HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-16-96SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT '~asic Services for a Complex World" :'i'i*i'i'i'i*i'i'i*i*i'i*i*i*it f ................................................................................... "~ .................................................................................................................................................................................... Chris Strohm, President BOARD MEMBERS James Jones, Vice President Robert Mason, Director Maq( Leu Mosbacher Duane Wallace, Director REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT May 16, 1996 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session, May 16, 1996, 2:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe, California. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Strohm, Directors Jones, Mason, Wallace, and Mosbacher Baer, Solbrig, Sharp, McFarlane, Hussmann, Regan, Noble, Garcia, Brown, Attorney Neese ~ Jeff Dinkin/Hatch and Parent, Dick Thomas/ Tahoe ReGreen, Patrick McCartney/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Frank DuQuite/City Council Liaison, Paul Kaleta, John Cefalu, Summer Rae Smith Rhonda McFarlane introduced Summer Rae Smith, who is participating in the California CPA Society Job Shadowing program. President Strohm noted that Action Item 10/Legal Services Provider will be discussed after Action Item 4. Executive Session will be held next, then COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR ST057486 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 16, 1996 PAGE - 2 return to Action Item 5 and the remainder of the agenda. Moved Mosbacher/Second Jones/Passed ~ to accept Engineering Department item as an addendum to the agenda as Action Item 12. All posting requirements for this adden- dum were met. Paul Kaleta came before the Board to seek author- ization for a refund of water and sewer service charges paid since 3/31/94, and to suspend future billing indefinitely. Due to ongoing litigation, there is no use of water or sewer at the site. Staff reported Mr. Kaleta's permit was inspected and finalized 8/92 which caused the billing to commence. Staff recommended he take advantage of the metered water rate. Based on Ordinance 369, Article IX, Section 9.1, the District cannot suspend billing or refund prior charges. The Board was unable to grant Mr. Kaleta relief from past and future service charges. District Ord- inances must be equitably applied to all customers. No Board action. Consent Item 7 was brought forward for discussion prior to Board action. Moved Mosbacher/Second Wallace/Passed ~ to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: 1) Authorized staff to negotiate an extension of the District's contract with Allied Colloids for dry polymer; 2) Authorized staff to advertise for bids for 1996-97 chlorine and sodium hypochlorite supplies; 3) Authorized implementation of the two-week discon- nection procedures for delinquent sewer and/or water accounts; CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE BOARD: PAUL KALETA, 2485 pONDEROSA CONSENT CALENDAR ST057487 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 16, 1996 PAGE 4) Approved invoice in the amount of $14,597 to D2000 for cost of annual confined space refresher training; 5) Approved. Cost Sharing Agreement with El Dorado County Water Agency in the amount of $50,000 for the 1995-96 fiscal year; 6) Approved Change Order No. I to C.R. Fedrick in the amount of $11,286 for Export Pipeline (SEZ) Relocation Project and Washoan Blvd., Muskwaki Drive Watermain Replacement; 8) Retired outdated Ordinance No. 397; 9) Authorized staff to advertise for bids for Arrowhead Trunk Line; 10)'Adopted Special Board Meeting Minutes: 4/29/96; 11) Adopted Special Board Meeting Minutes: 4/30/96; 12) Adopted Special Board Meeting Minutes: 4/30/96. Consent Item 7 will be discussed after Action Item 12. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Rhonda McFarlane gave a presentation reviewing Ordinance No. 461 which creates a new Capital Improvement Charge, increases water consump- tion charges, and clarifies the charge disconnected customers are responsible for. Specific questions and comments from Board members and John Cefalu were received. Moved Jones/Second Strohm/Passed Unanimously to enact Ordinance No. 461/Amending Article Xll, Water Rate Schedules, of Ordinance No. 360 and superseding Ordinance Nos. 435 and 453. WATER RATE AMENDMENT ORDINANCE NO. 461 ST057488 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 16, 1996 PAGE -4 Presented by Rhonda McFarlane. The proposed budget is balanced and was reviewed in a Public Hearing on May 2, 1996. This budget includes revenue from two new rate schedules