HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-07-96SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Christopher H. Strohm, President BOARD MEMBERS James Jones, Vice President Robert Mason, Director Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NOVEMBER 7, 1996 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session November 7, 1996, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Strohm, Directors Wallace, Jones, Mason, Mosbacher ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Sharp, McFarlane, Hoggatt, Garcia, Johnson, Taylor, Noble, Rieger, Schrempp, Attorney Neese GUESTS: Denny Weimer, Ron Williams Consent Items 4 and 7 were brought forward for discus- sion prior to Board action. President Strohm pointed out the addition of Closed Session Item F to the agenda. All noticing requirements for this addition were met. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Mosbacher/Second Strohm/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: CONSENT CALENDAR 1 ) Authorized payment of the Alpine County annual impact/mitigation compensation fee in the amount of $1 O5,2OO; ST057381 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 7, 1996 PAGE - 2 2) Authorized filing Notice of Completion with El Dorado County Clerk for the material storage building; CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) 3) Authorized implementation of the two-week discon- nection procedures for delinquent sewer and/or water accounts; 5) Authorized implementation of the disconnection pro- cedures on the property located at 2093 James Ave., APN 23-201-451; 6) Authorized rejection of liability claim received from Jerry Parlante; 8) Authorized Board President to enter into mutual aid agreement with the Water Agency Response Network (WARN); 9) Approved Change Order No. 1 for El Dorado Roof- ing in the amount of $928 for Clement barn reroofing; 10) Approved Change Order No. 2 for Cushman Con- tracting Corporation in the amount of $325.78 for Al Tahoe Pump Station Reliability Improvement project; 11 ) Approved Change Order No. 3 for Cushman Con- tracting Corporation in the amount of $9,500 for Al Tahoe Pump Station Reliability Improvement project; 12) A) Approved Change Order No. 1 for Butts Construc- tion in the amount of <$35,615.75>; and B) Authorized staff to file a Notice of Completion with the El Dorado County Clerk for Echo View and Boulder Mountain Waterline project; 13) Approved Change Order No. 6 for Utility Boring, Inc. in the amount of $46,985.69 for Highway 50 Waterline Replacement project; 14) A) Approved Closeout Agreement and Release of Claims for Richard Cox Construction; and B) Authoriz- ed filing a Notice of Completion with El Dorado County Clerk for Arrowhead Trunk Line project; 15) Approved Change Order No. 2 for Rutherford & Smith in the amount of $58,153.75 for B-Line Replacement; ST057382 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 7, 1996 PAGE - 3 16) Authorized up to $15,000 to Hatch and Parent for Union/Self-Funded Medical Insurance negotiations; CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) 17) A) Approved Agreement for Professional Services for General Manager; and B) Enacted Ordinance No. 463 providing compensation; 18) Enacted Ordinance No. 462 for compensation for Clerk of the Board. CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION / DISCUSSION Denny Weimer came before the Board to give an update on his progress towards meeting the Board's requirement that a backflow assembly be installed to protect the water supply from his well. A contractor has been hired and will do the work next week. This is a temporary measure to be taken until next spring when a new connection must be installed. WATER DISCONNECTION PRO- CEDURES: FAILURE TO ABANDON ILLEGAL WATER CONNECTION (Consent Item 4) No Board action. Director Mosbacher questioned the benefits of entering into this agreement. Ross Johnson will assess the benefits and report back to the Board. ACWA JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT (Consent Item 7) Moved Mosbacher / Second Mason / Passed Unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 2639 authorizing the District's membership in Association of California Water Agencies- Utility Service Agency (ACWA-USA) in the amount of $2,500, and for Ross Johnson to report on its benefits in November 1997. