;.'¢.~;;;; ~,', *', ;;~;~ ~ ;,;'~ ;.;o;.; ~';';t~ ';t~;*;!~t;~; ';~t; ~¢,. ;.;~;¢.,;~ ,.~*~;; ;~; ~;~;'~;,;,;t~t; '; ¢¢'.;! ;f;~!~!; ,;t ;~;! ;~;,;';*;*~' ;"~ ;*;*; ';'; *;*;t'~;t ;';';t ;*; t;';¢t;* ;t;*;¢t ;*;°;";1;!;~;';¢!;t ;!-~';¢ ~!; !;!; ¢,t;t; ~ ;'; ';*; ';'~';~ ;*[°; ~;+;*;';*; *; ~**; *;*;' ;';*;*;*;*; ';';~; '; ';';*;';*;°; ';*; '; ';' ;~;*[~ '-' ;°; ~.*;';*;4' ;. ;~';!~;~; t[o;,;o;* ;o;o;¢¢ ;o;o; *;!; ';*;t ;';! ;* ;'; '; *;*; ';*;**~*; °;*;t; *;';*;';t; ';* ;' ;' ;*; *; ';';q t; REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUGUST 21, 1997 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session August 21, 1997, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Strohm, Directors Jones, Mason, Wallace and Mosbacher. ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Sharp, McFarlane, Hoggatt, Hydrick, Adams, Garcia, Noble, Swain, and Attorney Neese. GUESTS: Judy Brown/City Council Liaison, Christopher Rissetto/ Holland & Knight, Lisa Dernbach/Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, David Kelly, Roy Hampson, Marjorie Springmeyer, Joyce Blackstone, Gerry Hurwitz. Moved Mason/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Ponderosa Street Pump Station -Approved contract with Sierra Pacific Power for electrical services in the amount of $2,207; 2) Authorized staff to rollover capital outlay funds budgeted for 1996/97 fiscal year to 1997/98 fiscal year; ST007297 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES -AUGUST 21, 1997 PAGE - 2 3) Approved license agreement with Wilderness Locations and Production Services for the installation of K-MTN camera at Keller Tank; 4) Authorized implementation of the two-week discon- nection procedures for delinquent sewer and/or water accounts; 5) Authorized staff to advertise for bids for the 1997 Paving Replacement Project. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Mike Adams reported a new camera is needed to replace the existing, non-operable camera. Repairing the existing camera is not feasible, since it now obsolete. It will be used as a trade in on the new camera. Adams summarized the benefits of new camera vs. the old camera. The Opera- tions Committee reviewed this item and recommended approval. Adams justified the need for a sole source purchase from CUES by the substantial savings the District would realize by being able to utilize several pieces of the existing CUES equipment on the existing camera truck, such as winches, CPU unit, and video equipment. Moved Mason/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to approve CUES as a sole source supplier; and authorized purchase of a new track drive and camera in an amount not to exceed $30,000. Chris Rissetto reported on the status of the $7.15 million in federal funding that is ear-marked for the A-line Re- placement Project. He explained this amount was derived from the $2.2 million EPA commitment from last year, plus nearly $5 million from this year. Jim Hoggatt reported this phase of the project includes Carollo Engineer's design, soils work, and surveying in preparation for the project to go out for bid in October. In the event federal funding is not received, the scope of the project will be reduced, but would not affect the design phase. Director Mosbacher inquired if a bike trail would be included as part of the project. Hoggatt explained the SEWER CAMERA RETRO-FIT AND UPGRADE A-LINE: PHASE II ST007298 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES -AUGUST 21, 1997 PAGE - 3 A-line will follow a route that would not easily accom- modate the installation of a bike trail and the cost would be prohibitive. Moved Wallace/Second Strohm/Passed Unanimously to end the discussion regarding the installation of a bike trail. Manager Baer reported the District received an inquiry from a homeowner along the A-line route asking if fire hydrants would be included on the pipeline. If there is support from local agencies (TRPA, Lahontan, USFS, etc.), hydrants could be placed in areas with no existing means of fire suppression and would only be utilized in the event of a major, catastrophic fire in the Lake Tahoe basin. It would be more feasible to add the fire hydrants during the design phase of the project, rather than adding them later. This idea has been brought up in the past, but was met with skepticism due to the fact that the Porter Cologne Act prohibits the discharge of effluent in the basin. Roy Hampson offered his opinion and insight on the subject. Director Mason encouraged the Board to pursue an amend- ment to the Porter Cologne Act changing the definition of sewage. Moved Wallace/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to approve amendment to Carollo Engineer's Task