HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-03-951~ [ NUT E S REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SOUTH T~%HOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT AUc~st 3~ 1995 The Board of Directors of the South Tahoe Public Utility District met in a regular session August 3, 1995, 4:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 1900 Lake Tahoe Boulevard. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: President Wallace, Directors Strohm, Mason, Mosbacher, Jones ROLL CALL STAFF: Solbrig, McFarlane, Sharp, Hoggatt, Thiel, R. Johnson, Hrbacek, Hydrick, Schroeder, Attorney Sare GUESTS: Kevin Neese/Hatch & Parent, Kerry Miller/ City of SLT Manager & Executive Director of the South Tahoe Redevelopment Agency, Tim Levin/KOAR, Kevin Cole/City Council, Frank DuQuite/City Council, Tim Oliver/ city of SLT, Joyce Blackstone, John & Judy Cefalu, Ken Wood, Carl Munck, Robert Schulz, Gloria Price, Mabel Sipple, Shannon Harvey, Gayle & Emile Hastert, Charlotte Thrapp, Steve Denzler, Patricia Amundson, Gloria Harootunian, Raymond Twiss, Daniel and Theresa Giosso, Ciprano & Nora Espinor, Kurt Storz, Roy & Sonia Bradeson, Steve & Betty Pleich, Carroll & Doris Lowe Shop Steward - None present. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE Kerry Miller, on behalf of the South Tahoe Redevelopment Agency, came before the Board to ascertain the Board's position regarding their request to construct a portion of a building over an existing gravity sewerline. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD: Kerry Miller A memo from Bob Baer to the Operations Committee lists staff's concerns regarding this request. (The memo is Attachment 1 and becomes a part of these minutes by reference herein.) Various options and ramifications were discussed. ST056393 REGULAR BOARD MEETING MINUTES - AUGUST 3t 1995 PAGE Moved Wallace/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to direct staff that in concept, the District would like to accom- modate the Redevelopment Agency in the sense that the District would like to allow the Redevelopment Agency to leave the sewer- line under the proposed building with the stipulation that the Redevelopment Agency alleviate concerns address in the Opera- tions Committee memo from Bob Baer and request that the Redevelopment Agency continue to explore alternative solutions prior to accepting their proposal. Director Mason requested Consent Item 4 be brought forward for a separate vote. Moved Jones/Second Mosbacher/Passed Unanimously to approve the Consent Calendar as amended: 1) Authorized legal counsel to foreclose the lien on the four Fallen Leaf Lake Assessment District properties in arrears on their assessments, as pro- vided by Resolution No. 2536, adopted July 16, 1990; 2) Adopted Resolution 2623/Declaration of Official Intent to Reimburse Certain Capital Expenditures from Proceeds of Taxable or Tax Exempt Indebtedness for Export Line financing; 3) Authorized staff to advertise for site work contractor for the Emergency Power Project at LPPS and WWTP; 5) Adopted Regular Board Meeting Minutes: June 15, 1995, July 6, 1995, and July 20, 1995. REQUEST TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD: Kerry Miller CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA OR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT ITRM~ BROUGHT FORWARD FOR ACTION/DISCUSSION Director Mason was absent from the June 22, 1995 Special Board Meeting and abstained from voting. Moved Mosbacher/Second Jones/Mason Abstained/Passed to adopt Special Board SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES: JUNE 22, 1995, JUNE 29, 1995 (Consent Item 4) ST056394 REGULiI~ BO~D ~EETING MINUTES - ~UGUST 3~ 1995 P~GE - ~ Strohm/Pas~_~ ~? to adopt Spacia2_9~r~ Meeting Minutes: June 22, 1995. SPECIAL BOARD MEETING MINUTES: JUNE 22, 1995, JUNE 29, 1995 (Consent Item 4 Continued) ITEMS FOR BOARD ~CTION Presented by John Thiel. This item was reviewed by the Operations Committee. Moved Mason/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to award HDPE pipe contract to lowest, re- sponsive, responsible bidder, Maskell- Robbins, Inc., in the amount of $189,235.28. Richard Solbrig reported three bids were received. The highest bidder is the only bid that complied with the crucial delivery schedule listed in the General Conditions of the Specifications. The low bidder stated