HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-01-95MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH Ti~HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 1, 1995 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session June 1, 1995, 4:00 PM, city Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Wallace, Directors Strohm, Mason, Jones, Mosbacher ROLLCALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, McFarlane, Sharp, Hydrick, Noble, Eppler, Rieger, Hrbacek, Brown, R. Johnson, Schroeder, Regan, Hoggatt, Attorney Sare GUESTS: Jeff Delong/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Kevin Neese/Hatch & Parent, Phil Trowbridge/ AGRA Earth & Environmental, Inc., Jack Burnam and Gary Deis/John Carollo Engi- neers, John Brissenden/Sorenson's Resort, Pat Amundson, Kurt Storz, Jeffrey Kyle, Steve Denzler, A. Raymond Twiss, Shay Gilmore Shop Steward None present. Director Mason requested Consent Item 11 be brought forward for a separate vote. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR Moved Mosbacher/Second Strohm/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Approved purchase of four flex joints from Kenko Company in the amount of $20,140 plus shipping and tax for the CalTrans Bridge Replacement Project: Waterline Relocations; 2) Approved purchase of epoxy coated pipe for bridge crossings from water works manufacturing in an amount not to exceed $15,000 for the CalTrans Bridge Replacement Project: Waterline Relocations; ST056447 REGULAR BOARD ~ETIN~ ~NUTES - ~UNE ~ 1995 PA~E - 2 3) Authorized two week disconnection procedures on the property located at 924 Emerald Bay Road, APN 23- 192-031 for failure to perform annual backflow assembly test; 4) Authorized award of contracts to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidders for the 1995-96 Chemical Supplies; 5) Authorized participation in cooperative funding of corrections to the E1 Dorado County electronic parcel maps in an amount not to exceed $1,400; 6) Approved Task Order 13 for AGRA Earth and Environmental, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $13,000 for Highway 50 Water Main Replacement Project; 7) Approved expenditure for the District's portion of the 1995 Water Conservation Program campaign in the amount of $12,240; s) Approved expanded scope of work for John Carollo Engineers for Standby Power Project; 9) Adopted Resolution No. 2617/Sewer Enterprise Fund Appropriation Proceeds of Taxes for Fiscal Year 1995-96; 10) Authorized staff to advertise for bids for the Administration Building Roof Replacement Project; 12) Approved license agreements with ad- joining property owners to provide access to the Arrowhead Tank Site; 13) Authorized staff to advertise for bids for the CalTrans Bridge Project: Waterline Relocation. CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) CONSENT ITEMS BROUGNT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Director Mason and Jones abstained from voting due to a possible conflict of in- terest. DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS: FALLEN LEAF LAKE PROPERTIES (Consent Item 11) ST056448 REGUL~R BOi~D ~EET~NG H~NUTES - ~UNE L~ L995 P~E - ~ Moved Wallace/Second Strohm/Mason and Jones Abstained/Passed to authorize Legal Counsel to foreclose the lien on 18 Fallen Leaf Lake assessment district properties in arrears on their assess- ments, as provided by Resolution No.2536, adopted July 16, 1990. DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS: FALLEN LEAF LAKE PROPERTIES (Consent Item 11 Continued) ITEHS FOR BOi%RD ~CTION John Brissenden requested permission to discharge treated effluent from the resort to the District's C-Line. He stated the terms of the original agree- ment with Alpine County may contain the framework to allow this. Attorney Sare stated Alpine County must draft a Resolution stating that the Alpine County Board of Supervisors are requesting this service. Sare will review the terms of the agreement to determine if it complies with existing ordinances. The Board directed staff to continue working with Sorenson's. No Board action. Due to a potential conflict, Attorney Sare disqualified himself from this discussion. Action Items 2 and 3 were combined for discussion. A proposed ordinance and model agreement were developed and sent to private well owners. Rick Hydrick, Kevin Neese, and Phil Trowbridge received and clarified questions from private well owners includ- ing: Pat Amundson, Kurt Storz, Steve Denzler, and A. Raymond Twiss. The Board directed staff to continue to develop the ordinance and agreement and consider input from the well owners. No Board action. SORENSON'S RESORT AL TAHOE WELL 2 ALLEGED IMPACTS ON PRIVATE WELLS ST056449 REGULAR BOi~RD HEETING H~NUTES - ~UNE L~ L995 P~E - 4 5:45 PM 5:50 PM President Wallace excused himself from the meeting. Vice President Mason presided over the remainder of the meeting. This item will be resolved at staff level. No Board action. Presented by Rick Hydrick. Moved Jones/Second Mosbacher/Wallace Excused/Passed to authorize Task Order No. 14 with AGRA Earth and Environmental, Inc. in the amount of $240,172.85 to determine the aquifer water budget in the A1 Tahoe/Paloma Wells vicinity. Presented by Rhonda McFarlane. Moved Strohm/Second Jones/Wallace Excused/Passed to adopt Resolution No. 2618/Authorizing Amendment to the District Pension Plan. Richard Solbrig reported CalTrans Traffic Division recently informed staff that when CalTran's work on the bridge projects are completed, no other utility work will be