HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-20-95MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT &pril 20, 1995 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session April 20, 1995, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Wallace, Directors Mason, Jones, Mosbacher. Director Strohm was absent. ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, McFarlane, Sharp, Hrbacek, Hoggatt, Brown, Garcia, Sullivan, Regan, Schroeder, Torney, R. Johnson, Noble, Attorney Sare GUESTS: None. Shop Steward: None present. Alpine County: Repairs to the ditch have been completed. Now in the process of guniting as weather permits. Shotcreting will be done to improve lower Harvey. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE GREAT EMERGENCIES STATUS REPORTS Luther Pass: Both repairs to the export line are completed and the excavations backfilled. Pavement and landscaping work will be done this summer. Attorney Sare reported the claim has been settled with Clarence Burr and the Heise Livestock Cattle Company for damages to the Millich Ditch and Burr's property. Director Mosbacher requested Consent Item No. 1 be brought forward for a separate vote. Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Strohm Absent/Passed to approve the Consent Cal- endar as amended: CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR 2) Authorized expenditures in an amount not to exceed $24,000 for John Carollo ST056473 REGU~Z~ BOARD HEET~NG H~NUTES - APRIL 20~ L995 P~GE - 2 3) 4) Engineers to perform a reliability evaluation for A1 Tahoe Sewage Pump Station improvements; Approved contract with AGRA Environ- mental for a soils technician and soils and asphalt testing in the amount of $20,000 for Stateline Phase II and Arrowhead site Work Project, Glenwood- Ski Run Water Line Replacement, and Highway 50 Water Main Replacement; Adopted Resolution No. 2612/Apprecia- tion for Alpine County assistance. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) CONSENT ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Moved Mason/Second Jones/Strohm Absent/ Mosbacher Abstained/Passed to authorize implementation of the two-week disconnec- tion procedures for delinquent sewer and/ or water accounts. DISCONNECTION PROCEDURES FOR DELINQUENT SEWER AND/OR WATER ACCOUNTS (Consent Item 1) ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Ken Schroeder stated two bids were re- ceived. This item was reviewed by the Operations Committee. Moved Mason/Second Jones/Strohm Absent[ Passed to award the contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Nevada Energy Systems in the amount of $895,537. Jim Hoggatt stated one bid was received for this project. Hoggatt also reviewed a minor discrepancy - the bid documents were removed from the Specifications book. Staff reviewed the bid documents and found no irregularities. He recommended this minor discrepancy be waived. This item was reviewed by the Operations Committee. Moved Mason/Second Jones/Strohm Absent/ Passed to waive the discrepancy described above and to award contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, K. G. Walters Construction Co., Inc. in the amount of $399,000. Presented by Jim Hoggatt. This item was reviewedby the Operations Committee. LUTHER PASS PUMP STATION: STANDBY POWER PROJECT PALOMA AND BAKERSFIELD WELLS BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT STATELINE PHASE II AND ARROWHEAD TANKS PROJECT ST056474 REGULAR BOARD NEETING ~INUTES - &PR~L 20~ ~995 PAGE - 3 Moved Jones/Second Mason/Strohm Absent/ Passed to award contract to lowest respon- sive, responsible bidder, Trusco Tank, Inc., in the amount of $718,160. Jim Hoggatt recommended this study be per- formed. Phill Torney outlined improvements made to several pump stations, and will draft a list prioritizing future improve- ments. Moved Jones/Second Mason/Strohm Absent/ Passed to approve study scope for John Carollo Engineers/Flo Science to study A and B-Lines. Bob Baer reported he and staff are satis- fied that this is a strong document. The administrative draft will be reviewed on April 24. The final draft will be present- ed before the TRPA Advisory Planning Com- mittee on May 10, and will be presented to the TRPA Governing Board on May 24. Attorney Sare recommended the Board confirm that the firm of Downey, Brand, Seymour, and Rohwer be authorized to assist with environmental concerns related to the EIR/ EIS. He also stated the purchase order for his firm must be increased to accommo- date additional work on the document. Moved Mason/Second Jones/Strohm Absent/ Passed to direct staff to continue with the schedule as presented; to approve amendment to Sare and Cherry purchase order for assistance in preparation of the final EIR/EIS in an amount not to exceed $20,000; and to authorize in an amount not to exceed $10,000 for the firm of Downey, Brand, Seymour, and Rohwer. Moved Jones/Second Mosbacher/Mason Abstained/Strohm Absent/Passed to authorize payment in the amount of $573,420.57. Director Mason abstained from voting due to a potential financial conflict. Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met prior to the Board meet- ing and discussed the items presented on the Agenda. STATELINE PHASE II AND ARROWHEAD TANKS PROJECT (Continued) SURGEANALYSIS/B-LINE; AIR VALVE ANALYSIS/A & B-LINES FUTURE CONNECTIONS FACILITIES PLAN EIR/EIS PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS ST056475 REGULAR BO~ ~EETING ~INUTE8 - &PR~L 20~ ~995 PAGE - 4 Executive Committee: The committee met on April 21 to discuss the water rate study and staffing requests. Roles/Functions County Water Aqency: The Board of the Water Agency voted to fill the vacant general manager position. After the position is filled, the need to retain current staff will be assessed. The purveyors have agreed there are sever- al issues facing them that are beyond their capabilities and will require support from the Water Agency to resolve them. Director Jones reported as part of ACWA's Water Quality Committee, he was the only person to respond to a proposal which would adversely affect the NPDES Permit process for non-compliance discharges. Manaqer: Manager Baer reported the District will be on the next Lahontan agenda with a request to be included in the application for the 1995/96 State Revolving Fund loan. District Information officer: Julie Regan reported a neighborhood meet- ing was held on April 16 with the residents who live in the area of the Boulder Moun- tain Booster Station. 5:10 PM BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS (Continued) BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORT BOARD MEMBER REPORTS STAFF REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Duan~Wa~ilace, President of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy'~)'-'sharp, ~1~-k~ 6~ Bo~d South Tahoe ~ublic Utility District ST056476 DATE: BOARD MEETING GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET COMPLETION OF THIS INFORMATION IS VOLUNTARY, NOT MANDATORY, AND IS NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BROWN ACT. ST056477