HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-03-96SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Christopher H. Strohm, President BOARD MEMBERS James Jones, Vice President Robert Mason, Director Mary Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OCTOBER 3, 1996 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session October 3, 1996, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Strohm, Directors Wallace, Jones, Mason, Mosbacher. ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Sharp, McFarlane, Hoggatt, Rieger, Noble, Hydrick, Schrempp, Hussmann, Regan, Attorney Neese GUESTS: Frank DuQuite/City Council Liaison, Denny Weimer, Roy Hampson, Joyce Blackstone Denny Weimer came before the Board to request a time extension be granted for the installation of a water meter and water connection to his property. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD: DENNY WEIMER Mr. Weimer recently purchased property located at 984 San Jose Ave., APN 26-083-031, which has been served by an illegal water connection. The connection from the property adjacent to Mr. Weimer's (3131 Lake Tahoe Blvd., APN 26-083-051) serves both parcels. ST0073 ! 7 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 3, 1996 PAGE - 2 District staff has determined Mr. Weimer must supply his own water connection and have notified the owner of the adjacent property that the illegal connection must be abandoned. Staff also discovered a domestic well on Mr. Weimer's property which has not been properly capped off. Mr. Weimer has indicated he wishes to keep the well for irrigation purposes. The Board determined that a separate water connec- tion is required and Mr. Weimer should attempt to rectify the situation with the previous property owner. An interim solution would be to install a backflow preventer on the illegal connection from adjacent property to pro- tect the potable water supply from the private well (this is a temporary measure to be taken which will allow Mr. Weimer an extension until spring when the digging work can be done). State regulations require the well must either be properly abandoned or a reduced pres- sure principle backflow assembly must be installed on the new water service line. Staff will report on progress at the November 7 Board meeting. No Board action. Rhonda McFarlane reported on the results of the 1995/96 financial statements and reviewed the water and sewer enterprise funds. Rick Hydrick outlined SEMS training, certification, and and requirements. Consent Item 1 was brought forward for discussion. Consent Item 5 was brought forward for separate Board action. Moved Jones / Second Wallace / Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: 2) Authorized implementation of two-week disconnection procedures on the property located at 3501 Spruce Avenue, APN 25-250-030, for failure to perform annual backflow assembly test; REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD: DENNY WEIMER (Continued) PRESENTATION: 1995/96FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PRESENTATION: STANDARDIZED EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (SEMS) CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR ST007318 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 3, 1996 PAGE - 3 3) 4) 6) 7) 8) Authorized implementation of two-week disconnection procedures on the property located at 1060 Emerald Bay Road, APN 23-430-3209, for failure to perform annual backflow assembly test; Approved Change Order No. 2 for KG. Walters in the amount of $3,435.25 for Ski Run Pump Station project; Approved Change Order No. 5 for Utility Boring in the amount of $57,240.45 for Highway 50 Water Lines project; Adopted proposed amendment to Code of Ethics Policy and authorized it be included in Board Policy Manual; Adopted Regular Board Meeting Minutes of September 5, 1996. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION / DISCUSSION This item was considered as part of Agenda Item II1./ Request to Appear Before the Board from Denny Weimer. The Board directed staff. No Board action. President Strohm disqualified himself from participation in this item due to a possible conflict of interest. Moved Jones / Second Wallace / Strohm Abstained / Passed to approve Change Order No. 3 for K.G. Walters in the amount of $14,066.56. WATER DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES FOR FAILURE TO ABANDON ILLEGAL WATER CONNECTION ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT APN 26-083-051 (Consent Item 1) SKI RUN PUMP STATION (Consent Item 5) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Richard Solbrig reported on project activities. Carollo Engineers has added Quincy Engineering as their subconsultant to assist in bridge design. After meeting with CalTrans engineers and walking through both options (the first option is the Woodfords crossing with the pedestrian bridge, and the second option is to install the C-LINE EMERGENCY PROJECT ST007319 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 3, 1996 PAGE - 4 pipe through the girders on the existing bridge, which was not considered an option two weeks ago, but is now the CaITrans preferred option), they determined both options are viable. Quincy Engineering and Carollo have develop- ed preliminary drawings; design, permitting, and