HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-17-96SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Christopher H, Strohm, President BOARD MEMBERS James Jones, Vice President Robert Mason D rector Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 17, 1996 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session October 17, 1996, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Strohm, Directors Wallace, Jones, Mason, Mosbacher ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Sharp, McFarlane, Noble, Rieger, Regan, Hoggatt, Hydrick, Taylor, Attorney Neese GUESTS: Frank DuQuite/City Council Liaison, Percy Stahl Consent Items 5, 7, 9, and 11 were brought forward for discussion prior to Board action. Moved Jones / Second Wallace / Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: 1) Adopted Resolution No. 2636, which updates an authorized signature list with State of California, Office of Surplus Property and supersedes Resolution No. 2572; CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR ST051559 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 17, 1996 PAGE - 2 2) 3) 4) 6) 8) 10) 12) 13) 14) 15) Authorized staff to sell propane tank as surplus property; Approved Change Order No. 1 for Thomas Haen Company in the amount of $1,927.76 for the metal warehouse building; Authorized Notice of Completion with G.B. Con- struction for demolition of abandoned District facilities; Authorized rejection of liability claim received from Sizzler Restaurant; Authorized rejection of liability claim received from Eldred N. Peterson; Authorized Marketing Strategies to perform the second annual customer opinion survey in the amount of $12,800; Approved contract change in Change Order No. 4 for K.G. Walters construction to add 62 calendar days to contract time to allow for pump and ele- ctrical equipment delivery, installation and startup testing; Adopted Resolution No. 2637 / A Resolution of Appreciation to Senator Barbara' Boxer Adopted Regular Board Meeting Minutes of September 19, 1996; Adopted Regular Board Meeting Minutes of October 3, 1996. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION / DISCUSSION Tim Rieger received and clarified questions from Director Mosbacher regarding the occupancy of the building. Moved Mosbacher / Second Wallace / Jones Abstained / Passed to authorize implementation of two-week discon- nection procedures on the property located at 989 Star Lake Road, APN 26-251-09. WATER DISCONNECTION PRO- CEDURES: FAILURE TO PROPERLY ABANDON WELL (Consent Item 5) ST057390 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES -OCTOBER 17, 1996 PAGE -3 Percy Stahl came before the Board to request reimburse- ment for damage to his wood splitter. Mr. Stahl believes that construction activities by the District and/or District contractors created a bump on Pioneer Trail that he hit while transporting his splitter in July which resulted in damages totaling $457. Moved Mason / Second Strohm / Passed Unanimously to authorize payment of 50% of the liability claim. Director Mosbacher questioned the method of billing by Hatch & Parent and requested copies of purchase orders written for previous legal counsel. Moved Jones / Second Strohm / Mosbacher Voted No / Passed to authorize Hatch & Parent to perform special project in the amount of $11,000. Jim Hoggatt pointed out a math error in the Change Order. Moved Mason / Second Jones / Passed Unanimously to approve Change Order for Richard Cox Construction in the amount $61,231.44 LIABILITY CLAIM - PERCY STAHL (Consent Item 7) CODIFICATION AND UPDATING OF DISTRICT ORDINANCES (Consent Item 9) ARROWHEAD TRUNK LINE (Consent Item 11) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Jim Hoggatt reported C.R. Fedrick requested changes to the language contained in the Change Order. This item was reviewed by the Operations Committee and along with staff, recommend the Board rescind Change Order No. 3 and to leave the language as originally written. Moved Jones / Second Mason / Passed Unanimously to rescind Change Order No. 3 for C.R. Fedrick in the amount of $61,815.66. Jim Hoggatt reported the increase in price was due to the increase in asphalt thickness required by El Dorado County. Moved Mason / Second Jones / Passed Unanimously to approve Change Order No. 4 for C.R. Fedrick in the amount of $43,000. EXPORT PIPELINE RELOCATION (A-LINE SEZ), WASHOAN AND MUSKWAKI DRIVE WATERLINE EXPORT PIPELINE: A-LINE ST057391 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES -OCTOBER 17, 1996 PAGE -', Jim Hoggatt reported the asphalt on roadways near A- line construction activities failed because they were not constructed to handle the heavy traffic associated with construction. El Dorado County has required complete replacement of several roadways. A credit for trench patching will be included as part of a future Change Or- der. The Operations Committee has reviewed this item and recommends approval. Moved Mason / Second Jones / Passed Unanimously to approve Change Order No. 5 to C.R. Fedrick in the amount of $373,243.20. Jim Hoggatt reported C.R. Fedrick refused to sign this Change Order without certain language changes. Staff recommends approval of the Change Order as originally written. Moved Wallace / Second Jones / Passed Unanimously to approve Change Order No. 6 in its original form for C.R. Fedrick in the amount of $46,032.78. 3:05 P.M.- A brief recess was called to allow legal coun- sel to determine if information from a Board member was pertinent to the public hearing. 