HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-06-95MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT July 6~ 1995 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session July 6, 1995, 4:00 PM, city Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ROLL CALL President Wallace, Directors Strohm, Mason, Jones, Mosbacher STAFF: Baer, Solbrig, McFarlane, Sharp, Hoggatt, Hydrick, Brown, Noble, Garcia, R. Johnson, Schroeder, Hrbacek, Regan, Thiel, Attorney Sare GUESTS: Jeff Delong/Tahoe Daily Tribune, Scott Ferguson/Lahontan, Lora Stovall/Bartle Wells, Pat Amundson, Jeffrey Kyle, A.R. Twiss, Dr. & Dr. sipple, Muriel Kyle, Howard Hansen, Steve Denzler, Carl Munck, Daniel Giosso, Shay Gilmore, Ken Wood, Elizabeth Jack Ed Borba/E1 Dorado Roofing came before the Board voice his objections regarding the District's stringent insurance re- quirements for contractors. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Shop Steward None present. Appreciation awards were given to the Board and.~staff members to commend them for work done on the Future Sewer Connections Plan. Staff requested Consent Items 4 and 5 be removed as the situations have been satisfactorily resolved. Action Item 7 was removed and will be discussed at the next regular Board meeting. PRESENTATION CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR A correction to the date on Consent Item 10/Special Board Meeting Minutes: May 23 1995 was noted. ST056421 RE~UL2~ BO~UB MEETIN~ MINUTES - ~ULY 6~ 1995 Moved Mosbacher/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: 1) Determined that the Fairway Sewer Re- placement project is exempt from CEQA and authorized filing of a Notice of Exemption with the E1 Dorado County Clerk; 2) Authorized staff to advertise for bids for Fairway Sewer Rehabilitation; 3) Authorized implementation of the two- week disconnection procedures for delinquent sewer and/or water accounts; 6) Authorized staff to file a Notice of Exemption with E1 Dorado County Clerk for Highway 50 Waterline Replacement project; 7) Authorized staff to advertise for bids for Highway 50 Waterline Replacement project; 8) Approved HBA Task Order to produce E.A. and B.E. for land transfer with United States Forest Service in the amount of $22,080 for Emergency Power Project for Luther Pass Pump Station and Wastewater Treatment Plant; 9) Adopted Regular Board Meeting Minutes: May 14, 1995, and May 18, 1995; 10) Adopted Special Board Meeting Minutes: May 23, 1995. PAGE - 2 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Presented by Ken Schroeder. This item was reviewed by the Operations Committee. UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER BRIDGE SEWERLINE Moved Mason/Second Jones/passed Unanimously to A) Waive District Purchas- ing Policy; B) Approve payment to Mel Lukins and Sons Construction in an amount not to exceed $15,000. ST056422 REGULAR BO~ MRET~NG ~TNUTES - ~ULY 6~ ~995 Presented by Ken Schroeder. This item was reviewed by the Operations Committee. Moved Jones/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to A) Waive District Purchas- ing Policy; B) Approve payment to G&B Construction in the amount of $11,202.90. Rhonda McFarlane reported a third party reviewed the District's investments and determined the investments were financially sound. This item has been reviewed by the Finance Committee. Lora Stovall pointed out changes needed in the existing policy and presented a new, updated policy. The Board directed the following changes be made to the new policy: Page 3, Investment Policies of Pools: The last sentence should be changed to read "The District shall not invest any money held in pools which do not provide adequate information on their information policies and practices." President Wallace made it clear that the Board does not assist in recommending in- vestments, it just sets policy for staff to follow. Page 3, Table at the Top, Under LAIF: Change to read "LAIF maximum (presently 20M)." Page 2, V. Delegation of Authority: The sentence should be changed to read "The Finance officer is designated as invest- ment officer of the District, under the direction of the General Manager." Page 3, Table at the Top, Under Passbook Discounts: Change to read ,'Passbook Accounts." Page 3, Table at the Top, Under Share: Change to read "Shares." P~GE - ~ UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER BRIDGE SEWERLINE INVESTMENT POLICY ST056423 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 6, 1995 PAGE - 4 Page 3, IX. Leveraging: The word represen- tation should be changed to "represen- tative.'' Page 2, VIII. Eligible Investments: "and the Board of Directors" should be removed from the first sentence. Moved Strohm/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to adopt Resolution 2619/ Adopting a Statement of Investment Policy and to incorporate the changes noted above. Moved Mason/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to: A) Authorize Finance officer and Board President to execute forms to open an investment account with Merrill Lynch; B) Authorize the Finance officer and Accountant to execute transactions. Richard Solbrig stated the EIR will be presented to the TRPA APC on July 12th. Moved Wallace/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to adopt Resolution 2620 Certifying Final EIR/EIS/EA. Jim Hoggatt reviewed a minor bid discre- pancy - the bid amount was written numerically and not put into words. He recommended this minor discrepancy be waived. Moved Mason/Second Strohm/Passed Unanimously to waive the minor irregularity and award contract to Delta Excavating in the amount of $1,197,235.00. Moved Mason/Second Strohm/Mason Abstained Passed to approve payment in the amount of $1,161,209.82. Director