HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-19-96SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT "Basic Services for a Complex World" Christopher H. Strohm, President BOARD MEMBERS James Jones, Vice President Robert Mason, Director Mar,/Lou Mosbacher Duane Wallace, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 19, 1996 MINUTES The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session September 19, 1996, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Strohm, Directors Wallace, Jones, Mason, Mosbacher. STAFF: Solbrig, Minister, McFarlane, Noble, Hydrick, Regan, Rieger, Schrempp, T. Powers, Attorney Neese. Ed McCarthy and Dorothy Silva/Lake Park Association, Joyce Blackstone, Frank DuQuite/City Council Liaison, Pegg Eichhorn, Jeroen Eicchorn, Robert Persson, Sig Hansen/SPH, Marvin Bergthold, Bob Maloff, Pete MacRoberts Julie Regan updated the Board on the status of the water conservation program. Regan read the names of the award winners for the following categories: residential, business, commer- PRESENTATION: STATUS REPORT ON WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM PRESENTATION: WATER WISE LANDSCAPING AWARDS ST051399 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 19, 1996 PAGE - 2 cial, and employees. These categories were judged on environmental sensitivity and ascetic appeal. Jeroen Eichhorn, representing Pine Cone Plaza, was present to receive the grand prize for the commercial category. PRESENTATION: WATER WISE LANDSCAPING AWARDS (continued) Ed McCarthy, Lakeside Park Association (LPA) presi- dent gave background information on mandates that have led to the commencement of construction of a filtration plant for the LPA lake intake to accommodate surface water requirements, as well as an overview of how the LPA system works. The backwash discharge from the new filter plant requires a sewer connection. McCarthy requested that the $54,243.96 sewer con- nection fees be waived in exchange for the ability of the District to access LPA treated water for fire pur- poses in the event of a major catastrophe. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD/LAKESIDE PARK ASSOCIATION The Operations Committee met on September 18, 1996, reviewed this item, and determined additional answers were needed before a decision could be made because the District has no rate schedule in place for industrial type discharges based on unknown flows and strengths. District staff would have to establish a rate schedule for this. Diane Noble, discussed the pros and cons of both the current billing system and the an industrial rate schedule LPA may wish to pursue based on unknown flows and strengths. President Strohm addressed the issue of the long-stand- ing mutual aid agreement that the District has had with all private water companies. No other costs, other than for actual consumption for domestic use, have ever been imposed. The feasibility of being able to use the LPA treated water due to different system pressures, small interties, as well as the conditions necessitating the need for usage of this water were discussed. Capabilities required by LPA to assist the District in a meaningful way were also discussed. Discussion occurred regarding the fact that the District sewer and water systems are separate enterprise funds. It was recommended that LPA with the assistance of ST057400 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 19, 1996 PAGE - 3 their consultant, Sig Hansen of SPH, meet with Dis- trict staff to determine: 1) the parameters of the solids coming out of the LPA system, 2) the effects these solids and flows would have on the District system; and 3) determine an equitable industrial rate which would incorporate strength and flow paramet- ers. Consent Item No. 2, Highway 50 Waterlines, was pulled from the consent calendar and will be brought back as part of October 3, 1996 Regular Board meet- ing agenda. M~ved Mosbacher / Second Jones / Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: 1) Authorized implementation of two-week disconne¢- tion procedures on the property located at 2315 Lupine Trail, APN 34-402-011 for failure to perform annual backflow assembly test; 3) Approved Change Order No. 1 for Rutherford & Smith in an amount not to exceed $50,000 for the B-Line Replacement; 4) Adopted Special Board Meeting Minutes of August 15, 1996; 5) Adopted Regular Board Meeting Minutes of August 15, 1996; 6) Adopted Special Board Meeting Minutes of August 29, 1996. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD/LAKESIDE PARK ASSOCIATION (continued) CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Rick Hydrick stated that in requesting Harland Barthol- omew & Associates to prepare grant applications for the California Tahoe Conservancy two items may be accomplished' 1) The filter plant and associated build- ings will be demolished; and 2) restoration and erosion control of the stream environment zone will occur, allowing for restoration credits that can be banked for future use. COLD CREEK RESTORATION ST057401 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 19, 1996 PAGE - 4 Utilization of the buildings for storage or for meeting purposes were discussed. Joyce Blackstone stated there are several grants or professional assistance available through the Tahoe Resource Conservation District that are applicable to this type of work. Moved Jones / Second Wallace / Passed Unanimously to: Authorize Harland Bartholomew & Associates to prepare grant applications in the amount of $12,000 for the California Tahoe Conservancy for the restoration of Cold Creek. One bid was received on September 17, 1996 from El Dorado Roofing in the amount of $34,275. Moved Jones / Second Mason / Passed Unanimousl_v to award bid to lowest responsive, responsible bidder, El Dorado Roofing Company, in the amount of $34,275. Richard Solbrig reported that after the job was bid, El Dorado County determined instead of 1-inch, that an 1 ~-inch overlay would now be required to ensure that the job worked properly. The additional $43,000 cost is for the originally bid asphalt overlay quantities to be increased from 1-inch to the new recommendation of 1 ~-inches. After considerable discussion it was suggested that a meeting be held with the Operations Committee and the two El Dorado County Board of Supervisors, along with Bruce Lee, head of Engineering for EDC in Tahoe, to discuss and determine what is equitable for future repaying in the areas of the A-Line project. Moved Wallace / Second Strohm / Passed Unanimousl_v to: A) Approve Change Order to C.R. Fedrick in the amount of 961,81 5.66; and B) Direct Attorney Neese to assist the Board President in the preparation of a letter for submittal to El Dorado County advising the County that the District is reserving its rights under the law to challenge this extra requirement. COLD CREEK RESTORATION (continued) CLEMENT WELL BARN REROOFING A-LINE RELOCATION ST057402 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 19, 1996 PAGE Richard Solbrig reported that HBA has completed their field survey of the cultural resources. Nothing signifi- cant was observed. At the end of next week the USFS will write the Cultural Clearinghouse in Sacramento indi- cating that the District can proceed with the project. A neighborhood meeting was held at Woodfords Station on Monday, September 16 at 4:30 P.M. Fifteen people from the neighborhood attended. The following evening an Alpine County Board of Supervisors meeting was held in Markleeville. A desire was expressed on the part of the residents to have a pedestrian crossing built, as opposed to a pipe bridge. This pedestrian crossing option will be used for the set of plans submitted for permit approval at Woodfords. The option at Crystal Springs Road of staying in the highway right-of-way and being installed under the highway bridge requires 1500 total feet of pipe on either side of the bridge and will require a special waiver permit approval from the required stan- dard eight foot bridge. Carollo Engineers has located an engineering firm in Sacramento that specializes in CalTrans bridges to expedite the process. The process for constructing pedestrian crossings in the CalTrans right-of-way is very exacting. The design and review process may make the pedestrian bridge not con- structible in the required time frame. The time factor for this pedestrian over crossing is of critical consideration. CalTrans has held out the possibil- ity of a temporary attachment to the bridge while the plans were reviewed for approval of the pedestrian over- crossing. Alpine County has written CalTrans requesting that the process be accelerated to facilitate this project. No Board action. 3:45 P.M, 3:55 P.M. Director Wallace, representing the Legislative Ad Hoc Committee, gave a summary of the Holland & Knight proposal. Along with General Manager Bob Baer, the committee recommends payment of the work already authorized in Phase I. Several of the tasks could be effectively handled by the District with a small amount C-LINE EMERGENCY PROJECT MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED EXPORT PIPELINE REPLACEMENT SDWA GRANT ST057403 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 19, 1996 PAGE - 6 of guidance from Holland & Knight. It was stipulated that before Holland & Knight proceeded with any as- pect of the proposal, Baer was to be contacted. Julie Regan reported that she received a call from the EPA regional office in San Francisco expressing an in- terest in the reclamation aspect of the District export system. Moved Wallace/Second Jones / Passed Unanimousl_v to' A) Authorize payment for work completed in Phase I in the amount of $11,500; and B) Authorize the following tasks in Phase I1: A) Items 1, 6 and 7 - Brief Legislators in an amount not to exceed $19,500, B) Item 2 - EPA Guidance in an amount not to exceed $12,000; and C) Item 8 - Federal Appropriations in an amount not to exceed $16,000 for a total amount not to exceed $59,000. In accordance with Policy 1060.30 the first reading of this policy was conducted. This policy will be agend- ized for possible adoption at the next Regular Board meeting. No Board action taken. Moved Jones / Second Wallace / Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $641,667.08. Count_v Water Agenc_v/EDWPA: President Strohm stated that Measure K, included as part of the Novem- her ballot, states that water has to be reserved for every parcel that can be developed. He urged thorough reviewal of this measure before voting. Lahontan / SWRCB Communications Ad Hoc Commit- tee: The next Lahontan Board meeting on October 4 will include a tour of District facilities. The District is scheduled to make the engineering and financial report presentation to the Lahontan Board at 7:30 P.M. on October 3. Director Mosbacher reported that she attended both the Alpine County Neighborhood Meeting on September 16 and the Alpine County Board of Super- visors meeting on September 17 regarding the C-Line. She added that the residents are pleased that the EXPORT PIPELINE REPLACEMENT SDWA GRANT (continued) BOARD POLICY MANUAL CODE OF ETHICS PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER REPORTS ST057404 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 19, 1996 PAGE - · District has solicited their input and were complimen- tary of District staff. She also attended the Rec Park Booster meeting held on September 17 and was the Board representative at the September ECC meeting. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (continued) Director Jones will attend an ACWA water quality meeting in Sacramento on September 25. He stated that ACWA has endorsed Mickey Madden for the Lahontan Board appointment. Director Wallace reported he received a letter from Diane O'Connor, prepared with the assistance of her attorney, Sare and Cherry, regarding drainage problems affecting her home on Arapahoe and Country Club. Fin~rlce Officer: Rhonda McFarlane reported on two items: A) She has been working with Perry & Co. on finalizing the 1995-96 financial statement; and B) She had the opportunity to meet with Tina Treis, Perry-Smith, to confer with her regarding our self- insured medical plan. McFarlane informed the Board that Treis has considerable experience in this realm. STAFF REPORTS Attorney: Attorney Neese reported on two items: 1) He provided answers to questions raised by Direc- tor Mosbacher during the initial reading of the Code of Ethics amendment. 2) He attended an ACWA Groundwater Meeting earlier in the week and alerted the Board to two items to watch for in the future: A) the Groundwater Disinfection Rule; and B) two ballot measures on Butte County's November election at which the county is being asked how they are going to manage groundwater within the county. Director Jones requested that Attorney Neese give a re- port on Proposition 218 (Jarvis-Gann) at some future date. President Strohm noted that Director Mason will be recog- nized by California Special District's Association (CSDA) awards banquet at Embassy Suites on September 24 for his distinguished service to the District. Frank DuQuite, City Council Liaison, mentioned the up- coming CSDA conference. He also relayed that the Dis- ST057405 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 19, 1996 trict is doing a great job on the Highway 50 Water Lines Project. 4:45 P.M. 5:40 P.M. PAGE - u ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION The Board directed the negotiating team regarding union employee negotiations. No Board action. The Board directed legal counsel regarding litigation. NO Board action. The Board directed legal counsel regarding litigation. NO Boerd action. 5:40 P.M. Pursuant to Section 54957.6 of California Government Code/ Stationary Engineers Local 39 Union Em_oloyee Negotiation Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of California Government Code/ Conference with Legal Counsel Existing Litigation Schwake v. STPUD. State Case No. 1453 Pursuant to Section 54956.9(a) of California Government Code/ Conference with Legal Counsel Existing Litigation Schwake v. STPUD, Federal Case No. CV-N-93-851-DWH ADJOURNMENT Christopher H. Strohm, President of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sharl~lerk of Board~' South Tahoe' Public Utility District ST057406 DATE: MEETING: GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET COMPLETION OF THIS INFORMATION IS VOLUNTARY, NOT MANDATORY, AND IS NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BROWN ACT. ST057407