allowed. The District must install the approach piping at each bridge. The under- ground approaches can be completed under CalTrans permit. Attorney Sare stated a great emergency is appropriate because CalTrans requested the District install the line in a two-week period. This was not a foreseeable project. The District had intended to put in the underground lines after the bridge was completed and there was no notice from CalTrans they were going to make this requirement until two weeks ago. This demand by CalTrans is not appealable. The Operations Committee has reviewed this item. MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED AL TAHOE WELL 2 ALLEGED IMPACTS ON PRIVATE WELLS AL TAHOE WELL/PALOMA WELL AQUIFER STUDY PENSION PLAN AMENDMENT CALTRANS BRIDGE PROJECT: TRUNK LINE CONNECTIONS ST056450 REGULi~ BOARD M~TING MINUTES - JUNE ~t ~995 PAGE Moved Jones/Second Mosbacher/Wallace Excused/Passed to A) Waive formal bidding procedures and declare a great emergency due to state schedule requirements. CALTRANS BRIDGE PROJECT: TRUNK LINE CONNECTIONS (Continued) Moved Strohm/Second Jones/Wallace Excused/Passed to B) Authorize purchase of pipe intertie, either PVC or DIP (depending upon price and availability). Moved Jones/Second Mosbacher/Wallace Excused/Passed to C) Authorize staff to obtain three informal bids for underground approach piping installation. Moved Jones/Second Mosbacher/Wallace Excused/Mason Abstained/Passed to approve payment in the amount of $513,092.29. Director Mason abstained from voting due to a potential financial conflict. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Water and Wastewater Operations Committee: The committee met prior to the Board meet- ing and discussed the items presented on the Agenda. BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS Executive Committee: The committee will meet soon to discuss sewer unit ordinances. LAFCO Committee: The District and other purveyors in E1 Dorado County will attend the June 19 LAFCO and present an overview of special district functions. Attorney Sare is preparing a report re- garding annexing Heavenly Valley and other pockets within the District. Roles/Functions County Water Aqency: June 6 is the deadline for EID to purchase Texas Hill property. Interviews for the General Manager position have been held. Land Application Manaqer: Gene Eppler reviewed the past years activities pertaining to the District's Alpine County facilities. Harvey Place began releasing water on April 26. Reservoirs are filling rapidly. Earthquakes, record snowfall, floods and wind made it a very challenging year. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS STAFF REPORTS ST056451 REGULAR BOi%RD HEETIN~ NINUTES - ~UNE ~ ~995 Harvey Place Reservoir: Due to poor weather grouting has been delayed. Work should be in progress by next week. FEMA came to take pictures of the damages. PA~E - 6 GREAT EMERGENCIES STATUS REPORTS Luther Pass Export Line: Site revegetation and asphalt restoration are the only repairs remaining at the pump station. The site further up Luther Pass still needs road repair which may necessitate going to bid. Manaqer: STAFF REPORTS Manager Baer reported on 5 items: 1) The Future Sewer Connections Plan was certified by the TRPA Governing Board. 2) Jim Baetge requested letters be sent to Knowles to oppose his efforts to eliminate the Environmental License Plate Fund in the amount of $150,000. This money has been allocated to fund the TRPA's mandated 1995/96 Environmental Threshold Evaluation. 3) Met with Deborah Hirsch and a represen- tative from Farmers Home Administration regarding developing a grant application. 4) Lahontan has been very helpful in accommodating our revised waste discharge permit request. A Workshop will be held in South Lake Tahoe on June 7 and the Regional Board will hold a hearing June 8 to approve the revisions. 5) The proposed reorganization of the pump crew has been concluded with the decision to hire an additional pump station operator and to reclassify the utility position to an operator position. Attorney: Attorney Sare reported on 2 items: 1) He has been working with staff on many items including: review of several ST056452 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE la 1995 contractors insurance policies; drug free workplace policy, sexual harassment policy, Schwake discovery, Boulder Moun- tain property acquisition, status report of annexation, licensing agreements to enter property, facility plan, Lahontan discharge requirements, and Alpine County. 2) He and Baer met with Harry Schueller from the State Water Resources Control Board regarding reconsideration of the District's EPA appeal. 7:35 PM 7:40 PM 8:15 PM STAFF REPORTS. (Continued) PAGE - 7 MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED AND ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION TAKEN ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECO~I~ SESSION No Board action. No Board action. 8:25 PM Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Boulder Mountain Property Acquisition Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9/Sant& Fe Property Parcels: Rezoning Issue ADJOURNMENT Duane Wallace, President of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ~ha~f~ cie'rk of ~oard South Ta o~q~ Public Utility District ST056453 DATE: BOARD MEETING GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET COMPLETION OF THIS INFORMATION IS VOLUNTARY, NOT MANDATORY, AND IS NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BROWN ACT. ST056454