HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-15-95MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT June 15, 1995 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session June 15, 1995, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Wallace, Directors Strohm, Mason, Jones, Mosbacher ROLL CALL STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, Sharp, Taylor, R. Johnson, Hydrick, Schrempp, Hrbacek, Attorney Sare GUESTS:. Jeff Delong/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Frank DuQuite/City Council, Kevin Neese/Hatch & Parent, Phil Trowbridge/AGRA Earth & En- vironmental, Inc., Pat Amundson, Steve Denzler, A. Raymond Twiss, CJ Ross, Gloria Hartoonunian, Ed McCarthy, Bob Persson, Dave Usher. Shop Steward None present. Moved Mason/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to add repairs to pavement and broken waterline at the intersection of Apache Avenue and Chippewa Street as Action Item 7 to the Agenda as a great emergency. This item occurred after the posting of the Agenda. The County re- quested it be repaired as soon as possible and therefore, can not be delayed until the next meeting. Payment of Claims will be renumbered as Action Item 8. Moved Mosbacher/Second Strohm/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted: COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR 1) Authorized two week disconnection pro- cedures on the properties located at 3434 Lake Tahoe Blvd., APN 27-090-0605; 3438 Lake Tahoe Blvd., APN 27-090-0603; 3436 Lake Tahoe Blvd., APN 27-090-0602; ST056441 BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE LSt ~995 2) Approved to continue invention and patent license agreement with Jay Hawkins until December 31, 1996 for Blackrock Airstripping Experiment. PAGE CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) ITEMS FOR BO~B ACTION Due to a potential conflict, Attorney Sare disqualified himself from this discussion. AL TAHOE WELL 2 ALLEGED IMPACTS ON PRIVATE WELLS Action Items 1 and 2 were combined for discussion. A proposed ordinance and model agreement were developed and sent to private well owners. Rick Hydrick, Kevin Neese, and Phil Trowbridge received and clarified questions from private well owners includ- ing: Gloria Hartoonunian, Bob Shultz, Steve Denzler, Dan Lukins, Pat Amundson, A. Raymond Twiss, Carroll and Doris Lowe. The Board directed staff to continue to develop the ordinance and agreement and consider input from the well owners. No Board action.. 6:00 PM 6:15 PM At the Regular Board Meeting on December 15, 1994, it was the direction of the Board to extend the deadline for Lakeside Park to install a meter to June 1, 1995. Rick Hydrick and staff participated in discussions with Lakeside Park represen- tatives including Ed McCarthy, Bob Persson, and Dave Usher regarding staff's recom- mendation that a meter be installed at the Lakeside/STPUD intertie. MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED LAKESIDE PARK MUTUAL WATER COMPANY INTERTIE: LONG- TERM WATER SUPPLY AGREEMENT The Board directed staff to prepare a contract and present it to the Board at the next regular meeting. ST056442 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 15~ 1995 PAGE - 3 Moved Wallace/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously that in the event Lakeside Park requires District water for more than seven days during the next calendar year, beginning from the date of the proposed contract between Lakeside and STPUD, a meter must be installed. LAKESIDE PARK MUTUAL WATER COMPANY INTERTIE: LONG-TERM WATER SUPPLY AGREEMENT (Continued) 8:00 PM MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED 8:10 PM Richard Solbrig reviewed a minor bid discrepancy - the bid documents were removed from the Specifications book. Staff reviewed the bid documents and found no irregularities. He recommended this minor discrepancy be waived. This item was reviewed by the Operations Committee. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ROOF REPLACEMENT Moved Mason/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to waive the discrepancy described above and award the contract to the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder, Gudgel Yancey Roofing, Inc., in the amount of $49,261. Presented by Jim Hoggatt. This item was reviewed by the Operations Committee. STATELINE/ARROWHEAD AND TANK PROJECTS SITE Moved Mason/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to approve AGRA Earth & Environmental, Inc. proposal for inspection services in an amount not to exceed $52,825. Presented by Bob Baer and Rhonda McFarlane. EXPORT LINE FINANCIAL PLAN Moved Strohm/Second Wallace/Passed Unanimously to accept the proposal from Bartle Wells Associates. This item was added to the Agenda as a great emergency item by a unanimous vote of the Board. APACHE WATERLINE REPAIRS A waterline burst at the intersection of Apache Avenue and Chippewa Street neces- sitating immediate paving and pipe repairs. The Operations Committee reviewed this item ST056443 BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 15, 1995 and recommended valves be added at that intersection. Traffic is currently being rerouted due to the damage. Moved Jones/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to waive the District Purchas- ing Policy and authorize emergency repairs be done in an amount not to exceed $25,000. Moved Strohm/Second Wallace/Mason Abstained/Passed to approve payment in the amount of $670,776.10. Director Mason abstained from voting due to a potential financial conflict. Manaqer: In the interest of time, the Manager's Report will be distributed separately. Attorney: Attorney Sare reported Senator Leslie will be visiting in Placerville soon. None. None. 8:35 PM 9:55 PM PAGE - 4 APACHE WATERLINE REPAIRS (Continued) PAYMENT OF CLAIMS STAFF REPORTS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ACTION TAKEN ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECU~Iv~ SESSION Staff was directed to continue developing options. No Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9/A1 T&hoe Well 2 Allege4 Imp&ets on Private Wells Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Boulder Mountain Property Acquisition ST056444 REGUL;~,R BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JUNE 15, 1995 It was the consensus of the Board to object to Georgetown Divide PUD's request for funding from the Water Agency for gunite ditch lining on the premise that it is considered to be "works." 10:00 PM PAGE Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9/E1 Dorado County Water Agency: A) Texas Hill Property; B) Georgetown Divide PUD G~nite Ditch Lining . ADJOURNMENT Duane Wallace, President of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District Kathy Sha~, ~lerk of ~°ard South Tah~e Public Utility District ST056445 DATE: BOARD MEETING GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET COMPLETION OF THIS INFORMATION IS VOLUNTARY, NOT MANDATORY, AND IS NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BROWN ACT. ST056446