in the bid documents that the delivery schedule could not be met. After bids were opened, the low bid- der returned and said the schedule could be met. Attorney Sare stated this deviation in the bid cannot be considered a minor discre- pancy. It is the same thing as an amended bid which is not allowed in the sealed bid process and recommended awarding the bid to Western Nevada Supply Co. since they are the only bidder that can meet the delivery schedule. Moved Jones/Second Strohm/Passed Unanimously to reject the two low bids for non-compliance and award the bid to Western Nevada Supply Co. in the amount of $40,115.79 for Valve and Fittings Contract. Richard Solbrig stated the actual amount being requested is $37,500. Moved Strohm/Second Mason/Passed Unanimously to approve task order for Harland Bartholomew & Associates to pre- pare an Environmental Assessment/Negative Declaration for the Export A-Line Exten- sion project in an amount not to exceed $37,500. HIGHWAY 50 WATERLINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT HIGHWAY 50 WATERLINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT EXPORT A-LINE EXTENSION ST056395 REGULAR BOARD ~EETING ~INUTES - AUGUST ~ L995 PAGE - 4 Moved Strohm/Second Jones/Passed Unanimously to table this discussion until after Board election results are known. REGULAR BOARD MEETINGS Moved Jones/Second Strohm/Mason Abstained/ Passed to approve payment in the amount of $430,256.24. Director Mason abstained from voting due to a potential financial conflict. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS 5:20 PM MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED 5:35 PM Due to a potential conflict, Attorney Sare disqualified himself from this discussion. AL TAHOE WELL 2 ALLEGED IMPACTS ON PRIVATE WELLS At the request of private well owner Howard Hansen, Rick Hydrick read aloud his letter voicing his concerns. Public comments were received from John and Judy Cefalu, Raymond Twiss, Karl Munck, Jeff Kyle, Patricia Amundson, Ken Wood, Gloria Hartoonian, Kurt Storz, Sonia Bradeson, and Steve Denzler regarding the final draft of Declining Groundwater Ordinance, and Transfer of Water Rights Agreement. Kevin Neese, Rick Hydrick, and Board mem- bers received and clarified questions re- garding available options. It was determined that an additional option will be developed as a result of comments received and will possibly be acted upon at the Regular Board meeting on September 7, 1995. No Board action. 7:35 PM MEETING BREAK MEETING RESUMED 7:50 PM Roles/Functions County Water Aqency: Rick Hydrick reported on his meeting with the new general manager, Merv de Haas. BOARD MEMBER AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS ST056396 REGUL~%R BO~R~ HEET~NG H~NUTES - ~U~UST ~ 1995 P~E - 5 Director Mosbacher has arranged a lunch meeting with Senator Leslie on August 8th to discuss the Boulder Mountain project and the EPA grant appeal. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Assistant Manaqer: STAFF REPORTS Assistant Manager Solbrig reported on two items: 1) The TRPA Governing Board unanimously certified the A-Line EIR/EIS at their July 26th meeting. 2) Status of Great Emergencies: Alpine County: Ail repairs have been completed for a total of just over $500,000. A breakdown of expenditures include: $ 420,000 - Two outside contractors 10,000 - Consultants 41,000 - District labor 26,000 - Materials B-Line: (Includes Luther Pass and the break further up the summit.) Repairs have been completed for a total of just over $113,000. A breakdown of expenditures include: $ 51,000 - Contracting 4,400 - Consultants 37,000 - District labor 14,000 - Material 5,000 - Other costs McFarlane is working with FEMA to try to recover some of the costs from these two Great Emergencies. Pipe 50 Bridqe Approaches: Expenditures to date include: $ 171,000 - Contractors 13,000 - District 54,000 - Materials ST056397 REGUL~ BOARD ~EETING N~NUTES - ~UGUST 3~ ~995 P~GE - 6 The original authorization for this pro- ject was $269,000. An additional $75,000 increase will be requested at the next regular Board meeting. The increase is needed due to the amount of contaminated soil that must be removed, changes in pav- ing requirements from CalTrans, working at night, and extending the approach to the T rout Creek bridge to eliminate a waterline under a church which resulted in new ser- vices to the