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Jim Hoggatt reported on project activities on behalf of Richard Solbrig. Thomas Haen Inc. and Richard Cox Construction submitted proposals for the project. The contract was awarded to Richard Cox Contruction, who submitted the lowest proposal, in the amount of $797,682.00. Caltrans gave permission to begin on November 11. C-LINE EMERGENCY WORK No Board action. ST057383 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES -NOVEMBER 7, 1996 PAGE ~ 4 Moved Strohm / Second Wallace / Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $3,507,551.90. Finance Committee: The committee met October 24 and recommends the District continue services with Perry- Smith, Inc. Minutes from the meeting are available upon request. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The com- mittee met November 5 and discussed several items on this agenda. Minutes from the meeting are available upon request. The committee also toured the A-Line project. In addition to enduring construction activities all summer, residents along the project route are now encountering severe mud problems created by road repaving. Several complaints have been received. The committee discussed several ideas to offset the discord among the neighbors. Staff was directed to determine a means to alleviate the incon- veniences. County Water Aqency / EDWPA Committee: An EDWPA meeting will be held November 8 at Georgetown Divide. LAFCO Committee: LAFCO may plan a workshop pre- sentation on the following topics: FPPC, Conflict of In- terest and Disclosure and Disqualification, and the Brown Act. Director Mosbacher expressed interest in attending. Employee Benefits Ad Hoc Committee: The committee met October 24. Legislative Funding Ad Hoc Committee: The committee met with Chris Rissetto. A brochure is being developed as part of the grant application. Lahontan / SWRCB Communications Ad Hoc Committee: A District and Lahontan Regulatory Unit meeting was held to present the opportunity to discuss several topics of joint interest. Several district staff (managers and field crews) were able to attend. ACWA is seeking people to serve on a committee that is being formed to oversee Regional Board activities. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS ST057384 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 7, 1996 PAGE - 5 President Strohm reported Proposition 218 passed. Attorney Neese will report on impacts at the next Board meeting. General Manager: Bob Baer reported on two items: 1) The ERB was emptied in just 11 days. The Opera- tions Department exported nearly 3 million gallons a day. 2) Paul Petterson, from TRPA, will be the guest speak- er at the November 13 ECC meeting. Finance Officer: Rhonda McFarlane reported her de- partment has been working on the EPA grant and CAFR. Rhonda also attended a seminar on health insurance. Attorney: Kevin Neese reported on four items: 1) His firm is reviewing the C-Line certificates of insurance. 2) A draft easement and maintenance agreement was sent to McDonald's. 3) An easement agreement for VanSickle is being develop- ed. 4) An amendment to Appendix A of the Conflict of Interest Code will be done to include the Attorney on the list of those required to submit Form 730. 3:00 P.M. 3:15 P.M. 5:05 P.M. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS STAFF REPORTS MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED AND ADJOURN- ED TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION Attorney Neese updated the Board on the status of this case. No Board action. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of California Government Code/Schwake v. STPUD, State Case No. 1453 ST057385 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 7, 1996 PAGE - 6 Attorney Neese updated the Board on the status of this case. No Board action. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of California Government Code/Schwake v. STPUD, Federal Case No. CV-N-93- 851-DWH The negotiating team was directed regarding union negotiations. No Board action. Pursuant to Section 54957.6 of California Government Code/Confer- ence with Labor Neqotiators The Board directed Legal Counsel regarding this case. No Board action. Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of California Government Code/STPUD v. Tahoe Trust of 8~9~92 (Sunset Stables), El Dorado Superior Court, Case No. SV-0786 The negotiating team was directed regarding manage- merit negotiations. No Board action. Pursuant to Section 54957.6 of California Government Code/Con- ference with Labor Neqotiators 5:10 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Christopher H. Strohm, President of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: -~--'~,,/~,L.Z..Z. ~' ~ .~ ~ Kathy Sharp¢CJerk~f B~ard /-' South Tahoe'Public Utility District ST057386 MEETING: DATE: GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET COMPLETION OF THIS INFORMATION IS VOLUNTARY, NOT MANDATORY, AND IS NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BROWN ACT. ST057387