included in Ordinance No. 461, which approximates a 6% overall water service rate increase. WATER ENTERPRISE FUND BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1996-97 Moved Wallace/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 2626/Adopting the Budget for the Water Enterprise Fund for the Fiscal Year 1996-97. Rhonda McFarlane reviewed several rate increase scenarios and reiterated that this proposed increase has been brought to the public for comments four times. SEWER RATE AMENDMENT ORDINANCE This Ordinance is proposed to generate $200,000 in revenue for the 1996/97 proposed budget to be used for the District's Capital Improvement Program. The export line replacement/repairs is the most significant project and would result in a 3% overall sewer rate increase. Comments were received from Board members. Moved Wallace/Second Jones/Strohm. Mason. and Mosbacher Voted No/Motion Did Not Carry to authorize no sewer rate increase at this time. Moved Wallace/Second Strohm/Jones. Mason. and Mosbacher Voted No/Motion Did Not Carry to enact proposed Ordinance No. 460 effective on October 1, 1996. Moved Mosbacher/Second Strohm/Wallace. Jones. Strohm, Mason Voted No/Motion Did Not Carry to enact proposed Ordinance No. 460 effective on July 1, 1996. (After the motion was made and seconded, and prior to the vote being recorded, Attorney Sare stated that enacting the ordinance would minimize the chances of receiving an appropriation from the VA-HUD and would undermine all efforts made so far.) ST057489 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 16, 1996 PAGE - 5 Presented by Rhonda McFarlane. This proposed budget is balanced and was reviewed in a Public Hearing on May 2, 1996. SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1996-97 Moved Wallace/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 2627/Adopting the Budget for the Sewer Enterprise Fund for the Fiscal Year 1996-97. 4:10 P.M. MEETING BREAK 4:15 P.M. MEETING RESUMED Two contract options were presented by Hatch & Parent for the Board's consideration. The first is based upon an hourly fee, the second contains a monthly retainer fee. LEGAL SERVICES PROVIDER Moved Wallace/Second Jones/Mosbacher Voted ~ to ratify the hourly fee contract with Hatch & Parent effective immediately. 4:40 P.M. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION 6:15 P.M. RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION / REPORT ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIVE SESSION Attorney Sare gave the Board a status update. As a result, it was recommended the District enter into a contract with Sare to continue providing legal services on this case. Moved Strohm/Second Mosbacher/Passed ~ to authorize the General Manager to enter into a contract for Sare & Cherry to continue to provide legal services regarding the Schwake case. Pursuant to Section 54956.9 of California Government Code/ Schwake vs. STPUD, Federal Case No. CV-N-93-851-DWH, State Case No. 1453 ST057490 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 16, 1996 PAGE - 6 The Board directed staff and legal counsel regarding property negotiations. No Board action. The Board directed staff and legal counsel regarding union employee negotiations. No Board action. The Board directed staff regarding personnel issues. No Board action. 6:17 P.M. 6:25 P.M. Pursuant to Section 54956.9 of California Government Code/ Sunset Stables Eminent Domain Property Acquisition Pursuant to Section 54957.6 of California Government Code/ Stationary Engineers Local 39 Union Employee Negotiations Pursuant to Section 54957 of California Government Code/ Personnel Issues MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Presented by Richard Solbrig on behalf of Rick Hydrick. This item was reviewed by the Operations Committee. Moved Jones/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to award contract to lowest responsive, responsible bidder, El Dorado Roofing, in the amount of $7,918.00. Presented by Richard Solbrig on behalf of Rick Hydrick. This item was reviewed by the Operations Committee. Solbrig noted several small projects will be deferred to compensate the cost of this project. Moved Jones/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to award contract to lowest responsive, responsible bidder, G.B. Construction, in the amount of $69,200. Presented by Richard Solbrig on behalf of Jim Hoggatt. This item was reviewed by the Operations Committee. Solbrig noted this is a very important project as it will increase the response time at this station from REROOF CHRIS WELL, SOUTH UPPER TRUCKEE WELL, AND TAYLOR CREEK PUMP STATION DEMOLITION OF ABANDONED DISTRICT FACILITIES AL TAHOE PUMP STATION ST057491 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 