church, Red Hut, and Valentines. STAFF REPORTS (Continued) Finance officer: Rhonda McFarlane reported on two items: 1) The Grant Pre-application is being finalized by the consultant and will be sent to the Rural Economic and Community Development Services. The funds are available for rural areas, the City of South Lake Tahoe is not considered rural, only the County portion of the District is considered rural, which significantly re- duced the amount of the grant that can be applied for. 2) The FEMA inspectors are on site. Reports in the approximate amount of $29,000 have been submitted for the camp- ground area and the A-Line work near the Country Club. Reimbursements for Luther Pass Pump Station and Alpine County are still being prepared. This is proving to be difficult due to FEMA dividing Alpine County into 16 segments. Eligible reim- bursement costs for LPPS is estimated to be $73,000, and $474,000 for the 16 Alpine County sites. 8:20 PM ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION 8:55 PM RECONVENE TO REGULAR SESSION ST056398 REGULi~ BOi~D ~ETING ~YNUTES - &UGUST ~ L995 P~GE - ? ~CT~ON T~KEN ON ITEHS D~SCUSSED DURING EXECUtiVE SESSION The Board directed staff to demolish the building, bank the coverage, and sell the remaining portion to the highest bidder. Moved Strohm/Second Mason/Jones Voted No/ Passed to pay the ACL's for Tahoe Keys and Johnson Pump Station spills. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8/Pine ~vmnue Well Lot and Buildinq Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9/Lahontan ACL's for Tahoe Keys and Johnson pump Station Spills 9:00 PM ADJOURNMENT Duane Wallace, President of Board South Tahoe Public Utility District ATTEST: Kathy Sh~p, Clerk/of Boar South Tahoe Public Utility District ST056399 ATTACHMENT i SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MEMORANDUM DT: July 27, 1995 TO: Operations Committee F~t~ob Baer RE: Embassy Ski Run Timeshare Project The Ski Run timeshare project proponents, KOAR, and South Tahoe Redevelopment Agency have approached the District with their proposed project plans which include constructing a portion of a building over an existing gravity sewerline. The building will be five stories high. The sewerline serves a major portion of the District's service area (about ~ of the Al Tahoe area, Bijou, Lakeland Village, Timber Cove, and Ski Run Marina). This sewerline was relocated about five years ago so it would not be under the proposed Hodge Hotel. District Ordinance No. 359 and requirements for building sewer hookups prohibit the construction of structures over sewers. The proponents believe the Board should consider a waiver based on the following facts: 1) The sewerline was installed about 1990. 2) The sewerline is made of ductile iron. 3) There will not be excessive loads on the sewerline because of the depth of the line (22') and the type of foundation for the building. 4) Future repairs to this line could take place without digging up the line. The repairs would be done from manhole to manhole with a liner or similar method. Staff does not believe it is in the District's best interest to have a large structure located over one of the District's major sewerlines. However, if the Board feels it is in the public's best interest to allow the exemption, the following requirements should be met: 1) District counsel should investigate modification of the easement provided to the District for existing sewerline. ST056400 Page 2 2) A letter from the designing Civil Engineer stating the sewerline can withstand the loads produced by the building. A copy of the engineer's Errors and Omissions Policy should be attached to the letter. 3) A letter from the building designer of the building stating the sewerline will not impact the structural integrity of the building. A copy of the engineer's Errors and Omissions Policy should be attached to the letter. 4) Construction of a shallow small diameter sewerline by the project proponents following the alignment of the relocated force main to allow gravity overflow from the upstream manhole to a downstream manhole. The line should be constructed to allow the District to pump sewage at a greater volume during emergency conditions. 5) Counsel should draft a hold-harmless agreement acceptable to the Board to protect the District from damages caused by the building being placed over the sewerline. I am particularly concerned about how the liability would be passed onto the Timeshare Homeowners Association, and damage to the structure if there is a break. 