Mason abstain- ed from voting due to a possible financial conflict. Finance Committee: The Committee met prior to the Board meeting and discussed the investment policy and the waive penalty policy. INVESTMENT POLICY (Continued) MERRILL LYNCH INVESTMENT ACCOUNT STPUD A-LINE EXPORT PIPE- LINE RELOCATION PROJECT GLENWOOD/SKI RUN WATERLINE REPLACEMENT PAYMENT OF CLAIMS BOARD MEMBER STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS ST056424 REGULAR BOARD M~ETING MINUTES - JULY 6, 1995 Operations Committee: The Committee met prior to the Board meeting and discussed items listed on the agenda. Another meeting will be held for the Committee to visit tank sites. Planning Committee: The Committee met to finalize outstanding sewer unit issues. A Workshop may be held in October regarding transfer fees. Roles/Functions County Water A~encv:_ EID purchased Texas Hill. Attorney Sare will review the bond authority to deter- mine if the District should be refunded money from the sale. Project 184 is now owned by EID and PG&E. A new General Manager, Merv de Haas, has been hired. 5:25 PM 5:30 PM Due to a potential conflict, Attorney Sare disqualified himself from this discussion. Additional comments were heard from private well owners including: Howard Hansen, Malvin sipple, Daniel Giosso, Ken Wood, Shay Gilmore, A.R. Twiss, Elizabeth Jack, Karl Munck, and Jeffrey Kyle. The Board directed staff to continue to develop the ordinance and agreement and to consider input from the well owners. 6:50 PM 7:10 PM Attorney Sare reviewed several options regarding proposed annexations of several parcels on the LAFCO map. The Board directed Sare to: 1) Determine which parcels should not be annexed based on the District's ability to ultimately provide services to these parcels. PAGE - 5 BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED 5:30 PM TIME ALLOCATION: AL TAHOE WELL 2 ALLEGED IMPACTS ON PRIVATE WELLS MEETING BREAK. MEETING RESUMED LAFCO: ANNEXATION OF DISTRICT BOUNDARIES ST056425 REgulAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - JULY 6t 1995 2) Determine if annexing will increase tax liability to property owners. 3) Determine if property owners should be exempt from annexation fees. 4) Determine potential cost for legal services for annexations. Director Mosbacher reported on two items: 1) She commended Julie Regan was commended for developing the water conservation cam- paign. 2) Crews working on Grass Lake Road should be told to drive slowly. Director Jones reported he will attend an ACWA Water Quality Committee meeting on July 20. District Information officer: Julie Regan reported Focus Groups will be developed and will meet on July 8. The Focus Groups will provide information for the consultants to use in developing the telephone survey. This is the first step in the Strategic Communications Plan. Manaqer: Manager Baer reported on six items: 1) The flows to the plant averaged 5.9 million gpd during the Fourth-of-July holiday. 2) The grant application is being prepared and should be ready to submit in approximately three weeks. 3) He recently attended a meeting of the State Water Resources Control Board and learned the District is listed as an "A" priority on the list for State Revolving Fund loans. They will hold hearings on September 6th and 21st where the final list will be approved for submittal to EPA on October 1st. 4) Georgetown Divide's request for funding for their gunite ditch project is being reviewed for compliance with the County Water Agency act. PAGE LAFCO: ANNEXATION OF DISTRICT BOUNDARIES (Continued) BOARD MEMBER REPORTS STAFF REPORTS ST056426 REGULAR BOARD ~ETING MINUTES - JULY 6, 1995 5) New emergency generators have been installed at Tahoe Keys, Upper Truckee, and A1 Tahoe pump stations. 6) The District will host a Chamber of Commerce mixer on July 13th. Attorney: Dale Sare reported on three items: 1) Since a contractor is currently working on the removal of contaminated soil removal, it would be a simple issue to separate costs and make a claim to Terrible Herbst to reimburse the District for costs to remove the soil. Richard Solbrig stated this is already being done. 2) The final letter to the Chairman of the State Water Resources Control Board will be sent July 21st requesting a reconsideration of the remainder of the Alpine County grant. This must be presented for their consideration by September 30th because the state will be ordered by EPA to transfer all pre-money grant funds to the loan program by that date. The District hopes they will obligate money to us before the transfer takes place. 3) A response to the letter sent to the Federal HUD Committee in support of the District's position with EPA is expected soon. 8:00 PM 8:55 PM PAGE - ? STAFF REPORTS (Continued) ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION Directed staff. No Board action. ACTION TAKEN ON ITEMS DISCUSSED DURING EXECOTI¥~ SESSION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54656.9/Santa Fe Parcels: Rezoninq Issue Received report. No Board action. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Sohwake vs. STPUD, Case No. CV-N-93- 851-DWH ST056427 REGULAR BO~D MEETING MINUTES - JULY 6, 2995 Directed staff. No Board action. 9:00 PM PAGE Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9/Lahontan ACL's for Tahoe Keys and Johnson pump Station Spills ADJO________~ENT Duane Wallace, President of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District I~gthy' ~hg~, Clerk of~.oard South Ta~e Public Utility District ST056428 DATE: BOARD MEETING GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET COMPLETION OF THIS INFORMATION IS VOLUNTARY, NOT MANDATORY, AND IS NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BROWN ACT. ST056429