3:10 P.M. EXPORT PIPELINE: A-LINE EXPORT PIPELINE: A-LINE MEETING RECESS MEETING RECONVENED PUBLIC HEARING 3:10 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENT RE- GARDING RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY / SCHWAKE PROPERTY AND ROCK President Strohm opened the Public Hearing at 3:10 p.m. Attorney Neese stated as part of its operational and access requirements for the Harvey Place Reservoir and related facilities, the public interest and necessity require the Dis- trict to acquire the approximately 17-acre parcel of land, APN 002-230-030, owned by Melvin H. Schwake, located adjacent to Diamond Valley School. The public interest and necessity also require the District to acquire all of the Open Hearing Staff Report ST057392 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES -OCTOBER 17, 1996 PAGE -5 stockpiled material from existing rock piles and un- engineered fill material owned by Schwake, which is stored on District's property in Alpine County. PUBLIC HEARING (Continued) A Resolution of Necessity was drafted to initiate eminent domain proceedings for acquisition of the Schwake pro- perry and rock. These documents have been provided to Mr. Schwake and his legal counsel prior to this hearing; neither party filed a request to appear. None. Public Comment None. Board Member Comment Moved Wallace / Second Strohm / Jones Voted No / Passed to adopt Resolution No. 2638 (a Resolution of Necessity to condemn property with regard to the operation of and access to the Harvey Place Reservoir and related facilities). Adopt Resolution The Public Hearing was closed by President Strohm at 3:25 p.m. Close Public Hearin,q Richard Solbrig reported on two crossings, the Crystal Springs Road bridge crossing and Woodfords pedestrian bridge crossing. He recommended the Crystal Springs crossing be selected due to the time factor involved. C-LINE EMERGENCY PROJECT The District engineering staff met with the Alpine County Board of Supervisors to discuss options. Their Board then sent a letter expressing their desire that the District give serious consideration to pursuing the Woodfords pedestrian bridge crossing. The various pros and cons of each option were discussed at length. It was the con- sensus of the Board that an emergency was declared in order to provide repairs as quickly as possible. The Crystal Springs crossing would take approximately 8 weeks, versus 18 weeks for the pedestrian bridge option. The pedestrian bridge crossing would delay repairs rather than expediting them, and would increase costs significantly. Caltrans has reviewed both options and also recommends the Crystal Springs option. ST057393 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES -OCTOBER 17, 1996 PAGE -6 The Operations Committee has reviewed this item and recommends approval of Option C, the Crystal Springs Road Option. The Board directed the General Manager to pursue Option C. C-LINE EMERGENCY PROJECT (Continued) Moved Wallace / Second Jones / Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $644,132.25. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Finance Committee: The committee will meet October 24 to discuss the auditor contract, sewer capacity monitoring program, and customer service space. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The com- mittee met October 16 and discussed several items on this agenda. Minutes from the meeting are available upon request. County Water A,qency / EDWPA Committee: ElD held a farewell gathering for Rob Alcott. The Agency budget was adopted - it includes funds for the District. LAFCO Committee: LAFCO may plan a workshop pre- sentation on the following topics: FPPC, Conflict of Interest and Disclosure and Disqualification, and the Brown Act. Employee Benefits Ad Hoc Committee: The committee met with the ArmTech representative and plans to meet again soon. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS Legislative Funding Ad Hoc Committee: The grant applica- tion from EPA Region IX is expected to be completed by the end of the week. Lahontan / SWRCB Communications Committee: Staff presented the export system plan to the Lahontan Board. The Board also toured export line project sites. Director Mosbacher brought up three topics for discussion: BOARD MEMBER REPORTS 1 ) McDonald's traffic flow and use of District parking spaces; 2) Construction at LPPS and timing for surge tank installation; 3) A recap of the Alpine County Board of Supervisors meeting. ST057394 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES -OCTOBER 17, 1996 PAGE -7 General Manager: Bob Baer reported on two items: 1 ) Installation of 1,200 feet of pipe for the B-line is underway. The export system is shut down. Solbrig reviewed the project's activities. 2) The second customer survey has been completed. The results will be distributed in November. 4:40 P.M. 6:45 P.M. STAFF REPORTS ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION The Board directed the negotiating team regarding the General Manager's contract. No Board action. The negotiating team was directed regarding unrep- resented employee, Robert Baer, General Manager. No Board action. The negotiating team was directed regarding manage- merit negotiations. No Board action. 6:45 P.M. Pursuant to Section 54957.6 of California Government Code/ Conference with Labor Neqotiators Pursuant to Section 54957 of California Government Code/ Public Employee Employment Pursuant to Section 54957.6 of California Government Code/ Conference with Labor Negotiators ADJOURNMENT Christopher H. Strohm, President of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Kathy Shar ,~¢lerk of Boar~ South Taho~e"Public Utility District ST057395 DATE: MEETING: GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET COMPLETION OF THIS INFORMATION IS VOLUNTARY, NOT MANDATORY, AND IS NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BROWN ACT. ST057396