6) This action should not set a precedence for the construction of structures over District facilities. 7) The project proponents pay all costs to meet the above conditions. Attachments:1. Articles V & VI, Ordinance No. 359 2. Requirements for Building Hookups 3. Sewerline Easement cc: Sare Solbrig ST056401 Z ST056402 " ST056404 OUT ' :,'¥'.~.;,:.::~~i.? :~.~ S H TAHOE P-UBLIC UTILI~ DISTRICT South kako lahoo, C~ 0~50 ;' ' Requirements for Building Sewer Hookup'" Obtain a.permit from the SOUTH.TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT for connection to the system. No work is to be.-performed until a permit has~'''~::'' been obtained. You must call the Customer Service-Office to schedule an'.c inspection - have your APN andior Sewer Permit number when calling. 'N0.,,:''~!''':;' inspection will be Scheduled without this information. ".'".: The building sewer line shall be constructed of cast iron soil pipe, vitrified::?.i' .- clay, asbestos cement, ASTM, SDR 35 or other suitable material approved Dy,?<?' the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT. The size of the building sewer line shall be subject to the apProval of the Utility District, but in no event shall the diameter be less than four (4) inches; ~oints between all approved typed of pipe shall be made by means of an Japter coupling approved for this purpose. U.P.C. 802 (i) . The slope of the building sewer line shall be not less than one-fourth (1/4) inch per foot. Min. depth under driveway will be 30" - less than 30" must be cast iron. - ..... . .' .No building sewer shall be laid ·parallel to.and within three bearing wall foundation unless the :foundation footing extends sewer line. . ' . "- ' ' · ~.'. ,, . ' ' · ' · ' · '" -':'~!."t.~:~,:~,,-, The sewer pipe must.be placed.on a bed. of'sand or Compacted, earth. The back fill around the pipe must also be free of rock. All joints must be water tight. Water or air test, to be performed at Districts'..??:'.: o p ti o n. '" '?"!;:~ :" . ;,~- ST056405 Requirements for Sewer Hookup Page 2 10. 11. A clean out must be installed at the sewer system late~aI connection. (See Diagram) Cleanouts shall be placed in every building sewer at the junCtion of the S0il pipe stubout~ and at intervals not to exceed one hundred (J00) feet ,in straight runs. A clean out shall be provided for each.change of direction exceeding forty- five (45) degrees from a straight line except that a clean Out shall not be required for forty-five (45) degree offset. All cleanouts to be brought toro within 10 inches of grade and~bOxed .With approved type box. "" ' Do.not cover any work until it has been inspecte'd and app~roved by the SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY .DISTRICT INSPECTOR. GIVE SEWER PERMIT NUMBER WHEN CALLING FOR INSPECTION. ,n acceptance notice will be left at the job site by the inspector if-the Work o ~s approved. If corrections are required, a correction notice stating required corrections will be left on the job. Abandoned septic tanks, cesspools or dry wells MUST be pumped and limed by a Licensed .Pumper:and tagged and then back filled with clean earth fill at the time of the sewer' hookup. Section 14-~000 California ' Health .and Safety Code. . . ifYou have .any questiOnS!regarding your seWer hookUP~ call'your Inspector at (916)5~.~.~6474 ext 226 or 227. Remember they are here to help you. ' 1/94 )-$WER. HKU ST056406 TYPICAL SITE PLAN ~,': CLEANOUT (C/O) LOCATED IN OR WITHIN 3' OF TRAFFIC AREAS'r~I-~L BE . I I I '1 I ! I I I J BOXED WITH CONCRETE BOX W/ METAL LID MARKED "SEWER" (SEE<DETAIL) \~ ~ MINIMUM DEPTH UNDER ~ x ~ x x TRAFFIC AREA SHALL BE ~ ~ ~ 30". LESS THAN 30" ~ ~MUST BE CAST IRON PIPE \ \ PROFILE MINIMUM SLOPE 1/4" PER DETAIL FINISHED GRADE / BUILDING SEWER INSTALLATION DETAIL Tahoe Public Utility Standard Specifications and Details Dist rict Drawn By: T JR Date 18JAN94 Revised File: SOET_ 11 Detail Sheet 1 of 1 ST056407 Recording Requested By: SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT Post Office Box 70542 South Lake Tahoe, CA 95705 undorsignecl grantor(s) deClare(s)~ roomer'/ transfer tax Is $ ~ ~ ~ ) ~-reputed on full value of prop~r?y cx:x~e~, el' ) c~z~ on ~ll ~atue I~ value of li~ a~ ~bra~ ~i~ng at ti~ of ~ GRANT OF EASEMENT 21605 ELOORA.r.