Order to increase design fee by $130,600. Also, to direct staff to look into the possibility of adding couplings that could be applied for fire suppression capability and for staff to use their discretion in deciding if hydrants should be included in the plans or not, with the understanding they would only be considered for use in a catastrophic fire. Rick Hydrick reported he will discuss Action Items 2 & 3 together. Seven bids were received for geoprobe hydro- punch drilling. The lowest bid, received from Fisch and Environmental, in the amount of $8,750, does not require Board action, as it is within staff's spending authorization. The drilling will be performed in the top of the aquifer in order to determine the location, extent, source and concen- trations of the contamination in the South Y area. Two bids were received for on-site analytical services, one of which was received 31 minutes after the deadline (this bid was declared nonresponsive and was returned un- opened). The second bidder, Quanterra, Inc., requested using an alternative EPA method. After discussing pos- sible options, staff and Quanterra representatives agreed A-LINE: PHASE II (Continued) SOUTH Y GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION INVESTIGATION ST007299 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES -AUGUST 21, 1997 PAGE -4 that the bid was nonresponsive. Hydrick requested authori- SOUTH Y GROUND WATER zation for District staff to negotiate with various mobile labs CONTAMINATION INVESTIGATION and accept services in an amount not to exceed $15,000. (Continued) Lisa Dernbach stated Lahontan will contribute $56,000 towards the efforts to identify and enforce the remediation of the sources of MTBE and PCE contamination. The County Water Agency has also designated $50,000 for this project. Additionally, Lukin's Water Company is con- sidering participating in the investigation. Moved Mason/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to award bid to lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Fisch and Environmental, in the amount of $8,750, for geoprobe "hydropunch" drilling. Moved Jones/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to make the finding that the bid received from Quanterra, Inc. was nonresponsive. Moved Jones/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to authorize staff to negotiate on behalf of the District for on-site analytical professional services for the groundwater contamination investigation in an amount not to exceed $15,000. 3:10 P.M. MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED 3:20 P.M. Carol Swain reported a master plan for the Information Systems department is needed to develop recommenda- tions for future technological decisions. Resources in- cluding hardware, software, data, architectures and people have become part of the District's critical infrastructure. A master plan will determine implementation approaches and establish a systematic framework for decisions regarding the future direction of the District's technology. INFORMATION SYSTEMS STRATEGIC PLAN Moved Mosbacher/Second Strohm/Passed Unanimously to approve contract with KPMG Peat Marwick to assist in the development of an Information Systems Strategic Plan in the amount of $16,900. Jim Hoggatt stated the FEMA funding consultants have recommended formalizing the District's construction standard of replacing pipelines with the alternative that entails the minimum of environmental disturbance to stream environment zones. Adoption of these standards DISTRICT STANDARD FOR PIPELINE RIVER CROSSING REPLACEMENTS ST007300 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES -AUGUST 21, 1997 PAGE -5 will maximize the District's ability to recover Federal Disaster Relief Funds for the Ponderosa Pump Station (to replace gravity sewer crossing of the Upper Truckee River). The consultants reviewed the Pipeline River Crossing Replacements Standards and recommended minor language changes. Moved Wallace/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to approve the standards for construction methods for replacing pipeline river crossings, as amended. Jim Hoggatt stated the FEMA funding consultants have recommended formalizing the District's design standard of providing two hours of holding capacity at peak flows for all new or reconstructed sewage pump stations. This holding capacity was selected in response to enforcement actions against the District by Lahontan. Adoption of these standards will maximize the District's ability to recover funds. Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to approve the standards for holding capacity of new or reconstructed sewage pump stations. Jim Hoggatt reported two bids were received for cons- truction of the booster station. The lowest bid was a joint venture between Michael Rohr and G. B. Construction companies. The Operations Committee reviewed this item and recommended approval. Moved Jones/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to award contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Michael Rohr and G. B. Construction companies, in the amount of $242,000. Jim Hoggatt reported one bid was received for this project. Moved Strohm/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to award bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Kelly Erosion Control, Inc., in the amount of $93,864. Moved Wallace/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $654,111.60 Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met August 19 and discussed several items DISTRICT STANDARD FOR PIPELINE RIVER CROSSING REPLACEMENTS (Continued) DISTRICT STANDARD FOR SEWAGE PUMP STATION DESIGN FLAGPOLE BOOSTER STATION A-LINE RESTORATION AND EROSION CONTROL PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS ST007301 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES -AUGUST 21, 1997 PAGE - 6 on this agenda. Minutes from the meeting are available upon request. Planning/Ordinance Committee: Committee members turned in their comments on the Administrative Code. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS (Continued) County Water Agency/EDWPA Committee: Director Mosbacher mentioned if there was any extra money in the County Water Agency's budget, it would most likely go to Eld to help with all the problems they are facing. Le.qislative Funding Ad Hoc Committee: The committee met earlier in the day. Chris Rissetto reported on funding activities during the A-line discussion. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS FEMA Ad Hoc Committee: The committee met August 20 and will be reported on under Staff Reports. Director Mosbacher reported the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors scheduled a meeting at the City Council Chambers for 7:00 p.m., October 2. Since this is the same date and place the District's Board meets, the meeting in will have to end in time for the County's meeting to begin. Manager Baer reported on two items: 1) TRPA developed a new committee to oversee the Environmental Improvement Program. Since the District's $7.15 million in federal funding is included in that program, it must be closely monitored. 2) Several items pertaining to the District are on Lahontan's September 4 and 5 meeting agenda. Dr. Goldman will also be doing a presentation at that meeting. He encouraged staff and Board members to attend the meeting. Roy Hampson spoke regarding the recent trend among attorneys in the Bay Area is to file suits (as citizens) against regional boards in federal courts in order to receive legal fees. Construction Manager;: Jim Hoggatt reported on the status of the remaining emergency project: BOARD MEMBER REPORTS GENERAL MANAGER/STAFF REPORTS COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE STATUS OF EMERGENCY PROJECTS Millich Ditch/Snowshoe Thompson Ditch No. 1 Emer- gency Proiect of March 20, 1997 - Don Bently is recon- sidering his participation in this project. His attorney will draft a cost-sharing agreement for review. ST007302 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES -AUGUST 21, 1997 PAGE -7 Finance Officer: Rhonda McFarlane reported on the difficulties encountered in obtaining FEMA funding for the Ponderosa Pump Station. A meeting has been scheduled for September 3 between FEMA, OES, legislative representatives, and District staff in an attempt to resolve this issue. 4:20 P.M. 4:30 P.M. 5:40 P.M. GENERAL MANAGER/STAFF REPORTS MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED AND ADJOURNED TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION The Board directed staff and legal counsel regarding this item. No Board action. The Board directed legal counsel regarding this item. No Board action. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(b) of California Government Code/ Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation (One Case) Pursuant to Section 54956.9(b) of California Government Code/ Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation (One Case) 5:40 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Christopher H. Strohm, President of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Kathy Shar~_/;~le~k o~ Boar~' South Tahoe Public Utility District ST007303 REGULAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BROWN ACT: COMPLETION OF THIS INFORMATION IS VOLUNTARY, NOT MANDATORY, AND IS NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE, NAME I ADDRESS I PHONE ST057223