HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-18-95MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH T~HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT May 18, 1995 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session May 18, 1995, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Wallace, Directors Strohm, Mason, Jones, Mosbacher ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, McFarlane, Sharp, Noble, Eddy, Regan, Hoggatt, Schroeder, Hydrick, R. Johnson, Attorney Cherry GUESTS: Sally Taylor/Tahoe Daily Tribune, John Ceko/Lake Valley Fire Protection, Rob Brueck/Harland Bartholomew, John Brissenden/Sorenson's Resort, Don Jardine/ Alpine Co. Board of Supervisors President Wallace introduced Don Jardine from Alpine County. John Ceko came before the Board to address the fire danger that exists in Angora Highland zone and the need for an emergency pump in that area. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Shop Steward No report. Moved Mosbacher/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to add Arrowhead Tank Pro- ject as Action Item 4 to the Agenda as an emergency item. This item was brought to staff's attention after the posting of the Agenda and due to the nature of the building season, must be discussed immedi- ately. CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Items 6 and 12 were brought forward for discussion prior to Board action. Consent Item 14 was brought forward for a separate vote. -- ST056457 REgULaR BOARD ~ET~N~ N~NUTES - I~Y ~8~ L995 P~GE - 2 Moved Mosbacher/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: 1) Authorized two-week disconnection procedures on the property located at 3284 Lake Tahoe Blvd., APN 27-170-021; 2) Authorized implementation of the two-week disconnection procedures for delinquent sewer and/or water accounts; 3) Adopted Resolution No. 2615/Stop Payment Authorization; 4) Authorized contract with Cathodic Protection Services in the amount of $10,214 for Stateline Phase II and Arrowhead Tanks Projects; 5) Approved purchase for 15 6-inch Val-Matic combination valves from Tid Marsh and Associates for the A & B-Lines air relief vacuum valves; 7) Determined that the Glenwood/Ski Run Waterline Replacement project is exempt from CEQA and authorized filing Notice of Exemption with E1 Dorado County Clerk; 8) Authorized staff to advertise for for bids for the Glenwood/Ski Run Waterline Replacement project; 9) Approved agreement with USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service to produce plan for Harvey Place Reservoir Wildlife Management Plan; 10) Adopted Resolution No. 2613/Sewer Enterprise Fund Budget Fiscal Year 1995-96; 11) Adopted Resolution No. 2614/Water Enterprise Fund Budget Fiscal Year 1995-96; CONSENT CALENDAR ST056458 REGULAR BO~D ~EETING ~TNUTES - ~h~Y ~8~ 1995 PAGE 13) Authorized reimbursement of up to 50% of total estimated cost and to join Tahoe city PUD in contracting with West Yost and Associates to provide an update to "California Lake Tahoe Water Use" study. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) CONSENT IT~ BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Director Mason pointed out an error in the wording of the sentence on Page 5, Item B. at the bottom of the page of the agreement. Cherry was directed to draft new language following the next consent item. STPUD/USFS FOREST ROAD AGREEMENT (Consent Item 6) Director Mosbacher received clarification regarding costs. Moved Mason/Second Strohm/Passed Unanimously to authorize payment to County of Alpine for the 1995 calendar year water monitoring project in the amount of $15,250. COUNTY OF ALPINE: WATER MONITORING FEE (Consent Item 12) Attorney Cherry proposed the following language: "To be responsible for all road maintenance activities on roads which STPUD needs access." STPUD/USFS FOREST ROAD AGREEMENT (Consent Item 6) Moved Mason/Second Strohm/Passed Unanimously to approve agreement with the above noted language included. Moved Mason/Second Jones/Strohm Abstained Passed to approve Regular Board Meeting Minutes: April 20, 1995. REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES (Consent Item 14) ITEMS FOR BOB~D ACTION 4:20 PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE NO. 454 ESTAB- LISHINGRESIDENTIALMETERED WATER RATES President Wallace opened the Public Hearing at 4:20 PM. Open Hearinq Diane Noble reported the Ordinance provides customers with the option of installing a meter and paying for actual water used instead of paying the usual flat rate. Once the customer decides to be metered, the decision is irreversible. Staff Report ST056459 REGUL21LR BOiI~RD MEETING MINUTES - I~Y 28t 2995 PAGE - 4 None. Possible ramifications of the inability to reverse the decision were discussed. Staff was directed to prepare a flier outlining the costs and benefits of the ordinance, and emphasize that this is a voluntary option. Moved Jones/Second Mason/Mosbacher Voted No/Passed to adopt Ordinance 454. The Public Hearing was closed at 4:40 PM. 4:40 PUBLIC Using a slide presentation, Richard Solbrig reviewed several alternatives that were evaluated to determine the best location for the A-Line and recommended Alternative 4.A be chosen as the preferred alternative. Rob Brueck reported on the steps taken to identify, study, and mitigate key impacts. None. Comments were received and clarified re- garding financial