-C .' '. '.-'~,!JF. E[COF:'" ' !:f: Placer Tide Company E5 DORADO IMPROVEMENT CORPORATION hereby grants and dedi- cates to SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, a public utility district organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, an easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, repairing, maintaining and operating sanitary sewers.~nd appurtenances, together with the right of ingress and egress therefor, on, under, beneath and across that certain pro- perty in the County of E1 Dorado, State of California, depicted in Exhibit A hereto and described-:in Exhibit B hereto. In the event of conflict between Exhibits A and B hereof, Exhibit B shall supersede Exhibit A. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. cou=t On this the /~ x ~ ~ ~ , 1990, before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in end,or said State, per- sonally appeared ~'~/~ ~. ~ ~ , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis o~ satisfactory evidence to be the pe~on whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as ~¢31~ ~ on behal~ of the corporation therein na~ed and acknowledged to me that the corporation executed it. ST056408 B ~o'¢ ST056409 EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT B Legal description of an underground sewer easement along w/th a surface easement for maintenance of said underground sewer to be granted by landowner to South Tahoe Public Utility D/strict. A portion of Lots 26 through 30, 18 through 22 and 34 through 37 ali inclusive of the Map of Bijou Park Subdivision filed in Book A of Maps, at Page 10, Official Records El Dorado Counq4 described as follows: A strip of land 30 feet wide the centerline of which is more parb'cularly described as follows: PARCEL 1 Commencing at the Northeast comer of aforesaid Lot 261' thence South 29° 50' 30" East, 85.00 feet to the centerline of sald easement and the Point of Beginning; thence South 60° 08' 00" West, 185.94 feet; thence South 15° 06' 18" West, 204.33 feet; thence South 60° 06' 18" West, 20.00 feet; thence North 68° 43' 42" West, 79.18 feet to the line common to Lots 17 and 18 of the aforesaid Subdivision to a point hereafter referred to as point "A". PARCEL 2 .. Jmmencing at aforesaid point "A" thence North 68° 43' 42" West, 87.22 feet to the line common to Lots 16 and 35 of aforesaid Subdivision and the Point of Beginning; thence North 68° 43' 42" West, 128.43 feet to the South right-of-way of Tahoe Avenue and the North tine of Lot 37 of aforesaid Subdivision from which the Northwest comer of Lot 37 bears'South 60° 08' 00" West, 64.62 feet. PARCEL_ 3~ Commencing at the Northwesterly comer of Lot 37 of the aforesaid subdivision; thence North 60. 08' 00" East, 64.62 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence North 68° 43' 42" West, 51.00 feet; thence South 60. 08' 00" West, 32.6! feet to the Easterly right-of-way of Ski Run Boulevard and the end of this descr~otion. pARCEL 4 A strip of land 15 feet wide the centerline of which is more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwesterly comer of Lot 37 of the afore.said suhdivi, sion; thence Norlh 60' 08' 00" East, 64.62 feet; thence North 68' 43' 42" West, 18.66 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence South 60. 08' 00" West, 52.91 feet to the right-of-way of Ski Run Boulevard and the end of this description. ST056410 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE This is to certify that the interest in real property to be conveyed by the attached Grant of Easement from E1 Dorado .Improvement Corporation to South Tahoe Public Utility District dated February 15, 1990, is hereby accepted by~h~ undersigned officer on behalf of the Board of Directors thereof, pursuant to authority conferred ~y RESOLUTION No. 2501, of the Board of Directors thereof, adopted on November 16, 1989, and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by this duly authorized officer. DATED: March 30, 1990 SOUTH TAHOE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT RT BAER, Assistant Manager and Acting Manager, SOuth Tahoe Public Utility District E. ND DOCUt~'~'q i ST056411 BOARD MEETING GUEST SIGN-IN SHEET COMPLETION OF THIS INFORMATION IS VOLUNTARY, NOT MANDATORY, AND IS NOT A PRECONDITION FOR ATTENDANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BROWN ACT. ST056412