construc- tion schedules; and cost estimates for both options. The Woodford's pedestrian bridge option presents a risky schedule due to the fabrication time for the types of bridge structures available, causing delays in construction. It would be February before construction could begin. Winter weather will set in by that time, plus, February and March are historically the most likely times for flooding caused by high flows to occur. Exposing the pipeline to these flows should be avoided. This option would also cost an estimat- ed $100,000 more than the second option. While CaITrans requires the bridge be designed to their standards, they will not accept any liability for the bridge design, which means it would be come the responsibility of the District or Alpine Co. Staff has requested this item be placed on the October 15 Alpine County Board of Supervisors meeting agenda to dis- cuss the CalTrans responses and project status. Another neighborhood meeting will also be held to discuss schedule, costs, and liability issues. No Board action. Board action may be taken on this item after Closed Session. Moved Jones / Second Wallace / Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $2,491,157.26. 3:25 P.M. 3:33 P.M. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met and discussed several items on this agenda. Minutes from the meeting are available upon request. Director Mason reported on the paving requirements imposed by El Dorado County for the roads along the export line construction areas. The route for the export line was determined by TRPA and Lahontan C-LINE EMERGENCY PROJECT (Continued) UNION MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING PAYMENT OF CLAIMS MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS ST007320 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 3, 1996 PAGE - 5 which left no alternative but to run along the side of some roads. Due to the existing poor condition of the roadway asphalt, some areas crumbled from use. The County has required as part of the encroachment per- mit that a 5% lime solution be injected into the roadway subgrade and topped with a 3" layer of asphalt. The Board directed staff to write El Dorado County and re- quest they assist with inspection fees, drainage, and culverts. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS (Continued) Director Mason stated staff is continuing to analyze how flows from Lakeside Park would impact the plant. Legislative Fundinq Ad Hoc Committee: The Committee met to discuss the grant package received from EPA Region IX. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS Director Jones attended an ACWA Water Quality meeting. Topics of discussion included: VA-HUD Appropriations update, arsenic research, Endangered Species Act, Clean Water Act, Fluoride, MTBE, and heath issues. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Director Wallace reported the District will give an export system progress report to the Lahontan Board this evening. Roy Hampson spoke to recommend strategies when appearing before Lahontan's board. General Mana,qer: Bob Baer reported on three items: STAFF REPORTS 1 ) Kathy Sharp prepared a summary of topics from recent special district conferences she attended. 2) A Power of Communications workshop will be held for all managers and Board members December 9, 10, and 11. 3) The Lahontan Board will tour A & B-line project sites October 4. District Information Officer: Julie Regan reported on two items: ST00732! REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - OCTOBER 3, 1996 PAGE - 6 1) As a part of the Strategic Communications Plan, a second customer survey will be conducted October 14-16. 2) The District is a co-sponsor of the Fire Fest and Home Show being held October 5. 4:25 P.M. 5:55 P.M. STAFF REPORTS (Continued) ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION I REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION Moved Jones / Second Mosbacher / Passed Unanimously to deny claim and directed staff to send letter of rejection to claimant. Moved Strohm / Second Mason / Passed Unanimously to accept MOU with the Union including minor changes and side letter. The Board of Directors and Attorney Neese were appointed as the negotiating team for the General Manager's contract. No Board action. The negotiating team was directed regarding unrep- resented employee, Robert Baer, General Manager. No Board action. Directors Mason and Wallace, and Robed Baer were appointed as the Board's negotiating team for management staff negotiations. No Board action. Pursuant to Section 54956.95 of California Government Code/ Liability Claim Against STPUD Received From N.K. Desai, Cedarwood Lodqe Pursuant to Section 54957.6 of California Government Code/ Stationary Engineers Local 39 Union Employee Negotiation Pursuant to Section 54957.6 of California Government Code/ Conference with Labor Neqotiators Pursuant to Section 54957 of California Government Code/ Public Employee Performance Evaluation Pursuant to Section 54957.6 of California Government Code/ Conference with Labor Neqotiators ST007322 MEETING: DATE:_ GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET COMPLETION OF THIS INFORMATION IS VOLUNTARY, NOT MANDATORY, AND IS NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BROWN ACT. ST057398