16, 1996 PAGE 20 minutes to 2Y2 hours. It is also one of the mitigation projects required by the League/AG/ STPUD agreement. Moved Mason/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to award contract to lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Cushman Contracting, in the amount of $921,850 which includes the Flight Pump alter- native bid item. Richard Solbrig reviewed the amount of staff time it took to complete this item. These should have been the responsibility of the Redevelopment Agency. The Board directed staff to document staff time spent and costs (including this task order). This item was reviewed by the Operations Committee. Moved Mason/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to authorize increase in Montgomery Watson Task Order to cover design scope additions, and construc- tion services in the amount of $70,000. President Strohm reported on the events during the recent trip to Washington. Moved Wallace/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to authorize increase to Holland & Knight to proceed with Steps 2 and 3 as outlined in their proposal in an amount not to exceed $20,000. Included with this payment of claims is a $16,080.89 payment to Placer Title Company for the purchase of the Rec Park Booster Station property. The Board authorized the negotiator to offer up to $15,000 at the April 18, 1996 Regular Board Meeting. With title policy fee, escrow fees, transfer fees, etc. the total amount equals $16,080.89. Moved Wallace/Second Jones/Mason Abstained/ Passed to approve payment in the amount of $594,893.45. Director Mason abstained due to a potential financial conflict. AL TAHOE PUMP STATION (Continued) SKI RUN PUMP STATION VA-HUD APPROPRIATION: EXPORT PIPELINE FUNDING PAYMENT OF CLAIMS ST057492 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 16, 1996 PAGE - 8 Richard Solbrig reported that several ongoing projects, plus several design changes made this request necessary. This item was reviewed by the Operations Committee. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Moved Jones/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to authorize Task Order for Carollo Engineers in the amount of $20,000 to assist District staff in completing 1996 construction season design projects. CONSENT ITEM BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION / DISCUSSION Director Mosbacher brought this item forward because it seemed too costly to place on the Consent Calendar. She also received clarification regarding contractor's responsibilities. This item was reviewed by the Operations Committee. HIGHWAY 50 WATERLINE REPLACEMENT (Consent Item 7) Moved Strohm/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to approve Change Order No. 4 to Utility Boring in the amount of $29,757.60. Water and Wastewater O.oerations Committee: The committee met and discussed several items on the agenda. Minutes from this meeting are available upon request. County Water Agency / EDWPA: Director Mosbacher reported on the recent EDWPA meeting. A represen- tative from the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board attended, he brought up several interesting topics for discussion. Merv de Haas was also present at that meeting and reported on the County Water Agency budget. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS Employee Benefits Committee: The committee is waiting for the ARMTech consultant's report. Director Jones reported on the recent ACWA conference. Topics of discussion included Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS), eminent domain procedures, and privatization. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS ST057493 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - MAY 16, 1996 PAGE - 9 Director Wallace reported letters were being written in support of Mickey Madden's application for the Lahontan board vacancy. Director Mason stated he would like to meet with the City Planning Department regarding construction of an access road to the District from Al Tahoe Blvd. Manager Baer reported the export system is currently shut down to allow for maintenance and inspection. Attorney Neese reported he met with Dale Sare to review pending issues and to transfer files. 8:00 P,M. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS (Continued) STAFF REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Christopher H. Strohm, President of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: .~~ ~ ~_~---~_A I~athy ~1~, Clerk o'f Board South TaPrde Public Utility District ST057494 MEETING: GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET COMPLETION OF THIS INFORMATION IS VOLUNTARY, NOT MANDATORY, AND IS NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BROWN ACT. ST057495