implications, access, and design. It was also noted that the old export line will remain in place. The Public Hearing was closed at 5:10 PM. Presented by Jim Hoggatt. This item was reviewed by the Operations Committee. Moved Mason/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to authorize increase of $6,000 to AGRA Earth & Environmental. Alpine County: Repairs to Upper Harvey, Lower Harvey, and Diamond Ditch are complete. The shopcrete lining of Upper Harvey and Lower Harvey, and grouting sections of Upper Harvey have not been done due to the unusually wet weather. Completion is expected at the end of May. Public Comment Board Member Comments Enact Ordinance No. 454 Close Hearing A-LINE RELOCATION EIR/EIS Staff Report Public Comments Board Member Comments Close Hearing 6-INCHCHINQUAPIN WATERLINE AND 30-INCH ERB PIPELINE: SOILS TESTING GREAT EMERGENCIES STATUS REPORTS ST056460 RE~UL~ BO~ ~ET~N~ ~NUTES - I~Y ~8~ ~995 P~E - 5 Luther Pass Export Line: Remaining re- pairs include revegetating disturbed areas and repaving the access road. The repairs will be complete when the snow melts. Heise Land and Livestock: Repairs are almost complete. Jim Hoggatt will meet with the property owner to finalize any outstanding items. Richard Solbrig reviewed Sorenson's request to discharge a maximum of 10,000 gallons of treated effluent from the resort to the District's C-Line. John Brissenden and Don Jardine received comments and clarified questions regarding their request. The Board directed staff to continue working with Sorenson's, the Operations Committee, Lahontan, Alpine County and Bear Engineering. Legal counsel was directed to research annexation as an option. No Board action. Moved Jones/Second Strohm/Passed Unanimously to approve payment in the amount of $603,369.63. This item was added to the Agenda as an emergency item by a unanimous vote of the Board. Richard Solbrig reported on the difficulties encountered in trying to obtain a permit needed for the access road. Route alternatives were discussed. The Board directed staff to continue efforts to gain a permit. No Board action. GREAT EMERGENCIES STATUS REPORTS (Continued) SORENSON'S RESORT - DISCHARGE TO C-LINE PAYMENT OF CLAIMS ARROWHEAD TANK PROJECT ST056461 REGULAR BOARD HEET~N~ ~NUTES - I~Y LS~ L995 PAGE - 6 Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met prior to the Board meet- ing and discussed the items presented on the Agenda. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS Planning Committee: The Future Sewer Connections Plan will be presented to the TRPA APC and Governing Board on May 24 for final certification. Roles/Functions County Water Agency: The Board of the Water Agency is still in the process of recruiting a general manager. EID and PGE are continuing negotiations for Project 184. The County Water Agency will remain in place at least until outstanding water issues are resolved. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORT Director Jones attended the ACWA Spring Conference. The Clean Drinking Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act were main topics of discussion. The Democrat and Republication parties are at odds. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Director Strohm reported a SB 6 was being introduced by Senator Hayden which would allow civil penalties against anyone for any violation of the Porter Cologne Act. Director Mosbacher attended a recent TCORP meeting. Many recreational projects are being planned. Manaqer: STAFF REPORTS Manager Baer reported on 6 items: 1) The John Wynn Soccer Field will be irrigated by exchanging turf coverage with the city ballpark. The water will be supplied by the city well. 2) A Special Board Meeting will be held on May 23 where the Board must make findings to satisfy CEQA requirements for the Future Sewer Connections Plan. 3) The Future Sewer Connections Plan will be presented for certification May 24 at a joint meeting of TRPA's APC and Govern- ing Board. The District will be asking the APC to make findings regarding the ST056462 REGULAR BO~D MEETING MINUTES - MAY 28, 2995 technical adequacy of the document. The Governing Board will be asked to certify the document and to approve selection of Alternative 3 of the facilities plan (no sewer unit option). 4) Lahontan has been very helpful in accommodating our revised waste discharge permit request. A Workshop will be held in South Lake Tahoe on June 7 and the Regional Board will hold a hearing June 8 to approve the revisions. 5) During a recent telephone conversation, EPA staff implied if the District were to drop the grant appeal, EPA would no longer require the District to comply with Condition #28 of the grant (which requires the 98 mitigation measure program). Staff is investigating why the District was approached with this. 6) FEMA will inspect Alpine County facilities on May 19. 6:10 PM 6:15 PM 6:45 PM PAGE - ? STAFF REPORTS (Continued) MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED AND ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION TAKEN ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECUTIv~ SESSION The Board directed staff to continue BOULDER MOUNTAIN PROPERTY with property negotiations. ACQUISITION 6:50 PM ADJOURNMENT Duane Wallace, President of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST:~~.<~/Q~ ~ K~thy Sh~p, Clerk o[~Board South Ta~foe Public Utility District ST056463